The Drop

Story by TheLearnedTentacle on SoFurry

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So with this one, I have to give credit for the inspiration for it to InkyOfIscy for really putting the picture in my mind and to Lunate for her artwork's roll in inspiring this as well. If any of you know how to get in contact with her, feel free to send this to her and ask her what she thinks.

Ensign Keryl cringed as the storm buffeted his drop pod, shaking it violently as the high winds shrieked and howled with a blood curdling crescendo. "T-minus eight seconds until impact. Unit rally point is town square, approximately 2.9 kilometers away from impact point." Keryl heard his aid say over his comm unit, though the familiarity did little to assuage his creeping fear that something was going to go horribly wrong.

His pod impacted with a heavy thump in the soft, rain soaked mud. Outside, it seemed like a hurricane was raging waited for conformation that the rest of his team had made it was well. "Lazarus, can you confirm if anyone else has landed yet?" He said, his voice shaking with the same jitters he felt during his first drop. "Negative, the storm is making it difficult to attain usable radio frequency." The voice said before the roar of thunder echoed outside Keryl's pod. "Suggestion: leave pod before it sinks completely into the mud. Oxygen supply will only last thirty minutes once fully submerged." Keryl muttered under his breath at the thought of drowning in mud as he jumped from the pod, landing ankle deep in a mix of mud and plant fibers.

This was the wet season on Borius-9, and due to its position just outside of the habitable zone, the seasonal storms that swept the tundra brought with it freezing cold temperatures. Luckily for Ensign Keryl and the rest of his team, the Federation Drop Assault Marines were equipped with the latest tech, including thermal suits worn underneath their field uniforms. "Laz, get a GPS fix, we need to know where everyone else is." Keryl said, pulling his visor down and zipping up his field smock. "Follow the highlighted path, the colony site is considerably closer than expected, 1.29 kilometers North-West." Keryl gave a short smile as he set out, slogging through the much and mire as he searched for the plasteel buildings and ceramite ground plates that made up the colony.

"Laz, any idea what's going on? The colony just went dark, no warnings, no nothing, right?" There was a pause coming from the A.I. assigned to Keryl before it spoke in its usual monotone voice. "Unfortunately, none. There is no information about what happened to the colony, nor was there any information deem accessible to field operations personnel, only those with a class-5 or higher can receive and read the associate files."

"Well, that's just great. Drop an entire squad in the middle of nowhere, with no briefing, only a go here and shoot anything that moves order. Gods and Infernals, what do they take us for..." Keryl mumbled, before he felt his boots hit something solid and a sigh of relief left his mouth. "Oh thank Milos. Solid ground." He looked up and his relief left him as he stared at the blasted out buildings, bullet holes and plasma scorches pocketing the walls and doorways. "I'm not sure we're dealing with the usual pirates or rebels, Laz." He said, checking his weapon and readying it.

"Scans show no active biological organisms above ground. Nor do they detect any transponders from the rest of your team." Lazarus said, much to Keryl's dismay. "Wait, transponder belonging to Sergeant Aldermann detected in Hab-bloc 24, .12 kilometers from your position. Follow the markers and keep alert."

"At least that's better than nothing." Keryl muttered, shouldering his weapon as he moved with agonizing caution. It wasn't his first field operation, but he still couldn't shake the jitters the plagued him during every mission, and it made him jump at everything. Needless to say, the near total darkness and the sound of rain potentially masking enemy movements didn't help either. And when Keryl arrived at the hab-bloc, he felt himself about to vomit.

Dozens of corpses littered the area around the building, but they weren't Sapiens, they were giant arachnoid like things, the smallest looking like the size of a man. "Milos protects..." Keryl muttered, switching his weapon setting to silenced as he stepped around each carcass, giving it as wide a berth as possible before he entered the building. Inside the scene was no better, bullet marks along with splotches of green goop were evident all over the corridors and rooms, however, no signs of any other members of his team. "Transponder appears to be on the top floor of the building, in the leaser's office." Lazarus said, his monotone voice registering a hint of worry. "Whatever you say, Laz. Hopefully Sgt. Aldermann doesn't shoot me for being late. I swear, he's more of a buzzard than an eagle."

The top floor didn't appear to be spared from any of the fighting either, and from what Keryl could tell, it didn't end well for the rest of the members of his team. All around him, he could see gear seeming torn to shreds and weapons smashed to bits as they were nothing but driftwood. "Laz... please tell there are security cameras in here." "Yes, there are several throughout the entire building." "Good, give me the feed for the last thirty minutes, focus on the top floor and outside of the building."

"...Breckenridge, focus fire on the south-east, there's more of the bastards moving up through the alley ways! Harlen, fire at the lead clicker, try to make them slow down. Rossvon... ROSSVON! GAILUS, HELP US! THEY'VE BREACHED THE BUILDING! ALL MEMBERS PULL BACK TO THE LEASER OFFICE! I REPEAT, PULL BA-!" Keryl saw the arachnoid creatures overwhelm each member of his team, tearing their gear form their bodies and wrapping them in some sort of silk. In a similar fashion to bugs on earth, the arachnoid creatures overwhelmed and bit each of the members of his team before stripping them, and encasing them in a thick, sticky web.

"Laz, I'm setting up an SOS beacon, parse this footage in with the message, hopefully once the storm clears someone will get it." Keryl said, setting up the beacon and connecting it to the Leaser's desk. "Now, where did the bugs originate?" "Security footage shows a large crater in the center of town, as well as the initial attack." "Anything different?" "Yes, it appears there are humanoid figures among the insectoid creatures. They appear to be the same height as the standard Sapiens, but they appear to target only males, whereas the insectoids target both."

"That is strange, parse that in as well, whoever finds this will need as much help as they can get. Now, which way to the crater?" Keryl said, trying to calm himself after the rather disturbing footage he saw. "I must inform you, this action is most unwise. You will be "playing on their turf" so to speak without any advantages of your own." Lazarus said, following his programming and trying to restrain his operator from the more risky course of action. "Yes, well, we don't know if help is coming, and I'd rather not end up like Aldermann and the rest of my team." Keryl said, exiting the building as the rain seemed to intensify. "Very well, if you insist." Lazarus said, illuminating the trail towards the crater.

Keryl found it easy enough, and was surprised to find dozens of strands of web leading into it, but the idea of rappelling down one of these lines was less than appealing to him, but it was the only way for him to find out what happened to his teammates. The webbing felt soft in his hands, and to no surprise, was strong enough to hold his weight as he tied it around his carabiner and slowly descended into the hole. He scanned the walls of the hole, using the flashlight mounted under the barrel of his rifle and occasionally checked the floor, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with anything immediately.

Much to his surprise, nothing waited to greet him when his boots hit the soft dirt with a muffled thump. Whatever was living down may not have known he was even there, despite dull humming of his power pack. "Alright, once more into the breech." Keryl said, much to Lazarus' annoyance. "Misquoting Shakespeare won't give you an advantage. If anything, you should head back to the hab-block and dig in." Keryl ignored his A.I's advice as he moved into the labyrinthine tunnels that stretched far below the colony site.

"Gods and demons, this place seems to stretch for miles. How could the colonists not know anything like this was going on?" Keryl said, a shiver running up his spine as he moved deeper into the webbed tunnels and caverns. Before Lazarus could respond, the sound of chiton tapping on rocks began to echo around him. "Laz, run a proximity scan, see if we're alone in here?" Keryl said, leveling his rifle and looking around, keeping his head constantly moving as his ears twitched with each sound. Before Lazarus could finish, a loud shriek filled the chamber as Keryl felt something stab into his pack, shorting out his A.I's CPU. Fortunately for Keryl, it didn't go deeper than that as he disconnected his pack and rolled to the ground, pulling the trigger on the monstrous spider-like creature that ambushed him. Unfortunately, there were more of them crawling off the walls, and without Lazarus's aid, Keryl had no hope of holding out against the onslaught.

Luckily for Keryl, he had more than enough ammunition to deal with the large arachnid like monstrosities. And oddly enough, the creatures didn't make any attempt to hide or seek cover like they did against Sgt. Aldermann and the rest of his team. "Something's wrong, this can't be what overpowered Serge and the team." He thought whirling around and killing another spider before the ground collapsed beneath his feet.

Keryl tumbled through the air before landing back first in a pool of sticky goo. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" He yelled, trashing as he slowly sunk into it, his movement becoming more and more labored as Keryl struggled to keep his head above the amber colored slime. He could barely make out the outlines of the feminine insectoid creatures as they stared down at him from the ceiling. "It was a trap..." He thought as he coughed and sputtered on the amber before his head finally sunk beneath the surface of the pool.

Next thing he knew, something warm and slimy slithered into his mouth and down his throat causing him to gag and gasp as air rushed into his lungs. He tried to move his body but found himself immobile. And when he tried to speak, all he could make out were muffled groans and moans as he fought against the tube in his mouth. Unfortunately for him his efforts only further exhausted his already tired body and soon he stopped completely, almost resigning himself to whatever slow death was being prepared for him.

However, instead of death, he found himself lowered into another pool as something coiled around his legs, dissolving whatever bound him before trapping his legs as well. The same thing happened to his arms before his vision was cleared. What he saw left him agape as he saw dozens of people trapped in the chitinous walls of the cavern, each one looking dazed and unresponsive until one of the spiders crawled over them and latched onto their mouth, pumping something down the occupants throat.

Keryl saw one of the feminine insectoids crawl up to him and removed the gag from his mouth. He felt the tendril slip out of his throat and mouth as a thin trail of saliva followed it. He coughed and gasped again, tasting something sweet coating the inside of his mouth as his cock began to throb inside the cocoon of amber and silk that still covered Keryl's torso. And when his vision cleared, he felt his heart sink as the insect stared at him with its multi-faceted eyes. "Fu-" He started to say before its mandibles latched onto his cheeks, pulling his mouth and nose into its soft and oddly fleshy jaw. Its thin tongue easily overpowered his, coating it in a sweet and musky tasting saliva as the smell of pheromones filled his nose and sent his sexual urges into overdrive.

Keryl began pulling and tugging against his restraints. To him, this was the forbidden fruit, the apple that granted knowledge of good and evil, or in this case, unending and blissful lust, and he wanted more. His restraints responded in kind, pulling him deeper as the cocoon slowly decomposed, allowing his tortured cock to free itself, seemingly to the delight of the insectoid female. However, she didn't reach for it as Keryl found himself with his head bobbing above the morass of tentacles that held him and pleasured him even further.

Keryl felt tentacles slither around his body as his fur grew wet and heavy as his ass cheeks were parted and one pushed against his hole. Instinctively, he clenched though this only encouraged the tentacle which redoubled its efforts before a sharp yelp broke his moans of lust as the tentacle pushed into his virgin hole. Keryl couldn't tell how big the tentacle actually was, though however big it was, it felt bigger as it began pushing into his gut as his torso resurfaced. The cold air sent shivers through his spine as a bulge formed where the tentacle had embedded itself in his ass. As this happened, the feminine insect broke her deep and sensual "kiss" as her attention shifted to Keryl's throbbing cock.

He groaned in a hazed lust as she took it in her hand and slowly swallowed it, slurping up whatever slime still clinged to it as the pleasure nearly pushed Keryl to cum right then and there. He couldn't help but draw a comparison between the female's mouth and that of his fiancé's womanhood. The only difference was this felt even better than she ever did. The insects mouth didn't feel tight, but it wasn't loose as he felt his foreskin resist as the insects head bobbed up and down, her musky saliva dripping from her lips as the slurping sound grew louder and louder as her motions grew ever more frantic and fast until he finally popped.

His cock twitched and spasmed in her mouth as he moaned in ecstasy, his mind blurred with as the feeling of her mouth finally brought him to an orgasm as she swallowed his cum almost too eagerly for him to believe this was real. "This has to fake, there's no way this is real" He muttered between his moans and groans she kept suckling it, painting it in her saliva. When she finished, she crawled up Keryl's pod and brought his head to her chest. Almost instinctively, he took her breast in his mouth and began suckling it like a newborn, lapping up the sweet nectar that flowed from her tit as he nibbled and pulled it with his teeth, switching from one breast to another as his subconscious urges overpowered any rational thought that was left.

Once the feminine insect thought he had his fill, she returned to his cock as she began to grind against it, causing Keryl to howl in pleasure as another female approached him. He felt his muzzle pressed to her crotch as her musk seemed to be even stronger than the one tormenting his cock. His tongue slid out of his mouth as he eagerly lapped up the juices that were dripping from her slit. In the back of his mind, Keryl could tell she had already used someone else and simply using him as clean up as the salty taste of cum mixed in with her own juices. None the less, Keryl eagerly ate her out as he took her crotch in his maw and buried his tongue deep in her slit.

Unbeknownst to Keryl, the female grinding against his cock had finished playing with it and soon, a rapturous feeling overwhelmed him as the female slide down his cock as she let out a shriek of excitement. "Damn... she's so tight! How can she be so tight?!" He wondered as muzzle pushed deeper into the slit of the second, having caused her to orgasm twice. And with both of them, Keryl felt it harder and harder to retain any coherent thought, let alone resist the swirling torrent of raw pleasure that had captured his mind.

The female slide up and down on his cock, sliding down just above his knot and back up to where his tip threatened to slip out before slipping back down again. Keryl moaned in ecstasy as the females slit gripped his foreskin as she bounced on his cock, gasping and painting as she rode him to near exhaustion, only to bounce back by another intense orgasm that flooded his mouth with the second female's juices. As this continued, Keryl felt his cock slowly expanding as precum leaked into the first female's slit as she fell forward on his chest, slapping her thighs to his as her motions increased in speed and intensity. The second female, realizing what was about to happen, pulled away as Keryl gasped and moaned loudly as his knot was thrust into the female's slit, pushing his tip into her womb.

The female fell forward as Keryl's cock twitched and spasmed inside her, spilling his seed her womb where a clutch of dozens of small eggs awaited fertilization. He could already feel her stomach growing as his cock emptied itself and his knot began to shrink. It was his first time experiencing anything like this and the feelings that swirled inside him couldn't be put to words as the tentacles embraced both of them and swallowed them as his pod sealed shut.

As months dragged on, Keryl found himself used like this by the same female, and each time, the feelings of euphoria and pleasure multiplied as his mind slowly adapted to the constant stimulation and pleasuring. He grew to love her, though he didn't know if she felt the same. All he knew, is each time the pod swallowed the two of them, he felt like she loved him back.

Containment, Chapter 2

Sorry for taking so long between my last two uploads, writing this thing was much harder than I thought and, admittedly, I had to go through several different variations of the story before I found something that actually fit with what I wanted to do....

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The Spa, part 1

To say a day of the TentaSutra is an odd yet gratifying feeling, would be an understatement. When you first step inside, there is an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment as you cloths simply disappear in the heavy mists that blanket the interior of...

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