The Hive
Bleach white bones clattered onto the floor of hive as it coughed them out.
Hive Mind
-i- am not part of the hive. deyadoran vyll naceralle calls none his master.' he continued onward, leaving his resting place for the night behind him in the morning light.
Of the Collective, Prologue
#8 of para-imperium the first part of a story i've been meaning to write about a hive mind. establishing some backstory here. i am many, and i am one.
Starting the Hive part 1
I think about what it means: i am in charge of starting a hive, producing eggs, and finding food for my children. i pull the human bodies back to my cave as i wonder where am i'm going to find hosts for my children? the other humans left.
Of hive minds and mutation
#5 of scraps hive minds, biological absorption, genetic information... these are things i've had on my mind for many years, but never really done anything with them.
Feast Day
Wet hive cunt, fresh hive cum, the pheromones of both sexes mixed together in that wonderful scent of joy and fulfilled desire.
Becoming the Eagle [TF Story]
The Avian Way Jason was uneasy. This was somewhat of an understatement. Having been left on his own by his allies on an alien planet, and with no idea how to operate the ship to get home again, in a mission that seemed increasingly suspicious the...
The Drop
Ensign Keryl cringed as the storm buffeted his drop pod, shaking it violently as the high winds shrieked and howled with a blood curdling crescendo. "T-minus eight seconds until impact. Unit rally point is town square, approximately 2.9 kilometers away...
Conversions: Gravitas
Here he was, a literal, living plant raptor and he had all these interesting minds to talk with across the hive mind. it was going to be good fun. ~fin
Of the Collective: Chapter 1
"i don't know what it's like to think like a hive mind." zie begins, "but i expect it's somewhat alike.
The Hunt
The long burrows where hive slept in warm, cozy piles of bodies.
An Infestation in the Herd 5
"if the hive tells you to." "well, if the hive says so..." if the hive said so, storm chaser would do just that.