Winter Gym - Amber and William 1

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Hello all,

This is my first story that I'm releasing to the public. Please comment and rate, I enjoy your thoughts.


This story is completely original and as such is protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved to me, Shiriak.

Legal Disclaimer:

I am not responsible for anything that might happen to you, your computer, or anything else that may arise from you reading this story. This is an adult work. If you are not of legal age in your area, I can't be held responsible in any way for anything that might come as a result of reading this.

Simply put, standard copyright, standard disclaimer. Let's start!

Winter Gym - Amber and William 1

"Oof!" Amber exclaimed as she fell snout-first onto the practice mat. "That hurt!" She said, looking over at her coach who just shrugged and pointed again to the uneven bars she was supposed to be practicing on. Amber grumbled a little, but folded her wings behind her and jumped up again, paws grasping the bars and starting her routine again. Amber was a dragoness of age thirteen, and very pretty. She had a dark blue underbelly, and black on her back, sides, and wings. There was a little bit of pale blue on her snout, and her eyes flash green when she looks somewhere. Amber was small in stature for her age, but smart and quick on her claws. She exhibited this as she swung hand over hand and did complicated flips on the bars.

Another court over, her twin brother, William jogged along a track, panting up a storm. William was taller, with a lighter color than her sister, including some white scales around his snout, claws, and groin area, merging into a nice baby blue. William looked over and winced as he saw Amber fall, something she had been doing a lot lately. He loved his sister, and would always tease her about her leotard and the "girly" things that she had started doing recently, besides the normal ways he would always tease her. Refocusing on the track, he completed his circuit and grabbed a towel from the rack before heading to watch his sister again.

Rubbing the sweat off of his face, he watched Amber as she completed the series with a double front flip. The dragon clapped for her as she landed, smile on her face. "That was great, Amber. I'm glad you got that last jump."

"Yeah, same here." She said in a lilting alto. "Are we ready to head home?" She looked over at her coach who just nodded to them. They were, of course, the last ones out today, and this being a private gym and all; most of the time had the place to themselves. As they headed towards the locker room, she waved to her coach and then turned back to William. "Did you see me fall on that last one?"

William just nodded, not sure what to say. "At least you got up again. You only fail when you don't get up again, you know?"

"Of course, it's just annoying to have to fail to get anywhere." She replied. "Now, Willis, shall we get changed?"

William just snorted at her, laughing at her pet name for him while resettling his wings on his back. "Of course, just don't take too long." He said, referencing last time when he waited fifteen minutes for her after the gym closed.

"Hey!" The shout came from behind. Logan, the desk manager during the day, came running up to them really fast. His feline tail twitched behind him, tiger stripes plain against his cutoff t-shirt. "I have to go really fast, they just called to say that my mother was in the hospital, bad car wreck on a snowy road, can you lock up?" He pleaded with them.

"Of course, get out of here!" William said, catching the thrown keys and watching the tiger retreat quickly. The front doors locked behind him, as it was after closing time already. The twins could faintly hear the roar of a car and its peeling out of the parking lot, and then it was silent in the gym again. William looked to Amber, distress plain in his eyes. "I sure hope that his mum is alright."

Amber just nodded, looking down at the ground, worried about Logan. "Let's get changed, this place is a little creepy."

"No argument there." William said, going back into the guys restroom and quickly stripping out of his workout clothes. He stepped into the shower, careful not to catch his tail in the door, as he had done so many times before. Setting out his shampoo and soap, he quickly immersed himself in the hot spray of the shower, rivulets of water running down his toned body. He churred to himself as his paws quickly rubbed the last vestiges of soreness away from his body. "Man, this feels so good." He murmured to himself, grabbing the soap from the shelf.

A few walls away, Amber was doing the exact same thing. After stripping off her leotard, and letting it crumple to the floor, she too turned up the hot water, paws lathering the soap quickly, the overhead radio playing a rock song. "Ahh..." She said to herself.

Both twins suddenly heard the radio's track change from "Three Doors Down - It's Not My Time" to a series of steady beeps, culminating in a longish beep where another fur's voice voiced over the track. "Attention please. This is an emergency radio broadcast. The National Weather Service based out of Pocatello has issued a level three snow advisory for the counties of Madison, Bonneville, Teton, Fremont, and Bingham counties. All travel in this area has been suspended by the order of the State Police and Governor. Anyone found to be out on the roads will be arrested. Warning..." The message repeated itself again, then the radio came back on, giving the fleeting thought that the announcement had just been a dream.

William sighed and lumbered out of the shower naked, to place a quick call to their mother. He flipped open his phone and hit the speed dial "3", idly scratching at his slit, then stopping when his mother quickly answered. "Yes, mother, we're at the gym." Pause. "No, we haven't eaten." Pause. "We'll be fine. I'll call you later tonight. It'll be just like sleepovers at Joey's house." Pause. "We'll be careful." Pause. "Love you, bye." He went out of the locker room and yelled into the girl's locker room to Amber, "Hey Amber, I just called mom. She says to stay here for the night. She doesn't want us getting arre... YAH!" He exclaimed, covering himself as Amber came around the corner, towel wrapped around her body. "Geez Amber!" He said, turning away to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh get over it, you big baby. It's not like you to shy away from me like that." Amber said, amused at her brother's antics. She tossed her short hair over her shoulder, and then laughed at Will's continuing source of embarrassment, now safely hidden behind the wall to the guy's locker room. His head peered out from behind the wall while he growled a little bit at her. He muttered something under his breath and then turned back into the restroom. "Hey, Willis, wait!" She said, stepping forward across the threshold to the guy's room. "I'm sorry, bro. I didn't mean to make fun of you like that."

William just chuffed a breath at her and went back into the locker room, turning the water back on in the shower. He closed his eyes once again, paws moving once more along his scales, cleaning them out. He soon found a rhythm, squirting some shampoo into his claws to wash his hair. Cleaning it up good, he was about to turn off the water when he realized that his groin area was itching like crazy. "Ouch." He muttered as he cleaned around the white scales of his slit. His claws brushed his slit area one too many times though, and slowly William's member started coming out, a blush shade of pink that contrasted with his blue scales. Smiling a bit to himself, he fingered it a little bit, then started stroking it softly, his back pressed against the shower wall.

Amber went back into the ladies' room and finished drying her hair. Truth be told, she was worried a little bit at the situation she was in. Her twin brother wasn't bad, it was just a little unnerving to have him around for the night in this snowstorm. Well, she mentally corrected herself, if he was still speaking to her after her little jab at him earlier. Moving over to her locker, she finished drying herself off and then stood in front of the locker, pausing before she opened it, while thinking about the snow outside. Amber shrugged, her claws moving to open the latch. She tugged the latch, but it wouldn't open. It was completely stuck. She strained against the latch for a moment, almost slipping on the tile floor, claws clicking against the floor while she huffed in irritation.

Moving back to the shower area, she picked up her leotard off the floor, completely soaked through now, since she hadn't been thinking in advance. Sighing, she pulled it on, the fabric clinging to her body and making the leotard half-see through. Groaning to herself, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, checking how well the leotard covered her body. Regrettably, it wasn't a lot, as the water that soaked the spandex made for a straight visual of her nubs on her chest and her own slit, a little more pronounced then William's she saw briefly earlier. <i>Oh well, at least now Willis can't complain about his problem earlier.</i> She headed out of the locker room, fully expecting to see William standing outside, waiting for her. Amber covered herself as well as she could with her claws, and was mildly surprised at the fact that she could still hear the shower running a few walls over.

"William?" She called out tentatively, inching forward as she stepped into the forbidden territory of the guy's restroom. All she could hear was the running water, and... was that panting? "William?" She called out again, taking another step. Either the water was too loud, or something was wrong as she made the decision to step around the corner into the main room of the lockers. She took small notice of William's boxers and gym clothes on the floor, stepping over them, and peering around the next corner. Amber froze, mouth hanging a little open as she took in the sight of her brother, his back against the wall, and his penis hanging out of the sheath, all big and erect. She choked back Will's name that was on the tip of her tongue and watched in voyeuristic fashion as she watched his paws move back and forth along his sizeable length. She felt herself get a little wetter down in her groin area at the sight, and tried to clamp down on the feelings she was slowly getting. This was wrong! She mentally screamed to herself, as she watched her brother get off right in front of her, oblivious to his sister watching him.

Amber looked down at herself and then tore her gaze away from her brother and wheeled around, going quickly back the way she came. Entering the girls' restroom, she hurriedly went into a bathroom stall and sat down on the toilet seat, replaying the forbidden scene she had seen in her mind over and over again. Looking down at herself, she could see her slit had opened a little bit, exposing a little bit of her vagina, fluids slowly dripping, making a darker spot in her leotard's groin area.

She slowly moved her leotard to one side, exposing her nether region to the cold air, shivering at its touch. Her eyes widened as she realized what this meant. She was in heat for the first time! Her mother had taken her aside one day and told her about this time. Amber cast her mind back to the conversation even as her claw moved down and started stroking her lips as softly as she could.

"Yes!" Amber yelled up the stairs as she hurriedly closed out of her Twitter account and made her way up the stairs. Her mother, seated on the couch asked her politely to come over to her and sit down. Amber grumbled a bit, but sat down anyway and listened to her mother.

"Someday soon, my dear, you will experience your first heat. I know you know what that is from your health classes at school, but I wanted to explain to you an oddity about dragons that you need to know." Her mother went on to explain that as soon as she had her first heat, she needed to go to mom right away, as her genes would drive her to mate with the first male she saw while she was in her first heat. Only the first time would have such a powerful effect on her, but it was something every dragoness had to cope with. A weird toss of the galactic dice had enabled many young dragonesses to become mated for life at a very young age. In this age of contraceptives and pills, her mother explained that she wasn't too worried, but she still explained that, however unchecked, she might inadvertently take a mate during her first heat.

Amber nodded and pushed that conversation to the back of her mind and the proffered pills to the bottom of her purse, forgetting about it almost completely. Weeks passed and the conversation was forgotten in the deep recesses of her mind.

Amber looked down and saw her slit had now become puffy and redder, needing something to satiate it. She rubbed the outside of her slit, which elicited a small gasp from her. What was she doing? What could she do? What about her brother? How was she ever going to explain this to William? Even as these thoughts crossed her mind, her claw moved of its own volition and started to rub the outside of her lips faster, as she watched, seemingly a stranger to her own body's functions. On a little whim, Amber slowly thrust her claw into her waiting slit, and immediately it sunk it pleasurably into her regions up to her first knuckle. Amber gasped at the sudden rush of feeling that came with that and started to move her claw in and out slowly, building herself up to a steady rhythm quickly.

Almost on the exact opposite side of the wall, William was almost at his climax, pumping his hands up and down his large length. He was well endowed for a dragon his age, and it showed in the way he expertly moved his paws up and down. William leaned back against the wall, bracing himself, unknowingly mimicking his sister on the other side of the wall. Will's breath came in short bursts and got progressively quicker as he let his left hand reach down to finally cup his exposed balls that were coming out. William churred loudly as the water only heightened his pleasure, lubricating his member to a slick, sleek shine. There was a moment of intense, top of the world feeling as he suddenly came all over his hands and chest, the water rushing down his body. He growled a little bit, cum jetting all over the place. His eyes closed and he crashed down to the world of the living once again as his member finished twitching, hanging erect a little bit, savoring the pleasure he had gained. Rinsing himself again in the now lukewarm spray, he directed the shower spray at the walls he got, and then switched off the shower.

Stepping out, he placed a towel around his neck and let the water just run off of his blue scales, pooling near the drain. As the water ran off into the drain, he contemplated the prospect of spending the night here with his sister. <i>I guess it won't be too bad.</i> He thought to himself. Rubbing himself dry, he hung up the towel and stretched from snout to tail, cracking several vertebrae in his back as he did so. "That felt good," he murred to himself. Moving over to the locker, he opened it and took out his fitted t-shirt and khaki pants and a new pair of boxers and slowly dressed. He started humming to himself, as he pulled on his shirt, leaving the rest of his belongings in his locker, he went out of the locker room and looked around for Amber.

Amber wasn't out yet, so he grabbed a basketball and shot some hoops, humming to himself and laughing every time he made the shot. "And he makes it again! The crowd goes wild!" He yelled to himself, pumping his fist in the air after a nice layup shot. He grinned to himself, letting the ball bounce to the side of the court, grin slowly fading as he realized that Amber still wasn't out of the shower. Concerned, he moved over to the bathrooms and called out, "AMBER! You okay?" His tail made little loops in the air behind him, as he strained to hear anything from the bathroom. The only thing he could hear was something that sounded like panting, but he couldn't make it out over the radio still playing over the speakers.

"Amber, if you don't come out now, I'm going to come in there and see what's wrong." He yelled again, tail making bigger, agitated circles behind him. All he heard from the bathroom was a grunt. "I'm coming in!" He yelled, taking a step into the forbidden territory of the Girl's Restroom.

What he saw, he later swore that he would never forget. "It was kind of like winning the lottery while finding out that you have cancer and have only a short time left to live." William said after the incident. "One of those moments where you are completely caught off guard, you know?"

William walked in to find his sister on the floor, wet leotard pinned sensually to her body, scales glistening with sweat, kneeling in front of him, eyes closed in ecstasy, three fingers in her clit, moaning out loud.

His jaw almost made a basement for the gym, he had to consciously close it after staring at his sister, catching her in the act, masturbating in front of him. It seemed that she didn't even hear him, as he watched his sister get off in front of his own eyes. His eyes widened even further when he realized that there was a strange smell in the air... his sister was in heat! It was all he could do to keep himself from jumping on top of her, the smell was so overpowering. His tail twitched as he watched on forbidden, as Amber neared her peak. He could feel his cock straining to get free from his pants now, the sight of her like that making him increasingly hot. But... this was wrong! He silently screamed to himself, still looking on, drinking in the sight of her on the floor. Unbidden thoughts passed through his mind, his hard cock pressed deep against her nether regions, Amber screaming out his name... He shuddered, part ecstasy, part revulsion as he finally tore himself away from that spectacle, almost running out the doorway and tripping over his own feet as he left.

Amber's peak came quickly and she shuddered as her needs were temporarily sated. The feel of her orgasm ripping through herself caused her to open up her eyes and see a flash of blue disappear around the corner. Not caring that her brother had caught her in the act, she continued to ride the waves of her orgasm, fingers deep inside of herself. She twitched as the flood of hot dragon fluid found its way to the floor, gushing from her like an unleashed dam of water. Amber sighed, needs temporarily kept at bay for the moment. She got to her claws unsteadily, and rinsed herself off quickly in the now lukewarm spray of the shower. Her leotard was completely drenched now, with no way for her to get her actual clothes on. She looked at herself in the mirror, jaw clenching. Could she really live with the fact that she might mate her brother tonight? Almost instantly, she realized that she loved him. Not in a hard-core lovers' kind of way, but in a tender, kind and affectionate way. As she made her decision, she straightened in the mirror and walked out of the restroom, still a little shaky on her paws.

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