So Few, So Much Fun

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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Alright, just finished this before the deadline, here's my story for the competition! Warning lots of adult material, of the gay kind, with big hawt males.

So Few, So Much Fun

So they call them endangered species because there are so few of them. Well, what's threatening them? I can't be development; most furs seem to be content living in a nice house with indoor plumbing and heat. Still why do so few exist? Maybe if we study them, we could find out.

It was another boring day at work as the panda sat, flipping through the magazine, stopping every so often when he saw a rather impressive body of muscle on a fur. He would blush under his black and white mask wondering what it would be like to feel their hard bodies. He stopped his fantasizing when he looked up to see a wolf staring at him. "Can I get a pack of smokes?"

"ID please," the panda responded. The wolf handed over his wallet, and the panda fiddled to find the bar that indicated that the wolf was of age. He nodded and handed him his cigarettes. The wolf paid and left promptly, leaving the clerk alone in the store once more. Kurt thought to himself, maybe he should get a gym membership, loose some of this bulk his species seems to be cursed to carry, maybe meet a few of the furs he often fantasized about. He stared at the colorful pictures, seeing them slowly rise off the page, and tear his clothes off. He closed his eyes as his imagination ravaged his body. His pants grew tighter as he felt his member begin to wake and press against his zipper.

His hallucinations soon faded to solid reality when he heard something hit his counter. Past the mountain of various bottles promising hydration and electrolytes, stood a magnificent specimen of tiger. He wore a simple white muscle shirt that showed off his huge biceps and impressive pecs. It seemed to blend into his snow white fur and charcoal stripes adored the figure as the outline of abs showed through the thin fabric, hiding nothing but the fur beneath it. He wore baggy gym shorts and gave the panda a wide smile.

"See ya looking at that new workout plan, tryin to lose a few pounds?" he asked as he whipped out his wallet to pay.

"Umm... yeah," he said, nodding as his hands went on auto pilot and scanned every barcode without missing a beat. He was so thankful that there was a large counter separating the tiger from the panda so that it hid his pants ready to burst open. He did his best to not stare, but the tiger was used to the attention and took it as a great compliment.

"Well if you want, I know a great personal trainer, he helped me get into shape, if you want, there's a gym down the road from here, and membership is usually pricy, but I think I can get a good deal for ya,"

"That...sounds great," he said as if all his dreams were coming true. The tiger paid and waved at the panda before leaving. "Wait... when's a good time?"

"Anytime's great, the gym is twenty four hours, I've actually just got a job there from being there so much, come on by whenever, just to get some info, you don't have to start working out today," he said before he stepped through the door. The panda just nodded, standing there, the lingering smell of the tiger was heavy with the scent of sweat and deodorant. He wanted to just lock himself in the bathroom and paw off for the rest of his shift, but was thinking to himself about the gym. He gave his belly a good pat, and told himself that he would miss it, but it had to go. A sudden chill ran down his spine as he wondered how could he ever workout in a gym if he would just get hard at the thought of all those well built furs around him. He did his best to not think about that as business picked up, and the rest of his shift went by like a blur.

Out side the door of the gym seemed rather impressive, a large steel frame held thick sheets of glass that looked like it would take an eighteen-wheeler to smash through it. The glowing neon sign seemed too small for the front of the building as it flickered occasionally. Kurt took in a deep breath and pressed his paw against the handle bar and pushed the door open. The whole frame seemed to push back against him, and he wondered for a moment if the door was the pull kind, feeling foolish he looked, and it was meant to be pushed in, so he tried harder, and then the hinges gave way and slid back, allowing him into the building. Inside, cold air hit Kurt like a typhoon as he stood under the air unit. He stepped inside, and it smelled like it was just cleaned, with a slight floral fragrance in the background. At the front desk, there was a tiny bell, and no one around. He thought to himself that maybe working out wasn't a very popular idea with the people in the city.

Kurt was slightly disappointed. He'd imagine the place would be loaded down with hot, sweaty, muscled furs pumping iron, and their bulging muscles in tight shirts that left little to the imagination. Still, not a fur in sight, he let out another sigh, and rang the bell. Like a shadow from nowhere, the tiger was behind the counter when Kurt looked up. Shocked by his sudden appearance, Kurt stepped back immediately. "Whoa."

"Hey panda, see ya made it," the tiger said with a smile, still wearing the same thin shirt he wore in the convince store. "Alright, I'm Stephen, you can call me Steve, want a tour?" he asked as he held out a white paw to shake the panda's hand. Kurt smiled and shook Steve's paw, where he expected the tiger to virtually crush his paw, he grasped it gently and shook.

"I'm Kurt, and sure, that'd be great," he said as he caught the edge of a grin as the tiger turned around. Kurt felt a slight shiver down his back, but imagined it was the cold, and followed Steve. The first stop was aerobic area. Many elliptical machines and treadmills lined the walls of the first room. Stair climbers and a stretching bench filled the corners, and in the center was a large, matted area for yoga classes or anything else of that sort.

"Sometimes we use this area for wrestling, it tends to draw a crowd," the tiger said as he led Kurt to the next area. Through a small arch, the next area was about the same size of the aerobics area, but the room was filled with weights and lifting equipment. This was the area Kurt imagined himself in, bulking up with the best of them, he saw a few furs in the room, lifting and stretching, but none of them were quite as eye catching as his tiger tour guide. Kurt stared around, and looked at himself in the mirror. His belly stretched out the shirt a bit, and his pants fit his body nicely. He turned and looked as his rump, poking around his pants. He was chubby, but adorable enough. He imagined that even if he didn't quite loose his gut, he would still look better with a great bulk of muscle added. The tiger's tail twitched and tapped the panda on the side, "Come over here, this is the spa area," he said as he led the way behind a large double door.

Kurt could smell the steam of the sauna and the chlorine of the pool as they walked down a small ramp. At the bottom, there was a large, Olympic sized pool, and one door on the side marked sauna, and the other side was the showers. The panda wore a slight smile as he recognized this as the area that would usually have the least clothing. The rest of the tour was spent on the fine details of the establishment where the tiger explained how the surface of every area was covered in a special film of antibacterial priming, as well as how they were energy efficient. Kurt asked who ran the establishment as they wandered back to the front desk. Steve simply smiled, and said, "This guy," pointing to the person who stood behind the counter, waving at the furs who were in the weightlifting section earlier, as they left the gym.

Kurt stood there with his muzzle open, there stood the image of Atlas if he was covered in leathery grey skin, and was a rhino. The being before him stood with no shirt, displaying his massive chest, firm pecs, sculpted abs. He was the image that the Greeks shaped their gods after. His soft white, horn faded into his glowing grey skin as he turned and looked down at the other two furs. He was a head taller than Steve, which would be two heads taller than Kurt. Every breath he took, his chest flexed out as every muscle in his body was on exhibition for those around him. His smile was soft as he looked at the new visitor. "Hello there, hey Steve," he said, his voice deep, but smooth, with a small southern drawl. "Who's yer new friend?"

"Hey Paul, this is Kurt, think he wants to shave off a few pounds," Steve said as he gave the panda's belly a poke.

"Actually, I would like to bulk up a little bit too," he said a bit shyly.

"Well if it's a workout yer lookin' for, ya came to the right place," Paul said as he patted Steve on the shoulder.

"Hey Paul, this is the guy I told you about, starting on that special program," Steve said as he reached behind the counter for something. The rhino's eyes widen as he remembered their chat earlier. "Here, fill these out, you can have a seat over there," Steve said as he handed Kurt a stack of forms to apply for a membership. The panda took them and a pen, sitting down to fill out the paperwork. He looked up to ask the date, but the tiger and rhino were gone. He saw the small calendar on the counter and continued to fill out the forms. He looked back up when he finished, and saw the signs that hung on every wall. "No smoking, Clean Up After Yourself," and then the most interesting, "Clothing: Optional". Kurt blushed at the thought of other furs working out naked, and smiled to himself. He definitely wanted a membership now.

He double checked the paperwork, and saw he had missed a form on the back of the last sheet. That form also listed the prices of membership, and Kurt gasped at the prices. Daytime memberships were around two hundred a month, night time was four hundred, and twenty four hour access was five hundred. It was then he noticed the small box that gave exceptions for memberships to certain species. He noticed that panda was one of the ones listed. He wondered if the owner was prejudice, but realized the list composed of the rarer species in existence, and that the money that wasn't used for cost was actually going to charities to support them. Kurt understood that their numbers were dwindling, and it certainly didn't help that he was gay, but he realized that the gym made an effort to help them.

He looked back up, and almost jumped out of his fur as Paul and Steve appeared from out of nowhere. Once his heart rate returned to normal, he handed the tiger the forms. "I'm going to file these, Paul you want to get Kurt started?" Steve said as he disappeared into a backroom once more.

"Sure, if you have the time," the rhino said as he looked down at Kurt.

"Yeah, I'm off tomorrow, so I'd like to get started, if not at least a plan." He said as he fiddled with his hands in his pockets.

"Sounds great, let's get you changed into some shorts, let's see, you can use Steve's spare, I'm sure he won't mind," he said as he found a pair of clean shorts, and tossed them at Kurt. The panda caught them, and looked around for an area to change. When he found none, he turned away and stripped near a bench. He couldn't help but look behind him at the rhino, but he eyes were elsewhere when he slipped on the shorts.

Steve had returned, and took Kurt's pants for him. "I'll put these in the locker," and once again, the tiger disappeared. The rhino walked over, and threw a tree trunk sized leg onto the stretching bench and leaned forward. Kurt then noticed that he was wearing spandex shorts that strained to fit the muscled bottom of the huge rhino, and he couldn't help but notice the bulge of Paul's enormous sac stretching between his legs. The rhino peaked his head between his legs, demonstrating his flexibility, "Come on now, stretch a bit, and we'll get started."

Kurt did as he was told, and began to get a good stretch on his arms and legs, then his back. The rhino came and helped stretch his arms further as he gently bend them behind his back, and then his legs. Kurt's cheeks would be bright red had not they been covered by his black mask of fur. He imagined the rhino grinding between his legs, at that moment, and started to panic as he felt his sheath begin to fill out. He wanted to turn away, but the rhino held his legs spread, and he groaned as he tried to hold back. At the last moment, Paul and Kurt looked over as Steve returned. "I see you two are getting ready, let's get started," said the white tiger as he stepped onto a tread mill.

"Good start, let's run for about thirty minutes," said Paul as he let Kurt's legs go, the panda rolling to the side in relief. "Kurt, you can go at a comfortable speed if you wish, we just need to get you warmed up."

The panda nodded, and the three started on the treadmills. After working up a good sweat, Paul led them to the lifting room. They started Kurt on a standard routine and finished with some squats. The panda blushed as he felt Paul's eyes drift over to his shorts every time he bent down. Setting the weights back up, they decided to go relax in the sauna. A million different thoughts ran through Kurt's mind as they stripped off their shorts and grabbed white towels and entered the steamy room. There was another scent in the air, but the steam was too think for Kurt to tell as they say down on the small bench, all three bunched into the corner. They all let out a sigh and chuckled.

"Nice work so far, you don't seem to be too out of shape," Steve said as he spread his legs a little.

Kurt looked at Steve on his left, his eyes drifting down to his crotch before looking at Paul. "Yeah, not too bad, I'm the only one who ever has to work on truck nights," he said as his eyes traced Paul's large paw as he idly scratched his rhino orbs, his towel not long enough to cover his whole crotch. Kurt blushed in the steamy room as he felt his member stir.

"Well I think you're definitely a good candidate for our program," Paul said with a ruff chuckle. Steve gave the panda a soft, congratulatory pat on the thigh, pulling his towel down a bit, rubbing the fabric over the panda's now exposed tip. Kurt shivered a bit and leaned forward to hide his growing erection. Kurt stopped moving as he noticed that bother the tiger's and the rhino's eyes are looking at his crotch, and the two were idly rubbing their own. It was like some sort of dream come true, he thought to himself as he slowly leaned back, with great courage, and let his blood flow slowly rise and slides off the towel.

"Oh my," Steve said with a grin as he paw wandered away from his tigerhood and gently grasped the panda's firm member, "I'd say he's definitely ready to start on the program," he said giving his tip a gentle rub, causing the panda to moan. While his eyes were closed, Paul nodded, and Steve leaned down to give Kurt's throbbing cock a nice long lick with his rough tongue.

Paul stood up, letting his towel drop and his own rhino meat began to swell and grow in size, about as thick as the panda's wrist. Steve pressed a button under the bench and the wall began to slide out of the way as he laid the panda onto his back, still licking his pulsing member. Paul grabbed a bottle near the steam controls and poured a generous amount of lube onto his thick rhino fingers and began to coat the panda's hole in the silky slick substance. Kurt let out another moan as his dreams were being fulfilled, gasping a bit as Paul works in a finger. Meanwhile, Steve's paws ran through the sweaty panda fur and up his arms, placing them gently above his head, and locking them in place with unseen cuffs. The tiger wanders off behind the wall as he prepares some equipment.

Kurt let out a deep moan as Paul continued to work his hole, coating it thoroughly and stretching it slightly with his lubed fingers. After a while, he pulled his fingers out, and pressed the tip of his slick, fat rhino head and pressed it gently at the slightly open hole. The slick paw grips Kurt's member as he gives the panda a few good strokes before pressing more of his thick rhino mean into the panda's hole. Halfway in, his member pushes back as Kurt's body shifts, trying to accommodate the extreme girth. Suddenly with another gentle push, the rest slides in, stretching the panda inside. Steve returns with a strange glove like object, and begins to work it over the tip of the panda's member, sliding it on like a thick outer sheath. Kurt begins to him into the air, but whines as the rubber sheath does not push back. Steve turns and straddles the panda's soft chest as he rubs his hard feline member around his muzzle.

Kurt opens his maw and gasp as Steve roughly shoves his cock into the panda's short muzzle and works his maw gently as Paul begins to pound into the Kurt's rear. Steve smiles as Paul nods again, and flips a switch. The machine turns into first gear action, and begins to pump the rubber sheath over Kurt's member. The panda lets out another moan in a mouth full of tiger cock and humps into the air as he feels the gentle suckle of the machine, while the cock in his ass continues to pound away. Steve placed his paws down onto the panda's chest, feeling the muscles under the fat and moans as he thrust harder into the panda's open maw, slipping into his throat as Kurt tries to swallow the invading member. Paul grunts one last time as he slams his hips hard into the panda, and begins to pump his seed into Kurt's stretched hole.

Kurt moans wildly, desperate to finish himself as he feels Steve press his crotch into Kurt's chin as his tiger balls retract and feeds the panda his thick tiger seed. The panda swallows the load as he feels the machine slowly pick up into gear. Paul grunts as he removes himself from Kurt's cum stained ass and replaces it with a thick phallic device with another tube hooked into it. The devices slides easily into the panda's stretched and slick hole, the rhino works a small valve and inflates the device a bit, lodging it inside the panda, behind his ring, like a knot of a canine. He then proceeds to strap down Kurt's legs and watches as the tiger finishes his climax into the panda.

Kurt slurps off Steve as the tiger slides his spent cock out of the panda's maw. The panda pants hard as he feels his cock being teased and worked by the pump, and wiggles as he feels something in his ass move. The panda's eyes shoot open as he realized he could not get up from the bench and whimpers as the tiger and rhino stand over him. "Good job, we got a panda this time," Paul said as he walked behind the bench, to a room Kurt had not noticed before, and works a few switches. Tubes and wires ran everywhere as he noticed on lead to a tube over his pulsing member, and one leading between his legs.

"What...what the fuck is this?"

Steve stepped next to Kurt's head and began to pet him gently. "You see, the reason certain species get a discount here is to draw them in, it's true we support the repopulation effort very much, but realized that tail raisers like us don't do that much to help. So we figured out the perfect way, and that was to start up our own milk farm," he said as he waved to the wall behind him, it was then Kurt realized that there were other furs, panting, hooked up to the machines like he was. All were decently toned, and some chubby like himself, all with tubes up their ass and one on their crotch. "Don't worry, we keep them well until they produce enough, and then we get them out and back to their own business, everyone is happy."

"But wait, you can't just take these furs against their will,"

Paul smirks and walks up to another tiger strapped to the wall, reaching down and cupping his sac gently. "Do you want to go?" he asked the tiger. The fur looked over with slightly glazed eyes, and shook his head, and then returned as his eyes shut and he began to come. "See, they go when they want to, and the system we have, electrically stimulates your muscles, so they get a great body as well as help repopulation."

Kurt didn't want to believe it, but they were right, "What about my job, my family?"

Steve lifted the bench and set Kurt along the wall with the others, "It's not that long, and you think they're gonna question you when you walk out looking like this," he said as he flexed his body. "Enough talk, we must get started now," he said as he pinned the panda to the wall next to the tiger, and flipped a few more switches. The device in his ass began to hum and vibrate, setting off another moan as the panda shivered, and the tube over his cock began to pump and vibrate as well. Within seconds, the panda was moaning as he came into the tube. Everything slowing down inside him as he caught his breath, and suddenly the machine hummed back to life, and shook the panda in spots he never felt before as he suddenly came again, panting and gasping hard as it caught him off guard.

"Steve, make sure everything is running smooth, I want you in my office when you're done," Paul said as he cupped the tiger's ass and walked out.

"Sure thing boss, as for you, just relax, you'll be in shape in no time," he said as he flipped the switch to start an automated cycle, and placed a mask over the panda's muzzle. There was a small tube and it fed him water and nutrients. Kurt found it hard to drink as his body convulsed as the stimulation started up again. He thought to himself as his body was held in a state of constant pleasure, 'It's for the best, and this is how I contribute to the world.' His thoughts soon turned back to his body as he began to moan again.