Everyone's Endangered

Story by Murphy Z on SoFurry

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A gunman threatens to kill an interracial gay couple who both happen to be endangered. If he doesn't want their money, what does he want?

Rated adult for M/M action and violence.

An entry for the "Endangered Species Contest" (EnSpContest)

Michael the rhino held out his arm so his marshmallow could have the best subway seat in the house. So what if his marshmallow was black and white and was a very chubby 325 pounds? He loved Zhao, his favorite giant panda in the world, very much.

Zhao accepted the offer as if he were the Prince of New York City. Michael quickly sat down beside him and looked right into his eyes, waiting for his next command.

"Open your shirt, slowly." Zhao rubbed Michael's horn, which was his second favorite part of Michael's anatomy.

Michael slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt. Earlier, he had to go straight from work to meet Zhao at the movie theater. He didn't mind not having time to shower and change, for Zhao preferred him a little sweaty, so that actually worked out. And now they were doing another one their favorite things to while riding to Michael's house: they both loved making out in public in front of the homophobes and interspeciesphobes (commonly called interphobes), most of which were both.

They both agreed that night would be a time to celebrate because Michael just got the news that rhinos went from a protected minority to the endangered species list. Since pandas had been near extinction for quite a while, Zhao knew just about everything about being endangered and discussed with Michael some of the ramifications.

Zhao explained some of the benefits of being endangered. For example, they get a great medical and dental plan and get to move into the Huxley Grounds, an area set aside for the protection of endangered species. It was one of the most crime free and protected areas in New York City. Not only that, the rent was much lower than Michael was paying at the moment.

The grounds had well kept and well guarded houses and apartments. Since the houses were reserved for families and Zhao wasn't married, he lived in a single apartment. Michael could move in the same apartment complex and, if gay and interspecies marriage were legalized, later marry Zhao to get a double apartment. Since Michael worked as a groundskeeper there, he had "insider" information and knew the right people to contact. And since a couple of species were no longer endangered and couldn't stay, it could soon be his lucky day.

Even though he got lots of benefits, that didn't make up for the fact his species could soon be extinct. For years, "non-humans" were treated little better than animals. It took years until hunting wild animals became illegal, and for a long time after that the sentences were minimal, as though the perpetrators killed someone's pet. Even through modern times, there was a big "leather bootleg" scene in which "hunters" met secretly to discuss killing "big game." Add to that the fact that even with current medical breakthroughs, some species were experiencing various problems in having children.

But Zhao promised Michael he'd forget his problems at least for the night. Zhao put his hand into Michael's shirt to feel his muscular, leathery chest. He put his ear next to Michael's mouth. "Tell me what you're going to do to me when we get to your place."

"I'm going to--"

Zhao put a finger over Michael's mouth. "Whisper it." Zhao wasn't at all afraid or concerned that anyone else would hear, he just loved listening to Michael's husky voice.

"I'm going to--" Something cold and metallic touched Michael's cheek. The look on Zhao's face confirmed that it was a gun.

"In my back pocket is my wallet. Take it." Michael couldn't see who it was because his head was angled wrong. He took a deep breath and kept still.

"I don't want your fuckin' money," the great cat's voice sounded desperate. "I want my sister alive." The gunman punctuated each word with a jab from his gun.

"Let's talk. Do you see my shoulder holster with a gun in it?"

"Yeah, just try and pull it out fucker!"The assailant screamed and bored the gun into Michael's cheek.

"No, I want you to take it. I'll remain still while you do." Michael had the Glock custom made for him because rhino fingers were too big for regular guns; he had the permit for it in his wallet.

Michael saw that it was a tiger paw that snatched the gun a lot faster than he ever could. "Okay now I am unarmed. My friend is unarmed."

"Yeah, I'm unarmed." Zhao moved his hands to put them in the air.

"I'll shoot you both!" The tiger pointed the other gun at Zhao.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. Please don't kill me!" Tears ran down Zhao's eyes.

Michael started breathing again. "Stay still honey." He suddenly realized he really didn't know what he was doing. Well, he had to think of something. "Could you please take a couple of steps back? You can keep the guns pointed at me."

There was a long pause, but the gun came off his cheek. Then it came back on. Then it came off again.

"Where do you want our hands?" Michael had no idea where they should put them. These things seemed really easy in the movies.

"Where I can see them."

"Um, we're going to slowly put them on the seat ahead of us, aren't we?" He glanced at Zhao.

"Sure, whatever." The tiger shrugged.

Both Zhao and Michael put their hands on the seat. Zhao moved a little fast, but the tiger didn't complain.

"I'm going to turn my head towards you now. Slowly." Michael almost forgot to say the last part. He saw that the tiger had an average build, and wore the clothes any poor person might wear, like a pair of faded jeans with a hole in the knees, a worn out black shirt, faded jeans jacket, and even a pair of old sneakers. Only his eyes, which darted around rapidly and had that crazy, sad look, gave anything away.

"Okay, tell us what's going on." Michael saw that the few people in the subway car were still. He felt Zhao lean into him.

"You should know. The tigers just got off the endangered list." The tiger looked like he was trying to hold back tears. "Well my sister had to be evicted to make room for you rhinos. And she got shot and killed. And she was pregnant! " The tiger moved a bit closer and waved the guns a bit too much for Michael's liking.

Michael remembered some tigers putting things into U-Hauls and driving away; he didn't feel so good about looking into the apartment openings.

"I'm so sorry," after Zhao said that, he quickly put his hands over his mouth. "Sorry," he mumbled.

The tiger zipped behind them and put a gun to the back of their heads. "No sudden movements!"

"Calm down, he just put his hand over his mouth." Michael saw that Zhao was breathing irregularly and not doing a very good job at not shaking uncontrollably.

"What's going on with him?" The tiger seemed a little concerned.

"I don't know." Michael couldn't remember if Zhao had a medical condition that would cause that. He knew Zhao had a prescription, but he didn't know what for. He could make something up, but that could backfire. "I'm going to put my arms around him. I honestly don't know what else to do." He looked at Zhao. "Do you have to take any medication?" He saw Zhao shake his head no.

"Okay, no more funny stuff, though."

Michael put his arms around Zhao and at least gave him an inconspicuous hug. If they ever made it through this, he'd give him a bigger one. "Anyways, we really feel bad about what happened."

The tiger looked like he was almost convinced, but then seemed to remember something. "Don't you get it? If she would have never been evicted, she would be alive today. And I bet you, rhino-man, can't wait to move in. Oh, and what's the use in letting a couple of fags stay there? Are you two going to have a baby?"

"First of all, yes I was thinking of moving in. But I'd never murder anyone or condone anyone doing so. Second of all, I'm bi."

"And I'm a sperm donor." Zhao kept still after saying it.

"Well okay, but don't you get it? Even if there were a billion of us, I only have one sister, and she's gone forever."

"You're right, everyone's endangered. And I wish the government could protect everyone and treat everybody as an individual instead of part of a group. I wish everyone was treated equally and fairly. But there's not enough money to go around and nothing's perfect." Michael had no idea where his speech was heading. "But I had an uncle who was hunted and killed, and his head was actually mounted. My aunt had to go down to the police station and identify him that way. She spent the rest of her life withdrawn and alone."

"My sister was supposedly killed because of fur haters who wanted their tax money and she was broke. Well, that's what the lawyers tell us. Not only that, because I'm no longer endangered, my prescription plan got dropped."

"Here, I've got some money." Zhao pointed to his chest pocket, took out four twenties and held them out.

The tiger set Michael's gun on the floor and took the money. "Thanks. Sorry I'm so edgy. I don't know what to do about this."

"I wish I knew the answer, and I wish the world was a better place." Michael made sure he had direct eye contact with the tiger. "But if you shoot us, you're looking at long and hard time in jail. Do you have any kids?"

"A son. He's two."

"Because we're endangered, the fuzz would be swarming all over. If and when they find you, you'll be in jail so long you might get out in time to see your son graduate. That's if he does without a father. Do you want that?"


"And killing us won't bring your sister back. But it will give you a bunch of problems."

"I just don't know what to do. First, my girlfriend died in labor, and now my sister's dead."

"You can protect your son and raise him the best you can. Get together and protect each other. Take self defense classes. If the government won't do it, then you and your family and friends will have to."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry guys." The tiger gave Michael's gun back to him.

After Michael holstered it, he looked around. "The subway is going to stop in a little bit. If you hurry, you'll get away before the cops arrive. I strongly suggest you lay low for a while."

"Yeah, thanks for the tips and the dough." Within half a minute, they arrived at the next stop. As soon as the door opened, the tiger disappeared.

"Oh honey, you were so brave and smart!" Zhao pelted Michael with kisses. "And my brave man deserves a special reward!" Before Michael could think of what that reward was, Zhao unzipped Michael's pants and knelt before him. The panda freed the giant foot-long rhino cock and put it in his mouth.

"Oh, ah," was all Michael could say. He never got a blowjob in public before. At first he was going to stop it, but he could have been killed just a few minutes before. The worst he could get was a fine and maybe a little jail time, but they were alive. Fuck 'em, he hoped everyone was watching.

Since this was to be a quickie, Zhao wasted no time. He just about deep throated Michael's member and quickly bobbed his head back and forth as his favorite part of Michael's anatomy became engorged and grew inside of him. He made Michael's dick as hard as his horn.

Michael looked down and put his hands on Zhao's shoulders. That panda was a lot of work, but he was worth it. He had the admit Zhao was a bit selfish and pushy, but wasn't everyone? Zhao was that way because knew he was endangered and could die at any moment. Time was an invaluable commodity to him and he wanted the best in life. And sometimes to get things, you had to be demanding; people don't listen to those who stand aside. Also having a demanding boyfriend meant you had to step up your game. Michael's last relationship flopped because although their relationship was very easy-going, nothing really happened either. When Michael decided to break up, the call was like he was cancelling a newspaper subscription or changing his long distance provider. Within three minutes, it was over and done with, and it barely registered a shrug.

But Zhao was generous too, and he knew that there were those out there less fortunate than him. When he was a cub, both he and his mother were in and out of the hospital a lot. They would have never survived without a team of medical personnel, tutors, assistants, and volunteers. Zhao wanted everyone to be as self-reliant as possible, but he knew nobody could do it all by themselves.

Michael felt an orgasm building up inside of him, so he held Zhao's shoulder a little tighter. "Fuck!" he yelled as he pumped musky rhino cum into his marshmallow's mouth. But Zhao was an expert and swallowed every last drop. And it was a good thing too, Michael saw a policeman coming. Even though Michael was fuck-drunk, he somehow got Zhao on his lap to hide his indecency that couldn't be as easily put in as it was to take out.

The policeman asked about their assailant, and they told him it was a tiger, but left the rest of the details vague and sketchy. If worst came to worst, they wouldn't press charges. Since no one was hurt and the tiger seemed sorry, they wouldn't mind if the case went unsolved.

After the policeman finished the interview and left, Michael gave Zhao a big hug. He couldn't wait to go home and show Zhao what he wanted to do to him, they deserved it.