Breaking Cycle

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#1 of Cycled life

** First story I've written any feedback would be nice. Criticsm is welcome...most prefearbly consrtuctive but whatever--heres the story**


BEEP,BEEP,BEEP!! This was the constant sound Jake heard as he awoke from his sleep. Looking over at his clock he reached for the dismiss button on his clock. It was only 6:45 he and stared up at the ceiling for awhile before finally getting out of bed. The cold air meet his fur as soon as he took the blankets off but he had enough fur for it to be comfortable. He only had on a pair of briefs as he stood up and stretched then headed for the bathroom. Jake looked into the mirror and looked his body over: he was a large grizzly bear with a round but muscular physique, and dark brown fur. He had a bit of a stomach, but it was still visible that he could easily pulverize almost anyone who got on his nerves. His face was quite normal, he had two dark brown eyes and around his muzzle he had grown out his fur into a small beard. He stepped out of his briefs and turned on the water to the shower and let the room fill up with steam. He stepped into the shower and bathed, then just let the water run over him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling, he sighed as the water hit him. He thought about to go into a more deep thought before his phone rang, and the voice said Lucas was calling. He sighed and smiled at the call before answering.

"'Ello? How's it going?" the bear said as he talked the his friend.

"Hey man, not much, I'm calling to remind ya not to forget your notes for the test today...a source tells me that we'll be able to use em."

"Hmmm...OK well I got to go. Cya in a bit," the bear simply said and hung up before the wolf could say good-bye. He always did that so that they wouldn't continue talking forever and then he'd lose track of time and then he'd be late. He was dry by the time he came out of the bathroom and walked around in his house towards his clothes. He grabbed a pair of common white briefs put them on and then looked at his closet to see what he could wear. He chose a gray shirt and regular blue jeans, it's not like he had any flashy clothes to begin with.

As he drove down the road he thought about his life. He was healthy and worked out at least twice Monday through Friday, but always enjoyed his weekends. He was only 19 and was just trying to make it in college. He was well off and had rented an apartment off campus and made the short drive there every day. He had enough money to easily support him, was healthy, and made good enough grades so that more than half of his education was free. He knew he had it good...but he still couldn't help but feel sad, Jake had gone to a college far away so he could distance himself from his family, not that they were bad, in truth they were great, but he was different. His entire family opposed homosexuality and though he still loved them he knew he was hated by many.

The bear came out north to start over, to get away and maybe escape the thoughts that haunted him every day, but he also liked the frigid winters and cool summers. The secret he kept wasn't anything major to the world but to him it was the biggest thing in his life and had been for almost all his life. He was gay and not a single soul knew. He thought about all the masks that he had to put on in his past and was becoming angry but he had made it to the school and put aside his thoughts for now...they could wait a few more hours.

As he was walking he saw a shadow jump out of the corner of his eye and before he knew it he was on the ground. He had landed on his stomach and just sighed, "Yo, Lucas, you want to get off now? You're way too hyper and it's just morning."

"What? Hello? Who's there?" the gray wolf played with the bear and looked all around before looking down and asking, "What...You're already laying down?" he said jokingly. He got off the bear and helped him up, or at least tried.

"Hahaha..." Jake faked a sarcastic life before asking the wolf how he was doing as they began to walk to class. The same routine everyday it seemed. They had nearly the exact same schedule and they both had the same majors also, but even better was they liked the same activities. Jake was happy he had found a friend so quickly in a new town.

Lucas was a gray wolf who was, as he said, as average as they come. He had green eyes that complemented his light grey fur. He was average weight...he worked out like Jake but didn't have the same round stomach. Lucas looked at his friend and began to talk, " up for hangin' this weekend?" the wolf asked but noticed that once again Jake was in his own little world. "Jake....anyone home? JAKE!"

"Huh.... Oh sorry man. I'm just a bit out of it I guess..." the bear replied with little effort obviously retreating back to his thoughts. He was thinking of how he could find someone to connect with. Though he was fine with just going on with life he wanted to have someone to talk with about his personal matters. Even who he had called his 'best friend' back home didn't have a clue. He never took the chance to ruin their friendship with something he considered more important. Jake looked at the wolf who was staring up at him with a confused look and asked as simply as he could, "I can trust ya right Lucas?"

"Yeah, of're acting serious? WOW..." Lucas said in a fun-poking way. Lucas had known the bear and knew he was hiding something. Even when they were alone the bear had always seemed to be wearing a mask, as if he never let anyone get close to him. He imagined that the bear used his sarcasm as a small way to vent out his frustrations.

"Hmm...O.K," Jake said nonchalantly and just continued to walk off to their first class, "and yeah we'll head back to my place after our bio test and we can hang out."

Lucas just watched his new friend walk off and wondered why he had asked such a strange question. They had just met each other last semester and instantly bonded to where they now were best friends. Lucas trusted the bear enough to confide in him, as he had done many times in their late night talks, and Jake even told him a few things about his problems, but still seemed to never let his guard down. They would talk about the future, their goals, why or what they were aiming for, and their thoughts on ethics and other types of controversial issues. He was wondering what the bear could possibly be hiding, but knew that Jake would tell him when he was ready to.

After their last class they hung out with some other classmates and talked about the test and joked about how they had better start sending in resumes for being janitors. After they left they drove down the road and talked about what they could do over the weekend. They knew they would play games and eat out, and thought about going hiking because the weather had been good the past week. They decided to go hiking early in the morning so they could have the entire day and then be able to get back for a good meal.

The next day Jake woke up to the same alarm at 6:30 and had the same routine. As he walked throughout the house he forgot that Lucas was there and didn't see the wolf when he walked around the corner. They collided and Jake ended up on top of Lucas. The wolf was already dressed and ready to go, but Jake was still in his briefs.

Lucas simply grunted and tried to say something but all Jake heard was muffled talking.

He immediately realized what had happened and jumped up thanking all that was good that Lucas wouldn't see him blushing behind his chocolate fur.

"What, you're just now getting up? Well I'm ready to go whenever you are. Oh, and nice tighty-whities man", Lucas said jokingly.

"Shut-up man", the bear replied as he backed up towards the bathroom and shut the door. He heard the wolf laughing outside and became angry at himself for not remembering that Lucas was in the house. It wasn't that he had been caught in his underwear, or that he been caught in 'tighty-whities' the only kind he was that he had landed on Lucas. He started to dream about him and Lucas and immediately hit himself in the head, before the thoughts could continue. He had mad a promise to himself he would never think of his friends that way since it seemed to be a breach in a mutual trust.

Before he could finish his thoughts he heard the wolf yell through the door that he was waiting on the bear so they could head out. He quickly got dressed and met the wolf in the kitchen where they ate a silent breakfast and went to the car.

The ride was silent, but not in the awkward way Jake had expected. The wolf didn't even seem to be disturbed by the incident and Jake figured he had simply over-reacted; in fact Lucas was actually asleep during the entire trip.

After they got on the trail and into a good pace they began to talk again and have fun. They raced each other to rest stops and spent the next 7 hours hiking the trail. During one of the frequent stops Lucas took off his shirt claiming he was getting too sweaty, but Jake kept his on. He had never been comfortable taking his clothes off when around other guys. He felt like it was too personal and he hated to be without clothes on, always thinking people would think he was ugly or something. Lucas encouraged him to take his shirt off saying he didn't care but Jake still refused.

"Come on man you're bigger than me and I know you're sweatin' up a storm, so get rid of your shirt before you dehydrate." Jake said in what he thought to be a logical argument.

"I'm telling you that I'm fine so stop saying that" Jake said in between breaths. He was happy that in his youth he had run, even though he was never good at it. He also knew that Lucas was right, but his pride stopped him from taking his shirt off.

"Ok, then I guess I'll just have to do this for your own good." Lucas said as he ran toward the bear and ripped the shirt off of him and ran as fast as he could down the trail.

"What the hell man...?" Jake just looked at his ripped shirt and threw it on the ground, and ran off towards the wolf-he wasn't about to let Lucas beat him in a race, shirt or no shirt. They made it back to the car and both made sure that they were energized enough to make the drive.

"Whew...that was fun, and I beat you every time ya big lug." Lucas said as he panted leaning on the car.

"Whatever, you're built for this and you know it, and you know I won that time we ran by the river." Jake was kneeling on the ground watching as a puddle of sweat built up underneath him. He really would've fainted if he had not had his shirt ripped off, and he was grateful to the wolf for it.

"HAHA you're calling that a RACE?!? Dude you fell down and rolled for the last twenty feet until you hit the river." The wolf was trying to breathe in between his laughs as he remembered the bear rolling past him, and how he was soaked when he rolled into the river, but they had swam in it before leaving.

"Well at least I got a bit cleaned off and it was fun to go for a swim. It cooled us down." Jake looked at his friend who was just grinning.

"Yeah we've gotta come back and do it again some time...well we better head off," Lucas said as he looked out at the sun.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm ready when you are." Jake said as he got into the car. He sat down and wished he had a shirt once again due to the bit of a stomach he had. He personally liked having a bit extra weight but he wasn't sure if Lucas was comfortable with it. He just hoped Lucas wouldn't be disturbed by it. He always got unreasonably angry whenever he felt uncomfortable. He didn't say anything about it and decided he could probably make it home without any big deals.

In the car Lucas looked over at his friend and noticed his physique. They had worked out together frequently, but he noticed the bear always wore a shirt. He stared at the bear and wondered why since he could tell the bear was strong; most guys would kill to have the natural muscle the bear had. Jake saw Lucas staring and asked in an irritated manner, "What dude? know I HAD a shirt, but someone ripped it!" Jake heard his own tone and was immediately sorry he had said anything. He just looked away and tried not to let the wolf see his face.

Lucas was taken back by the bear's hostility and apologized ,"It's nothing dude...I didn't mean to stare..."

Jake looked back at his friend and sighed, "It's no big deal...I just overreacted...I hate it when people stare at me...makes me...self-conscious," the bear laughed after hearing himself say this. He was one who didn't regularly care what people thought.

Lucas just listened to the bear and gave his opinion after he was done, "Nah, dude I'm sorry, I was just noticing you're stronger than you look...or let on," the wolf chuckled a bit at the last part. The bear was a softie, who was more likely to grab a fly in his hands and let it outside then to just kill it. "You have a great body, it's impressive. Why on earth do you get so self-conscious? I mean, its not like your fat or anything...besides a bit of a stomach." The wolf added in the last part as a joke.

The bear blushed at the last part and laughed at the same time. "Well, I do have a bit of a stomach," the bear patted his stomach and continued, "but I don't know why I hide my's just something I do. You know I don't exactly open myself up to people...I guess I do it as a precaution or something..." Jake saw the wolf laugh a bit and he started to laugh too.

"Well, you don't have to do anything different just because I'm around. I'd be a lot happier if ya acted more regular when I'm around anyway. I would hate to impose on ya to act any differently just cause I'm 'round. I mean, I guess you like to walk around in your underwear at your house..." the wolf laughed while saying this but meant it. He was glad to see the bear becoming more comfortable around him...even if it was a slow process.

Jake laughed, and blushed a lot harder then before, at the wolf's last part, and said, "Thanks...that actually means a lot to me. I've never had anyone say something like that to me...I'm happy that I could meet a friend like's been the best thing to happen to me in a long time..." Jake looked at the wolf to see his reaction. Lucas stared back at him and gave him an understanding nod. "We really are best friends I guess aren't we?" the bear asked so that he didn't over step any boundaries...he was pretty sure but wanted the wolf to say it.

"I've told ya before, and I'll tell you till you seem to get it-I'm there for ya man, like your there for me. You're the only guy I've ever trusted enough to talk with about some things... I really want you to know that you can trust me no matter what. Just like I trust you. We're more than best friends...hmm...not sure how to describe's different than a family feel...oh well, what it's called isn't important. We're BEST friends dude so that means I'm with ya all the way. Don't worry about all the things that can go 'horribly wrong' because when those things come we can take em on together...or run like or the other." Lucas said all this while looking at the bear. He knew the bear saw him looking at him, but Jake was looking down the road. He saw Jake struggle to keep his eyes clear, and his smile was quivering.

Jake tried to stop from crying and couldn't help but smile also. He really felt like he could trust the wolf. "Thanks...," was all he could manage to choke out between the tears and the smile. He was embarrassed for crying at something like that. It wasn't really emotional but the wolf was the first person that Jake felt he could trust. Lucas leaned over and simply patted him on the back and told him that it was OK. That didn't help with his tears though. He managed to drive the rest of the way and by the time they were back at the apartment he was done crying.

After the drive home Jake opened the front door and landed on the couch staring up at the ceiling. Lucas walked in and landed on top of Jake. He just lay there and then sat up and leaned on the bear's stomach.

"Umm...dude this is kind of," Jake tried to tell Lucas before he was interrupted.

"Don't worry dude, I told you that you could trust me, and well, I think you're a great guy, and I don't know what's always got your mind but whenever you're ready I'll be there to're my best friend after all," Lucas said in a very understanding way. He looked up at the bear and saw him looking right into his eyes and he could tell the words had hit home.

"...I...thanks...," Jake tried to say more but couldn't bring himself to it. He just looked down at the wolf and was happy that someone was there for him, and decided he should just finally take a chance on his emotions. "Whatever...OK look, and don't interrupt... I'm took me forever to find just that out because my entire life I grew up thinking and being told gay was feminine and twinkish, so I figured I couldn't be gay. I like guys who look normal or burly-not the model on the street, but the guy on the street who's making an honest days living. I never told anyone because I have enough trouble just trying to keep a good friendship and I'm afraid you're gonna hate me or think I'm some sort of fag. I still don't know much, but I'm taking a leap of faith and trusting you more than I've trust anyone else in my entire life...I...don't know what else to tell ya." Jake took a deep breathe and looked at the wolf trying to get some sort of reaction, but just saw a blank face. He began to become nervous and felt like he was about to faint before the wolf finally gave some sort of reaction.

"THAT'S IT? I mean I understand man but seriously...well maybe I don't understand. I'm totally fine with that. know it actually makes a bit of sense." The wolf said with a smile and just looked up at the bear.

"I've lived my entire life concealing the very fact and trying to appear as 'normal' as possible." Jake was surprised by Lucas's response more by the last part than the acceptance.

"HAHA don't worry one else would be able know...not a snowballs chance in hell. I'm completely cool with it. You're a great guy and I know-" the wolf was about to continue but was stopped by the bear suddenly kissing him on the lips.

Jake had lost himself for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and jumped up apologizing like hell, "Oh my God! I'm sorry I didn't...I'm..."

"...It's...OK," the wolf was surprised by his response as much as the bear was, "I'm ok with it...I mean at least with the idea of you and me...maybe...ya know...umm," the wolf was blushing and confused but he knew that he liked Jake. When he thought back, he had never dated a woman and liked Jake's body, part of the reason he had taken the shirt, and he had never considered himself as having sexuality, all that mattered to him was that he loved the person...just as a carefree guy. "we could be ...a couple. I mean-"

The bear interrupted him with a giant hug and they just looked into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity before the bear finally responded with a chuckle, "I'd like that, not like we don't hang out with each other all the time anyway." The bear couldn't help but grin as he looked at the wolf who was propped up on the bear. He pulled Lucas up to his face and gently pressed his lips to the wolf's.

Lucas looked at the bear before giving in and accepting the kiss. He and the bear's tongues played with each other. He began to moan into the kiss and felt the bear start to caress him. They kissed for what seemed like hours but when the bear finally broke the kiss it had only been a few short minutes. Lucas looked at the bear and smiled.

Jake looked into the wolf's eyes and blushed while trying to say, "So...this is my first time. I've never been with someone before..., but I don't want to rush or hurt you... I mean, I'm just glad to be with you..." the bear was stammering while talking to the wolf. He looked at the wolf who he had just kissed and saw the wolf smile and just put his finger to the bear's lips.

"Don't think. Just follow your emotions for once..." Lucas said in the least cliché way he could. He was new to all of this also...and was happy that the bear was the first person he was with. He saw the bear back down on the couch. Jake began to nuzzle the wolf's chest and rubbed in between the wolf's thighs. Lucas moaned at the attention and looked at the bear that was running his hands over his body. He sat down in the bear's lap, and ran his hands over the bear's chest and was glad to hear the bear enjoying it too.

Jake was enjoying his friends touch and felt that he should make the first move. He kissed Lucas one more time before setting him off his lap and onto the couch. He knelled in front of the wolf and began to nuzzle the wolf's lower body.

Lucas was enjoying Jake's nuzzeling and began rubbing the bears head with affection. He looked down to see the bear lick his lips and give the wolf a sly grin. Jake then looked at the wolf and then at the wolf's shorts. He started to fumble around with the button and zipper before he felt Lucas's hand on his own.

"Here let me..." the wolf said in a quiet voice and undid his shorts before running his hand over the bear's face.

As soon as Lucas had undone his pants Jake was met with a new scent. It was very musky and smelt just like Lucas, just a bit different...stronger. He ran his paws up the pants and around the wolf's chest before pushing his muzzle into Lucas's pants and inhaled as much as he could. Lucas leaned up and allowed the bear to remove his shorts which he then kicked off. The wolf laid on the couch in nothing but his light blue boxers with the bear in between his legs. Every time the bear took a breath it sent shivers through the wolf's body and he began to whine as the bear ran his hands up past his legs and around his cock and balls, but Jake never touched the wolf. Jake felt lightheaded by the scent and loved it. It was so nice, like being bathed in the wolf's musk. He never thought that he would like it this much. He followed his hands into the wolf's underwear and moaned as the scent grew much stronger.

Jake heard the wolf whining and he was growing excited too. He grabbed the wolf's underwear and slowly pulled it off and threw it across the room and gazed at the wolf's body. He was in complete admiration of the wolf and he let his hands run over the wolf, but still avoided the wolf's balls or cock-he enjoyed the whining from the wolf because of it. Jake glanced over the wolf one more time before giving his attention to the wolf's lower body. He stared at the wolf's sack and began to rub it with his hands, which made the wolf moan louder than before. Jake leaned down and licked at the wolf's balls and the scent from before flooded his entire head. It felt like he could taste it already and he began to lick all over the wolf's body. He ran the wolf's balls in between his hands and lapped at them with his tongue before finally noticing something hitting his nose...and making his nose wet. He never looked up but simply ran his tongue up to the wolf's cock, and Lucas was shocked by the sudden touch and couldn't help but to thrust up a bit. Jake ignored the thrust and followed the shaft all the way up and cleaned off all the pre-cum the wolf was dripping. Once he had licked the shaft he licked his muzzle to try and get all the pre that had dripped onto his nose. The taste was amazing. Jake never thought he would actually enjoy another man like he did right now. He never thought he would actually enjoy being on the giving end of any type of activity. He let the pre stay on his tongue and he rolled it around in his mouth.

Lucas hadn't realized that he had begun to pant and was whining once the bear had licked his shaft. The bear simply looked back up at the wolf whose eyes seemed to be pleading for release. Jake looked back down at the cock and began to lick on it. He kept one hand on the wolf's thigh and the other kept rolling around the wolf's balls. He finally took the cock into his mouth.

At first he simply sucked on the tip and let the pre shoot onto his tongue, but the wolf soon got tired of that. Lucas took hold of the bear's head and began to guide it down his shaft. He was surprised to hear the bear moan as the shaft slid along his tongue. Jake tried to take all of the wolf and deep throat him but gagged after a few seconds. Lucas looked down at his friend and was about to ask if he was ok before Jake simply returned to his cock. The bear let the wolf control his head and enjoyed the sounds from his friend as he was being used. Lucas began to slowly buck his hips and Jake soon picked up on it and adjusted. Lucas started to pant as the bear moaned and ran his hands on the wolf.

Jake was starting to get the hang of sucking on the wolf's cock and found that he was actually enjoying himself. He took slowly pulled of Lucas's cock and began to stroke it. He did this until more pre formed on the tip and then licked it off. He soon took his hand off the wolf's cock and just licked it. Every time he would lick the cock the wolf would buck his hips and whine a bit more.

Jake chuckled a bit while still licking around the shaft. Lucas returned his hand to the bear's head but simply rested it there and petted the bear.

Jake liked this and put his hand on top of the wolf's and pushed his hand onto the wolf's so that his head went back on the cock. Lucas got the idea and slowly began to push and pull the bear off his shaft.

Jake moaned as he felt the cock slid in and out of his mouth. He began to suck harder on the shaft and tried his best to make the wolf whine and buck more. Lucas did exactly that and began to pump his cock in and out the bear's muzzle and kept his hand on the bear's head.

Jake couldn't help but moan as the wolf began to pump into the bear's muzzle as fast as he could. He took his hands off the wolf's balls and chest and grabbed the wolf's fur on his legs. He felt the wolf's sack begin to hit against his muzzle which only made him more excited.

Lucas could feel his sack hitting the bear with each thrust and knew he wouldn't last long. He tried to warn the bear but couldn't get a clear voice.

"Dude...I'm gonna cum...," was all he managed to get out, but the bear didn't let off. Jake simply moaned into it and sucked even harder on the cock. The wolf couldn't help but start to buck as hard as he could into the bear's muzzle and he began to shoot his load.

Jake tried to swallow all of the cum but was surprised by the suddenness of it. After the wolf was done Jake pulled off Lucas's cock and coughed a bit. He licked the cock a few times, getting small moans from the wolf, and then picked himself up to meet the wolf's face. Jake had cum dripping down his muzzle and into his beard, and knew he probably looked like a fool. He couldn't help but wear a foolish smile as he leaned in to kiss the wolf.

Lucas thought Jake was really gorgeous but didn't say anything and instead just laid there and moaned into the kiss. He could taste his cum on the bears tongue and dragged the bear unto the couch so that the bear was on top of him.

When Lucas broke the kiss he stared at the bear and smiled, "That's a good look for ya I think." he said with a smirk and watched as the bear blushed. Lucas pulled Jake into a brief kiss before he pulled back and began to lick the cum out of the bear's fur. After he had gotten most of it the bear leaned in to kiss him once more and he let the bear have the rest of his cum. Lucas simply stared at the bear and played with him. "Well...something isn't quite right, but I can't quite put my hand on it," the wolf said in a flirty tone as he returned to licking the bear's muzzle.

"Oh, and what might that be?" Jake said as he kissed the wolf lightly on the lips.

"Well, here I am naked and you still got your pants and underwear on. Oh, and you're poking me." Lucas said in a flirty tone as he caressed the bear's butt and back.

The bear simply laughed and kissed the wolf before standing up to undo his pants. Lucas stopped him as he reached for his zipper and placed the bear's hand away. Lucas undid the first button and rubbed the bear's butt through the clothes. He undid the zipper about half-way before letting the bear finish taking his clothes off.

As he slid the pants off he realized just exactly how hard he was. He hadn't even thought about his own cock while he was sucking on Lucas's. His cock was straining through his briefs and there was a large wet spot in the center. He was about to take his underwear off before Lucas stopped him again. He simply leaned back into the couch and admired the bear's body.

"Nice tighty-whities," the wolf said mimicking the morning but leaned in and licked at the wet spot. "You look really great ya know. I mean it.

"Heh, lets take this somewhere more comfortable," the bear said as he grabbed the wolf and gently lifted him onto his feet.

"OK, but hang on...I want to get something really quickly," Lucas said as he ran off to the kitchen.

The bear stood there with a puzzled look before following off for the wolf and found him rummaging through his cabinets, "Umm...What are you looking for...?" Jake asked as he stared at the wolf's tail and butt.

"Well I don't assume you have any lube in your you got anything in here we could use?" the wolf said in a calm manner and turned around to find the bear behind him staring at him with a puzzled look.

"Why would we need lub...?" the bear stopped in mid sentence as he realized what the wolf was implying. "Ohh," was all Jake could say as he turned away to blush.

"haha, wow you're really innocent. Well, come on its not gonna find itself." the wolf said in his same flirty manner as he sidestepped the bear and fondled the bear's sack.

Jake moaned as the wolf brushed past him and then decided he could look around to help. "...Uhhh...Well...I got some dish soap..." Jake said in a ditzy manner knowing all the blood was everywhere but his head.

"Dish soap?!...Yeah...lets try something that will WORK." The wolf said in a poking manner as he smiled and stuck his tongue out at the bear. "Oh what the got anything like Crisco..." the wolf just looked away as he asked this.

"Sure one sec." the bear said as he got up and went to get the item, but the wolf was infront of the cabinet it was in. Jake pushed the wolf into a corner and simply stared with kind eyes before saying something, "I'm not gonna rush you man...I'm happy just to be with you right now." Jake looked at the wolf as he carresed the wolf and waited for a response.

"Yeah I know. Don't worry. I want to. Trust me." The wolf said as he hugged the bear. Lucas tried to move but realized the bear was still in his way, "Hey, Big guy, not that I don't like having you on me, but you said we could move this somewhere else...", Lucas said as he rubbed the bear's round stomach feeling the muscles lying underneath.

Jake chuckled and opened a cabinet behind Lucas and grabbed their lube of choice before replying, "More for you to love." He said in his flirtiest way, but he knew it sounded cheesy and just gave one of his foolish smiles again as he blushed.

Lucas simply kissed the bear and rubbed his stomach and began to rub his body up against the bears.

Jake moaned as Lucas began rub their bodies together, and picked the wolf up in his arms. He smiled down at the wolf and kissed him as he started towards the bedroom.

Lucas reached down and started to stroke the bear through his underwear. Jake looked down at him and said, "Keep that up and I may end up dropping you here and we'll never make it to the bed."

Lucas stopped and brought his arms up to hug around the bear. They entered the bedroom and Lucas was thrown onto the bed. Jake sat down on the side of the bed and pushed the wolf down. He grabbed the wolf's wrists and put them above Lucas's head. The bear rolled over so he was on top of Lucas and passionately kissed him.

Lucas let out a bit of a yelp at the sudden move. He soon gave into the kiss and let the bear take charge. Jake pinned the wolf against the bed and let his body take over. He let his tongue explore and dance with the wolf's once again sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. He started to rub his crotch through his briefs against the wolf's bare body. Jake could feel the wolf beginning to get hard again. He let go of the wolf and stood up at the side of the bed.

"Time to lose the underwear," the bear said as he took off the underwear, and held it up to the wolf. "Here, hold onto these for me," Jake said and tossed his underwear on the wolf's muzzle and lifted the wolf's legs. He grabbed he lube and slowly began to work a finger into the wolf's ass.

Lucas had tried to get a glimpse at the bear's cock and balls but was blinded by the underwear as soon as he tried to get up. He wasn't disappointed though. He could smell the bear's pre on the underwear and could tell the wet spot had expanded to about the entire front. Lucas licked at the cloth and inhaled the bear's scent as he felt the bear attending to his ass. He moaned as he felt his ass being slowly stretched.

Jake had started to work his third finger into the wolf when he heard the wolf order him through the muffled cloth, "Stop teasing me man. Fuck me already."

The bear didn't give the wolf time to tell him again. Jake stood up and pushed his cock deeply into the wolf.

Lucas yelped loudly as the bear slammed into him, and tried to hold back tears as he felt his ass try to take in the bear. He tried not to let the bear see that he had been hurt, but knew the bear was concerned once he pulled out.

"I'm sorry are you ok? God I'm such an idiot! I mean, I shoul-" was all Jake could say before his friend interrupted him.

"It's ok man, really. Just take it slow and easy," the wolf told his friend before the bear lost his will.

Jake looked at his friend who gave him an encouraging nod and pushed his cock up against the wolf's tail hole. He smiled a bit when he heard the wolf whimper, and slowly pushed the head of his cock into the wolf. He went slowly and kept an eye on his friend for any sign of discomfort, but was fighting himself not to ram the wolf.

Jake finally felt his balls brush up against the wolf as he pushed all the way in. He stayed there for a bit before slowly moving his cock out. He heard the wolf moan through the cloth and took the cloth off the wolf's muzzle. Jake looked at Lucas's face and saw the wolf with a grin. As he felt his cock about to exit the wolf's ass he slowly pushed back in a bit faster than before.

Lucas closed his eyes and let his friend fuck him. He moaned as he felt the cock move out, but couldn't help but let out a whimper as it hit his prostate when Jake moved back. He could feel his cock start to twitch as the bear slowly built up speed.

Jake had started to fuck the wolf at a steady pace and kept it up as he moaned with the wolf. He could feel his orgasm growing, and began to pick up his pace. He leaned down and grabbed the wolf's shoulders and held on to them to keep the wolf from sliding. He heard the wolf begin to moan louder with each thrust, and was soon slamming into the wolf. He could hear his balls slapping against the wolf as he began to lose control over his thrusts. Jake felt something wet sliding along his stomach and realized that he was brushing the wolf's cock. Jake pulled the wolf in as close as he could, and laid his head on the wolf's shoulder-his pants becoming heavy and short.

Lucas knew he was going to shoot soon. Lucas bit down on the bear's shoulder next to him. He felt like his entire body was about to explode from the bear's pants in his ear, to the bear's cock pounding him and hitting a spot in him with every thrust, to the bear's stomach rubbing against his cock. He started to buck under the bear and bit harder into the bear and whined as he shot his load close to his muzzle with the rest hitting his chest and the bear's.

Jake had been trying to hold off his orgasm after the wolf bit down on him, but after the wolf shot he couldn't control himself. He felling of the wolf's ass tightening and the smell and feel of the cum as it stuck the wolf and him together. A roar built up in his throat and came out at first as a growl as he gave all he had into the wolf's ass. He tried to bury his cock as far as it would go and shot his load. He let off a loud roar, louder than any sound the wolf had made, and bucking his hips throughout the orgasm trying to make it last. He looked felt the bite on his shoulder loosen and looked over at his friend and gave him a deep kiss.

After a minute he felt his cock slip out of the wolf's ass, and felt the wolf moan as he continued the kiss. They rolled around on the bed until they were both comfortable. Lucas licked his friend's nose before turning over letting the bear wrap his arms around him. He pushed back trying to let the bear envelope him. He slowly dozed off with the bear nuzzling the back of his head.

Jake felt his friend relax and knew he had fallen asleep. He stopped nuzzling his friend and hugged his friend closer. He lifted his leg and rested it on the wolf's so that he was practically covering the wolf. He felt the wolf move back into him and give off a small huff. Jake laid there and smiled as he let sleep come to him also. The last thing he thought before going to sleep was that his life might finally be going somewhere good.