Surprise Packages (Commission for Xilimyth)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#28 of Commissions

Commission for Xilimyth over on FA that really, really should have posted like... six months ago.

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Surprise Packages

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for Xilimyth

WARNING: Contains: growth, muscle growth, height growth, hypnotization, nudity, destruction, and dragon/cheetah hybridization, and all that fun stuff. Enjoy!

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Xilimyth looked at the box in her hands. It was a cardboard box, covered in stickers and stamps from all over the world, and her named scrawled on the top. But there were no marks or indications about where it actually came from, what it was, and why it ended up on her doorstep today.

"I wonder where this came from," she wondered out loud, as she shook the box. Something moderately heavy rolled around inside, muffled only by crumpled up newspapers and packing foam.

The little cheetah, just under five and a half feet tall, turned the box around and around, trying to see all sides of it. But nothing seemed odd or misplaced. Just a beat up cardboard box with her name on it.

"Alright, fine," she sighed to herself, sitting down on her couch and placing the box on a coffee table. "I'll check it out."

With a sharp claw, Xili sliced open the tape that held the top of the box closed, and began to rummage through the packing material, until she unearthed the object inside.

It was a sphere, a very dark blue and black sphere. Xili stared at the sphere for a long time, before she cautiously, slowly, reached forward to touch it.

Suddenly the sphere came to live. Light blue streaks of light ran through the glass ball, and a kaleidoscope of colours danced through the sphere.

Then it began to levitate, silently, magically floating up into the air. Xili was transfixed on the ball, watching closely as the ball slowly hovered about three feet off the floor, right in front of her. The colours danced, shapes formed and reformed, and her mind began to slow down, drawn deeper and deeper into the hypnotizing show in front of her.

Something inside her mind said that this wasn't right, something odd was happening. But it was quickly silenced with a new mesmerizing show inside the glass ball, dazzling the cheetah. It was like it was trying to keep Xili distracted about something...

Suddenly, the ball stopped it's lightshow, snapping Xili from the hypnotism. She blinked rapidly, trying to get a bearing on her settings. She felt exhausted, as if all the energy she had was drained from her.

"What the..." Xili started before yawning.

The feline, looking at the ball in tired confusion, slumped backwards, her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.

The dreams that filled Xili's mind were odd: of flying and feats of strength, growth and power. Dragons and knights, like a medieval fantasy. It was so weird, so strange, something that she had never thought much about before.

Xili finally forced open her eyes, and sat up, yawning. The ball wasn't hovering anymore, it was back in the box, inert like when she first found it. Curious, Xili touched the ball again. But nothing happened.

"Odd," Xili said. "It must have been... I dunno. I was pretty tired." She looked around. Her house was dark, with only the dim glow of lights from the street lights outside and the LED's of kitchen appliances and electronics gave any indication as to the passage of time.

She stood up, stretched, and padded over to the lightswitch, her feline reflexes and night vision helping to pick her way through the apartment, avoiding furniture until she reached the switch.

When she did finally turn the switch, she felt a little zap race through her body.

"Ah!" she mewled in pain, snatching her hand away from the switch and recoiling backwards into the wall before slowly sliding down until she was sitting on the floor. "What is going on with me?"

Her body began to twitch and tingle all over, a heat starting to rise and smolder through her body. Then... it stopped.

Xili gasped, taking in air that had been forced from her body, then slowly, painfully, climbed back onto her feet.

"I... I..." the cheetah panted, before her stomach growled something fierce. "I need something to eat."

She slowly walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge door, stocked with a week's worth of groceries and leftovers. She pulled out the steak she was going to cook for supper than night, as well as some leftover mashed potatoes and vegetables from the day before.

But her stomach rumbled even louder, impatient with waiting any more.

"Gah!" Xili muttered, nearly bending over in pain from the stomach cramps. What was going on with her?

She looked up at the steak, still wrapped in plastic on a styrofoam plate from the store. Her mind screamed at her to just eat it now.

Xili, exhausted and still sore from the electrocution, gave in. She cut open the plastic, grabbed the steak, and ripped into it with her teeth.

It was cold, and raw meat wasn't something she was too particularly fond of, but she needed something in her stomach immediately. She ripped the meat off the bone, and swallowed, barely chewing it. But it wasn't enough.

Soon the potatoes and vegetables had their lids torn off, and she didn't even bother with a fork, just tipping the containers into her mouth. With them empty, and her stomach barely sated, Xili flung the door of the fridge open, and began grabbing whatever she could find and eat and drink. Milk, juice, chocolate, celery, pizza, apples, eggs, bread, hot dogs... the list went on and on of all the foods her craving stomach demanded, and she messily devoured. Cartoons and containers were tossed to the ground, a mess that she never would have tolerated before. But, like when she looked at the ball earlier, she was in a trance, and just did what her mind told her, even though she really wasn't in control.

But it was only when she was gobbling a half-eaten cake that she blinked and realized that she just virtually cleared out her fridge in fifteen minutes.

"Gods," she said, mouth full of chocolate strawberry cake, then swallowed. "I must be sick or something..."

Her stomach felt better though, which was good, for the moment. She closed the fridge door, only a few half eaten objects left inside. She stumbled to the living room, but slumped against the wall as her body began to tinge all over again, with the heat from earlier starting to return.

Xili groaned, tense as to what was going to happen to her now.

Her clothes, a simple t-shirt and shorts that hung loose on her frame just moments before, felt incredibly tight on her body. She raised a shaky paw to look at it.

Xili blinked again. Was she really...

Was her paw growing?

Was it even her's?

It was a lot bigger, stronger, with longer, sharper claws. She tried flexing them, balling them into a fist, and they obeyed the command. They were hers.

"What's going on?" Xili asked, trying to stand up.

But her legs buckled, and she fell back onto the floor with a resounding thud, making the entire room shake like a small earthquake struck. A vase on the windowsill crashed to the floor.

"I'm not that big!" the cheetah exclaimed, insulted that her body somehow caused destruction on the other side of the room.

But Xili looked around, and was confused. When she looked around, it felt like she was standing, not sitting: everything that was normally eyelevel with her when she walked around was eyelevel with her now, even though she was supposed to be sitting. Her clothes had already begun to tear and rip, trying, and failing to hold together on her body.

Then her feet ran up against the couch she had slept in, and her head bumped a shelf that was on the wall above her.

Xili grunted, and rolled over, getting onto all fours, before then trying to stand up, only for her head to bump on the roof before she was fully upright. She was easily twice as tall as she was before, and it felt like she was growing even bigger. The heat inside her was growing stronger too, making her more uncomfortable and sore, but also giving her a strange amount of energy.

"What is happening to me?" Xili asked out loud. The cheetah quickly covered her mouth with her hands before she even finished speaking, because something was wrong there too. Her voice was deeper, several octaves lower than it should have been.

Then the flame that was building up in her body reached a boiling inferno level, and with a loud roar, her entire body seemed to balloon outwards. Scraps of denim and cotton were sent flying in all directions as her clothes, comically small before, now totally useless.. Small thin arms suddenly had massive biceps and triceps, her legs bulged with more power as her calves doubled, tripled in size in moments. Her flat stomach became etched with a miniature mountain range of abs, while her back exploded outwards with traps and shoulders to hold the new frame of her body upright. Even her chest, nothing to really comment about earlier, had grown large, firm and heavy.

Xili panted, her nude, muscular body heaving up and down with every breath.

"Am... am I done now?" Xili asked herself.

As if to answer, two points of pain formed on her back. Xili fell forward, smashing the couch and coffee table to matchsticks as she roared in pain. But the roar wasn't feline. It was deeper, more beastial: vicious and dangerous and dominating, all in one...

Then the pain in her back let go, with the sound of smashing and crashing on either side of the room. She looked over her shoulders, or, at least tried to. Her neck was so thick now that she could barely see over it.

Xili rolled over, but felt her body protest, that something was getting stuck. But with her new strength, she just flexed, hoping that would be enough...

When the dust and debris stopped raining down on her head after her roof gained a new skylight, the cheetah finally saw what happened, looking up to see a black wing, with golden fur and brown spots along the edge that went back to her back.

"I have wings now?" Xili asked, her mind reeling. "Like... what am I now?"

Xili turned over, and looked at the black ball from earlier, hovering above the ground where the coffee table once was. There were some light blue lines on it, squiggly patterns. She blinked, wiped the dust from her face, and stared at the ball closer.

Thank you for participating in this CIMIndustries unsuspecting subject experiment! You were randomly selected to be hybridized into a DRAGON. If you have any complaints of your transformation/hybridization/extra limbs/etc, please contact us. Have a nice day!

Xili growled.
