Many Trials of a Centaur - Part 12

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#12 of Many Trials of a Centaur

"Chedl? What are you doing up so late?" Sairai asked, breathless.

He seemed as surprised to see her. "Sairai? I was looking for Jilla. When I woke, she was gone. Have you seen her?"

The last time Sairai had seen Chedl's fiance, Jilla had been panting and moaning underneath her father in the wooden shack across the field. That had only been a minute ago, and she was sure the two centaurs were still engaged in that incestuous affair, oblivious of Chedl's ominous approach. She couldn't tell Chedl that, though. "I was just restless. Couldn't sleep."

He raised an eyebrow as Sairai attempted a rather fake yawn. He said, "So you haven't seen her?"

She said, "Not since dinner. But boy, I'm sleepy now! Think you could walk me back to the main house? I don't feel safe." She knew she'd have to convince him to return to bed without searching for Jilla, but at least making him walk her to bed would buy her some time.

Chedl nodded, slowly, and then began to lead the way back to the farmhouse, quietly.

Sairai followed nervously, her mind racing for a way to salvage the situation. But as they were passing the nearby storage loft, a small little structure for holding tools like pitch forks and plows, Chedl confronted her with, "What's going on, then, Sairai? You aren't telling me the truth. Where is Jilla?"

Sairai was startled at this sudden ambush, and stammered for a few seconds, before deciding that some semblance of the truth was the only way she could convince the young centaur she wasn't hiding something. So she said, with a little hesitation, "Alright, I did see her. She wanted to talk to me...about you."

Chedl said, "Behind my back?" questioningly.

She quickly replied, "It's not like that. She wanted to know..."

Chedl interrupted, "What?"

Sairai looked the young centaur in the eye, noticing for the first time that he really was an attractive man. He had strong muscles and blond hair, with light blue eyes that seemed like deep wells. He wasn't as strong or as massive, or as experienced-looking as Jilla's father, Saldrin, but he was a catch none-the-less. She said, "She wanted to know about please you better, once you are married."

This put Chedl off-balance. He blinked wordlessly at Sairai, before finally managing to say, "She doesn't need to do that, Sairai. She knows that I love her."

Sairai nodded, "She has nothing to worry about."

Chedl asked, "What did you say to her?"

"I told her that she knew already what she needed to know. It's really up to the guy to make the experience enjoyable for the woman, not the other way around. Men are easy to please."

"Easy to please, huh? Are you saying women are hard to please?" chuckling slightly.

She looked him straight in the eye and said, "In my experience. I...wasn't a virgin when the minotaurs grabbed me. I think you have a lot more to worry about than Jilla does. Do you know anything about sex?"

Chedl stepped back, mincing his feet nervously. He wasn't used to even talking about this subject. "I know...what my parents told me. I know enough." He looked up to Sairai's skeptical face and stammered, "Right?"

The blonde filly spoke up, "It's not as easy as just getting up on a girl and..." she blushed, surprised to find herself embarrassed, "doing it."

Chedl's face was white. "It isn't? What else is there?"

Sairai said, "Lots of stuff." She looked around to see if Jilla and her father were done yet, but it seemed like they were still busy in the distant shack. She needed to get Chedl out of here, before he saw the two sticky centaurs hobbling out of the shack, dripping with Saldrin's seed. She quickly added, "Anyway, you should just return to bed, and pretend you didn't talk to me. She'd be really embarrassed if she found out what I told you."

Chedl nodded slowly, but didn't budge, saying instead, "Could you...could you tell me more about what I need to do? I don't want to disappoint Jilla." He swallowed nervously.

Sairai said, "Okay, but not here. I don't want her to see us. Let's go to that tool-shed, okay?" Chedl nodded, and the two centaurs entered the shed, which was much sturdier than the shack Jilla and her father were sharing. There was one window that Sairai thought would be small enough that she could watch for Jilla while Chedl would be unable to see. She hoped she could satisfy his curiosity as quickly as possible and get him back to bed, or at least keep his attention long enough for Jilla to make it back and clean herself up. She stood next to the window, swishing her tail nervously.

Chedl said, "Sairai? Are you okay?"

"I'm just making sure Jilla won't see us here." She looked at the young centaur, appraising him. "What is it you want to know?"

Chedl says, "I...don't even know. What should I know? I thought it was supposed to be simple."

The poor centaur seemed genuinely worried, and it endeared himself to Sairai. She figured she might as well help him learn as best she could - she had already done that for Jilla. And she had no idea how much time she had. When would the father and daughter tire of their games? She knew how much stamina Saldrin possessed first hand. She said, "Well, you probably know the simple stuff already, or have watched the elk do it." Her mind wandered to her own experience with elk, which had been a pretty rough, forced introduction to the topic. She also knew that inexperienced males were less fun than the experienced ones. She just had to tell Chedl why Actaeon had been so much more pleasurable than Randy. Chedl nodded.

"You have to understand that...your it gets's big," she managed weakly, not making eye contact with Chedl. Both centaurs were blushing red. She managed to continue, "She won't be ready for that, not right away. It hurts if you aren't careful..." though she imagined Jilla won't have that problem anymore. She'll be as sore as she'll ever get tomorrow morning.

Chedl looked miserable. "It hurts?"

She nodded, "You just have to take things slowly. You might...feel ready to go just by looking at her, but she needs to be aroused, too, and its harder for a girl. Don't just mount her and go at it."

Chedl said, "Then what...what do I do?" he said, his lack of confidence slowly dissipating as he got used to talking to Sairai about such sensitive matters.

"I should - well first you should kiss her, and tell her you love her, but when it gets to time, you should massage her. Beneath her tail."

"Well...okay. But how long? How will I know when she's ready?"

Sairai said, "She'll tell you when she's ready, but there are other signs. She'll be wet, between her legs, and panting."

Chedl said, "Wet?"

Sairai said, "It makes it easier on her when you...enter her."

Chedl swallowed, slowly. "How wet? Where exactly? Oh gods...why didn't my parents tell me it was this complicated?"

Sairai held up her hands, trying to calm him down. Still nothing from Jilla and Saldrin. She suspected they would be there until the sun began to rise. She said, "It's okay, Chedl. It's not as difficult as it sounds, I promise."

"But I don't want to disappoint her...and I really don't want to hurt her. Gods, I wish I had joined the other boys mind."

Sairai didn't know what he was talking about, but she decided not to pry. "If you practice. I's a lot easier to see what I mean if you do it. If you want."

"What are you saying?"

"I mean...we're here alone and you need practice. You can practice with me."

Sairai hesitated, knowing what she was suggesting was wrong. This was Jilla's fiance, and Sairai herself had promised not to give in to her sexual desires again. She knew part of her offer was because she was still turned on from watching Saldrin violating his daughter, but she tried to convince herself that she was just trying to be helpful. And it wasn't as if Jilla hadn't cheated on Chedl. She was cheating right now, in fact! She briefly considered retracting her offer, but she decided to leave it up to Chedl. She didn't know what choice she hoped he would make.

"You mean..." he asked, and she nodded. He hesitated, but said with resolve, "Alright, I'll do it. For Jilla."

Sairai looked up at the blonde-haired male, glad at least for the short term that he had accepted her offer. She'd worry about the consequences later; at least she was sure she could convince him not to go looking for Jilla anymore. She stood facing him, her arms crossed underneath her bare breasts. The nervous stallion - more a colt, really - waited in silence, lost in his own thoughts. Finally he spoke, saying, "What...what do I do?"

Sairai knelt onto her forelegs, peering beneath Chedl's round barrel to look at his small, flaccid penis. His balls were sizable enough to suggest to her that once coaxed, he would be more than satisfactory. But if he was to learn anything here, he'd have to overcome his nervousness enough to become aroused. She pointed between his legs, standing and saying, "Well, first thing we have to deal with is that."

Chedl was embarrassed. "Uh...I'm sorry. Normally I don't have a know."

Sairai said, "It's okay. Just relax." She approached the young man, taking his hands in hers and looking up into his blue eyes. "This is the easy part. Just think about Jilla." She stepped forward again, leaning into his warm embrace. She placed his arms around her lithe human torso, curling up to him, her bare breasts pressing up against his muscular chest.

His instincts finally began to take over as he held the beautiful filly in his arms, and when she tilted her head upward to him, he kissed her passionately. Sairai was still wet from her earlier arousal, and certainly didn't need any more foreplay, but Chedl did, and it was important for him to practice. She decided to enjoy it, despite her own impatient desire to satisfy her own needs. She had had a startling amount of sexual experience thrust upon her this last week, but only rarely had any of it involved foreplay. She opened her mouth to kiss Chedl as she had kissed Saldrin, shivering slightly.

He began kissing her in earnest, moaning softly at the new sensation. He had never held a girl in his arms, or even an elk like the other boys. He'd been too afraid to go with them. Masturbating each other was one thing, and had been quite the experience, but when his friends wanted to escalate their play time by courting elk cows, he had chickened out. And though he was engaged, tradition was to wait until after marriage to even kiss, and Jilla and Chedl had honored tradition. But she would never have to know about Sairai. He kissed her with abandon.

Sairai trembled, overwhelmed by her own urgency. She knew the handsome colt would be willing to take her, and she had already been ready. She felt thrilled by the secrecy, at the thought of fucking Jilla's soon-to-be husband without her knowledge. She wondered if Jilla would even mind. Perhaps she would have joined in. Sairai could wait no longer, breaking off her kiss with the young stud. "Gods. Let's see where you are now."

Chedl nodding, taking deep breaths as she knelt beside him, the fur on her barrel rubbing against his legs. She saw that his dick was out now, and firming, but it wasn't all the way there, yet. He was no light-weight, at least. She knew he could satisfy her, but he still needed a little preparing. She thought back to the three horn-less unicorns that had taken her only a few days back. She had known how to get them ready for another go, and the same thing would work for Chedl, she was sure. She reached out to wrap his cock in her arms, rubbing his entire length against her soft skin. He let out a gasping moan, still trying to recover his breath, and she leaned in to lick his very tip, one hand reaching out to cup his large, black balls.

It didn't take long for the soft flesh to harden completely as she fondled and kissed him, and though she knew he was in ecstasy, her own needs came first. Besides, he had come to her to learn how to please a woman, not how to be pleased by one. She let go of his massive erection, much to his chagrin.

"Sairai, oh gods." She was much better at that than his childhood friends, but maybe that was due to his intense attraction for the young filly. "Don't stop..." he pleaded.

She stood anyway, turning to face the window, glancing briefly to see if Jilla and Saldrin were heading back. They weren't. She looked back over her shoulder at the stud, lifting her tail and saying, "This is what you wanted to learn about, wasn't it?"

He gulped, looking at her tender vulva, something he had seen many times before as a youth, but never quite like this. He hesitated, saying, "What do I do?"

Sairai wasn't in the mood for teaching at the moment, but she figured he could learn by example. She said, "Just do what feels natural, the first time. I'll tell you what I liked and didn't like afterward."

Chedl's eyes widened. "The first time?" The thought of getting to repeat this process was enough encouragement, and he walked up behind her, placing his hands on her large rump. Remembering what she had said earlier, he reached down to touch her glistening vulva. She was positively gushing, her own fluids trickling out between her soft folds. He touched her, and she shivered, moaning, spreading her legs instinctively for him.

"Is this - um...wet enough?" he asked, finding it difficult to fathom her being any more lubricated.

She replied quickly, gasping, "Yes, and then some! Don't worry about me, I can take it. Just...please hurry," she added, urgently.

Chedl didn't have to be asked twice, and he mounted the young girl like he had play-mounted several of his friends when they were young. He lifted the bulk of his weight into the air, grasping at Sairai's hind end with his forelegs. She braced herself to hold his weight, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to by now - he may be better endowed than the elk had been, but they weighed several hundred pounds more. Once he had covered the young filly, he struggling forward, pulling himself further along Sairai's back until his weight was more evenly distributed, and his cock was quivering just under her tail. Memories flooded Sairai's mind. The centaur gripping her first brought back memories of the elk, and her first time, and then her rape by the trio of hornless unicorns. The feelings of hopelessness returned, but also of arousal, and she waited patiently under Chedl for him to pull her back onto his massive cock. All thoughts of resisting the lure of lustful submission faded, and she held her tail aside.

Chedl did what came naturally, thrusting upward between the young girl's legs, but in his inexperience, he aimed far too low, his dick rubbing up against Sairai's teats. He whinnied, frustrated, and kept thrusting, pulling further and further back in his efforts to penetrate his first mistress. Though Sairai could have aided him by simply lowering her hindquarters briefly, she was in another place entirely, memories of fear and submission as she waited for the inevitable. Finally, his desperate thrusts hit home, and his full erection pierced her, spreading her wet vagina apart to accommodate his size. He was not as big as the horses - he was not even as big as Saldrin, but still he felt tight within her. He neighed in triumph as he pushed inside of her as deep as he could, failing to fill her entirely because of the position of his hind feet. Putting his arms around Sairai's human abdomen, he struggled forward, sliding easily into her warm chamber until her vulva was pressed tightly up against the thick base of his shaft, spreading her apart four or five inches. He moaned at the overwhelming feeling of his entire virgin cock being suddenly engulfed completely by Sairai's wide rump, and he began to thrust impulsively.

Sairai was so wet that his entry caused her no pain, and Chedl's inexpert thrusts gyrated smoothly into and out of her. Her deep moans and his delighted whinnies covered up the wet sounds of liquid rubbing against liquid with each desperate thrust. His legs tensed, his muscles strained as he violated her, each thrust sending his balls flying into Sairai's teats in a comfortingly familiar way. With each smack, she came closer and closer to release. Chedl was completely unaware that while he was fucking Sairai in the storage loft, his soon-to-be wife was spreading her legs, submitting for the fifth time to the whims of her father, wondering if he would ever be sated. But Sairai knew, or at least suspected, and her knowledge of the couple's concurrent infidelity turned her on more than anything. She began to thrust back with abandon, her insides clenching around the young man's pulsating cock, bending her knees to tug this way and that on his raging erection.

This proved too much for the young stud, who said, "Sairai...I'm almost...I can't..." And then his eyes widened, and he asked suddenly, "Should...I pull out?" In his state of heightened feelings, he had realized that there were consequences to what he was doing. But Sairai yelled in response, "Give it to me!" with such desperation that Chedl could do nothing but comply, flicking his tail and clenching all his muscles at once. Semen erupted from his quivering testicles, flying through his massive cock before spattering deep inside of her. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he thrust blindly at the young girl, thinking of nothing but the ecstasy engulfing his penis, and his lost virginity.

Sairai could feel him pulsing inside of her, using her rump to quench his lustful thirst, using her womb as a mere storage place for his volumes of semen, using her as if all she was or ever would be, was a tool for sexual gratification. It was as if the only thing she had that mattered was a cunt, a large, wet cavity to collect the deposits of any male who wanted her. She knew that she could not refuse. She accepted him eagerly, moaning in ecstasy as her own orgasm, delayed for so long, finally began. She was helpless to resist, and he could use her until he was satisfied, until his seed was pouring out of her onto the ground; she could not, would not deny him.

Soon the youthful centaur had done just that - finished using her. He quivered in shock and ecstasy, still embedded deep within Sairai, the squeezing of his hyper-sensitive cock overwhelming him. He took deep, ragged breaths, moaning pitifully. Sairai had already mostly recovered - the entire ordeal had lasted less than a minute, and she could have counted the thrusts on her ten fingers and four toes. If she hadn't been so well primed, his feeble efforts would have been rather disappointing. He clearly needed more educating. She reached back to gently push on the centaur's large bulk, and he began to subconsciously pull out of her. She said, "Oh, Chedl...that wasn't bad - for a first try. But you still have much to learn, much I can teach you."

He lowered himself to the floor, standing behind Sairai, looking at her splattered rump. That was his doing, his seed. It sent a thrill through his body, and he felt an painful aching in his cock. He whimpered, replying, "Yes...teach me more, Sairai." A thin line of semen dribbled out of him, connecting the tip of his softening penis to the growing puddle beneath him. "Much more."

Sairai turned to look the handsome male over. He was exhausted, and from the look of things, was pretty well spent. She wondered when the last time he had ejaculated was, because he had been prolific. She said, "How long until you're ready for another go?" looking over his drooping centaur-hood.

The mere thought was enough to send his cock a painful tingling sensation, but it did not grow. He moaned, desperate for another try, but unable to. She decided it was for the best - his thrusts may have been fast and feeble, but certainly adequate. He could learn how to please a girl in other ways. She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him and leaning up to kiss the surprised colt on the lips. He looked down at her, confused.

Smiling, she explained, "There's a lot more to pleasing a filly than surrounding and pounding. You've got to...butter her up, first." She kissed him again, and this time he kissed back, with a skill that implied he had done this before. Quickly, eagerly, Chedl pressed his lips against hers. He was still gasping for breath, running his hands along her smooth back. He brushed along her waist, parting the fur that marked the border between her human torso and equine body.

She reached for his hands, sliding them instead to her bosom, which was pressed firmly up against his muscular chest. Sairai realized she had grown accustomed to very short breaks in love-making, quickly becoming aroused again, though she knew that Chedl had nowhere near the stamina to meet her desires directly. His touch was electrifying, but it wasn't enough. While he fondled the sides of her breasts, she arched her back, placing her hands behind his head. She pulled his head down between her breasts, and he did not hesitate, running his tongue between them.

Sairai moaned, enjoying the wet attention she was receiving. But it was her other, distant end that was demanding attention. She had her tail flagged and to the side, but there was no one behind her to fill her needs. Her lust grew with each passing moment, but she tried to conceal it, letting Chedl explore her body. He was doing much better with only a small amount of direction. He was a fast learner. Moaning, the young male said, "Jilla never let me do this," as he rubbed her breasts, moving his teeth to her right breast and suckling her nipple.

"Aaaaah!" she gasped, pulling the centaur closer to her. Panting, she cried, "She will...adore this, Chedl." But she could stand it no more, her wet, soaked loins demanding to be filled. "But I...need more, already."

Chedl, whose cock was still painfully growing beneath him, looked startled, "So soon? I can't..."

Sairai broke away from his strong arms, stepping back and swiveling her body around, while reassuring the inexperienced youth, "You can help me another way, Chedl..."

Confused, the colt watched as she turned away from him, raising her tail to reveal her sodden rump, Chedl's own seed still flowing slowly out of her and down her legs. She heard him groan, surely a response to his sudden increased arousal. He was not ready for another go, but Sairai had other plans. "Touch me!" she demanded.

Chedl initially protested, "But..."

The insistent filly interrupted, "It's just your own seed, Chedl, coating my insides..." She shuddered at the thought of his adulterous ejaculations deep within her womb, wishing it were his foal growing inside of her, and not some monstrous minotaur. "Please..." she pleaded.

Chedl realized his objections were silly, and he stepped forward, slowly and carefully planting his hands on Sairai's wet rump. His hands were instantly coated in the white fluid, and he marveled as he ran his hands through the wet slop. Sairai moaned, feeling his touch so near her eager entrance, which convulsed with desire. "Oh gods, Chedl, more!"

Encouraged, the male began massaging the entirety of Sairai's rump, spreading his semen down her legs and across her hindquarters, only avoiding her sore mound, much to her chagrin. "Chedl..." she whinnied, pushing back against the strong, young centaur, but he refused to attend to her most desperate need. Instead, he reached down with both hands to cup her two teats, covering them in semen. She moaned, tingling as he rubbed her sensitive teats, but it wasn't enough. She could tell now that he was intentionally avoiding her sopping entrance, withholding what she truly, urgently needed. She whimpered, the muscles holding her tail aside sore with the effort. But it seemed as though there were nothing she could say to make him continue.

Finally, as he leaned down to grip and massage her teats, she felt something against her mound, pressing lightly. Looking over her shoulder she could guess that it was his tongue, pressing ever-so-gently against her nether lips. She knew he would be tasting the combination of her juices with his, and she resisted every urge in her body to take a step back, forcing her rump into the poor colt's face. She would be patient.

She could not withhold a loud whinny as Chedl forced the tip of his tongue inside of her. She could only hope that Jilla and her father were not right then walking by the shed, or they would surely come to investigate. It felt wonderful, but it was not enough. She turned to look the young colt over, dismayed to find his cock still too flaccid to satisfy her. She cried desperately, "Please, Chedl, please - your arm!"

Something about her tone got through to him, and he realized how much she needed him. His hands left her firm teats, sliding quickly up to her mound. Curiously, he used his fingers to spread her labia apart, looking into her cum-soaked dark tunnel. She whinnied loudly, unable to hold back her excited scream. She clenched her eyes shut, moaning and waiting for his inevitable entrance. Then, suddenly, he slid his well-lubricated hand between her lips, pushing four fingers inside of her. She clenched her internal muscles firmly around his hand, doing her best to pull him inside of her, screaming, "Deeper!"

This time the centaur obliged the horny filly, shoving his arm inside of her until his wrist was no longer visible. She quivered around him, moaning and managing to form the words, "Gods, that feels incredible - more, more!"

He slid into her up to his elbow, even as Sairai began to thrust her hips, pushing back against the arm invading her. She was so wet and lubricated that it was all he could do to prevent from sliding all the way inside of her, though he knew that is what she wanted. He wanted to go slower, to make her scream for him, but she was pulling with her powerful internal muscles, pulling his arm for all it was worth. Her labia now squeezed around the middle of his bicep, and it was all he could do to keep from being pulled deeper. He pushed back with his other hand on her rump, trying to pull out of her, but she was too strong. The combination of her stepping back against him and her desperate internal contractions was quickly pulling his right arm completely inside of her.

Suddenly, his left hand slipped on her soggy rump, and all the force he was applying to pull himself out of her caused his left arm to slide with a great deal of force between her legs. He gasped in surprised as his left arm penetrated her, sliding easily along his slick right arm, until he was up to his elbows inside of her with both arms! He had no way of pulling away from her now, aside from backing up, but he was already backed up to the wall.

Sairai didn't mind this development. Suddenly she was blessedly full and stretched wide. She thrust against his pinned arms, losing herself in the moment. Chedl could hardly believe that he had spread her the diameter of his two, side-by-side elbows, and he clenched his fists inside of her, causing the young filly to scream in pleasure. He began rocking into and out of the lustful centaur, his arms tightly pinned within her. It was only now that he realized he was fully erect, with a level of desire that he had never felt before in his life.

It was more than Sairai could handle. She was stuffed and thrusting mindlessly against her handsome mate, rubbing her own breasts and crying out loudly enough that she could hardly believe that no one would hear her. Then clenching and unclenching fists deep within her finally brought her over the edge, and her insides seemingly exploded. Chedl felt her frenzied contractions around his tightly confined arms, as she began all the more wet, her fluids surrounding and running down his arms. It was all Chedl could do to stop from pushing her away and mounting her, then and there.

Instead, he rode it out as Sairai climaxed around him. He could hardly believe how much she seemed to be enjoying herself, and had never felt more confident about his abilities when it came time to consummate his marriage to Jilla. It was only moments before Sairai was panting and moaning in the afterglow. She was too weak to resist as Chedl pushed her forward, freeing his coated arms from within her wet, warm rump. Sairai struggled to say, "Gods...thank you Chedl. I needed that. It was -"

But she was interrupted as Chedl suddenly mounted her, his massive erection swinging powerfully beneath him as his forelegs clenched around her barrel. Her eyes widened as they met his. He was possessed with lust, as demanding of her as she had been of him. She hadn't considered the consequences of using his arms while his cock was too weary - now he wanted her and she was nowhere near ready. She protested immediately, "No, Chedl, don't!"

She could only start her protest before the horny colt jumped forward, so firmly erect that when his tip pressed against her slick rump, it slid effortlessly toward her hyper-sensitive mound. With all his force, he pushed himself into her, hilting himself inside of her. She groaned at the soreness she felt as he suddenly invaded her so soon after her climax, the pain very acute.

He whinnied as loudly as she had, overwhelmed by the slick, warm sensations coating his penis. Pulling back on her hindquarters hard with his forelegs, he began to pound her relentlessly, ignoring her groans of pained protest. The only thing Sairai could concentrate on was the thousands of pin-pricks she felt inside of her as his rock-hard erection forced its way into and out of her. That is, until Chedl reflexively placed his hands around Sairai, embracing her. His arms up to the elbows were covered in their combined juices, and this sloppy mess was now slathered all over her breasts and stomach.

She felt overpowered, held against her will. He was violating her even as she demanded he didn't, and so soon after her orgasm. Her loins ached with a dull pain, and even as she realized she should be outraged, she was aroused. His cum was dripping down her breasts as he fondled her, eagerly attempting to deposit another load deep within her. His inexperienced thrusts only reminded her of her many times with the young bull elk on her homestead. She wished she could feel angry, but her mind soon turned to lust. She began thrusting back against the eager centaur colt, the pin-pricks disappearing to be replaced with a deep satisfaction. Even only twenty seconds from her recent climax, she was becoming ready for more.

Soon, the two youths were thrusting and panting and straining against each other, in the throes of overwhelming ecstasy. Sairai moved her hands to his, helping him caress her breasts, making sure to cover every part of her torso in his sticky seed. His grunts and groans were met by her incredulous moaning, the sound of their love-making echoing loudly through the shack. She pushed back against every thrust, feeling his cock slide effortlessly within her well-lubricated tunnel, his balls slapping against her. She leaned back to kiss him, but after only a few seconds of sensuous lip-locking, he was sent over the edge.

Breaking the kiss to whinny triumphantly, the eager centaur hilted himself within her. He was not quite as full-grown as Saldrin had been, so he did not fill her completely, but a stream fluid erupted against her internal walls, fresh semen joining his less recent contributions. Between the two, she was completely filled with his seed, until with each new spurt, splatterings of fluid burst out of her, spraying onto Chedl's legs and the ground. She was glad to be the vessel for his ecstatic ejaculations - she could think of no place she would rather be than to be on the receiving end of the handsome centaur's lust-filled thrusts. Feeling thoroughly used and somewhat humiliated, Sairai joined him in the bliss of orgasm, a mere minute since her last by him.

Her sudden internal convulsions gave Chedl a sudden resurgence as he began thrusting again, the contractions compressing his hyper-sensitive cock, milking it of every last ounce he could give. Sairai gave a plaintive cry, gasping for breath, covered in sweat and semen. All she could think about was Jilla and her father, Saldrin, presumably still fucking in the shed across the field, while Sairai took all that Jilla's fiancee could give.

Overwhelmed by the sensations gripping his cock, Chedl suddenly dismounted, pulling forcefully out of the still climaxing filly. There was no more he could give, only the barest dribble of semen fell from his tip as he panted, looking Sairai over. Her vulva was slowly closing now that it was so abruptly evacuated, but a veritable river of fluids flowed out of her, running down her legs onto the ground, which was coated almost as much as Sairai herself. She shuddered as his excess seed drained from her - Her entire rump was white and dripping, from her thighs to the tips of her teats, and her breasts and abdomen were equally soaked. She gasped for breath and managed to say, to her grinning lover, "You don't have to worry about Jilla, Chedl - you'll do fine."