Festival Fun

Story by AngelicKitty on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! This is my first story here on sofurry but this will just be a warm up to see how you guys like it. Comments are appreciated but there is no need for unkind words. Just say what you think should be changed in my writing. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Well here we go, enjoy everyone!

His ears perked up as he heard something in the bushes. He got up from washing his face and slowly made his way over. Quickly, he parted the bushes, but nothing was there. "Hmmmm... that's strange." he thought to himself. He walked back over and looked back in the quite pond fed by a small water fall. Lowering his face to the water once again he saw a small snow leopard staring back at him. He was the smallest of all his brothers and sisters, for they were how you would normally expect a snow leopard to be built. His brothers, with muscles and big builds and even his sisters bigger than he. But he was a small little feline. Even though he was now 18 he could pass for someone much younger still. With his soft white fur with black spots, his large innocent blue eyes, and his little almost woman like figure, he could pass for maybe even a 15 years old. But there were two things that gave him away. His demeanor and his face. He carried himself like a well brought up leopard, not some rambunctious 15 year old. But most importantly his face. There was just something about it that made it obvious as well. While he did not think much of it, everyone had said that even though he was the smallest of his family, he was the most attractive. He could simply not understand why though, his brothers were muscular and handsome and his sisters petite and beautiful. Yet it was he that everyone always gravitated towards. "Well," he said with a voice that also deceived his appearance, soft and sweet but that of someone older and wiser, "I guess I should get going." The elder of his village had entrusted him with an important task, to bring the clan to the south a precious and rare gem that circulated between the tribes every 10 years. It was used in ceremonies by both tribes and was a sign of the peace between them.

Suddenly, he heard another rustle in the bushes and he remembered his elder's words: "Be careful out there Higure, there are many that would find it pleasurable to steal that gem and disrupt the peace between our tribes..." With that he picked up the pace, his brown clothing flapping in the wind behind him, quickening his walking to the south watching carefully for any signs of trouble. While looking behind him, sensing danger, a fur jumped out in front of Higure. He stopped immediately, "Who are you?" he demanded. The tiger that stood before him, covered in scars and scratches and covered in ragged bandit's clothes. "Now why would old man Hishiro trust you with such a precious little thing?" Several more tigers came out of the woods surrounding Higure. "I said, who are you?" Higure demanded a little more sternly this time. "Ohho, you're a brave one aren't ya'? Fine. I am Hikamori. And these are my followers" he said gesturing to the others around him. "Hikamori.... oh~. You're that traitor who tried to kill Master Hishiro years ago. What do you want?" Hikamori snarled "I want that jewel and what happened back then is no matter of yours. Boys! Get the jewel. Do what you will with the whelp." With that the tigers started to close in around Higure. "You want to know why he chose me?" Higure smirked. He held his right hand out in front of him to his left and swiftly brought it across. With a shimmering light, a beautiful staff appeared in his hand encrusted with a clear jewel at the top with razor edges surrounding it a blue-green handle and a sharp, spear-like end. The first bandit jumped at Higure. He swatted him down with the blunt of his staff, rendering him unconscious. The rest of the bandits charged Higure; he dodged and defeated them in a similar fashion. Hikamori was blistering at this point, "Why you little.... Take this!" A red ball of magic formed in the palm of his hand and shot forth at Higure. Without even flinching Higure swatted it away with his staff and retorted with his own spell sending the tiger flying. "Pathetic" he said as his staff disappeared once again and he walked over the volley of unconscious bandits towards his destination. "Damn... I took too long" with that he sped up into a quick gallop. He was supposed to have the orb at the village before sundown.

As he reached the gates of the sister tribe, he could see the village elder standing there waiting. "Higure!" the old wolf called out as he slowed his run. "When Hishiro said it was you delivering the orb, I did not expect you to arrive right before sun set." "For give me Watashi, I ran into some bandits in the woods." "Hmmm?" the old wolf looked at the young tiger "I am sure they were no trouble for you though." "Of course not" Higure said with a bit of pride in his voice. "Come, you shall stay here tonight. It is getting late and you have traveled many miles." he said leading him into the village. "You will also participate in our festivities tonight yes?" "Thank you Watashi. I would be honored."

Later that night around a big fire after Higure had freshened up; the festival that marked a time of celebration began. The jewel rested upon a pedestal near the flame and people laughed and danced and drank. Higure sat near the elder as they talked about what had happened in the forest. "Alright, that's enough talk for now. Go and enjoy yourself young one" Watashi said with a smile. As Higure walked around the village full of lights and food, he happened to catch the eyes of a young wolf. His fur was black as midnight, with red eyes and a black nose that blend almost completely with his fur. He had a very muscular build, for he was a trained warrior. "Hey, who is that?" he said to the fox standing beside him. "Hmmm? Oh that's the guy that brought the orb this year. I think his name was Higure?" the fox looked at the wolf inquisitively. "Why? You like him?" he said with a grin and a slight chuckle. "Shut up" said the wolf as he walked away towards Higure. The entire way over he couldn't help but stare at the snowy. Now dressed in rather short, tight fitting knee lengths shorts and a small tight top, mostly fish net, that only came to right above his stomach. The black and white patterns on his clothes nearly mixed with his own fur. The wolf didn't even notice that he had made it over to the leopard but that he was also staring at him as well. Higure nervously looked around wondering what the wolf he thought was very attractive could possibly be staring at. "Ummmm" Higure said snapping the wolf back to reality "hi..." The wolf blushed a little realizing what he had been doing for all that time. "Uhh, hey" he laughed nervously scratching the back if his head. "Umm my name is Kobe" "Hello Kobe" Higure was also blushing now his more visible under his white fur. "Well, ummm I guess I wanted to thank you for bringing the gem to us. I'm the elder's grandson so...I don't know really, I just thought I should thank you as well." A tinge of pink started showing under Kobe's black fur. "You're welcome. I didn't know old man Watashi had a grandson." "Yeah well, he tries to keep that quiet. Ha-ha." Kobe's nervousness was showing through clearly now. "So ummm since your still here, I guess you will be staying the night?" "Yes, your grandfather wouldn't here of me leaving this late" Higure gave a little chuckle. "Yeah, that's the old man for ya'." Kobe had started to regain his composure by this time. "So... you want I should show you around?" "Alright." Higure gave a little smile as Kobe turned and they walked around the village. Kobe and Higure kept staring at each other, catching the other occasionally resulting in them both looking away and blushing. The wolf's fox friend walked towards them after a while. "Hey~" he stumbled "there you are." He was obviously drunk. "So what are you doing?" "I'm taking Higure back to the old man, you should go home Kotestu, your drunk again." "What? I am not ......ummm drunk. Who is Higure anyway?" The fox turned his gaze towards the snowy. "Hey~ It's you! You better watch out for this guy, he has a thing for cute kitties" Kotestu pressed his face up to Higure's and pointed at Kobe. With squinted eyes he looked at his fox friend "Kotestu, go home" he said sternly. "Fine, fine, alright. Sheesh.Oh wait you might want this." the fox handed Higure a bottle of alcohol and stumbled off down the street. "Sorry about that Higure," he took the bottle from him. "Let's go find where you're going to stay ok?" "It's ok, not as bad as all my brothers drunk heh."

Once they got back to the elder's house and found out where Higure would be staying, they were both a bit shocked. "In my room? Seriously?" "You have the biggest room. You wouldn't deny our guest a comfortable place to sleep would you?" said the old wolf. "Yeah but there is only one bed in there" the younger wolf said nervously. When he heard that, Higure blushed furiously. "You can sleep on the floor then "the elder looked into a fire he had been keeping going. "Fine" Kobe walked away to the back where a fresh spring flowed. "You can wash up here. I'll go get you a towel." "Thank you" making sure that he had left, Higure quickly took his clothes off and jumped in the warm water. While other cats would rather not get wet, he loved it. How his fur swished underneath, how it glided across his body, everything. When he was done, Higure slowly came out of the water. Just as he did Kobe came around the corner but Higure did not see him. He backed up a little to avoid detection. Higure's body was dripping wet, his fir soaked and his sheath completely exposed. It was bigger than Kobe would have thought a leopard of his size would be. Wondering where Kobe was with his towel and not wanting to drip dry, Koji sweeped his hand across himself and the water followed. He ran his hands all over his body collecting the water. Kobe felt his sheath harden as he watched in wonder and amazement. After a while, Kobe came around the corner "Ahem" Higure was startled by Kobe and the water that gathered around his hand splashed to the ground. "Here's your towel" Kobe said with his head down to try and hide his blushing. Higure quickly grabbed it and covered himself up "Thank you" once he was completely dry, He slipped on some small boxer shorts and Kobe led him to his room.

"Well, like the old man said you get thee bed." Higure lay down on the bed and Kobe got out a mat and laid it on the floor then turned off the lights. Seeing he wasn't very comfortable on the floor and feeling guilty for forcing him out of his bed Higure said shakily "Hey Kobe?" "Yeah?" "If you want to.... well it is your bed and all... so you know if you want..." Kobe jumped at the chance and climbed in the bed behind Higure. There was a slump in the middle of the bed where Kobe usually slept so the two slid together. Once they had settled Higure noticed something. Kobe had taken off his shorts after he turned off the light. Higure was blushing furiously now. Kobe could feel the warmth of Higure's butt on his member and it started to stiffen. As he felt something poke him in his bum, Higure's own member began to swell. "Ummmm K-Kobe?" His only response was two strong wolf arms pulling him close to the wolf's muscles. "I know we just met each other today, but I think you're the nicest and sweetest person I have ever met." "But why me? What's so special about me?" "I don't know" Kobe's arms tightened around him "I just know you are... and I want to treat you like you are." Kobe turned Higure to face towards him and kissed him passionately. Higure gasped in shock but quickly melted into the kiss purring.

Higure slid his tongue into Kobe's mouth, enjoying the taste and letting it explore his muzzle. Kobe's hands slid down Higure's back and found what they were looking for as the groped and massaged him rump. Higure's purring grew louder and Kobe took pleasure in knowing that he was the cause. Higure slid his hand between them and grabbed hold of Kobe's growing sheath. Kobe slipped off those annoying little shorts keeping him from getting at Higure's butt. He then flipped him on his stomach, grabbed Higure's thighs and leaned back pulling him up on his chest with his tail hole right in front of his muzzle. When Higure realized what was in front of him, he was a little shocked. It was a huge 12 inch midnight wolf cock. Even though his own member was nearly 10 inches, he had never seen one that big before and wondered if he could take the entire thing. Kobe looked at Higure's hole lustfully and gave it a long lick with his wolf tongue. Higure gave a slight gasp and Kobe smiled "you like that?" Higure nodded shyly and in return gave Kobe's huge member a lick. Kobe murred when he felt that rough tongue glide across his sensitive organ. Higure continued to lick and lap at the wolf cock while Kobe licked all over Higure's tail hole, sliding his tongue in and out swirling it around inside. Higure wanted to do his best to please Kobe so he was going to try his best. Higure started sucking on the tip of the huge member causing Kobe to moan even more as his mouth slowly slid down on more of it. First 8 inches were down his throat, then 10 inches and then 12. Kobe watched the little leopard impressed; he had not met someone that could deep throat his entire dick. Higure sucked and pressured with his tongue the wolf's huge meat making Kobe moan with pleasure. When Higure came up for air, Kobe slipped out from underneath him and got behind him, pressing his throbbing member against his tail hole. Kobe leaned forward and whispered in Higure's ear "You ready?" Higure turned his head and kissed Kobe in response. Kobe grabbed Higure's cheeks and spread them wide, revealing his tight tail hole. He positioned the tip of his member at the entrance and slowly pushed forward. Higure moaned as he felted the huge wolf cock slide inside him, stretching his insides. Once he was in all the way, Kobe pulled back out and slammed his member back into Higure slapping the balls together. Kobe started a steady pace, humping Higure as he moaned with pleasure. Higure clawed at the bed and moaned louder as he felt that huge meat spreading him wide with each thrust. Higure gasped a little as he felt something warm grab his own member and begin to stroke it. Higure could barely stand it as he was getting a pounding in his ass and his member being stroked by Kobe. "Kobe..." Higure panted, "I'm gonna... ah! ~" Higure couldn't stand the dual pleasure anymore and he came spraying his seed everywhere. As Higure's tail hole clenched around Kobe's member he couldn't hold it back anymore. He bit down on Higure's neck scruff and humped him furiously forcing his knot inside. Higure moan as his tail hole was spread even more with the huge knot inside him. Kobe desperately humped Higure's ass, his knot being squeezed by Higure's warm insides. Kobe gave a loud howl and came inside Higure, filling him with his hot juices. Kobe's seed spilled out of Higure and it dripped down Higure's balls falling to the bed. Kobe fell over on his side, his knot pulling Higure with him as he wrapped his arms around him. They both laid there panting, Kobe holding Higure tightly. "You were great. Such a nice, tight ass." Kobe said smiling. Higure chuckled "thanks, I have never had anyone as big as you before. It felt amazing." Kobe sighed "do you really have to leave in the morning?" Higure turned his head back to Kobe "oh, I think I can find an excuse to stay a while." They shared a long passionate kiss as they snuggled close. They both fell asleep Higure's soft purring the only noise that could be heard....

Well there it is. ^_^ i had planned to upload this 2 days ago but i had some bad things: a sorinkle of people are idots, a dash f writters block and a case of fuck you world X3. Well just remember that this was a warm up so you guys coud see how i write. Comments and pointers aprreciated. Hope you guys enjoy.