Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 11

Story by biodaemon2 on SoFurry

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#11 of Whitehoof

Whitehoof - Chapter 11

By biodaemon2

Erika had known being seen naked by one of the ship's crew was going to have repercussions for her. It was a long journey in a very compact area: such strange gossip was going to spread faster than the black pox in a barrel full of immune-deficient gnomes. She could already imagine what the crewmembers were telling each other.

"Did you hear? That sick tauren we're carrying is actually half-male!"

"Oh my god, what a freak! She had a gigantic penis!"

"I was told she tried to rape one of the crew! Let's throw her overboard, the filthy degenerate!"

Erika winced at the thought of all the stares she was going to be getting. The suspicious looks, the whispered conversations behind her back; it was going to be a nightmare. "Gods Erika why are you such a dumb cow? How could you forget to check to see if the damned door was locked!?" she growled, furious at herself for having let such a small detail slip past her. One simple mistake and now the rest of her journey was going to be spent being stared at like strange creature caged in a zoo.

"Why did this happen to me? Why is life so damned unfair?" Erika whined for the fifth time in as many minutes, tugging up her loosest pair of leather breeches. Turning around to check herself out in the cabin's small mirror Erika's mood managed to darken further, something she would not have thought possible moments before. No matter how many pairs of pants she tried on there was nothing capable of hiding the prominent bulge at her crotch; exactly where all the curious sailors would be looking to see if the rumors were true.

"Damnit!" Erika slammed her fist into the wall with a snarl, embarrassment and fear warring with outrage and frustration within her. Staring down at the unnatural swell in her leggings Erika tried to come up with a strong enough curse for the shithole that was her fate before finally throwing her arms up in exasperation and storming across the deck to her disheveled bunk. Sitting down heavily Erika let out a long sigh of resignation, a wave of failure and defeat crashing over her and drowning her spirit in despair.

Feeling her legs pushed further apart then normal by the contents of her stretched breeches, Erika reluctantly accepted that she had started to get used to the challenges that having a large penis had caused her. The young hunter had not liked it, but she had learned to adapt with the need for concealment. It had been a serious inconvenience for the tauren, but one that could be well hidden from public notice with a little preparation

Glaring down at the swollen orbs crammed into the tight confines of her leggings, Erika found herself wishing for the days when it was just her unwanted maleness that she needed to conceal. "But in the name of the gods how am I supposed to deal with these?" Erika cried out as she hefted her massive ball-sack through the soft leather, the metal fasteners struggling to keep her testicles contained within her pants. While they hadn't exactly been small to begin with, they had at least been manageable with some baggy clothing to help disguise her shape. That had been before Erika's illness and days of inactivity had kept her insatiable penis unable to find release.

Undoing her front fasteners and pulling her leggings down her thigh Erika forced her bloated balls out of her pants, staring with undisguised loathed at the dark flesh of her testicles. "This just can't be natural!" Erika growled. Trying to hide her growing fear behind a front of bravado Erika continued, "I mean, this has to be another side effect of that thrice-damned curse. There is no way, no fucking way, that any normal male would see his balls swell to nearly three time their normal size after just a single week without cumming. Hell I even jerked off to try and relieve some of this, and that just put me in this situation in the first place."

Forcing her testicles back into her constricting pants Erika rose back up to her feet, rummaging through her pile of clothing again to try and find some reason to hide her current state from any curious onlookers. As if having your gender magically tweaked against your will wasn't enough, there was no way she was going to become some object of curiosity for shocked and disgusted onlookers.

"There has to be something here that I can use..."

. . . . .

The lone figure stood solemnly at the bow of the ship, the stiff wind coming off the cool ocean waters causing her blood-red jacket to flutter behind her in quite the dramatic fashion. Her stern, patrician face stared off into the horizon as she stood motionless. Slowly the sound of labored breathing and the rapid clatter of hurried footsteps across the wooden deck broke her reverie. With dignity and poise she turned to face the newcomer in a single, graceful spin. She moved like a ballet dancer, although the smooth elegance was offset by the large cutlass and pace of pistols strapped to her shapely hips.

"Captain! Captain, I... *huff huff* I need t-to talk to you..." the woman panted heavily as she came to a stop before the crimson dancer, trying to breath and talk at the same time. Staring down at the lowly apprentice sailor, Captain Morrigan d'Airelle kept her face impassive as she waited for the young woman to compose herself.

"Captain, I think those passengers we took on in Ratchet lied to us!" the younger woman finally managed to spit out as she looked up at Morrigan with earnest eyes. Looking back the olive skinned human scratched idly at a faded pink scar on her cheek, waiting for a few long moments before finally speaking.

"What, exactly, could those three have lied to me about? They didn't bring any cargo aboard but what they had on their persons, and I seriously doubt that a sick tauren, mute troll, and goblin with ridiculous red hair could ever pose any kind of a threat to the crew of the Blue Venture," Morrigan stated flatly, turning away from the other woman dismissively. "As long as whatever they are involved in doesn't directly affect this ship, I don't care why they needed passage on the first ship leaving port."

After a beat Morrigan turned her head back to the surprised sailor, her face hardening. "And if it is none of my concern, then it certainly isn't the concern of an apprentice like yourself eavesdropping in on our paying guests" the captain said in a stern tone, the first flicker of displeasure over her subordinates actions crossing her face. "I only have a few rules aboard this ship, Miss Hawkins, and one of those is to never to embarrass or insult anyone who pays me money. Is that understood?" Before the young woman could answer Morrigan again turned away, clasping her hands behind her back as she resumed looking off into the horizon.

Cringing away from her captain's displeasure, the apprentice Hawkins licked her lips before she managed to whisper "But Capt'n, I think they brought a man aboard the Blue Venture!"

Captain d'Airelle twitched ever so slightly at Hawkins' words. Slowly she turned back towards the other woman, her knuckles flushing white as they clenched against each other. "Repeat what you just said, Miss Hawkins?" Morrigan hissed as fire danced behind her eyes. Swallowing deeply Hawkins began to relate what had transpired mere minutes ago, ending with her frightened flight from the tauren's cabin after seeing it fully naked.

Slowly the fury in Morrigan's hazel eyes began to fade as Hawkins explained herself hurriedly, trying to remember every detail for her captain. By the time she was finished she was gasping for air again as she waited for Morrigan's response. The gentle rustling of the sails in the wind and the distant calls of the other sailors could be heard as the elegant woman mulled over what she had been told.

"And you are absolutely sure that this Whitehoof person in question looked absolutely like a normal female tauren when you saw her naked, despite the male genitalia?" Morrigan asked, again scratching the faint scar as she was prone to do when deep in thought. Hawkins' nodded eagerly, not really understand what her superior officer was getting at.

"Well yeah, I mean, I would guess so. If it hadn't been for that giant dick I would have thought it was completely female."

Finally Morrigan nodded to herself, coming to a decision. "Hawkins, I don't want you to tell this to anybody. Do you understand?" The young woman bobbed her head up and down. "Good. I am going to get to the bottom of this myself. If it really is a man in disguise, then we'll toss the bastard over the side."

"And what if that tauren, uh, isn't a guy, Capt'n?" Hawkins asked.

The corner of Morrigan's mouth twitched upward for a split second, looking deceptively like a smile. A very dangerous smile. "Oh, leave that to me Miss Hawkins. It is none of your concern."

. . . . .

First Mate Sofie van der Bergenwald was a very experienced sailor. She had first taken to the sea when she was still a young girl, escaping from an arranged marriage her drunk father had set up to try and alleviate some of his many debts. Over the years she had served on a number of vessels, where each time she was driven to show she could outperform any man at such a rigorous profession. By the time Sofie was in her twenties she had gained a reputation for near reckless courage in battle, acting with distinction when pirates attempted to seize the ship she had been crewing at the time. She had the rough hands of a professional sailor and the scars on her muscular frame were proof she had plenty of experience with blades and the skill to use them. At only thirty-one years of age she was had reached the second highest position of authority aboard the Blue Venture without any formal training; everything she accomplished, she did so though pure will. Sofie was a skilled fighter, talented leader, and gifted naval officer.

And First Mate Sofie van der Bergenwald loved taking it in the ass.

"Oh Light! Fuck me! Yes! Yes!" Sofie screams were muffled as her face was pressed down into the bedding, her hands bound tightly behind her back. Covered in a sheen of sweat Sofie's firm buttocks were raised high up to give her partner the best access to the pink rosebud currently stretched around the invading shaft. 'It has been so damn long!' Sofie thought to herself as she pushed back against that wonderful thickness, unable to remember the last time she had found someone to satisfy her needs during one of her infrequent shore leaves.

Taking a firm handful of Sofie's ample ass flesh Grisha moaned aloud, not needing to use her years of skill to give the illusion of enjoyment for the customer's benefit. Over the years Grisha had spread her own rear numerous times for, at best, very mild pleasure. But now that she could feel the hot depths of the human's insides around her own cock and the tight grip of Sofie's sphincter squeezing her shaft like a vice, she could definitely see why some of her client's paid the extra fee for using her back door.

"Yes, bend over an take it you fucking slut" Grisha said, trying to get back into character. Throughout her career Grisha had met many individuals who wanted more than a quick lay, and every time she heard her clients begin to talk about their own specific kinks and fetishes, Grisha's ears were filled with the sound of coins. The stranger it was the more she could charge. You want me to pretend I'm your mother? That's extra. You want me to screw your husband while you watch from the shadows? That's extra.

As she dug her sharp fingers into the human's flesh hard enough to elicit a new wave of stifled squeals, Grisha spared a look over to the side of the bed where Sofie's payment sat. Just the sight of the coin purse was enough to send a greedy thrill through her body. Grisha didn't know why the tough, veteran sailor had secret fantasies of being tied up and raped, but she had no problem's calling her names and treating her rough for a few extra pieces of silver. In the end, all that really mattered were those wonderful words "that's extra."

"I'm going to tear your filthy whore ass apart with my huge cock" Grisha growled as the thick sphere of her knot pressed up against Sofie's brown hole, feeling a little surprised to find out how eager she was to force the large object fully into the woman's bowels. The cabin echoed with the wet noises of hard sex and the soft slap of flesh hitting flesh every time Grisha's hips slammed into Sofie's bottom, interspersed with soft cries from the bound officer and more of Grisha's attempts at role playing a rapist. Using her dexterous fingers Grisha tried to force the sphincter wider as she pushed against Sofie, feeling the resistance against her slowly weakening. Without warning there was a soft pop as her tight ass finally gave way against Grisha's insistent thrusting, allowing the thick canine knot to disappear into Sofie's tight anus. Squealing loudly Sofie thrashed against the painful size of the goblin's full dick even as her pussy gushed in orgasm, her muscles clamping down even harder on Grisha. Feeling on the verge of her own orgasm Grisha gave Sofie's rump a firm slam, eager to fill her client's insides with her rich spunk.

Yes, this was going to be a very profitable journey in the long run.

. . . . .

A sudden knocking at her door caused Erika to jump, nearly smashing her head into the roof of the cabin. She spared a short curse for such faulty engineering within human vessels before her fear supplanted her frustrated anger. Erika stared at the door like a condemned woman, sweat breading on her brown as her mind worked up all the horrible possibilities awaiting her. 'Are they going to kill me for being a freak? Maybe cage me up and sell me off in the next port. I know how these merchants work; they're nothing but greedy opportunists!' A second round of knocking broke Erika's paranoid train of thought before she could do anything rash.

With a sigh Erika resigned herself to her fate and slowly made her way to the door, putting one foot in front of the other despite the numbing dread that was suffusing her body. Placing a hand on the door she paused, desperately trying to find another way to hide or deny what the woman had seen. Despite over an hour of trying on clothes and coming up with ideas, Erika had failed to find a way of hiding the large bulge in her trousers from anyone looking for it. After briefly considering climbing out the cabin's window Erika pulled on the handle. The door gently opened inwards with a tortuous creaking, like an old coffin lid being slowly lifted up.

"Yes?" Erika asked the woman standing before her, barely keeping her voice from cracking. 'Here it is, the beginning of the awkward questions and attempts to find out' Erika thought to herself, waiting for the sailor to answer. 'Well you can see for yourself that I'm a freak, just look at my crotch you curious bitch. Just satisfy your need to know and get the hell out of my face.'

"The captain requests your presence in her personal quarters" the woman said smartly before turning around and leaving, not sparing Erika a second glance. Stunned, Erika just stood in the open doorway to watch the busy sailor disappear from sight down a corridor as her mind tried to come up with a suitable explanation. After so long spent alone in a near panic Erika's fears had fed on each other until she had convinced herself that the next time she left her cabin the whole of the ship's crew would be there to verify the rumors for themselves. She had never expected that anyone would just... ignore her like that. Like she was just a normal passenger.

"Did... did she not tell anyone?" Erika asked herself as she felt her despair becoming cautious hope. "Maybe she was so shocked and embarrassed she didn't say a word to anyone. Maybe she wasn't believed!" Laughing with relief Erika spun in place like a little girl, feeling her mood brighten considerably at the revelation that she was not going to be a shunned curiosity for the rest of the voyage. So giddy was she it took Erika a few moments to realize the message she had been given, and in a moment the despair and fear was back. 'Why would the captain want to talk to me now? I bet she heard the rumors and is going to throw me off the ship, or decide if I am worth any money in port as a shackled curio for some zoo, or sold to the Forsaken for their experiments!'

Cursing her life, her luck, and the fickle powers that be, Erika slowly made her way down the corridor towards the opulently carved doors that she assumed marked the captain's quarters, just wanting to get all the waiting over with. Coming up to the door Erika took a moment to fix her hair and smooth out her outfit, trying to be as far removed from what someone might think a mutant freak would look like. Satisfied with her work Erika raised her hand and hesitantly knocked twice.

"Come in" a voice called out from the other side of the doors, sounding very much life a woman's voice. Having spent the last week holed up in her quarters, Erika realized that she hadn't actually seen any of the crew members and didn't even know what the captain looked like. Feeling her mouth go dry Erika pushed one of the doors open and cautiously stepped into the captain's cabin. Her nose was immediately assaulted by the sweet aroma of freshly picked flowers, the pleasant smell a wonderful relief after so long in a cabin that carried the faint scent of old sweat.

Closing the door behind her Erika was taken aback by the luxurious nature of the room. The floor was covered in fine rugs while the walls carried wood panels painted to represent a dozen unfamiliar scenes from some story or mythology, most of which naturally involved the ocean in one way or another. Heroic figures smiting sea monsters, brave explores sailing to the edges of the world, or simple depictions of harbors filled with sailing vessels. Looking at the paintings Erika was mildly intrigued to find all the characters depicted were actually women. Looking between all the different scenes to double check herself Erika failed to notice the room's sole occupant until she coughed politely.

Startled Erika swung to face the speaker, wringing her hands like a youngling caught with its paw in the jar of sweets before dinner. Captain Morrigan d'Airelle was lounging casually in a well upholstered chair beside a large dining table, idly swirling a dark liquid in a crystal class and looking absolutely in charge of her surroundings. Morrigan carefully looked Erika over, making the tauren feel as if she were being valued like a load of potential cargo. As Morrigan's dark eyes passed over her groin Erika was certain the woman's mouth twitched a fraction, but she said nothing. Satisfied Morrigan took a sip from her chalice before depositing in into a slot cut into the table next to a decanter of similar material. After a moment Erika realized that the slots were there to keep the expensive crystal from sliding off the table due to the calm swaying of the ship.

"Do you like them?" Morrigan asked as she strode across the floor, tilting her head slightly to indicate the colorful wood panels. Still nervous of the captain's intentions Erika did not drag her eyes away from the woman, fearing what designs she might have for Erika. Morrigan's long dark hair was tied up behind her with a series of red ribbons, a color repeated throughout her outfit. A tight silk tunic of white hugged her torso, the laces done low enough to provide a generous view of her cleavage. Her breeches were even tighter, hugging her long legs and accentuating her generous curves. Yet it was her face that was most striking of all: her patrician features screamed class and wealthy breeding, but crossing one check was a long pink scar, giving her a slightly roguish air.

Realizing Morrigan was starting at her awaiting an answer Erika coughed in embarrassment and rushed to reply. "Oh, yes. They are really, um, nice. I am Erika Whitehoof, um, captain" she said, unconsciously trying to act more stately and proper in the woman's presence. "Captain Morrigan d'Airelle" she returned, giving Erika a polite nod of greeting. "I had these done a few years ago when I purchased the Blue Venture to help bring a little color to my quarters. My trading profits for the years prior had been very satisfactory and decided I wanted to spoil myself with a gift. It was worth it as I feel the artists did a very fine job indeed."

"What exactly are they depicting?" Erika asked, trying to subtly gauge the captain's intent towards her. "They are a number of scenes from many different stories and as many different cultures" Morrigan continued, gesturing with one hand towards a specific panel. "Over here is the dwarven story of Grimhilda Oceanborne, who saved a coastal town from annihilation when she and her crew single handedly defeated five pirate vessels in one bloody battle. Beside it the fleet of the great goblin merchant Yonvette Goldqueen, who became so wealthy it is said that she was crushed to death in her counting house when a stack of gold coins representing a single day's profit toppled over onto her."

As she spoke Erika could tell that all of Morrigan's attention was still on her, even as the captain was pointing out and describing the histories of the panels in perfect detail. "So why are all the people in these panels female?" Erika interrupted, some of her confidence coming back as the likelihood of her wild fears coming true grew more and more unlikely. Morrigan paused, rubbing her chin for a moment as she looked away. "I know you have been sick recently, so you probably haven't had the ability to look around the ship" Morrigan began, picking her words carefully. "But this ship is crewed completely by women. The reason is that I despise men. No matter the race or nationality, they are all beasts who can never control their baser instincts."

Erika was taken aback by the hard emotion in Morrigan's voice, her calm and courtly tone replaced by sheer hate. She continued, saying "I have operated a number of vessels over the years and never once has a man stepped aboard my ships. I will trade with men in ports or otherwise interact with them when there is profit to be made, but besides that, I keep them away." Growing more inflamed by her speech Morrigan moved back to the table, taking a large drink from her glass of dark wine. "You see Ms. Whitehoof, I don't only operate a merchant vessel for profit; I offer women a sanctuary. They come to me to escape abusive husbands or the failings of a sexist world and I provide them pride, safety, and a means to learn a good trade. Most leave after a few seasons, finding other employment or returning to the wider world. A good number of those eventually marry or otherwise reconcile with men, but I will always be there for those that have nowhere to go. Not only that, but my crew could whip any group of male sailors. When I arrive in port ahead of schedule I am proving that women are the superior gender and should not be content to live beneath a man's heel."

Gulping down the last of her glass Morrigan quickly refilled it and took another stiff drink, visibly trying to calm herself down. Slowly the righteous anger drained from her face, replaced with the same calm mask she had been wearing when Erika had first entered. Sinking down into her seat Morrigan sipped at her beverage, working out what to say next. "Which brings me to what this meeting is about, Ms. Whitehoof. You see, one of my sailors related a very unbelievable story to me earlier today that happens to involve you." Hearing this sent a chill up Erika's back, her deepest fears becoming reality before her very eyes. "I told the blood elf, Ms. Ereravel, that I would gladly give some of my spare rooms to women in need of transport. But the key word was female. I will not have a man aboard my vessel in any capacity! And so when Ms. Hawkings told me that she had seen what she thought to be a male tauren in your cabin, well, I had to bring you here to verify the whole thing."

"I am not a man!" Erika shouted, both desperate to be believed and indignant at the accusation. "I am fully female! I was born into my clan a woman and I shall eventually die one too." The young tauren glared back at Morrigan, trying to sound more confident in herself than she really was. After hearing all the rage in the captain's voice when she talked about men, she couldn't imagine what she might do if she thought Erika was really male. "This was all just a, um, a minsunderstanding" Erika said, her voice becoming a little more uncertain as she talked, a slight flush entering her cheeks.

"Well, there is a very simple way to verify your claim, Ms. Whitehoof" Morrigan stated, tracing a finger around the rim of her glass as she looked into the swirling contents of her glass. "Would you please take off your clothes for me so that I can confirm whether or not you are, indeed, a woman as you claim?"Although Erika had begun to expect such a demand might be made of her she was still shocked to hear it said aloud. "T-That seems highly in, ah, inappropriate..." Erika stammered, trying to stall for time. "If you don't take off your clothes right now I'll have my sailors throw you off the boat" Morrigan replied with words like ice, slowly turning her head to give Erika a glare that let her know she absolutely meant what she said. It was only then did Erika finally notice the large pistol that lay casually on the table beside Morrigan's glass, easily within reach.

"W-w-w-well I n-need to explain something" Erika said plaintively as she quickly replied with the demand, eager to keep the captain from doing anything irrational. Tossing her shirt aside Erika tried to explain her current physical condition, too frightened to be concerned about baring her breasts before a complete stranger. "You s-see, a few weeks ago I had, well, accidentally consumed something that kinda cursed my body." As she tried to explain Erika's hands slowly dropped to her pants, not eager to reveal what they contained to a woman so anti-male she might just kill her for daring to bring a penis aboard her ship. "It, well, it made me grow s-something that shouldn't be there normally. I'm a woman, but, um, I h-have a... penis."

With that Erika undid her breeches and let them fall to the floor, her male equipment bouncing free of their leather confines. Despite all the fear, Erika could still feel the relief of not having her swollen balls compressed into such a small area. Morrigan seemed to freeze at the sight of Erika's cursed appendage, her glass still halfway to her lips. Erika's sense of embarrassment and unease only grew at the captain's long silence, her sheath twitching slightly at the other woman's intense scrutiny.

Finally Morrigan seemed to regain her senses and she quickly brought the glass back to the table, not caring when she missed the slot and spilled some of the wine on the polished table. For the first time Erika was sure Morrigan was at a loss for words. Eventually she found her voice, whispering in awe "How can you claim to be a woman when possessing such... large male attributes?" Erika's face reddened even further as she forced herself to lift her bloated testicles out of the way to reveal her womanhood beneath them. "B-because of the potions effects I am now, mm, cursed with both genitals."

Growing more uncomfortable with Morrigan's intense concentration on her crotch, Erika was desperate to turn away as she felt a familiar warmth begin to build within her lower body as her maleness began to respond to the captain's examination, already painfully aware of the generous amount of exposed cleavage and how well the tight clothing hugged Morrigan's feminine curves. By the time she finally looked away from Erika's pelvis the hunter was biting her lip in a desperate attempt to fight off a growing erection.

"Well, I am almost convinced that you are as you say you are" Morrigan announced, her voice regaining its normal composure and calm confidence. Hearing those words caused Erika to feel a small sense of relief tempered by the fact that she was still standing naked before the ship's captain with her girl-cock slowly inching its way towards a hard-on. "Please, Ms. Whitehoof, take a seat" she offered, waving a hand around the cabin as she moved towards the opposite wall to begin rummaging through a cabinet, hidden from Erika's view by an ornate folding screen. Reaching down to pick up her discarded clothes Erika was interrupted when Morrigan called out "And if you would, please remain uncovered until I have fully made up my mind."

Erika could feel a bit of a headache as she moved towards the oak chairs. The rapid fluctuations in her emotions from elation to depression, the confusion of her current situation, and the constant fight against growing hard in the captain's presence were leaving Erika feeling exhausted and agitated. Looking at the chairs Erika quickly realized that she could not fit her bulk into them - they were made for the petite humans, not a sturdy tauren body. Instead Erika turned and sat down on the edge of Morrigan's bed, hoping she wasn't committing some kind of faux pau that would get her killed.

"Ah, that is much better" Morrigan announced with a happy sigh as she stepped out from behind the screen, causing Erika's eyes to try and escape her skull in shock. The captain was completely naked, her darkened skin gaining a healthy and entrancing sheen in the cabin's warm light. Erika was stunned, her mind roiling in appreciative confusion as her maleness took the lapse in her willpower to surge out with arousal, hanging heavily between her light furred legs. "I guess I will have to take that as a compliment" Morrigan remarked with a raised eyebrow, looking pointedly at Erika's stiffening prick.

"Wada brahoo?" Erika's blabbered incoherently, her mind still struggling with this latest revelation. Just minutes ago Erika had been frightened by the captain's virulent anti-male attitude and was worried she was going to be killed. But now the same woman was standing before her absolutely naked, her body language screaming sexual arousal. With a light chuckle Morrigan casually walked towards Erika, the roll of her hips a sure sign of absolute confidence in her own body. Each step sent her full breasts swaying and bouncing as if defying gravity for their size.

It was only after Morrigan came to a halt a few paces from Erika that the young hunter noticed the large object clutched in the captian's hand. It was a long cylindrical part curved up in the middle where a couple of straps dangled, looking to be made of the softest leathers imaginable. Spreading her legs Morrigan began to explain. "You see Ms. Whitehoof, I may hate men but I still have normal needs that need to be fulfilled" she stated, sliding one end of the object up between her smooth legs in a teasing manner. It was only then that Erika finally made the connection: it was a massive, double ended dildo!

"And my wonderful friend here allows me to truly relieve myself and satisfy my baser cravings" Morrigan continued as she pressed the head of her toy against her moist mound. With a soft grunt Morrigan forced the dildo up inside her, spreading her labia around its impressive girth. Erika was in awe at the size of it, looking to reach just over two feet in length. Watching Morrigan force the large object into her pink folds as she moaned and gasped was more than enough to cause Erika's bovine member to throb painfully hard. Beads of nectar ran down the leather cock as, inch by inch, Morrigan forced the full length into her depths.

With a slightly smug smile on her face Morrigan took the two straps hanging from the middle of the dildo and attached them behind her back, holding the whole thing firmly in place. "You see, so many of the woman who come to me for help are really looking for someone to appreciate them for who they are, not for just their good looks, family name, or ability to bear young" Morrigan stroked her fake cock as she talked, providing a convincing illusion of possessing her own penis. "It's only right that I get something back in turn for helping those in need. I feel so... so alive when I have some duchess in my bed, impaled on my big friend and loosing herself to the joy of freedom."

Still running her noble hand up and down the soft leathered shaft, Morrigan scratched at her facial scar with the other as she looked at Erika again. "Anyway" she finally said, licking her lips in anticipation, "I need to return to my duty as captain and fully ensure you are a woman as you claim. So get up on the bed and roll on your side, Ms. Whitehoof. This shouldn't take very long." Erika started to follow the command before realizing just what she had said. "Wait, what? How does me getting on your bed prove that I am really a woman?"

Morrigan favored Erika with a tight smile. "I am going to make sure that you can feel pleasure like a real woman" she stated in a matter of fact tone, her eyes looking past Erika's testicles to the wet womanhood hidden beneath. Erika wanted to protest, to say no and deny the crazed captain her fun, but Erika's arousal was already being affected by her magical organ. Eventually she gave an uncertain nod and slowly pulled herself further up onto the bed, her hands gripping her black shaft tight as sexual desire began to flood her system. As Erika rolled over onto her shoulder Morrigan moved up between Erika's legs, lifting one up and over her shoulder as she pushed the tauren's bloated cum-sack aside to reveal the pussy hidden beneath.

With a devilish grin Morrigan pressed the head of her fake member against Erika's slit, teasing her damp labia with the impressive tool. "It's... it feels warm" Erika said in surprise as Morrigan continued to grind her fake prick against Erika's slick nethers. "That's because this is no ordinary sex toy" Morrigan answered as she spread Erika's labia with her fingers, revealing her bright pink folds. "This is a work of art, Ms. Whitehoof. A hard inner core provides strength and rigidity while the finest leathers are wrapped around it to give a lifelike softness. It was washed in different alchemical mixtures and enchanted by a mage, granting the warmth of real flesh. This is as close to the real thing as any woman has ever gotten without using magic or potions to physically transform her own body."

The tip of the dildo darkened with Erika's arousal as Morrigan placed it against her tender sex, causing the large tauren to squeak cutely, her face a bright crimson from being so vulnerable and exposed to the other woman. Hearing the noise Morrigan looked up at Erika, noting the expression on her face. "You're not a virgin, are you?" she asked flatly, a wonderful thrill shooting up her spine at the thought of deflowering such a powerful creature. Erika shook her head, still blushing furiously. "No, I'm not a, a virgin" she said softly, licking her lips before continuing. "It's just that I only have had sex - real, normal sex- just once before. And that was kinda a while ago."

Mentioning it Erika back to her first time those months ago and that night of awkward passion with Targoth Proudspirit. He was a year her senior but the pair of them had been friends since childhood; the friendship of calves had gradually evolved into adolescent infatuation. The day before it had been announced that he had been chosen to go on his first long-range war patrol to keep marauders out of Mulgore, and in the darkness of the night the pair had sought each other out. They had fumbled about in the soft moonlight, their inexperience and embarrassment matched only by their raging hormones and youthful affection for one another. Erika could still remember that sharp but fleeting burst of pain when Targoth had first penetrated her, followed by the hours spent in each other's arms as they mated again and again.

Erika knew that part of her reasoning to escape Thunder Bluff was driven by her emotions for Targoth. It had been so unfair: they had only just been able to admit their true feelings when he was wrenched away from her and sent on a patrol that could last months. And there she had been, stuck listening to boring old elders far past their prime try to tell her that she wasn't skilled enough to be able to hunt out on her own. Of course escaping to prove herself had gotten herself in this situation in the first place, Erika thought angrily.

"Ah, so you are not a virgin" Morrigan's voice brought Erika squarely back to reality. Placing her fake shaft squarely against Erika's spread pussy she nodded in understanding. "Well I believe that means I don't have to take it easy on you then." Thrusting her hips forward Morrigan speared her fake cock into Erika's cunt without giving the tauren even a moment to prepare. Erika arched her back as she shrieked, her hands gripping tightly against the bedding as her pussy was filled by another for only the second time in her life.

While she was no virgin Erika's womanhood was still tight, clamping onto Morrigan's faux dick in a vice grip that kept her from going any deeper. Morrigan was surprised at how much resistance she was getting; from the size difference she had assumed that Erika's sex would be larger and therefore easier to penetrate. "You are impossibly tight, Ms. Whitehoof" Morrigan stated, her voice level despite her accelerated breathing. "With a cock that big growing from your crotch, I imagined that having sex with a real male tauren would have left you a little more accessible."

"M-m-males are n-ngh n-normally tha-ha!-at b-big!" Erika stammered an answer in between the wincing and twitching as Morrigan slowly withdrew her fuck-toy from Erika's nethers. Leaving just the tip within Erika's folds Morrigan shifted her grip on Erika's leg to help spread the tauren a bit wider. "So you are telling me that the monstrosity you are carrying around is actually much larger than your average bull tauren?" the human asked, a little curious despite herself. Morrigan had never been interested in the physical characteristics of the tauren herself, but stories of the size of their endowments were ubiquitous amongst the other races. She herself had overheard some of the crewmen sharing such tales with each others around the Blue Venture's enlisted mess tables, where a group of younger women had blushed and giggled as the stories were embellished and the truth widely stretched. The dwarfs had looked vaguely ill at the mention of such large male members, but Morrigan was honestly surprised at how eager the gnomish sailors had looked as they listened intently to the current speaker.

She had always dismissed such stories as fabrications based on male pride and misconceptions because of a tauren's naturally large build. But now Morrigan had fiction become reality before her very eyes as now she could witness of dick of monumental proportions. With Erika laying on her side her heavy cock was pressing into the bed's sheets, a dark stain spreading from the head of her length as pre began to pour from the slit. "Yes..." Erika finally answered Morrigan, her voice dripping with shame. The captain gave another hard thrust as the words left Erika's lips, driving her hips forward to force more than half her strap-on's length into the warmth of her convulse pussy.

As Morrigan pumped herself purposefully in and out of Erika's unyielding cunt the magical aura that infused the mammoth dick grew more powerful, feeding off the pair's pleasure and sexual energy like a tree basking in the sunlight. Both women's nerves were growing more sensitive as the tendrils of arcane force began to exert their influence over the local area, their heartbeats racing as the responded to greater levels of physical stimulation. The analogy between the magical force and a simple plant was very apt: the arcane energy did not think like a sentient being would, it only reacted to a number of set inputs.

One of which was now being driven in and out of Erika in long steady strokes as Morrigan worked overcome the grasping resistance of Erika's pussy. The dildo was filled with years of sexual energy that infused its leather, drawing invisible tendrils of raw power towards it like a flower tracking the movement of the sun. Soon they began to react with the enchantments the captain had ordered placed on the object and, like with the potion Grisha had consumed, began to subtly warp the magic forces therein. Slowly Morrigan began to feel physical feedback from the slick toy as if were a part of her own body. Normally the astute captain would have swiftly realized that she was feeling a small increase in sensation from her nether region, but in the heat of such magically augmented sexual bliss such a thing went unnoticed.

Instead Morrigan only doubled her efforts to force the last few inches of her dildo into Erika's resisting pussy. "Oh by the light you have such a sublime body Ms. Whitehoof!" she groaned, massaging Erika's bloated testicles with her free hand as she inched towards her goal. "Ughhn!" Erika replied in a raw voice, her body burning with blessed stimulation. Only now that Morrigan was pounding into her womanhood did Erika realize just how much she had craved having her pussy stuffed after so many times having just her new appendage used. Yet even with a thick dildo stretching her depths and both her hands furiously pumping her dark shaft Erika wanted more.

"More!" Erika groaned aloud, rolling her hips with Morrigan's thrusts in an effort to gain more stimulation. Even with both her hands sliding up and down her veined girth Erika knew she could feel even more if she tried. Bending at the waist Erika brought her head closer to her own cock, the pre-covered tip filling Erika's vision until she could see nothing else. Opening her mouth as wide as she could Erika brought her head down and swallowed the end of her own erection. Her mouth was immediately overcome by the strong taste of her semen as the thick pre flowed over her tongue while her nostrils were filled with her strong scent.

Rolling her tongue around the flared tip Erika's moans were muffled by the cock in her muzzle as she bobbed her head as far as she could take it. A slight bulge formed in Erika's throat as she tried to devour her own dick, unable to go further but not willing to stop trying. It was full body stimulation for Erika, sending her mind reeling under the constant bursts of pleasure. As she suckled on her own cock her hands were tireless, reaching ever inch of her shaft not crammed into a warm mouth. Even Erika's swollen balls and were receiving attention, a situation that she never imaged would occur or feel so wonderful.

When Morrigan finally pushed every inch of the dildo into her aching pussy and brought both their groins together, it was too much for Erika to handle, her body unable to hold out any longer. Although she had know she was close to her release, Erika was not prepared when her meaty cock expanded even further as her very mind was seared white in an orgasmic firestorm. Erika cried out as her pussy showered Morrigan's lower body with juices, but even these muffled cries were cut off completely when moments later when her dick began pumping thick streams of her own seed into her mouth. Erika's eyes shot open in shock as her cheeks bulged outwards from the pressure of her cum, the flesh becoming painfully taught within seconds. She began swallowing desperately as thick streams of her spunk shot from the corners of her mouth, her hands trying to wrench her rigid member from her mouth before she drowned in her own torrential flood.

Finally Erika pulled her cock from her mouth, gasping for air as her swollen fuck stick continued to shoot ropes of her sticky milk with enough force to plaster the headboard of Morrigan's bed and send droplets of cum to coat everything nearby. With her own nerves tingling with electric pleasure, Morrigan had been on the cusp of her own orgasm when Erika's muscles had clamped down on her false-dick a moment before her groin was showered with Erika's warm fluids. Looking up Morrigan had been enraptured as she saw Erika's cheeks swell larger like a greedy chipmunk's, all the while swallowing as fast as a mortal could. "Light yeeaaaahhssssaahhhH!" Morrigan screamed as her body jerked wildly in the throes of orgasm. Her own juices mixed with Erika's as her own pussy tried to squeeze her half of the dildo into oblivion.

Both women were unable to move when it was finally over. "Oh light oh light" Morrigan repeated to herself in a soft voice as she leaned heavily against the bed. Erika was still coughing and sputtering, her muzzle matching the bed's headboard with a thick covering of tauren cum. "Mmmmm... well I'm am quite satisfied that you are really a woman as you claim, Ms. Whitehoof" Morrigan announced as she began to withdraw her dildo from Erika's nethers. Erika's legs wrapped around the captain's waist in an instant as one of the hunter's arms hot out to grab Morrigan's wrist in a firm grip. Shocked by the sudden burst of speed from the normally passive tauren, Morrigan sputtered with rage and indignation.

"Now you listen here..." she began, already having satisfied her urges and curiosity and not wishing to be detained any further. "No. You listen" Erika growled in a deep voice, glaring at Morrigan like she had never seen before. "You are not done until I say so" Erika continued, tightening her grip on Morrigan's wrist to cause a burst of pain. As Erika turned her head Morrigan followed her gaze, tracing down the still fully erect girl-cock until finally coming to rest on the tauren's large balls. "I've been feeling a little pent up lately, and since you started this, I think you should help finish it" Erika stated as the color drained from Morrigan's face as she felt the situation spiraling wildly out of her control.

Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 12

**Whitehoof - Chapter 12** By biodaemon2 Sergeant-at-Arms Hiria stood at the end of the hallway, glaring at any of the crew who dared show themselves. Even a quick glance from the towering orc was enough to cause the other women to...

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 10

**Whitehoof - Chapter 10** By biodaemon2 Erika groaned into the uncaring darkness, rolling waves of nausea sweeping over her body as she tossed and turned in her bed. Her fur was matted with sweat as she shivered uncontrollably, all her will...

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 9

[Tauren] [Blood Elf] [Goblin] [Futa/Futa/Female] [Cum Inflation] **Whitehoof - Chapter 9** By biodaemon2 A stunned silence filled the room, broken only by the soft panting of the two lovers locked together at the pelvis....

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