A little day out on the town

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#17 of Background Stories

A side story which I created outside of the normal Pent/Arthur Cannon. It deals with the two experimenting with a drug that ends up having some adverse side effects on Pent.

A little day out on the town: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. This piece contains underaged as well as micro/macro relationships. Some details have been fictionalized for simplicity sakes. You have been warned.

It had been a long winter...almost too long. The onslaught of Grayson had come to pass and the landscape had been powdered into a white oblivion. Though winter had not yet ended, it had begun to weaken its grip over the town of Kingston, Ontario. Finally, the flurries of snow had come to rest and the population could begin the long process of recovery in hopes of warmer days. Spring was not yet close but at least the crushing winter the community had experienced, finally expired.

The day began like many others around Canada with furs coming out to start shoveling and even putting salt onto the snow in order to prevent further freeze from occurring. Pent the Arctic fox was one such lucky fur to be tasked with the enjoyment of putting himself to work to clear his own yard of the powdery stuff. Unlike some, the kit managed to fit in quite well among the snowy environment. Though even for him it was cold and he still had to wear a bit of warm clothing in order to cope with the chilled temperature.

At 12 years old the fox kit was just happy to be outdoors. He'd been cooped up indoors because the temperature was abnormally low, even for the time of year. Sure the Canadian winter was harsh but the storm had made it even more insufferable than normal. Pent had been looking forward to finally get outdoors so he could enjoy the freshly frozen ice and maybe even play some Hockey if it were sturdy enough. But his older brother, Samaliel, forbade it until the boy had done the chore that was assigned to him.

Pent was a hardworking boy, even if his brother had not ordered it he would likely have done it anyways. Especially since the pile of snow was so large that exiting the home was a task in itself. It took about two hours before the task was done to a manageable standard. Though the roads were still in no condition for Samaliel to drive him anywhere, the fox kit was still free of the chore he had completed.

Once he was done, the boy headed back inside. The warmth of the heater was a welcome addition and Pent couldn't help but shake himself of the snow that had built up on his jacket and pants. Upon arriving inside a shout was overheard.

"Take off your shoes, I don't want you tracking in melted snow everywhere," Samaliel said sternly reminding the boy of the time he'd made a mess just last month.

"Yeah, Yeah. Alright." Pent said entering inside before shutting the door behind him.

The fox kit shivered a bit as his body got accustomed to the change in temperature between inside and out. He did as he was told and shuffled off his shoes in the corner. Even his socks were a bit damp and Pent bent over to remove them so he didn't get sick.

After he finished stripping off his socks, Pent searched around looking for something to expend his time. He was already bored even though he'd only been inside for a short time. Samaliel seemed to be in the kitchen making lunch. Pent went into his room and decided to see if Arthur was around. The two had been friends for some time and were close. Many of their age mates considered them to be boyfriends, even if the two weren't quite ready to admit it yet.

Pent decided to check the computer since he wasn't much for chatting on the phone and he knew that Arthur could often be found in Pokemon-related forums. Arthur was much more into gaming than Pent was but Pent often entertained the idea so the two had more in common with each other. After turning on the computer, Pent went about putting on a fresh pair of socks. It was still chilly inside even with the heat on and the added warmth would help.

Once he put them on, the computer screen powered on and was ready to log on. Pent plopped himself in the chair, assuring his tail was tucked behind him so that he didn't pinch himself. After entering his password, the kit waited for the loading screen to pass. Pent waited patiently as the process completed and discord popped up. He was already signed in and surely enough when he popped on Arthur was on his usual trek of gaming.

"Hey, Did you manage to stay warm during the storm?" Pent asked through private message.

Some time passed before the other boy realized he had been contacted.

"Oh, yeah I guess. How about you, Pent?" Arthur responded after a few moments.

"Warm enough, I suppose. What have you got planned today?" Pent inquired about his friend's agenda.

"Hmm...well we still have a week off before school. I was planning to play some more games." Arthur was obviously lost in his game.

"You don't want to hang out?" Pent was a little disappointed in Arthur's response.

"I mean, we could but what would we do? It's not like the snow's going anywhere." Arthur pointed out the obvious.

"I guess your right." Pent's sense of loneliness seemed to intensify.

"You could always come over if you want," Arthur suggested as a compromise.

"That sounds cool. When can I come?" Pent asked just to clarify.

"Whenever you want. Just be careful, alright?" Arthur wanted to make sure his friend was safe.

"Alright, I'll ask Samaliel and let you know." Pent got himself up from the chair to do just that.

The fox kit made his way back into the kitchen. Samaliel was still there and just about done with lunch. Pent decided to make himself useful and served up plates to the table top.

"Thanks for the help, kiddo." Samaliel said smiling at his brother.

"Sure no problem." Pent finished up and dished out the drinks while the older fox divvied up the meals.

The pair of them were both vegetarian and this meal was an assortment of greens and berries in the form of a salad. Surprisingly, Samaliel had managed to get to the market recently so everything was fresh. The older fur soon joined his brother at the table as the two begin to dine together.

"I was wondering if I could go over to Arthur's house today." Pent wasted no time in getting to the point.

"In this weather? Just how do you expect to get there? I can't drive you in this snow." Samaliel said beginning to nibble on his meal.

"I can walk." Pent said a bit naively.

"That's a bit silly don't you think?" Samaliel said trying to be optimistic but also realistic.

"He doesn't live that far." Pent said in retort.

In actuality, Arthur lived a good 20 minutes away even on a clear day.

"I'm going to have to say no until the weather clears up." Samaliel denied the boys request.

"Alright. I guess your right." Pent frowned a bit but wasn't about to disobey his brother.

"Good boy. Maybe tomorrow, alright?" The older fox tried to cheer the younger one up.

"Okay." Pent returned his focus to the meal at hand.

The two brothers finished their meal before cleaning off the table. Lunch was done and they could now turn to other things. Pent this opportunity to return to his computer.

Pent made his way back to his room a little disheartened, but he understood his brother's reasoning. Unlike most boys his age, Pent was ready to see reason and seldom did he contradict Samaliel. Once Pent was out of the kitchen, Samaliel began to reconsider his dictate. Looking out the window in front of him, it did seem that the storm had finally passed. Though the collection of snow posed a problem, there was very little reason to keep the cub indoors any longer.

Samaliel began to reconsider his options and turned on the television to purview the weather for the remainder of the day. The weather channel showed that another snowfall would likely not be seen for several days, at last allowing for some of the collected flurries to subside. The older brother thought it would be a worthwhile venture to allow Pent to go to his friends elsewise he may contradict cabin fever. Samaliel turned off the device before making his own way to his brother's room.

Pent was already on the computer, dabbling around on various sites. Samaliel crept up behind him before placing his right paw on the boy's shoulder.

"You can go to Arthur's house if you like. I just can't drive you with all the snow." Samaliel smiled warmly at the boy.

"Really? What made you change your mind?" Pent looked up at his brother who was peering over his shoulder.

"Well, the news says there won't be any more snow for a few days. Just be careful if you go, alright?" Samaliel ruffled the cubs headfur playfully.

"Cool, thanks, bro!" Pent rotated himself around in the chair and hugged the teen from his knees.

"Just let me know when you're going to go and call me before you come back." Samaliel prompted before making his way out of the room.

"Alright." The kit turned back around before going back into discord to inform Arthur.

Once Pent opened up the Discord window, he found Arthur was in another game.

"My brother said I can come over. So when would be alright?" Pent asked via private message.

While waiting for the other boy to answer, Pent began to collect some things to put into a duffle bag. Some extra clothes and various other things he wanted to try, including his latest experiment which the fox was rather proud of.

"You can come whenever you want. Just let me know when." Arthur responded after a short wait.

"Alright. I'll be there in a little bit then." Pent turned off the computer, excited to be finally free of his confines.

The fox kit picked up some warmer clothes and closed his bag. He was just about ready to leave. He just needed to tell his brother and put some shoes on. Pent head into the living room with his things. Samaliel was conveniently on the couch.

"I'm going to head over now." Pent stated while shuffling into his shoes.

"Alright be safe." Samaliel got up to lightly hug the boy and see him out.

Pent smiled at his brother and made his way out the door. The two waved to each other and Pent was on his way to Arthur's house.

The usual trip to Arthur's house wasn't unusually long and Pent had made the trip a number of times in the past. However, the sheer amount of snow presented a problem to the kit. It made it rather difficult to keep his footing and Pent trecked through the powder with the trepidation of tripping. The streets were free of traffic and there were a few people out and about shoveling their yards of snow. But the community was more empty than usual.

After 30 minutes of treading through the snow, Pent finally managed to make his way to Arthur's house. A quick knock on the door led the cubs best friend to quickly stop what he was doing to answer it. Pent couldn't help but smile once the door was opened. The two greeted each other in a tight hug. Though Pent was cold and wet, Arthur didn't much mind and quickly hurried the other boy inside so that he could warm up.

The heat of the inside was a welcome addition even if Pent was still soggy from the now melted snow over the entirety of his clothed body. Even his coat did not keep him from getting his body wet.

"You want to take a warm shower so you can warm up?" Arthur asked seeing his friend shiver.

Pent simply nodded and Arthur understood. The Eskimo dog showed his friend where he would water down. The bathroom he used with the stall was in his own room. Pent shuffled off his shoes off to be polite and headed into Arthur's room. Pent placed his bag in a corner of the room by where the bathroom was.

Arthur's room was much more typical of a boy their age. At 12 the two couldn't have been more different, Pent the introverted Arctic fox who often could be found slaving over a microscope, and Arthur the slightly more sociable of the two who could be found peering over his computer playing various games. But the two couldn't have been closer. Now they had been friends for about a year and many often found them to be closer than your average pair.

In fact, they had been secretly going out for a few months now, though they were not ready to go public about it. The two cared deeply for each other and enjoyed spending time together. Once they were close to the bathroom, Arthur allowed the other boy to have some privacy. Even if the two had seen each other naked before, there was still a sense of modesty between them. It didn't take long before the water was turned on and steam began to pour out from the slightly ajar door.

"I'll get you some fresh clothing to wear." Arthur went towards his dresser as Pent went inside the bathroom.

Of the two, Arthur was slightly taller but Pent was the more Athletic. Even with those minor differences, the two were able to share clothes with little issue. The dog found a simple blue t-shirt, some beige shorts, and a pair of boxers the other boy could wear. They were a bit old but that might have fit better on Pent, he thought. Arthur passed through the door and set them on the lid of the toilet before exiting the bathroom.

The canine returned himself to his swivel chair where he dilly-dallied on solitaire while waiting for his friend to exit from the stall. Several minutes passed before Arthur overheard the water being turned off. Another few moments before the other boy appeared from the bathroom, rather damp and in the borrowed clothing. The garments seemed to fit him well.

"Cool, feeling better?" Arthur asked seeing that his friend no longer shivered.

"Yup, what do you want to do?" Pent asked placing his damp clothing inside his bag.

"Well, you're the guest so you can choose if you like." Arthur responding trying to be a good host.

"We can try out my latest project if you want," Pent suggested heading over the corner to rifle through his bag again.

"What crazy thing did you craft up this time?" The canine asked curiously as to what the kit had conjured up.

"Nothing special. I'm not even sure it works." Pent chirped back pulling an orange vial similar to the one prescription came in.

"Uhuh...sure. So just what is it supposed to do?" Arthur sat down on the bed looking up at his friend as Pent brought over the vial.

"Well, there are two different types of pills. The blue ones make you grow...the red ones make you shrink." Pent showed the vial to Arthur as if were a prize.

"And...what makes you think they work?" The puppy tended to question more of Pent's experiments since sometimes they didn't do what they were supposed to.

"It worked on a lab mouse." Pent placed the vial down for a moment before heading back to his bag to search for his phone.

It took several moments before the fox returned with his smartphone. Showing off a few pictures to his friend.

"So what am I supposed to see?" Arthur looked at the screen and just saw a mouse. It seemed normal enough to him.

"Just wait," Pent said before getting to the final few photos which had an image of the rodent several hours later after ingesting the blue pill clearly larger almost too large for the cage which it was in.

"Heh, that's pretty crazy. You've outdone yourself again. Finally get to live out your little fantasy?" Arthur smirked at Pent.

"Heh, I suppose." Pent blushed in embarrassment.

"Maybe we can make it interesting?" Arthur suggested in order to alleviate his friend's discomfort.

"Make it interesting how?" The fox looked back at his friend with interest.

"The winner of a round of games picks what the other has to take." Arthur folded his arms confidently.

"That's not fair...you're better at games than I am." Pent pouted a little bit.

"You can pick the game." The puppy retorted in order to alleviate his friend's concern.

Pent considered the notion for a moment. He knew fairly well that Arthur was an avid gamer and better than he was at just about every variety of games. There were only a few choices that Pent knew well and even those he was average at. But Pent was prideful and often his sense of competition often got the better of him.

"Alright your on. I pick Pokken Tournament." Pent piped up feeling ready for anything.

Arthur smiled at Pent before getting up from the bed to go over to the opposite side of the room where the television was.

"First to three wins, Alright?" Arthur stated as he turned on the console and it powered up.

"Sounds good." Pent brought himself over to the bed where Arthur was previously sitting and made himself comfortable.

The character selection screen popped on before long. Pent thought for a moment before picking Braixen while Arthur selected Lucario. This was one of the few games that the kit had grown accustomed to. Arthur set the match stock to three and placed the location for the match to random. They then selected their assistant Pokemon and the match finally began to countdown. The anticipation of the match was always the worst part for the pair.

Before long the timer finished and the competition began in kind. Arthur began off aggressively since his character was the more melee-oriented of the two but Pent was able to brush off his assault by using Braixen's guard. Braixen rolled around Lucario stinging the canine from the back with a blast of fire. Lucario recoiled back before using its own Aura as a strategy to keep Braixen off its tail. Pent was able to keep his distance using Braixen's ranged attacks to pick off Lucario's health bit by bit. The match ended with Pent as the victor.

Arthur looked over at the fox who had a grin on his face. It wasn't often the kit won, but when he did, he took great pride in it. Arthur knew he had to up his game. The second match began and Arthur started off the same as before with an aggressive barrage of martial arts. But this time he kept up the assault and Pent was unable to recoil from the blows. Without the range between them, Lucario was able to pummel away at Braixen's health. Once Braixen's guard was broken the assault was all but over and Arthur was declared the victor in a rather expedited fashion.

It was time for the last match and both boys gritted their teeth as if ready for a real battle. Arthur looked over at Pent who's face was more sullen than before and reserved his own celebration for later. The countdown sounded off as the boys began the final skirmish. Pent tried to reverse Arthur's own strategy on him, forgetting all about Braixen's ranged strengths. Lucario's own guard was superior and Arthur was able to keep up before breaking the assault with a leg sweep. Braixen bounced up quickly before retreating.

Pent did not yet let up firing off a few blasts of flame some of which scorched across Lucario's hide. Arthur was equally determined, enough even to rush through the fire to began another siege of punches and kicks which interrupted Pent's own attacks. After an uppercut into the air, Braixen fell on the floor and Lucario finished her off. The match was over and Arthur had won. The puppy placed down the controller before picking himself up from the bed to celebrate. Pent looked up at him a little disheartened since his own plans had been dashed.

"Well, I win. So I get to pick what we do, right?" Arthur said with a rather happy tone.

"Yeah, you do. I won't be a spoiled sport." Pent said deciding to just concede in defeat.

"Alright, so what do they do again?" Arthur said not entirely sure what he had even won the right to chose from.

"The blue one makes you bigger, the red one makes you smaller." Pent picked up the little vial and showed it off to Arthur again.

"Who said I was going to use it on me?" Arthur looked at Pent with a sense of mischief about him.

"Oh...I guess I didn't think about that. I just assumed you would take one." Pent responded curiously as to what Arthur had in mind for him.

"Close your eyes! I want it to be a surprise." Arthur instructed Pent.

Internally Arthur knew exactly what Pent wanted. Arthur often role-played with Pent pretending that he was tiny. The canine knew the fox had a thing for paws and this was an opportunity to give him what he wanted. Arthur watched as the other boy closed his eyes and took the orange vial from his paws before looking inside of. There was more than one of each type. It was hard to tell just how many there were so Arthur decided to pour some into his hand.

Arthur was careful not to dispense too many of them. After carefully pouring it, he fished out two of the red capsules before delivering the blue ones back into the vial.

"Open up!" Arthur watched as the other boy did as he was told and brought his paw over to Pent's maw.

The canine dropped the two red pills into the other boy's mouth before guiding the bottom of Pent's mouth to shut closed. Pent swallowed and opened his eyes.

"Two?" Pent asked looking up the other boy.

"Yup. You're a lot bigger than that mouse." Arthur deduced the fox would need an increased dosage.

"Hehe, I taught you well." Pent smiled at the puppy.

"So what now? How long does it take?" Arthur said curiously looking at the fox expecting immediate results.

"I'm not sure. I've never tested it on anything else other than the mouse."

"I guess we'll have to wait and see. If nothing else...I can give you more." Arthur smirked back at Pent wiggling around the vial making noise with the pills inside.

"Hurhur very funny. Let's just see if it does anything first." Pent responded snidely.

"So what do you want to do now?" The puppy decided to do something Pent wanted.

"Hmm...we could go outside and play some hockey," Pent suggested confidently.

"Sure, that sounds fun." Arthur picked himself up and made his way to the room exit, leaving the small vial on the counter.

It didn't take long for Pent to catch up with him making sure to take the vial in hand just for precaution. After all, it was best to stay on the side of caution.

They made their way outside before heading over to the garage. On the side of it was a small shed where the family kept various sundries. Inside was where the two kept sporting equipment. Each boy fetched a stick and a pair of skates. They hoped the nearside lake would suffice for a quick match. Hopefully, it had been cold enough to freeze the water over. It was highly likely since the snow had been falling with such regularity lately.

Once at the lake, the pond showed a slight shimmer proving it had indeed frosted over. It glistened against the sun which peered through the clouds overhead. The boys gathered around the shore where snow barricaded against the frozen water. Pent and Arthur sat down together on the chilled snow and began to take off their shoes in order to switch into their skates. Once they were down to their socks, Pent looked over at Arthur and smiled at him.

The fox peered his eyes down at his friend's paw, staring for a quick moment. He knew he had a fixation for feet and Arthur knew it too. But outside in the cold was not the time or place to indulge, less they were caught by pondering eyes even if they were alone for the time being. Before long the chill of the weather got to them and rushed them to push their paws into the skates, which were far more warm than the outdoors was. Pent fished out a jersey for each of them and tossed the spare one to his friend. They were all but ready.

They began to play hockey. The brisk wind of the outdoors rushed against each of their fur making it flatten back against the breeze. The two boys played against each other since no one else was to be found to join the match. Pent was on the offensive first and combated against Arthur by trying to shift around him in order to find the goal. The canine boy was able to keep up with him deterring the puck into the snow once it had been deflected away. It was now the puppy's turn.

Pent grunted as his friend returned to the starting point. Arthur began as Pent did with the other boy hot on his heels. The fox was able to keep track and follow along as Arthur curled and turned against the ice before retracting himself to do the opposite. This trick caught Pent off guard who quickly recoiled in order to return his focus to Arthur, but it was too late. Arthur had got a shot off and the rubber puck quickly found it's way to the collected snow near the end of the ice. It seemed Arthur had won.

"I win." Arthur laughed with a sense of confidence.

"Yeah, you did. But it was still fun. Another round?" Pent asked huffing a bit.

"We can if you want or we can go do something else. Arthur suggested.

The two continued skating about for some time. This time no longer in the contest with each other, simply passing the puck and shooting it about randomly. After about an hour of horsing around the two were exasperated and had had enough of physical activity for the day. They were both tired and their fur had long been matted with sweat despite the lack of heat or humidity throughout the day. The friends soon resigned to the side of the frozen creek. Together they sat together taking off their skates and wiggled out of them to free their paws.

The cold wasn't so bad now that their body heat had worked up. Pent looked over at Arthur's socked feet again and Arthur caught his glance. The boy suddenly lifted his paw and guided over to his friend who watched with a keen sense of interest. The canine had to hold it up with one of his hands in order to keep his balance otherwise he might have slipped. Seconds later the boy's foot met Pent's snout whose nose pressed ever so gently against it. Pent took a deep inhale, he had a thing for his friend's paws and Arthur knew it.

The moment Pent began indulging his hormones began raging. Another deep sniff sent chills through his body as his friend's musk filled Pent's nostrils. It didn't take long for him to get worked up. A few moments past and Arthur retracted his foot.

"Later, alright? We can have fun somewhere where it isn't freezing." Arthur suggested before sitting upright.

The fox nodded and understood. Pent wasn't as naive to think that this was the time or place to placate his fetish. Soon the two returned to their street clothing. Just in time too since the placement of the sun indicated it was sometime around noon.

Pent overheard Arthur's stomach grumble and giggled a little before his own ached reminding him of his similar circumstance. Standing up Pent was surprised to find that his shirt hung on him a little looser than before. The sleeves of the shirt no longer hung at his elbows, instead just below them. Even his pant legs gave a little more lead-way than they had previously. The kit looked himself once over, as good as he could without a mirror. His examination caught the attention of his friend.

"What's wrong?" Arthur looked back at Pent briefly but not long enough to catch glimpse of what was happening.

"I think the medicine is taking effect." The fox remarked back not seeming concerned.

"Oh? You think so?" This caught the canines interest as he turned around and went towards the fox.

Arthur within arms reach of Pent and sized himself up next to the boy. Arthur was already taller than the fox initially, but now instead of being only a few cm taller, Arthur could just see over Pent's head. It wasn't much but he was definitely smaller.

"Yup, looks like it. Maybe we should go back home then, just to be safe?" Arthur suggested as a precautionary measure.

"Let's go get lunch first, I'm hungry." Pent retorted feeling that it wasn't happening incredibly fast.

The puppy simply nodded back, smirking a bit at his friend who grabbed both of the boy's bags. Once they had gathered their things they continued on their way to a sandwich shop.

Arthur grabbed his bag from Pent and the two went on their way to the local delicatessen. The trip usually wasn't long but the addition of all the snow made the journey all the more tiresome. Still the fact they were together made it easier for both of them. They talked about nothing, in particular, to pass the time while they traveled. After about 20 or so minutes of walking, they managed to make it to the store. Usually the place was busy with people but apparently, the recent buildup of snow had kept people from frequenting the place.

There were no cars yet to be seen on the streets as much of it had yet to be cleared for passage. Some of the chairs outside were well hidden by the snow on top of them. Arthur looked at the ordering window was not open and walked over towards it with Pent. The dog knocked on it hoping that someone would answer and after a few moments, a figure approached the window. A sleek looking greyhound answered the call.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, boys?" The woman answered in a thick Arabic accent.

"Oh, we're glad your open, Miss Masri." Arthur piped back, apparently knowing her.

"Always glad to have you. What can I make you?" The greyhound pushed back her head fur and put on a hair net.

"Hmm, I will have a chicken shawarma. What about you, Pent?" The puppy asked his friend who looked at him at the menu.

"I'll have a veggie one, I guess." The fox meekly responded, not having been to the place before.

"Great. That'll be $15." The woman stuck out her paw gesturing for payment.

"I'll pay since I lost our match." Pent suggested in order to be a good sport.

Pent pulled out a 20 bill and handed it to her before receiving his change. She then closed the window and began making the meal for them. In the meanwhile, the boys looked around for a suitable place to sit. It wasn't easy to find, but they made do after clearing one of the tables and benches of their snow. The two sat opposite of each other and didn't say much as they were quite famished. The awkward moment of silence was ended once the woman appeared from the side door of the restaurant. She delivered them their meals and thanked them for their patronage before leaving them be.

Once the food arrived, the awkward silence was replaced by munching. Eventually, a snow sweep came around clearing some of the powder from the streets. The Greyhound soon returned with a pair of cocoa drinks for the boys. After all, she didn't want them to be uncomfortable considering the weather. Arthur tried offering up some cash for the stuff, be she turned it down and left them alone again.

"That was nice of her." Pent said trying to start a conversation.

"Yup. What do you want to do after we eat?" Arthur asked curiously.

"We can go back home or go to a movie if you want." The fox suggested calming before finishing up his meal and washing it down.

"A movie sounds good. We can go home after that." The puppy wagged his tail before gulping down his own sandwich.

The Eskimo dog soon took both of their garbage and disposed of it. Arthur leaned over and hugged Pent softly before he too got up. They then made their way to the theater. Today was a perfect day for the movies and they assumed it would be more busy then the sandwich shop. Seeing as the shop was in the center of town, the theater wasn't a long trip at all. In fact, it was a mere 5-minute walk from where they were. Living in a smaller suburb, paid off sometimes.

After their short trip, they arrived at the cinema. The parking lot was mostly empty and yet there were still people outside lined up for tickets to various films. The two boys made their way over to the line and proceeded to wait. One could assume that the other patrons had walked as well. Once they had waited until it was there turn, they proceeded to the front of the line. Arthur decided it was his turn to pay since he didn't want to bleed his friends allowance dry.

There wasn't much out to choose from but Arthur had heard a lot about the new Marvel movie, Black Panther. He decided since there wasn't much else to pick from that it would have to do. After handing over the cost of the tickets, the two headed inside. The building was much warmer than the outdoors and they were handed a warm towel to get rid of some of the snow remaining on them. Each of the courtesy of drying the other off.

After they finished, the towels were taken from them. They checked in with the storage service so they didn't have to lug their backs around anymore. All that was left was getting snacks for the show. The two decided that popcorn and a large soda would have to suffice between the two of them since they didn't have much money left between them. Once they purchased it, they headed off to the showroom. Outside their tickets were checked and they were permitted into the dark entrance.

Inside it seemed there weren't many people, which wasn't surprising considering the film had been out a while. Arthur led Pent down the dimly lit corridor to the back row of seats which was entirely abandoned and filed into the center seats. The soda was placed in the holder while Arthur kept the bucket of popcorn between his legs. Various advertisements were playing prior to the pre-show entertainment so Arthur looked over at Pent and smirked at him.

Pent eyed him curiously, wondering just what he had planned. It didn't take long to find out. A moment later, Arthur shuffled in his seat seemingly trying to get comfortable. It seemed like he couldn't find a comfortable place on the chair. After a few seconds past, Arthur returned to an upright position and seemed to settle back in. The puppy smirked a bit as he snaked his hand upwards, with one of his socks clasped in his right paw.

Slowly but surely he crept up the side of Pent with it hidden the best he could. Eventually, he made his way near Pent's snout and casually draped it over top of his nose. The second he did so, Pent's senses were overwhelmed with Arthur's foot musk. Pent's eyes rolled backward in his head as he took deep smells inward of his boyfriend's odor. Pent had a thing for feet and Arthur knew it, besides no one could see what they were doing so there was little threat of being caught.

After a second inhalation of the odor, Pent brought himself to a more relaxed and submissive pose in his chair, almost slouching. His body falling sway to the temptation of his friend, now being overtaken by his own lust and an innate sense of tingling throughout his body. Arthur showed no signs of letting down either, even going as far to completely encase the other boy's snout inside of his sock. Pent felt as if he was being completely engulfed by the fabric. It was warm and most and its scent was decadent.

Pent's loins were steadily rising as indulged more and more into the soft, warm, and moist sock. Arthur noticed it too, even if it seemed like the bulge was being partially hidden by his shirt and pants. It seemed like the shirt was engulfing even more of him than before, Arthur looked on with interest trying to speculate if indeed Pent had gotten even smaller. Bit by bit, moment by moment Pent's body seemed to slouch ever further into his chair, but the question remained; was he just reacting to the increasing sense of stimulation that his body experienced or something else entirely?

Just then, Arthur got an idea, panning his paw over to Pent's side and coaxing it over to his bulge. The second he did Pent could help but peer his eyes over at the other boy's paw perched on his lap. Pent was already hard and the addition of Arthur's hand certainly didn't, in fact, it made the tingling feeling even stronger inside of him. The puppy took it a step further and begin to rub it as Pent's jaw open agape. Soon the familiar sense of tingling was replaced by an intense feeling of warmth.

By this point, Pent's member was fully outside of its sheath and causing his pants to tent against his groin. However what was more strange was that the hem of his pants now was loose against his waistline. Pent certainly didn't feel much smaller but the signs certainly were pointing to just that. Soon Arthur snaked his hand inside the open portion of the foxes jean shorts. It was surprisingly easy for the puppy to fit the entirety of his paw inside.

Gradually Arthur crept his paw inside before covering the other boy's masted cock. Pent gasped but the sock seemed to muffle out his abrupt vocalization. The Eskimo dog soon fit two of his fingers around Pent's knot and began threading it. Soon after the fox spread his legs enough as if to allow better access to the area however it was fairly easy to navigate already. The puppy continued to work massaging it. The combination of the sock and his friend's ministrations were becoming increasingly difficult to bear.

Pent was quickly reaching his limit. His breathing and heartbeat had steadily increased and already the tip of his canine member was leaking. Another few moments passed before the kit could no longer hold back, Pent's member spurted out a small amount of cum. Eventually, Arthur let up on his touch and gradually Pent began to relax. Fortunately for the fox, the majority of his seed had been captured by his boxers, even if they were quite loose on him. Soon the kits breathing and heart rate returned to normal.

Once Pent regained his composure. He looked over at the puppy to the left of him. Arthur seemed much more imposing than he recalled. Even more telling the foxes paws no longer reached the floor and his shoes had slipped from his feet. Pent looked up at Arthur who simply looked back at him with a smirk. It seemed his body was reacting to the pleasure he'd just experienced. He couldn't help but be curious at just how small he'd gotten.

His curiosity would have to wait another time. The movie finally began with the end of the previews. The two boys remain clasped hand and hand and enjoyed their little date. Though to the eyes of many, it may have looked to be like an older and younger brother. Pent and Arthur knew the truth of it and were very much enjoying itself. Besides...Arthur had more plans for later especially since he now understood the means of his friend's descent...



Rivalry by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work...

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Galvanized by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Most are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect...

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Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creator. I use them with permission and respect to the owners. This work contains...

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