First Day

Story by Foxxxy Slave Girl on SoFurry

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Waking up one morning Angel looked around her room and smiled somewhat. Stretching she gets out of bed and heads into the bathroom. Rubbing her eyes as she walks she stops infront of the mirror and looks at herself. Undressing she hopes into the shower. Stepping otu some 20 minutes later she dries off and brushes her hair. Grabbing her toothbrush she puts toothpaste on it and brushes her teeth.

Looking at the clock as she heads into her room she gasps as she relizes she is going to be late for her first day. Dashing into her room she quickly gets dressed in a skirt and blouse then dashes into her room-mates room. Shaking him to wake him up she ignores his growling. Going through his closet she throws some clothes at him.

"Get dressed!"

Running out of the room she grabs her briefcase and coat then runs outside to her car. Hoping in she starts it then heads down the street to her work. Finally arriving there she steps into the reception office where the receptionist says that her new boss is excepting her. After being escorted into the office she sits down to wait for him.

Having waited nothing more then a few minutes she stands up when a tall, muscular wolf walks into the room. Swallowing hard when he circles her a few times then sits down at his desk motioning her to do the same. After being seated she folds her paw in her lap waiting for him to speak.

"So you the new girl we have hired on..."

Nodding somewhat she swallows hard again, "Y-yes sir..."

Nodding to himself he quickly goes about telling her what her job is to be. Nodding the whole time as he talks she listens attentively. Finally standing up after he told her to get to work she walks out of his office.

Looking up at Bas, her other room-mate, she smiles somewhat and takes a stack of papers from him. Following him into the back room she wonders where to put them.

Taking the files from her he smiles and then steps up slipping his arms aroudn her waist, " So How's your first day so far baby?"

Smiling up at him she giggles, "The boss is terrifying..."

After saying that she leans up and presses her lips to the 'yotes. Pressing herself against him she purrs as she feels him pull her even closer to himself. Feeling her breasts crushed against his chest she purrs loudly.

Feeling her breasts against him he pulls her closer thrusting his tongue past her lips. Running his paws down over her back he growls playfully and picks her up. Sitting her down on the edge of a counter he slips between her thighs and runs his paws up to cup her breasts Running his finegrs over her nipples he kisses down to her neck and nibbles on it.

Feeling him nibbling on her neck and playing with her nipples she can't help but moan. Arching her back slightly she runs her paws over her chest then down to his jeans. Undoing the buttons she pushes them down off his hips and does the same with his boxers letting his hard throbbing cock spring forth. Wrapping her fingers around his cock she starts stroking him.

Completely unaware that someone else had walked into the room they keep touching each other the moans becoming somewhat louder with each passing second. Startled when suddenly they hear the door closing they both jump and look at the door quickly. Seeing the wolf standing there they both start to hurriedly rearrange their clothing and stop only when he starst talking.

"What is going on in here? Can't you control your animal urges?"

Looking at them he smiles to himself and walks over. Grabbing Angel's wrist he pulls her off the counter to stand infront of him and looks at Bas over her shoulder.

"I thought I told you we break in the new workers together he said with a fake grin on his muzzle.

Stunned Angel looks at him then Bas and smiles. Stepping back from the two she undresses and stand sthere awaiting their reactions. Smiling when they both walk over.

Sitting down on a low chair she spreads her legs smiling when Bas kneels down infront of her and starts running his tongue over her clit. Moaning softly she turns her head and takes Drake's hard throbbing wolf meat into her mouth. Moving her mouth up and down on him quickly she moans as Bas's tongue flicks over her hot throbbing cunt lips.

Feeling her mouth on his cock all Drake can do is move somewhat positioning her so she is leaning her head over the back of the chair. Resting his paws on her breasts he thrusts his hard throbbing cock in and out of her quickly as he teases her nipples. Growling when her teeth drag over him gently she throws ehr head back moaning.

Looking up at those two Bas smiles to himself and starts tonguing her mercilessly. Growling when he hears her crying out around her muzzleful of wolf cock he stops tonging her slipping up he thrusts his hard throbbing cock into her. Throwing his head back he growls as she starts thrustin in and out of her faster and hard.

Crying out at the feel of the hard 'yote cock inside of her she starts sucking on Drake's cock harder teasing him with her tongue. Trembling she archs her back takin the cock deeper inside herself. Mrowling at the feel of being fucked she whimeprs loudly.

Howling, Drake soon gives in to his instincts and cums inside her mouth. Wave after wave of hot sticky wolf cum running inside her mouth leaking out at the corners. Panting he reahces a paw down her front and starst playing with her clit as Bas fucks her harder with each thrust.

Arching her back off the chair Angel cries out as she feels Bas's seed scalding hot seed bathing her insides. Collasping back on the chair she tries to catch her breath. Looking at the two she smiles and finally is able to talk.

"I.. Think I'm going... to like workin here...." She says a smile on her face as she passes out.