Dragon's Doormat

Story by Sovrim Terraquian on SoFurry

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A dragon toys with the reader under his feet.

A very late (it's 11:59 PM here I swear) submission for Paw Day 2018.

"Get on the floor. Now."

You hesitated. You roughly knew what you were getting into when you arrived at this seedy club on the outskirts of own. You knew there was a reason it was converted from an old warehouse, given the difference in size of the patrons involved. And, being near the edge of town, the authorities tended not to ask too many questions about the sort of things that happened here. It was inevitable that some of it would end up shamelessly lewd and fetishistic, but for it to happen so quickly, with such a firm command from a dragon giving it as casually as he would tell you the time-

Those thoughts were abruptly cut off as the dragon crouched down, wrapping one blue-scaled hand around your torso, pinning your arms to your side. "I said get on the floor," He repeated, leaning in so close his bass-heavy voice seemed to resonate in your skull. "You wouldn't even be here if you didn't want this and I'm not going to repeat myself again. Either get on the floor so I can use you like the doormat we both know you want to be, or I'm going to squeeze you again until your arms snap like twigs." He gave you 'gentle' squeeze, enough to make your elbows and ribs ache, before he dropped you back onto the floor and stood back to his full height.

And what a height it was. In the 2+ story building, the dragon's white mane nearly touched the ceiling. You were left barely looking above his knees, at legs that were thicker than your body, each. But you knew not to keep staring. At least, not without getting onto the floor first. You crouched down to sit on the floor, then hesitated again. Should you be face up, or face down, or-

The cobalt-scaled dragon made a decision for you. His foot came forward. The largest toe pressed against your sternum with a firm, insistent force that only relented once your back was pinned against the slightly-forgiving floor. It was like being pressed into a yoga mat by a medicine ball. A warm, slightly-damp-with-sweat medicine ball that left you breathing in the musk of this creature. "Better. This is where you wanted to be, isn't it? Pinned under one of my feet," the dragon paused that sentence to flex his toes against you, grinding them just a little too heavily against you, "Ready to be used like a doormat."

Doormat?! You could scarcely handle the pressure already bearing down on you. The weight on your chest - an insignificant fraction of the dragon's full mass - was already enough to make it hard to breathe, and what air you did get was increasingly saturated with the scent of that toe. In the club's dim light, you could just barely see the dragon reaching up for the structural supports near the ceiling. It was enough to take some of that weight off you, at least until he shifted his broad, powerful foot to ensure it covered your upper body thoroughly. His four toes curled over the top of your head, while his heel pressed easily against your crotch. He leaned back just a little, making sure to grind that heel against your groin, to feel just how much you were enjoying it.

You were simply pinned beneath the foot as it rested upon you for several long moments. You couldn't even try to fight it; your arms were trapped uselessly at your sides by the unrelenting pressure keeping you pressed against the floor. The toes occasionally clenched at your face to cut off your air entirely, before releasing and allowing you to have another breath of the dragon's musk, which only intensified as the sweat from those toes started to soak your face as well. Even so, the ball of his foot against your chest meant breathing itself was still difficult, and every time you did breathe that foot could simply press down a little further and force that air back out of you again, making it that much harder to take your next breath.

Though, as promised, the dragon started to use you as a doormat. The movement very nearly dragged you along the floor, but courtesy of the sweat that now lubricated your upper body, the dragon's sole could simply slide over you while you were left in place. The heel of his foot shoved your legs apart as it moved off your crotch, while his toes ground over your face to mark it one more time before they too slid down your body. When the dragon's toes reached your feet, his foot lifted into the air, giving you a chance to appreciate the silhouette of his sole before it came down upon you once more.

This time, the heel landed directly on your chest, knocking the wind out of you immediately. The rest of his foot loomed above, like a dark monolith. He allowed you a moment to appreciate that, before his heel ground into your chest more heavily. "Make yourself useful and stick your tongue out. Lick my sole." You didn't want to. At least, that's what you tried to tell yourself. But it was too tempting. You had to at least take a taste. Leaning forward was difficult, but the dragon slowly lowered his foot to meet your face, allowing you to take in the potent sweat for yourself. It wasn't dirty, necessarily, but strong. Strong like the dragon it came from. The dragon's foot came down completely a moment after that, forcing your tongue to stay out before his foot swept over you once again. A thin trail of your saliva now graced the dragon's sole as it slid down to its original position once more, with his largest toe now directly over your face, smothering you beneath it.

"Lick these too. Now." When you didn't immediately respond, as your face was still pinned beneath a toe, the dragon scowled and lifted his foot up.

"I said lick," he growled, before kicking you in the chest. It was clearly a gentle blow for him - you know he could've crush you without much effort - but it once again knocked the wind out of you and left you clutching at yourself. You were graced with a moment to appreciate that pain before his foot came down onto your face again, this time with your head deliberately between two toes. You could see him towering above, like a dark god taking indulgence in your position beneath him. You knew he could end you with little more than a thought. And, in this moment, you wanted little more than to lick that space between the two toes threatening to crush your skull, to try appease him... and, admittedly, to appreciate that for yourself as well.

Despite your desire and effort, licking the dragon's toecrotch was not easy. Being pinned to the floor was an awkward position to work from, and the sheer potency of that musk and flavor made you gag. But the dragon seemed patient enough with your efforts, willing to allow you the time to recover and try again. The second lick wasn't quite as bad, while the third was at least tolerable. Whether that was because you were coming to enjoy it, you were acclimating to that, or you simply had overloaded your senses, you were able to at least make an attempt at cleaning the dragon's toecrotch.

"Good, good. Maybe you have some use after all," he rumbled from above, while shifting his foot over to allow you in between the next of his toes. Then, a few moments later, the last of them. It was tiring work, tending to the dragon's toes, but you persisted. You were starting to appreciate the finer details of it: The differences in flavor in the depths of the toecrotch versus near the tips of the toes, the texture of his fleshy soles compared to his more scaly parts, and the way the intense musk mellowed as you licked up some portion of the sweat upon it.

When you finished with those last toes, the dragon's foot lifted away and your chest briefly stuck to it. With a quick shake, he kicked you off his foot and you fell back to the ground with a thud. Once again you could see the dragon looming above you in full. He was clearly quite enjoying himself as well, though amused at how badly you were worn out already. "Awww, tired?" You nodded, too worn out to speak. "Well, that's unfortunate. Because I have another foot you need to worship, and you're not getting up or getting off until I'm done with you."

After that pronouncement, you were left dumbstruck. You could barely handle that one foot already. And yet, your world once again was going dark as the black sole of a dragon filled the sky and then pressed down against your face, pinning and smothering it into the darkness. A darkness that you wondered if you could survive. A darkness you didn't know if you wanted to leave.

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