Magical Nights: An Accidentally Dirty Night

Story by Icanade on SoFurry

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#7 of Magical Nights

A poor, young German Shepherd acquires a laptop for quite the bargain. However, the laptop itself is practically a ticking time bomb as it immediately opens to Magical Nights once it is started.

This is an adaptation of an RP I did with someone using Magical Nights as a base. It might be a bit off putting to some so please read tags first.

Sky, a young German Shepherd kicked in the door to his tiny apartment, carrying a beat up package underneath his arm. He had just moved to the city and was looking for work. Unfortunately, he didn't have much money left over after paying the first month's rent so he decided to buy a laptop off of some sketchy website. He suspected it was probably stolen but he didn't care because of how cheap it was. Upon putting the laptop on the desk in his bedroom he booted the thing up. To his surprise all the previous user's stuff was there. Curiously he opened up the browser, however as soon as he did he was redirected to Magical Nights. He'd heard of the site before, but never actually gone himself having heard some terrible horror stories. Deciding it best to not stay around he tried to close the browser but found his mouse unresponsive as a window popped up.

Stream scheduled to start in 1 minute.

Time: Undefined.

Restrictions: None.

Title: "I've been naughty please punish me"

Sky immediately started to panic trying to close the browser frantically but nothing seemed to work, a prompt constantly asking for a password he didn't have, and soon the timer hit zero, his browser splitting into a chat box and a video of him. Fortunately no one joined right away. Sky soon managed to get control of the browser again, but as he was about to type in the commands to force a shutdown he heard a ping as the first donation came in.

Viewers (1)

*Slurp667 paid for Long Mittens (Pink) ($10)*

Slurp667: from what I got, always restrict victims first... now let me investigate your profile, little one

Sky let out a yelp as he suddenly felt his paws become heavy. Looking down he gasped as he found his hands both bound in long pink mittens, his paws becoming completely useless, making him unable to use the mouse or keyboard.

Sky hoped the person would find reason, "Please I didn't set up this stream, could you tell me how to stop it?" he pleaded urgently before trying to bite through the mittens.

Viewers (2)

*Slurp667 paid for Custom Command ("speak only by typing on keyboard into the chat with tongue") ($150)*

Slurp667: Silence! Let me inspect you firstly...

Igon: oh hey there cutie... do you have any toys to play with for me?

Lumf: what a sexy mittens you do have!

*Lumf paid for Cloth Removal ($20)*

Lumf: sissies should wear nothing but what they're told

The panicked canine once more tried to plead with the chat. Although this time when he tried to speak he found no sound coming out, his eyes growing wide as he read the command. Then an instant later he let out an inaudible whine as he suddenly felt a draft, now finding his clothes completely removed.

Immediately he took to licking the keyboard, trying to type out a plea for help, but this was a very difficult task when only using your tongue, his first message being completely garbled "plqwesde jhglp mle"

Viewers (22)

Myaddib: oh look, he is licking keyboard to chat with us!

Igon: yeah, someone paid for it, and now I have to wait for an answer to my question...

Igon: if you wont answer to me little pup, I will punish you

Igon: Terribly

Slurp667: alright, I figured it out... this boy is really really degrade-lover

*Myaddib paid for Sissy Outfit ($30)*

Myaddib: now get away from your PC and show me what are you wearing right now, sissy

Steph3n: hi guys! wow! that boy looks hot in those girly clothes...

*Steph3n paid for Erection ($15)*

Steph3n: fap for me girl

All at once the donations flew in as he started to type his next message. But the message never got completed as he suddenly felt himself being clothed once more. Looking down, his eyes widened as he now saw he was clothed in a very revealing and very skimpy looking pink outfit, now sporting a skirt that hardly covered his crotch and a pink t-shirt that read "little sissy."

Angered by the sudden turn of events he quickly stood up and started to pull the shirt off, annoyed by the chat, ignoring their requests. As he started to work on the skirt he suddenly felt himself become almost instantly erect, so quickly that it was almost painful. It was then that he finally looked back at the chat seeing their demands. The canine then quickly began to type again to make known his displeasure. Unfortunately, as he typed, he was in a position where he was unable to read chat. Again, something went wrong, as he was nearly finished his angry comment, soon feeling a tight, huge warm hand slowly stroking his horny cock. Immediately he doubled over as the hand masterfully and gently stroked him, quickly feeling himself approach his peak. He'd no gotten off in a while, at least a week now since the move so he was very quick to reach his peak. Up and down, up and down, rapidly pushing towards the end, but when he felt himself reach the edge he was unable to cum. Then another set of invisible hands suddenly appeared, these touching his nipples, squeezing lightly, but annoyingly. And then, while the invisible hand continued rubbing and teasing his shaft, he felt something tight and painful as something was squeezing his horny cock into a smaller size, right into a small metal chastity cage that had no lock visible, and it didn't stopped there. Soon there was another metal chastity over it, with an actual lock, but no key. And then a third one appeared right over the second one, this one much bigger, but still tight silicone chastity. And the most horrifying thing was that he could now feel an intense vibrating coming from his entrapped cock, holding him at the edge still.

Viewers (52)

*Igon paid for Custom Command ("get edged by ghost hands") ($50)*


CoxFox paid for Secondary Chastity ($100)

CoxFox paid for Claim Chastity Keys ($1000)

CoxFox: that goes number one

CoxFox paid for Secondary Chastity ($100)

CoxFox paid for Claim Chastity Keys ($1000)

Myaddib: wtf was that!

CoxFox: and number two... there is Magical Nights chastity that disappear after all the time we will add... but there are also personal chastity (I have the key from his additional chastity now)

Ludwig: wow

CoxFox: the most wonderful part... Magical Nights chastity countdown WONT start until he somehow beg those keys from me to open them >:3

Sky panicked as he read over the chat. Desperate to cum he quickly tried to take off the chastity, but his mitts made it impossible to even examine the lock. He didn't want to comply with the disgusting and debased requests, but his trapped shaft was making a very compelling argument and he soon found himself erasing his previous message and started to lick the keyboard into another message to beg for release when suddenly a very tight collar appeared on Sky. Then all at once things seemed to get worse. People started to put marks and tattoos all over Sky's body "Slut", "Whore," "Please no orgasm," and many other humiliating words. And soon the pinching and vibrations became harder and stronger. More annoyingly it made Sky moan from time to time interrupting him from finishing any message.

Viewers (107)

Anton: I am curious if this slut is into feet or socks...

CoxFox: how about we find out?

*CoxFox paid for Tongue Stealing (Premium) ($50)*

CoxFox: now little boy take a look at that... is it my left foot? or my right foot? Move your left arm for left, right for right... if you guess right, you will get a treat, if incorrect... terrible punishment

Slurp667: wow thats... bad

*Myaddib paid for Custom Command ("tied up arms behind your back") ($30)*

CoxFox: so I am waiting... keep in mind, my left foot was unwashed for two week longer. I am in heavy winter boots during summer, right now... so?

MorASp: fuck, this is disgusting actually....

*leando paid for 1 months (Chastity) ($50)*

leando: additional fun for you, little sissy

Sky moaned as he tried to finish a single pleading message. However, he could hardly focus as the pinching got worse, and the vibrations got more intense, his cock straining painfully against the first cage. He looked up, horrified as he now saw himself with tattoos all over, begging for more punishment.

Then they were asking if he liked feet?! He was doing his best though to finish the last word, when suddenly his tongue vanished. He tried to scream, but the vibration intensified once more causing him to moan. And then suddenly he gagged as he tasted something horrible resting against his tongue. Looking at the chat he soon found out why. Now unable to even plead for his chastity, he could only helpless watch as the chastity time counted up, and when he tried to raise his arm to guess, having no real idea given the horrible taste, still gagging reflexively, he suddenly found his arms bound behind him. He tried to struggle free but it was no use.

Viewers (157)

CoxFox: any guesses? no?

CoxFox: ...

CoxFox: so you dont want to play games with me?

Myaddib: he is a little bit occupied XD XD

MorASp: poor boy...

*leando paid for Canine Dildo ($35)*

leando: dunno what you all up to , I just want some vanilla fuck... suck it for me, sissy

CoxFox: ahahahahhaahahha, no vanilla while I am here

*CoxFox paid for Custom Command ("suck dildo") ($50)*

*CoxFox paid for Custom Command ("lube dildo with sticky stinky glue") ($35)*

CoxFox: so... which foot is playing its toes over your tongue? Hmmmm?

Frantically trying to unbind his arms he was suddenly surprised as a canine dildo appeared in front of him. He blinked in disbelief as something relatively normal happened. Still gagging on the taste of whatever the fur was rubbing his tongue against, Sky soon had an idea as this leando guy popped in. Maybe he could get them to fight it out and maybe the plain one would help him free. Although his thoughts were completely cut off as suddenly he felt himself lean forward, the dildo quickly entering his mouth. Suddenly his nose was completely overrun with the scent of filthy feet, causing him to scream as the dildo entered his mouth. He tried to pull back up, but it was incredibly difficult making it very slow to rise up, the surface of the toy incredibly sticky.

He could no longer see the chat with his current position, so he had no idea what else was happening in it.

Even though Sky was unaware of what was going on, the chat continued to roll on ahead. The first thing he felt was his tongue suddenly placed against something somehow fouler than before. He started to gag, his stomach trying to heave its contents in disgust, but he was completely unable to do even that. His mind was racing, most of it still strangled with lust having been held on edge for so long. But then somehow it managed to get worse from there as he felt his tongue dipped into something wet and acrid. His eyes opening in panic, his pleas muffled by the dildo as he realized the taste was piss.

He tried to stand up, but he then suddenly felt his tail being lifted, a large, non-lubricated canine dildo suddenly being pressed against his tail hole. Before he could even hope to react it was unceremoniously shoved into his tail hole, eliciting another muffled yelp of pain as the toy slowly slid in, and the knot soon forcing its way past his asshole. At this point he was desperate to get away, but before he could move again, he suddenly saw a chain materialize and attach itself to his collar before being pulled underneath his desk.

Now he was frantic, no longer able to escape, still unable to do anything but moan at the intense edging, yelping occasionally as his nipples continued to be pinched by an invisible hand. And then suddenly he saw a flash and then everything went dark as a blindfold was wrapped around his head, blinding him. He wasn't sure what the last command had been but soon he smelt the horrid, strong scent of wet dogs, and then he was suddenly startled as he felt wet tongues lapping at his crotch and body before suddenly tasting his tongue being drenched in a more foul tasting pee.

Given the circumstances, he could tell that the dogs were horny, their arousal heavy in the air, but fortunately his holes were still filled. Although he soon wished it wasn't as a few of the dogs decided that if they couldn't fuck him, they'd mark him, each of them lifting their legs and peeing all over the helpless canine, his fur being stained yellow, their scent completely overpowering anything else in the room.

He desperately hoped that everything would be over, but then the filthy, smelly dildo suddenly disappeared from his mouth and he let out a yelp as his tongue was immediately pierced. However, the piercing was anything but normal as his head was dragged forward a bit, soon learning that his tongue was now connected by a small chain, his mouth quickly becoming acquainted with a very large dog's cock.

Meanwhile, his prayers were anything but answered as over the loud noises of the dogs he began to hear his laptop start to list off a bunch of donations at once, each one making his mind reel and panic more than the last. He then heard the computer ask if he wanted to end the stream, but before he could scream out "yes", his shout was muffled as the malamute whose cock he'd been tethered to suddenly thrust inside his mouth and started to pee down his throat.

And then there was loud voice coming from laptop starting to count:

Week of chastity was added

Five days of chastity was added

Two months of chastity was added

Permanent change granted: piercing

Permanent change granted: edging

Permanent change granted: dog company

Fortunately, before the list was able to continue the power suddenly went out in his building, the laptop shorting from the power surge. Sky prayed that this meant it was over, he was free and everything would return to normal. However, nothing really changed. Some of the things disappeared from the room, but to his horror his tongue continued to be pressed against one disgusting thing after the other. In fact, the only things that disappeared was the dildo in his tail hole, which was quickly replaced by an even larger dog's cock, and the blindfold was now gone, his eyes widening in fear as he noticed himself now bound inside a dog center, his collar chained to the middle of the kennel room full of horny dogs.

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