Twokinds - Between A Wolf And Another Wolf

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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his is something I've had in mind for a while, and another story that I've actually had completed for some time, but just never got around to

It's a direct sequel (as in, within a few minutes) to "Fleas", as well as a sorta-sequel to my first Twokinds story, Between A Wolf And A Hard Place! This time Keith finds himself getting pinned between Natani and Zen, instead of between Natani and the floor. Still a good spot, I think.

This one's also a bit shorter since I dove right into the action instead of doing my usual with intro + buildup. If I remember right, I wrote most of this on a plane ride when I went up to Ohio to visit my brother. Maybe that was Kat's Ass, though. I don't remember.Check out my Patreon!

As usual as usual, thanks to dear amenon for going through and editing + revising this for me!

Keith could tell that Zen had showered recently. Maybe earlier today, maybe sometime yesterday... a twitch in the grip of the paw on the back of his head pressed the Basitin's nose a little more firmly into that short, soft fur, and his first reaction was to take a deeper whiff of that scent. The gentle floral touch of the soap was there, sure, but it was lighter, weaker than... well. The grip behind his ears lifted away for a moment, and Keith took the opportunity to change his angle, to bring his nose closer to the center of the crook in which he'd found his muzzle shoved, basically as soon as these two wolves had gotten him into the room.

Zen below him shifted, too, and returned the touch, the press, the grind - and then Natani's paw came back down on Keith's head from behind, ensuring that his nose remained fixed in place there between the side of Zen's sheath and the inside of his thigh. This wasn't his preferred pair of legs to be between, but he'd long since discovered that he couldn't really get his fill of either wolf, no matter how he tried... or, no matter how many times Zen pinned him on his belly and tried to give him that fill, six-something inches under his tail.

So. He couldn't complain. The Basitin licked his lips and dug his nose up alongside that sheath, running his muzzle closer to the faintly-moistened lips of the tip, and the slick point of red-pink flesh that poked out of the end. Gentle floral soap gave way to heavy, savory musk, light on the air but thick from the source; even without Natani having to tighten his grip, Keith centered his nose in along the base of that tip, nuzzled the skin of Zen's sheath a little bit further down along his length, drew that scent in, held it, let it back out over the wolf's sack with a hungry shuddering exhalation. Didn't help that he could still smell Natani on his upper lip and in the back of his throat, too. Hell, his jaw still ached a little bit from that, just minutes ago; if he'd known that this was what the brothers had planned for him, maybe he would have held back a bit instead of going so hard at the other wolf's backside.

Or, maybe not. Hard to resist Natani, especially in a situation like that had been, or like this still was. As soon as the three of them had made it back into their room, Nat had tossed his towel off - and Keith couldn't really tell whether the sheen along the earth-brown fur of his inner thighs was his own saliva or Natani's arousal. Not without getting in close and tasting it, at least, and when Zen had dropped his pants in an equally urgent manner, there had been other things for Keith to attend to first. Natani had already gotten his, after all.

Zen's tip, twitching just slightly as Keith kissed his way up along, left a different kind of slickness on the Basitin's lips than what he got from Natani, a little stickier, a little drier, but no less... persistent. Still made the Basitin hungry in more ways than one, too: with him on all fours on the bed like this, one wolf could sprawl back and grind up against Keith's face while the other bore down on him from above and behind, holding his head down with one paw and squeezing his hard cock beneath him with the other. Things had been reversed between the three of them before, with Natani's legs spread around Keith's head and Zen's groin against his tail.

And even though Natani lacked the... equipment, so to say, that would've allowed him to sink up into Keith and make the Basitin squirm with even more anticipation, that didn't stop him from trying. It was a slow, steady rhythm with which he pressed against Keith's rump, squeezing the Basitin forward and into his waiting paw, teasing him to push back against him. That had become Keith's first reaction to feeling something warm and firm grinding against him from behind: press back against it. He didn't call it a _natural_reaction only because he was certain that these two had pounded it into him.

Another little twitch and tense sigh, in response to Keith parting his lips and sliding his tongue along the contoured underside of Zen's length, drawing it further out of his sheath. That taste mixed with Natani's still clinging to the back of his throat - now it was Keith's turn to throb, and the other wolf felt it and gave him another squeeze - and he let it hang there, let it simmer and grow with each following lick, from the rim of that sheath to the tip of his cock. Long, slow licks, pressing down and dragging up along that flesh, taking his time to taste and savor the same musk that his nuzzling had ground into the fur around his nose-

Until, at least, Natani's grip centered between his ears again and this time pushed him further down, so that he drew his nose again down over the lip of Zen's sheath and towards his sack below. The wolf beneath him shifted his position and wrapped a paw around the end of his sheath, finger and thumb squeezing and working, hips lifting up into his own grip; Keith watched, nose and lips buried against plump balls, as Zen worked himself further out of his sheath, angling his cock down to wipe and grind the slick flesh against the Basitin's face. Keith could definitely feel _that_in his fur, and knew from experience that anyone who walked past him later today would be able to get a whiff of wolf on his muzzle, provided that they couldn't already.

Something must have passed between the wolves right then that Keith didn't see - eyes focused somewhere else, naturally - since just as Natani released his head, Zen adjusted his position again, and moved back to tap the underside of his cock against Keith's lips, once the Basitin lifted his head. Certainly didn't have to tell him what to do; this time he drew in a breath through those parted lips, felt the heavy wet heat of Zen's arousal, and slid his tongue out between them to get right back to work.

This time he wrapped his fingers around that red-fleshed length past his lips during his bobbing, keeping his tongue cupped and breath steady... when he could breathe, that was. Zen had enough of an endowment between his legs here to push partly into the Basitin's throat if he really wanted, and all of the licking and nuzzling and teasing had worked him up enough for that want to manifest. Keith felt fairly certain that a similar want when the wolf was nestled beneath his tail would result in a bulging-out of his lower abdomen, but every time the two found themselves in that position, he had too much trouble keeping his eyes open to see much of anything.

Right as he'd gotten back into his rhythm, though, Natani's arms came up from behind him and hoisted him up - and Zen reached forward at the same time, the wolves working in that uncanny tandem of theirs, so that Keith could do little more than squirm and gasp as those strong paws gripped and grabbed and turned him. His mouth, his lips, his breath, all tasted of Zen; his first attempt to give a half-hearted complaint at this manhandling instead came out as a puff of breath when the male-bodied wolf squeezed him closer, Keith's back to his chest, and then his second attempt more... fluttered out, than anything.

It was the weight of his own body that held him back against the wolf's chest, while Zen's paws had taken a firm grip on the undersides of his thighs to hike his legs up - and to hold him in place, tapered tip of the canid's cock hungrily twitching, throbbing, teasing at his tailhole. That was what had slurried the words in his mouth, and it did so again every time the wolf grinded up against him. Keith swallowed, squirmed, let out a sigh, yet again tried to speak.... and this time felt the breath pressed out of him by Natani's paws settling down on his shoulders, the large wolf straddling the both of them.

Saying that he hated when the brothers used their mental link to plan things like this would be... well, not entirely true. Mismatched eyes glimmered at him from above, and any thought of complaining for getting tossed around fizzled out. Natani drew his tongue over his chops, at the same time settling the weight and warmth of his body down against the underside of Keith's hard cock, squeezing him between himself and his brother.

"Didn't you ask earlier if we were planning something?" the wolf drawled, and gave a slow churn of his hips. That pressed Keith down against Zen beneath him, the wolf's arms still keeping his legs half-raised - and Zen returned the grind, teasing his saliva-slickened tip up against the Basitin's tailhole with a tense sigh into his ear.

Keith swallowed again. Natani had gotten himself worked up, too; the familiar tickling at Keith's nose told him that much. Sandwiched between the two like this, legs off at awkward angles and one arm gripping Zen's along his side and the other on Natani's waist, there wasn't much he could do to free himself. Not that he'd really want to, of course. When the words came, they did so shakily, and with an inevitable note of need. "You get this - look in your eye..."

"Really?" Natani hooked his paws behind Keith's neck. Zen had continued in that slow rhythm, hard cock lifting up, teasing at Keith's rim, just barely, barely starting to press into him... and his brother's change in position provided the right shift in weight to start sinking in. "Which eye?"

Yet again, all ability to speak shivered out of Keith with that length starting to slide up into him, slowly sinking and stretching, the sensation making him squirm and grip at Zen's arm. His eyes fluttered shut and then half-opened again and again, the one wolf behind and beneath him having similar difficulty with keeping his breathing steady... and then with the other atop him, legs spread and sex pressed hot against the Basitin's length, riding each throb against but not inside him as it came, and muzzle fixed on his prey with the most satisfied of smiles.

Natani tilted his head to the side. "Zen?"

Keith's ear flicked beneath the low growl that the other wolf gave in response. Neither of them could do much more than that: his claws dug into the Basitin's thighs as he pressed his hips against him, working him further down along his length and lifting him back up, letting him sink down a little further each time, remaining buried inside him for just a second longer. Knowing the way that both of these wolves could get when they really had the hunger burning in them, that kind of self-control probably took all of his concentration.

"Could you hold still for a moment?"

This time it was a grunt of exacerbation - but he obeyed, and rested himself down against the mattress beneath him. Keith's own weight meant that he continued to sink slickly down towards the wolf's knot, though, and all of the freedom of movement he was given went into continuing that rhythm, but - another moment and he found himself looking up into those mismatched eyes again (and over those sizeable breasts) as Natani lifted up and held Keith in place underneath him.

"You'll owe both of us after this," he said - and slid his hips back, catching the Basitin's cock at just the right angle to allow him to press up into him, warm and slick and clenching.

It was all Keith could do not to roll his head back and let his jaw hang open, like he'd done on that one night he'd filled himself with too much of that lovely prickle-berry wine. Squeezed between two wolves in more than one sense of the word, one stretching his tail and the other pushing down atop him, sliding down around his length... for each weak thrust of his hips he could give, Natani responded with one of least twice the energy, which in turn grinded the Basitin's rump more firmly back around Zen, who then returned the motion... and before long at all it was just Keith caught between the two of them, rocking back and forth and panting and huffing and growling into his ears, with him doing his best to keep from giving out from the feeling.

Before long Natani's facade of cool confidence withered away, and he let his eyes drift shut as well. Keith half-expected to see his broad pink tongue loll out of his mouth, but within the minute of having that thought, he ended up with that tongue swirling deftly around his own, one paw behind his head keeping his mouth tight against the wolf's, every pound down from Natani's hips against his waist causing Keith to let another puff of breath out through his nose.

Hardly enough space to breathe amid the kiss - he could feel saliva rolling out of the corner of his mouth and down his chin - and then Zen made it worse by straightening up and setting his teeth into the fur of the Basitin's shoulder, his paws now alternating between squeezing on his thighs and releasing them to let Natani do all the hard work.

Of course, it felt the best when they both thrust against him at the same time, pinning his lower body between them, forcing him into the full of what they each had to give. Zen's cock twitched and pulsed inside of him, knot straining at the already-stretched rim of his tailhole and threatening to widen him further, especially with Natani riding down onto him in his own rhythm.

Eventually the wolf released him from the kiss (then saw the slick wetness decorating his lips and chin, and dove back in to lick that off) and held eye contact for a moment, body lurching with the rhythm of his riding, one paw still behind Keith's neck while the other pressed down against his side and held him against his brother. He'd started working his hips faster and harder, just as Zen did beneath him... and then those mismatched eyes flicked to the side for another half-second, just long enough for Keith to catch between everything else.

Then Natani leaned in towards his head, and Zen's teeth slid out from along his shoulder - and each of the wolves took one of his ears for their own, sharp teeth grazing along the skin beneath short velvet fur, the kind of touch that sent irresistible shivers echoing down his back. He couldn't hold in the low, vibrating moan that rumbled in his throat - and a similar sound from Zen, breath hot in his ear, told him that his body's response felt equally good to the wolf under and inside him. Those teeth clamped down for one second, two seconds, three seconds - and then Zen bucked up into him, pounding his load deep into the Basitin, again threatening to stretch him on his knot. Not this time. Not with everything else going on.

With that added feeling, that extra pressure, and as well as the slight spike of pain arcing down through that one ear, Keith shuddered all over again, and then felt himself pinned down just as firmly as Natani brought himself to his own peak on him. It was that grinding and churning, Keith buried the entirety of his length between the wolf's hips, the wet squeezing and delicious warmth and the awareness of Zen's scent and taste still on his breath and lips (and now on Natani's, too, he realized) that led him to lift up and unload his own pleasure, just as Natani started to settle down from his.

Hot wetness dripped down the underside of Keith's cock, and for another few moments there wasn't really anything he could do. Not until Natani started to untwine himself from around him, bracing his paws against the Basitin's shoulders to lift himself up, and then promptly roll off onto the bed; Zen, however, kept Keith down on top of him so he could give a few more final pumps of his hips, and then similarly lay back with all of the energy drained out of him. Keith slid up off of him with a gentle gasp and then had to keep a hand on the wolf's thigh once he'd risen to his feet, his legs shaking under him. That happened sometimes.

"Is that really all you wanted from-"

The Basitin's voice died in his throat after he turned around and saw the two of them lying there, side by side with eyes closed and mouths hanging open, chests rising and falling in tired breaths, one of Zen's paws across his chest, one of Natani's hanging limply between his moistened thighs. Both pairs of eyes fluttered weakly open and shifted towards him. Zen drew his tongue over his chops and cleared his throat.

"What?" he said, and took another moment to catch his breath. "You're not complaining, are you?"

"Well..." Keith swallowed, and coughed into his fist. Couldn't keep his eyes off of these two wolves, and already he could feel his cheeks and ears heating up again. "I mean, I-"

"I've been busy these past two days. No time to do anything. Of course I'm gonna jump at the first opportunity I get to unload..." Zen's eyes had drifted shut again, but finishing this, he spread his muzzle in a quiet laugh to himself. "You two, meanwhile, have been - I don't even know what. I've been getting little bits and pieces through the link all day, and let me tell you, that's real distracting when I'm trying to do other things."

Natani leaned down and bumped his nose against his brother's shoulder. "I know it is," he rumbled, and shared in Zen's little chuckle. "I made sure to get him warmed up for you."

"I know. I could smell you on him." Zen crossed his arms over his chest. "Is it always gonna be like that? You getting to him before I can?"

"Hey now..." Natani lifted himself up on his elbows, turning his head to toss his unbound hair over his shoulder. "_You're_not complaining, are you?"

Keith covered a smile by pretending to wipe his mouth, which in turn just brought a mixture of both of their scents back into his nose. Now he definitely smelled of wolf, all along his mouth and face, beneath his tail, and probably down along his abdomen and thighs too, feeling the faint moisture that Natani had left there. Maybe he'd run off to bathe in a little bit, and knowing these two, he'd probably have company.

That wouldn't be so bad. While this hunger of his had been satisfied for now (mostly; both of these wolves had a way of changing his mind about things), Keith knew that he'd get that want and desire under his tail again later. Never just once, and especially not if he could still smell and feel them on his breath like this.

The glimmer in the brothers' tired eyes told him that he wasn't alone in that knowledge, either.

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