one night stand??

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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Alright here's my next story maybe a series it depends on what the people want anyways I stayed up till like 12 to type it while my parents were awake so if you don't read it im going to be sad because I went through a lot to get it up and I would be sad if nobody is paying any attention to it. Its not very descriptive of the characters in this story but if I continue it the next chapter will be much more descriptive because it kind of goes with this story for there not to be much of a description... anyway lol I rant too much don't i? oh well

If you aren't the legal age for adult stuff go away we don't welcome you kind in these parts. If you don't like furry stuff first of all why are you here. If you don't like M/M stuff then run while you still can lol jk please don't run we won't hurt you... much lol I own the characters and any similarities which they are generic characters for now are just coincidence. I did draw a pic of what Josh may look like so if you want I posted it on my profile and its my avatar even though I see myself more as a fox than a rabbit but I haven't come to draw a fox. Alright that's it thank you and enjoy. Wow long paragraphs for prewriting, oh well enjoy again! X3

One night stand?

"Yawn!" said the grey rabbit in the bed after a long stretch and yawn. *Oh god what happened last night* he thought as he turned and looked at the super hot husky lying in the bed naked next to him. *I must have been really drunk to have brought home some random guy from the club* he thought as he began to feel the side effects from his late night of partying. He got up and walked to his bathroom. He grabbed a cup of water and an asprin to help with his headache. He decided to brush his teeth and start getting ready for the day. He finished brushing, rinsed, and spat in the sink. He brought his head up to a pair of dark paws accompanied by a voice.

"Hey Joshy" said the voice "guess who"

"who else could it be?" said Josh stalling for time to think of his husky's name "other than my sexy husky, Andrew"

"Good you remembered" said Andrew "you were so drunk last night I didn't even think you'd stay up to have some fun." He said ending with a chuckle as he removed his paws from Josh's eyes and wrapped his arms around him. "You were pretty good for being drunk out of your mind". The comment made Josh blush turning his white furry cheeks, pink.

"Thanks" he uttered out of his shyness.

"I was wondering..." Andrew began as he started sliding his paws down Josh's chest "would you like to go again?" he said grabbing hold of Josh's dick causing Josh to gasp from the sudden movement. "I want to ride my bunny while he's lucid" Josh, forgetting what had happened last night, was all in for it hoping to remember this time.

"Sure if you want to" he said eager for the husky's cock inside him. The husky let go of the rabbit and strutted back to the bed as sexily as he could which with his body was almost killer sexy. He jumped on the bed in wait for josh who just stood there thinking *how did I get such a sexy guy to come home with me last night*

"You just going to stand there, the anticipation is torture" Andrew said already rubbing his member just at the sight of the sexy bunny before him. Josh walked over to the bed and sat on top of Andrew's chest. "ooh sexy" he said.

"I hoped it would be" he bent over and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met for the first time in Josh's memory not so much for Andrew. Their muzzles opened letting their tongues out, free to explore the others mouth. Each fur trying to get as much of the others saliva as they could. The taste of each others mouth adding to their horniness. Josh's cock now fully erect and rubbing on Andrew's chest. Josh pulled away from the kiss and slid down from his position on top of Andrew so he was now face to face with his cock. He opened his maw and let Andrew's cock slip into it. He began sucking on it sending waves of pleasure through Andrew causing him to moan intensively.

"oh god please don't stop!" he yelled with pleasure. Josh kept on going each descent taking in more and more of his cock into his mouth until it was all in there almost suffocating him with its length and width. Josh suddenly stopped his sucking and looked up at Andrew. "Hey, what's up?" Andrew said after having his fun ruined by the sudden halt. Josh just stood there looking hungrily at the cock. "You want it inside you, don't you?" Andrew finally said.

"How could you guess?" Josh said with a giggle as he lied down on the bed next to Andrew.

"Instinct I guess, or maybe the fact that you did the same thing last night." He said laughing. He got up and stood in front of Josh. He got into position, his dick just outside of Josh's ass taunting him by rubbing it up and down his crack. "Are you ready?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah I'm ready" he said prepared as much as he could possibly be to take a 9" dick.

"Alright here I go" he said as he slowly pressed his dick against Josh's hole. Josh let out a whimper as the thick cock entered into his hole. "You okay?" asked Andrew stopping his advance.

"Yeah, I took you last night didn't I? I'll be fine" Josh said letting Andrew push further and further inside causing more pain, but also releasing jolts of pleasure through them both. Andrew got up to his knot in Josh's hole then slowly pulled it back out until it was barely in and slammed back in at full force sending jolts through Josh's body causing him to moan with pleasure. Andrew continued his pounding, each thrust increasing in velocity and intensity causing more and more pleasure through both of them. Andrew's knot began to grow larger with every pump. Josh began to slowly stroke himself but was quickly denied by Andrew who took over on that too taking his member and stroking it vigorously. Both of the furs began to feel their climaxes and knew that the other was about to climax. After a few hard pumps Josh broke the silence of the event with "Damn how can't I remember this from last night?"

"Heh... A few drinks can do that to you" Andrew said not missing a beat. He began to pump harder and harder until he began to feel that he couldn't hold back his knot any longer.

" I know you want to... just go on ahead I don't mind" and with that Andrew took a few more thrusts and slammed the full length of his cock, knot and all, into Josh unleashing a torrent of seed into him. At the same time Josh unleashing his load onto his own chest. Andrew fell on top of Josh tired from the fun and held Josh in his embrace.

"I know this is all kind of sudden for you and its not that long that we've known each other but I think I love you" said the husky sweat dripping through his fur.


This is where my fans get to pick how the story continues I can't think of how to continue it but I'm going to let you pick what Josh says in reply to Andrew's comment. Of coarse that is if you people liked it enough for me to continue it if not then this is just a short story with no ending or ill pick my favorite ending and just end it with questions left unanswered... I'm ranting now

Just leave a comment on what you would like Josh to say

1st option) "this is really sudden and I know that I don't know you, and im sorry but I think I love you too!" happy story with a new couple and stuff!

2nd option) "this is all really sudden and I know I don't know you, but I already have a boyfriend." Still kind of happy but sad on Andrew's side.

3rd option) " this is all really sudden and I know I don't know you, and I just don't think I could say I love you back" could still be happy but its more going to be about the chase than anything

So remember to comment VV down VV there alright byes all! X3