Pet of the Tentacles Ch3

Story by whitecrow323 on SoFurry

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#3 of Pet of the Tentacles

In the final chapter of this little series, the protagonist aids his keeper in incubating its young.

Posted to FA on 3/7/10


Pet of the Tentacles Ch3

The next month pass quickly, with each day consisting of similar activities. Upon waking up in the morning, my Master would feed me a delicious liquid which I could not get enough of. Shortly there after, my bowls would be pumped full of liquid and cleansed. As the days passed, the sensations of receiving an enema from my Master became less unbearable and much more pleasant.

After my large intestine had been left clean enough to eat off of, the two of us would converse on a variety of matters. My Master was an excellent conversationalist and it was a an unequal pleasure to discuss any matter with him. On several occasions, my Master would take me out side our home to enjoy the nearby forest. This was accomplished by my Master dematerializing my body and containing it within his gelatinous mass. Once we reached our destination, my physical form would be restored. While this sensation was unsettling at first, I eventually grew to enjoy being take into my Masters flesh. The sensations that I experienced were described by my tentacled keeper as the closest I would feel to the final moments of our time together while I was still corporeal.

This continued until one morning, when I got an ominous feeling that something bizarre would happen. Upon waking up and going through the usual morning activities, my Master stated the following. "The past month has been spent preparing your body for its role as an incubator for my descendants. As such, today I will be placing an egg within your bowls." After completing this statement, my master produced a white object roughly the size of a small potato.

Looking at the object the would bring forth new life, I could not help being filled with a sense of dread. To this, my Master stated in a calming tone, "Don't worry, you have already taken larger objects than this into your tail hole. In any case, I will take every step necessary to make this experience as painless as possible." After completing this reassurance, my Master sent a feeder tentacle towards my agape mouth. Not knowing how to react, I accepted the intruder with out question.

From the feeder tentacle, a strawberry flavored liquid issued forth which I happily consumed. After roughly a minute, the flow stopped and I felt an almost undetectable numbness settling over my body. To the questioning gaze I gave him, my Master replied, "I have given you a highly selective anesthetic. It will prevent you from feeling any pain, while allowing the pleasurable sensations of the insertion to wash over you."

After completing this explanation, four tentacles latched onto my limbs and maneuvered my struggling body into a very exposed position. With my ass resting on the raised mound surrounding my sleeping nest, my legs held high and out of the way, and my arms spread eagle above my head there was nothing I could do to resist my Masters intentions.

Now that I was throughly restrained, two tentacles moved towards my groin. One gently latched on to my member and shrouded my balls in a cooling gel. To my questioning gaze, my Master answered, "The sensations of my inserting the egg often caused your predecessors to suddenly climax or loose control of their bladders. Also, I have found that gently stroking their members distracted them from any momentary discomfort. While I'm at it, I might as well leave the feeder tentacle in so that your mouth has something to keep it occupied."

As this explanation was completed, I felt the second tentacle press against my anal ring. After squirting a small amount of lubricant, the tentacle entered me, subduing what pitiful resistance I tried to offer. As my rectum was pleasantly filled by the object of my masters affection, the tentacle started to expand at the point where it contacted my anal ring. Slowly but surely, my tail hole was opened in much the same manner as it had been over the past month. Since my Master had been gradual in his expansion training of my rectum, this stretching was not in any way painful. Quite the opposite in fact, it was an extremely pleasant experience.

After letting my tail hole adjust to the enlarged intruder, I watched my Master transfer the egg into the tentacle that held open my anal ring. With a gentle pressure, the egg slipped through my slightly distended opening and came to rest in my full rectum. Once the egg was seated, my Master began to withdraw the tentacle that had left my ass as receptive as it was. As the pressure against my prostate increased, I released a loud moan into the feeder tentacle. The pleasure eventually became so intense, that I lost control and fed a few shots into the tentacle that gently stroked my member.

With considerable amusement, my Master stated, "Well, who didn't see that coming." As he let out a light chuckle at my situation, I felt a sticky liquid filling the area around the egg. To the question I had framed within my mind, the response I received was "The liquid I have released within your rectum is an adhesive which I use to help you retain the egg that is incubating in your bowels. After the six hours it takes for the egg to activate, the adhesive will dissolve allowing you to release my young into the world.

At the though of being stuck like this for six hours, I struggled like mad to escape my predicament. In a calming tone, my Master stated, "Don't be frightened my pet. I promised that I would help you at every step of the process, and I always keep my promises." While restating his affection for me, I was gently lifted from the nest where I slept. With a gentle and rhythmic motion, my Master rocked my exhausted body back and forth like I was resting on a hammock. Adding to this, I heard a relaxing tone filling the warm cavern air. Taken together, the exhaustion of my body, the gentle rocking and the humming from my Master left me no choice but to fall into a deep slumber with a living egg incubating within my bowels.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, I slowly felt consciousness returning to me. As a looked around to regain my bearings, I discovered that I was being carried along in one of the many labyrinthine passageways of our home. Sensing my return to the world of the wakeful, my Master stated, "Ah your strength has returned to you. I am now going towards the door of our cave. Once there, I will aid you remove the now incubated egg within your bowels."

Arriving at the door way to our home, my tentacled keeper held me over the stream leading out of the cave. With great care he positioned me in a manner that would make ovipositing the egg as easy as possible. In a seductive manner, my Master encouraged me to push the egg from my bowels. I spent the next minute of so struggling to remove the living mass from within me. While I had to push with the intensity that rivled taking a major dump, something which I had no need to do for the past few weeks, with each effort, the egg came closer to popping free.

While I struggled with the fruit of my Masters loins, he used hundreds of hair thin tentacles to relax my sore body. As the seconds dragged on and more efforts were applied, the egg reached the half way point and I knew my struggles would soon be over. With one final effort, I forced the living egg from my rectum and slumped with exhausting in my captors limbs.

With what little strength I could muster, I gazed upon the end result of our shared labors. The egg, which was white upon its entry into me, had now taken on a olive green translucent tint. As I watched the slowly dissolving eggshell being carried away by the current, I asked my master what would happen to the cells that were slowly breaking free.

"That egg contains trillions of cells that will spend a year or two in the microscopic form before combining with many millions into multicellular animals roughly the size of worms. The cells that survive to this point will live in this state for several years before combining into larger animals roughly the size of an average snake. The luck few who reach this point shall stay in this state for a few decades before joining others like them to form sentient beings like myself. Of the trillions of cells in that egg, less than one percent will become a part of a thinking entity like myself."

While think of the long odds against the potential descendants of my Master, I asked him how long it would be until I would have to carry another egg. In a relaxed tone, my keeper replied, "Since I do not want to over tax you, this task for which I keep you will be done once every two months. Between those times, I will do all in my power to keep my good little pet happy, well fed, and well bred." While thinking of this genuine promise from my keeper, I felt a light exhaustion settle over me. With no uncertainty left as to my situation I slipped into a light slumber, full contented with my place in the care of loving tentacled Master.

The End

Pet of the Tentacles Ch2

### After a good night sleep, the nameless protagonist has more fun times with his tentacled keeper. ### Posted to FA on 2/16/10, Reason for the delay, several other Ideas popped into my perverted...

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Pet of the Tentacles Ch1

### This was the first work with sexual overtones that I posted on FA. Basic plot, lonely human goes hiking in the woods and finds himself in an unusual but not unpleasant situation. Enjoy ### Posted to FA on 9/15/09 ###...

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