Behemoth Big

Story by Zeichwolf on SoFurry

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When discovering an ad for a product called "Behemoth Big" that reads like some miracle muscle growth pill, Ricardo isn't convinced, but a little encouragement from the site's images gets him to give it a try. What he doesn't expect is just how effective it is, and he soon learns just how literal "big as a behemoth" is...

I did this piece as a last-second entry for BeheMay, because who doesn't love big, beefy, beastly behemoths? Enjoy!

"Is big not enough for you? Do you want to be enormous? Do you want to see massive gains? Then look no further! Introducing the revolutionary size-boosting miracle that is Behemoth Big! This new product is guaranteed to grant you a boost in all the right ways, and let's be honest: who doesn't want to be huge? Side effects include improved self-confidence, increased physical appeal, and exemplary growth; order yours today!"

It all started with an innocuous internet ad, one that seemed more fiction than fact, yet nonetheless was intriguing enough to make Ricardo click the link anyway. The fact that the figure adorning the banner behind the scrolling text was appealing only made it easier, even if it delayed him a few moments. The tiger had found himself lingering on that picture, his eyes drinking in the absolutely enormous creature that could only be seen in the few seconds between text. The sharp, wicked-looking horns adorning his head, the fiery mane, the leathery hide stretched taut over muscles that swelled and bulged with almost unnatural strength; Ricardo found himself staring for more than a few seconds at what had to be the most gorgeous behemoth he had ever seen.

The male was captured from the waist up, showing the outline of a perfectly defined six-pack that stood out like a brick path along the creature's abdomen. The hint of broad hips curved inwards slightly towards that firm middle before broadening almost immediately into a powerful chest. Strong pecs stood out like a shelf above, swollen mounds of muscled flesh straining the purple-colored leather hide that adorned the creature's form. A thick patch of vibrant orange fur was splashed across that beautiful chest, drawing eyes inward briefly before taking in the broad shoulders that seemed to almost double the behemoth's already excessive mass. Arms thicker than the average person's waist were already flexed to stretch the swollen biceps even more, ending in large paws tipped with carefully-trimmed claws that still looked ready to rip flesh to shreds.

And then there was the face; a short, feline-like muzzle filled with sharpened teeth that still managed to slide together perfectly into a cocky grin led back towards a broad face. Pointed ears framed either side of his head, and a pair of long, pointed horns struck forward, like those of a bull's. A mane of fiery-red seemed to blaze its way out of the behemoth's scalp and pool down his head and neck, ending between the shoulders. Every strand seemed to possess the same firmness and strength that the rest of the creature's body did, like bristling steel that somehow still possessed the flexibility and give of hair.

Honestly, it was the picture that drew Ricardo into clicking the link as opposed to the ad, though he couldn't help but be a bit curious. He knew it was going to be some pro-bodybuilding stuff, and likely a sham at that, but if there was a chance at more pictures like the one he saw...

As expected, clicking the ad led the tiger to a site detailing the many benefits of "Behemoth Big," a product that was stated to make one "as big as a behemoth," simply enough. If the figure on the front ad wasn't clear enough as to what they hinted, the images splashed across a small gallery at the bottom were more than enough to wipe away any confusion. More pictures of the same model were posted up to give comparisons and further elaborate on what "big as a behemoth" meant; there was one that showed him holding a bowling ball up in one hand, comparing it to the size of his bicep. Seeing that mound of muscle rising up above the ball's curved edge, Ricardo couldn't help but drool slightly. Imagine having guns that big!

Testimonials weren't included on the page--unusual, given that most products had a dozen or so reviews from people who had supposedly tried it and wanted to show their results. Odd, but it wasn't like Ricardo was looking to buy the product, anyway; the feline just wanted the eye candy. And he certainly got plenty of it, flipping through the gallery images, seeing the model flex and pose and show off his immense size. If such a thing were truly possible through supplements alone, Ricardo would have been jumping to buy it, but he doubted it was so easy. It was still nice to dream of such things as miracle medicines, though.

Idly scanning over the page, Ricardo spotted the checkout option, and snorted when he saw the price listed for the supplement. At such a low cost, there was no way this was the miracle drug that the advertisement suggested; any real results would come with a much steeper tag. Shrugging, he went back to browsing the images for a moment before a message just above them caught his eye. It was a small offer for a large-scale printed poster that came free with every order, showing one of the more provocative poses where the model had his hands behind the back of his head and his hips pushed slightly forward.

Ricardo felt a slight itch forming as he stared at the image, his tail twitching as his jeans suddenly felt a size or two too small, a surge of arousal sending a chill up his spine. It was one of only a few images that captured the behemoth model in full-body, rather than cutting off at the waist, and it gave a good view of powerful thighs that barely had clearance between their tree-trunk girths. And though the male was wearing a pair of gym shorts that were kept somewhat loose for modesty's sake, the material still clung to the curves and bulges of his body, giving a very tantalizing view that hinted at what lay beneath.

Ricardo's eyes darted back up towards the price tag for the product. He wasn't giving in to the idea of a miracle muscle booster, no; in his mind, he was considering paying the price of the poster, and getting some random placebo pills as a side item. The tiger hesitated over the idea for a few more seconds before he finally placed the order, jumping through the checkout to prevent himself from second-guessing the decision. Only once the order was sent did he finally let himself relax, slumping back into his chair to try and slow his racing heart.

"Well... that was a thing." The tiger told himself, still fanning slightly at his face. Far too many images were going through the feline's brain at the moment, and part of it was still his focus on those chiseled abs, the powerful chest, and how the waistband of the behemoth's shorts seemed to tease at what lay just beyond... gulp. Ricardo shook his head, trying to get the images out of his mind, but they refused to leave him. A part of him wondered what it would like to be that big, that... masculine. Of course, such things were a fantasy; there was no miracle drug. A body like that was years of hard work, a perfect diet, and dedication to the goal. It was a nice dream, though.

Speaking of dreams, it was getting late, and he had plans for tomorrow. Ricardo stretched his arms above him, glancing over at the desk calender at the circled date. Tomorrow the new gym opened up, and its location was so much more convenient than the half-hour drive across town that the tiger had been forced to take before. Registration would be open first thing in the morning, and Ricardo wanted to get in before the lines formed. Setting his alarm, he then sprawled into bed, rolling over and trying to fall asleep.

Sleep came surprisingly easily, but with it came dreams. Images of the behemoth from the ad were still painted across Ricardo's thoughts, and his imagination only enhanced them. He could see that thick chest rising and falling with each breath, the ripple of that abdomen, the flexing of those bulky hips... and as his mind drifted into lusty admiration of such a masculine body, the tiger couldn't help but build the rest of the image in his mind. The shorts were stripped away, piece by piece, revealing a patch of that same fiery-orange fuzz at the base of his groin, and then slowly moving down to show the rest of the package.

And in Ricardo's lust-ridden mind, one thing became fact: big begat big. As the last vestiges of cloth were stripped away, he could see the behemoth's massive member standing at full attention. The thick pillar of flesh would easily be as thick as a person's wrist, a visible vein pulsing with the blood pumping through that gargantuan tool. The beast's cock was long, too, easily enough to reach up to his chest and allow the monster to grind into the canyon between his colossal pecs. And of course, the twin orbs that hung below were not left behind; Ricardo's mind kept building a bigger and bigger image, with orange--no, grapefruit-sized balls hanging heavy and full-looking beneath the behemoth's hefty member.

Such dreams continued to haunt the tiger's mind for the rest of the night, causing him to toss and turn in bed, lost in his fantasies. He could see himself in that dream, too, pressed against those pulsing pectorals, feeling the rippling hide with each beat of the behemoth's heart. Warmth washed over him; both the heat from the beast's breath and the feverish blaze rising from the creature's skin seemed to infuse themselves in his very being, soaking through flesh and fur. Powerful arms crushed him to that chest, an embrace that demonstrated the behemoth's primal strength. Ricardo could feel himself being smothered by that grip, his muzzle and face pressed against that shelf of pure muscle, the sensation taking his breath away...

...And with a gasp, Ricardo awoke, pulling his face from his pillow where he had unintentionally buried it in his sleep. The tiger sat up, feeling the cool night air flow over his overheated body, his covers tangled around his legs and waist. Sweat soaked his fur, and his boxers felt uncomfortably tight, straining around an obvious erection. Feeling flushed, the feline rolled over onto his back again, trying to wipe the sweat from his eyes, but he couldn't shake the vivid images that his mind had chosen to produce. Ricardo could swear he could still practically smell the big behemoth looming over him. What a wild, vivid imagination he had!

The call of his arousal tugged at him, but Ricardo groaned, trying to fight the temptation. While he could deal with it now, doing so would just keep him hot and bothered for a while yet and ruin what sleep he was trying to get. The tiger rolled onto his side, trying to ignore the burning in his loins, closing his eyes shut as though it would make him fall asleep that much faster. It did little to ease the needy ache, but fortunately, he was soon able to let himself slip into a more quiet slumber than before...

The next morning dawned on a sleep-befuddled tiger as Ricardo drowsily batted at his nightstand for his ringing alarm. Even after falling back asleep and settling into an almost dreamless night, he still felt the heat of his dream before. It was like something inside him reacting to his fantasies, leaving him both literally and figuratively hot and bothered. Groaning the feline rolled himself out of bed and staggered to the doorway in a tired, dizzy haze. Somehow he made his way down the hall and to the bathroom, albeit with fumbling steps. There, he started the shower and sat back to let it heat up; a little hot water would help him wake up and clear his mind a bit, plus he could probably deal with his other problem while he was at it.

Once steam started to form on the shower door, Ricardo finally stripped out of his sweat-soaked boxers and tossed them in a corner to be retrieved when he was doe. Looking up, he was greeted with an image in orange and black reflecting from his mirror, and he couldn't stop but pause and glance over it. The figure looking back at him seemed like a fairly average tiger; short orange fur with a white underbelly started from his chin and moved down his front in a cascade, while stripes of black sliced through the brighter colors down his back, arms, and legs. His build was best described as "lean"--some light muscle defined Ricardo's body, giving him a firm chest and a visibly flat stomach, and his arms and back didn't lack in tone. He even had a nice, round rump that had just enough fat on it to look appealingly plump.

Certainly in many circles he would at least be considered "cute" or "attractive," and the number of dates he'd been asked on were not few. But Ricardo didn't want to just be "cute." He wanted to be bigger, stronger, sexier. He had always admired the bigger men in his gym, how something about them felt so much more confident, dominant, and masculine thanks to their sheer size and strength. The tiger fantasized about being as big as any bodybuilder, or even bigger, with a massive body that would draw attraction through sheer primal appeal. But that took a lot of hard work, and a lot of time at the gym, so Ricardo had a long way to go before he was in his "ideal" shape.

Well, problems for another time. Slipping past the shower door and closing it behind him, the feline stepped under the flow of water, feeling its warmth wash over him. The sensation was refreshing and soothing compared to the roaring blaze that had been burning inside him all day, and for the first time since his eyes had settled on that advertisement, Ricardo felt surprisingly calm. Oh, he still felt the need to deal with that itch down south, but it didn't feel so pressing, so overwhelmingly urgent. Instead, the tiger just sat and took in the heat, feeling the water run through his fur, trickling through his chest and down his front.

He let himself bask in the luxury of the hot shower for a few more minutes before finally getting to business, scrubbing down his now-soaked fur and cleaning out the dirt and grime of the last day. A bit of a special conditioner to keep his fur color bright and vivid was mixed in with the normal shampoo as he worked his way down his arms, his chest, his back, his sides... slowly Ricardo's paws drifted further southwards, moving along his hips and then sliding forward. When his fingertips hit the base of his member, a tingle went through the tiger's body, a flash of heat that seemed to surge all the way through him. A part of him needed to be taken care of, now.

Slowly his fingers roamed over his swollen cock, which stood at full attention as he stroked its length. One of Ricardo's more abundant gifts was his package, with a nice, palm-filling girth to his meat, his fingers only barely closing all the way around it. The long, pink shaft stood at a solid ten inches, putting him a head and shoulders above the average male, and the egg-sized orbs beneath hung heavy and low in the heat. He had certainly gotten his share of admiring stares from those who had seen it in the locker room, too.

Ricardo's hand slowly made its way up from the base of his engorged member, sliding across the water-slicked flesh and slowly tugging its way up towards the swollen head. The tiger let out a slow, deep breath as he finished the stroke, feeling the heat in his body intensify. His paw slid back down the length more quickly, and he let thoughts of the previous night's dreams paint themselves across his mind as he started to get into a slow, but steady rhythm. The powerful, swollen pectorals, the massive arms surrounding him, the thick, impossibly large spire of meat grinding between the two of them...

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

Ricardo didn't even bother to muffle his groan of irritation this time. Who could be at the door at this hour? He was half-tempted to just ignore it and get back to what he was doing, but another ring of the doorbell followed by the muted thud of someone knocking made his decision for him. With a sigh, the tiger released his grip and turned off the shower, reaching for a towel that hung just outside the door. He did a quick run over his fur, hearing the doorbell yet again, and then tied the towel as best as he could around his waist, making his way out of the bathroom. He winced at the trail of damp footprints on the carpet; though they'd dry out, it was still unpleasant to see his tracks down the hallway and across the living room.

As he arrived at the door, Ricardo realized that the ringing had stopped. Checking through the peephole, he was mildly disappointed to see that there was no one there. He spotted a car driving away, however, and noticed that it was the mailman that usually covered the neighborhood. Perhaps a package or something had arrived? For a moment, the tiger couldn't think of anything, but then he remembered the order from the night before. Curious, he couldn't help but crack the door open, towel-clad or not, and peek down at the porch.

A modest-sized box sat on the doorstep, falling inward as the door supporting it was opened. Quickly picking it up and closing the door behind him, Ricardo looked over the return address. The package was from one "Behemoth-Brand Bolstering Company," located several hours away. The name was a giveaway that it was the very item he had ordered the night before, but the tiger was surprised; had the company shipped it express or something? That seemed unusual for a poster and pills. Still, it was here, so there was little point in dwelling on its speed.

Still clad in his towel, Ricardo laid the box on the nearby table and just used one of his claws to tear open the tape. Inside was a second, smaller box that rattled slightly, a folded and laminated sheet--no doubt the poster he was looking forward to--and, surprisingly, an envelope. Curiosity immediately took over and Ricardo tore it open, pulling out a typed letter.

Mr. Ricardo-

I wanted to send my thanks for being one of the first to try my new product, Behemoth Big. Though I'm sure your first thoughts were that it was likely another placebo pill when you ordered it--an unfortunately common and equally accurate assumption--I can assure you that this product is exactly what it says. As an all-natural blend of ingredients, it will do wonders for your health, physique, and even your confidence. To prove it, I have chosen to waive the cost of the pills; you can verify this yourself. If it fails, then you've lost nothing. But don't worry--I have every confidence that we'll see a much bigger you soon. Enjoy the product, and I look forward to seeing the results.

-Victor Steelfang

Bemused, Ricardo looked over the letter again. Someone was eager to sell their product, it seemed; if he was willing to send out some freebies, either there was some serious confidence going on, or there was a hidden scam that was way beyond the tiger's comprehension. Shrugging it off, he set the letter aside and pulled out the poster, carefully unfolding it on the table and smoothing it out. Upon opening it up, however, he had to admit that he was pleasantly surprised by what lay within.

The poster was a picture of the same behemoth model in all of his glory, though this time the outfit had changed out the beast's gym shorts for a posing pouch like one used in bodybuilding competitions. The cloth didn't cover much, giving a full view of the creature's powerful thighs, as well as lending a well-defined hint at what lay below the material in its curves and bulges. The product name, "Behemoth Big" was emblazoned across the front. As advertised, the posture was much more provocative as well, with the model having both hands running through his fiery orange mane while his hips were thrust forward, a tantalizing sight that seemed less like a purchasing reward and more like something found on more prurient sites.

Staring at the poster caused a chill breeze to flow past Ricardo's legs, and the tiger quickly adjusted his towel to re-cover himself after a brief loss of decency due to over-enjoyment of the situation. Looking over the poster again,the tigerspotted a scrawl just to the side of the image, and realized that it was a signature--one "Victor Steelfang." Huh; who'd have thought that the model and the maker were the same person?

"Well, then. We'll have to find somewhere to hang you later, Mr. Steelfang." Ricardo chuckled as he carefully re-folded the poster, replacing it back in the box. "For now, I've got to get ready before the gym opens up. Don't want to spend all morning in the registration line!" As he put the poster back, however, his paw brushed against the smaller box, causing it to rattle again. Right, the pills; Ricardo had almost forgotten about them. Opening the smaller box, the tiger was surprised to see three small bottles inside, all bearing the "Behemoth Big" packaging on them. A long-lasting supply, huh?

Shrugging once more, the feline left the package on the table and headed back to his room to get properly dressed. There he donned a pair of loose boxers and a pair of shorts atop that, as well as a comfortable tank-top. While in his room, he grabbed his gym bag, tossing in a change of clothes for after as well as a few other necessities. Soon Ricardo had everything, and was just about ready to head out the door for the three-block walk to the new gym. As he was making his way out, however, he paused and looked back at the box on the table, staring at it for a few moments and considering. After a moment he came to a decision.

"...This is stupid, but..." Ricardo quickly strode over and grabbed one of the bottles out of the box and tossed it into his bag. "...Well, it's probably nothing, but what could it hurt, I guess..." Before he could change his mind, the tiger quickly turned and headed out the door.

It didn't take long for him to reach the gym, especially at the tiger's brisk pace. He was in luck, too; the line at the door was still pretty short. Doubly in luck; those who were waiting for the doors to open were the more fervent gym-goers as opposed to more casual attendees, and as it happened, there were a number of lookers among them. One well-built stag was near the front of the line, looking as though he had already come from a workout despite the early morning. From the angle Ricardo could see him at, the male's thick arms looked particularly pumped and well-defined, straining the short-sleeved shirt he was wearing. The tiger couldn't help but admire a bit, wishing he had guns like that. And then there was a rather hunky hyena a few people behind and, speaking of behinds, well...

Ricardo got so lost in his people-watching that he barely noticed when he reached the front desk. Fortunately registration was the usual straightforward paperwork, a small fee, and a few handouts about gym rules and the like. After only a few minutes, the tiger had his ID card, scanning it into the turnstile and making his way back towards the locker room.

The room itself was pretty nice, starting with a main room that had wall-to-wall lockers and four more rows between them. Two doors led out of the room; one headed back towards the restrooms, sinks, and showers, while another led to changing rooms for those who were shy about changing publicly. The floors were carpeted leading up to the restrooms, and the room was pleasantly air-conditioned to boot. Overall, it was a pretty nice facility.

Ricardo had come dressed for his workout, so he just picked a locker and fished his combination lock out of his bag. As he did so, however, the rattle from his bag reminded him that he had brought along those Behemoth Big pills on a whim. Curiously, the tiger pulled the bottle out, scanning over the label. The instructions were simple enough: take two along with some water. There was nothing about working out or eating afterward to indicate what would actually _cause_an increase in muscle mass, further confirming the placebo nature of the medicine, but in the end Ricardo decided to humor it. If nothing else, he had something to daydream about during his workout.

Grabbing his water bottle, Ricardo unscrewed the lid on the jar of pills and tossed two down before taking a long drink of water. The pills themselves looked no different than aspirin, small brownish circles with "BB" imprinted on them, and they went down easily enough. The tiger waited patiently, giving himself to the count of twenty, but as expected, nothing happened. Ah well, it was just a fantasy and nothing more. Chuckling to himself at the absurdity of it, Ricardo tucked his bag into his locker and shut it, snapping the lock onto it and spinning the dial.

As he turned to leave, however, the tiger became aware of a bubbling sensation within his stomach. It was kind of like being hungry, but more intense as it rumbled in his middle. Ricardo paused and rubbed at his belly, wondering at the sensation, when a sharp heat suddenly seemed to burst outwards. The tiger doubled over, his paws slipping beneath his tank top as he clutched at his stomach, feeling a pulsing sensation beginning from his core and radiating outwards.

Gripping his middle, Ricardo was surprised to find that his fur felt rougher, more coarse than usual, despite being washed earlier. The flesh felt strange, too, almost leathery rather than soft. Yet even as he realized this, another surge of sensation--strangeness was the best word, perhaps--flowed outwards from his middle. Suddenly his shirt felt too tight, constricting around his chest and neck, and for a moment the tiger felt as though he couldn't breathe. Reflexively he reached up for the neckline, only to find the material drawn taut beneath his grasping fingers, as though it had shrunk in the wash.

Stumbling over to a wall mirror in one of the changing rooms, oblivious to the stares and the occasional question of concern from the other occupants of the locker room, Ricardo leaned against a wall for support while raising his head with surprising difficulty. He was surprised at what he saw staring back at him, for it wasn't the same tiger that had greeted his eyes only an hour before in his own bathroom.

Where a toned, firm, and lean body had once been was now one that rippled with surprising amounts of muscle. Ricardo's chest had nearly doubled in volume, stretching his tank top out to the point that the cleft between his pecs could clearly be seen while the mounds of muscle strained the fabric. His shoulders were broader than before, making the tiger seem far bulkier than he had prior. Yet there was an odd, unfinished sense to the reflection that stared back, like something was wrong, or incomplete; something told Ricardo that there was more to come.

And he was right; another surge of that same heat flooded his body, and the tiger fell back against one of the divider walls as his legs felt like they were spasming. Ricardo looked down, and gawked at the sight before him. Even as he watched, his thighs swelled with new size, definition showing beneath the fur as the muscles expanded. His shorts drew tight around his hips and legs, and drew attention to the fact that it was not only his legs that were growing bigger; whether it was from arousal at this absurd situation or another facet of his sudden growth spurt, the outline of his package swelled to indecent detail and further filled his shorts to near-bursting, adding to the tension of the situation.

Another burst of energy, and Ricardo felt a new sense of strangeness permeating his entire body. His clothing tightened almost painfully this time, squeezing around his chest and starting to tear while his thighs started to rip through the cloth of his shorts, yet he didn't think he'd gotten any thicker. The room seemed somehow smaller, though, and with a start the tiger realized that he was now eye level with the top of the mirror, which had previously been a few inches higher on him. Had he gotten... taller? Sure seemed like it, especially with how little his shirt was covering his stomach at this point. And speaking of his stomach--though it was harder to see over the shelf of his new pecs, Ricardo was surprised to see a firm, powerful six-pack outlined in perfect detail beneath his fur.

There was little time to think as the changes continued, spreading out by the moment. Another burst of growth came as Ricardo found his head peaking just above the divider to the next room over, which was fortunately empty--he didn't have any idea how to explain what was going on right now! Yet with it came a sharp headache, a throb that echoed through his forehead and skull. The tiger rubbed at his scalp, only to bump into something rough as he did so. He leaned over to look at his face in the mirror, and as he did so, he felt his shirt finally give up the ghost, tearing across his broad back. A glance at the mirror showed the source of the strange feeling, and Ricardo's jaw dropped open as he stared at the image before him.

Though still small, two pointed horns had emerged from the front of his head, emerging just above the ears and jutting forward at a slight curve. His ears had become more pointed, tilting back at a slight angle along the sides of his head. The fur between his newfound horns had lengthened into a rough mohawk, the beginnings of what looked like a thick mane of orange hair that continued to extend down the back of his spine. Another tingle shot through Ricardo's face, and he felt his jaws stretch and creak uncomfortably. Even as he watched, his muzzle extended an inch or two longer, his mouth feeling like it was wrenched out of place momentarily. His teeth pushed forward, pointed canines emerging and lengthening even as the rest grew feral and sharp in shape.

"Wh-what's going on? What's happening... urgh..." Ricardo groaned; even his voice sounded deeper, more gruff and rugged. The tiger felt his body taking on another surge of growth, his head now visibly above the divider, while another layer of muscle developed, his chest pushing outwards further as his pectorals swelled up like balloons. Plump nipples, each as big as a half-dollar, pressed stiffly outwards from the shelf of bloated muscle, and the cold air of the locker room only served to further stimulate Ricardo's already flustered mind with lusty sensations.

An unconscious thrust of his hips came as Ricardo felt his lower body surge with new growth, his hips expanding, filling out his new frame, while his rump grew thicker as muscle bulged beneath the hefty glutes. A loud rip came as his shorts gave way to another thrust, this one adding a surge of growth to the tiger's package with it. This time he could feel the growth, like blood pumping through his member and setting his loins aflame. As he watched, inch after inch bulged forward, and soon the feline's stiff shaft was even with the top row of his abs, while the hefty sac below hung lower, pooling across the bench that Ricardo managed to lower himself onto. The wooden surface creaked under the tiger's weight, causing him to shift as it bent along the middle under his weight.

His thighs expanded further, and the calves below followed suit as muscle was packed onto the tiger's growing body. This time, though, the tingle of growth flowed down to Ricardo's feet and toes, and he felt them shift. His ankles crunched, and the arches of his feet seemed to crack, but it didn't hurt; it just felt strange as his paws shifted in size and shape. The toes curled, and for some reason, it almost felt natural to lean his weight forward, resting on the front of each foot. Each paw grew longer to distribute Ricardo's increasing bulk across a larger area, making it easier to stand without being footsore.

Another few inches of height burst into being as Ricardo felt that sharp pain in his head again; this time, rather than ducking down, the tiger simply reached over and grabbed the mirror in his paws, easily plucking it off of the wall as though it were a hand mirror picked up off of the sink. The horns had grown longer, curving forward and extending nearly as long as his muzzle. His face looked different now, too; though it still had the familiar feline shape to it, with an angular shape to the head, there were now sharper lines that were not there before. Even his eyes looked different, shifting from their normal emerald hues to something more greenish-yellow. The pupils were narrowed as well, adding to his now bestial visage.

Ricardo hardly recognized the face looking back at him now as his own, but he did recognize it as another, given how often he'd been looking at it in the last day or so. The tiger's face now resembled that of a behemoth's, from the sharply pointed ears and horns to the rough jaw and razor-sharp teeth. Even his fur had extended into a thick mane of black-striped orange that he could see flowed all the way down his back. Interestingly, everywhere besides that mane, his fur actually seemed shorter than before, still leaving him with a fair layer of fuzz but giving a better view of the thick muscles that lay beneath, accentuating rather than concealing.

A tingle shot down Ricardo's spine, continued through the base of his tail, and surged all the way through it. The length grew thicker, the fur thinning all the way across it. The end bulged outwards, taking on a fin-like shape, skin-like membrane stretching between the ends. The entire tail practically doubled in length and more than quadrupled in girth as muscles that Ricardo was barely aware of suddenly burst into being. And like a sudden memory or a burst of intuition, the tiger found himself in much more control of his tail than before, able to manipulate and bend his tail with much more flexibility than before despite its bulk. He lashed it around a few times behind him, wincing as it thumped heavily into the wall he was leaning against and left a small impression on the metal. Talk about strong!

Yet despite everything, it seemed that Ricardo was far from done growing. Height came once more, and his head started to brush against the changing room's ceiling while his horns scraped along it, while his legs were starting to stretch along the stall's floor, nearly reaching the far side. Just how long was he going to keep growing like this? The tiger-behemoth frowned, shifting as he tried to figure out how he was going to get out of the room at the rate he was growing, and as he rebalanced his weight on the bench, he heard a loud crack from beneath him as he was unceremoniously dropped about a foot or so. Ah crap, he was going to have to pay for that, wasn't he?

Bulk followed size as his muscles swelled again, and this time the growth seemed more extreme than the last few phases. Ricardo felt a pressure against his chin as his chest continued to expand, the massive pectorals round and swollen and easily larger than beach balls, preventing the tiger-behemoth from leaning too far forward before hitting them. His shoulders were now so wide that he could feel the building wall on one side of him while the other pressed against the corner of the changing room stall, making the room feel more cramped by the moment. Ricardo's hips flared outwards, his broad, muscled rump pressed against the wall behind him, while his thighs fought for space with one another as his legs stretched across the floor. And it wasn't just with one another they fought; Ricardo constantly had to shift his posture to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on more sensitive bits.

Indeed, it seemed that his loins had received a large portion of growth too; even as he watched, another surge had the tiger-behemoth's massive length swelling even larger, sliding along his stomach and pushing against the underside of his chest. The girth was impressive, as well; unconsciously, Ricardo wrapped one paw around the length, and was unsurprised when his fingers were still several inches apart. He could feel each throb as blood pulsed through the veins, could still feel the flesh expanding in his grasp as his cock surged in size. His free hand went down to his hefty balls, which had swollen at an incredible rate ahead of the rest of his body; each was easily as big as a watermelon, and they felt fuller and more bloated with each passing moment.

A part of Ricardo's mind told him that he should be worried, that he should be panicking over these rapid changes. After all, he had more than doubled--maybe tripled, by this point--in height, had packed on more muscle than he had ever imagined possible, and his body had even mutated into a hybrid between a tiger and a behemoth. Yet as his paw wrapped around his throbbing cock, he couldn't focus on those thoughts. All of the pent-up arousal and frustration that had been haunting him since the night before started to finally break through the floodgates, and as the dam of self-restraint burst, the only thing he could think of was satisfying this new, bestial need that was flooding him with a heat hotter than any furnace.

Not one, but both paws wrapped around the gargantuan shaft as it bulged even bigger between the tiger-behemoth's legs, the two together only managing to circumnavigate the massive length with difficulty. His hips thrust forward at the touch of his larger paws gripping the sensitive member, feeling a leathery touch from the hide beneath his fur as his palms ground against his cock. Ricardo's legs tensed as he pressed his feet against the far wall of the changing room, his muscles coiling and flexing as he gave a light squeeze to his shaft, another wave of arousal burning away any remaining thoughts that were focused on anything but the release of the pent-up pleasure he had been storing up.

The first flex of his legs dented the walls both behind his back and beneath his feet, but as Ricardo's paws slid from the base of his member up towards the head, another jolt of pleasure had his muscles tense and uncoil suddenly, his legs stretching out even as his back arched. The tortured creak of metal could be heard as the wall opposite him was ripped out of the floor, toppling over to the next room over and crashing against the divider. The one behind him suddenly dropped out as well, causing him to fall onto his back.

Yet this only facilitated his actions. Shifting his weight, Ricardo found that he could grind against his own chest, feeling the powerful muscles flex and swell with each breath, every thrust of his hips. He placed one paw at the base of his shaft, while the other held onto the head, letting him press his muscled front against the length and add to the pleasure. The light fur and leather hide together added a sense of stimulation his paws alone couldn't replicate, and he couldn't help but tilt his head backwards, the horns scraping across the floor as he let out a bestial roar that shook the room.

With that roar came an extra surge of growth, and Ricardo felt his head slam into another wall, this time the last one that stood between him and the main locker area. Yet the impact didn't even daze him as his paws continued to stroke up and down the length of his swollen member, the pulsing flesh pushing his fingers apart even more while his thighs tore through the side walls to make room for the expanding orbs beneath. At this point, his cock was nearly long enough to reach his head, and nearly as thick as his swollen arms, while the orbs below were approaching the size of beanbags, or bigger. And with every inch came another burst of arousal. Pre was already leaking from the head, dribbling down in clear streams across his chest and shoulders, the scent setting off a feral need for more in Ricardo's mind.

Each thrust of his hips, each stroke of his massive member became more intense, more urgent as his body bucked with a need for release, and soon both paws were pumping the bloated length as it slid into a pre-slicked groove atop his pecs. The pace continued to increase in a heated fervor, and like a roaring flame building in his chest, the pleasure and arousal continued to swell out of control until his paws were practically flying across the length of their strokes. The tiger-behemoth could feel the pressure building up, the tension causing his muscles to tighten and coil again as he approached the final stretch...

And then, with another room-shaking roar, he came. And with that release came growth, punctuated by the splash of something viscous against tile and metal. A splash of cum burst against the ceiling as the last burst of growth came, driving Ricardo's head and shoulders through the wall behind him, his upper torso spilling through the gap and into the locker room as rubble and dust pooled around his shoulders. He didn't stop as he broke into the public room, his paws still tugging at his length as white seed was liberally painted across his front, leaving the brick dust to clump on his fur and on the floor around him, caked across the surfaces around him.

The mess continued to spread for a good minute after as Ricardo seemed to almost be unable to come down from his release high, but soon he finally started to regain control of himself, a few last spurts leaving a gooey trail to flow down his belly and add to the pool that spread across most of the locker room and adjoining areas. He panted heavily, laying back as he recovered from that raw release, but he couldn't help but feel... satisfied. There was no confusion, no panic over his transformation, no shame over his very public outburst; there was just a sense of contentment and pride in himself as he lay there in a mess of his own making, feeling the afterglow wash over him.

And why shouldn't he feel proud? Even despite the shock of the change and the severity of it, Ricardo was everything he wanted. He was bigger, he was beefier, and he certainly wasn't going to be shown up by any other guy when it came to downstairs. He was a beastly behemoth of a tiger, and you know what? That was just fine for him. Ricardo grinned broadly as he stretched out, feeling his swollen muscles tense, feeling a light soreness from his sudden "workout." Ah, it felt good to be him, right now!

And to think, it had all started with an innocuous-seeming internet ad. "Well, Mr. Steelfang," Ricardo grinned to himself, his thick tail thumping along the ground at the sound of his newly deep voice. "I do believe this product is everything you said and more... once I get out of here, I'll see about sending in a few pictures..."

Establishing Dominance

"...Your highness? Sire? ...Excuse me!" Adrian's ears perked up as he glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of the grayed old adviser who stood behind him, trying to get his attention. Almost immediately, the younger wolf's expression fell; he...

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**Belonging** _ **By: Zeich Wolf** _ _Has it really been a week since I arrived...?_ Rovan lay awake in bed despite it being late at night, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. The curtain on the lone window in the bedroom was drawn shut,...

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Welcome Home

**Welcome Home** _ **Story by Zeichwolf** _ His pack sat filled and ready by the door, the leather bag filled to the brim with food and clothing that was considered "normal" for the area he was going to be visiting soon. It was already early noon,...

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