Jen & Gar: A quick correction

Story by Goure on SoFurry

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#4 of The life & times of

Author Notes: Just a short, very short, look into the lives of Jen & Gar. I'm not used to writing Dom/sub scenes so any tips on how to improve would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy!

Unlike many college students, Jen actually lived in a dorm room that was normally shared amongst three girls. However, her parent's money, and her mother's forceful personality, convinced the school that it was in their best interest to let her have it all to herself. Jen kept a very tidy home with clothing and everything else put away neatly. She had three closets, two were filled with a wide assortment of cloths and such, the third was filled with naughtier things. And it was this closet that the brown furred mouse girl was currently pacing in front of, slowly.

"Well..." she began, tail bobbing behind her as she strode in front of the open closet door. "I must admit that I am disappointed in you." The waif of a mouse girl was dressed in a leather bustier, some sheer white stockings that ran up to her thighs and nothing else. "I mean I gave you permission to spend some time with your friends, then you go and do something stupid like this?" She paused and turned her withering gaze upon the rooms only other occupant. "I find this a sever betrayal of my trust, pet." She tapped the whip she currently held in her right hand against her leg. "But I am not unmerciful, so I will give you a chance to explain your actions." She folded her arms under her breasts, the whip dangling easily form her hand.

Gar licked his beak and swallowed hard. "I swear to you mistress, I did not plan this." He was currently stripped naked and kneeling before her, head bowed, not daring to look her in the eye. " first my friends and I went to the game as I told you we would." His wings ruffled a bit as he tried to remain calm. "After our team won it was decided we should go out and celebrate, so I called you...."

The bullwhip cracked right next to his ear and he flinched involuntarily. "Do not waste my valuable time with what I already know."

He bowed deeper and stuttered "Y..Y...Yes mistress. Well we were trying to decide where to eat when someone suggested going to 'Hooters'." He shifted uneasily. "I tried to suggest going somewhere else but they would not listen!" his voice was pleading now, desperate for her to believe him. "I swear to you Mistress I only went because I was so hungry and had no other options!!'

She narrowed her eyes and strode over to him; she lifted his chin so he could look into her brown eyes. "Why did you not simply come home, pet? Did you think me unable to supply you with food?"

He tried to keep from shaking, he was mostly successful. "I...I did not wish to bother you at that hour, I knew how much you valued your private time."

She released him with a contemptuous snort. "I would've much preferred that you interrupt my private time than go to that restaurant." She turned her back on him and strode to the closet. She paused in front of a rack that held a number of whips, paddles and other such instruments of pain. She laid the whip aside and began running her hand along the various hilts, considering what to use. "I've talked to your friend Goure, and he told me much the same story as you." Her delicate fingers slid across various handles until they wrapped around the grip of a rather ornate looking paddle. "He even added that you averted your gaze as best you could when those....waitresses.... served you all your meals." She slides the paddle free and flipped a switch on it. The paddle was flat, heavy and once turned on, carried a slight charge. "For that and for the fact that you told me the truth, I shall give you a chance at a light punishment."

His head dipped to the floor. "Thank you! Thank you, Mistress!!!"

She whirled on him, a none to pleasant look on her face. "Oh don't thank me yet, you've haven't heard what I expect!" she strolled toward him, posture mirroring that of a stalking cat as she walked up to and then around him. "First, you get five strokes for your lack of judgment." She slid one edge of the paddle, humming with energy, along his spine. Gar clenched his teeth at the feel of electricity coursing done his back, but otherwise remained still. "After that you will have to use your tongue to convince me you are repentant, if you fail it will be another ten strokes." She lifted the paddle from his back. "Then you will have to show me how much you love my breast, and if I am satisfied, you are free from further punishment. Failure will earn you another fifteen strokes. Am I clear?"

"Yes, mistress." He said

She nodded "Good, now lay yourself on the table." He did so, bending him self over it, tail raised out of her way. She placed a hand on his back side and traced the contours of his rear. Then she brought the paddle down, a sharp crack reverberating through the room. "One!" the next blow struck the left check "Two!" Gar clenched his fists tight as her next powerful blow collided with the other cheek "Three!" his bum felt hot, already smarting from the force of her strikes and the added charge. "Four!" this one caught him low and mostly on the meat, the next smack made his bum glow with heat "Four and a half!" and then she brought the paddle down with a sense of finality "Five!"

He waited there as she turned the paddle off and returned it to its proper place. He dared not move, having no wish to anger her any further. "Now ..." she began and his ears picked up the sound of her settling into her favorite chair. "Convince me of your repentance with your tongue, and only your tongue." Slowly he turned to finder her reclining in her easy chair, legs spread, her love box in plain sight as she favored him with a steady gaze. "What are you waiting for?" she snapped.

He was on his knees and between her legs in record time. His mouth parted and his tongue rolled out to circle her sex. His hands rested on her legs as his tongue stroked her folds. Tenderly he nibbled and licked her sensitive pussy, employing every little trick, touching every little spot that he knew she liked. At first her gaze remained dispassionate as he worked but slowly a fond look entered her features. As he teased her nub with his tongue she began to run a hand through his mane, gently guiding him to the places she felt needed more attention. Soon she was slick with honey but it only spurred him on and his tongue dove within her eager for a taste. Her breathing grew huskier as her hand grew more insistent. Eventually she came, providing him with a flood of juices that he eagerly lapped up.

"Well, I suppose that will be sufficient." She commented once she got her breathing under control, "Now..." she reached behind her and undid her bustier, allowing it fall and reveal her apple ripe bosom. "Show them that you love them."

He was on her with a passion, hands caressing her curves, mouth worshiping her ripeness as he treated her breast like the queens he knew they were. Jen sat and took it in as her due, at first, but soon she decided that her pet was doing well enough to earn a small reward. Thus her little feet began to rub at his sheath, teasing his cock forth as he focused on pleasuring her. To his credit, he ignored his own desire to enter her love canal and concentrated on doing what she wanted. She smiled, with the realization that she'd trained him rather well.

Eventually she pushed him back and he obediently stopped and sat back on his haunches, poised for her command. There was just something about having a large gryphon at her beck and call that made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "You have done well my pet." She said, voice ringing with authority. "So you escape any further lashings tonight." Gar's shoulders sagged in relief.

"But just so you don't forget your place again I bought you something to help you remember." Jen went to the kitchen and rummaged around in a sack she'd brought home earlier. She returned with a collar that had his name on it and her listed as his owner. She leaned down and secured it around his neck. "The collar will come off when I think you no longer need it. Until then I expect you to wear it at all times." Gar nodded "Good, now then."

She hooked a finger into the collar and dragged him towards the bedroom "I suddenly have the desire to enjoy your talents some more." She looked over her shoulder at him. "That's not a problem is it, pet?" her eyes dared him to say other wise.

"I am happy to serve mistress!" he said, head bowing in respect.

"Excellent." She said as she pointed him toward the bed. He immediately scrambled onto it. "I'm glad you understand your position." and with that she shut the door to her bedroom.