Life and Trials of BlackFox

Story by LoveTheLust on SoFurry

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Boring Disclaimer, this may contain adult situations, yiff, and cussing depending on my mood.

Don't read this if you are under 18, and if you do do not get caught!

Hello, my name is Black, well at least that is what my friends call me. Well what they used to call me at least. I am a fox about 6'1 and 150 lbs, with no special features except for a single white stripe that runs from between my eyes to the tip of my tail. This is my story.

It started off like any other morning, with the alarm clock blaring, the smell of breakfast wafting up the stairs, and my completely oblivious mom yelling for me.

"Fox?Fox?Fox! You get out of bed right now you are going to be late for school!" Yes thats right, I am a junior in high school. As I made a mad dash for the stairs, I grabbed my pile of clothes (my school uniform) and ran to the bathroom. I quickly got dressed, combed my fur, and brushed my teeth. When I finally got downstairs I looked in the mirror in the hall, I looked fine and was very tall and skinny for my age, but no one really cared.

I got into the kitchen just soon enough to see my mom pull out a fresh batch of cinnimon rolls, which she knew were my favorite, and put them out on the stove. Just then I happened to look at the clock.

"Holy crap! It's 8:15!"

"Yes it is dear, didn't you hear me when I yelled to you? This is what you get for not listening to me."

"Well if you will excuse me," I said angerly, "typical mom." I muttered under my breath as I grabbed a roll and ran out the door to my car. I had a black mustang with a dual blood red racing stripe going from the hood to the bumper.

I got out of my car about two blocks away from the school and ran the whole way. I got to the door of the school and found out that it was locked. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath. 'Oh, today was the start of Spring Break! My two weeks off of the whole year and my god damned mom had to go and ruin it!' I thought.

I got back into my car and swiftly drove away from the school. As I approached my house I felt like something was amiss. It was something but I just couldn't put my finger on what. It was my moms car. The part that was wrong was that it was just not there anymore. 'Oh well' I thought as I went in.

On the kitchen table was a note. It said:

Dear Son,

I have gone on a vacation with your father, he has met with me at the airport and we are flying to Hawaii. I didn't tell you because I suspected that you might try to tag along with us (which she was right about). I don't want to come back to a messed up house so try to keep it clean. I left a jar of money under the sink, there is about one hundred and fifty dollars there so you should be fine until we get back.

See you in two weeks,

xoxoxo MOM

I looked at the letter and smiled, it had been a long time since I had had any time to myself and plus I had a whole two weeks of it! Life was sweet.

I slept for most of that day and the next, playing video games, talking on the phone, and occasionally getting on the computer. I was well rested when on the third day of break my friend Kiasha called. Kiasha was a tiger, and an awfully beautiful one at that. He had perfect features and two very nice looking markings (other than the regular stripes) they were a small black spot around his left eye, and a black colored tip to his tail.

He had been my best friend since sixth grade when he beat up a wolf that was making fun of me, I had had a crush on him ever since that day. Of course that did not mean that I would tell him, having him as my best friend was way better than the thought of being rejected by him and being made friendless after he told the whole school that I was gay. So I decided to just let the chips fall where they may and live on without him. When he had called he wanted to come over and play some video games. I told him of course and that he was always welcome here.

When Kiasha got over to my house we played video game for a little while, then he asked if I wanted to play football with him and some friends. I agreed thankfully, as I was getting majorly bored with my video games.

Once we were all together outside I counted them up. Lets see the was Kiasha and me of course then there was Jake, a wolf, Byron, a snow leopard, Cyrus, an orange fox, and Luke, a lion. Kiasha and Byron were the most athletic furs here so they were team captains. I ended up on a team with Kiasha and Luke. We played hard for hours evenly matched and eventually it was time for some of the guys to leave so the rest of them disbanded as well, that is except for Kiasha. He said "Oh man what a workout! I am so tired would you mind if I just stayed at your house for the night?"

"Sure." I replied, trying not to sound too enthusiastic about my biggest crush staying the night in the same room as me.

When we had finally walked back to my house, because we had played football a mile and a half away at the lot behind Jake's place. We were very tired. I said that he was free to use the shower any time and that I would loan him some clothes. He happily agreed, and we walked off to the kitchen to find something to eat. I ended up making us some scrambled eggs because as much as he like to eat, Kiasha definately couldn't cook.

Once we were finished and I washed the dishes we walked downstairs to my room and to my great happyness, my own bathroom. I told Kiasha that I was going to take a shower and he said it was fine but to hurry because he wanted one. I agreed to his terms and gathered my boxers and towels.

When I was in the shower I completely covered my body with my favorite shampoo, which was designed to smell like oranges but didn't at all. I came out of the shower smelling like I had been dunked of fruit punch, and dried off.

Just then before I had the time to put on my boxers, I heard a slight moan. It was Kiasha! He didn't know that I was out of the shower yet and was pawing off right there on my bed. Right before he was about to climax I elbowed the shower's side panel to get his attention, so he knew I was out. He mumbled under his breath something about finishing this in the shower. I couldn't belive it I walked out having finally put on my boxers, because I had to wait for my erection to go down, and walked right past him as he went into the shower.

As I looked around my ordered chaos of a room I saw one thing out of place. My porn magazine, and this wasn't any old porn magazine it was a gay porn magazine! It was tossed under the bed hurridly as was sticking out a little. This must have been what he was pawing off to! I had the best idea of my life then, but also the most risky, if this backfired I would be laughed at and called a fag for the rest of my life. No way would I pass this by though, it was worth it if it worked.

I slowly walked into the unlocked bathroom while he as in the shower, with his back toward me, and closed the door lightly locking it shut. Then I walked over to the shower pulled off my boxers and stepped in.

When I walked in to the shower he didn't notice me right away but he was masturbating right in front of me. I cleared my throat. He looked back completely mortified that I had seen him, and started to stutter something about being sorry. "Well actually I am here to see the show, you want any help with that?" I asked looking down at his raging hard on. He looked up at me astounded like he didn't quite understand what I was asking.

Then he said, "Well actually yes, I would, if you don't mind." He said this very inquisitively like he was asking if I was also gay.

I said, "Well what are we waiting for then?" and got down on my knees. He said that this was his first time and I told him that it was mine too. We were lucky, we got to each take the virginity of the other. I looked at his dick, it was about eight inches long and was very very hard. I slowly pulled back his sheath, exposing the head of his cock and licked it once very slowly starting at the tip and moving up the shaft. He moaned in pleasure and said, "Oh God that felt so good!" I looked up his face and saw the look of pure ecstasy.

So I pulled back his sheath slowly with my tongue, and licked his entire shaft from base to tip repeatedly. He was now loudly moaning and whining with pleasure, so I stopped licking and put it in my mouthI started with the head and slowly put it in farther as it hit the back of my throat I almost gagged but then I remembered what the magazine had said, so I ajusted the angle of my head and throat then swallowed even more of him. I had his dick all the way into my throat and I started to move back and forth, he pulled me towards him and started to fuck my face. he moved in faster and faster, his balls slapping against my chin rhythmically. All of the sudden I felt a slight expanding pressure against the top of my mouth. 'Oh god he has a knot!' I thought. He was down to the short strokes and was about to cum, he practically yelled, "Grab the base of my knot!" and I did.

All of the sudden I felt ounces and ounces of hot, smooth, sweet tiger jism going down my throat, I pulled his cock out just enough that I could taste his seed. He was shaking in orgasm, and I relized so was I. I had cum all over the shower floor while he came in my mouth.

I got up from my knees, licked whatever seed of his that my tongue could reach and kissed him passionately. My tongue wrestleing with his, we stepped out of the tub, not even breaking the kiss. I ended the kiss and pecked him on the cheek, and told him to dry off.

When we got out of the bathroom we were both so tired from all the things that day had givin us we layed down on my bed, naked. I pulled the covers over us and he wrapped his arms around me protectively, and I turned my head around and kissed him deep, my tongue fighting his. This went on for several minutes when I finally broke the kiss.

"I love you," I said as I brushed him with my tail. He murred in pleasure and happiness.

"I love you too," pulling me tighter into his embrace.

We drifted off toward loving dreams together, and I was the happiest I had been in my entire life.

Too be continued?