Making Friends Part 3

Story by Jason X on SoFurry

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#3 of Making Friends

Making Friends Part 3

This is the third part to the series. Myron belongs to Myrontheotter while Ace and Devin belong to me. This was edited by Myrontheotter, who I thank for spicing it up a little. There were lots of "said"s in there. Love you Hun! This story is for the worlds best otter =)

Devin awoke the next day, feeling quite refreshed. He was a bit confused, and it took awhile for him to remember where he was. He recalled meeting Myron but he wasn't sure if that were a dream. He looked around the unfamiliar room. It had posters all along the walls of bands and pretty girls. The walls were a beige colour that had little black lightning bolts painted everywhere. He got up and stumbled to the only door in the room. He pulled it open and his nose was hit with the scent of waffles and chocolate. He wandered downstairs, following the yummy smells. They led him to the kitchen where Myron stood, cooking breakfast. Devin stood in the doorway and yawned while he scratched his belly. The noise caught the otter's attention and he turned around. When he saw the black wolf he smiled.

"Good morning! I trust you slept well?" greeted the otter. He turned around again to continue cooking.

"Hmm? Oh... Yeah. It was good. Thanks." The groggy state Devin was in made Myron let out a little laugh.

"Take a seat, Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Actually," Myron quickly said, stopping Devin from sitting, "Can you go wake Ace for me? I would do it myself, but I think he would rather see a face that he knows, especially after waking up in a strange place like this. Also, our food will be ready in a few minutes and I don't want to leave it unattended"

"Uh yeah, sure. See you in a few," replied Devin. He marched up the stairs and into the room where Ace was sleeping. As he opened the door, he saw sandy brown wolf ears perk up. "Hun? Breakfast is going to be ready soon. Let's go downstairs."

Devin helped Ace into the kitchen and onto a chair. He sat there, not saying anything and just looked at the wall. Must be tired, thought Devin. We've had a long trip. Ace must've been sleeping really badly since he looks so pale. He should've told me...

"Who's hungry for bacon and eggs?" exclaimed Myron cheerfully, breaking Devin's train of thought.

"Me!" Devin said excitedly. After eating junk food for a long time, a home cooked meal would really hit the spot.

Accepting a plate from the otter, he looked at his boyfriend. His head was resting on the table and he was snoring softly. "Hey Ace, our breakfast is ready. Wake up!"

Ace looked up and sniffed, the scent of bacon and eggs flooding his nostrils. "Mmm, smells good. Morning guys," Ace said, snapping out of his sleep. The sudden pep in Ace's voice made Myron and Devin laugh.

"Here you go," Myron said, handing a plate to Ace. Ace took it and began devouring it. The brown wolf was making quite a spectacle of himself, just shovelling food into his mouth. Myron chuckled and grabbed a plate for himself and sat down. He watched Ace eating and was fascinated by the difference between the two wolves. Devin ate very properly, while Ace didn't even bother to use a fork.

"Ace," Devin sighed, "would you please eat like a civilized fur? You're embarrassing yourself!" Ace snarled and continued eating the way he was before. Devin sighed and gave Myron an apologetic look. The otter just smiled and went back to eating.

When Ace was finished, he left his plate on the table and just walked away. When he was out of the room Devin tried to apologize. "Ugh, what a dick. Doesn't even clean up after himself while he's at another fur's house. I'm sorry Myron."

"It's okay. He's probably just tired." Myron replied nonchantly. He stood up and began to clear the dishes from the table.

"No! It's not okay. I can't even control my own boyfriend. God he is such a tool sometimes!" Devin ranted. "He used to be much more considerate, but now... now he's just an asshole," Devin sighed, "Ever since his parents found out, he has been rude and stopped talking to me with the same tone as before."

"He's your BOYFRIEND?! I thought you were just good friends..." Myron blurted out, not believing what he was hearing. How could someone so dignified be with someone so... horrid?

"Nah. The two of us have been together for a long time. He was so sweet back then..." Devin trailed off. He sighed and went to help Myron with the dishes.

When they were done, the pair found Ace reclining on a big leather chair. He had his eyes closed and was snoring. Devin growled and threw a pillow at him. The startled and sleepy wolf jumped up and cursed.

"Get up you lazy bum," Devin said angrily, "Myron is going to give us a tour of the rest of the house." Ace grumbled, but he went to stand behind Devin.

"The room we are in right now is the game room. I have every game that's out there in that book case. Also, feel free to use the computer whenever you want to. That goes for the games as well. You don't even need to ask, just go ahead. Now let's move on."

Myron led the wolves to the giant glass door that led to the backyard. Devin looked around in amazement. There was a huge pool complete with a diving board. Beside it was a large hot tub that looked perfect for taking the stress away from a bad day. "So this is, of course, the backyard. The swimming pool is heated so it's always good to take a dive. I don't use it much, but go right ahead and try it out later. The hot tub is also open whenever you want to use it. There isn't much else out here except the tool shed and I only use it when chores need to be done." He motioned for the pair to follow him as he headed back to the house.

They went up the grand staircase which led to the rooms the wolves had slept in. "Right there is my bedroom," said Myron, pointing to the room with a large 'M' engraved on it. "You already know where you sleep and where the bathroom is. There is the other guest bedroom. That door leads to the walk in hallway closet, which holds the linens and such. If you ever need towels, sheets," Myron winked, causing Devin to blush, and continued, "or anything else, just take it. Throw your dirty laundry into that cabinet there. It leads down to the basement which holds the washer and dryer. I'll be doing all of the laundry."

"Oh, you don't have to," Devin said, feeling guilty that they are being a burden. "I have no problem washing clothes."

"I would rather you didn't. I have just one rule for the two of you. Never, and I mean NEVER, go down to the basement. I won't explain why, I just expect you to follow this one rule. Am I understood?" Myron asked sternly.

"Yeah, we got it. Right Hun?" Devin elbowed Ace.

"Huh? Oh... right, yes, got it." mumbled Ace.

"Good! I'm guessing by the fact your still wearing the same clothes as last night, that you are in desperate need of a shopping trip." the otter said.

"Oh god yes. I think we only have a few shirts that aren't tattered and maybe one pair of jeans that aren't ripped all over. We've had a rough journey." Devin replied. He was slightly embarrassed to admit those things, but he knew that Myron wasn't one to judge.

"Well you guys put on your best clothes and get ready." Myron cheerfully said, "We're going shopping!"

Myron drove them to the mall in his car and on the way, Devin and Myron spoke.

"So what are your plans for college?" asked Devin.

"I'm not sure. I want to be a technician or something. I've always been good with my hands and I am very creative." Myron replied. "What are your plans?"

"Well in junior high and high school, I was always in the school play. I think I'd like to go into an acting career. Back home, I was planning on getting accepted to this big theatre college, but now I'll have to settle for whatever is down here. I still can't believe I'm down here. This all happened so fast."

"How did your parents find out? If that's not too personal..." Myron asked cautiously.

"No its okay, I don't mind telling you. It was the day of graduation and the lazy lunk-head back there and I were in my room. I was about to pop his chocolate covered cherry... (Okay I have to say this. I got that from this hilarious furry podcast called KnotCast. Funny shit. Check it out. ANYWAYS...) ...when my mom comes in talking about a grad party. She sees me about to thrust into him and she screams a bunch of religious shit at us. Needless to say we ran out of there as fast as we could. Then we head to his house to get his stuff. My mom had called his parents and his dad came running up the stairs. We almost jumped off the roof trying to run away from there. And now, here we are. Here with someone who is generous enough to give two homeless, gay teens a place to stay. I just want to say thank you for everything. You could have turned us down, but you've let us sleep in your home and now you're buying us clothes."

"Wow. Your parents sound like real douche bags. I don't get how anyone could just cast their children away like garbage. I'm glad you're here instead of living with that crap. I wouldn't turn down a friend. I have a bunch of money that I'm not using, so buying you something you need isn't a big deal. And speaking of those clothes, here we are at the mall. Wake up your boyfriend please."

"Hey Ace, we're here. Get up."

In the mall, the wolves were amazed at all of the stores. Back home, they didn't have all of these huge designer stores to choose from. Myron assured them that they were welcome to shop at any of the stores and get as much as they wanted. Devin went into Holipar and Ace went into Tonil Hoshiger. Devin came out with a few pairs of nice jeans and some button-up shirts. Ace had some colourful t-shirts and a couple pairs of black jeans. They went into many different stores and got many bags. By the time they finished, their bodies were straining under the weight of the bags. Most of them were Devin's, and Myron volunteered to hold a lot of them. "Jeez," Myron groaned as he placed the bags in his car, "I can't believe you bought all of these clothes. We almost needed a dump truck!" Devin laughed and Ace jumped into the backseat and fell asleep almost immediately. Sighing, the otter and remaining wolf stepped into the car and continued their conversation from before.

When they arrived at Myron's house, they took in all the bags and went up to their rooms. Myron helped Devin with his bags and putting away the clothes. "Hey Myron, thanks for the clothes. It means a lot," Devin thanked the otter.

"Like I said before, it's no problem. Anything for a friend. You have a very good sense of fashion," Myron complimented.

Devin laughed and replied, "Thanks. Must be all that gay in me." They both shared a long laugh and continued to put away the clothes. Once they were done folding clothes and stuffing the closet, they went to check on Ace. He wasn't in his room and his clothes were still in their bags. "I wonder where he is," Devin wondered. "He's probably downstairs playing video games, the little shit. We should go tell him to put his stuff away."

They headed downstairs and into the game room. They didn't see any sign of the wolf. He wasn't in the kitchen either. They looked a little longer, passing an open door. Devin looked to Myron, ready to ask about the door. When he looked at the otter, his eyes were filled with anger. "Hey, uhh, Myron where does this door go?" Devin asked timidly.

Myron growled in response and simply answered, "The basement..."

Cliff hanger!!!! What's next? (I don't really know XD) Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments/suggestions are welcome.
