University Story - Chapter 4

Story by Tidus_Duke on SoFurry

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*Ok, before the story I just want to clarify that this story takes place at the same time as Chapter 3, but through the eyes of Robbie this time. Enjoy!

Chapter 4 - Studying hard, and getting hard

Robbie sat in the stands outside the football field. He, Paul, Jeff, Jet, and Syd all decided to come out to support Alex, though Jeff and Jet wanted to try (for the fiftieth time) to convince Alex to play soccer.

"Where is he?" Jeff said, clearly impatient. He didn't like sitting through the football practices all that much. There was a little tension between soccer and football, and if Alex hadn't been with them he wouldn't step anywhere near the field.

"I know! Most of the guys are already suited up!" Jet said. Like always, he felt the same as Jeff.

"Hey, maybe he'll be late and get cut from the team! He'll have to play soccer then!" Jeff and Jet smiled at this idea. Robbie found it funny how they wanted Alex to fail at football. They didn't mean it of course, but Alex was the best goalie they had ever seen. They didn't want to let him 'waste' his talent on football, so they said.

"Oh, there he is!" Syd said, pointing to the edge of the field, "He's with Keith!" Robbie thought it strange that Alex was walking with Keith. They never hung out. Though, what was even stranger was how Syd seemed to perk up when he said Keith was coming. Robbie shrugged it off. He probably imagined it.

They all waved to Alex, but he didn't see them. Alex had his head down, and it looked like he was blushing. Robbie was scared that maybe Keith had been bullying him or something. Luckily that thought left his mind when Keith opened the locker room door for Alex. They actually seemed to be getting along really well.

"Oh man," Jeff said, "I guess he won't be cut now..." Jeff and Jet's heads sunk a little in an almost comedic way. Robbie laughed a little at their apparent sadness. They really did want Alex to choose which one he preferred, but they just weren't against helping a little.

"Oh, ya, I was gonna ask. Robbie?" Jet said.

"What's up?" Robbie said, looking up at Jet who was in the seat right behind him.

"Where's Ryan? I'd think he'd be the first to come here. One, he's Alex's friend, and two, he and the football guys get along really well. Don't they?"

"Oh, well, Ryan had wrestling practice. He feels really bad about missing this, and said we should cheer extra for him."

"*sigh* alright. Man, that dog never stops practicing," Jeff said, "No wonder he's the star of the wrestling team."

"Ya, he's really determined..." Robbie blushed a little. Thinking about Ryan always gave him a knot in his stomach. He didn't really know why. He had met Ryan in high school, grade 9. They were both freshmen, but Ryan adapted easily to the new environment. Robbie had never talked to Ryan much. He was one of the most popular guys in school, a real stud. He was smart, friendly, and a major athlete. Robbie was a bit of a bookworm, and stayed to himself. He was really shy, and he was usually picked on by some of the older furs. One day, a bunch of the schools wrestling guys asked if he could tutor them for finals. He was too timid and scared to say no, so they gave him a date and told him he had better keep it. When he got to the school early to see them after practice, the six of them jumped him in the back of the school. Robbie was a small raccoon, lean and little. He didn't stand a chance against half a dozen wrestlers who were keen on making his life hell. Five of them pushed him around, dropped his books, and called him all sorts of names. Robbie thought they were going to start really hurting him, when the guy who was holding back stepped forward. It had been Ryan, but Robbie hadn't recognized him through his tears. Ryan stood in front of Robbie, who was in the fetal position against a wall. He told them to back off or they'd have to do him first. Even years later, Robbie still cringed a little at the growl in Ryan's voice then. He was seriously mad at them, and Robbie didn't know why. The other guys were shocked, but seeing Ryan's massive frame, and his short fur standing on end, even they backed off. Robbie was safe, and he and Ryan had been best friends ever since.

The happy memory of their friendship warmed Robbie's heart. Their friendship was an odd one, but it meant so much to him. Sometimes Robbie wondered just how much. Ryan was always there for him. Standing up for him, helping him make friends, and changing him to be a more outgoing person. Without Ryan, he would still be the quiet nerd who sat alone at lunch. Every time he thought about Ryan, a huge grin appeared on his face. He really loved his friend...

Robbie had been daydreaming so much he hadn't even noticed the practice start. Keith and Tyson had come on late for some reason, and the rest of the team waited for them. They were two of their best players after all.

"YAY!!!! GO ALEX!!!!" Jeff and Jet screamed in unison. They were accompanied by just as much enthusiasm from Syd and Paul, and Robbie joined in right after. He felt really happy. He was sitting with such great friends, and cheering for a new one that already seemed to mean so much. Alex finally noticed them and waved up to them. Robbie was happy to be in such a comfortable place...

* * * *

The practice was over now, and Alex rushed out of the locker room with the rest of the guys. He looked awfully funny, Robbie thought, as he was practically lost among the other, much larger furs.

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming, but you know you don't have to," Alex started blushing a little. He had made amazing friends.

"Ya, but we want to. You know that!" Paul said. He towered over Alex, but he was actually a really nice guy. Everyone usually thought he was really tough and mean. He was about 6'10, maybe more, and almost 400 pounds of beefy, powerful meat. He had the usual black and white fur of a Panda, but had a distinct black spot on his chin that made him look like he had dark chin fuzz, like a van dyke. He was a cool guy and more of a teddy bear once you got to know him.

"Ya did great! It was worth seeing!" Paul reassured Alex of their interest by picking him up and giving him a bear hug that nearly strangled Alex.

"Uh-Th-ank-You. Ouch" Paul finally let Alex go, realizing he was holding Alex a few feet off the ground.

"Haha, my bad!" Paul said. He had a dumb but loveable grin on his face.

"Oh ya, where's Ryan?" Alex asked, his head turned to the side in a cute, typical canine way.

"Oh, he's-"Robbie started, but was interrupted.

"Right here!" Ryan was panting. It was clear that he had run all the way from wrestling just at the slight chance that he'd catch some of the practice. "Aww man! Sorry I missed it! I even skipped showers just to get here! Damn."

Alex was shocked that he had tried so hard. "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal..." Alex said, all the white on his face a clear pink now. "It's actually good that you're here though, cause I gotta tell you guys. You should be the first people to know!"

"What?" Jeff and Jet asked in tandem. They were pretty sure what the news was, and their fingers were crossed, leaning in to hear the news.

"Oh, well, I've decided to choose football!" Alex was ecstatic, and laughed a little when Jet and Jeff slunk their heads, "Don't worry guys! You'll do fine without me."

"Ya, we'll do fine, but with you we could have done amazing!" Jet said.

"But, were happy for you, whatever you chose!" Jeff cut Jet off.

"Uh, ya totally!" Jet corrected himself. He was happy for Alex, but Jeff just needed to remind him of his priorities. Alex was more important than soccer.

"Thanks guys! Oh, where'd Syd go?" Alex looked around. He had seen the little fox before Paul nearly killed him with love (as he called it) but now he was nowhere to be seen.

"Weird. You're right. He was here a second ago." Paul scratched his head. Syd was right behind him, so he would have noticed if Syd left. "Well, he's a big boy! He can handle himself."

"Ya, I think I saw him head out. He must have had to leave, but felt too bad to say it," Jet said, his smile returning. "Oh well, you guys wanna go out to eat? To celebrate and stuff!"

"Sounds awesome!" Alex said. He started walking with Jet and Jeff to their car, Paul right behind them.

"Sorry guys, we're gonna have to rain check!" Ryan called back to them.

"Awww, why?" Jeff asked.

"Umm, we have to study. We have another psych assignment due soon, and a physics test coming up." Robbie told them. He felt bad that he couldn't celebrate with his friends, but he promised Ryan.

"No worries. School comes first," Alex said. It wasn't a big deal. They were just going out to eat, and he felt that just by coming that they had done enough. He gave them a wide smile to reassure them.

"Cool, thanks guys!" Ryan said, smiling back, "Next time it's on me!"

"We'll hold ya to that!" Jeff yelled at them from the edge of the field. They all hopped into Jeff's car, Paul squishing Alex in the back. Jeff honked at them, and they were off.

"So, time to hit the books?" Ryan said, smiling and looking down at Robbie. The little raccoon blushed and turned so as not to meet Ryan's chocolate-colored eyes. He had really pretty eyes, Robbie thought.

"Umm, guess so." Robbie said.

"Cool! Let's go!" Ryan slapped Robbie on the back, pushing him forward a bit, and started walking to the parking lot. Robbie had his own car, so it was easy to get to their house. Both the furs were second year, so they made sure to avoid dorms like the plague this year. Moldy showers and constant noise got old very fast. The two had rented one of the student houses. Usually more people lived in them, but the two ended up lucking out and got the whole house to themselves.

Ryan got into the driver's seat, while Robbie jumped into the passenger side of the car. Though it was Robbie's car, Ryan often drove it. They were best friends, and shared everything, and the car was no exception. Robbie didn't mind, he actually hated driving. He thought it was stressful, but Ryan loved it. He had even 'accidently' gotten into a few street races before. Ryan sure was brave, Robbie thought. He looked at the Rottie as he started to pull the car out of the lot, and drove up the street. He was so big that he took up most of the front of the car. Robbie usually had to squish a little to the door, but he didn't mind. In fact, he loved being this close to the dog. His drives home with Ryan were something he actually looked forward to.

"What's up man? You're daydreaming or something." Ryan's deep, but comforting voice woke Robbie out of his thoughts.

"Oh, ah, it's nothing." He looked over at his best friend's smile, and felt safe. He had such a cute smile...

* * * *

"Home sweet home!" Ryan tossed his keys and jacket onto the closest couch. The house was small, but comfy. In front of the door were the stairs and the living room. In the back, the kitchen. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, as well as an empty room. It was supposed to be for another room mate, but the two friends had the whole place to themselves. It was perfect for them.

The two furs bolted up the stairs and headed for the empty room which had been turned into a kind of study/hang-out room. They always did their work together in that room. They had taken all the same classes, so it made studying easier to know there was another person to help you out.

Ryan threw his books on one of the desk s in the room and Robbie sat on the couch that was there. The room had the loveseat, two desks, and a T.V. in the corner. The room also connected to the only bathroom in the house by a door opposite the loveseat.

"Oh, Robbie? You don't mind if I shower first do you? I didn't get the chance after practice, so..."

"Ah, sure! Go ahead. I'll just get my notes ready and stuff." Ryan smiled at Robbie, and walked into the bathroom, stripping his shirt off before he left, not even bothering to close the door all the way. His muscles glistened with the sweat that lingered in his short, dark fur. He looked amazing, Robbie thought, gasping a little at the thought. Robbie felt weird. He usually had a tiny knot in his stomach when he was with Ryan, but recently it had been really noticeable. He used to think it was because he was just shy, and Ryan was so outgoing, but he was nervous it might mean something more. The smell of Ryan lingered in the air, his usual scent mixed with the remnants of his practice and workout.

Robbie looked over at the bathroom and he could see the steam from the shower escape through the cracked door. He didn't know why, but he was trying to see Ryan. He wanted to see the water slowly flow off of his muscles. Down his back, across his broad shoulders, over his hot cock-

Robbie practically yelped when the thought went into his head. Why would he want to see something like that? Ryan was his best friend, and besides, Robbie wasn't gay. He had never thought of himself as gay before. He had also never been with a how did he know?

Robbie lay back on the couch, his legs stretched as far as they could go. He sat in thought for a few minutes. He was contemplating the opportunity that was right in front of him. He wasn't going to do anything, he just wanted to's harmless. That's what he kept telling himself at least...

Robbie creeped up to the gaping door. He was going to just have a peek and prove to himself that he wasn't interested in Ryan. He knelt as close to the open door as he thought safe and looked in, his eyes darting through every corner of the room. Ryan was in the shower, the curtain not even drawn and he was soaping himself up. His back was turned to Robbie and he nearly yipped when he saw him. Sure he had seen Ryan change before, but he never looked at him closely. Now, he wasn't just looking, he was staring. He couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to. He had peeked to prove he didn't like Ryan, but the bulge in his pants wasn't helping his case.

He turned his head and blushed. He felt so wrong, but he wanted to look so much. He felt like he was hurting his friend by looking at him like that. He didn't want to lose Ryan, but he also didn't want to miss the soft shower water run down his abs and to his beautiful, huge-

*YIPP* Robbie fell backwards when he looked back to the door. Instead of the black figure among the white tiles of the bathroom, his vision was completely full of black fur.

"Whatcha think yur doing Robbie?" Ryan was standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. Robbie was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear the big dog walk over. He was still dripping wet, and the shower was still running. He leaned down a little at the frightened raccoon. "It's not polite to stare." Ryan said this with a smirk, and Robbie felt ashamed. He thought Ryan looked so cute standing like that, and he covered his face with his paws and tried to apologize but nothing left his mouth.

Ryan picked Robbie up by his shoulders and stood him in front of him. He looked him right in his eyes, making sure Robbie couldn't look away and said, "Were you watching me shower, Rob?"

Robbie felt scared and must have been unbelievably red in the face. His long, ringed tail was wrapped around his leg, trying to hide the tent of his shorts. He was stammering and could only make out a soft whisper, "yes..."

Ryan let go of Robbie and he fell back down to his knees. Robbie thought he was going to lose Ryan for sure. Ryan puffed his chest out and looked down at the little fur. "Well, I'm better to look at when I'm dry. You wanna help me towel off?" Ryan had a seductive smile on his hot face, his head cocked to the side in a confident way. Robbie was breathing hard and couldn't believe what his best friend had asked him. Ryan threw his towel at Robbie and just stood there, smiling and waiting. Robbie got up, the towel in his shaking hands and put them to Ryan's pecs. His shaking stopped and he felt warmth coming from his paws and threw his body. Ryan felt great...

Ryan was short of breath. He didn't really understand why he let his friend touch him like this, but just let himself get lost in the feeling. Robbie had abandoned the towel after most of the water was gone, and was now rubbing Ryan with his small, soft paws and his warm cheeks. Robbie didn't miss any part of Ryan, mapping the groves of the Rottweiler's muscles, almost memorizing them. Both boys were in shock and awe. They didn't want to stop, but couldn't believe it was happening in the first place. One of Robbie's paws fell a little south, at the start of Ryan's crotch fur, and both furs jumped back half a step.

"I-uh, sorry Ryan! I didn't mean to go that far." Robbie said, his paws retreating to his face, the smell of his friend still remaining on them. He breathed in the scent, and wished he was still huddled up with Ryan in the doorway. He felt colder now, and didn't like the almost empty feeling of it.

"No, it's ok. I was just shocked is all," Ryan was scared, but it was curiosity that got him into this in the first place. He hoped he hadn't made a wrong choice. He had been watching his friend for a long time now, and jumped at the chance to be with him. Maybe he jumped a little too soon. He had never considered being with the raccoon, or even that he liked him back. He felt bad, seeing how Robbie was holding himself. He probably felt like it was his fault. He should have known better then to rush him. He took a few soft steps over to Robbie and put his arms around him. He had always tried to make him feel safe, and cringed at the idea that he almost hurt his best friend.

Robbie was nervous, and thought that he had done something wrong. When Ryan put his arms around him though, all the worries fled his body, and he fell into the embrace. His hands lay on the dog's powerful chest and he looked up at his friend. He may have not known what to say, but Ryan always knew what to say...

"Sorry I rushed into this Robbie, but you gotta know, I just had to. I don't understand why, but I think we both felt the same feeling back there." Ryan looked his little friend right in the eyes. They both felt the same thing, and they knew it. Why should they have to hold back? Ryan took charge and leaned in and kissed Robbie, tentatively at first, but when Robbie opened his muzzle, Ryan really started exploring the boy's hot mouth.

Robbie felt connected to Ryan, more so then ever before. He was afraid that this would hurt their friendship, but after kissing Ryan he knew it could only make it stronger.

Ryan ended the kiss, to Robbie's displeasure. "Let's get more comfy..." the rottie whispered into Robbie's ear, licking his neck slowly as he lifted Robbie into his arms. Robbie let his legs wrap around Ryan's waist, and proceeded to kiss the dog again. Ryan then moved the two lip-locked lovers to the couch in the corner. The loveseat was named right, it was perfect for them. Ryan laid the raccoon on his back along the couch, and then maneuvered himself on top of him so they'd both be comfortable.

They made out slowly at first, but things heated up as Ryan began to strip Robbie's shirt off. Both of their paws were desperately feeling every part of their lover. Robbie gasped when Ryan started unzipping his shorts. He knew where this was going, but he was still taken aback. He grabbed Ryan's strong neck as he pulled the shorts off forcefully, the underwear with them, and threw them to the other side of the room. Both of them were naked now, and spent just a second staring at each other's bodies. This was new to both of them, and they both were awakened by their daze when their gaze reached the other's rock hard member. They both shot their heads back to look at each other, both with very different expressions on their faces. Robbie looked a little scared, and was blushing like crazy. He had never seen such a hot dick before. Ryan on the other hand was grinning like mad, and felt hotter than ever seeing how hard his friend was. He gave Robbie the most seductive look he could, and licked his cheek in a loving way. He then leaned backwards. He was giving Robbie a perfect angle to lean up and get a little more acquainted with his throbbing cock. He then grabbed the raccoon's wrists and pushed his arms back, pinning them against the arm of the couch. Robbie's chest was stuck between Ryan's massive legs, and his arms immovable. All the smaller fur could see was dick, and he had nowhere else to go. Ryan had him pinned down. He didn't have to, Robbie definitely wasn't going anywhere, but Ryan did it for another reason. He had always been a take charge kind of guy, and sex was no different. He was dominating Robbie, in his own way saying he was his. For this moment, Robbie belonged to Ryan, and it made the little guy's heart stop with excitement.

"I know it's kinda big, but I can tell you're willing to work at taking it all," Ryan said with a smirk, "and I'm absolutely willing to help you practice."

Robbie took a deep breath and let his lips feel the head of the cock. It felt so good, and he could taste a bit of pre-cum. It tasted salty, but Robbie liked it. He used his tongue to lap up all of the dripping liquid on Ryan's dick. Ryan moaned, which only allowed for more pre to leak. This made both boys crazy, and Ryan was getting anxious. He wanted to see all 8 inches of his thick cock slide into his friend's muzzle, but knew it might be a bit much for the little guys first muzzle job. He pushed his dick slowly into Robbie's muzzle, and whined softly.

"God, your mouth feels so good..." Ryan said, practically a growl. He was fucking loving this, and continued to give Robbie encouragement between deep breaths. Robbie loved it just as much. He wanted to make Ryan feel good, and forced himself to go deeper and deeper on the gorgeous cock in his mouth. He felt himself gag but he didn't stop. He was surprised how good it felt to have Ryan inside his muzzle. He thought it would be uncomfortable, but he felt whole, and didn't want it to stop. He opened his throat and let himself slide over the throbbing dick.

"Oh man, that's perfect Rob..." Ryan was drifting into a place of pure bliss. He loved that he was in control. He bucked his hips gently into the raccoon's waiting muzzle, Robbie letting out a muffled moan with each thrust. Ryan could feel just how hard his friend was. His dick would rub up against his ass when he thrusted back. He couldn't believe how hot this was for Robbie, and just that thought alone really got him going.

Ryan picked Robbie up, being sure to move him gently, so his dick wouldn't leave his mouth. Ryan laid Robbie on top of him, and put him in a position so that they could both see and touch each other's cocks. He wanted to make Robbie feel the way he was feeling.

Ryan could feel the spasm in his friend's throat when he took his cock head in his mouth. Robbie wasn't expecting that, but loved it all the same. Robbie's dick wasn't as big as Ryan's, only about 6 inches, and Ryan loved all six just as much. He wanted to make Robbie moan so bad, that he was able to slip the whole dick in his large muzzle. Robbie was in heaven, and bobbed his head on his friend's huge cock. They started to get into a rhythm, and both went to the hilt of each other's cocks at the same time, eliciting groans that would have been yelps if their mouths weren't busy.

Robbie was so close, but held back. He didn't want this to end, but he knew that Ryan was just as ready to blow his load. He wanted to be sure they came at the same time. His tongue danced furiously around Ryan's cock, and his hands were groping his firm and beautiful ass. Ryan was doing the same, but took it a step further. He parted Robbie's butt cheeks and was slowly rubbing his fingers across his tight virgin hole. Robbie couldn't take it, he was moaning so loud that even Ryan's cock deep in his throat couldn't muffle it. He thought he had been in heaven before, but that was until Ryan took his cock out of his mouth and let his tongue deal with something else.

"OH!!!!" Robbie let Ryan's dick leave his mouth for only a second, so he could scream in pleasure as Ryan's long, rough tongue drove itself into Robbie's hole. Ryan was surprising him all day it seemed, and they just kept getting better. The ring of his hole was so sensitive, it sent wave after wave of pleasure to his brain, which he made sure to reciprocate onto Ryan's wet and dripping cock. Robbie felt amazing on both ends. His mouth full of beautiful dog cock, practically a faucet for pre-cum, and his hole being fucked by Ryan's wet, and warm tongue. He had been holding back for so long, he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh my god!!! Yes Ryan!!!" Robbie came all over Ryan's chest, and the second it happened, Ryan took his paw and started beating off the raccoon frantically, milking every last rope of cum onto his chest.

Ryan couldn't hold back now that Robbie had cum, he had been waiting to hear him yiff. It was just what he needed to push him over the edge. His mouth left Robbie's hot hole and he howled in pure ecstasy as he came onto the raccoon's face, the little fur trying to catch as much cum as he could into his waiting mouth.

Once all the cum had been shot, they both slumped down, exhausted. Ryan pulled Robbie up with ease and turned him to lie on his chest. He looked down at the hot fur, both of them smiling like maniacs.

"Oh man Rob..." Ryan said, panting, his tongue lying out of his mouth.

Without saying anything, Robbie proceeded to lap up the cum that had pooled all over Ryan's hot body. He had never tasted cum before, and if he knew it tasted that good, he would have started blowing guys years ago! It had a tangy, salty taste, and Robbie couldn't get enough of the still warm mix of his and Ryan's jizz. Once most of the cum had been lapped up, Ryan pulled Robbie into his arms and kissed him passionately, the taste of cum dancing between their muzzles. Neither of them had ever felt so good, or so close.

" you..." Robbie found it hard to say, but it just came out. For once, he didn't care what anyone thought, but just said what was on his mind. He didn't feel like he ever needed to hide something from Ryan again. They had already shared so much...

"I know babe...I've always loved you too." Ryan looked at Robbie square in the eyes and kissed his nose softly. Ryan always knew what Robbie was thinking, and he was always aware of his secret crush on him. He never knew if he felt the same way as Robbie, but how could he deny it now? How could he deny how amazing he felt, his little friend wrapped in his strong arms, the scent of their love still in the air. It was bliss, and what made it blissful was just how much they were in sync. They were feeling the same things for each other, and it felt beautiful.

"Robbie?" Ryan asked, his face buried in his lovers head fur.

"Ya?" Ryan whispered

"Let's forget studying...I wanna stay like this forever..."

Robbie laughed a little. He looked up and Ryan had a stupid grin on his face. God he was cute, Robbie thought.

"I don't think I could leave even I wanted to..." Robbie never wanted to leave his lovers warm embrace, and Ryan felt the same. Robbie fell into the big dog, listening to his heartbeat against his cheek, and every time Ryan breathed Robbie moved up and down on his chest. They lied there together for what seemed like an eternity, before they lulled into a peaceful sleep in each other's arms...