Confidence Boost

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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#2 of Misc Stories

This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story.

"Welcome home, Arthur!" Lucario stated happily to the grey-furred wolf as he shut the door behind him. "How was class today?" she asked, regretting the question far too quickly. His head was hung low, tail tucked between his legs sadly as he gave her a fake smile.

"It went fine." He lied, dropping his smile as he slid one arm out of its backpack strap. Despite being a good two feet taller than Lucario, he looked insignificantly smaller than her, a sight that stung Lucario's heart painfully every time she saw. Her worry was just as obvious as his lie, wondering both why he had been late coming home as well as what was troubling him. Lucario took his bag from him and set it by the wall, not paying any mind to the absurd weight it held as the thick books within shifted within as it made a dull thump that resonate throughout the foyer.

Arthur and his parents had just recently moved to the absurdly sized home they now resided, which meant he had to say goodbye to almost every friend he had spent most of his life with after transferring to a new school. Mr. and Mrs. Henning were hardly ever home to spend time with their son, but Lucario was more than happy to fill in their place until they could finish their work. The pokémon didn't know much about what either of them did, but the few trips she had been taken on told her their work jumped across Kanto far too much for her to keep track.

No matter the case, Arthur was left in the hands of the pokémon who tended to their home for them, much like the maid service's Lucario kept seeing in the mail she was told to always throw out. The fighting-type herself served as Arthur's nanny, making sure he did his fair share of chores while also making sure his every need was tended to, whatever they may be. As such, she had earned his trust the most out of everyone else, and also knew more about him than perhaps even his parents.

She grabbed his hand with both of her paws suddenly, giving it a soft squeeze as she looked up at him. "You can talk to me if you want." She stated, almost a plea rather than a suggestion.

"I'm fine, really." He replied back, returning a weaker squeeze as concern took over his expression, perhaps to hide his more prominent emotions. But he couldn't hide the look in his yellow eyes that Lucario could always parse, that twinge of sadness and pain he tried so desperately to hide from her every time. She sighed with defeat, letting go of his hand hesitantly.

"I'm not going to let you dig another hole like before, not again." She stated adamantly, a hint of her emotions cracking her sweet tone for a fraction of a second.

"Would you like some help with that today?" a soft-hearted voice in Lucario's head asked, who somehow missing Gardevoir's presence entering it. Lucario thought for a moment, getting a mental list of possible "helpers" from the physic-type that she wordlessly thanked her for.

"Not today." Lucario replied, the list disappearing from her mind like a puff of dust.

"Normally I would ask, but I can already see you will be making use of the bathhouse, which I should thank you for. The last time you used the bedroom, Blastoise spent three hours just to remove the stains." Gardevoir chimed ever so snarkily, her presence feeling overbearing in Lucario's mind before it drew back. "Well, keep it up with the little squirt. Farewell for now." With that Gardevoir's presence faded entirely, leaving Lucario to her own thoughts on how best to help her master feel better...

Lucario smiled as Arthur took off his jacket and hung it on the wall, the gym period that capped off the school day still haunting him. He wasn't good at many sports, not that he had any interest in them, but worst of all had always been kickball, which just so happened to be today's game of choice. Despite his best efforts to stay out of everyone's way, it had yet again ended with his class losing thanks to him yet again. The walk home had been lonesome and silent, both characteristics a blessing compared to what he feared would happen if he had taken the bus.

Yet now he was making Lucario worry, a feeling he hated to make her, or any of the other pokémon, feel because of his own mistakes. He sighed, trying to burn out those thoughts that swirled in his head, knowing he needed to at least act like today had gone fine.

"You can trust me, Arthur, with anything on your mind. Just like every day before and every one to come." Lucario stated, bringing him back from his tangenting thoughts.

"I know Lucario, thank you. I promise I'm not pushing you away this time... I just need a few more minutes alone." Arthur admitted sheepishly, trying to not hurt her feelings in any way possible. Her eyes twitched a hair more closed, perhaps in disbelief of his wish, but nodded to concede to it nonetheless. He wiped his forehead as it began to itch, still sweaty from both the gym period and the long walk uphill.

"What would you like for dinner tonight?" Lucario asked, stepping aside so Arthur could move past her.

"Anything's fine by me, just not last night's pasta." Arthur responded, giving a fake laugh to further dissuade her obvious worry. He shuddered a bit at the thought of last night's dinner, which tasted and felt more like burnt wood than noodles, which he had tried valiantly to eat despite the warning Kommo-o, the head chef, had gave.

Lucario smiled a little wider, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. "I'll let them know." She stated, letting him think her distress was indeed fading. She let the wolf waltz on and around a corner before moving on to continue the various chores Gardevoir had tasked her to.

Arthur wandered down the oversized hallway of his parent's oversized mansion, wondering why they had bought a place of this size if even they weren't even around to enjoy it ninety percent of the time. He climbed up a carpeted flight of stairs, passing by the many portraits of the older generations of his family, each with a serious expression forever plastered on their muzzles as they stared forward in their tight-fitting clothing. The wolf wondered if his ancestors were looking down on him, full of disappointment at the pathetic son his parents had spawned to carry on their "legacy. One of his earliest memories was being terrified by those very portraits, back when his parents were even slightly present in his life, a memory that served as the crux for hit stemming hate for those who came before him.

"You shouldn't let the past control you so much, Arthur." Gardevoir said as her presence slid into his head like a phantom, the sudden voice almost making him jump in surprise had he come to expect it now.

"Didn't I remind you not to 'bust in' out of nowhere like that?" Arthur asked aloud with a disheveled sigh, finishing his climb up the stairs and turning his head away from the paintings.

"I apologize, but you are also the one who wanted me to keep tabs on you from time to time, especially when you come home so upset." She retorted, voice low and soothing, yet always with a hair of snideness she never seemed to ditch. Arthur went quiet at her reply, eyes drifting to the red carpet underneath him as he continued moving.

"Would you like my help?" Gardevoir asked, concerned at his silence. The wolf shook his head slowly, stopping to glance down a long hallway to try and find out where he was in the house, where the psychic type nudged him straight to help him along.

"I can't keep taking the easy way out of everything, it's already what made me how I am now." Arthur stated bluntly.

"Very well. Lucario has also asked me to tell you that tonight she would like you to spend some time in the bathhouse to relieve some stress, which I must state that I second." Gardevoir stated before pulling her presence back in his mind. Arthur silently thanked her, knowing she would feel it even as she disappeared entirely from his mind, a feeling that was both nice yet saddening. It was nice to have someone to quite literally share his thoughts with, but at the same time it felt rather invasive to experience.

He finally reached the end of the hall where it split off in either direction, not even taking a second to look before spinning right and continuing towards his room. He knew how much all the pokémon around the manor cared for him, but there were times to be close and others to simply stay away. He didn't know which one it was today that was right, but for now he just wanted the latter.

He stopped at his door and opened the door, feeling a rush of cool air greet him as he walked in and shut the door behind him. Even when Gardevoir didn't seem to be reading his every bodily need, she always knew exactly what he wanted to stay comfortable, all the way down to the temperature in his room. The wolf pulled off his shirt hastily, needing his fur to breath in the cool air and dry the underlying sweat that clung to it. He gave another wordless thank you to the pokémon for catering to his needs so well, crouching in front of the closest air vent to let the chilling air rush through his coat.

Unlike the many rooms and hallways that honeycombed the mansion that were all lavishly lit and furnished almost to the point of being cramped, Arthur's room was bland and dim in comparison, having never taken to cramming his room full of random junk purely for the sake of looking "nice".

The covered light that glowed at the center of the ceiling provided just enough light that it wasn't impossible for him to see, but it certainly took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the contrasting darkness after the brightly lit hallway beyond the door. The walls and carpet were a faded shade of blue, another opposite to the bright red colors outside. His bed sat across from the door, twice his size with an assortment of pillows neatly set under the thick blanket that was tucked under the mattress.

On either side of the bed were two regal-esque dressers, and although they weren't open, he knew inside were tightly folded clothing that were tailor made for his size. Off in the corner of the room was his deck, wide and the same darkly tinted wooded as his dressers. On the top was a stack of papers kept still with a paperweight, a wire pencil holder keeping everything tidy as the morning he had left it, maybe even more so if one of the staff came to clean. His laptop sat on a black plastic stand in front of the cubby of the desk that his chair was tucked into, the final item of interest being a picture frame that held a photo of Arthur, his parents, and every one of his friends all huddled around a wide cake, a white banner stating "Happy 8th birthday!" in bold red lettering.

After he was done drying his fur, Arthur slipped on his shirt and walked over to his desk, lifting the framed picture by the corner to look at. The still image of everyone smiling brought out some of the worst in Arthur, the uncaring hate towards his parents he had stuffed deep within himself ever since they had moved. Some of them may have been jackasses, Arthur would admit that at the very least, but his friends were his entire life, all he ever had. And now they were all gone because of his parents...

He pulled out his desk chair and flopped into it, sniffling sadly as he stared at the young wolf in the center of the photo, grinning ear to ear so happily. Sighing, he set the frame face down and opened his laptop, wishing he could be anyone besides himself as he let himself forget the next few hours.

Eventually he heard a knock at the door, blinking rapidly as he looked down at the clock and saw that an entire four hours had passed just browsing through website after website. He shut his laptop and got up, scooting his chair back in as he took one more glance at the down-facing frame before moving towards the door.

He reached for the knob, but it twisted on its own as Lucario opened the door, wearing a stained apron and a full white coat.

"Oh! Sorry to intrude, Arthur. Everyone is gathering for dinner if you would like to join us, or I can bring up-"

"No, I'll join you all today. What are we having?" Arthur stated, cutting her off as his tail began to wag with the thought of eating. She motioned for him to follow her, which he did so eagerly, shutting his bedroom door to follow the pokémon down the hall.

"Kommo-o wanted to make you some pasta again, this time without Charmeleon burning it, to compensate for last night. He stated that his pride was 'shattered and broken at the young master's displeasure with the poor dinner I let get served'.'" Lucario said, imitating the dragon-type's grumbly voice rather well. Their walk stopped at another intersection in the unending hallways, the two spotting Gardevoir standing beside a door on their left with her dainty hands held in front of her.

"Hello, good to see you both are right on time." She stated kindly and physically, her dainty voice far quieter than her mental one. "Today we'll be having alfredo topped with shredded lansat and micle berries, along with a side of custap soup. What would you like to drink for today, Arthur?" she continued, bowing slightly as they approached her.

"Thank you, Gardevoir. Water will do for today." Arthur replied. Gardevoir lifted a hand to push open the door with her psychic powers, glowing a faint radiant pink as the doors swung open smoothly. Stepping inside, the wolf was greeted by the ever familiar and lengthy dining hall he and every one of the pokémon who lived in the mansion most often came to eat. A table longer than any other Arthur had seen all his life spanned the hall in a flattened oval shape, draped with long white table linens that hid the dark wood underneath from any dirt or possible damage. The outer edge was lined with rows upon rows of equally similar cushioned velvet chairs, with several exceptions fitted to seat the larger of the pokémon staff more comfortably.

There were already a good number of pokémon getting seated in random spots at the table: Blastoise, Salazzle along with her handful of Salandits, Charmeleon, and a couple others Arthur couldn't recall exactly. The room had two sets of doors on either wall in front of the one Arthur and Lucario came through, the left one identical to theirs while the other was a clean white and made clearly out of plastic. The left door was wide open as more and more pokémon poured in and got seated, while the opposite one remained closed, the clattering of dishes and silverware making it plain as day that the staff inside the kitchen were preparing to serve tonight's dinner.

Any of the pokémon coming in on Arthur's left exclaimed a greeting to him, Gardevoir's eyes glowing behind him as she translated their pokespeak instantly for him to understand and return the greetings. The kitchen doors swung open as Kommo-o, wearing a comically sized yet fitting chef hat and coat.

"Our young master has arrived, you may now all be seated!" He exclaimed with a broad and energetic smile. He squinted at the pokémon who were already sitting, his mouth opening a bit as he muttered something that none of them could hear.

"That wasn't very nice to say." Gardevoir commented, both psychically and physically so everyone could hear it. Kommo-o turned to look at her with wide eyes, realizing she heard what he had said. Arthur chuckled quietly, taking a seat at the end of the table like he usually did, the rest of the pokémon taking their places rather quickly after he sat down.

"Tonight's dinner shall be alfredo with shredded lansat and micle berries, along with custap soup." Kommo-o repeated, the doors behind him bursting open as several shorter pokémon wheeled in carts full of steaming plates and bowls. They fanned out in either direction, offloading the many full dishes in front of each pokémon along with bundles of silverware tucked into folded napkins. Arthur's plate came directly from Kommo-o as he ducked into the kitchen and came back out with a shiny tray occupied with only one plate, bowl and roll of silverware.

The dragon set each dish in front of him delicately, wafting the delicious smell close to his canine nose, making his mouth water at the rich flavors he could practically taste from a distance. His fears of another overcooked dinner were blown away as he saw the thick white noodles lathed in a thick white sauce, shreds of red and green berry mapping out all the bumps and breaks in the long strips of pasta.

"Thank you for the meal, Kommo-o." Arthur stated graciously, making the pokémon's tail scales begin to flutter with joy as he took a deep bow.

"It was my honor." The pokémon stated pridefully, lifting himself up and treading back to the kitchen door to gauge everyone's reaction to their meals. The rest of the pokémon gave thanks as well, each in their own names aside from Lucario and Gardevoir, who stuck to English. Arthur unfurled his napkin roll and fished out the fork from the batch of shiny metal, spearing a thick batch of noodles and spinning it to swirl them together. He took the first bite slow, pulling the fork's contents into his mouth and closing it around the savory food he was dying to try.

AS expected, the taste was magnificent, the soft noodles soaking in the sweet and flavorful sauce that felt like an explosion of deliciousness had erupted in his mouth. To top it all off, the shreds of berry only added to the masterfully made food, doubling every flavor with their own added taste to add.

Kommo-o's joy seemed to triple with Arthur's prominent enjoyment of him and his team's work, tail swishing from side to side to scrape the ground, lest he knock something over and spill the mood in some way. Joyful and surprised moans rang across the hall as the pokémon took their first bites, kicking off dinner with a multitude of smiles from them as the silence broke into nondescript chatter.

"You really are a first-class chef Kommo!" Lucario commented quickly, already shoveling a bigger bite into her mouth. The dragon-type's scaly headdress tucked over his eyes as he blushed with her flattering compliment.

"It is indeed amazing, especially since Charmeleon didn't burn it this time." Gardevoir chimed snarkily to everyone with her psychic powers at once, hovering her fork to her mouth and taking a bite of the alfredo.

Charmeleon stood up angrily, slapping his hands on the table as the glowered at the psychic-type. "Hey, it wasn't my fault I sneezed! Dustox was that one who came barreling in while I was stirring the pot!" He shouted, jabbing a claw at the pokémon in question, who was seated a good distance from him. Kommo-o hushed him with a turn of his head and a scowl, the fire-type slouching in his chair angrily as he glared at the moth.

"In my defense, you're the one who always sneezes when anything gets near your over sensitive nose! Besides, Kommo-o wanted me to dust the cupboards to keep the Rattata out!" Dustox shouted, her green wings beginning to flutter as a challenge to Charmeleon. The two pokémon started to stand when Gardevoir forced them back in their seats with a wave of her hand, shoving a mouthful of delicious noodles in their mouths to silence them.

"Bickering is pointless about something that's already said and done you two, and its rude to do so when Arthur is present." Lucario stated, stopping to lecture the both of them from a safe distance. Arthur, mid bite, saw every pokémon's head save Gardevoir's turn to look at him, the wolf freezing in place. They all seemed to expect an answer to what Lucario had just said, yet he had been too focused on the beauty of the food before him to really pay any attention.

"Just nod." Gardevoir whispered into his head, which the wolf did as he gave her yet another thankful thought. She really was on a role earning his appreciation! The answer seemed to please the pokémon as they returned to enjoying their food, the mood settling down as Charmeleon and Dustox returned to ignoring one another's presence. Arthur didn't even realize he had begun on the equally amazing side of soup until he was scraping the bottom of the bowl for any scraps, feeling intensely full and satisfied.

His glass of water, which he didn't know when he had received it, sat full beside his empty dishes as he wiped his snout clean with the napkin his silverware had come in. Kommo-o was radiating with joyful pride, his chest puffed out as he looked over at Arthur in an almost longing way. The wolf leaned back in his chair and noticed several of the pokémon staff were already getting up and filling out, the cart-pushing kitchen staff scooping up their dirty dishware and hauling them into the kitchen, following Kommo-o as he disappeared behind the swinging doors.

Arthur was good at hiding his worries to everyone but Lucario, the immense levels of fear that struck him when everyone looking at him reigniting the gym experience all over again the moment he wasn't distracted by his food, sinking him back into his terrible mood once again.

Lucario nudged his side with her paw, getting him to turn and look her way and see she was also starting to look worried again. "Perhaps now would be a good time to take a bath, Arthur?" she asked softly, eyebrows furrowing deeply as she awaited his answer.

"S-sure." He replied, grunting as he sat up and got out of his chair, tucking it in and following Lucario towards the door they came from. Gardevoir waved them goodbye, opening the door for them as she took a drink of water from Arthur's untouched glass.

"Enjoy yourself" She stated, setting the cup back down as she closed the door behind the two canines. Arthur nodded as the door swung closed, guessing just what Lucario had planned for him to cheer himself up and why she had insisted on a bath. Following behind Lucario, Arthur saw just how quickly the mob of pokémon dispersed around the mansion, stepping aside as Blastoise and Dustox walked by, stating they hope he feels better as they continued down the hall.

Arthur and his blue-furred escort exited out into another foyer much like the one at the front of the mansion after several minutes of traversing a few hallways, only this time wide expanse of wall that lead outside was made up almost entirely out of clear glass that looked out into the land's expansive acres of land behind it. Hedges lined a cobblestone walkway that connected to the glass door in the wall's center point. Across the wide expanse of plant-laden land was the mirrored side of the mansion that formed the wide U-shape that spanned far too many acres for Arthur to count.

The only thing that blocked the view clear to the other glass door was a short square building built mostly out of flat wooden planks and surrounded by a thin mote of smooth pebbles, a stubby tipi-like roof covering the top. The bathhouse wasn't Arthur's first choice to take a bath, given how often it was in use, but given Lucario's demands for him to go there, he guessed that it would be uncharacteristically vacant for the time being. He and Lucario pushed past the doors and made their way to their destination, a thin column of smoke beginning to puff gently out of the chimney on the unseen side of the bathhouse's roof. The sight made Arthur shake his head idly, wondering how Gardevoir could keep up with everything over such a massive range, let alone perform such specific tasks so trivially from that distance.

Lucario opened the Chinese-styled door that led into the changing room of the bathhouse, where lockers big and small lined the walls, the floor divided by four cushioned benches that cut the room into columns.

"Do you want help undressing?" Lucario asked as she grabbed the loose knot of her apron behind her neck, her tone a smidge sultrier than before.

"I'll be fine." He replied, watching her untie her apron before he began to undress as well. The pokémon began unbuttoning her coat, each pop of the black buttons freeing more of her cream-colored belly fur. She had removed her shirt in place of the coat when Kommo-o demanded she wear something that covered more of her, stating no single pokémon was to find any shred of blue fur in their food. Reaching the top, Lucario popped the last button out with a relieved sigh, her tightly compressed breasts finally free to jiggle in the warm air

Her unburdened chest caught Jake as he was pulling down his pants, glancing behind him to see her breasts swaying from their recent release. His spirits were lifted along with something else as he continued to pull down his pants. His trunks took much longer to remove as Lucario took off her pants and started to slip off her almost seamless shorts, shaving off nearly half of her thighs size as the cloth travelled down her legs. She bent down to get her legs out from the bulky shorts, giving Arthur a grand view of her ass and her lightly furred sex.

He realized he may have been staring for too long and focused on removing his last article of clothing with a kick of his feet, sending the discarded boxers on a bench beside the rest of his outfit. Slightly disappointed he had looked away so quickly, Lucario flashed herself to the young wolf a little harder by reaching for her clothing rather slowly, spreading her legs subtly to further expose herself to Arthur's curious eyes. The smirk he was sporting faded suddenly as he recalled the reason she was putting on such a show for him, returning to his negative thoughts like the flip of a switch that brought his tail back between his legs.

Lucario glanced back to see her plan had backfired entirely, bolting upright as she covered her assets with her tail. "Sorry Arthur, I didn't mean to take things too quickly." She apologized, turning about shamefully with her failure. She walked to him before his mood worsened, her breasts gently pressing against his chest as she looked him in the eyes. "Please, forget about whatever is bothering you." She pleaded. He turned his head away, shutting his eyes and huffing quietly to himself. at himself.

"I did for a while, but it's not easy when everyone's trying so hard to help do that." He admitted, the pokémon's hand grabbed his snout and turned it to face her. Her bright red eyes stared into his with a fiery passion, keeping his gaze with hers as she hugs him just tight enough where her chest spike didn't poke him too hard.

"Then let me help you forget for a little longer." She asked with a fair amount of lust behind her words, smiling warmly. She didn't wait for his reply, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bathhouse proper through another door, where the assortment of diverse communal tubs and showers were set up. The walls were painted a light grey with flowery shapes etched into the design, with small carts filled with extra soap bars, sponges, brushes, and stacks of towels all just waiting to be useful. Lucario didn't bother bringing any of them with her as she continued to lead the wolf towards one of the large standing tubs that was already filling up with water, most likely thanks to the ever-omnipotent psychic type who was currently chatting away with Kommo-o in a far-off room in the mansion.

Lucario stepped over the tub's rim into the warm water without any hesitation, giving Arthur time to do the same so he wouldn't trip himself climbing in. Once he was in, she pulled him much close to her, this time so she could lock muzzles with him in a deep, loving kiss. He wasn't quite ready for the surprise, but leaned into the kiss regardless, sliding his arms around her waist to run his fingers through her soft fur. Their tongues met, their passion for one another controlling them while the two's hands explored one another's body's.

Lucario's well-groomed fur was always a pleasure for him to feel, never finding an imperfection to ruin the wonderful feeling as he felt her up. The finally broke their kiss after a solid minute of passionately making out and stroking one another's shiny coats, both their hearts racing in their chests as they panted heavily. Arthur's thoughts melted away as he stared into her deep crimson eyes, staring into that unbridled well of care she would always show him on days such as this.


One of her explorative paws ran down his side and over to his sheath, tickling the short fur against her own as she rubbed the soft flesh and batting her eyelashes at him with her puppy eyes. He smiled, sincerely this time, and pulled the pokémon down into the water with a massive splash that flung water over the tub's rim. The water rolled over the two as they sunk into the spacious bath, hands clutching each other's sides tenderly, save the one that continued to stroke his sheath.

Her delicate touch moved upwards as his crimson tip slid out of his sheath, rubbing the sensitive flesh between her fingers and making the wolf gasp softly. Arthur bit his lip as she enticed more of his member out of his sheath, her touch divine and masterful. His hands groped her sides lustfully, letting out a low growl of pleasure as his full cock hardened in the pokémon's grasp.

"Keep going" She whispered into his ear, pumping his length in long, slow strokes. "Let go and enjoy yourself." He hesitated, moaning softly as she gave his dick a faster stroke to help encourage him, until he finally listened to her advice. He stopped thinking about why she was doing all of this, stopped trying to solve everything on his own, and just let go. He brought his hands further down her body, his fingers tracing over her squishy rear as they slid between her cheeks toward her puckered hole below.

The water was still pouring from the faucet, reaching up to Arthur's furry sac to cover it in its tantalizing warmth once again. Lucario yipped lightly as Arthur, being more adventurous than usual, prodded at her anus with his index finger, the fleshy ring resisting momentarily until she relaxed enough for him to slide into her. He slid half of his finger into her backside at a sluggish pace, both to let her adjust to him as well as draw out her soft gasps she tried to stifle. The pokémon on the other hand stroked across his length quicker, listening to his heated and pleasured moans while she grinded against his hand to prove she could take much more than what he was putting out right then.

The wolf's cock pulsed with unbridled pleasure sparking across its sensitive nerves, making it hard for Arthur to focus on just her squishy backside. He reached up to his knuckle in her rear and pulled back, the pokémon's ring trying to suck him back in as he pulled out just as slowly as he had come in. This time he thrusted his finger in with much more power behind it, working to properly spread her tight canal a little wider for the fun soon to make, making use of the rest of his idle hand to rub as much of her snatch as he could reach.

Lucario panted needily, the pace of her stroking faltering a bit as his picked up. "Y-you're such a tease..." She stammered, moving her slickened paw up to his tip to focus all her attention on the sensitive nerves up there, lathering his pre into her fur in the process.

"You're one to -Ah-, talk!" Arthur managed to say, thrusting into her paw instinctively. Her rubbing of his tip came to a halt as the infernal lust within her sparked without warning, burning her with a need for more.

"You ready?" She asked, every word dripping with her lustful desire as his finger popped out of her asshole despite its tight grip on it. He smirked, not saying a word, making her growl with satisfaction and shift positions so she could raise her rump to the air and grind it against his rod. Her pucker kissed his shaft, a feeling she let go on for a bit to enjoy the radiant warmth between her cheeks. Finally, she lifted her ass so his tip was poking against her star, giving a moment to adjust the angle.

Lust or not, her priority was pleasing her master in whatever way he saw fit, and she wasn't about to make it any bit discomforting for him to sate herself with her body. She grabbed the edge of the tub, bracing herself as Arthur sat up and placed his hands on her raised hips, the sight of him over her making her sex drip into the rising water below. Before they began, the wolf took the time to smear his pre-soaked tip across her pink flesh, only rolling his hips forward once her hole was nice and lubed up for him.

The first inch of his smooth rod met minor resistance as he spread her hole gradually, making Lucario groan loudly as he opened her up with as much gentleness he could muster. But soon enough he was thrusting into her tight backdoor with a dopy expression on his face, rocking her on her hands and knees with each motion. She felt some discomfort when they started, given how rare anal was with him, but now it had evolved into a great pleasure pressing into her bowels with each thrust that make her moan and yip for more.

Her mouth hung open as his hips slapped against hers, the canine's pussy drenching his ball in her nectar as they slapped up against her snatch. Keeping rhythm was a challenge with the burning lust coursing through her veins, knocking an orgasm through her in a flash. She howled loudly as she came, squirting into the bath water as she squeezed against the canine dong within her anal cavity just as Arthur began pulling back.

The wolf himself was in no better a condition than his partner, every fiber of his member coated in the pokémon's velvety warmth, his knot yearning to join the rest of his red flesh within her passage as it had beat against her stuffed ring. Her clenching wore down his endurance as his balls ached for release, making it clear he had one last thrust to tie them together. She pulled back with him, nearly slipping his cock out entirely from her slightly agape anus, the two colliding in a final thrust and a squishy slap of flesh against flesh.

The pokémon's ongoing climax loosened her enough for Arthur's knot to push its way past her ring, the band of flesh stretching immensely wide to make way for the ball of red meat. He bottomed out with a howl to join hers, hands squeezing her sides tightly while his entire cock surged and throbbed with the ivory white load cascading up his length. His cum poured into the pokémon in thick ropes, cooling her iron-hot lust in his soothing warmth that flooded her rear. The two wound down slowly, panting for breath in the steamy water as Arthur's organ released his balls' pent up load in heavy ropes, his knot locking every ounce of his spunk in her backdoor. He leaned forward, pressing his chest to her arched back and wrapped his paws under her breasts and gave her a light squeeze.

"Thank you" He whispered in a tired, hushed voice. "For everything." His praise made Lucario's tail wag, albeit only slightly given the heavy wolf had it pinned to her back.

"It was my pleasure." she cooed back, tilting her head back and lifting a hand from the tub's lip to grab his muzzle and pull it into another kiss. This time he was prepared for it, returning her affection all the more eagerly as his cock finished dispensing his seed within her...

The End...

Life in a Nuclear Apocalypse (1/4)

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Rose leaped to the side behind a couch, the rotting wooden barricade she was...

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The Cobalt Mage: Visions

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Kelat was.... floating. All around him was nothing but an eerie blackness, the...

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Tales of Nine

Sheeron scratched an itch under his shiny red collar, keeping his claws in check as he lightly combed through his short, spotted yellow fur. The sun shone down on him like an angry glare, a hand shielding his eyes as he brushes off his backpack. He and...

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