The Late Shift

Story by greypupbw on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The following story is classified as Adult and do to it's content should not be read if your under the age of 18, (or if your area laws are different) or are not of the legal age to read submissions classified as adult.

This story contains gay sex, improper use of fast food condiments and probably some suggestive themes. If any of this offends you please do not read any further.

On one final note, this is my 3rd story ever written, and my 1st adult writing. Criticism and complaints are welcome.


On the corner of Elm and 5th street stood a small fast food joint known as "Speedy Burger." The small little fast-food joint that had only recently been built was lost among the Skyscrapers, Office buildings and seas of parking lots that surrounded it. However, despite its awkward location, it remained a popular local place for many workers and families. Our story starts in the middle of the dinner rush on a Friday afternoon.

A blue sedan drove down 5th street making its way up to the Speedy Burger parking lot and turned in. It drove past the multiple parked cars and made its way to the back of the store, parking beside the dumpsters kept in the back. It truly was the worst place for anyone to park on the entire lot but however remained the only place employees were allowed to park.

A few moments later the driver side door popped open and out stepped an 18 year old, tall, slender built, orange fox. His ears and nose were tipped black along with his paws. He had amber colored eyes and black hair with blue streaks that had been brushed in. The fox let out a sigh as he made his way towards the restaurant. If the look on his face alone didn't give it away, then the blue and white striped shirt he wore would dispel any doubt that he was an employee. The fox shuffled his feet past car and truck alike and made his way to the door passing by large crowds of hungry furs. It had just turned 5:30 in the afternoon when he had pulled in and the dinner rush was now in full force.

"You're late Jason!" Came a shrill voice as the fox walked in. He looked over to the counter where a black lab was staring at him, his arms crossed and his eyes glaring at his tardy employee.

"Sorry..." the fox mumbled. He made his way back behind the counter as his boss continued to glare at him.

"Yeah, you'll be sorry!" could be heard coming from the angry canine's mouth. Thankfully the unwanted attention didn't stay with him for long. "Come on, move it, we got orders to fill!" the grumpy manger shouted around the kitchen. Jason quietly made his way to the back to get cleaned up for his shift.

"Hey Jason!" came another voice from behind him. Jason reached for a towel and started drying off his paws as he turned to face his caller. A Brown furred wolf with green eyes was poking his head around the corner staring right at him.

"Hello Tyler..." was all the fox said. He reached up grabbing a cap from the rack above the sink and placed it between his ears.

"Dude, are you alright? You look really out of it." The wolf asked concernedly. He looked up front to make sure the boss was busy then walked over closer. "What's wrong?"

Jason shook his head. "Just a really long day... I really rather not talk about it..."

"Um... okay...." said the wolf as the fox walked past him. The fox's tail hung low and nearly dragged along the greasy floor. The wolf continued to watch him as he made his way up to the deep fryer and took over for a small rabbit girl.

The 19 year old wolf made his way back to his station in front of the grill. His brown fur flowed from the top of his head to his lower paws, with only a couple rough tan colored spots across his chest and arms. He reached over taking some more frozen burgers and dropped them onto the grill. Tyler tried his best to keep his mind on his work, but found himself constantly looking up towards Jason. They had been working together for over 4 months and had become very close friends since day one. Never before had he seen the fox come to work so dispirited and out of touch. The burgers below him simmered and started to burn which finally snapped him out of deep thought. With the flood of customers and the demanding order it would be difficult to find out what was happening, so he settled for a different plan.

Tonight, tonight I'll talk to him he thought, I'll find out what's wrong.


The dinner rush ended nearly as fast as it started and as the crowd disappeared so did the other employees. Jason and Tyler found themselves standing at the front counter watching as the manager proceeded to lock the front door. The last evening employee had just left leaving it down to just the three of them. The speedy burger's policy was to lock the doors at ten, but the drive thru stayed open till midnight and with so few customers after ten there was no reason to have a large staff after the dining room closed.

"Alright boys, I'll be in the office going over the today's receipts." The Labrador mumbled and made his way past the counter only to disappear into the back of the store.

"I really wish they would just let us go home at ten." Jason sighed and grabbed the drive thru headset off the counter and putting it around his neck for later.

"Yeah, that would be nice, but you know they won't..." Tyler replied "...there's just barely enough hungry idiots that come thru this late so they have to keep it open." Tyler leaned up against the front counter and looked back over at Jason. "Anyway... What's up Jason? Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine, just a bit out of it..."

"Heh, that's almost an understatement. Come on man you can talk to me."

Jason sighed and shook his head. "Eh... don't worry bout it, just some personal problems."

Tyler watched him for a moment then stood back up. "You know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't worried bout ya, what's up dude?"

Jason sighed... and looked down at his feet. "I... broke up with my boyfriend this morning."

A slight pause followed before Tyler spoke "I'm sorry to hear that dude... What happened?" He asked curiously.

Another pause followed. "Apparently he has been screwing around with another classmate for god knows how long. It's only because my English class was cancelled that I caught them both with their pants down." He hung his head low and let out a sigh.

"Oh man... that had to be the worst, you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I guess... I'm really just trying not to think about it anymore so I can move on." The headset started beeping around Jason's neck as a customer pulled up to the speaker in the back. "Figures... time to get to work."

Tyler started to make his way back to the grill but stopped suddenly. A smile spread across his face as he turned to Jason who just put the head set on to his head.

"Hold on just one second Jason, I know something that will cheer you up..."


A minute had passed since the red hatchback had pulled into the drive thru. A female black panthress sat there staring at the large menu in front of her, her fingers tapping the side of her door as she waited impatiently.

The speaker made a buzz then Jason's voice finally came out of the box. "Sorry for your wait, may I help you?"

"It's about time, all I want is a double speedy burger and some fries." She hissed.

A brief pause and Jason's voice came back on the speaker. "Please pull forward..."

Finally the panthress thought to herself, she followed the curve around to the window and reached for her purse. She pulled out a 10 dollar bill and turned her head toward the window. It was at this time she found herself staring confusingly at Jason. There stood an orange fox but he had his back turned to her and wasn't moving. She waited a moment thinking maybe he was waiting on her food and then started to get annoyed once again.

"Hello?!" she hissed. "...Are you going to take this money or not?"

The fox suddenly turned around and the panthress gasped jumping back in her seat. A red gash that looked like blood was across the fox's neck and his eyes were rolled back towards his skull. The poor panthress didn't even have time for the image to settle as suddenly a brown furred wolf popped up behind Jason. He was grinning with a large smile while holding a brown bag in his right paw and a knife covered in red goo in his left paw.

"Would you like some extra sauce with your burger?" Tyler asked. His voice was not even heard by the panthress who was in the mist of screaming her head off. The panthress squirmed in her seat pulling her paws up to her face terrified at the situation in front of her. Then all of sudden she stopped screaming and stared in disbelief at the fox and wolf who were now laughing violently.

"You sons of bitches!!!" was the only words that came out of her mouth, as both the workers laughed. The fox chuckled and handed the bag of food out the window toward her.

"It's on the house ma'am" She glared angrily at them and ripped the bag out of his hand, her mouth still shooting out cuss word after cuss word at both employees. Her foot paw slammed down hard on the accelerator causing her car to peel out before taking off. Both employees continue to chuckle, their prank couldn't have gone better if they had wanted it to.

Jason grabbed a rag and started wiping the ketchup from his fur. "That was a good one."

Tyler chuckled as he reached over and took a few French Fries out of their heating tray. "Very, hehe... I figured that would cheer you up. Oh hey.... You missed a spot." He reached over with a french fry and dipped it into the ketchup stained fur on Jason's neck then munched on it with a grin.

"Hey now..." Jason started to say and then he just chuckled. He felt more relaxed and more like his normal self for the first time all day.

"There now..." Tyler smiled as he looked at Jason. "That's so much better... I couldn't stand seeing you so down."

"Oh... really?... how come?" Jason asked curiously.

"Err... well..."

"Hey now... don't you start hiding things on me too"

"Well uh... I guess it just because... ya know... I worried about you... and um... well... maybe I also have..." Tyler paused and blushed. "... a bit of a crush on you."

Jason stepped back a step as his cheeks suddenly flushed red, he would of never of guessed those words would be the ones to come out of Tyler's mouth. He moved his paw up to his neck as he struggled to clear his throat. Tyler's sudden admission had left him speechless, and now he couldn't even begin to think about how to respond to that. Tyler on the other hand tilted his head down worriedly. He own cheeks turned red as he started as his feet, wondering if maybe that was too soon. He panicked a little and started to ramble on trying to recover...

"I... well.... We been working together for 4 months and your really just such a great guy and all... and I didn't want to say anything before... seeing as you had a boyfriend... ya know...?" Tyler struggled to get the words out, he was getting nervous, worried that everything might be heading south in a hurry. A moment of silence passed before Jason finally responded.

"Really...?" He squeaked out in a weak voice. "... You really feel that way about me?" Tyler looked back up at Jason and nodded, his eyes starred into the amber eyes of his friend, neither one of them being able to come up with the words to break the sudden silence between them.

Finally Tyler made his move, he had admitted hiding feelings for Jason, and now he was going to risk it all. He hesitantly walked over closer to Jason worried that it could all go wrong any second now. Jason's stood there watching in silence. This had all happened way too fast, he wasn't even sure how he should feel. Tyler moved up even closer, till their bodies were almost touching his eyes continued looking into Jason's eyes. The poor fox's cheeks were still flushing red with embarrassment and they were only turning redder. Tyler slowly reached around with his paw and placed it on the back of Jason's head. It was now or never Tyler thought to himself. He leaned forward pressing his muzzle against the fox's in a passionate kiss.

Jason eyes went wide as the wolf in front of him suddenly pressed his muzzle to his. His face turned dark red as countless sensations started running thru his body. The canine's soft lips that were pressing against his offered an intense moment of passion and his body couldn't hold itself back. Jason wrapped his arms tightly around the wolf in front of him and kissed him passionately back, all the while he murring happily against his new found lover.

Tyler smiled and wrapped his other arm around Jason pulling him closer. His fears of rejection had come to pass as Jason was returning his affection. He opened his maw slightly and slipped his tongue up against the fox's muzzle, a little bit surprised at how quickly it was let in. The two new found lovers shared their first deep passionate kiss, their tongues twirling together inside of Jason's muzzle. They held this kiss for what could been an eternity to them, in reality however only a minute had passed and now Tyler was pulling his muzzle away. Confused by the sudden withdraw Jason whimpered and looked back into the wolf's eyes.

Tyler just grinned and licks the cute fox's muzzle. "Hehe, don't whine sweetie, your wolfy just wants to show you how much he has always adored you."

Jason tilted his head, as he wasn't completely sure what Tyler was talking about. His answer however came quicker than he could have expected. "Eep!" Jason squealed as the button for his jeans popped off, his paws quickly moved down grabbing his jeans before they could fall to the floor. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take care of my foxie, that's what." He murred in reply, his paw unzipped the fox's jeans and then pressed it up against the orange fox's boxers. He could easily feel the fox's swollen sheath tenting on the other side of the thin fabric.

Jason whimpered and started frantically looking around. "Here?! Now?!"

"Why not?" Tyler asked. His paw was now groping the fox thru his underwear. He bent down onto his knees and got closer to the fox's privates, keeping his paw firmly pressed to the fox's groin all the while.

"But... but... what about our boss, he in the back..." Jason murred in between whimpers, the wolf's paw was fondling his sheath so perfectly, he could feel his cock sliding out further with every touch.

"He doesn't ever leave that office. Just relax. I'll take care of you." Tyler tugged lightly on the fox's boxers pulling them down slowly to reveal his already erect cock. Jason started to plead again but was quickly cut off as the wolf's muzzle pressed up against his yiffer. Tyler didn't waste any time getting to work, he slide his tongue out of his muzzle and ran it up from the base of the fox sheath to his pointy red tip.

Jason shuddered as the canine's tongue started working over his cock. His mind tried its best to fight it. This was so wrong and if anyone ended up catching them they would be in serious trouble. He squirmed and found himself murring at the skillful use of his partner's tongue, his mind still trying to fight it, but the harder he tried the more he wanted it. Tyler grinned and knew he had him now. He pulled his friend's cock down and without a second though slipped his muzzle over the red meat in front of him.

Jason let out a yip and moaned as Tyler started working over his cock. The warm muzzle of his friend was sending waves of pleasure thru his body. He let go of his jeans letting them fall onto the floor. His paws slid around to the back of Tyler's head pulling him further onto his cock. Tyler all the while continued to smile and looked up at his foxie. Jason eyes were closed and his mouth was hanging opening as he murred happily, it was all the encouragement the wolf needed. He slipped his muzzle deeper on to the fox's length, taking a good 6 inches of yiffer into his muzzle. His tongue circled slowly around the fox's salty flesh lapping lightly and savoring every tasty lick.

Suddenly the drive thru siren started beeping in Jason's ears. The timing couldn't have been worse Jason thought to himself. Someone one had apparently pulled up to the drive thru menu and was demanding service. How exactly was he going to explain this? There was a wolf going to work on his cock and if he knew one thing about Tyler in all their time working together it was this. He never left anything unfinished. Jason flicked on the switch for the mic, and did his best to respond.

"...Um... mmm... may I help you?"

A male voice on the other side quickly replied. "Yeah what's up? Can I get a classic chicken sandwich, hold the mustard... and um... one second..."

Jason panted and gasped as the wolf started suckling harder on his cock. His yiffer was now leaking pre into the wolf's muzzle as it slid out to a good 7 inches long. There was no way he could deal with a customer right now.

"Um sir... I'm sorry to inform you... *groan*... we're out of chicken sandwiches..."

"Oh... well that sucks, I guess maybe I'll just get a burger then..." the voice said slightly disappointed.

Jason panted harder as he was getting close. "Actually sir, we're ... ahhh... out of everything..."

"What?! You can't be serious?" The male voice asked angrily.

Jason shuddered and squirmed as his paws pushed on the back of Tyler's head, trying to get his cock deeper into that warm wet muzzle. "Very ... oooo... Serious...Sorry"

"What the hell?" The male voice yelled. "Why the hell are you guys even fucking open then?" The fox didn't care to respond anymore, he reached up with one paw and grabbed the headset pulling it down to around his neck, some faint cuss words and a car driving off could be heard in the distance.

Tyler smiled and murred happily around Jason cock, he had been lapping up every drop of pre the fox would give him. Jason shuddered and panted harder, he could feel his balls now pulling up closer and knew he was about to cum.

"Oh god... I'm cumming..." he tried to warn Tyler but couldn't get it out fast enough. His cock twitched and pulsed inside the waiting wolf's muzzle, spurting long sticky strands of his seed into the back of Tyler's throat. Tyler moaned grabbing Jason's rear with his paws. He pulled him closer taking the fox's cock as deep as he could. All the while murring and gulping down each sticky shot he was given.

Jason shuttered and held the back of Tyler's head tightly pulling moaning in bliss. His knees shook with each shot of seed he released into the wolf's hungry muzzle. He had never came this hard before, and never even came remotely close with his former boyfriend. A few moments later Jason spurting finally stopped and he leaned backwards against the counter panting hard. Tyler murred and slowly pulled his muzzle off Jason's cock taking a couple last licks to make sure he got everything. He then licked his chomps and smiled up at Jason.

"Did you enjoy that?" Tyler asked with a grin.

"Oh..." Jason panted hard. "... You have no idea..." He continued to pant, standing there half naked. His boxer had apparently fallen to his feet along with his pants somewhere in the middle of that wonderful blowjob. Tyler stood back up and gave Jason another kiss on his muzzle. His tail wagged happily back and forth as they kissed deeply again. This time however Jason broke the kiss and pulled his muzzle back.

"Wait... What about you?" he asked concerned.

Tyler tiled his head. "What do you mean?" His eyes widened and a grin spread across his muzzle as he felt a paw rubbing his stiff groin thru his jeans. "Ohh.... That..., Well... I honestly wasn't worried about it."

"Awww... but I have to return the favor for you, I don't want to be the only who got enjoyment out of it."

Tyler chuckled and rubbed the side of Jason's muzzle. "What are you talking about? I enjoyed that just as much as you did. Although, if you really want to... I can think of one thing you could do."

"Name it!" Jason quickly replied. He didn't even think about it nor did he care to.

Tyler grinned more and gave him another quick kiss. He took Jason's paw and led him over a couple feet away from the drive thru window. He bent down on to his knees and pulled on Jason's paw urging him to do the same. Jason gladly obeyed and got onto his knees as well smiling back at Tyler wondering what he was up to. Tyler murred and kissed Jason again deeply on the muzzle. His paws wrapped around the fox and then carefully laid him back on to the tile floor. Jason blushed slightly starting to get an idea what may be coming and whimpered playfully as Tyler broke away from their loving kiss once again.

"Hehe, just relax my foxie" Tyler replied crawling backwards. He slid himself down till he was right between Jason's legs and grinned back up at the fox. He then slowly pushed his legs apart to reveal the fox pink little pucker. Jason blushed lightly thru his white furry cheeks and let out a sudden moan. Tyler hadn't wasted anytime getting to work. He moved his muzzle right down between the fox's legs and started lapping his tongue firmly over the fox's tail hole.

"Oh... god..." The fox shivered and moaned as the wet canine tongue worked its way over his tight little entrance. "I thought this was going to be your pleasure... *moan* not mine again..."

Tyler chuckled. "It's going to be both our pleasure by the time I'm done." His tongue continued to lap firmly across the fox's pink little pucker. A few laps later he pushed harder and found little resistance as his tongue slid in, allowing the wolf to take slow long licks of the fox's insides. Jason continued to moan, the skillful tongue that had done wonders for his dick was now pleasuring his insides in the same manner. A few licks later Tyler finally pulled his muzzle away and sat back up, he couldn't help but chuckle looking down at Jason who panted happily beneath him. Jason blushed again and smiled back. His eyes started looking over the sexy wolf in front of him, murring as he watched the wolf strip off his remaining clothes. He had such a perfect looking body, the fox thought to himself, and not to mention a perfect looking cock. He wondered how big it could be; maybe 7 inches? 8? It was really hard to tell.

"Almost ready..." Tyler murred. He reached under the counter into one of the boxes and pulled out a couple packs of the butter they gave to customers in their store. He opened one up and started to rub it across his slick red cock.

"Eeep...! um... Are you sure it's okay to use that for a lube?" Jason asked concernedly.

Tyler giggled and smiled at the fox beneath him. "Relax... don't you know what fast food butter is made of? It's almost completely vegetable oil. It won't hurt you." Tyler finished rubbing the butter over his cock, leaving it shiny as if it had just been waxed. "There we go... all nice and lubed up. I don't want to see my foxie getting hurt."

Jason blushed and watched as Tyler scooted closer. The wolf placed his paws under Jason knees lifting them up as his shaft bumped up against the fox's rear.

Jason blushed more and wiggled around trying to get himself ready. He could feel the tip poking at his entrance and knew it wouldn't be long before that huge piece of meat was fucking him.

Tyler blushed in return. His cock tip had started leaking pre against the pink flesh in front of him, desperately wanting entry. He lifted his head up and stared directly into his Jason's eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Jason stared back into the wolf's dark green eyes and smiled lightly. "I haven't stopped you yet have I?"

Tyler chuckled and with a gentle shove the tip of his stiffing cock slid into the pink flesh in front of him. Jason let out a low whine and clinched his fist tightly together. Tyler's cock was proving to be much bigger than it looked. Tyler however murred happily and kept pushing in. The tightness of his friend's rear was offering such an enormous amount of pleasure. He could see that Jason was in some pain but knew they only needed to get a little further. He leaned in close, placing his muzzle against Jason's and slipped his tongue into the fox panting muzzle.

Jason cringed a little more and wrapped his arms around Tyler, holding him tightly as they continued to kiss. This was not the first time Jason had been yiffed. His ex boyfriend had done it a couple times to him before, but that cock had been so much smaller than the one that was pushing into his depths now. A moment passed and Tyler broke the kiss. He sat up just a bit and smiled down at the fox in front of him.

"Hehe... I'm all the way in." Tyler cooed licking Jason lightly across his muzzle. Jason wiggled his bottom a little and sure enough he could feel the wolf's hips pressed up firmly against his. He smiled back, happy to know that he had taken the wolf all the way in, even if it was still quite a bit painful.

"Just relax hun..." Tyler whispered quietly into the fox's ear, his paws reaching around Jason's back holding him tightly to his chest. He pulled his hips back just slightly withdrawing his shaft about an inch out before pushing it back in. Jason yipped and groaned as the wolf continued this over and over again pulling back further each time before pushing back in.

"Ah... ahh..." the fox started to moan quietly. The pain of having something so large in him was beginning to fade and being replaced only with pleasure. He wrapped his arms tighter around the wolf and murred louder into his ears.

"Hehe... Someone's enjoying themselves now I see..." Tyler murred. He continued to rock his hips against the fox and started to pant. His cock was becoming thicker as it pressed deeper with each thrust into Jason's rear. He moaned and started to thrust faster, all the while Jason continued to melt in the wolf's arms. His yiffer had been rejuvenated and was now poking into Tyler's fur, indication to the wolf that neither one of them was going to last long.

Jason moaned louder and wrapped his legs around Tyler's bottom. His cock had stiffened completely and was now leaking pre against his and Tyler's fur. He couldn't believe how fast this was happening. Just less than an hour ago he was depressed to no ends, and now he had never felt happier. He yipped suddenly as he felt something bumping and pushing tightly against his rear. Something else was now trying to push into his already stretched ring, and it didn't take him long to figure out what it was.

Tyler moaned in bliss above the fox. He had increased his speed and was ramming his cock into the tight ass below him. The canine's knot had swollen and was now pressing hard against Jason's rear with each thrust, begging for entry. Jason clinched tighter preparing himself and then let out a loud yip as the knot suddenly popped in. Tyler groaned and panted hard. His body trying its hardest to thrust as deep as the swollen knot would allow.

Outside the restaurant a mini-van had pulled up to the drive thru menu. Inside the van a bunny mother sat there curiously. Her two young boys played with some toys in the back seat while she tilted her head and tried to figure out what was going. The speaker had been making weird squeaks and pops since she pulled up. She started to wonder if it was broken when suddenly Jason's voice came out thru the speaker.

"Oh god Tyler! I'm going to cum!!!...." Her eyes lit up wide and she meeped in horror. She quickly turned to her kids hoping they hadn't been listening.

"Mommy... What does cum mean?" One of them asked curious.

"It means nothing so don't ask again!" She shook a bit and turned back to the front. "Ok boys...We're going to Dairy King instead now!"

The two bunny boys whined in unison. "But mom... we wanted to get a kids meal." Said the other little bunny boy.

"Look... if you both be quiet till we get there... um... I'll buy you a new video game!" The mother rabbit squealed. She threw her car into reversed and floored it backwards out of the drive thru as her two boys cheered happily.

Back inside, the headset for the drive thru hung on tightly around Jason's neck. Unaware the mic had accidently been left on after an earlier dispute. All that didn't matter though, at least not to the fox. His cock was twitching and spurting his running seed between his and Tyler's fur. His tongue hung out of his muzzle as his 2nd orgasm shook thru his body.

Tyler howled out loud, the fox's orgasm had caused him to clench his knot tighter and it was enough to send him over the edge. He jerked and gave on final shove pushing in deeper, howling out as his cock started spurting rope after rope of his fertile wolf seed deep inside Jason. Tyler put his paws on Jason's shoulders and pushed in as far as he could as both of them let out another moan. Jason's tight ring squeezed tightly around the canine cock, milking it for every drop it had.

Jason just lay there, panting and moaning. He could feel every shot of the wolf seed deep inside of him making his own orgasm all the better. He gripped the wolf's fur tightly in his paws and shivered. The wolf was still cumming so hard inside of him filling up every available spot it could find. There was no doubt that if he had been born with a womb this wolf would have impregnated him twice over by this point.

A full minute passed before Tyler finally collapsed against Jason. His used up cock was now just dribbling out little bits of seed inside the fox's rear. He and Jason hugged tighter to each other, panting and murring quietly. Neither of them wanted the moment they were sharing to end.

"That was... *pant* wonderful.... Thank you..." Jason murred happily. He leaned up kissing Tyler again.

"Hehe... *pants* I'm glad... you enjoyed it..." Tyler said and then kissed him back. Jason murred and snuggled tighter then started looking around. He did his best to look behind Jason as if to find something.

"Is something wrong?" Tyler asked curiously.

"I'm just wondering what will happen next... I don't see the manager yet... but I think we're screwed." Jason wiggled a bit and tugged on the Tyler's knot causing him to moan. The knot had swollen so big that they would be tied for an hour at least.

Tyler chuckled getting the idea and nodded his head. "Yeah we're probably going to be fucked and not in a good way. But you know what... I honestly don't need this job, and if they fire you too then I'll take care of you. So don't worry."

Jason blushed and smiled wide at the fox. "... Really?" He asked, blushing more as he remembered that question also started this whole thing.

"Really." Tyler said happily in return and gave his lover another smooch. "Hey listen... my shift ends within the hour... perhaps you like to come over to my house for the night?"

Jason murred and let out a giggle. "I would like that Tyler... I would like that a lot."

A little ways over in the back of the building, the Labrador manger stared into the black and white monitor that sat on his desk. He watched as Jason and Tyler started kissing each other deeply again and he groaned. His pants had been unbutton and were hanging around his ankles. His right paw was gripping his own knot tightly as he laid back panting. The multiple patches of white cum showed up brightly against his black fur.

He grunted reaching over to grab some tissues from the box on his desk and then proceeded to clean himself up.

"Stupid teenagers... *groan* probably will have to fire them... but... maybe not tonight." He mumbled and reached over pressing the eject button on the DVD Recorder. He took the disc out and dropped it into a briefcase beside him. He then lay back in his arm chair and closed his eyes. His paw began stroking his stiff dog cock for the second time in the same hour.