Dinner as a show: Second Performance

Story by BPStuart on SoFurry

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#9 of Vore Stories

Benjamin and Tobias put on another stage show at the Meet and Eat

The Crowd cheered as the lean and toned bunny slipped through the curtains. He didn't show it but he was nervous about tonight. Tonight's costume was some clingy neon work out gear that was slightly too short for him. The lights hit him, and he made his way to some dumbbells that were laid out on the stage. He hoped they looked more convincing from the audience side because from here he could tell most of them were painted foam and glue. He walked over slowly swaying his hips in a way that was sensual and alluring according to the whistles and catcalls from the audience but made him feel like slightly silly. It was exaggerated and obvious but this crowd didn't seem in the mood for understated. He hated that he was nervous, he had performed for more discerning audiences and done flawlessly, but he was out of his comfort zone, he usually just danced on the poles then stripped but, lately he had been working on scripted performances and had enjoyed them.

Tobias grabbed the fake bumbles and pretended to work out, wiggling his hips seductively with each lift. His heart wasn't into it. He was uncharacteristically nervous, but he was a professional and didn't let his nerves leak through. After a few reps he put the fake dumbbells back and did some stretches that showed off everything. As he turned his back to the audience and splayed his legs then bent down and peered between them in an exaggeratedly erotic stretch he caught sight of the audience. The audience could not be further from him in type if they tried. Heavy sagging bellies in stained straining shirts all lazily leaned back with their legs splayed enjoying the lean young thing on stage.

Most guys like him would have been secretly disgusted and carried out the show with barely contains disdain. Tobias on the other hand was delighted. They say opposites attracted and that was very true for Tobias. He caught sight of one guy, a black bear, stained white shirt riding up his belly and his hands were drifting awfully close to his tented jean zipper. Tobias felt himself stiffen and he almost gave a wink as he made eye contact. His reasons for being nervous were still present but with a little heat in his loins he no longer minded that much. He heard the audience renew their cheers, his costar must have come on stage. Moments later when he stood and made to sit at the weight machine, he was bumped by a soft, meaty form. That was his cue to be an asshole.

"Watch where you move that fat ass of your tubbo!" He said in a sneer in his voice. The audiences gasped a little and some of them grew a little quieter, this was probably crap they got in real life. He felt bad saying it even though this was all scripted.

" You say something carrot stick?" The fat light grey husky said back, putting his big arms on his hips and squinting menacingly. Tobias felt his crotch twinge again. His costar's confident looked of quiet dominance with a hint of danger did all the right things for him. That was why he was nervous tonight, after participating in one performance with Ben here he had become smitten and wasn't sure how to maintain professionalism with a costar he was really into. Before, at the other places he always worked with other guys like him, toned and svelt or muscular and athletic Adonis', it was easy to remain professional then. With Ben here, his medium length messy hair, heavy belly and light layer of flab covering his powerful arm muscles that wasn't happening.

" Don't be a dick, not that you know what that looks like, I bet you haven't seen yours in years!" Tobias was adlibbing and Ben must have though that one was good cause his scowl turned up on one side briefly as he suppressed a grin.

" Pretty sure I am looking at a dick right now, and you know what the best thing to do with dick is right?" Al shot back bearing his teeth a little.

" What, eat it?" Tobias shot back. The audience laughed and cheered and some banged the tables. It wasn't because of his snappy comeback, it was for what was about to come.

" Was gonna say, beat'em till they're soft but yours works just fine." The fat husky sneered then whipped he shirt off and slung it around Tobias' back and catching it with his other hand and pulling the bunny tightly against his bare gut. The Audience hooted as Tobias struggled futilely against the bigger man. His dick positively throbbed in his spandex shorts, he didn't have to put on his helplessness, he struggled full strength and Ben held him effortlessly. Tobias pushed uselessly as Al opened his mouth and ran his slobbery tongue over Tobias' face. It was damn perfect. Tobias let out a quiet Sigh of pleasure, luckily only Ben could hear it. Ben Effortlessly lifted Tobias and held him off the ground and against his tummy. The Audience went quiet with anticipation then exploded with a joyous cacophony when Al opened his mouth and fit it neatly over Tobias' face.

With his face fully in the wet confines of Ben's mouth but his ears outside hearing the glee of the Audience he felt safe in finally saying "Oh fuck yeah" into the husky's waiting gullet. He felt his face slide further in then back out, then in again, then out. Ben was sucking on his head in the same way you work the head of a cock before you deepthroat it. He saw a brief second of light as his fac popped out of the Husky's mouth. He felt the meaty hand grab his clingy shirt then yank it off over his head. He raised his arms to let it go and out of the corner of his eye he saw it flung off stage out into the audience. He saw muscle gutted skunk fellow reflexively catch it before looking at it briefly and setting it on the bar next to a mostly empty beer mug. The Barman took the shirt and the mug, presumably to refill it. Tobias never saw if he got the refill as he saw the fat husky's wonderfully white teeth and ready gullet descend on him again. It went dark and he felt the squish of Ben's cheeks. He also felt Al's tongue sliding over his face and around his cheeks. Tobias wasn't sure the audience could see that, but it felt good. He felt his body lifted as he was stuffed into the husky's mouth up to the shoulders. He Squirmed theatrically as one hand yanked the spandex shorts down and off.

The Jig was up for play acting, the Audience couldn't help but see he was as hard as a rock now. He felt the meaty hand of his Costar grip him by the hips and pull. He began to sink slowly down the waiting throat Tobias reveled in the squeeze and the wet warmth that enveloped him. He slid smoothly and slowly in deeper. Ben's teeth were lightly scraping across his back and Tobias shuddered with the sensation. It was a mix of the thrill of danger and the fact that it tickled a little. He felt Ben's maw finally nearing his hips. Finally he felt Ben's tongue slide past his flat abs and find Tobias' penis, pressing it flat so it wouldn't catch on the predator's chin. As Ben's tongue slid over Tobias' balls and shaft the bunny came. He Shuddered and wiggled, Ben's strong hands held him tight as he curled his toes in pleasure. He lost track in the afterglow and it seemed like mere moment before his legs were slurped down like noodles and he was pressed tightly into the Husky's belly. The next stage of the fun came as Ben's stomach began filling with a tingling hot liquid. Tobias began to rub it all over himself while he playfully wiggled and shook.

Outside the Audience was going wild and cheering as Ben greedily gulped and stuffed the Bunny down. When Tobias had started creaming on his tongue he let the hunger and the greed take over as his stomach rumbled in anticipation. He pushed the bunny's feet impatiently into his mouth then gulped. He stood there on stage as the last bulges in his throat settled into his gut. He put his hands to his distended bare belly that showed small lumps as Tobias moved as he hung from the husky's waist. He rubbed and messaged his belly for the crowded bar's cheering patrons. He grabbed his gut and shook it then belched loudly. He moaned and patted his belly as the second stage of the show began. Ben Didn't have to do any acting now, he was enjoying this part as was Tobias. All Ben had to do was enjoy himself on stage as he digested his Costar. Taking a cue from the setting of this little performance he got down on his hands and toes and started doing push ups.

His belly was squished against the floor comically and he just felt Tobias being compressed further when he did it but the audience burst out laughing at it. The whole idea for tonight was a cathartic revenge scenario that would make the big guys in the room feel avenged on the rude people in the gyms and locker rooms in their lives and it seemed to be working. The Light Dimmed and the curtain began sliding smoothly closed. Before it got there Ben let out another massive belch and the room was filled with wild applause. The show being over Ben hauled his bulk off the floor and walked off stage. He waddled to the dressing room where he took a seat on the couch and massaged his still moving belly. It would take hours for Ben to fully break down the bunny and Ben couldn't just sleep on stage so the Patrons could watch. He watched the next performers getting ready A broad shouldered muscular man was flexing in front of a mirror and trying on different condescending expressions while a short pudgy housecat striped nude before picking up a costume that made him look like a nerd. While he was trying on the thick rimmed glasses. The cat asked

" That the new guy in ya Benjamin?"

" Yup, Tobias, he's *URRRPpPP* letting me go all the way with Digestion."

" Hm... I would like to try him out." The cat says and licks his lips.

" You will have to settle for me tonight " The Flexing muscle head says. Smirking into the mirror. " Though he does look good on you Bens."

Benjamin rubs his belly as Tobias squirms alittle more. Benjamin feels himself Stiffen, digestion always got him going.

" We'll leave to it," the cat says noticing Ben's pants.

"Thanks have fun on stage!" Ben says and waves before unbuttoning his pant and stripping before they left the room. He Stretched out on the couch and lay down nude with his hands behind his head so he could enjoy his meal and his hardon. He started dozing as he heard the next performance start. Before drifting off he patted his gut and said.

" It is a pleasure performing with you."

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