The Pandora Chronicles Chapter 1: Enter the World

Story by Snow-Pawz on SoFurry

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alright, this is an Avatar story, so AVATAR, RDA, Pandora, Na'vi and anything that is associated with the movie is the property of Light storm, 20th century fox. the game is the property of Ubisoft and Light storm. hopefully i have done all the referencing that i had to do, but if i left out something. then tell me, because i really don't want big companies after me.

Mark, Neylu and the title of this story/series are the property of HyFuR and if you wish to use them then please run it past me first...... you may find that i have put in movie script, scenes and also some of them from the game. i put that in to hopefully make it more appealing to the die hard Avatar fans like myself. so if yo have any complaints,questions, ideas etc then just PM me please.

so without further ado, here is the fist chapter of the Pandora Chronicles.

There was sounds of gunfire and shouted orders in the darkened room, out of the large surround sound speakers was one voice,

"Hammerhead! Take it out now!" The voice came out though the speakers, it then was drowned out by gunfire. Mark sat in the darkened room, looking intently at the widescreen 3D screen with a grin on his face, besides him there was his laptop that he connected to the 3d screen and the surround sound system.

It was late at night around 1:30pm, but that did not matter to Mark, because it was a Friday night and he did not have anything on until Sunday, then he had a full day of work. He yawned and the laptop screen blurred for a microsecond, then returned to normal. Mark grimaced and then he pressed down hard on the left mouse button, causing the character in the copy of James Cameron's Avatar: The Game Demo. To fire his assault rifle at the charging hammerhead, Mark rapidly pressed a series of keys, attempting to dodge and move. It did not work as Mark watched as the character flew back landing several meters away. Mark pressed the 'F' key on his keyboard to recover his character, but as the bright light that indicated that the character is revived, Mark passed out....

Mark's vision blurred and he was pulled up by a strong arm....which belonged to a man who had a clear breathing mask, camouflage attire, combat webbing and a big assault rifle.... one that Mark last saw though his widescreen 3D TV.

"Come on Lance corporal, get up." Said the man with the assault rifle, the man dived to one side and whipped up his gun and fired....right at the hammerhead that beared down on Mark, his head down aimed for Mark.

Mark copied the man who pulled him up and dived to the side and pulled up his gun, and jammed down on the trigger. The recoil, numbing his shoulder and shaking his body, His shots when wide, kicking up dirt and impacting on the side of the hammerhead.

Mark did not know how to act or fire the assault rifle that he held in his hands, because Mark did not have any military training or experience at all. The other men that fired upon the hammerhead gave his sideway glances and looks as they attacked the hammerhead.

The large animal fell, the ground shook and Mark ambled over to the squad of men that stood around looking for any other threats that could come tearing out from their surrounds. A man came up to Mark and glared at him; mark looked at the man and quickly saw a set of silver lieutenant pips that were pinned to his collar of his shirt.

"What the hell was that, corporal? Something get knocked loose in that crash?" Questioned the lieutenant, Mark, who only knew that a lieutenant that someone you called sir, and/or saluted, when addressed by one.

"Yeah, I was dazed by the crash and I could not shoot properly, I fine now.....Sir" Mark replied to the officer, who just nodded the officer walked into the centre, made a hand signal that caused the squad to come running towards him.

Once the squad was assembled, the officer looked around at them and spoke,

"Alright, there have been some enemy contacts from a squad just beyond our position, they need to be reinforced, we are their reinforcements.... so gentlemen lock and load your weapons, we hustle in 3." The squad nodded then left to get their gear together. Mark followed the group and looked over his weapon.

3 minutes later....

True to his word, three minutes later, Mark's squad started to move though the jungle, running they held their guns up. Constantly scanning the surrounding bushes, if something moved, one or more of the squad shot at it, leaves and undergrowth were ripped apart as a hail of bullets hit it.

They splashed though a swamp, the squad shooting at large plants that once they opened disgorged hundreds of mosquitoes that did kamikaze runs on the men, several times Mark heard the grunts of pain as one or more of the mosquitoes hit a man, they also shot up purple plants that were spread around the swamp. They ran though the swamp and what they saw took the squad aback.

"Oh shit man they got ambushed..." exclaimed one man, there were several murmurs of expletives and hushed statements. Mark glimpsed a look at the sight, there was a small dirt track that was lined by heavy jungle....sounds of heavy fighting were up ahead. On the track were several dead soldiers....each one had several large arrows protruding out of their bodies. Blood covered some of the plants and the dirt.

The officer took one look and quickly yelled an order to the squad.

"Let's get going, the squad is under fire and we need to enforce them. Come on! Move! Move! Move!"

The squad surged forward, and ran down the track, the sounds of war and fighting hammered in Mark's ears as he ran, Holding his gun like he saw the other members of his squad holding them.

There was a hissing sound and an arrow struck a squad member, he collapsed...dead, the squad jammed down on their triggers at the Na'vi attacker who was running across a log above them.

Bullets struck the Na'vi, causing it to shudder and dance as the bullets ripped into its chest, it fell of the log and hit the ground with a sicking crunch. The squad ran forward, and over the dead Na'vi that lay on the ground, Blood starting to pool around its body.

"Oh shit! Shoot it!" yelled one of the squad members as Na'vi that brandished a large spiked club rushed at them. Several men started to shoot, bullets impacted all around the rushing Na'vi.

It swung the club, catching a soldier in the chest, sending the man flying into the undergrowth. Bullets struck and the Na'vi fell to the ground, dead the club lying a few feet away. The squad scattered as the officer sent them forward.

Mark looked around and followed several of his squad as they ran up a hill, once they got to the top, all hell broke loose as several Na'vi brandishing a clubs and curved swords rushed them. Mark lifted the gun to his shoulder and looked down the sight, lined up a rushing Na'vi and fired.

Dirt kicked up all around the Na'vi warrior, Mark kept on firing, and his shots hit their mark, nailing the warrior, in the chest, hip and shoulder. Blood and gore sprayed outwards of the warrior. It dropped to the ground; Mark whipped around to another warrior, and sprayed hitting it in the hip, and the leg. Bone fragments and blood sprayed the ground and the jungle behind the warrior.

He shifted his fire and hit the last of the onrushing warriors, in the shoulder and neck. Blood and bone exploded outwards of the warrior, the warrior dropped to the ground dead. Blood leaking out of the warriors, Mark lowered his rifle.

"Nice shooting there Corporal" one man said to him, nodding.

"Thanks" Mark replied as they ran forward. Following shouts and gunfire they soon found themselves a part of a much larger group that consisted of a couple of AMP suits, an ATV that had a wicked looked rocket rack attached to the back.

Mark found himself helping to repel an attack from the Na'vi as they rushed their position, one of the AMP suits opened up, the ripping massive holes in the chest and blowing chunks of body away of the bodies of the Na'vi that rushed their position.

Mark lifted his rifle and squeezed the trigger, instead of rounds streaming out of the weapon. Mark was rewarded with a rapid fire clicking sound. It only took a second for Mark to figure out what was wrong.... The magazine was out of ammo. He opened a pouch of his webbing and produced a fresh magazine.

Mark quickly looked over his gun, desperate to find the button to release the magazine. He found it and pressed it, the magazine dropped out of the gun and hit the ground, mud splattered up his combat trousers. Mark jammed the fresh clip into the gun and found the cocking lever; he pulled it back as far as he could. Releasing it with a satisfying Clack! Mark lifted the rifle He looked down the sights and lined up a Rushing Warrior, who had a fierce snarl on its face with its dual fighting swords raised high.

Before he could squeeze the trigger, the warrior was blown back by one of the AMP Suits; Mark shifted his sights and lined up a group that was running towards them. Mark fired a short burst before a white vapour trial shot past and detonated close to the group, sending the group of warriors to the muddy ground, a second rocket shot past and detonated in front of the warriors, they were blown away, leaving a small crater in their place.

Suddenly over his radio, a strained voice yelled "all units! All units! We are under attack! Repeat we are under attack! We need to fall back, there is too many of them, there-"then static. The Group that Mark was a part of moved the AMP suits and the ATV surged forward passing the main group and roared along though the jungle.

There were shouts and yells intermixed with gunfire and explosions up ahead. Mark whipped though the jungle. He stopped as he saw the source of the fighting, on the other side of the mountains that were separated by a small bridge. Was a truck, that looked like a cherry picker but instead of a basket there was a gun turret, desperately firing upon an unseen force trying to hold them back.

The AMP suits and the ATV were already making their way across the bridge; with the group of soldiers following close behind. Mark ran towards the bridge, he quickly caught up as two transports flew over head firing rockets onto the advancing force. The ground shuddered as the rockets impacted. The AMP suits and the ATV opened fire, rockets and fire making the ground shudder.

The first elements of the group opened fire as well; the rest of the Group of the arrived and Mark saw what was attacking them.

Na'vi, viper wolves, and mounted Na'vi on Dire horses rushed them, Mark could not believe the number of Na'vi that was attacking, and it looked like hundreds of them. He was dumbstruck at the sight.

"Corporal, Stop gawping at them and start shooting!" yelled one of the soldiers bring Mark back into reality, he lifted his rifle and fired at a Na'vi that was riding on a dire horse. The horse was hit in the chest and neck, its front legs collapsing, sending the Na'vi rider flying forward. He shifted sights to a large Wolf-type animal that beared down on him at a shocking speed, Mark fired a short burst and dived to the side, just as the animal leapt though the air and into a soldier that was too slow to move out of the way, the animal ripped into the screaming man, blood and gore was sent flying as Mark and several of the surround soldiers shot at the animal. It screamed and fell on top of the man blood coating the ground with a pool of blood.

Mark reloaded his rifle, slapping a fresh clip into the rifle as he discarded the empty clip. He shifted his sights and fired upon a Na'vi that ran towards him. His rounds hit the warrior in the centre of its chest. The Na'vi attackers' retreated, sporadic rifle and fire broke the silence.

Four transports set down, mark and the group of soldiers ran towards them, Mark ran towards the closest transport and climbed aboard, several more soldiers joined him in the transport. Once everyone was aboard the transports lifted off and headed into the sky.

Ryan relaxed and he soon found himself sound asleep.

Ryan was jolted awake by a hand shaking his shoulder; he opened his eyes and saw that a smiling soldier who was sitting across from him yelled over the sounds of the rotors.

"We are getting close to landing" the smiling soldier yelled, Mark nodded, returned the smile and nodded. They flew low over a vicious looking barbed wire fence and into a large and sprawling base that had several large buildings, including an ATC tower that sat in the centre of the cluster of the buildings.

The transport set down on the ground in a row of parked aircraft that looked identical to the one mark was in. Rotor wash kicked up dust and dirt, causing the transport to be shrouded in dust and dirt.

Mark and the soldiers leapt out and ran towards one of the large buildings. A large door hissed open and the group entered, behind them the door hissed shut, atmosphere hissed and a second door opened in front of them. They entered the building, and took off their breathing apparatus and hooked the masks onto the webbing.

Mark followed the group into a room, where they were debriefed and then dismissed. Mark walked around the base, slowly exploring. Mark walked past a lab that was filled with scientists and lab technicians looking into microscopes and working around several long tubes that contained something.

Mark who was good at science, doubled back and walked into the lab, as he did several of the scientists and lab technicians looked up at him and then back down to their work. Mark slowly made his way through the lab looking around.

Mark was confronted by a woman who was wearing a white unbuttoned lab coat, with a cigarette in one hand. She was an average size and a slightly slender shape with reddish orange hair and blue eyes.

"How many did you kill?" she demanded, glaring at Mark as she spoke. Mark was taken aback

"Pardon?" he replied, not sure what she was asking him.

"I said how many did you kill, soldier?" she retorted. Taking a draw of her cigarette, she looked him in the eye and waited for a response.

"How many did I kill? I am sorry but I don't know what you're talking about Miss." He replied, still confused at her question

"How many Na'vi did you kill, I saw you come back from one of the forts out in the jungle. So you can't lie to me" she demanded again her voice starting to become strained and more threatening.

"About fifteen, but why does it matter they were going to kill me!" Mark snapped back, starting to get annoyed by this woman's questioning

"Do you know why you are here, why those Na'vi that you killed were trying to kill you?" she asked, her tone becoming questioning.

"No, I don't know why I am here in this place, or why those Na'vi were trying to kill me. But I am here in this lab" Mark waved his arms around for affect " is because I am studying in University to become a scientist, and I want to know what it feels like to be in a full size lab!" Mark finished, slightly out of breath.

The Woman arched an eyebrow at his last comment, a slight glint in her eye appeared.

"You are studying to become a scientist? So why are you carrying a rifle and wearing combat gear and uniform." She asked, she took a long draw of her cigarette.

"I don't know why I am wearing this, and I am studying at the QUT in Australia" he told the woman, hoping that she would back off with her questioning and let him go. But she didn't.

"Follow me" she said and quickly turned and walked away, not looking back to check if Mark was following her. Mark quickly walked behind her as he followed her.

"I am D.R Grace Augustine, I run the AVATAR program here on Pandora." Grace said as she stopped and offered her hand for Mark to shake, he did and they kept on walking.

"Now who are you, Mr...?"Grace trailed off waiting for Mark to introduce himself.

"I am Lance Corporal Mark Ashfield." Mark replied, Grace nodded and kept on walking, with Mark besides her.

Grace led her into a large semicircular room that had a central platform with pods at regular intervals around the outside. As they entered a African American man who was wearing a lab-coat and holding a holographic data slate came up to them. He was taken aback by Marks presence, but quickly started to talking to Grace.

"Sorry to interrupt Dr. Augustine, but here are the latest results on the new Avatar bodies that arrived." The man handed Grace the data slate, she looked at it quickly and handed it back to the man and replied.

"Keep looking at them and notify me of any changes Max" she replied to the man, who nodded and quickly retreated with the data slate in his hand. Grace looked at Mark and spoke,

"I need a marine, to act as a bodyguard and escort to the scientists that go on the expeditions into the jungle, thing is I give you the orders and the only orders that you accept and act upon would be mine. Except that no marine would want to go babysitting and no one will give me a marine anyway, also you will work with the scientists and go where the scientists go, along with that, I will be your commanding officer and no one else." Grace paused and continued "I think that your my marine that I need, so what do you think, do you want to work for me?" she finished.

Mark nodded and replied "yeah sure, I don't mind" Grace smiled and she offered her hand, which Mark shook.

"You leave at 1300 hours tomorrow, meet me here." Grace told mark, she then turned and left, leaving Mark standing there slightly bewildered as he walked towards his barracks.

The next morning

Mark woke, had a shower, got dressed in a fresh combat uniform, put his combat boots and webbing on and walked towards the door, grabbing an assault rifle from the rack as he left the barracks.

He got to the lab, five minutes before he had to be there, and he spent the time walking around the lab. He wandered back to the front of the lab, where grace organised to meet him.

He saw grace and two other scientists waiting for him, he walked towards them and they left for the transport, when they got there the pilot spoke to Mark and said that he needed him on a door gun.

Mark, grace and the two other scientists all climbed into the transport, grace and the scientists strapped themselves in, and max go behind the door gun.

The transport lifted off and headed deep into the jungle. Several hours later they were descending into the jungle. As the transport got lower and lower to the ground, Max released the pin that held secured the machine gun and he leapt out of the side of the transport. He scanned the trees around the transport as grace, the scientists, and another soldier leapt out.

Grace keyed her radio and told the pilot to shut down the engines as they were going to stay awhile.

The soldier that manned the other door gun started to follow them, but grace told him to stay with the ship as one idiot with a gun is enough. Mark continued to scan their surrounds as Grace and the two other scientists caught up, Grace Led the group and Mark trailed behind checking that no one was following them.

Grace stopped and set up her equipment with the other scientists following suit, Mark stayed close enough to hear what they were saying while far enough to defend them if need be.

After a few minutes Mark was bored and looked around, seeing nothing he walked a short distance away from the group. And encountered a grove that was full of spiral plants that once touched even by a hair, rapidly collapsed in on itself with a loud Whump! Sound Mark found this amusing and touched several more of the spiral plants. He touched one and he set off a chain reaction that sent all of the remaining plants to collapse, revealing a grazing hammerhead.

Mark instantly whipped up the gun; the hammerhead bellowed, lowered its head and flared in warning. Grace and the other scientists came running, but stopped and hid once they spotted the hammerhead.

Before he could do anything, grace spoke

"Don't move, whatever you do, don't move... if you move it will charge, it is a sign of territory."

"So what am I meant to do with it? Dance with it?" Mark retorted

Suddenly the hammerhead charged at Mark, who ran forward yelling and waving the gun around in the air.

The hammer head stopped suddenly and retreated back to its herd. Mark grinned and yelled at the retreating hammerhead

"Yeah, you run back to your momma! Come back when with your friends." Mark turned and saw the reason why the hammerhead turned and ran. Crouched in wait, was another Thananator. It easily jumped over the top of mark and landed between the hammerhead and Mark, the older hammerheads of the herd lowered their heads and flared. Seeing that the hammerheads were too much trouble to go after, the animal turned and snarled at Mark.

"So what do I do with this one?" Mark asked Grace. Who had a very quick answer.

"Run! Defiantly run!" she yelled, Mark did not need to be told again as he turn and ran for his life, the Thananator bounding after him, Mark whipped though the jungle. The Thananator picked him up by the back of his webbing and tossed him about, he released the buckled that held the webbing to him and he dropped out of it, the Thananator ripping into the webbing, a few seconds later it realised it had been tricked and chased after the fleeing Mark. Mark dived underneath a large section of roots. He crawled as far back as he could.

The Thananator clawed and bit at the roots, trying to gain access to where Mark was, mark levelled the gun and fired, yelling and gritting his teeth as he did so, the Thananator screamed and jumped out of the way and clawed and started to push on the roots, the roots broke and the Thananator grabbed and wrenched the gun out of Mark's hands and tossed it away. Now weapon-less Mark quickly crawled his way out of the roots. Just inches behind him were the snapping jaws of the Thananator.

He jumped up and ran through the jungle, the Thananator close behind him. Mark ran and leapt off a cliff. He at the last moment he crossed his legs and clutched his arms close to his body, protecting his face.

He hit the water, knocking the wind out of him. Mark scrabbled for a purchase or a rock that he could hold onto as the strong current swept him along knocking him against rocks. Mark finally broke the surface and grabbed onto a passing rock and clambered on to it. He could hear a roaring sound and looked up at the Thananator Roaring at him, angry that its meal escaped, as it looked for a way down the cliff. It could not find one and turned and ran away.

Breathing heavily, Mark jumped off the rock and floated lazily down with the current, climbing on to the bank. He looked around and ran into the jungle.

Night fell quickly as Mark fashioned a pointed stick with his combat knife, looking around for fearfully at anything that moved. Holding the stick out in front of him, ready to defend himself from attack, but What did Mark did not know was that he was being watched, by a single female Na'vi

As Mark scanned the jungle below, unaware that he was being stalked and watched by this female Na'vi, the Na'vi crouched and knocked an arrow to her bow, drawing it she aimed it directly at Mark, about to fire. She paused as a bright floating seed-type thing floated in front of her and landed on the tip of her arrow, she silently looked at it, after a second, it lifted off her arrow tip and floated away. She withdrew the bowstring and took off the arrow. Looking at mark, she silently decided to continue to silently stalk this human.

Still unaware that he was being stalked. Mark took off his shirt and wrapped it around one end of his stick and dipped it in goo that he found to be flammable. He quickly crouched and desperately tried to light his makeshift torch, with his flint. It finally lit, illuminating his surrounds.

Mark stood up and found that he was being hunted by a pack of viper wolves,

"Come on! I don't have all night!" Mark yelled at the yipping and howling viper wolves, they attacked on mass at Mark. Who ran to a small clearing, he swung his torch at several leaping viper wolves, he struck them, they retreated howling in pain, the torch was knocked out of his hands and into the ground a short distance away, Mark drew his combat knife, as another wolf leapt at him he slashed at the wolf cutting across the chest, killing it. He spun around, Mark was surrounded by Viper wolves that darted in and out nipping at him, trying to wear him down, forcing him to make a mistake.

He was taken down by several viper wolves, one landed on his chest. He held it back at an arms length, the jaws of the animal snapping only centimetres away from his face. Mark grabbed it and pushed it off him. He scrambled up off the ground spinning trying to catch any on coming attacks.

Time seemed to slow, Mark saw a beautiful female Na'vi leapt gracefully off a log bow in hand and drawn back, she released an arrow; it struck a viper wolf in its side, sending it wheeling off whining in pain. She now used her bow as a staff, knocking away any leaping viper wolfs that tried to attack her.

Mark looked on as she was tripped up, taken down by a viper wolf, her bow was knocked out of her hand, she drew out a curved knife out of a sheath that was slung on her chest. Stabbing the viper wolf killing it. The wolves retreated melting into the shadows, she bared her teeth and hissed at them, her head snapped around, muttering under her breath and despite protests from mark, she quickly grabbed the still flaming torch and threw it into a large lake that was only several meters away from the clearing.

The Na'vi looked around briefly and melted into the shadows, Mark amazed by her feat followed her, talking as he followed

"Wow, that was amazing back there, thanks for saving my life." He said.

She stopped, spun around and hit Mark in the side of the head with her bow, dropping Mark to the ground. Speaking in clear English and pointing at the clearing, she said

"That, you don't thank, that is sad, very sad, you. You baby, always sticking your nose into everything. Getting into trouble, acting like a baby."

Mark, not wanting to be hit in the face a second time, quickly scurried away out of reach of the Naevi's bow. He jumped up off the ground, glaring at the woman and angry retorted.

"So if you think that was so bad back there, why didn't you let your little forest friends kill my ass?"

The Na'vi thought for a second then replied,

"You have a strong heart" she said looking down towards the ground. Then her head snapped up.

"But you still baby" she finished as she ran off, heading deep towards the jungle.


The transport circled tightly, with Grace holding onto the cargo net in the top of the transport and leaning out looking; searching with a pair of binoculars... she lowered them from her eyes. The pilot came over the radio

'I am taking us home, we're not allowed to run night ops, colonel's orders sorry grace Mark's is going to hang on until morning. 'Grace shook her head sadly and muttered under her breath as the aircraft turned and banked.

'He is not going to make it until morning'

In the jungle....

The na'vi woman ran into the forest, by now it was illuminated by bright light that came from plants and trees, Mark had not seen anything like it before. He did not know where he was or where the Na'vi woman was going.

At one point she stopped turned on him and pointed to the jungle behind them saying,

'Go back you should not be here, go go back' she said, to Mark who just grinned at her and continued to follow her though the jungle.

The jungle stopped and dropped away, revealing a maze of long winding branches that intertwined, she ran nimbly onto a log with a cat-like agility, Mark followed her, giving it his best to keep up and stay on the log. While following her he nearly slipped and let go of his sharpened stick, the Na'vi woman grabbed his arm and stopped him from falling. Once he was supported and got his balance back, she said glaring at him

'Like a baby, not knowing what to do' Mark could not reply because the space around them was suddenly filled with small, bright floating seeds that descended on Mark, some landed on him and Mark attempted to brush them off, but his wrist was grabbed by the woman with a sharp comment in Na'vi

'Ganga,' Mark ignored her and tried to swat one of the bright seeds that floated towards him. Again she grabbed his wrist, she explained to Mark.

'Seeds off the sacred tree, very pure spirits.' She then said something to him in Na'vi, but Mark did not know what she said. By this time, the seeds had nearly covered his body, they stayed there for a second then scattered. Mark wanted to watch them go but the woman grabbed his wrist and said

'Quickly come with me' Mark was confused at her urgent tone and the sudden change of view of him. She ran with him close behind, as mark was running there was a whistling sound and something wrapped around his ankles, tripping him up. He fell and hit the ground...hard

Mark got up and pulled out his combat knife, he cut the bolas that were wrapped around his ankles and stood up, knife in hand ready for a fight.

Several Na'vi astride dire horses pulled up short of him and drew and aimed bows at him. Mark saw the centre Na'vi with an angry snarl on his face, the air was filled with high pitched yips and yells.

Mark turned as saw that there were several Na'vi that had spears pointed at him. Mark dropped the knife seeing that he could not fight his way out. Placed his hands on his head and kneeled to the ground. The Woman jumped and landed in front of him, she hissed and snarled at the group that surrounded him, speaking quickly in Na'vi. The Male Na'vi in the centre dismounted his horse and confronted the woman, speaking to her, and making hand gestures to Mark and to the surrounding area.

A short discussion followed, which ended with the male holding his bow triumphantly in the air to the shouts of the rest of the group.

Mark then was grabbed and hauled to his feet and forced to march with a knife dangerously close to his neck.

They walked for about fifteen minutes; in front of them lay the biggest tree that Mark had ever seen, they walked though a massive arch-way and almost immediately were surrounded by thousands of Na'vi people, they ignored them and walked up to a massive skull of an animal that Mark had not seen before. There was a single Male Na'vi who looked like a chieftain. He turned and looked at the group as mark was pushed forward and he fell on his hands and knees.

The woman passed Mark and spoke to the Male Na'vi; during this Mark got to his feet and stood there, not knowing what they were saying. Several times the Male gestured to Mark. Who stood there silently.

The Male, turned and face Mark, and spoke in clear English, "who are you and Why are you here?"

Mark stood there for a second then replied, "I am Lance Corporal Mark Ashfield. I got attacked by an Wolf-type animal and ran away, getting cut off from my group." Looking around, anxiously he continued "I am a Warrior...." the Na'vi who was on the horse, charged towards Mark with a yell and drawing his knife.

Before he could reach Mark, the Na'vi Chieftain barked an order at him and the knife wielding Na'vi stopped, and glared at Mark as he sheathed the knife and backed away to the chieftain.

A new Voice broke the silence and Mark's head snapped to locate the sound. He saw a slender Na'vi woman that was dressed as a priestess, walk slowly down a large root that had stairs cut carved out of it.

She glided down towards Mark and stopped at looked at Mark in the eye. "Why have you, a warrior of an unknown clan strayed so far into our territory. She stopped looking at Mark and looked to the Na'vi woman who saved him.

"And you Neytiri, Why did you bring him to home tree?" she said, her tone even. And clipped

Mark and Neytiri looked at each other not sure who should speak first, after a quick exchange on glances Mark broke the silence.

"I did not know I was into your territory, I was cut off from my group that I came with and I was saved by Neytiri. She ran away so I followed her, she then attacked me with her bow, we ran across a branch and these floating seeds appeared and landed on me, after that Neytiri told me to hurry and follow her, so I did. After that I was captured by him" Mark pointed at the Na'vi who was riding on the back of the horse. And he snarled at Mark in response, Mark ignored this and continued.

"I was dragged here and here I am explaining my self to you." Mark quickly remembered that he had to make up a clan that he was a part of, and he said quickly finishing off.

"I am part of the clan Jarhead"

The priestess nodded in response and looked at Neytiri, who quickly explained her side of the story, much of it was in a language that Mark did not understand. After Neytiri stopped talking the priestess looked at him and advanced towards him, swiftly drawing a barb from a tube around her neck, and stabbed Mark in the chest, who grunted in pain.

Mark looked at the woman as she placed the barb on her tongue and licked off Mark's blood. "Now Mark Ashfield, you will stay here, until we can decided if your insanity can be cured" turning to the group of Na'vi warriors that stood ready directly behind Mark. The priestess barked an order in their language and Mark felt himself being grabbed and dragged away deep into the bowels of the massive tree. Mark struggled against his captors, and he was rewarded by being hit in the head by a bow, the blow was hard enough to knock Mark unconscious.

Mark groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his head was pounding with an ear splitting headache. He tried to move, and quickly found himself tied up and restrained. Mark looked around, he saw several Na'vi warriors spread out around him; they carried a mixture of clubs, bows, fighting staffs and a variety of other weapons. All of them looked like they were ready for some heavy fighting.

Eguh, my head.....where the hell am I now? Mark thought to himself. He tried to break his bonds that restrained him. It did not work and only resulted in Mark becoming sweaty and breathless.

Given up on struggling against the bonds that held him, Mark started to ponder his position and attempt to get his bearings. Mark saw that he was still in the area of the massive tree, except that the area where he was being held was in a clearing that was ringed by heavy jungle. Knowing this, Mark thought about his tactical options, escape was high on his list of options, but was quickly dismissed as near impossible. Now knowing that escape was nigh impossible, Mark found himself content with waiting, captured and tied up in unfamiliar surrounds and letting fate take its course.

Hours past with very little activity, Mark's mind started to wander and he soon found himself daydreaming. His daydreaming was interrupted by the arrival of the Chieftain, Neytiri, the priestess and also lurking in the rear of the group was the Male Na'vi that rushed Mark with his knife.

The group stopped a short distance away from the tied up Mark, interrupted from his day dream Mark looked up at the group. They all looked at Mark with blank expressions, nothing about them gave any indication of their mood or feeling towards Mark, the priestess stepped forward, and walked away from the group.

Heading towards Mark with a slow and even pace, she stopped in directly in front of him and spoke.

"Mark Ashfield, we have pondered the situation that surrounds you, for many hours, and we have agreed upon a solution. You will stay with us and learn our ways, learn well Mark Ashfield. You have the right to refuse our offer, but that will result in your death. Which we do not want to see happen to such a...." she paused as she thought for a second. She continued ".... special human being." Mark gave her a confused look and shook his head in wonder at her statement. He was about to question what she just said but before he could speak, he was cut off.

"For you to learn our ways, you will need to become one of us. But such radical changes are not easily reversed. As such once you decide to accept or refuse our offer, you will stay with us forever; there will be no leaving of this world for you Mark." Mark did not know what to say or do in response; he was shocked to hear that there is no chance of him ever leaving this planet. His head drooped. Mark thought long and hard about her offer, and he realised that his only change of freedom lay with her offer, so with a level voice Mark raised his head and looked deeply into her eyes and slowly spoke.

"I accept you offer"

Spyro the untold stories-Chapter 7: New beginnings

under 18? then you should not be here, if you are over 18 then read on! The Chronicler did not know what to do; Paul was suddenly transformed into a dragon and he did not know what to do about it, or even react to Paul when he recovered. The...

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Spyro the untold Stories-Chapter 6: A new Dragon

righto you know the drill under 18's are not allowed, if you are under 18, then you are Naughty and should be very careful XD, (there is going to be an explaination to my lag between the chapters on my userpage!) Paul's morning was a blur, the...

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Spyro The untold stories-chapter 5: Coming out and Growing Closer

A few weeks later (from the end of Chapter 4) Paul looked at his sketch that he was working on; he was sitting on the rock at the edge of the camp silently drawing in his black little sketch book with a small pencil case beside him he was also...

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