Family Reunion

Story by bland2 on SoFurry

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The third adventure of Hermes, the Great Dane dog morph. A family reunion goes wrong. So very wrong.

This, gentle reader, is the third adventure of Hermes, the Great Dane dog-morph. You can find his first two adventures (and gain a greater understanding of the lad) here:

1) SlugFest.

2) Demon, v2.0a.Important update available.

In this third adventure Hermes reluctantly attends a reunion gathering of his extended family. Surely nothing can go wrong in such an innocent environment.

Chapter 1

_Things could be worse,_Hermes reflected. His family had chosen a pretty garden for the family reunion. Their pavilion was set near some beautiful flower beds. The day was sunny and the breeze was pleasantly warm against his naked body. He wasn't in any immediate danger of death.

He briefly shivered with a spasm brought on by the vine around his knot squeezing his cock. A few thin dribbles of semen were whisked away by the transparent vine threaded into his urethra. And a moment later that same semen, slightly enriched with the plant's hormones, was pumped up to the tube in his mouth. With an inward sigh of resignation he swallowed his own cum. Resisting the plant had proven to be unpleasant. Tendrils looped around his muzzle ensured he couldn't dislodge the tube.

A small child - was it one of his nephews? - giggled into its paw, "Look mommy, he's peeing again!" The mother of the small Great Dane morph hushed the child, but she too was squinting closely at Hermes' swollen and restrained cock. All the cameras from the news crews also swung down to watch his cock pulse and leak.

For a moment he tried blinking out a plea using Universal Hostage Code: "Someone help me!" But half way through composing his message the aphrodisiac hormones he'd swallowed kicked in. His eyelids fluttering from the pleasure of his thousandth (who knows. He'd lost count hours ago) orgasm of the day probably spelled out "Send more squirrels!" instead. He swallowed a gob of enriched semen while another small child giggled and pointed.

Family reunions weren't supposed to end up with him strung up with vines, trapped, naked, and at the mercy of a semi-sentient plant. His best formal suit of clothes was now a tattered pile of rags strewn around the lawn in front of him. The clothes had been shredded by the plant when it had first seized him. Just a few moments prior to being snared Hermes had been protesting to his mother how he was an intensely private person. The two earlier incidents which had left him naked and sexually abused in front of audiences of billions weren't his fault.

As a Great Dane dog-morph he'd always been intensely embarrassed about removing his shirt in the presence of other people - he felt they were somehow judging him. Humans might be comparing his deep chest and tan fur to their own oddly hairless bodies. If his face was not also covered with fur and his Great Dane muzzle wasn't black his acute discomfort with close scrutiny would have shown him blushing hotly. And yet, somehow, for the third time in his life Hermes was exposed, stretched out with vines pulling on his limbs and filling him in distinctly intimate ways, orgasming in front of an audience of uncountable billions. Really and honestly... he was an intensely private person.

It could probably be worse. On the bright side, the vine in his butt-hole wasn't transparent, and it was doing a fine job of whisking away his faeces when necessary. He supposed the plant was using his wastes as nourishment for itself - he was immeasurably thankful the monster didn't consider Hermes would want the fertilizer returned. The plant was keeping Hermes well hydrated, albeit mostly with his own urine (slightly enriched and enhanced with the plant's hormonal cocktail). Mist from a bulb-like tendril sprayed over his swollen knot and cock to prevent the exposed flesh from becoming dry and painful. And the xeno-botanist from the university had assured him the plant would release him unscathed. Almost certainly within the next 24 hours... or so.

Deep in his bowels the vine, almost as thick as his wrist, undulated slightly. His tail was pulled up almost painfully high, exposing his vulnerable anus and balls. The vine wrapped around his knot squeezed again, and began to softly vibrate. Hermes pressed his eyes shut, oh Universal Constants, another intense cycle. A couple of times each hour the plant would perform a sequence of intense stimulations on Hermes. His prostate gland would be massaged by the vine in his butt. His cock would be stroked and sucked and squeezed expertly by vines wrapped around his knot. Inside his urethra the transparent tube wriggled and hummed in a weirdly intimate yet pleasurable way. Small vines stroked over his balls, pulling and squeezing the shiny black flesh in ways that stopped just short of being painful. Even his sensitive nipples had suckling vines playing with the hairless nubs.

Pressure in his abdomen of an orgasm building made him squeeze his eyes even more tightly closed. Why did this have to happen in front of all the cameras?

"Oh Hermes, can't you even look at your mother when she's talking to you?" A querulous voice cut through his impending release and sent his orgasm retreating slightly. Hermes realized his mother had been speaking for some time. Age had greyed her muzzle but she still made Hermes feel like an errant pup. He opened his eyes and managed to shrug his shoulders before the vines entwining his arms pulled harder, completely immobilizing him again. His legs were also pulled to further spread apart. Perhaps the plant thought he was going to make another attempt at escape.

"Your father got bored of all the news people so he's decided to watch you on the telly instead. He says it's much easier to see you there rather than trying to push through the crowds. And I don't know why but he had that terrible smirk he gets when he's off to watch something dirty on the telly. I told him that's his son up there but he just slunk off rubbing the front of his pants. He can be filthy sometimes..." His mother wittered on.

Despite the intense stimulations inside him, Hermes felt his orgasm retreating further. Somehow his aged mother staring at his naked, invaded, vulnerable form while she prattled on was preventing him from getting aroused. His cock started to soften for the first time in an hour. Perhaps the plant would give up. Perhaps his mother's droning was enough to defeat it.

"... your cousin snuck off with her feral Saint Bernard lover and we all think she's having sex in the hedge-maze. And in her condition! Pregnant but not saying who the father is. The young pool boy went off with them! Well, your aunt is beside herself. You remember your aunt Edna - she looked after you when you had that nasty diarrhoea at middle-school. She said she'd never smelt anything so bad in all her years!" Hermes winced at the way the swarm of news microphones seemed overly eager to relay his mother's monologue to the watching masses. Despite the intensifying efforts of the vines inside him and around his cock, stroking, and writhing with consummate skill, his cock was softening and his knot deflating. Even the vines pulling on his arms and legs seemed to slacken a fraction. Yes, perhaps this was the moment the plant would surrender him.

Intensely sweet and gooey sap flooded into Hermes' mouth. It was so unexpected and deliciously caramel-flavoured that he swallowed without even realizing. Oh... oh hell. Concentrated, pure aphrodisiac hormones flowed down Hermes' throat, leaving a warm trail from his tongue to his stomach. Warmth spread outwards, radiating into his abdomen and chest, seeping into his limbs. His cock tingled in a delightful way. His butt-hole tingled in a delightful way. His nipples, balls, buttocks, prostate... hell, even his ears tingled in a delightful way.

"... and HE said dogs are often mated to close family and anyway she was sexually mature. WELL! Your uncle Pat was going to castrate him then and there in the pavilion with the carving knife. 'We're not dogs!' he was yelling. And ... Hermes darling are you even listening to me?"

Hermes jolted as if he'd touched a live wire. His focus had been entirely on the warm tingling suffusing his body and he'd almost forgotten his mother was there. Under his fur he was flushing with building heat and he was huffing breath around the tube in his muzzle. Blood was rushing to his groin, stretching out the vine wrapped around his cock and which held his sheath pulled back. There was a feeling of intense warmth radiating from the vine in his bowels practically humming with vibrations against his prostate. The pressure surge of building orgasm returned from its earlier retreat with a growing urgency.

Hermes desperately wished his mother would leave or perhaps turn away so she wouldn't witness his pending, humiliating sexual release. All he could articulate around the tube in his mouth was "Wung, unka, awarung!"

"Oh Hermes, really. You're not going to do that in front of your dear old mother are you? And with all these cameras and strangers looking at you too. Oh Hermes, you're not a little puppy anymore." Her words sounded disappointed but somehow she was still staring at his growing knot. A crowd of onlookers, and probably twenty news crews, were also focussing on him. And who-knows how many billion OuterNet viewers... including his father.

A network of red veins webbed his swelling cock as his arousal grew. The knot at its base swelled to its full baseball size, entwined by the stroking vines. Viewers around the colonized galaxies could see in glorious high-definition 3D the way his cock was jumping as it expanded. Clear pre-cum fluid dribbled, then flowed from the transparent tube in his urethra. Instead of just writhing and vibrating, the thick vine in Hermes' butt was actually thrusting in and out of his butt-hole. Stimulation from sensitive nerves over his whole body was becoming overwhelming.

His breathing became a rapid series of whining huffs through teeth clenched on the feeding tube. "Uff... uff... uff..." A white-hot ball of pleasure was building in his midriff. Hermes tensed muscles, hauling with mighty strength against the vines restraining him. Tautness made his abdomen a washboard of muscle. Veins lined his leg muscles and arms, tendons ridged his neck from effort. But he wasn't trying to escape - he was straining against the approaching detonation in his groin.

"Unnnggg...!" Hermes' cock jumped as he involuntarily thrust his hips forward. A wave of pleasure washed through him. Milky-white dog-cum spurted from his cock, ballooning the tube that whisked the fluid away into the depths of the plant.

"Ooooo!" went the crowd of onlookers, as the cum flowed in several spurts from the Dane morph's jumping cock. Every spurt was a clenching of Hermes' balls as pleasure wrenched him, squeezing semen from him. Every spurt of cum was his anus clamping down on the thick vine fucking him (in ultra-definition 3D, so fine you could almost taste it). "Aaaaaahhh!" went the watching crowd as another explosion of pleasure jolted Hermes, thrusting his cock forward.

Tears squeezed out of the corners of Hermes' clenched eyes. The overwhelming heat of orgasm wrung from his balls, through his bouncing cock - every spurt of milky-white seed sucked away... and pumped back into his mouth. In the throes of his orgasm he couldn't care - he drank his own semen down and savoured the salty-sweetness.

Sounds, barely heard like a far-away dream, of a gaggle of young children giggling in high-pitched screams of glee as they watched Hermes twitch and shake in his green bonds. Parents stifled their sniggers as they attempted to hush their unruly wards. A breathless drone of reporters tried to remain straight-faced as they narrated Hermes' humiliation. Hermes didn't care - couldn't care. It was too far removed from the jolts of pleasure as his balls squeezed more cum into the tube.

The glowing warmth seemed to drain out from his body through his cock with his fluids. Pleasure ebbed away, leaving the Great Dane morph slumped in his restraints. Hermes gave a deep shuddering sigh of released tension as strained muscles relaxed. Darkness claimed him as he passed out.

Chapter 2

Apparently there hadn't been such a flurry of excitement from the crowds surrounding Hermes since the botanist had arrived four hours ago. Had it been four hours? Thoughts and sensations began to seep back as Hermes stirred.

The xeno-botanist... Yes, Hermes recalled a balding man with glasses and a beige cardigan arriving. The professor had arrived with an entourage of young humans - students of biology who all wanted to get a glimpse of the rare plant (and the naked Great Dane morph). "Oh, no, absolutely could no-one even touch the plant!" the professor had declared to the clustered news crews. Find of the century! Important discovery! Rare and endangered species! Very few specimens! And so forth. The professor flounced in front of the cameras, basking in his brief fame, lecturing the viewers on the sanctity of preserving rare life-forms. As he lectured, the professor encouraged the cameras closer... See how the plant has ensnared its victim (victim? There was a word Hermes didn't like...), snaring his limbs and tail and completely immobilizing him? Look closely how the anal sphincter has been penetrated - you can see a slick coating of slimy natural lubricant. Everybody now note how this clear vine has invaded the dog-morphs unique penis. Dogs, as you can see here, have a swelling at the base of their penis. On this dog-morph you can clearly observe his sheath has been pulled back and the entire penis exposed. The plant's stimulation has caused the victim's knot to swell. Oh and now look how his balls are drawing up as he ejects more semen into this tube. See how dog semen is thinner than human semen....

And so on. And on. For almost an hour the professor had encouraged his pupils and viewers to closely scrutinize intimate, deeply embarrassing detail of Hermes' genitals. The dog-morph's predicament had become spectacle. And periodically to the glee of the onlookers Hermes would shake and shudder and squirt into the tubes as the plant suckled another orgasm out of him.

Before the xeno-botanist departed he'd declared the site a protected natural preserve and no-one was to touch the plant or intervene. This was far too important a discovery to have anyone risk the safety of the plant. And then the professor vanished in a swirl of cameras and promised book publishing deals. The crowd of staring students was abandoned to their pornographic sketches and unsavoury note-taking.

Of course, the xeno-botanist hadn't arrived until Hermes had already been ensnared by the plant for over two hours. No... first the fire-brigade had been called after repeated attempts by his extended family to free him had failed. It seemed the entire retinue of his aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews had wanted to try to pull the vines off his cock and out of his rectum. Each attempt had been at once intensely embarrassing for Hermes, and incredibly stimulating as the plant responded with squeezings and writhings in his depths. And everyone (except Hermes) had been giggling about it.

News of the fire-brigade's attempt at rescue had of course brought the plague of news reporters with their cameras and microphones. They'd heard that the perverted star of several record-breaking sex-shows had 'accidentally' ended up naked and sexually violated for their viewing pleasure yet again. The fire-brigade didn't really know what to do with the plant. So mostly they'd just stood around sniggering until news reached the university.

It's not like Hermes wanted this! Family reunions are invariably dull events you feel obliged to attend because you've been guilted into accepting the invitation by your mother. Months of savings had gone into the planet-hop flight. His meagre salary was insufficient to pay for an instantaneous Transloc to his birth-world. Instead he had endured a two-month, dreary, interplanetary flight. He'd bought a nice expensive suit to wear (which was now rags at his feet). He had wanted a quiet, unobtrusive and, preferably, short family interaction.

He had been able to ignore the side-long glances and incredulous whispering of his family about his 'adventures'. He could ignore the occasional flare-ups of drama as his dysfunctional family verbally sparred about the latest scandals. He could eat enough of the dubious food and drink enough of the cheap booze to begin to ignore how much he really disliked family reunions.

But he couldn't ignore what too many alcoholic beverages told his bladder. And he couldn't ignore the long line of whining children with crossed legs waiting desperately to use the only inadequate toilet.

So Hermes had quietly slunk away to the furthest corner of the gardens, far from the crowd. He'd checked several times there was absolutely no-one around. Did he mention? Hermes was an intensely private dog-morph and peeing into the bushes was not something he could easily do. Fear of discovery kept him from being able to get started, despite the pressure in his bladder. He visualized running rivers, waterfalls, and imagined leaking faucets. Finally he managed to force a dribble of pee which quickly grew to a golden stream. It arced into the bushes and splashed around the base of a.... What was that fascinating tree? As he relieved himself, Hermes tilted his head back to look up into the canopy of the strange plant. He'd never seen anything like it before - sort of twisted vines lifted up into a crown of ever-smaller vines. They seemed to sway in ways independent of the breeze.

Observing the strange swirl of vines above him, Hermes didn't see the strange swirl of vines at the base of the plant questing for the source of the nitrogen-rich stream splashing around its roots.

Chapter 3

For a thousand years the seed had drifted through space. Stellar winds nudged it, the cold of space preserved it, a poly-ceramic shell protected it. A billion of its siblings died in the fire of suns, or drifted forever barren, this seed fell into the gravity of a blue-green world. Blazing atmosphere stripped the casing from the seed as it streaked across the sky. Mere seconds before impact the seed cracked open. Scorched petals slowed the seed until it plopped softly into a fertile and nicely-maintained flower-bed, unnoticed at the far corners of a garden.

In a mere five more years the seed grew from a seedling into a twisted trunk, which matured into a wide canopy of vines. Perhaps this world hosted creatures the plant could use for spawning. But if not, well, it wasn't an unpleasant world to be a tree.

When the plant's imperative to reproduce was reaching a peak, a tall creature paused in front of the tree, splashing a refreshing, nutrient-rich liquid around the roots.

While the plant couldn't see or hear, or even 'think' in the conventional sense, tiny filaments could sense vibrations and chemical changes. They could detect displacement of air and changes in temperature when a creature was near.

At first the vines snaking from the base of the tree had been almost silent - their faint susurrations masked by the sighing breeze in the canopy. The plant's victim was unaware it had been surrounded by a writhing mat of tendrils. Even as the shoots threaded through the cuffs of expensive trousers and twisted the laces of the designer boots the victim still stared quizzically upwards at the swaying crown of the tree.

Abruptly the plant tugged on the material of the trousers. Slick cloth slipped over the hips and tail of the creature, crumpling around its feet. Perhaps there was a chance the creature could have escaped with a leap backward. Perhaps it would have lost its trousers and boots, and a modicum of dignity.

Instead, the creature looked down in horror at the mass of vines around its feet and bent down to haul on the trousers, hoping to cover its suddenly exposed flesh. "Oh no... oh, no no no... Oh not again... no..."

Tangled creepers draped from the canopy over the shoulders of the creature. Swift and devilish vines slipped inside the collar of the lavish shirt. Millions of years of evolution gave the plant senses to instantly distinguish the living flesh of its victim from the inert coverings. Alien strength of tendrils pulling in all directions made the coverings explode outward. Tatters of designer shirt, trousers and boots fell in an expensive heap, while the struggling victim was lifted and splayed out by twisted ropes of plant.

Each planet - each victim - brought different challenges for this species of plant. First it sent out thin filaments to thoroughly explore and map the biology of the creature it had trapped. Near the top this victim had a muzzle - an orifice for the intake of nutrition. With inconsequential struggle a tube was forced past the teeth and bound in place with loops of creepers. Near the mid-point vines pulled aside the tail of the victim where a thick, questing root found the orifice for processing solid waste. Despite the victim's grunted protest and desperate clenching, the sap-slickened rod forced past the tightened sphincter muscles to snake deep into the bowels of the creature.

Other thin probes found the source of the nutrient-rich fluid the creature had earlier sprayed around the base of the tree. A small forest of tendrils crawled over the dangling balls and fuzzy sheath. They chemically tasted, sniffing, probing, gently teasing, crawling to the opening of the sheath and then inside. Hints of nitrogen-rich fluid were still present at the pointed tip of the organ hidden inside the sheath. A tapered, transparent tube pushed forward into the end of the organ. Unfortunately the tube was a little larger than the opening, but surely the flesh could stretch a little despite the muffled protestations of the victim.

While the plant performed its tactile exploration and invasion the trapped creature struggled to escape. The struggles were entirely futile - millions of years of organics forged in the harsh radiations of space gave the fibres of the plant phenomenal strength and resilience. This victim would never have been able to break the thinnest of the vines, and certainly not the thick ropes binding his body and entwining his limbs.

With the creature entirely ensnared, and with its nutritional and waste disposal needs understood the plant seemed to become almost dormant again - barely moving. Yet there was another aspect of its victim the plant needed to explore and understand. Evolution had shaped the plant to achieve its ends much more successfully if the victim enjoyed its ensnarement.

Minute quantities of hormones and chemicals were secreted by the plant into the feeding tube. Variations in response were sniffed out by the thin filaments around and inside the victim to find the perfect chemical cocktails to give maximum stimulation and pleasure. At the same time the thin tendrils stroked, tickled, teased inside and out to see what else brought forth the maximum pleasure responses.

It takes time for the plant to fully sample and understand the biology of this trapped creature to effectively incorporate any useful traits into the next generation of plant. Tailoring the seeds as they were grown in the base of the plant would take some hours.

But the plant was patient and adept at keeping the ensnared creature pleasured and compliant. It was important to take immaculate care of the future carrier of the plant's offspring.

Chapter 4

Naked, again.

Trapped, again.

Orifices invaded by monsters again.

And displayed in high definition for the viewing pleasure of the galaxy-wide audiences.

Sunset burnished his tan fur with copper highlights. Had he really been strung up by the vines for nearly ten hours? Hermes shuddered as another half-hearted orgasm squeezed a few more drops of semen from his abused cock. Inevitably, a few moments later, a sliver of fluid washed into his mouth from the feeding tube. His own dog-semen mixed with something vaguely bitter this time.

Almost the moment he tasted the bitterness, Hermes fell into a sound sleep. Suspended vines loosened and drooped to provide relief to his strained muscles. Lights from the news crews flickered on to ensure everyone would have an unimpeded view of the violated dog-morph as he slept.

And dreamed.

Strange dreams. Dreams of mating with feral bitches (his body shuddered as he orgasmed into the tube), dreams of being mated by large male feral dogs (another shuddering orgasm), dreams of a swelling belly, then squeezing out a litter of pups (as his body shook and squeezed out semen). Dreams of suckling pups, slurping on his swollen nipples then sucking on his swollen cock (it wasn't milk his jumping cock produced). Dreams of a flowing river and running faucets, then suddenly having to swallow the water in his mouth. _Wolf-piss._The world floated on the water he swallowed. A weird dream of someone vacuuming out his bowels with a writhing tube. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. Actually quite stimulating (he shook and shuddered in his sleep from the stimulation against his prostate. Watery cum flowed)

While the Great Dane dog-morphed slept and dreamed, the plant made a few minor alterations to its victim. The camera crews noticed a tangle of thin filaments pushing upward into the tip of the dog's penis through the transparent tube. Macro lenses were brought in to allow the viewing billions to see the tendrils snake through into the urethra. Sometimes a swirl of milky fluid inside the tube obscured the fibres in dog cum, and once or twice in a flood of yellowish dog pee. But there was no question the thin tendrils were pushing inward.

And the Great Dane's testicles had increased in size. Biology students with callipers and mass analysers confirmed the hanging black orbs were getting larger. The audience watched in fascination as the balls drew up to squeeze out more semen yet seemed slightly larger when they descended. While the effect was slow and subtle, as the sun rose in the morning the Great Dane's testicles were more than twice the size they'd been when he'd fallen asleep. They hung low and heavy like a bull's balls. The students noted the tube in the end of the dog-morph's penis was transparent again - empty of the thin filaments.

Hermes woke with a jolt to a slightly sour fluid dripping over his tongue. Tatters of his dreams drifted away even as he tried to grasp them. They'd been pleasant dreams of a clenching, in-season wolf vagina around his cock. Or had he been the she-wolf, taking a giant wolf cock? Or was it... but no, the dreams dissipated with the mist in the rising dawn.

His waking brought a bustle of excitement from the reporters. "Are you still okay? Can you blink out a message to your adoring audience?"

I'm cephalopod! It was futile - before he could form more than a single word another juddering orgasm made his eyelids flutter. Vines around the base of his knot milked a teaspoon of watery cum from his oddly heavy-feeling balls.

But he felt refreshed from a night of deep sleep and... what was the vine up his butt doing now? Bulges travelled upwards from the base of the plant, through the duct toward his sphincter. Suddenly every camera, scientist, and giggling child was focussed on the thick vine in his rectum. Pink flesh of his anus stretched around the tube and when the bulge met the resistance of his sphincter Hermes flushed hot with pain. It was too much, it was too big, it hurt as he clenched to prevent the monster tearing his flesh. He struggled to pull his restrained tail downward to protect his vulnerable hole. The bulge felt at least as big as his clenched fist - there was no way he could accommodate something so monstrous in his rectum. He tried breathing through the pain but his eyes were watering and he whined - it was just too much. He felt it was splitting him in two.

Sharp bitter-sweetness dripped on his tongue, and instantly the pain was gone. No, not gone, transformed. Powerful muscle-relaxants suffused Hermes' body. The panicked clenching of his sphincter receded and took the pain away. As he relaxed, the bulge in the root slipped past the taught ring of flesh of his anus. Hermes grunted - he could feel the bulge slithering obscenely into his bowels. It pressed hard against his prostate for a moment. The tube undulated and wriggled to help the bulge traverse his colon. Transformation of searing pain into vivid pleasure triggered slow build-up toward another peak in Hermes.

But this felt different. Instead of the sudden, jarring climaxes the plant had forced from him for the past day, pleasure settled in his abdomen, building slowly.

Cameras watched another lump traverse the root of the plant toward the helpless captive. The audience of humans and animal-morphs watched as the nodule stretched flesh so tight it became shiny. Microphones relayed the involuntary grunt of the dog-morph when the bulge forced past the constriction, relieving the strain and giving a sudden burst of pleasure against his prostate.

Several more blobs travelled up the root to Hermes' abused butt-hole. Each bulge stretched him to his limit, then followed up with a shock of release and pleasure against his prostate. He could feel the tube writhing deeply inside him. Contrasted sensations of stretching, release, and prostate massage multiplied the warm ball of pleasure in his abdomen.

Red veins webbed Hermes' knot. Prostate stimulation made pre-cum leak from his cock. Sweet fluid flowed into his mouth. Profound bliss building in his abdomen left drool dripping down his lolling tongue. Hermes' normally flat stomach distinctly bulged with the many orbs the plant had forced into his colon. And the warmth of pleasure grew into a brighter glow.

Vines tugged and stroked and suckled against Hermes' flesh the way they had for the intense milking cycles earlier. But instead of urgently driving him toward release, the plant seemed to be coaxing him more slowly. It was almost teasing in the way it caressed his pendulous balls and suckled gently on his nipples. The root in his butt undulated gently even as it squeezed another blob past his sphincter (his cock jumped with pre-cum flowing into the extraction tube). Fingers of plant massaged his knot carefully, coaxing the growing ball of lust in his stomach. The warmth flowed through him, building pleasure toward a peak in his chest and balls.

And then Hermes tasted the rich caramel flavour of hormones flood into his mouth. Burning warmth radiated outward into his tingling extremities. The thick tube in his butt-hole practically vibrated with heat. Tendrils slicked with moisturizing spray stroked up and down the length of his swollen cock and over his knot.

Oh Universal Constants, this is going to be a big one! Hermes eyes were half-lidded from the pleasure. He panted his breathing as pressure built in his heavy balls. He couldn't prevent himself rocking his hips back and forward - the building orgasm made him thrust into the stimulations of the plant around his cock.

Warmth became heat of tendrils over his cock, squeezing his knot. Heat became fiery pleasure radiating outward from the roots invading his bowels. Hermes could feel his balls drawing upwards toward pending explosive release. The knot of expanding heat filled his stomach, his chest, his whole body.

He squeezed his eyes closed, drew a deep breath and held it for a moment. Rigid muscles over his whole body held the coming explosion of pleasure at peak for just a moment longer - savouring the anticipation of release for a moment longer.

White-hot fire burst in his abdomen. Hermes' balls clenched with intense jolts of electric pleasure. He spasmed against the vines holding his body and thrust his hips forward as far as the restraints would allow. Vines milked his knot. Liquid fire of ecstasy flowed from his balls, making his cock visibly throb with a flood of semen. The clear tube in his urethra inflated with white, bucking with the dog's cock. Each squirt of semen whisked away into the depths of the plant.

Jolt followed jolt of pleasure. Hermes let out a long groan which became a series of grunts. He humped his hips while his cock throbbed and squirted more thick white cum into the plant. Every squirt of cum suffused pleasure from his balls through his entire body.

A though floated somewhere through the haze of orgasm; he should be drinking his cum - he was thirsting to swallow his seed down. But nothing flowed to the tube in his mouth. The vines around his muzzle had loosened and the drinking-tube slipped away, no longer required. Instead, he felt the tube in his butt undulate and pulse. Warm liquid flowed into his intestines. The plant was pumping Hermes' own semen into his bowels. Copious volume of liquid flowed from Hermes' expanded testicles. The abundant semen propelled into the tube in his urethra, drained to the base of the plant where the roots dutifully pumped it back upwards into the dog-morph's bowels. And inside Hermes the altered semen fertilized the implanted seeds.

Hermes was lost in the stimulation of the writhing tubes inside him milking essence from his contracting balls. Without the feeding tube in his mouth and vines holding his muzzle he could throw his head back and groan in ecstasy.

A sudden deluge of semen pushed collection the tube from the dog-morph's cock. In his bowels dregs of flowing semen lubricated the roots to slip free of the dog's butt-hole. For a moment the abused sphincter couldn't clench closed. Syrupy white liquid dribbled down the dog's legs. But the vines holding his tail loosened and the dropping tail allowed Hemes to clamp down against the flow.

Suddenly freed from the withdrawn tubes the over-stimulated dog cock squirted a final jet of cum. Fluid traced a majestic arc directly into the crowd of onlookers. Splashed children shrieked and ran while the adults withdrew hastily in disgust, wiping dog-cum from their faces. Camera lenses were protectively covered as the news crews retreated from the astonishing ejaculate.

Restraining vines retracted from the limbs of the heavily impregnated Great Dane dog-morph. Hermes slumped forward and collapsed onto his hands and knees. Even as the glow of orgasm was faded away, his cock still twitched and oozed viscous liquid.

In the confusion of milling adults with squealing children frantically wiping away dog semen Hermes was able to creep through the low bushes behind the vines. Exhausted from the intensity of orgasm, Hermes barely evaded the crowds as he feebly crawled. He covered the distance to the hedge-maze and pushed through one of the dense walls unnoticed by the searching camera crews.

Chapter 5

For a moment he knew peace and privacy, hidden in the maze. Exhausted, Hermes rolled onto his back to watch the morning clouds framed by the hedges. Sounds of people fussing around, calling for him and seeking where he'd escaped wafted on the warm breeze. Clunks of doors slammed on vans of camera crews packing up and leaving. It seemed the entertainment was done. The crowds dissipated into the garden park.

Hermes rested and took inventory of his abused body. His balls ached but fortunately they'd contracted to their normal size. His penis ached and chaffed in his sheath. Powerful suckling had left his nipples sensitive. And his butt-hole felt like hanger-doors that no longer closed correctly. Nothing seemed permanently broken, however. Clouds drifted serenely above.

He felt bloated - his stomach was visibly bulging around whatever the plant had pushed into him. Instead of a toned, washboard abdomen the dog-morph sported a rounded belly. When he poked the swelling with his paw his stomach made a distinctly liquid gurgling. Sweat suddenly prickled Hermes' body with a cramping feeling in his bowels. Oh hell no, I'm not going to ..... oh hell, yes I am! Cramps intensified in bowels suddenly feeling squishy and watery. Hermes rolled back onto all fours and scuttled into a corner of the hedge maze. He forcibly clamped his tail down as he crawled to stem the urgent feeling of needing to vacate his bowels. Things were shifting urgently inside him.

Whimpering he raised his tail and squatted, straining against the mass inside him. In an oddly sensual way the first seed pushed through his sphincter. Although the case was hard and unyielding, the seed was well lubricated by the copious fluids (his own semen, Hermes remembered) the plant had pumped into his bowels. And the diameter was smaller than the root which had implanted it. As it slipped free, Hermes grunted. It was almost a pleasurable sensation and made his cock twitch.

The seed plopped onto the grass in a small rush of liquid. Hermes blearily stared as the seed sank through the soil and vanished. Tiny cilia in the seed case had allowed it to burrow quickly out of sight.

Hermes forced a way through the dense shrubbery of the hedges. Instead of emerging as he expected outside the maze, he was in another dead-end. He had crawled deeper into the maze than he'd realized. His struggle through the barrier intensified the cramping in his bowels. So he squatted again and another seed slipped free. The sensation was peculiarly erotic - the way the seeds rubbed against his prostate, stretched him (but not too far) and then the sudden relaxation when the seed emerged with a small flood of lubricating semen. He grunted and his cock twitched while the seed burrowed into the soil.

Surely the exit was just around this corner... More crawling, but another dead end and Hermes had to squat to deposit another seed. Again the queer sensation left him feeling aroused and slightly emptier. In a few years anyone lost in the secluded paths of the hedge maze would be in for quite the surprise.

Hermes crawled another four times through junctions and corners. He would suddenly have to squat with raised tail to liberate another seed. After expelling the seventh seed the dog's knot was stretching his sheath with arousal. His bowels felt distinctly emptier - his abdomen had almost flattened. But the constant anal stimulation of expelling the seeds had left him desperately aroused. Pre-cum dribbled from his cock - some remnant hormones from the plant remained in his system. Hermes, still on all fours, lowered his shoulders so he could rest his head on one arm. His other paw massaged his swollen sheath. The warm breeze caressed his raised butt, soothing his abused pucker. He pulled his tail upward over his back letting the sun warm where normally the sun doesn't shine. There were no cameras, no onlookers, no-one to point and laugh - Hermes could have a bit of quality time stroking himself with no tentacles or monsters forcing him. He would be spared the humiliation of cumming in front of an audience again.

A cold nose pressing against his pucker startled Hermes to drop his tail. The sudden contrast of the cold wetness compared to the warm breeze was shocking, but not unpleasantly so. He raised a weary head, too tired to crawl away. What new horror was... oh, it was just a giant, non-hybrid Saint Bernard dog. White and brown, with black highlights on a thick fluffy coat, the Saint Bernard boy must have weighed more than Hermes. Something about his cousin's lover surfaced in his mind.

"Oh just fuck off, dog. Really, just leave me alone." Hermes lowered his head onto his arm and ignored the dog. He hoisted his tail over his back to re-expose his sore butt-hole to the soothing breeze. Damnit, the distraction had interrupted his slow wank.

Soft tongue lapping at his abused butt-hole was unexpected, yet definitely not unpleasant. Hermes' cock throbbed in his sheath. Apparently the dog hadn't fucked off, and instead was licking eagerly at Hermes' exposed pucker. The sensations were erotic, and sensual. Hermes closed his eyes and sighed. That tongue sliding over his butt-hole felt incredible, like a soft massage easing the aches.

Hermes had relaxed his pucker enough that the dog's tongue pushed past the constriction. At first the feeling was peculiar - he reflexively clenched his sphincter against the invading tongue. But the sensation of the dog's skilled tongue flicking several inches inside him and out had Hermes practically melting into the lawn. Dog slobber dribbled down his buttocks and over his balls to join the pre-cum dripping freely from his cock.

For a moment the dog's tongue withdrew leaving the breeze cooling the saliva. Hermes whined in frustration - the tongue-massage over his anus had been helping his paw strokes bring him slowly toward orgasm. Absence of the tongue after the expelling of seeds left an empty void in Hermes. He almost wished for something to fill him again.

A paw pressed down on his back. Hermes turned his head to look back at the huge Saint Bernard. With his head at ground level, Hermes was looking up at the underside of the fluffy canine. An abundant sheath slung low in front of a huge fuzzy scrotum. Pinkness emerged from the opening of the dog's sheath.

For a moment Hermes weakly contemplated crawling away from the dog, or trying to stand up. Or even lying flat so the dog wouldn't be able to hump him. But, really, would it be so bad to have an actual canine mounting him? "I guess you're a horny boy too, huh? Well, it's not like there's anyone watching. C'mon then. Hup!" Hermes encouraged the dog to mount.

The Saint Bernard dog needed little encouragement and practically leapt onto Hermes' raised butt. Thick forepaws wrapped around Hermes' hips as the dog's chest pressed into his back. A brief stab of pain of the penis-bone seeking an opening missed Hermes' anus. The prone Great Dane dog-morph drew a sharp breath and tried to wriggle his hips to help the humping Saint Bernard's aim. When the pointed tip of the dog's penis touched the centre of Hermes' pucker, with barely a pause the Saint Bernard pushed his hips forward in a single long thrust, sinking the entire ten inches of his cock into Hermes.

Suddenly the Saint Bernard dog was jack-hammering his hips against Hermes' hips. Strong paws pulled back on Hermes' thighs forcing him onto the cock rammed into his butt. Fuzzy balls slapped against his own low-hanging scrotum. Hermes could feel the dog cock inside him thickening rapidly. Each thrust withdrew perhaps six inches of cock before ramming inwards probably three or four times a second. Rear paws of the Saint Bernard practically danced either side of Hermes' legs with the enthusiasm of the furry monster. The rapidity of the dog's humping was amazing and intensely pleasurable. Hermes felt the pounding directly against his prostate. His own cock was fully swollen - his knot stretched out the sheath. Just a few inches of pink tip was exposed. Hermes was already squirting pre-cum into the grass.

As the girth of the Saint Bernard's cock increased, his thrusting reduced. The shaft of the dog's cock grew to the thickness of Hermes wrist. Certainly its diameter was less than the plant's vine from earlier in the day. So it was really quite a pleasurable stretch for Hermes. But deeper inside him the dog's knot was bulking up, pressing against Hermes' prostate. The girth increased, and kept increasing. Deeper in his bowels Hermes felt the dog's cum squirting into him. Almost twice every second he could plainly feel the throb of the dog's cock as it pumped watery semen. Each throb increased the size of the knot slightly, stretching Hermes' rectum more than anything he'd previously taken. Pressure of the knot against Hermes' prostate brought him closer to orgasm.

Now the Saint Bernard had stopped thrusting. His front claws indented deeply into the flesh of the helpless Great Dane dog-morph beneath him. The Saint Bernard panted in pleasure. His drooling tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle, dribbling saliva onto Hermes' neck. It didn't matter to the Saint Bernard dog what he was mated to - his cock was buried deep in a warm, contracting hole, and he was awash in orgasm. He was pumping his cum into something which rhythmically squeezed around his knot, and that was pure ecstasy for him.

Hermes clenching his sphincter around the growing knot spawned an answering volley of squirts of dog-cum into his bowels. And the resulting pressure of the knot against his prostate amplified his own imminent orgasm. The Saint Bernard's mammoth knot far exceeded anything else Hermes' rectum had contained - fully as large as his two fists clenched together. There was absolutely no possibility a fully-swollen knot that size could pass through his sphincter.

For a worrying moment when the Saint Bernard dog stepped a front paw over Hermes back Hermes thought the dog was going to try to pull free. If it were even possible it was sure to be excruciating and probably damaging. But the swollen knot tugged gently against his prostate and made Hermes gasp in pleasure. The Saint Bernard was turning but not pulling too hard.

The Saint Bernard dog manoeuvred so the two canines were standing butt-to-butt with the dog's cock fully buried inside Hermes. Constant stimulation at last brought Hermes to a shuddering orgasm. He stroked his paw furiously over his knot, squeezing his sheath behind the bulge. His cock jumped and squirted a jet of whitish cum into the grass. The semen was perhaps still a little thicker and a little whiter than normal dog semen, but certainly not as viscid as the earlier plant-modified semen. As the waves of pleasure flowed from his groin, Hermes clenched his sphincter tightly around the knot lodged inside him. In response the Saint Bernard's cock pulsed and pumped.

Both the dogs panted and drooled with pleasure. More than just physical stimulation powered the intensity of Hermes' orgasm. Being bonded so intimately with a dog was emotionally powerful. He had the dog's knot locked inside him with no possibility of release until the dog was entirely satisfied. For the first time in his life Hermes cared about the pleasure he was giving as much as he was receiving. Something (mostly) the same species as him was using him for its pleasure, as much as he was getting pleasure from the dog. Glowing warmth washed through him; fulfilment mixed with passion.

"Ah, there you are. I knew Ollie would track you down. What a good dog!" The voice of his cousin startled Hermes back to awareness.

"Whuh? Huh? Oh. Errr... this isn't what it... urrrrrfff..." Hermes struggled to raise onto all fours for a moment. He experimentally tugged against the massive knot lodged inside him. The pressure stimulated the Saint Bernard boy who responded with a throbbing volley of semen squirting deep into Hermes. The forces pulsing against his prostate brought more waves of orgasm juddering from Hermes' cock. Jets of watery cum squirted into the grass at his cousin's feet.

She grinned, "No, seriously, don't try to get up. You two boys are going to be stuck together for a long while yet. Orlando ties with his bitches (no offence!) for a good thirty minutes before he's done. Believe me, I know how big his knot gets. The poor kid who does the pools is going to be walking funny for a week. Don't worry, Ollie is a polite and patient lover. He'll stand calmly and wont tug too hard until he's completely done and his knot has shrunk."

Hermes flushed with embarrassment at being caught in such an intimate act with a dog, but his body betrayed him. The pleasure was just too intense. His cock jumped and pulsed, watering the grass. When he could focus his eyes again he glanced guiltily up at his cousin. She was a Great Dane morph like him - bipedal but sharing most of her looks with her Great Dane genes. The summer dress she'd work for the reunion billowed. Her pregnancy was well advanced. "Jean, I didn't mean... He's your lover..."

"Oh don't worry about that! I'm happy to share my boy with whomever he wants." Jean reassured her younger relative. She rubbed a paw over her pregnant belly, "He's going to be such a good dad to his pups. Oh, Hermes, hun? Don't tell anyone I said he's the father, 'kay?" She held up a bundle of clothes. "Look, I found pair of pants and a jacket that's should fit you. When you're done we can smuggle you to the spaceport. We'll get you on your way home without the news crews.... Oh shit..." As she was talking they both heard a gaggle of people approaching through the hedge-maze searching for Hermes. "Okay, don't panic, I'll deal with this..."

Jean strode to the near junction of the maze. For a moment Orlando seemed he was going to follow his mistress, but the tugging of his knot lodged in his mated Great Dane dog-morph brought him up short. Hermes groaned at the internal wrenching and subsequent pulsing of the cock in his depths, and the burst of pleasure that made his own cock twitch and squirt.

"Hey! Cant you give a lady a bit of privacy? What're you all doing here?" Jean accosted the approaching crowd, standing just out of view at the junction to their corridor of the maze. Hermes could hear a muttered reply but couldn't make out the words through his haze of orgasm. "No, he's not down here. Try looking in the greenhouse at the far corner of the maze. That's where I'd go if I wanted to hide from onlookers." There was another muttered response from the crowd as they turned to drift away. "Well good luck on your search!" She waited until they'd all dissipated into the maze before returning to the two mated dogs.

"Thank you so much for keeping the onlookers away," Hermes began, "I really couldn't have coped.... Hnnnngg! Ooof!" As Jean returned, her Saint Bernard dog wagged his tail happily and tugged again at his joined mating to Hermes. The internal pulling sensations left the Great Dane dog-morph cumming into the grass. He hung his head and drooled, lost in the prolonged orgasm.

His cousin giggled, "Don't sweat it, kiddo. I'll keep a watch until you're done."

Some time later... Hermes abruptly felt the pressure against his prostate reducing. In a few seconds the giant bulge of the Saint Bernard dog's knot shrank from larger than a softball to barely larger than a golf ball. The relief was sudden and corresponded to his own shrinking knot in his sheath. Orlando shuffled forward, pulling on the flesh joining him to Hermes. With a wet squelch, the shrunken dog cock slithered free of Hermes. His butt-hole gaped - it had been stretched open around the thick shaft of the Saint Bernard's cock for so long he couldn't clench it closed. Watery dog cum flowed liberally down his balls from the pink cavern of his anus. Hermes shuddered at the sudden, overwhelming hollow feeling of emptiness inside him.

The Saint Bernard turned to lick his own cock clean, helping it back into the sheath. Then he lapped at Hermes' still-raised butt. He licked up the semen still dribbling from the dog-morph's open butt-hole. The sensations of tongue lapping inside him threatened to incapacitate Hermes again.

But Jean pulled the Saint Bernard boy away and tossed the bundle of clothes to Hermes. "That's enough, lover boys. Time to get you to safety."


Two months of journeying back home had seemed interminable. Barely a day into the Ultra-space flight there had been another uncomfortable shifting and cramping in Hermes' bowels. He'd staggered to the bathroom, fumbling at his trousers. Almost too late, he'd barely dropped his pants and squatted over the toilet bowl before the first of the seeds slipped free. Another five seeds followed in quick succession. Each expelled seed stimulated Hermes in strangely intimate ways. By the eighth seed, Hermes' cock was hard and squirting again. The experience left him panting and drained. Finally he felt entirely empty and rid of the aliens. His abdomen had returned to its well-toned flatness.

Hermes flushed away the seeds and took a moment to compose himself. He wiped up the semen he'd accidentally squirted against the door. Expelling the last seed had brought on an inexplicable, fleeting orgasm. Then he'd made his way back to his berth for a gloriously boring and uneventful return flight.

Routinely, space liners expel superfluous mass as they travel to reduce power and fuel requirements. The gravity wake of space, tortured at the ships passing, dispersed seven seeds ejected with the other waste. One of the seeds caught in the warped slip-stream of the ship, dragged through space.

Eventually Hermes returned to his home planet. He paused before entering his home watch a bright streak arc across the sky. It was beautiful. _Y'know, things could be worse,_he mused as he stepped out of the night.

Petal-like fragments of the scorched casing slowed the seed. It plopped into rich soil just out of sight of Hermes' shelter.

Exceptional DNA was harvested from each new host whenever the plant spawned. In this generation the plant had harvested some of the unique morphology of its host. At maturity the new trees would have a bulge at the end of each root that could swell like a canine knot, locking the vines into some of the more unwilling hosts.

Things could definitely be worse.

Demon, v2.0a. Important update available.

# Demon, v2.0a. Important update available. # Chapter 1. Clouds scudded beneath him as he soared in the blue above. True freedom! The warm breeze undulated over his naked flesh. Naked? Oh hell, he'd forgotten to put clothes on. Never mind - Hermes...

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## Chapter 1. According to the tracker display the tagged creatures were converging to one location. Hermes adjusted the device to overlay all the channels onto a single image. With their history for each creature also overlaid on the graphic it...

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