Shower Moments

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#3 of Scraps and Shorts

A lovely dragoness has a surprise run in with her sister in the shower.

With a stretch and a yawn the sleepy dragon looked in the mirror. What stared back was a very pleasing sight. A lovely sight stared back at her. Red hair cascaded down over her shoulders as her green eyes traced her plush curves down her body. Her heavy breasts hung gently as she shook her chest shaking them back and forth. She grinned happily as her white breasts shook. Her eyes ran lower down her soft belly and wide hips. She had a lovely feminine figure. She traced her eyes between her legs where something else was swinging. She was a herm between her legs hung a thick cock and two extra large eggs in a white pouch. Her balls bounced off her golden thighs softly as she shook her hips. With a happy sigh the sleepy dragon went to hop in the shower only to come face to face with a pair of angry golden eyes. "...What are you doing," growled a red dragon at her. Thaita paused suddenly awake and very aware of the danger glaring at her. "Sis....I'm so AWWWWWWwwwwww letgletgoletgletgo letgletgoletgletgo," she began to plead before her testicles were pulverized against her thick thigh. A red hand ground the white eggs mercilessly. "What the fuck did you think would happen perv," said Thaita's sister glared at the golden dragon that was weakly trying to pry her hand off. "Sis...please you're...." she started to say before a twist sent a jolt of renewed pain through the dragon's system. "I'm what....CRUSHING them?" she said pressing harder into Thaita's thigh. The white eggs quivered under her fist they flattened out. Tears welled up in the dragon's eyes as she pleaded with her sister to stop crushing her balls. With a frustrated sigh Yoalla dropped her fist letting the white eggs reform as her sister dropped to the ground clutching her busted eggs. "Seriously Thaita don't tell me you didn't hear the shower running," Yoalla huffed closing the curtain on her sister. "Why do you always hit me there," she cried out cradling her balls. "Lets be fair its not just there I hit you," relied her sister peaking through the curtains. "Aww come on not the boobs again," cried out Thaita scrambling away from the shower before Yoalla could decide to take a second shot at the female's parts. "Don't leave I expect you to be there with a towel. If you're going insist on perving on your sister I might as well get some use out of it," she said to Thaita. Thaita quietly tried to sneak out of the bathroom. Slowly she stood up and gently pressed down on the door handle hoping that she could sneak away and save her balls from further abuse. "Oh siiisssss could you come here please? Your loving, caring, helpless sister needs your assistance," came an innocent sounding voice over the shower curtains. Thaita froze her heart hammered away in her chest. Suddenly the curtain opened and Yoalla's head peaked out. "Oh you wouldn't happen to have to be anywhere. It would really be a bad thing to abandon your helpless sister now would you," she said the threat looming in her voice as it gripped the gold dragon's white eggs. Slowly she walked closer dreading what pain awaited her as her large testicles swung loosely between her golden thighs.

She drew ever closer as she braced herself for that red fist to come flying out seeking to pulp her eggs without mercy. It was all Thaita could do to not flee to try to save herself, but she knew that it would delay her sister on attacking. Once was close enough Yoalla held the shower open for her sister. "Come join me I need to wash my wings and back," she said without malice. Thaita stammered as her sister's very athletic body came into full view. Powerful muscles lay hidden beneath her red scales and similarly white belly that Thaita had. Yoalla had very pert and small breasts that sat high and firm on her chest. The red dragon had a very athletic body that Thaita found quite attractive in spite of their relations. Thaita could feel her member twitch at the other female's athletic body. "Come on don't dally," said Yoalla shivering against the cold air. She quickly reached out and snagged the first thing should could grab and dragged Thaita into the shower. With a pained yelp the golden dragon felt her left nipple get suddenly yanked painfully into the shower. The rest of the dragon swiftly followed suit. Yoalla quickly shut the shower curtain trapping the two in the hot shower. "Ohhhh why did you yank that," moaned Thaita cupping her breast. "I always aim for the center of mass," replied red giggling as she turned around. "Not funny," pouted Thaita, The red dragon flared her wings out after handing the soap back to Thaita. "Hush now you're proud of them don't deny it," she said tracing her tail up the Thaita's tail. Thaita quickly squirted some soap into her hand began rubbing it on her sister's shoulders in a gentle massage. Yoalla let out a happy sigh as her stiff muscles were massaged gently. "Oh you've really got a soft touch sis," she said as the golden dragon continued working away down her sister's spine. Once Thaita was done with her sister's back she went to work on the leathery wings her sister bore. Yoalla quivered as the gentle touch was almost too much. Her wings shook as Thaita gently washed her sister's red and black wings. Once she finished the red dragon suddenly pressed herself back against the gold dragon. Smooshing her generous breasts Yoalla grinned at Thaita as she was unsure of what happening. "You know you're really quite beautiful," she said rubbing herself against the dragon. Thaita moaned softly and mumbled her thanks. She was quite distracted by the red dragon's wings rubbing against her nipples the soap acting as a effective lubricant. Thaita felt her cock begin to stiffen. She began to panic. If her sister suddenly felt something poking her Thaita would probably lose her balls right then and there. Before Thaita could bolt her sister quickly turned around and pressed herself close to Thaita. The dragon's heart pounded away behind her breasts as she was waiting for the blissful moment to end with her eggs being pasted across her sisters red knee. Instead of pain she felt a warm hand cradle her precious seed banks gently rolling them around. Thaita moaned softly as the red dragon slid her paw up towards Thaita's cock as it twitched happily pre dribbled out of the female's member as Yoalla's red paw slid along the very sensitive flesh. Her other hand worked its way up towards around the dragon's white breast finding the sensitive nub and began gently tweaking the female's nub. "Like I was saying you're very attractive so lets have a little fun in here. It'll be our little secret," whispered Yoalla squeezing the female's large breast illiciting another moan from Thaita. The gold dragon closed her eyes as her sister slowly increased her pace around the dragon's cock. It wasn't going to take the golden dragon long at all to finish at this pace. As she drew closer she quietly vocalized her pleasure. "oh sis I...I'm so...close..I...I'm gonna cu" she said her breathing rapidly quickening. Her chest heaved as her body readied to explode. Her eggs drew close against her body as Thaita quickly grasped her other breasts and began rapidly squeezing her chest. Her mouth opened as her orgasm began. Thaita's pleasure ended abruptly when her sister's knee slammed into her white eggs with a sickening wet crunch. She looked at her sister with a pained look of confusion on her face. She slowly sunk to the ground once Yoalla withdrew her knee. Thaita desperately clutched at what remained of her eggs as she fell to her knees. Tears rolled down her face as Yoalla quickly stepped out of the shower humming happily ignoring her sisters suffering in shower. "That was fun we should do that again," she said before shutting the door to leave the golden dragon to fall forward onto her melons crushing them painfully against the floor.