DDD Day 24 Fenix's Shocking Sterilization
The jester-like rabbit uses grindr to find a date he can ballbust; he finds a very hot guy who looks like a prime target! little does he know, he's the one who's about to fall into a trap~ fenix belongs to yonbun! want more?
Learning the Hard Way
As any real ballbuster will tell you, spend enough time crushing one pair of balls and you really get to know 'em backwards and forwards.
Coming to Grips
[Gift] Relief by preeunuch
#3 of popping the question preeunuch -- https://preeunuch.tumblr.com -- is one of my favorite active ballbusting writers right now.
A Dino’s Normal day with his balls
Always really massive but his takes that to a new level, if other dino's where mistaken, his balls could have been wrecking balls in disguise they hung low and proud with their size being that of other dino's, which would be amazing if his tribe didn't value ballbusting
A Man and his Iceberg Testicles
His fifth and final place of the underground league and three professional ballbusting women stepped forward, a lopunny, a nidoqueen, and a kangaskhan, needless to say he feared for his balls livelihood, and the three women plotted together as the greninja's
Running of the balls 2
And failed as the wolf had his balls doge the pole, the rat was less lucky but could brace for it, but the goat couldn't brace his balls for the impact of the pole and slowed down a little like the rat and over the course of that event the running tally of ballbusting
The ballbusting Olympic balls torch lighting
Story for each of the races, for it was tradition for this to have happen and many thinking that it was the line of thinking that they lit a man's balls on fire and thus had to get ballbusted in a different way for lighting the testicular torch on fire,
DDD Day 21 Billie and Lucky's Skee-Ballbusting
Now, it was nearing 6 pm - a full eight-hour shift of ballbusting, and unfortunately for both of them, the skee ball attraction was the most popular one in the student council chambers.
She bit her lip, clearly turned on. "...have you heard of ballbusting?"
April Jewels: (1) Sneaky
Today was april 1st, and thus the start of "april jewels" -- ballbusting's answer to the blue-balled agonies of no-nut november.
Pokemon ballbusting blurbs: #9-10 (+ MLP bonus snippet #2)
All those 'mon balls aren't going to abuse themselves :p note to furry ballbusting enthusiasts: **go check out the furry ballbusting forum! ** [http://furrybb.myforum.ro](http://furrybb.myforum.ro).