Defeated Heart

Story by Ivory Nightway on SoFurry

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#1 of Dark Poems

This is a poem I wrote quite some time ago during one of my early, long distance, relationships. Fair warning, may not be all that great. I was not very kind to myself, and sometimes others, at the time. (Edited to add a missing part to the poem ending)

My brains says to move on

To accept that its chance is gone

To know who lost and won

But my heart doesn't want to know

That the curtains have dropped on this show

Maybe it's just waiting for more

Waiting for the crowd to call 'encore!'

What it doesn't know is this

The crowd completely missed

What the show had been about

What it believed without a doubt.

The crowd grasped some part

The story of this heart

It didn't like what it heard

And left without a single word

This heart's been rejected

Its agony perfected

Its dreams shattered

Its pieces scattered.

My brain says get a grip

Get a thread and mend the rip

But my heart's in denial

Its self-imposed exile

It continues to weep

And regrets that it took the leap

To say aloud that it's in LOVE

And believe luck watched from above.

All the while it didn't heed

That no one cared for its needs

And now it's been woken

And brutally broken.

Nobody called the nurse

So now it awaits the hearse

To come and bury it away

Because now it can't even pray

The crowd laughed at its grief

And expected it to get relief

Well, here's a new flash

It felt like a car crash.

It got what it deserved

To even have had the nerve

To think it might be accepted

White it knew it would be rejected

The brain was right all along

My heart is right where it belongs.

Where it can't be seen or heard

Where it can't fly off like a bird

Where its ugly form is all it'll see

And never in false hopes, believe.

Where it will think it has moved on

And engage once more in hopeful song

Just to realize it's unwanted

And by the reality, be haunted

Where it will wither away

Craving for one happier day.

Even though it won't tell

I'll tell you that it fell

It failed to own the crowd

When it proclaimed to be in love aloud.

Now it's dying

For love, crying

Well, accept it, believe it:

You've been defeated.