The Missing Son, Chapter 29

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#30 of Missing Son

The year is 2043, and the Orrs live a good life in San Francisco, they have successful jobs and sons, and yes, plenty of sex.

But this story isn't about them.

Now that he has his own phone, Patrick hands the number out to the people who can use it and finds out something about that that isn't usual

The is a first draft of what is the first Orr Family Chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (No dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.

This is an Orr Story, so you can expect gay sex to happen at some point, but it is not the focus of the story.

As always, if you want to support me, and get very early access to the stories I am writing, please visit my Patreon: for 1$ a month you will get exclusive access to the Tiranis stories

The Missing Son 29

"Hey Don," Patrick said as he peeked in the panda's office. "I have a phone, you want the number?"

"'bout time you got one, give it to me." The panda took his out.


"And you're going to keep it on you?"

Patrick pulled it out of his pocket. "Yeah."

"Good. Could mean more work for you if I can reach you at a moment's notice. By the way, Malcolm did a decent job, but I'd prefer you don't abandon your post like that. You and the girls have a good working relationship."

"Don't worry. That was a one-time thing." He went and sat at the bottom of the stairs. The night was quiet, the customers behaved, the two guys who tried to get in with fake IDs didn't make a fuss when he caught them.

The next morning, he woke up to another dream with his fathers. He'd been walking by their room, the door partially opened, and he'd heard their grunting. He looked in and they were having sex. The one on the bottom looked at him and invited him in. Patrick joined them, and then he was lying between them, both grinding against him.

He felt one of them enter him, and he woke up.

His cock was hard. He had a sense that if he hadn't woken up just then, a moment later he would have been in the throw of an orgasm. His cock wouldn't be ignored. He needed to cum. For one moment he wasn't sure he should do it, since he knew he'd think of his fathers, but decided it didn't matter, he wasn't hurting anyone.

Once showered and dressed he had a quick breakfast and headed to the junkyard, where he gave Joey his number. The bulldog entered it in his phone, then had a perplexed expression.

"Huh. Just how did you score this number?"

"It's just the one I got, why?"

"It's your name. Check it. if you punch your name, it matches to the numbers you gave me."

Joey was right, Patrick hadn't noticed before.

"So how did you manage that?"

Patrick shrugged. "My brother got it for me."

"He must have paid a lot for it."

"What do you mean?"

"You know numbers are assigned randomly, right?"

Patrick shrugged. He'd never thought about it.

"Well, if you want specific numbers, like to spell a name, you have to pay. The more numbers you need, the more expensive it is, and on top of that the more numbers you want, the less chances are it's even going to be available. Your name needs all the numbers, that means there's only one of it in our area code. You were doubly lucky, you had someone willing to spend the money and it was available."

"How much money are you talking about?"

"I don't know for the full number, but when I got mine for this place I wanted it to have Joey, or Junk in it. Four digits would have cost me five grand, and that was ten years ago."

Patrick cursed. He didn't want them spending money on him. He headed for the door.

"Hey, since your here, you want to work?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute, I need to make a call." He stepped outside and called Arthur.

"Hi Patrick," his brother said.

"Arthur, why did you-"

"Arthur can't answer his phone right now, he is in his," There was a hiccup, "biology," another hiccup, "class. I've made a note of your call and unless this is an emergency, I will notify him as soon as his class ends. Is this an emergency?"

"No." He disconnected.

Joey walked out of the office. "Ready?"

"Tell me it's heavy lifting. I need to burn off some anger."

"It is. I have a client coming in the afternoon who is looking to get some old Westinhome appliances for one of his customers. He said he'd probably take whatever I have that's in good condition. Since you're here I figure we can start sorting them right now, make it easier for him, and make sure he takes as many of them as I have, and not just what he can reach while he's here."

Patrick was happy to do the work. It was almost noon when his phone buzzed. He was hot, sweaty, but at least no longer angry. It was Arthur.

"Hi Arthur."

"Hey Pat. Sorry I didn't call back sooner, but I only have five minutes to get from one class to the next I didn't want to run the risk I'd have to cut your call short."

"It's probably for the best. I might have bit your head off earlier."

"What's wrong?"

"I know about my phone number."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb Arthur. If you're going to try to pull one over on me have the decency of owning up to it when you're caught."

Arthur sighed. "So it's your name, what's the big deal?"

"I know it wasn't cheap."


"Damn it, Arthur. I don't want you spending that kind of money on me. How much was it?"

"I don't know."


"I mean it. I don't know. I just requested it, and it's going to be on the next bill."

"You're getting our dad to foot the bill?"

"They're not going to mind."

"How the H..." Patrick shut up. Arthur was silent while he forced himself to calm down. "Arthur. How can you know they won't mind?"

"For one thing we all have personalized numbers, so it makes sense you have one too and I doubt they're even going to notice it on there."

"How can they miss extra thousands on their phone bill?"

"Okay, fine, they're going to see it, but they won't care, it isn't like fifty grands is a lot of money."

Patrick couldn't believe what he'd just heard. With that kind of money, he could buy his moms house, she wouldn't have to pay rent anymore. it would be one less bill she'd have to worry about.

He went to speak, but he wasn't holding his phone. It was in the dirt. he picked it up. "Never again. Do you hear me?" he growled. "You are never going to spend money on me again, do you hear me?"


"No Arthur. You are going to swear to me you're not ever going to spend money on me like that."

Arthur was silent. "How about for Christmas?"

"No, not for Christmas, not for my birthday, not for fucking give money to you brother day. Never. Swear it."

"I swear." In the silence that followed Patrick thought he could hear Arthur sniffle. "I'm sorry."

Patrick hadn't meant to hurt him. "I know, but Arthur, you need to understand that I don't see money the way you do. I have to scrounge for every dollar I have. When you dump something like this on me, it makes me feel like you're trying to buy my affection."

"I'm not."

"I know, but that's how it feels to me, I can't help that. I don't want this need to pay you back to conflict with my desire to be part of your family." Patrick breathed silently, trying to figure something. "If I change my number for one that's free, will you get the money back?"

"No, it's billed on activation, and since you've used it I don't think we could even convince them it was a mistake."

"Alright, I'm stuck with it, I'll find a way to deal with this. I've had to deal with much worse than having a number I can't afford. Just do me a favor, tell the others, okay? I don't want to have to go through something like this with each one of them."

"I will. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You made a mistake, I know it. God knows I've made my share of them. I'm not really angry Arthur, this was just a shock."

"Okay." His brother didn't sound like himself.

"Arthur, how about I call you tomorrow? You don't have classes at this time, right?"

"You don't have to. You don't have to feel obligated to talk with me."

"I'm not. I really like you, and I'd like to talk with you again. How about we chat every day?"

"Really? you'd like to talk every day?"

"Yes, I want to get to know my brother and what better way than talking for that to happen?"

"Yes, Sure. I'd love that. it couldn't always be at this time, on Thursdays I have a class at this hour, I have to take a late lunch on that day."

"Okay, so I'll call later on Thursdays."

"Actually, let me send you my schedule, that way you won't have to remember."

"Arthur, It's okay." His phone beeped to inform him he'd received a message. Patrick chuckled.

"Shit, I have to go. My chemistry partner needs my help. Thank you for understanding Pat, and I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. I'll talk with you tomorrow."

The call disconnected.

Patrick looked at his phone. Fifty thousand dollar. This thing was worth fifty thousand dollar. Shit, he couldn't walk about with it. It looked like it was worth a lot of money. now he really had to buy himself a phone, something cheap. He'd have to call Rich to find out how to redirect the calls.

He gingerly put the phone his in jacket and moved that further away. He didn't want to risk breaking it.