Abandoned Story - Dragon TF journal
#3 of Scraps
Since I started writing I always wanted to write a slow and detailed transformation, something that got into the integrate details of the change and how it felt. I understood this would be very wordy however, so when I gave it an attempt in 2013; I decided a journal style of writing would help break it up into manageable chunks.
The story was about an in the field researcher who would be transformed into any species that was to be studied, later turned back after having lived amongst them long enough to write a decent report. This would give them insight into the animals behaviour and life that would be compromised if humans were known to be near by. They would be observed by one of their own.
The meat of the story was to be the researchers gradual transformation into a dragon, ending with her release into the wild. I then later humoured the idea of a sequel; were she became too invested in her new self and set out to abandon her former species. I had high hopes for this story, even getting a cover image commissioned from K-Libra for when it was done.http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12677128/ (NSFW)
However as they say, best not count your chickens before they hatch... I hit writers block and just couldn't recover to continue this story, which was a shame. From now on I'll refrain from getting a cover image commissioned until I at least have a full WIP of the story already made.
Hopefully I can make another attempt at a slow gradual change story in the future.
-Booting... optical GUI loaded, please follow setup procedure...
-Registration successful, Sarah Allinson.
-Journal, 2nd Aug 2157, entry _.
-Open record.
Yesterday they installed my neural optical interface and the setup procedure was thankfully completed without incident. I must admit I'm somewhat unnerved about having my brain cybernetically augmented, but these tools are quickly becoming the standard in this occupation, I suppose it's about time I became up to date. Despite my concern about these foreign technological elements now taking up residency in my head, I must admit I am excited about the functionality they have to offer.
Previously my experiences in the field had to be recalled after the fact, resulting in hazy and unreliable reports. Now I can make journal entries on the fly while I'm in the field and have them transmitted simultaneously. This isn't the sort of work where you can take a computer and make regular records after all. Rare is a species with opposable thumbs, never mind it attracting the attention of the natives.
I'll take a few days to become accustomed to the interface. I keep getting the urge to reach out and touch menu options, having to remind myself that they are being superimposed onto my vision and interacted with by thought. I'll also have to become more aware of what I'm doing while using the interface, as a man approached me earlier about me looking and pointing his way. In fact I was looking through the configuration options...
A couple of hours of playing around with them each day should reinforce its proper use.
-Journal, 7th Aug 2157, entry _.
-Open record.
I am perhaps becoming too accustomed to my new toy. There have been a few incidents when I became distracted and ended up neglecting the people I was supposed to be talking to. I've been reminded that what awaits me will require serious mental preparation and I shouldn't spend counseling meetings unproductively.
I don't wish to sound ungrateful, I realise psychological evaluation is mandatory. But this isn't the first time I've been employed in a role such as this. I fully comprehend what is expected and how it may affect me. The first time is always the most difficult and potentially frightening, but I have four species under my belt now, two of which were taken into the field. I'm not going to have a panic attack or break down, so let's just get the bureaucracy over with so we can move on.
-Additional, Closed record.
I've found the private sub folder, where I can make journal entries that can only be viewed by myself. While the goal is to document my observations and experiences a level of privacy is essential, as not all things recorded for future reference are relevant to my role, not everything should be shared.
There is one aspect of this job I am still not entirely comfortable with... What I'm not looking forward to is the suppressant implant I'll be getting next week.
I recognise its necessity in suppressing the drives of the species, but I always feel some motion sickness while it is in effect. It's like my experiences aren't quite in sync with my body, flesh and mind are unsteady with each other. Of all the implants it's this one I have to show the most tolerance towards, despite understanding it's an important aid to effective control.
-Journal, 21st Aug 2157, entry _.
-Open record
At last I've been approved! All necessary implants have been tested and found functioning, I've come through the psychological assessments, things can finally start for real. They've already informed me which of their facilities I'll be staying at for the duration of my conversion. There is nothing I can bring with me so there is no packing to do. I'll inform the housekeeper I've already arranged when to start.
I must admit I'm looking forward to it, this will be my largest form yet.
-Journal, 3rd Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
This is my first night at the companies facility. I have a spacious open plan and medically equipped room all to myself, might as well enjoy the comfort while I can as this will not remain the case. Not that I can wander far with this drip in my arm slowly feeding me mutagenic chemicals.
The first night is always one that leaves me feeling all tingly with butterflies dancing in my chest, my breaths shallow and frequent, it's quite a magical feeling. As if my very flesh knew what was awaiting it and was eager to get started.
For the time being I am to wear a papery hospital robe, it is very airy so I'm thankful this facility is well heated. It is suitable in keeping me shame free until a time when that is no longer a concern, without placing any fabric restrictions on my body throughout the process.
Everything feels so vivid, as if my body wishes that I take notice, to be remembered before we part. So despite the surprisingly luxurious double bed that has been provided; I doubt I'll sleep well tonight. I'll try nevertheless.
-Journal, 4th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
Ah yes... day two hangover. I woke with such a migraine this morning, something that was thankfully anticipated by my employers and the lighting was kept dimmed. The first introduction of those chemicals to your system is always a shock, one you just have to become tolerant of as these chemicals will be saturating me for many coming weeks.
I won't be detoxing from them any time soon, so this morning hangover will be routine for the next couple of days while my system becomes used to it. Of course, they just keep upping the dosage as a new tolerance threshold is reached. I know from experience it becomes easier later on, the headaches are never as bad as the first couple of days.
Breakfast was a protein rich nutrient paste in portions I am not accustomed to. It was difficult to keep down simply because of the sheer quantity I was required to consume. There seemed to be no set guidelines, they were simply seeing how much they could get down me without vomiting.
I'm not averse to eating meaty foods, it seemed to make up a majority portion of this highly processed substance. I would say I would never look at meat again after this binge, but there will be many meals like this for the foreseeable future. I was told once my changes had properly started; that I would feel like I couldn't eat enough. Bring on those days... For now it will just be going straight onto my gut and hips.
I understand that I am accustomed to species roles that are either similar or smaller in size to the human body. Nutritional needs were minimal, a lot of the raw materials were already held within myself so daily feeding wasn't this much of a chore. This role however will require me to put on a lot of mass, it will tower above anything I have previously experienced.
I'll try to keep that in mind while holding down that smelly red paste...
-Journal, 9th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
I've put on weight, which is to be expected given my diet the last couple of days. My limbs are feeling chunkier and my stomach visibly more plump. I honestly think this is standard weight gain rather than anything to do with my changes, it's still too early for that.
It is strange that I would feel awkward about fattening when I'm in the process of converting into a completely different species. But that's different. None human anatomy is just that, not mine. It's why nudity isn't so off putting in that state. Right now I'm a more rounded human specimen amongst judgemental humans. Having female nurses examining me doesn't make it any less awkward, I'm sure they are secretly mocking my curves.
It's puppy fat that will be shed later. Hopefully I don't become much rounder before then.
-Journal, 15th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
Today I woke with such a hunger. For once I was requesting additional portions rather than they trying to force them down me.
I'm told after today's physical examination that my muscles are showing signs of changing. It's too subtle for me to notice in the mirror, although I can feel it. They're not so much bigger as denser. Touching my arm feels firmer, like I had been working out. Feeling under my thin robe, there was lean but hard muscles across my chest. Disguised only by my still fair feminine skin layered over a powerful suit of muscle.
Strength tests showed considerable gains but nothing outside human capability as of yet.
If I was an athlete I would be surely banned from competing for abusing mutagenic enhancements. In this role that isn't a concern, I could enjoy my free athletic body. Not that anyone who competed in sport could be compared with some of the things I could do in previous species roles. The most trained athlete couldn't out jump or run some of the things I have been.
I felt powerful today, and this is only the beginning.
-Journal, 19th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
Those muscles have continued developing, fuelled by the nutrient paste which I now find my appetite for quite insatiable. They keep a bowl near by and I just help myself as needed.
The exotic muscle structure is suitably developed now that it is deforming the shape of my skin and changes are finally showing through. My hips have fattened but they are solid, it's no longer puppy fat under there. Any bulge in muscle has become exaggerated, though more stretched over the limb than typically in humans. I feel hulkish, but only in sensation. In appearance my muscle structure simply looks odd rather than huge, it doesn't portray the feeling of immense strength I myself am experiencing.
Though the changes are not limited there. My elbows and knees are broader, having a bigger surface area than prior. This gives them a sense of increased durability, of thickness to my arms and legs. I also bear the beginning of claws on my hands and feet, the fingernails fusing with my skin to form more pointed tips. Although I cannot be sure, I also get the impression that my lower torso is ever so slightly longer. That I have more length in waist than I had before. Though no doctor has confirmed that for me as of yet.
Together the reptilian nature of my target species is beginning to show through. Laying here in bed is difficult at times, these muscles are screaming out to be tested, if only to run and jump and see how far I go. I have been promised another strength assessment but not just yet.
A less experienced person in my position may be tempted to do some damage to the room. To kick or throw something, just to see what you are now capable of. But I'm a professional, it is why I was selected for this role, I will not let these feelings get on top of me.
Besides, I have no interest in giving reason for the suppressant implant to be activated any earlier than needed. The doctors have been made aware that it makes me feel rather nauseous, so they promised only to activate it when deemed necessary. All the incentive needed to behave myself.
Going to bed this night, I notice some mild pointing of my teeth and an enlargement to the iris of my eyes. It's exciting to see things finally moving forward in a timely manner, these changes weren't present this morning.
-Additional 2
My sleep was disturbed when I woke with considerable lower back pain. I was initially disorientated and confused, as is typical when waking up and not being familiar with the changes that occurred overnight. But this time I was in darkness, I didn't know where I was or why I felt so strange. I tried to get up, only to yank the needle in my arm and scream.
The lights turned on and some staff assisted me promptly. I caused some minor injuries to my arm, which were quickly cleaned and eased with medical sprays. They reconnected the drip and gave me something for the pain before escorting me back to my bed.
My crotch was exposed during this whole event I'm rather ashamed to say. In my daze I repeatedly tried to pull the thin papery robe down over it, but it didn't seem as long as I remembered. I tore it slightly in my efforts so ceased, I just wanted to get back to bed, some lower body nudity was secondary to that.
I'm exhausted but just cannot get back to sleep after that incident. Thankfully this journal can be updated with my eyes closed while laying in bed, something to keep my mind occupied.
Let's turn this off and give sleeping another go...
-Journal, 20th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
Reviewing last nights journel, the source of my embarrassing exposure has become quite clear this morning.
Torso lengthening has lifted my robe higher, but not enough to expose me. That honour goes to the beginnings of a tail that now decorates my rear, which was holding up the cloth at the back. I've changed but not enough to be happy to shed the robe just yet, so I've requested a new one be put together that will accommodate further body lengthening and my new limb.
I must admit I've missed having one. A tail, that is. Presently only a couple of inches long, it has minimal flexibility but is sufficient in reclaiming those old sensations I used to enjoy in prior forms. It's a good indication that my changes are not just flesh deep, structural changes are occurring beneath and I look forward to seeing them emerge.
-Journal, 21st Sep 2157, entry _.
-Closed record
Just earlier I made a fool of myself... A cute male doctor was talking to me, the sort of friendly way professional doctors do were it seems like a casual conversation. Really it's just a well trained technique to keep the patient occupied while they're being assessed. Absent mindedly, I started flirting with him... Which he humoured, as part of keeping me entertained while he read my vitals and asked me questions. He played along while I chatted him up, I semi realising what I was doing.
And then came the nude examination... I was silent during that.
I'm sure he was very impressed with me, I'm sure I was a prime specimen of femininity. Perhaps not human femininity, but feminine none the less. I'm sure there is some species out there that would have appreciation for the physique I'm acquiring but I don't think he would be interested.
I'm not upset about no longer being attractive, it would be delusional to think I would be at this stage. I'm just angry at myself for forgetting that, leading to the awkwardness while being examined.
He wasn't looking at me, he's looking at what I am becoming.
-Journal, 24th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
I've already outgrown the robe I was given a few days ago. This new addition is baggy on me, but given the growth spirt I have been experiencing; it shouldn't take too long to fill out. It's quite peculiar to be able to see the tops of everyone's head. I'm now having to look down on everyone; which is a new experience for me. Being so tall feels empowering.
I'm starting to think all the food is going straight to this tail. In only four days it is now testing the floor behind me, its tip occasionally flicking across the cool tiles as it sways. The first time it didn't half give me a fright, you just don't expect to feel cold way back there.
I think this is the largest tail I've ever had. Its thickness is rapidly consuming the area of my buttocks and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. A glimpse under my hospital robe showed it has even begun to invade my front. At this rate I won't have a crotch or backside, just a tail with two legs dangling either side. Things are very different down there... which is to be expected. Reptile anatomy is just new to me, it has qualities that vary greatly from the mammals I am used to.
That is not to say the changes the last few days are limited to just my tail. The tails invasion of my crotch is made all the more evident by the increased spacing of my hips. Legs whose anatomy is rapidly losing their mammal characteristics. I do find myself semi squatting, my knees facing outward, which isn't too much trouble because the muscles are appropriately strengthened. Cuts have been made where each leg comes in contact with the robe, allowing them to pass through without lifting the cloth. Giving me a valuable piece that can dangle between my legs and maintain my dignity.
Digitigrade legs aren't particularly associated with reptiles, but they are with this species. It was awkward to stand initially, but my toes soon acquired a larger surface area as they stretched and fattened. Somewhere between a lizards claw and a paw, most curious and interesting to flex and play with. The heavy tail usefully accommodating this new posture as it developed. I so enjoy its powerful swaying, how with instinct it would flick and rise to automatically balance myself with each wobbly step. Though I don't think the house keepers shared my enthusiasm, as it would knock items from tables and disrupt furniture in my wake.
I needn't worry about my belly at this point, its fatty stores absorbed and redistributed to fuel these new powerful limbs. Not that I had what you would call a belly in the traditional sense. That distinguishable curve is being smoothed out across my entire body, its button totally erased, my waist fattening to level out my sides. It's making my torso smooth, lean and curveless. All that disrupted my seamless underside was two nippled mounds on my chest, but in time I know they too will go.
I spent a good part of today sitting at the dresser table, staring into the mirror. My eyes are getting larger and those iris are such a brilliantly deep blue. You really have to sit in wonder at times, examine the fangs, have a good look for any structural changes to your face. But not just the face, I spent so much time fussing over it that I almost didn't notice my longer neck. How under the hair it was beginning to curve into my head rather than sit under it.
That discovery somehow made my tail whip, that poor assistent went flying! Really, I didn't know they were back there. With my body changing so rapidly, I am not quite in control of the still developing body language. Until I am accustomed to controlling it; staff have been advised to keep a distance when behind me. The tail simply moves too quickly for them to get out of its way.
I must be quite a sight at this point. Although the target is for a pure breed, I do have an appreciation for the artistic qualities of being in mid transition. It's fascinating to see how the anatomy of both species accommodate each others existence until one can replace the other. It's something I'm eager to watch develop further.
I'm sure the psychologists read these journals, assessing my mental state during my transformation. I hope they take them on board when considering to what setting the suppressant implant is configured. I'm really quite comfortable and in control, I hope I don't become so displaced from this body that it affects my performance in this role.
-Journal, 26th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
I awoke today to see something hovering before my face. Carefully rolling the drip along with me in one hand, I wobbled over to the dresser table in excitement to see what last night had to offer me. Each day captures a little of that Christmas feeling, the rush to find what presents have been left for you upon fresh waking.
I had to hunch over to bring my face fully into view within the mirror. I have such large and pretty eyes, but I am pleased to finally see some muzzle development in my face. My nose is slightly sunken and the nostrils are more oval, my face pushed out just slightly. It made me smile, revealing rows of sharp teeth but there was a cuteness to the expression. I suppose you have to be used to such sights to understand.
What particularly caught my attention while moving my face is the odd glistening of reflected light. My cheeks sparkle slightly, the hint of rainbow colours to it. Wafer thin transparent scales are forming here and there, yet to acquire any colour but suitably gleaming to be decorative. Further inspection revealed areas of shimmering reflections across my body. My meaty hips have a rainbow sheen to them, as does my tail when it catches the light just right.
Looking back at my tail colourfully rocking side to side in the morning sun, something else was brought to my attention. A distortion in how my thin robe fell over my back, a bulge where there shouldn't be. Twisting my waist; I managed to bring just over my shoulder into view of the mirror. I felt over the lump through the robe, then inspected my other side to find one there as well. My excitement grew, I knew exactly what these were, and it was about time.
Pulling the cloth over me and off; a shimmery underbelly took presence in the mirrors reflection. My breasts and their nipples mere remnants of their former selves, a long sleek stomach and pushed out chest eroded my femininity. But what I was more interested in seeing were the latest additions on my back.
I admired my immature wings with what was undoubtedly a silly toothy grin. Not that I could see my face in the mirror any longer, you could just feel these things. They were small and pitiful, barely what you would call wings. But I could make them twitch and that was a start, it was more what they represented that attracted my admiration. I had never been a flying animal before, and this creature in particular had the benefit of wings without losing its forelegs. A six limbed flying reptile, seven if you included the tail. It was different and exotic, I couldn't wait to begin the training.
Sadly that was as far as my fantasies got. Before I could even daydream about flying, the stool in which I sat creaked its last and collapsed beneath me. The tail followed, shattering a glass table behind me. I'm built quite sturdy now so I wasn't hurt, but I was quite embarrassed when staff flocked into the room to find me stripped on all fours on top wooden rubble. Not that enough of my former self was left for nudity to be a concern, but I'm used to my robe and I felt naked sitting there with them fussing over me.
I'm not fat... but there is a certain expectation of weight when you're on your way to becoming a dragon and that particular furniture wasn't up to the task. I'll refrain from putting my full weight on anything else from now on, I think I'm long past sitting on chairs anyway.
With the wings beginning to develop I think I'm passed covering up. Accommodating further changes will become increasingly difficult going forward. Despite my initial reluctance, observing myself in the mirror showed little of my remaining mammal nudity is present. It's just me feeling awkward at this stage. What is there will soon be gone, reptile nudity is actually quite concealed so I'll feel less exposed as it continues to take dominance.
I've informed the staff I won't be needing any additional hospital robes, and I'm trying to resist the urge to cover up what remains of my breasts, they're hardly anything at this stage. The vent on my rear will also become less obvious when the scales have fully established.
-Additional, Closed record.
There's no shame now Sarah, remember this isn't the real you.
-Journal, 27th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Open record
Those scales are spreading like something nasty I've caught. While pretty, they're also quite agitating and the staff have warned me against scratching. Especially given the claws I bear as it would be fairy easy to cause some damage. Not that this has stopped me carefully scraping them across my skin... If I do it with the back of my hand, I'm unlikely to catch any of them with the curved tips of a claw. I just have to be gentle and aware of what I'm doing...
I'm keeping myself under the covers for today, this mornings headache has been persistent... That and its alternative cloth now I'm no longer clothed.
I know what I said yesterday. A little extra time covered for any remaining human femininity to disappear will do my peace of mind some good. My breasts are now flat, just some residual nipples that are on their way out. They have no sensation, no different than any other piece of skin, so it shouldn't be long now.
Not that I can remain in bed much longer as it is becoming cramped, I can get in it if I hold my legs up but it's not longer as spacious as I remembered. This frame while solid offers a not very reassuring creak whenever I move. I do think it will hold, but I'm going to need alternative accommodation soon.I doubt it will support very much more gain in my weight over the coming days. The creaking is particularly unnerving when a itchy twinge makes me jump, sending my tail whipping from one side of the beds end to the other. I think the end of my bed has been deemed a hazard area, staff passing it do so swiftly to reach the safety of the sides.
I can feel and see that my muzzle is longer, but I don't wish to leave these covers so inspection will be left for another time. For now I'm preoccupied with trying to keep my head down while my skin feels like it's crawling...
-Additional, Closed record.
My heart is racing! I couldn't sleep, my head ached and I itched so and...
This is a closed record, so I'll be honest.
I was laying in the dark, still awake with a thumping headache and being tormented by the formation of those scales. Under the covers I was scratching all over my underbelly. My hide feels tougher than this morning, I think it can get take more vigorous scratching and I surely needed it.
I was working my way down, avoiding my crotch and giving my inner thighs a good go. But neglecting that area just seemed to make it itch the most, so delicately... I itched around there. It was nice and offered relief, but doing the surface wasn't enough, it was as if it was itchy on the inside. So I allowed a solitary finger to work its way in, I was being very careful as it chased the irritation down.
Before I was aware of what I was doing, the whole finger was in. More were eager to join it, but I only allowed the one. It sat in there, ever so slightly fingering so not to accidentally claw anything. I realised this was a very different sort of itch, and after some initial testing its exploratory pushes was intensified. During it the itching of the rest of my body wasn't so bad, so I happily sat there fingering my vent, my muzzled panting quietly.
It was such an exotic experience, my genitals and tail shared flesh so some of the sensation spread over to its underside. I hadn't experienced anything like it before. Each movement of it also influenced my opening, so a steady sway of my tail under the blanket aided the stimulation. I was much deeper than a human, too deep for even a meaty dragonic finger to offer much penetration. But it was pleasurable, it relaxed my nerves and I was quite happy to continue for a while longer.
Then... there was the explosion.
My tail stiffened and flew behind me in a raised fashion, probably an instinct to allow easier access to a mate. My eyes bulged and my jaw opened wider than I had previously thought it capable of. The finger left my vent and, rather in a panic, both hands came to my mouth in an effort to silence it. My attempted restraint turned an orgasmic cry into a rather high pitched squeal, far louder than I would of liked. I had to quickly compose myself. As expected a light turned on and a staff member entered the room to see what was wrong.
Trying not to show I was breathless, I explained my headache was worsening and they gave me something to help me sleep. I was still glowing down there when they left... I didn't start masturbating on purpose, it just sort of happened and I gave into it in a momentary lapse of judgement. I shouldn't be humouring my sex drive, not this far into my change, I was encouraging dragonic hormones that would influence my behaviour.
They cannot know I was fingering in bed, they will see it as a lack of control and turn the suppressant implant on early. I don't want that, I'll be more restrained from now on. But... I did enjoy it while it lasted.
-Journal, 28th Sep 2157, entry _.
-Closed record
Thank you for showers to give me a moment of peace! They let me off the drip long enough to get a well needed rinse, I'm tired of those bed baths...
Last night was a mistake, I've spent a good part of today battling dragonic drives. It's as if that one act flipped a switch and now the floodgates are open. I've been suppressing my body language, there are urges I didn't have before. I want to growl aloud, I want to hunt, I want to mate! Well, maybe. Not with anyone here at least.
I'm feeling, well, attractive. Which given my appearance tells me my sex drive has now switched over from human to dragon. There are aspects to my body that feel sexy, which needless to say is not normal human sexuality. Playing around last night awoken these drives and they're here to stay it seems, I just hope no one notices. I'm keeping a lid on it, but that requires constant awareness of what I'm doing and I may slip at any time.
This is why the suppression implant is needed. You don't lose your mind when the transformation process is finished, but you're contending with the biology and instincts of another species and you haven't had a lifetime of experience to learn to inhibit them. It's an aid to control, not a replacement.
Right now I'm getting the full extent of my changes in dragonic drives and instincts. While it's making me feel more comfortable and at home in this body, it's not what my clients need from me... they need a level human head.
-Additional, Open record.
I'm told the persistent headaches that have been tormenting me as of late are the horns coming through, not simply the side effects of my mutagen. Sure enough I can see where they're growing, there are two protrusions under skin either side of my forehead and they are sensitive to the touch. I wish I could say I was experiencing the worst of it and things would improve from here, but given the horns some of this species carry; I've got a lot of growing pains ahead of me.
Other changes I can observe today is that my body is now mostly covered in those premature scales. They provide me with a rather unusual appearance; given as previously stated they are transparent and only glisten with colour, so I can see my human shade below the scale textured surface of my hide. However those reflective colours now appear to be leaning more towards a range of blues. It is only speculation on my part, but I imagine this may be indicating my final colouring? I wouldn't mind, I like blue, like the gorgeous deep blue my eyes have taken.
My new texture is particularly noticeable when showering, having thousands of drops raining down a myriad of previously unknown sensations across my body is invigorating both my flesh and my senses. As if painting out a map of sensation for my brain to become further accustomed to the shape I now take.