Meeting One Val Salr: Behind Open Doors

Story by Gren on SoFurry

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#3 of Meeting One Val Salr

Jason and the dragon entertain each other during the storm.

Although the temple had stood open to the elements since the city was abandoned, the structure was still intact. The long corridor that had been just inside the entrance lead into the distance, ending in a large room with a platform priests of any of the kramon gods could use to speak to their people (or so Val Salr told him).

They didn't go that far. Rather, they stepped into one of the many side rooms along the corridor. Most, including the one they were inside, had been used by individuals or small groups to engage in relatively private worship. Val Salr wasn't sure if there would have been a door or not; some rooms would have and some would not have. Acts within these rooms were always dedicated to a deity and these rooms were the only place dedicating acts so was allowed.

"Look at that window," Jason said. "I can hardly believe it's still intact." The stained glass window to which he referred was not only in one piece, but did not even appear to be dirty. Three kramon were depicted bowing before a fourth who seemed to be wearing some kind of robe or blanket or something.

Val Salr laughed. "Temples last far longer than they might. Just because people have left does not mean the gods have."

"Why should the gods care about a temple in a city deserted for centuries?"

"Time flows differently for the gods. They pass the years like we the days. To them, it was only a short time ago that the city was abandoned. They may still have hope for someone's return."

Jason rather doubted that; it would be a lot of work to make the city livable once more. Rather than wonder at the thoughts of the divine, he looked again at the window. He couldn't see the rain through it; only a brilliant light seemed to pass through it, as though the sun shone directly upon it.

"That's a image of a marriage ceremony." Val Salr said, offering the unasked explanation. "The one with the robe is the priest, the others are the participants."

"Which ones are the happy couple?"

"Why, all three of course. Why should they need anyone else?"

"All three?" Jason protested, "but marriage is a union between two people!"

Val Salr laughed again, stopping when her eyes gazed once more at the image. "Why should marriage be so limited? Is it not possible for three to have deep love as it is for two?"

"Well, I suppose," Jason said. He thought quickly; he needed to change the topic. This one was becoming rather awkward. "So," he continued after a moment, "what are those ancient arts you said that you were learning?"

"The ancient arts? You've probably heard them called magic, but most of those who call it that don't truly understand what it is."

Jason nodded. "Magic is what we call forces we don't understand."

"True." Val Salr agreed. "It takes a lot of years to learn enough to be able to manage even the most basic of uses," she explained, "but once you've gotten that far, progress gets easier. Still, one never stops learning; even among the kramon the true masters are old. A journeyman will know enough to earn a living after only a century or so."

Jason wasn't sure about it being 'only' a century; that seemed like an awful long time. "What can you do?" He didn't know how old she was, but he rather hoped it was less then a century; he enjoyed her company and would hate for her to be that much older then he was.

"I'm not particularity advanced; I've not been studying that long and I've rather ignored my studies for quite a while. Probably I'll never catch up."

"And so?" he asked once he realized that she wasn't going to continue speaking.

"Well," she said, hesitating, "perhaps I can demonstrate? You wouldn't mind would you? I don't exactly have many opportunities to actually use the arts. I really doubt that there will be any problems."

Really doubt? "Can't you just tell me?"

"It won't hurt; not even if it goes horribly wrong." As she spoke, Val Salr settled onto her haunches, balancing on her tail so that both forepaws were free.

Horribly wrong? "I really don't-" Val Salr placed a finger on Jason's lips before raising her forepaws to the ceiling and waving her calloused digits about. Then she chanted verses in a language that Jason didn't understand; the syllables seemed to echo off the walls.

"You might want to strip off those clothes for this," Val Salr suggested in a pause between verses.

"What?" Jason asked, but after a moment he complied as his body started to tingle. Embarrassing as it was, it would be worse if whatever she was doing damaged them; he hadn't brought all that many clothes with him. Still, he blushed as he did this, although he wasn't sure Val Salr even noticed.

Val Salr continued chanting, her deep voice booming through the smallish room. It began to feel as if something was moving under Jason's skin. Looking at his legs, he could see small lumps moving around under his skin.

"What are you doing?" he asked, feeling the first tendrils of panic enter his mind. He started to reach out to grab Val Salr's arms, but his legs collapsed under him before he managed it.

For a moment his muscles all became quite loose, then, tightened up again. After the momentarily looseness the sensation was painful.

"Yargh!" he shouted. "I thought you said this wouldn't hurt!"

"I'm sorry," Val Salr said, lowering her head, "It wasn't supposed to do that; I had an anti-pain verse in there."

"So just what did your-" Jason began, but he stopped. His body was changing; just what the hell did that spell do? As he watched his legs thickened, his skin darkening and becoming rougher. His head started to spin and, for the moments it lasted, the world (and even his own body) faded somewhat. The next he was aware, the process seemed to be complete.

Jason tried to stand, but found it difficult to balance. Val Salr watched him, a bemused expression on her snout.

"What is it?" he asked after falling onto on all fours once again. "Am I entertaining you?"

"I'm sorry," she said, "I really shouldn't laugh at you. You just look so funny doing that."

"Just what is so funny?" he asked, settling to the floor, as comfortable as he could get. It felt strange, but not uncomfortable.

"You should see yourself."

"Why?" Jason looked down at himself, then gasped; he was sitting on his haunches, which looked like a smaller version of Val Salr's. He was supporting his upper body with his arms. Behind him was an (admittedly fairly short) tail. It seemed that, for the moment, he was a quadruped.

"You must be better than you suggest! Surely this is hardly the sort of minor effect you were saying pre-century students achieved!"

"I really am just an apprentice; before finding my distraction, however, I was quite adept at the arts. Besides, if you think this is impressive, you should see what a grand master can do! I'll never get that far in my studies, not now. I have far too many earthly concerns."

Jason nodded. "Not someone you want to anger, then."

"I'd be surprised if you could," Val Salr told him. "The grand masters have sacrificed nearly everything, even their emotions, to the goal of power."

"Its hard to imagine that," Jason said. He shifted position, trying to make himself more comfortable and to take more of his weight of his hands. After a moment, he duplicated Val Salr's position, sitting back on his haunches, balanced on his tail. "I don't suppose you could put me back to normal now?"

"No," she said.

"No? Why the hell not?"

"I haven't gotten to negations yet. Don't worry; the spell is designed to end at midnight; you probably won't even noticed the reversal."

"So what the hell am I supposed to do in the mean time?" Although it made it easier knowing the spell was going to undo itself (at least, if it worked properly; the anti-pain slipped up so that might have as well). "I can't go around like this!"

"Well," Val Salr said tentatively, "there are advantages. I imagine you're not as cold now. You could stand in the rain and not be cold now." Jason didn't reply, glaring at Val Salr instead. "Relax; maybe you'll decide you like it. Besides, we can pass the time much more pleasantly without those grimy clothes."

Val Salr nuzzled Jason's chest, causing him to roll involuntarily backwards for a moment, then she rolled onto her side, wings spreading out behind her so far they brushed against the edges of the room.

"Pleasantly?" Jason asked. "There is nothing in here, and it sounds like the weather's only getting worse outside."

"Why must we go to the right place or have the right things to have a good time? There is no reason we can't have a good time right here and now." She nuzzled Jason's chest once more.

"Ah, okay. What where you thinking of?"

Rather than reply, Val Salr knocked Jason onto his back with her snout and rain her smooth tongue down his chest, leaving what chest-hair her 'demonstration' had left dampened flat.

"Er," Jason said, not sure what to make of her action. Just what was she doing?

As she ran her tongue back up his chest, she made sure to brush against his nipples, sending a shiver through his body and causing them to harden. That wasn't the only thing that started to harden, and seeing the sudden growth between his legs he blushed.

"Don't tell me that you object?" Val Salr asked.

"This hardly seems the right place or time!"

"You have something better to do? Somewhere you need to be? No? Seems like the perfect place and time to me." Val Salr rubbed his cheek with her own. "We're even in a temple partially dedicated to a goddess of life and joy." She held him down with one forepaw.

"Hey there!" Jason felt a momentary surge of panic; he suspected that she weighed enough that she'd crush him if she put any weight on him. When he failed to feel said weight, he relaxed slightly. He could see the underside of Val Salr's neck and could almost count the tiny hairs that grew there.

"Come on, you'll enjoy it," she said, and licked his ear.

Feeling something brush against the insides of his thighs, Jason looked down and realized that he'd forgotten Val Salr had a tail. That appendage gently brushed against one thigh, then the other, narrowly missing his genitals both ways. As he watched, the very tip of her tail circled around his genitals, still not actually touching them.

He was distracted from this exercise when Val Salr touched the end of her snout to his lips and parted her own slightly. Her tongue brushed against his own and he found himself reciprocating, opening his mouth some so that their lips could come closer and explored the inside of her mouth with his tongue, or at least as much of it as he could reach.

By the time their lips parted, he was feeling lightheaded. He could feel his penis had become quite hard between his legs, but it didn't seem quite as embarrassing now as it might have. He realized that while they'd been involved in their kiss, her tail had continued circling his groin and was now occasionally brushing against his erect penis.

Then she pulled her tail away and removed the forepaw from his chest as she sat back on her haunches, looking down at his trembling body.

"So, you want to continue?" she asked. Clearly she didn't actually expect an answer since she didn't wait for one. Not that he would have said no!

Her head moved down and her lips slipped around his penis. She worked it with her tongue, stopping before he climaxed. The sudden air was cold against his member and he shivered.

"You've done this before," Jason managed after a moment.

"You think I had a platonic relationship with my Val Teark?" Her lips engulfed his member once more as she finished speaking and he moaned, a long pleasureful sound.

Jason raised his tail and brushed it against Val Salr's neither regions, pushing the tip just inside of her. She moaned into his own groin, encouraging him to press on father, exploring her with his newfound tail.

She ran her tongue along his penis more roughly as he thrusted with his tail.

It did not take long before Jason orgasmed, his seed spilling into her mouth. As the plateau overcame him he momentarily paused in his motions, but this lasted only a short time. She lifted his head and, giving his member a final lick, nuzzled his chest, her tongue dampening the skin there once more.

He quickly returned to his motions; pushing his tail in deep, poking at the flesh within as Val Salr moaned in time with his motions.

Reaching up he wrapped his arms around her neck and ran his tongue along her neck, along the base of her snout and finally touching the tip of her snout. Her lips parted and they joined in a passionate kiss once more.

It was then that she climaxed, her vaginal muscles tightening against his tail. As she did this, her head rose, releasing their kiss, and she uttered a bone shaking roar. Jason was afraid she'd collapse on top of him, but she recovered before that happened.

Sh cried a quiet rawr into Jason's ear before she flopped onto her side. Jason's tail popped out of her and splattered her vaginal fluids across the floor

"You sure know how to make a girl feel good," she told him.

"I do?" Jason didn't have a lot of experience in that area; he'd simply been doing what sounded good at the time. With her holding him tightly against her chest, he reached back with his hands and gently stroked the sides of her head. As his fingers found the spot where her horns joined with the sparse, stiff fur of her head, she groaned, pushing her head against his hands, rubbing herself against them.

Leaving one hand where it was, he explored the rest of her head with the other, then continued with the rest of her body. No other spot got the same reaction; at least until his hand found itself between her legs. Even the lightest touch there made her tremble. Finding her vagina was a double surprise. Not only was he surprised when his quest fingers slipped into her, but she immediately rolled onto her back, nearly throwing Jason to the ground in so doing.

"Not done playing, are we?" she asked with a grin, pawing at his penis with a forepaw. He was surprised when he felt himself start to stiffen again; everything he knew said 'once'. He crawled off her and attempted to stand, nearly cracking his head when he fell.

Right, he though, quadruped. Pretend you're a dragon, he told himself. He looked up and was surprised to see Val Salr had moved; he was now looking along her belly, and the most obvious thing was those folds of flesh concealing her depths.

He took a shaky step towards her, surprised that his penis seemed to have become rock-hard between his legs.

"Well," she asked, "You want to have fun, or what?"

Stumbling forward (he was not used to walking on all fours) he positioned himself above her opening, wrapped his arms around her waist and thrust into her. And he thrusted again, and again. He could feel lust taking over his body and he didn't mind at all. His nerves all burned with pleasure, his heart pounded and his blood rushed. As he continued trusting, he felt the pressure build, and build. Then at last he found his relief, his seed gushing into his draconic lover's body. His very consciousness, his soul seemed to be pulled into her womb. In the mass of sensory data he heard a dragon roar.

Then, his body used more thoroughly than ever before, he collapsed on his lover's belly.

Later, when he had time to reflect on the events with a clear head, he would swear a second roar had joined the first.

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