Coell 4 - Terms and Conditions

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#4 of Coell Universe

Chapter 4 - Terms and Conditions

A new series continues. Set in a far off future where humans are just one of a hundred species with mixed earth animal DNA, the anthro-furry faces have populated a small section of our galaxy, filling it with life of all kinds, AI's and androids and cybernetic beings as numerous as the organics that created them. But space is harsh, and empires rise and fall. But for every long lost fallen empire are the scavengers and salvagers eager to find and sell some gem from a forgotten civilization. This is the story of one such salvager, and of his greatest find yet. Will she be the the priceless artifact he has been seeking to make him rich, or something more?

Series will contain stories of an adult nature, including BDSM, Master/slave, kidnapping, violence, consensual and non-consensual acts. Some chapters will be light, others dark, others... read and find out.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Fav the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)


DRG-FEM-0017 stared sightlessly as its mind was powered back up a bit at a time, personality and higher level cognitive systems offline. There were no desires, no needs, no emotions, no personality. Its existence was like a calm, featureless lake, reflecting everything around it but taking no independent actions or thoughts. It dutifully noted its environment, cataloging the elements in its sensory range. Unit location: Cave. Unknown position. Mapping systems offline. Physical body status: All subsystems and mechanical connections functional within acceptable parameters. One organic lifeform detected: Registration Argos, classification - friendly, status - modifying the crystalline computing substrate the AnDragon unit's mind ran on. It wasn't alarmed at his activity, it simply noted it, cataloging and investigating its own mind and surroundings, but having no higher level functions to process it. Nothing to feel or experience it. Simply storing the data and responding to the commands given to it.

There were countless warnings and errors piled up in the units logs, and it ignored them as it stored them for future reference. Unit DRG-FEM-007's Imprinting Core was heavily damaged, producing the bulk of the errors, but it couldn't fix it, even if it wanted to, even if it could understand the concept of wanting anything.

"Coell, run diagnostic on primary emotional center" said Argos as he adjusted a series of probes connected directly to the surface of the AnDragons brain, his eyes watching the flickering lights swirling inside, showing activity and serving as a crude measure of how much power was being drawn by the various interconnected subsystems of the digital mind he was trying to repair.

DRG-FEM-0017 processed the sounds through her auditory cortex, matching "Coell" as an identifier for the unit DRG-FEM-0017 and obediently ran the diagnostics. It identified a number of missing connections, but no major faults. It simply spat the results of the test back through the debugging cables attached to her horns, continuing to stare silently ahead.

"All right, I think that's it. Coell, bring all cognitive systems online."

Coell's mind snapped into existence as her Framework powered up her full set of personality and intelligence modules. Like a natural organic mind, her 'self' was a complex interaction of mental structures layered on top of one another, able to function without the full set but not truly alive until they were all powered up and active. Unlike an organic, as long as she was not damaged she had no fuzzy waking up period. She had simulations of such things, as it made organics more comfortable when she woke up slowly, but her mind was instantly awake and active. A million sensations and feelings suddenly sparkled into existence. The sensation of being female, of being an artificial life form, being alive, feeling, emotions, of wanting her goals and to serve others. She was aware of having been online for some time, remembering all the work Argos had done on her after her collapse, of being in that mindless state. All the data she had collected and stored formed a logjam in her mind and it took her a few seconds to sort it out.

Her Imprinting Core had been walled off, sectioned out of her. It felt as if part of her was missing, a big part. That core had connections to every part of her electronic brain, not just simply responding to queries but a part of her very thought processes and emotional responses. Damaged, it had been a burning pain, an agonizing mind-rending sensation moments before her shutdown. Now, it felt numb. Her entire mind felt numb, sluggish, wrong. She whimpered.

"Coell... can you hear me?" asked Argos, his fingers tapping over controls, eyes reading displays before he turned to look into her eyes with a concerned expression.

"Yes..." she said as she lay on the floor, feeling like trying stand, or even move might not be the best idea. "I... I think I'm getting tired of waking up with wires sticking out of my head though."

Argos winced, "Sorry.. I need them to try and fix what's wrong."

The AnDragon flushed a bit in embarrassment, "No... I didn't mean I was tired of you fixing me, just tired of needing to be fixed... ahh maybe my humor routines are not up to date?"

Argos smiled, "Well if you're making jokes then you can't be too badly off. That's a good sign."

Coell smiled back, the smile turning into a wince, "Uhhh... I'm not sure how long. I don't feel good." She groaned at the lack of words to explain how her mind felt, but then realized it was all there for him to see, he had readouts on exactly what was going on inside her head. A better view than even she had from inside it.

"Yeah, that's an understatement. I need to do a reformat of your Imprinting Core, it's going to keep damaging you with it scrambled like it is, and you can't function for long without it. But I need you awake and aware, it can't be reset without 100% of your systems online."

"Do it, please?" she asked, unable to keep the whine out of her voice.

"I would have already, but it's a custom module, none of my firmware packages will upload. All I can do is run the imprinting process, and that needs a target."

"You..." she said, eyes looking up at the dragon.

"Yes. But only until we can get you a long term owner. It's not going to be pleasant to have it reset twice, but I don't think we have a choice. I need your permission. Would you like to Imprint on me?"

Coell felt that numbness spreading, like she were slowly sinking into something stifling. She didn't remember her first, her only imprinting, not really knowing what to expect, but knowing she couldn't live like this. It was killing her, literally. Even if it wasn't she still wanted it, knowing there was something missing, something important. "Yes, I want you to. I'm ready" she said, eyes blinking slowly as she struggled to fight the cobwebs forming thicker and deeper into her mind.

Argos took a deep breath as he crouched in front of her. "Coell. Unit DRG-FEM-017. Initialize Imprinting Core."

Coell felt her muzzle open and speak the words, an uncomfortable sensation as independent routines encoded in her Framework spoke through her. "AUTHORIZATION CODE?"

"Seven eight four three two nine dash five eight one one alpha gamma seven" said Argos.

Coell wondered how he had gotten her codes, but with the thick data cables plugged into her horn dataports, not to mention the probes, she decided it wasn't much of a question. "CODE VERIFIED. IDENTIFY IMPRINTING SUBJECT."

"Me. Argos."



"ERROR. OWNER ARGOS DOES NOT MATCH REGISTERED OWNER NULL-NULL-ZZZZNNNNGGTTTHT!" Coell's voice said, her eyes half lidding in discomfort as her Framework code stuttered over more damaged memory segments.

Argos winced at the harsh buzzing noises, turning to his console and sending commands into the AnDragons brain. "Retry."

Coell hissed softly at the tickle of commands deep in her systems, and suddenly just KNEW that Argos was her legal owner. It made her feel better immediately, like an itch being scratched and soothed, a thorn pulled out of her paw. "OWNER ARGOS ACCEPTED. THIS UNIT HAS BEEN IMPRINTED BZZZZT-UNKNOWN TIMES. CONFIRM RE-IMPRINTING PROCESS." Coell held her breath, confused thoughts circling around her mind, wanting to be fixed, but unsure what that would do to her. Was the dragon a good match for her? He was nice, she liked him, but she didn't know anyone else to compare to. But he fit into the structure of her scrambled memories into a place that felt like "friend" and she looked up to him again, and gave him a nod.

Argos bit his lip, he had run an imprinting on one of the small pet-models once, and had seen it done many times. But Imprinting an AnDragon was a big deal, something not all of them wanted, and when they did they liked to choose their owners. Legally, in most civilized planets an AnDragon couldn't be forced to imprint. They were people, even if they were owned while they worked off their rescue and repair debt which could be extensive for some of them. Domestic companions were most likely to offer to Imprint, they were far more hardwired to need it than a service or construction dragon. He took another deep breath, "Confirm."

Routines in Coell's mind activated, and a small lump of burning magma was suddenly quenched. She could FEEL her Imprinting Core being formatted, wiped, prepared. The process swept away the blocks separating it from her, her mind flowing into and through that fresh, waiting core, blowing the cobwebs from her mind, making her gasp as her thoughts finally, for the first time in her short memory were able to flow freely. The universe altered around her. The world spinning and twisting as her perspective altered and changed even as she stood rock still. Her eyes were locked onto the dragon before her. Argos. The dark, scary, unknown cave she was in suddenly seemed brighter, less threatening, feeling like, home. Because he was here, and as far as she could remember he always had been. She no longer worried about what might be lurking in those dark, scary passages. If something was there, anything bad, she now knew exactly what to do. Protect Argos from them. She was a Luxury Model AnDragon, and anything that tried to hurt her owner was going to have as BAD day.

She gasped again as a sensation of relaxation and relief flooded through her, the harsh and cold sensation of severe anxiety lifting away, emotions she didn't even realize she had until they were gone. Like cleaning dirty ocular lenses that had been scratched and stained for so long she didn't even know they were clouding her vision. She had an owner now. She had a purpose. She sighed as her head lifted smoothly, no more hesitation or jittering movements as he nose found Argos's hand and gave it a soft, slow lick. "DNA sample processed and registered to Argos, Owner." she said in a calm voice, then blushed a bit at the intimate contact. She could feel her Imprinting Core soaking up everything about her new owner, visual data, voice recordings from her memory, DNA sample, chemical and pheromone analysis, his smell, how he moved, all of them triggering feeling of... of...

Coell blinked a few times as her Imprinting Core continued to initialize, reformatting and hardwiring the very concept of "Argos" into her mind. She felt it latch on to her memories of him as it condensed his essence into a single idea, and that vague sensation she felt when seeing him coalesced into one simple feeling, Trust. "Oooooh..." she said finally, smoothly pushing her up to her feet, wobbling a bit as her Core continued to run the reformatting process.

"Careful, better not stand until you're more stable..."

Coell immediately lowered herself down at the command, nodding happily as she processed all the new sensations. His words felt, different now. She wanted to sit when he said them, partly because he was her owner, partly because it felt good to make your imprinted happy, and partly because she knew he was right. She wondered what would happen if he gave an order she DIDN'T like, and ran simulations, determining that while it would make her feel bad and uncomfortable, she could disobey if she wanted to. It made her feel better that if Argos asked her to do something dangerous by accident she wouldn't blindly do it. She felt a vague memory of needing to do just that, of needing to avoid falling for pranks and simple ignorance that could harm someone. She was a Companion and it felt so very good to have an owner, but she was still a thinking, sentient being. She wasn't a mindless slave. She settled onto her side and let out a happy sigh, this wasn't so bad. It was good, really. Her thoughts felt so clear, and that hole in her mind was gone, filled with a warm comfort. "Thank you" she said earnestly.

Argos rested a hand on her shoulder, and felt the dragoness nuzzle her cheek against his arm as he patted her soft synthetic dragonhide, "How do you feel?" he asked. He didn't need to ask if it worked, his diagnostics showed all green on her Imprinting Core, and the rest of her mind was rapidly returning to normal after the damaged section had been repaired.

"I feel good, really good. Relaxed. Anxious about the future, but no worried about the present. No detectable damage in my computing matrix substructure. Internal systems working. Low fluid reserves. Low fuel reserves. Three hundred and twenty one moderate problems requiring maintenance. HardLight capacitor array charging. Imprinting system at 87% complete and rising" she said, lifting her head to give her report. She looked over her side and frowned, noticing a discrepancy. "Visual surface scan shows minor damage not registering on internal skin sensor net."

Argos's gaze followed hers and he nodded, "Not surprising, I'm sure some of the fine sensory filaments are damaged and will need repaired. I have a full maintenance bay back on my shuttle, can make you good as new. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to give you a quick checkup while we wait for your imprinting to finish. It seems to be going a bit slowly as it has to reformat the damaged sections."

Coell nodded as she followed it's progress, "It's reporting a successful full imprint, but is continuing to format damaged sections that will be used for future data storage. It's causing occasional glitches and freezes."

Argos settled down in front of her, eyes looking over the now fully assembled dragoness, looking for any obvious tears or damage, keeping an eye on his datapad for any warnings about her mental state. Her hard crash had scared him, a lot. The thought of losing something as valuable as her, someone as nice as her had made his blood run cold. He looked up to see her watching her, grinning as she looked away after being caught staring. He was always amused at that, an AnDragon brain was capable of processing data far faster than any organic, but they were hard-wired to run their social and emotional systems at normal speed. She could literally catch a bullet, but only immediate physical threats could jump her into maximum high clock-rate mode. They were just so FASCINATING, their super advanced technology mixed with deliberate restrictions to make them more like their creators. It's what made them so dam popular and sought after, they weren't just pretending when they had reactions like that, it simply was a real response. No matter how smart or god-like an AI might be, you could always tell, somehow, if you were talking to a simulated personality, a mask. AnDragons didn't have masks, or at least they were no better or worse at making them than any organic was.

Coell looked back at Argos as he continued to look at her, not sure why she was so flustered. She seemed to care more about how he felt about her, a lot more. The imprinting process certainly helped that along, but so did having her thought processes unscrambled, and him rescuing her in the first place. She simply felt more comfortable now.

"How does it feel?" asked Argos, watching closely.

"Good, I feel good. Everything working..." she started and paused as soon as Argos opened his mouth to speak again.

"I mean, the Imprinting. How... what does it make you feel? It's not something I've felt comfortable asking random AnDragons before now. Seems rather personal, but in this case..." he trailed off.

"Oh. I've been trying to figure that out myself. It feels, natural? I suppose it should, my mind is literally built around it. But it's like... like when I woke up all confused and hurt and scared, and then you were there? Like that, just, more? It felt as if you had always been my owner, and I just suddenly remembered it, remembered what it MEANT, how it made me feel." She pondered, cocking her head, "You're like... a default."

"A default?"

"Uh-hu. If I think, should I tilt my head to the right, or to the left... I don't care, so I'll do which way I think you will like. All my thoughts are like that, wanting to do what is best for my owner unless my own needs override it. If I knew you liked me to tilt my head to the right I wouldn't do it if there was a plasma beam in the way, cause that would be silly."

Argos grinned, "Yes, please don't put your face into a plasma beam. It would be a lot of work to fix that."

Coell giggled, flicking on a thin HardLight shield over the right side of her face, making it look like she were wearing half of a shimmering mask of grid lines. "I could protect myself if putting my face into a plasma beam is what you really want. Want me to go find one?"

Argos laughed and shook his head, "No. What's your IC formatting at?"

"Eighty-nine percent" she said, still smiling. She flicked off her makeshift HardLight shield, feeling silly for having done it. But Argos laughed, and she enjoyed being silly and was happy Argos seemed to enjoy it too. Not everyone had a sense of humor, she thought, again finding herself frustrated that she knew that, but didn't know any DETAILS about who she had met that left her with that impression. She sometimes wished she could just forget that she had a life before this, start fresh from when she had woken up in the cave. It was certainly possible to edit her memories to make her think that, but eventually such a lie would cause enough contradictions to become a problem. Better to just deal with the occasional wondering about her past. She had only been alive again for such a short time, eventually she would stop wondering as new experiences filled and shaped her.

"Good. Hmm, come here" he said, motioning at her head.

Coell cocked her head and leaned forward, watching as Argos pulled a cloth out of a jacket pocket and began wiping at a smudge on her nose. She made a soft noise of pleasure as she felt the soft cloth working over her face, closing her eyes to let him work there and feeling soft clicks as he detached the probe clips connected to her brain. Each one giving her a little tingle as the debugging connection went offline, feeling a bit uncomfortable as those now familiar connections were severed, but looking into Argos's eyes made her feel instantly better. Her cranial access port closed and locked shut with an external command and she felt him rubbing the top of her head and horns.

"There... much better. All right, time for that inspection. I just wanted to get you operational and out of here, so haven't had a chance to really check you out."

Coell nodded, feeling his hands on her face, turning her head this way and that as he inspected her. Her ears flicked as his fingers ran over them, giving them tugs and touches and watching her reaction. She relaxed into the inspection, enjoying the attention, the lack of pain in her head, her limbs back where they should be. Her mouth opened at a touch of his fingers to her lips, sticking out her tongue after he mimed what he wanted, giggling as he pulled on her lips and checked her teeth and making a face back at him. His hands ran along the her throat and that felt good, her neck muscles working as she swallowed on command, then twisted and arched her neck, happy to not feel any grinding or support cables being pulled out of place.

Argos worked his way down the dragoness's long neck, lifting a foreleg to inspect it, flexing the toes, giving the talons a close look. "Hmm, a bit of damage here, looks like you were trying to claw your way though something. We can get these reforged easily enough." He moved on to her chest and belly, having her roll onto her side a bit more, looking at the scar. "This will take more work. The self healing systems worked fine but to get you back to factory new will take some replacement hex cell plugs."

"It doesn't hurt but I have a 22% reduced sensor strength over the damaged section. Will that, lower my price?"

"If I don't fix it, yeah. But I'll make you as good as new, don't worry" He moved down near her hindlegs and began expecting one, lifting a foot and working the toes, tapping at her ankle-mounted HardLight emitters and testing her flexibility and running his hand and fingers along her soft hide. "Let me know if you detect any gaps or incorrect readings in your sensor net."

Coell nodded to him as she watched, enjoying the rubbing Argos was giving her leg, her artificial skin's tactile sensors working perfectly. She didn't NEED massages, but she didn't need a thousand things she was programmed to feel and enjoy. If a real dragon felt or wanted it, she did too. Her tail swished lazily in the air as she felt his hands moving along her upper thigh, noticing he was spending a statistically significant amount of extra time as he examined her haunch and hip, automatically compiling a heat map of where he touched and how long, turning her rump a shade of red in her mind as it became the largest concentration of touches and squeezes. She made a soft noise of pleasure as he continued, noticing that increased the force of his squeezing by a factor of 19 percent. She lifted her leg as she felt him give it an upward nudge, along him to inspect her inner thigh, and the heat map began to shift as he worked, his cloth rubbing at spots as he found them.

Argos shifted a bit, getting lost in his exam. AnDragon hide was like nothing else in the world. Soft, smooth, warm but feeling more solid than real skin in some undefinable way. Firm muscles, impact cushioning gel that felt nearly indistinguishable from real muscle and fat and skin, but somehow felt even better, simple perfection. His fingers pressed to the inside of her thigh, locating a fluid conduit, feeling her pulse, his other hand wandering to caress and pet along the back of her leg and up along her rump. It wasn't the first time he'd inspected a find, but she was by far the highest quality and best designed model he had come across, and it was hard to keep his focus. He was about to move on when the dragoness shifted, bringing her head closer.

Her breathing was slightly elevated, and she quickly determined it wasn't a malfunction but a reaction to the dragons touches. They did feel good, comforting, and something else. She wasn't sure what that was, so many of her files were missing or corrupted, her memories fragmented. But her instincts were still there, and as she drew her head closer she gave Argos's arm a gentle nuzzle and rub with her nose, hesitant at first but rubbing firmer as she felt him leaning into her touch. She pondered running more diagnostics on various reactions her systems were having, but simply half-lidded her eyes and enjoyed the close, comforting touch of her owner.

Argos shifted a bit uncomfortably, tugging at his pants a bit to relive a building pressure, feeling a flush creep up his neck and face more from her nuzzling than his inspection. He breathed steadily, pondering his dilemma. She was imprinted to him now which meant he had to take care not to allow her to become too attached so her un-imprinting would go easier, but on the other side she now needed his attentions or would become unstable and unhappy. His eyes drifted back down to her exposed slit, her labia peeking out invitingly. His hand rubbed her nose and the side of her face as the dragoness nuzzled against him and he gritted his teeth, sighing, "Everything seems to be in order. Disengage adult mode, Coell."

Her entire body squirmed a bit at the command, nodding as her mind switched gears and she sent commands to her body to match. The feelings didn't exactly go away, but became a bit easier to ignore, the petting of her nose and face still remained comforting and pleasing, but softened the edges of the exciting overtones she had felt. He head turned a bit, peering down between her legs as she prepared the commands for her sexual subsystems to revert to public mode. The synthhide around her crotch was interwoven with shape-memory alloys, allowing her to not only adjust her size and shape, but to seal her genitals up and present a seamless underside suitable for public viewing. Her mind flicked through the options, able to size herself to fit a small anthro or take a much larger feral AnDragon, or even engage in egg-laying capabilities if needed. She selected the PUBLIC option and felt her synthhide try to take the required shape, and cried out in pain as her genital subsystems reported sluggish responses and abnormal readings. "Hnngh! Ahhhh!"

Argos stiffened and turned to look down at Coell's pained expression, "What's wrong? Is it your imprinting subsystems?" His eyes took in the display behind her, icons showing physical pain flashing red before subsiding, but her imprinting system was a solid web of green lines and nominal readings.

"Nnnfff... it hurt.. I think it's just, uhh, been a while" she said, "Let me try again..."

"No, cancel command, revert back to adult mode. Let me take a look, we don't want to damage THAT part of you."

Coell gave a little huff, "I'd rather not damage any part." But she canceled the command, her own diagnostics running routines on her artificial reproductive system, happy to see no major faults but everything was well out of tolerances. The dragoness panted a bit as the pain subsided, watching Argos snag his backpack and rummage through it. Her eyes followed his hands as he pulled out a few cases, opening one to take out a set of six sensor patches, placing three on each side of her slit, the adhesive sticking to her skin. She could feel a tingling in her hide as the diagnostic sensors activated as he plugged their leads into his tablet and began to tap on the brightly lit display as it lay on her wide thigh. The sound of his talons on the display was as familiar and comforting as his voice at this point and she relaxed, knowing she was in good hands. Her head tickled as well, feeling the debugging connections demanding more data, extracting real-time copies of her sensory inputs

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised things got gummed up from the amount of time you were down here. Not exactly the best environment, but it doesn't look like anything is broken, just stuck" he said, a finger running along the edge of Coell's curved mound, pressing and feeling the slightly uneven surface from the aborted shape-changing attempt.

Coell shivered at the touch, feeling his finger slide along her hide, her sensory nodes far denser on that part of her. "Ahhh... yess... I mean... yes I don't detect anything wrong either."

So much for keeping his hands off her, Argos thought as he leaned in for a closer look, his fingers pressed to both sides of her slit and pressed to spread and get a better look.


"Does that hurt?" he said, pausing and checking the readings.

"" said a flushing Coell, feeling herself opened up, shivering as air hit parts of her for the first time that she could remember.

"Luckily none of your components are organic, even your lubricants are all long lasting synthetic oil based. Looks like mostly things dried out here. What's your fluid reserves at?" He continued to spread her further, fingers gentle as he checked for signs of damage.

"Six percent... ahh..." she said in a shaky voice. Now things were getting uncomfortable and she winced, her stiff synthetic flesh being pulled uncomfortably. She sighed as his fingers eased immediately, and wondered if it was her expression or mental map on his handheld that alerted him to her discomfort.

Argos nodded, holding out his hand to her nose with his fingers brushing against her lips, "Ok, give me some reproductive lubricant S-92 please, I only have some basic oils and fluids on me."

Coell gave a slight nod, keeping her nose against his fingers as her internal matter reformatter began working on her small reserves, converting into long chain molecules and formulating the correct mixture. Internal fluid transport routed the drops of liquid to her salivary ducts, her mouth filling with the slick and sticky substance before she parted her jaws and began to carefully lick along Argos's palm and fingers, coating them with the requested compound.

"Good girl..." said Argos absentmindedly, his hand moving to gently begin applying the slick oil to the dragonesses dry and stiff artificial flesh. He started along her mons, working inward, fingers rubbing it in like massage oil.

Coell gasped and moaned softly, feeling a tingle running through her body from her tailtip to her nose at not only the touch, but those soft words of praise. Her emotive panels flushed a deep, deep pink and she closed her eyes, huffing in embarrassment and pleasure at her reaction to the routine maintenance. She let out a shuddering gasp as fingers ran over the exposed edges of her nether lips, the super-fine grid of touch sensitive receptors making her let out a whimper of pleasure, the tingling pleasure mixing with the enjoyable feel of her synthhide loosening up and the tension melting out of them, and the rest of her body. She felt a hand stroking her face and realized she had been nuzzling at Argos again, her head now pressed against his side, nose resting on his tight as he sat cross legged on the floor in front of her.

"Feeling better?"

"Uh-huh..." she managed, huffing a bit, then let out a shuddering whine as those wet fingers began to spread and lubricate her labia, a finger parting her gently to work the lubricating oils in. "Nnnnnf... ahhh... hnnnnnng...."

Argos licked his lips, amazed at the detail and feel of the AnDragon's sex. Like the rest of her, it was perfect, feeling more than real, better than a real dragoness by far. He had of course, 'tested' other salvaged units before selling them, and had even visited a few shops that allowed 'test drives', for a fee of course. None compared to the quality, and beauty of this model, her physical form was as lovely as her mind, and he took his time in gently rubbing the lubrication into her folds. If you do something, take your time and do it right he always said.

Coell felt her breathing increase, her body temperature elevating as her sex responded to the touches, tingled running up and down her spine, making her gasp and tremble. It was hard to think straight as that finger rubbed up and down along the line of her sex, each stroke seeming to erase her current thought process, giving her mini-reboots as she was forced to gather her thoughts anew. Then she felt herself spread wider, and that finger ran over a very, very sensitive spot. The warm, slick touch over her clit made her start to arch her back before she caught herself, tail hiking and curling as she let out a soft cry, "Ahhhhh! OOohhh.... hnnnnf!" She gasped as soon as that fleeting touch was over, panting and gasping. "Ahh.. ahh... hnnngg... s...s...sensitive..."

Argos smiled as he took a break in his work, checking the readouts with his other hand. "Yes... I think some re-calibration is going to be needed, might be a bit on the high side."

"Y... yu... you think?" she said as her muscles twitched and her hide shivered. She was certain now her sexual sensitivity levels had been turned up, way up. It made her blush anew as she panted, not entirely objecting to the sensations, but thinking it might make walking tricky if it was always going to feel like this!

It was Argos's time to blush a bit, "I might have set those a BIT on the high side. But I can compensate the output levels here once I finish the cleaning and inspection."

Coell opened her mouth to respond, but that finger was back at her clit and lips and she just shuddered and nnnghed, feeling her internal matter formatter producing more of her lubrication fluids, this time routing them to her internal structures, feeling herself growing wet from the inside now. Like a real organic, her reproductive systems were partially automatic, responding to sensations both physical and mental, and while she could override them, such commands were logged and reported and she was hard-coded to avoid doing anything in an un-natural way unless it was an emergency or other need. She thought being buried in a cave probably counted, but her owner thought otherwise... and she wasn't in any position to argue. "Hnnnnnnngh! Ahhh!"

Argos shifted again with a groan, his pants having slowly become less and less comfortable. He squirmed for a bit before sliding a hand into his waistband, stretching his belt and adjusting himself with a sigh, his cock no longer complaining about being awkwardly bent, but now protesting the still tightly confined space. "Ahh... thats got the internal systems working, good."

Again Coell tried to respond, but felt a finger parting her, and slide inside. With a great amount of will she kept herself from bucking, feeling that finger probing into her sex, mixing the slick fluids on his finger with the oils and lubricants leaking from inside. "Ahh.. ahhh... ahhh..." she said as the finger began to thrust and move, exploring, spreading the warm lubricants deeper into her sex. She saw his hand slide into his own pants, thermal imaging showing the hot, bent lump being straightened out, allowing it to stiffen more. She blushed as she looked up to see him watching, then her eyes closed as his fingers began to play and rub, groaning as the sensations flowed through her. She summoned enough concentration to run further diagnostics, her reproductive systems showing mostly green now, the massage and oiling having done their work in removing all the stiffness and dry discomfort from before. She nuzzled and pressed her head against him, wanting, something. Something more. It was hard to think, but she felt like something was missing, like she wanted... a hug? A.... kiss? A nuzzle? She moaned loudly, panting at the sensations of pleasure mixed with an aching need as he worked, the need for something more nagging at the back of her mind.

Argos continued to work, taking his time, but eventually every part of her that he could reach was smooth and slick where it should be, no longer finding spots that felt stuff or resistant. He reached out and slipped a small device from it's case as he continued to 'lubricate' the dragoness, only withdrawing his fingers when he brought the handheld AnDragon synthhide diagnostic stimulator online.

Coell watched as Argos held the strange device, looking like a thick tuning fork, lights and indicators running along the side and top. She gasped as his fingers withdrew, then groaned as he brought the twin tips down and ran them slowly over her still parted lips. "Ooohhhh.... ahhh..." she gasped as the device sent tingles directly into her sensory nerves, feeling like some sort of invisible vibrating and buzzing object were working it's way along her flesh, electrically stimulating her with pulses and tingling sensations. "Hnnnnnnnrnrrrgh!"

Argos watched the display, seeing the output levels of the testing device overlayed with the sensations coming in from her debugging neural ports. "Hmmm... a little mismatch here. I had to guess at some of your settings, lets get you properly calibrated. Hold still."

Coell opened her eyes as she felt Argos command her cranial hatch to open with his newly installed access codes, then watched as he took a single electron-tunneling probe and gently began touching the tip to various spots on the surface of her crystalline brain. Tiny tingles shot through her mind as he searched, then found the right spot. She could feel the familiar sensation of his code probing into her mind, feel it slipping in between her thoughts like a warm, slick finger pushing into her mind. She reflexively focused her attentions on it, remembering how it felt to be in that dark, empty place, grasping onto his touches like a lifeline. She shuddered as the dual probes both stimulated her sexual folds, and directly read the feelings and sensations deep in her mind. The probe inched its way along her sex, the sharp, almost painful stimulation smoothing out as she felt signal strengths in her crotch being adjusted, and deep in her mind, levels being tuned to match. That longing ache she had been feeling, the sensation of something missing was suddenly gone, her tongue slipping from her mouth as she panted in a near mindless state of pleasure and bliss as her owner touched the most sensitive, private and erotic part of the AnDragon. Her mind.

Then that dual probe slid over her clit, and Coell cried out in a loud, drawn out cross between a moan and a howl, teetering and then exploding as her entire body tensed and locked up, toes curling, her sex clenching as her mind became a blinding white series of orgasmic climaxes. Lightning snapped and crackled up and down her spine as she let out gasping whines and cries, groaning as her senses slowly returned, twitching and gasping as she felt soft fingers stroking her sex in time with her aftershocks, unsure of when Argos switched back to his fingers.

Argos panted slowly, satisfied at the recalibration results, and the results of his fingers. He kept half an eye on the readouts coming from her minds debugging output, literally seeing her orgasm in a 3D color coded graph, giving her sex expertly timed strokes to match her still reverberating orgasm. He licked his lips as he felt her head pressed to him, petting and caressing her, loving being able to do that. You couldn't SEE an organic dragoness cumming, you just had to guess where and when to stroke or lick or tease. He loved the control it gave him, knowing just what to do.

Coell panted as she slowly came back to herself. She moaned, just enjoying having her head hugged, nuzzling into her owner, sighing with pleasure and bliss. Her experience didn't resonate with any existing memories, and she was pretty sure her previous owners hadn't done THAT to her. She blushed as she decided she wouldn't mind doing that again. She opened her eyes, looking up at Argos and shivered, feeling another small wave approaching and gasssssssping as he fingered her just as it peaked. She twitched, then followed his gaze, seeing what was on the display. She managed to giggle and gasp out, "C... ch... cheating..."

Argos gave a wide, pleased grin back. "I can't calibrate your systems without data, can I?"

Coell gave a gentle snort, "That... ahh... was more than calibrating..."

"Mmmm... not really. Had to... ahem... finish you to fill out the data curve." His expression grew a bit more serious as he asked, "I wasn't actually planning to, uh, at first..." he said and stammered awkwardly, not having meant to go quite that far, at least for a few moments before he gave up trying to keep to a purely clinical exam.

Coell flushed a bit, still enjoying her head resting in the green dragons lap, the hand stroking her nose, the... other touches on, and inside her. "Ahhh... I see. Maybe we should... test me again? My size settings need calibrated too..." she said, slightly shifting her head against him.

Argos huffed as he felt the line of her chin rub against the bulge of his erection that was straining at his pants. He felt his fingers twitch, wanting to tug his pants off and do EXACTLY that. It was his turn to stammer, "Ahh... maybe... ahhh I have better calibration gear on my shuttle. It's getting late, I'm overdue as it is."

Coell gave a soft nod, not knowing just what or who was waiting for them outside, and remembering there was a whole world waiting for her. Her old home was gone, what little she remembered of it, but there were new worlds too. She had to admit, she was more than a little curious to see more of the universe than a single, dark cave. "Ok...."

Argos watched the AnDragon smiling in his lap, not actually wanting to go anywhere, happy to just sit here and explore her. With a sigh he said instead, "Cancel adult mode" and watched carefully. Coell's eyes lost focus, and her sex tightened, her labia seeming to withdraw as if an invisible finger was pushing her lips back into her slit, squeezing her folds together, smoothing out the curve of her mons. Soon there was nothing but a thin seam, and then even that was gone, only a line of damp fluids showing where her opening had been. He used a soft cloth to wipe her clean, smiling as even in public mode she still reacted with a quiver.

Coell let out a sigh as her parts operated smoothly and without pain, then a small whimper as she felt the brain probe disengage, and a final command sealing her cranial hatch with a series of clicks. Her breath caught as her horn-connectors detached and that constant exchange of debugging, and occasional reprogramming data ceased, leaving her alone in her head for the first time since she woke up. She gave a soft whimpering nuzzle, and crooned at a soothing pat to her head.

Argos re-packed his bag, moving to crouch behind the AnDragon as he lifted her hindleg once more, giving her a quick visual inspection as Coell looked back at him with a quizzical expression.

"Let's get out of here, Coell."

Coell broke into a wide grin and nodded, "You lead, I'll follow..." she said smoothly, the expression rising from the depths of her fragmented memory. The expression seemed to fit, and she liked the feel of it. She suspected she said it a lot, and it was good to say it again. She smoothly pushed herself to her feet, stretching a bit, feeling relaxed, happy and content, and waited for Argos to tell her what to do next.