Special Assignments - Chapter Eight

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#8 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Nine to follow soon...

I couldn't stop fidgeting during the drive to campus.

The traffic through town was quite thick, but I jiggled my butt slightly in my seat to One Love which was now playing out of the car stereo.

I normally disliked playing a song repeatedly, but in this case, I couldn't get enough of One Love and listening to it was a fine way to pass the time while the traffic crawled along.

As I drove along slowly, I checked my appearance in the mirror; I had put on skinny fit black jeans and a light grey shirt. I hoped I looked handsome enough for Adam.

The traffic began to move quicker and eventually I made it to the other side of town where I accelerated towards campus.

The carpark was mostly full, but I found a space on the far side and parked the car. I still had time before my meeting with Lachlan, so I texted Hudson to ask if his class was finished.

My phone buzzed a minute later;

Hey, just done now. You on campus?

I texted back Yes and told him I was by the carpark before climbing out of the car.

Hudson appeared a moment later with his backpack slung over his shoulders.

"How was class?" I asked.

"Plunkett was a weird as usual," Hudson said, rolling his eyes.

"I wished I'd taken that class," I replied, locking the car doors. "Shall we walk and talk?"

"Yeah, let's," Hudson said. "And I dunno why you want to take that class, I mean you get to stay in bed every Monday morning."

"True," I shrugged. "I guess when I hear everyone else talking about something I want to see it myself."

"Well, speaking of stuff going on, watch out for Charlotte," Hudson said with a grim smile.


"She's in a bit of a mood."

"How come?" I asked.

"Beats me," Hudson shrugged. "I said hi to her but she looked pissed off and just mumbled in response."

"Hmm," I mused. "I hope she's all right."

We began walking towards the block where the history faculty had their offices. The building itself, perhaps fittingly, was one of the older blocks on campus and was called Grantham Building. The block itself was made from yellow stonework and had arched windows, almost like something from a medieval castle.

"Well, I'm gonna go grab something to eat. I'll leave you here," Hudson said. "Have fun with Foxybutt," he added with a grin before raising his paw for a high five.

"I'm going on my date with Adam, remember," I chuckled as I high fived Hudson back.

"Oh yeah, tell me all about it tonight, that's if you're not busy," the Jindo grinned, before waving and walking off towards the canteen.

I chuckled and shook my head before heading towards the front door.

The history faculty were signposted as having their offices upstairs and I followed the arrows.

As nice as the building was, it felt very warm inside and I wondered how a canine with thick fur could work in it during the summer.

I climbed the stairs and found Lachlan's office was the third one on the right. Most of the other history professors had decorated their doors with various posters and pictures. Lachlan's only had a simple name plate on the front; Dr Lachlan Ross.

The sight made my ears stand up with curiosity. The decorations on the other doors gave an indication of what the professor's hobby was; art, literature, movies.

I wondered what Lachlan could be into beyond history.

Really? You're lapsing back to this.

I shook the thought away and glanced casually through a small window cut into the door. I could make out Lachlan silhouetted against the light streaming in through the other window, but by the way he was gesturing with his paws I could tell he was talking to someone.

My phone stated that it was 12.55, almost time for the meeting.

There was nowhere to sit outside, so I flopped down on the floor and crossed my hind-paws. As soon as the time got to one pm I would stand up and look ready for the meeting.

As soon as the thought entered my mind, Lachlan's door opened and I found myself gazing at a pair of hind-paws. I looked up, feeling embarrassed.

The feeling of embarrassment grew worse when I saw it was not Lachlan, but Alex Pryce, the other Alsatian from my year. Alex was also wearing a polo shirt and jeans. His shirt was stretched tight by his athletic frame. He grunted something which I was assumed a greeting in my direction, though I could see a hint of disdain in his eyes, before he turned and walked off.

"Ah, Malcolm, do come in!" Lachlan called.

I stood up awkwardly and made my way into the office.

Lachlan was dressed in his motorcycle leathers again and I couldn't help but take in how they defined his body.

"Apologies for the way I'm dressed again. My bike was returned from the garage this morning," he explained.

"Oh, that's all right," I replied with a chuckle that sounded like a nervous snort. I immediately splayed my ears, but Lachlan didn't seem to notice.

"If you want to take a seat and we'll begin," the Fox said. "I've tidied up the office a little, so hopefully a stack of paper won't fall on us," he added with a chuckle.

His warm, melodic voice washed over me like warm water.

I tried to relax and glanced casually around the office. Even though I wanted to get over Lachlan, I couldn't help but search for any clues to suggest he was married.

There were no tell-tale photos on his desk or on the bookshelves that showed a grey Vixen mate. Instead, I noticed a framed Dingo Max poster hanging on the wall that was exactly the same as the copy I had at Aunt Ruth's; albeit a smaller print and not as crumpled. A slightly more faded poster of a motorbike hung next to it.

A black and white portrait of Winston Churchill sat on Lachlan's desk next to the computer (the Bulldog was smoking a cigar and doing the V for Victory sign) next a reproduction painting of the Battle of Waterloo which sat in a glass frame.

The office itself felt as old as the rest of the building, which added to its charm. The window was arched, almost like something you'd see in a church, while one wall was taking up by a wooden bookcase. Indeed, the only modern features of the office were the computer, telephone and a laser printer on the desk.

"Apologies for the delay, the damn thing wants rebooting for updates," Lachlan chuckled as he tapped at his computer keyboard.

I nodded and continued gazing around the room. There was a framed PhD diploma sitting on the floor by the desk. I knew it was a stereotypical thing for academics to hang their credentials on the wall, but the way in which Lachlan's lay on the floor by his desk intrigued me. I could see Lachlan Iain Braithwaite Ross printed on the front, which sounded like a very aristocratic but exotic name.

"Lachlan Iain Braithwaite Ross," I murmured under my breath, testing how the name sounded in mouth.

'It's a long name,' Lachlan said with another warm chuckle and I almost jumped out of my fur.

I should not have said that out loud.

"The Braithwaite part comes from the Sir Walter Braithwaite who was a general in the First World War, my Dad was a bit of a fan," Lachlan explained. "I come from a military family, so military related names are quite common."

His tone didn't come across as if he was showing off about the fact he was named after someone famous, but explaining in a down to earth, matter of fact way, and I admit my ears stood up with interest.

"I happened to notice you were looking down at my diploma,' Lachlan continued with an amused but endearing smile. "We're only allowed to put up a certain amount of posters in here, and I thought that showing off my academic stuff seemed such a boring cliché. I'd rather have movie and history posters up instead."

"Yeah, I thought the same," I replied, before cursing under my breath and wishing I had not said such a stupid thing.

Don't imply his credentials are cliché!

Lachlan didn't seem offended, in fact he let out another warm and resonate laugh.

"I'm glad someone agrees," he smiled.

"I like the Dingo Max poster, I have the same one," I said, frantically trying to say something positive.

"It's a classic movie, if a little gruesome in places," Lachlan replied. "But when I was younger I thought Dingo Max was the most amazing canine ever."

"Really? Same here," I said, resisting the urge to wag my tail.

Oh god, am I flirting with him?

"He got me into cars and motorbikes," Lachlan continued. "Hence why I walk in dressed like this half the time," he added with a grin.

In the closer confines of the office, I noticed that whenever Lachlan smiled, cute dimples appeared in the white part of his muzzle and his amber eyes narrowed slightly owing to his cheek fluff, but they sparkled at the same time.

Dammit, don't gaze at him.

"As I was saying, I've just got my motorbike back, it had been in the garage for the past few days having some work done on it. I'd do it myself, but sadly I didn't have the time anymore," he sighed. "A friend of mine had to give me a lift to work."

A friend? The Vixen was a friend!

"Anyway, that's enough boring details about me, we're here to discuss how you are getting on at uni," Lachlan finished.

"You're not boring," I said, before cringing as I remembered this was the second time I'd said that in front of him.

"Heh, I'm glad you think so," Lachlan chuckled. "Due to bureaucratic reasons though, we have to demonstrate that we actually had a meeting about you. Now, this time is yours so feel free to talk about anything that is on your mind; life on campus, are classes going well? I won't be offended if you say you didn't like mine."

I found Lachlan's self-deprecating humour endearing, but I also wanted to tell him that I didn't find anything about him dislikeable.

"Well, uh," I stumbled about.

"It's a broad question I know," Lachlan said.

"Actually, I found your class interesting," I said, trying to sound casual.

"You're the first person to say so."

"Really?" I said, thumping my tail, before flinching at how overly enthusiastic I sounded.

What has gotten into you?

"I was hoping to organise a trip for a PhD student this year, to take them to a famous battle site, but I'm having trouble getting any takers. Ah well," Lachlan chuckled. "So, you live off campus right?"

"I do."

"It must be quieter not being in halls," Lachlan grinned. "But do you feel you miss out on the social life?"

"Yes and kinda, although I'm friends with Hudson and Charlotte," I replied.

"Hudson has the dyed fur?" Lachlan asked.

"He does," I chuckled.

"I could tell they seemed close to you," Lachlan continued. "It's good to make friends at university. Studying can be a challenging experience, so it's useful to surround yourself with supportive people."

I nodded and glanced over at the bookshelf.

There were various old leather bound volumes on the shelf, DVDs of historical movies, but also a couple of graphic novels. I glanced sideways and read the titles; a Dingo Max comic and The Adventures of Agent Shepworth I admit my stomach did a little backflip as I noticed the titles. The Adventures of Agent Shepworth had been one of my favourites and I had a rumpled copy in my bedroom at Auth Ruth's.

"Everything okay?" Lachlan asked.

"Yeah, I just noticed the copy of Shepworth," I admitted.

Lachlan nodded and smiled.

"I'm a fan of that as well," he chuckled, splaying his ears. "I keep one in the office to alleviate feelings of boredom."

Seeing the tall and muscular Fox splay his ears made me feel another rush of endearment. I had always thought of professors as greying, dour people, but Lachlan behaved like a friend chatting over drinks.

"I have a copy at my Aunt's," I said. "I don't often read comics, but I love the artwork in it, and the story has had me gripped."

"Did you see they're making a film of it?" Lachlan asked.

"I did, and it's coming out soon," I replied with a grin. "Ryan Gosling is playing him."

"He is," Lachlan nodded.

"Um, should I tell you how class is going?" I asked, wondering if Lachlan had another student after me and if I should steer the conversation to something more formal. "In case you need to draw the meeting to a close?"

"Oh no, you're the last person I was seeing today, and I don't have any classes this afternoon," Lachlan replied. "Unless you need to go?"

"I was meeting afterwards, but that's not for a while," I explained.

There was an expression in Lachlan's eyes I couldn't quite read, but I wondered if it was intrigue.

"Something fun I hope," he said with a soft smile.

"I hope so," I replied.

"I guess we should talk a little more about university, just for official purposes. How are all your classes going?" Lachlan asked.

"Good, I think," I said.

"It's early days," Lachlan laughed. "Now, I hate to set any kind of homework as I used to find that boring when I was in university. However, I was wondering if you'd be interested in me setting some special assignments during our meetings?"

"How do you mean?" I asked, feeling a little uncertain.

"I don't mean essays or anything like that, but a small, fun thing to do, just keep these meetings interesting," Lachlan explained. "It's not compulsory either."

"I guess I could do that," I replied, feeling curious.

"Fantastic, so for our next meeting, why not revisit Shepworth and tell me your favourite part?" Lachlan asked.

"Oh, that's easy," I grinned. "Of course I can do that."

Lachlan beamed, causing the dimples to appear on his muzzle and I had to look away.

"I'm glad you've agreed to do so, you're the first taker. Not that it is compulsory mind, so don't feel forced to do it, especially if you've got a lot of reading and essays to do."

"Oh no, I'm happy to do it," I replied, wagging my tail slightly and causing it to go thump against the chair.

"Excellent, now I'll just mark you as present for the meeting now that my computer has come back to life. I usually do that at the start but I allowed myself to be distracted," Lachlan chuckled as he stood and turned to face his computer.

I couldn't help but gaze at his leather clad behind for a moment. His motorbike outfit really defined how perky and muscular his butt was, but I forced myself to look away.

"Okay, that's you marked," Lachlan said as he sat back down. "Everything all right?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," I replied, realising I had been staring at the floor to avoid gazing at his rear.

"That's good, I hope I haven't bored you!" Lachlan laughed.

"No, not at all, you don't need to keep saying that. Honestly, you haven't, there's no need to say that," I said, forcing myself not to cringe again as I realised I was giving a positive pep talk to someone who was both a professor, but also taller and more muscular than I was.

"Well, that's good," Lachlan said, smiling again. "Anyway, I'd better let you go if you're off socialising this afternoon."

"Um, well thanks for the meeting," I said, getting to my hind-paws.

"Thank you for turning up, I plan these things and often wonder if anyone will show up for them," Lachlan replied with a wry grin. "Now, off you go and enjoy your afternoon."

I smiled and left Lachlan's office.

As I walked down the corridor my smile vanished and I felt like slapping myself.

Was that a meeting, or just one long flirting session? I wanted to move away from him! And how did he know I lived off campus, I never told him?

I was still wrapped up in my thoughts as I walked outside that I didn't notice Charlotte walking towards the door.

"Oh, hey!" I called as I saw her walk up.

"Hey," the Vixen replied, looking up and fixing me something close to a smile although her voice seemed flat.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied in a polite but curt tone.

"You sure?"

"Positive," Charlotte said, fixing me a faint smile.

I was about to say _your expression and voice suggest otherwise,_but Charlotte spoke first.

"I've got to get to my meeting, I'll see you around."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked up towards the building's entrance.

I stood still for a moment, wondering what could possibly be the matter with her, before I shrugged to myself and began walking.

I pulled out my phone to message Adam and my tail began wagging.

Whatever the trouble is with Charlotte and my feelings with Lachlan, I can forget all about that while I chat with Adam.