2500 Days Chapter 9&10 (Gay Romance) Final

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#9 of Story Folder

Hey everyone! I would like to make these two the last chapters for this story. While I originally planned to have more, I feel like this would leave enough room for a happy ending. I've had lots of fun making these characters and entertaining you all. Thank you so much for your support and I might have another project in the future. And if I have enough time perhaps I can make an epilogue as well. Till then, enjoy! I highly encourage comments, questions, criticisms, and concerns as I seek to improve my writing and storytelling. Enjoy and expect the next two chapters next week.

Artist: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kiba24

English Editor: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nikolinni

Chapter 9

Jacob's tongue panted heavily, sweat dripped from his fox tongue onto his work desk. The office was filled with the scent of musk and sweat. People inside the office tried to keep themselves cooled off during the July heat wave. The A/C blasted throughout the entire building to keep everyone from overheating. For scaly and desert mammal creatures, they were able to work comfortably in the heat wave. However, for creatures such as Jacob his fur coat had barely insulated the extreme heat.

When it came time to his lunch break, Jacob took out his phone to review his messages. One message had come from mother Akari as she reminded him that the Obon Festival in Anaheim was next Friday and Saturday. Akari insisted that Michael and his kids should come along and join in on the family tradition. Jacob smiled and quickly scrolled to Michael's contact info. His phone had reminded him that Michael's birthday would come up in a few days. The fox's tail swayed with excitement, to send him a short text message to get his attention.

"Afternoon, handsome. Can I come over to your place to visit you today? There's also a festival coming up soon I like to talk about," Jacob texted.

Though as the fox munch on his bento box lunch there was no response back. Every few minutes or so, Jacob would glance over his phone and saw that Michael didn't even look at the message. At first, he didn't mind Michael's lack of response. Jacob assumed that Michael was simply busy with work at the hospital. Ever since Michael's last date with Jacob, the white rabbit was always at the hospital around the clock. As Jacob continued to work the silver fox couldn't help but check his phone repeatedly for any response. Yet for most of the work day there was none to Jacob's disappointment.

After he clocked out, Jacob started to walk toward his normal bus route. On occasion, riot police in armored vehicles would pass by the fox as it merged with normal traffic. It was not an uncommon sight for Jacob to see the police officers round up the homeless population and divert them to other areas. Even as Jacob hopped onto the bus to walk home recent security measures insured that every bus would require their passengers to scan their ID's before they could ride.

The several security check points and new bus routes meant that Jacob would always arrive home in the late afternoon. Jacob had managed to make it to his apartment complex by sunset which ended the heat wave. He continued to do his normal grooming routine like any other night before bed. After Jacob took his anti-viral meds and groomed himself the fox would stream some movies on his TV. When Jacob checked his phone again the message did show that Michael did see the message. Still, there was no active response back as it had already been a few hours.

Jacob didn't take the lack of response too personally. He imagined that there must have been something drastic that happened. Even though Michael wasn't a surgeon he would oversee medical procedures that were done on his patients which required him to stay longer at the hospital. The fox simply went to bed and tried not to overthink about it while he slept. The next day, the silver fox had sent Michael another text message to see if he can come over to hang out with him later that night. Though similar to yesterday, Michael hadn't responded to Jacob's message.

The silver fox was worried, Michael's birthday was in two days and Jacob wanted to have something planned to celebrate the special occasion. The next day, Jacob had send the rabbit several strings of text messages to try and gauge Michael's attention. Though he never responded to any of them which had upset Jacob. The fact that Michael didn't seemed to have the time to simply acknowledge him had somewhat made him frustrated about the endeavors. Michael seemed to have ignored his social media presence in general when Jacob checked. The rabbit's personal Facebook page, Instagram, and Snapchat hadn't been used for several weeks which was unusual of Michael.

Though with one day left till Michael's birthday, Jacob still wanted to make the effort to show he still cared about him. Before he headed home, Jacob went to a nearby super market to pick out several ingredients to make Michael a birthday cake. The silver fox knew Michael loved cheesecake as the rabbit's social media posts showed his fondness for the desert. With the help of his mother's recipes Jacob had gathered all the necessary ingredients and headed home to create the dish. After several hours of preparation and work Jacob had managed to make fluffy cheesecake top with blueberries and strawberries. While fruit was extremely expensive in recent weeks, Jacob didn't mind the steep cost.

As July 11th rolled around Jacob attended work as normal. The fox still periodically checked his cell phone and saw that Michael still hadn't answered yet. After Jacob checked out for the day Jacob decide to send him on last text message to get a response from Michael.

Jacob texted, "Would it be alright if I visit your work today? I want to surprise you with something?"

As Jacob hopped onto his normal bus route and headed home he finally received a reply from Michael, "I'm sorry but I can't have you at work today! Though you can come over to my place if you want."

Jacob smiled and responded, "Alright, I'll head over right now! See you soon!"

Once home the fox brought the cake out from the fridge and placed it in a decorative box. He then grabbed his anti-viral mediation from the medicine cabinet as the fox planned to stay overnight. Jacob open a ride sharing app on his phone and waited for a few minutes before the driverless car arrived at his apartment. The fox held the decorative box that housed the cake and set the destination towards Michael's home. After a few minutes on the road, the driverless car already had arrived to his destination. Jacob stepped out from the car and paid for the service before he brought the cake out with him. Jacob stood outside of Michael's home and headed for the front door, with the only car left out front belonging to Jennifer.

He sat up with the box in his paws and headed toward Michael's porch. His heart beat pounded with anxiety as he stood in front of the door. Jacob was about to knock before he notice a pair of headlights that shine behind him. A car door was open as Jacob turned around to see Michael stand in the driveway. From Jacob's perspective, Michael looked overworked and exhausted as the rabbit walked up to the fox.

Michael's ears droop down the sides of his head with massive bags underneath his eye lids. The distinctive blue eyes were heavily bloodshot and his well-maintained whiskers were heavily bent. The rabbit' doctor's uniform was unkempt and wrinkled along with the rest of his clothes.

"Hey, Michael... how are you?" Jacob asked.

"Honestly, I'm out of it today. Sorry about not responding to you... I'm just so tired," Michael stumbled toward the door.

At first Jacob tried to rush over to see if the rabbit needed help walking. Though Michael motioned him to stop as he regained his balance.

Once Michael walked closure Jacob gave a nervous smile and presented him with the box, "I'm really sorry to hear. I just wanted you to have this, since it's your birthday today. Happy birthday, Michael!"

Michael's muzzle twitched curiously as he open the box which revealed the fluffy cheesecake, "You bought this for me?"

"I made it from scratch, actually! Though if you're not hungry you should put it in the fridge. It's still good for about two more days or so," Jacob tail tucked nervously.

Michael ears stood up as he smiled, "Thank you, Jacob. That really means a lot to me. I kind of forgot it was my birthday today."

Jacob chuckled, "What have you've been isolated from the outside world for several days or something?"

"Yeah... you can say that."

"Wait, what? You've been working this whole time? Is that even legal?" Jacob asked with concern in his voice,

"Let's head inside and we'll discuss this more. I need some coffee," Michael told him as the rabbit unlocked his front door.

Jacob followed him inside his home as the two made their way toward the kitchen. As the two passed by the living room Alejandro and Madeline both stood up from the couch to greet their father with a warm hug. Alejandro was the first to present his father with a gift. The small brown rabbit handed him a makeshift birthday card and his favorite chocolate candy bar. His daughter Madeline had also gave him a makeshift birthday card along with a well decorated picture she drew for her father and mother. Despite his tired nature, Michael enthusiastically accepted the gifts and offered to share his fluffy cheesecake with the both of them.

The two small rabbit's bounced around with excitement as they patiently waited in the kitchen. Jacob offered to help set up and start the coffee maker for Michael as the white rabbit prepared the table for his two kids. Once Jacob was finish, he sat with the rest of the family as they all took slices and dined on his fluffy cheesecake. To Jacob's relief, even though the cake had been out of the fridge for a few hours, no one seemed to complain about the sweet treat. In fact, everyone had enjoyed the cake and fruit that scattered on top of it. Jennifer couldn't help but also take a slice and dine with them as the five sat at the dinner table. With the fresh smell of coffee lingered in the air Jacob stood up and poured Michael a cup of coffee for the rabbit to drink.

Michael relaxed in his chair and enjoyed his dark coffee along with the cake as the family had ate the majority of it. With only a few slices left, Michael decided to save the rest for later and let Jennifer take the rest of the kids for the night. The blue jay guided the kids upstairs, Alejandro and Madeline needed to brush their teeth and prepare themselves for bed. Michael's kids both gave him a warm loving up before the two followed Jennifer up the stairs.

Jacob and Michael were left alone, the fox sat nervously in his chair. Michael had chugged down his cup of coffee and stood up to pour himself another mug. The rabbit returned to the table and sat down.

"You mentioned in your text messages that there was a festival coming up. Is that still happening?" Michael nursed on his coffee mug.

Jacob nodded, "Yeah the Obon Festival is coming up next Friday and Saturday at a Buddhist monastery in Anaheim. My mother would love it if we all can go! I think Alejandro and Madeline would absolutely love it!"

"Would it be alright if we go? Even though we don't practice Buddhism?" Michael asked.

"Of course, the festival is open to the public so everyone's welcome. The festival has lots of food, games, and other activities for everyone to enjoy! It would mean a lot to me if you're able to come.

Michael sighed deeply, "Even after how I treated you for the past few days? I knew better not to ignore you and I have no excuse for it. I don't blame you if you're even slightly mad at me."

"I was a bit worried when you didn't respond to my text messages for a few days. I wasn't mad at you! But now that you're here I still would want you to come with me! Maybe a nice weekend break with me will help what's troubling you," Jacob rubbed his lap.

"Thanks, I would love to join you for the Obon festival. But I don't think anything will help distract my mind from a while now. These last few days have been a real nightmare," Michael rubbed his wrinkled forehead.

Jacob scooted closer and softly held onto his paw, "What happened, Michael? Were you really at the hospital all this time?"

Michael then slumped over his chair, "Yeah, the family is used to it though. They know I typically come back the third or fourth today. But this week... it was just a fucking mess both professionally and emotionally."

Jacob continued to hold his paw, "I'm here to listen, Michael. It's the least I can do, after everything you've done for me. What happened at the hospital?"

Michael nodded and his ears drooped down sadly, "I became aware that due to several new regulations signed this week... a large portion of my patients are about to lose their public and private health insurance. In response a few of my patients have orally requested me for doctor assisted suicide. I gave all of them my best medical advice and urged them to not make such a hasty decision. Still, it's been such a difficult week."

Jacob spoke, "Can't they just continue with the treatment they already have with or without insurance?" Jacob asked.

"They could but without insurance none of them could ever possibly afford to pay their current care. If my patients lose their current treatment they'll forever be crippled and bedridden from unspeakable pain for the rest of their short lives. And sadly, I know that absolutely be true for all of them. The majority of my time spent at work wasn't seeing my patients. It was primarily arguing with their insurance providers to not suspend their current medical care. It frustrating to deal with those people," Michael sighed.

Jacob simply held onto his paw and silently listen as Michael took a few deep breaths. He could tell that the stress had consumed his rabbit companion. Jacob couldn't imagine how much Michael kept bottled up inside so that he could maintain his professionalism for work. The fox scooted closer to Michael as the rabbit looked over to him, "Jacob... can I ask you something?"

Jacob made direct eye contact with him, "Yes, Michael?"

Michael gripped the fox's paw, "If you were to get seriously injured or ill, so long as there's a slight possibility of recovery, promise me that you'll never consider doctor assisted suicide! I don't want you to ever be scared into thinking you have no choice if you couldn't afford the care! I would gladly go bankrupt if it meant getting you the care that you needed!"

Jacob's fur coat was raised as he was momentarily at a loss of words, "Michael... you don't need to do that! What about your family?"

"Jacob, you are family! I know this is a selfish request but please promise me that!"

Jacob's felt a cold shiver up his spine as Michael tightly held onto his paw. All he could do was nod his head and agree to the rabbit's request. Michael's expression seemed to calm as the rabbit gently cling onto his paw tightly.

"Thank you... thank you," Michael softly spoke.

The rabbit reached over and tightly hugged his fox companion with his strong muscular arms. Jacob sat still and gently wrapped his arms around the white bunny as they shared each other's warmth. The fox's paws lightly traced down Michael's backside as the two held onto each other for what felt like hours. Michael's body seemed calmed and relax as if a heavy burden was released from his shoulders.

Jacob softly spoke, "Michael I'm truly sorry about the rough day you had. But I can help make it better... if you want that is."

Michael release his hold on the fox as he looked up at Jacob with a curious look. Though after the fox nuzzled his cheek, without another word, Michael stashed away the left over cake and grabbed onto Jacob's paw. The rabbit lead his companion up the stair case and into the master bedroom with the door locked behind them. Once the two were inside, Michael instigated another kiss as Jacob started to slowly undress himself. Michael followed along as the two stripped away their clothes and tossed them aside on the floor. The lights inside the room were dimmed and Jacob laid on his backside as Michael loomed over him on the bed.

Jacob simply laid and observed Michael as the rabbit panted heavily. The fox simply wanted to provide comfort and warmth for Michael as Jacob submitted himself to him. Michael's claws glided down Jacob's hips and pressed his muscular body into the fox's. A small groan came from Jacob's muzzle as he instinctually held onto him. Their furs shed and mixed together under the bedsheets as the two grinded against one another. Michael seek to lose himself in Jacob's warmth and escape the burdensome troubles of the world. The rabbit's muzzle nestled into Jacob's fur coat as Michael let out a soft sigh of relaxation.

Michael attentively stroked Jacob's cheek as the fox continued to stare up to him. With the lights turned off, Michael instigated another kiss as their bodies grinded against one another. Jacob's arousal was unavoidable as he was buried underneath the rabbit's furry muscular body. Michael softly guided Jacob onto his stomach before the rabbit prepared himself. Michael grabbed a nearby condom and a small bottle of lube as Jacob grabbed a pillow. Hours passed by as the two took turns exploring each other's bodies.

Michael's sexual nature had drove Jacob's excitements toward a new form of unfathomable ecstasy. There was no sense of the passage of time as the two unleashed their raw inner passionate emotions they held for each other. The mix of compassion, lust, and joyfulness had built into an explosion of a heated encounter. They had exploited one another's weak points as the two sought to mutually shower each other with affection and intense pleasure. When Michael dominated over Jacob, the fox would instinctually grope and caress the rabbit's sensitive nipples to gain a rise from him. Michael panted heavily from the overwhelming sensation and soon reached the peak of his pleasure as he orgasmed. When the two switch, the rabbit leaned forward and left several small bite marks on Jacob's sensitive neck as the fox topped him. No matter Jacob's efforts, the warm sensation of Michael's insides and the soft biting had drove the fox over the edge as he reached his climax.

As Jacob softly pulled himself out from Michael the two laid beside each other with their body's spent with exhaustion. Their fur coats were matted as their tongues dripped heavily with sweat. Spent condoms were casually tossed aside while the two still sought after one another's warmth. Michael's head had buried itself into Jacob's fluffy chest with his long ears pressed up near the fox's heartbeat. Jacob's paws caressed over every inch of Michael's body as he carefully observed in every detail of his partner. Though the two eventually crawled themselves out from bed and headed for the shower to clean up.

Michael had readied the shower as Jacob help change and replaced the stained bedsheets with a cleaner pair. With the steam slowly arising from the shower the two climbed inside to wash up. The cascade of warm water poured onto their spent bodies which made their fur slick down. Michael's fur coat flattened out from the warm water which allowed Jacob to get a better look at the rabbit's well-toned body. With soap in paw, the two took turns as they washed each other's backside and lower hips.

As Jacob washed Michael's back the rabbit spoke, "Thank you for such a wonderful night cutie."

Jacob's muzzle burned brightly underneath his fur coat, "It was no trouble and I needed it just as much too. I would love to be the one to welcome you home."

Michael chuckled, "Oh? Well instead of paying for next month's rent how about you move in with me instead?"

Jacob's tail wagged, "Are you sure? It's only been 4 month's since we've been together. I wouldn't want to impose myself onto your family if it's too quick for them?"

Michael turned around and deeply kissed Jacob before he spoke, "Once I have a talk with the family, they'll be more than happy to accept you."

Jacob looked down to avoid eye contact, "I mean I really would love to move in with you! But... it will be hard to let the apartment go. It was the very first place I had permanent housing after high school. Can I think about it for a few more days?"

Michael's eyes did show a mix of disappointment but also understanding. Michael's fingers interlaced with Jacob's as his muzzle gently pressed against the fox's chest. The shower washed over both of them as they stood together closely connected.

"If you don't feel ready right now then that's okay too. I just wanted to officially extend the offer. It will always be left open for you," Michael held onto him tightly.

Jacob nuzzled the rabbit's head, "Thank you, Michael."

The cascade of water continued to pour onto them as soap was rinsed off from their fur coats. Steam had clouded the glass shower walls as the two stood close naked. For Jacob, the sight of Michael's adorable expression as he stood under the warm water was a priceless sight. Jacob's mind slowly dissolve the painful memories from his past and replace them with memories such as the one before him. Little by little, the heavy burdens of Jacob's past were slowly withered away as new memories were edged into his subconscious. The love Jacob held for Michael was further cemented and he continue to capture the fleeting memory of pure joy in his mind. Though as the two stepped out from the shower they crawled under the covers and drifted off into an uninterrupted deep sleep.

Chapter 10

Jacob slumped on the couch as Alejandro and Madeline sat beside the fox. The small group streamed a movie on Michael's TV in the living room as they patiently waited for everyone else. The three were dressed comfortably for the anticipated warm weather with short sleeve shirts and shorts. The sun had barely peaked as sun light slowly illuminated Michael's living room. Jennifer was in the kitchen as she prepared small snacks for Michael's kids to eat for the long car ride over. Jacob's mother Akari had text him earlier in the day to ask what the shirt sizes were for Michael's kids. The silver fox was a bit confused at first in terms of the intent of the message. However, Jacob figured it was his mother's plan to gift Michael's kids with some kind of apparel. The fox quickly checked the tags on their shirts before he sent off the information to his mother. After he finished, Michael eventually climbed downstairs to gather everyone up before they set out for the day. The Obon festival was about to begin in the afternoon as the group planned to leave early in the morning.

Michael handed Jacob a small cup of coffee to help awaken the sleep fox as they prepared to leave. Jacob dunk the coffee back in one swift gulp before the group departed. Jacob rejoined the group as they headed outside toward Michael's silver sedan. The fox climbed into the front passenger seat and Michael sat in the driver seat. Jennifer sat in the backseat with the kids and help them buckle up before they settled in. The fox's tail swayed with joy as everyone seemed very excited for the Obon festival. After Michael manually back out from the drive way, he activated self-driving mode in his car as they made their journey. The vehicle glided onto the smooth road as it drove toward the nearest freeway.

As the group drove deeper into LA county they noticed more police vehicles that patrolled the freeways, streets, and exits. The police were out in force to ensure public safety for the Obon festival in Anaheim. This was an unusual sight since previous years prior police presence was minimal. Despite the Buddhist temples strong initial objection, the city decided to step up the police presence in response to potential threats of public unrest. Though Jacob decide to not bring up the issue and try to mainly focus on the potential fun the family will have at the festival.

Jacob looked over his cell phone as messages popped up on the screen. Text messages had come from his mother as Jacob unlocked his phone. His mother Akari had sent Jacob multiple photos of her activities. The first photo showed Jacob's parents had cleaned up the small family headstone and placed white lilies on the grave site. The second photo attached showed their family Butsudan specially decorated for the special occasion as offerings were placed on the alter. The last photo showed a small candle lit lantern near on the Butsudan to welcome their loved ones spirit back home into the physical world.

Michael leaned over to give Jacob a kiss on the cheek, "Who's texting you cutie?"

Jacob turned over his phone, "It's just my mother. She's sent me a few picture. Want to take a look?"

Michael released his paws from the steering wheel as Jacob handed him the phone. The rabbit scrolled through the pictures and stopped at the last one, "What's with the lantern?"

"It's to help guide our loved ones back to my parents' house. My folks prepared the Butsudan and visited the family grave site before departing for the festival." Jacob explained.

"So what happens at the festival exactly?" Michael asked as he continue to glance over the picture.

"It's similar to any other festival. Today is meant for celebration for our ancestor's safe arrival into our world. And to celebrate we dance, sing, and party. While the Buddhist temple does have a special service today, it's not monitory to attend. It's mainly a prayer service that'll primarily be in Japanese," Jacob explained.

"Okay, I was just curious as all," Michael smiled as he reached over to softly hold onto Jacob's paw.

Their silver sedan carefully maneuvered through the narrow streets as they were guided into a nearby parking complex. Despite the morning arrival, plenty of creatures had also came early. A few police officers stood near the entrance of the festival as they helped with crowd control. There were also various officers stationed near every entrance and exit to keep guard. Lines zig zag across the entrance as people surrender their belongings before they pass through a metal detector.

The outside of the festival had a tense mood in the air which thrown off the groups expectations. The mix sensation of uneasy and bureaucratic procedural compliance dictated the mood outside the fair as the group join the line. Jacob's cell phone vibrated in his pocket and the fox takes it out to check on the messages. The messages had come from his father Steven as Jacob unlocked the phone to view the texts.

"Hope you'll made it alright! Expect long lines when trying to get in. Once you're inside meet us near the yagura where the taiko drummers will play!" Steven texted him.

Jacob knew exactly where to go as the festival layout had stayed consistent over the years. After the group passed through the security check point Jacob lead them toward the large makeshift tower near the center of the bazaar. The sight and smells had instantly brought back a flood of nostalgic memories of Jacob's youth. The familiar faces of vendors and visitors from years prior made the fox feel at home and relaxed. Hot steamed poured out various makeshift tends as chiefs prepared exquisite faire food to serve the ravenous crowd. Childish laughter and screams of excitement were heard from a vast array of carnival games. Sounds of chatter and music were culminated into a clash of loud sounds. The loud thumps from the taiko drummers echoed and were felt throughout the bazaar.

Jacob had already spotted his parents as they stood near the taiko drummers. Though to the silver fox's surprise, he had also spotted Hugo his older brother. The tall red fox loomed over his parents as he stood beside them. Though on Hugo's shoulders was a smaller red fox that sat on his shoulders. The small red fox excitedly looked around as he was captivated by his surroundings. He had worn a dark stripped blue summer time kimono that conformed to the warm climate. The young red fox appeared to be much younger than Michael's children and seemed smaller in comparison. Though near Hugo was another female red fox that stood close to him. Her distinctive dark red fox fur coat was much different compared to his other family members. The female red fox had two daughters that huddled beside her as they appear to be similar age to Michael's children. The two small female red fox's had worn matching kimono's with colorful pink flower décor patterns.

Jacob's mother Akari spotted the silver fox and enthusiastically waved the group over as they converged closure. Akari held a large bag that wrapped around her right arm as she waved with her left. Hugo slowly set down the small red fox from his shoulders before he walked up to Jacob to give him a warm brotherly hug. Jacob's tail wagged excitedly as he gently patted Hugo's backside.

"Didn't expect to see you big bro! It's so good to see you, Hu-chan!" Jacob said.

"Same for you, Jay-chan!" Hugo chuckled as the group encircled one another.

"Hugo! Glad to see you're here! And who's this lovely vixen?" Michael motioned over to the dark red female fox.

The dark red fox shook Michael's paw and introduce herself, "Hello, my name is Ruby Hayashi. And these are our two little girls, Hana and Hina and our youngest son is Sora. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance! You must be Jacob's partner I assume?"

"That's right! It's very nice to meet you too! I'm Michael Garcia and these are my kids, Alejandro and Madeline. And this is also Jennifer Ann, she's the nanny and family friend," Michael smiled.

Everyone made their rounds to introduce one another the group slowly converged near a quitter area for everyone to talk comfortably. Akari slowly unveiled what was inside the paper bag and brought out colorful Yukata's. The colorful garments were in various child sizes that used to be worn by Jacob and the rest of his siblings. Akari wanted Alejandro and Madeline to wear the Yukata's to feel included in their cultural festivities. With Michael's approval, the two rabbit's eagerly accepted Akari's offer as they picked out their personal favorites. Alejandro chosen a dark navy blue Yukata with beautifully inscribe Japanese calligraphy kanji writing embedded on it. Madeline decided to wear a light blue Yukata that were decorated with colorful flowers.

Jacob knew how to properly put on a Yukata and help Alejandro slide the garment on over his clothes. The silver fox didn't hesitate to help as he knew where the sash, soft ties, stiffeners, and belt goes. Akari helped with Madeline's Yukata and managed to finish first as she had performed this tasked countless of times. For Alejandro, the small brown rabbit wiggled in place as Jacob's fluffy paws would accidentally tickle him. Michael was amused by the sight as Alejandro would giggle and laugh loudly from Jacob's dressing. Jacob playfully wrestled him in place before he could finish and let the small brown rabbit move around freely.

Steven had gathered Hugo's and Michael's kids together so that the family could get a picture of all the kinds in their Yukata's. The fox's and rabbit's got together in one large group as their parents and grandparents showered them with pictures. Once the parents felt satisfied with the pictures, Jacob's parents guided them around the festival. They headed first for the play area and allowed the kids to try out various carnival games. While Jacob didn't participate in the games, the silver fox enjoyed watching from the side lines along with Hugo. Jacob watched and enjoyed Michael's kids at play as they partake in the festivities with the other kids. The sight of Michael's children fully embracing Jacob's cultural traditions and heritage had delighted the silver fox. Jacob watched from a slight distance as Michael joined in to help win at one of the games. Hugo's wife and children were right next to Michael's as the two families both competed for the same prize in a friendly game of competition.

Hugo playfully nudge Jacob, "Were you really that surprise to see me here little bro?"

"Yes and no. I mean mother and father didn't tell me that you would come. Though I was excited to see you though regardless and Ruby too! Your kids have grown up so much! I remember when Hana and Hina were only just a few months old before I moved out!" Jacob tried to talk over the crowd.

"I can hardly believe it myself! I'm 31 years old with three kids and yet I still don't feel like an adult!" Hugo talked over the crowd.

Jacob laughed, "Oh come on! You're basically a wrinkly old man at that point!"

Hugo chuckled, "I guess so. But part of the reason I came is so that my kids can get to see their uncle. They've been asking a lot about you in recently."

"It's only been 7 years since I last saw them."

"They were barely two months old when I had you meet them, silly fox."

"True, but in all honesty I thought I was intentionally forgotten about after everything that happened. I'm surprised you're not still mad at me for stealing and pawning off your class ring when I was a drug addict," Jacob looked down in shame.

Hugo patted his shoulder, "Hey, all that is in the past. You're a new person now! One that I'm proud to call my brother! Besides, I did manage to get the ring back. It wasn't that hard to find."

"That's a relief. So where's Rachel and Itsuki? Are they here as well?"

Hugo shook his head, "Rachel's busy with work today. As for Itsuki... it's still complicated."

"I see... anyway, how's the life of a stay at home dad?" Jacob wanted to change the subject.

"Pretty interesting, I've had my ups and downs. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! How have things been between you and Michael?" Hugo asked as he watched his kids from afar.

"I think it's going pretty well. Michael has offered to let me move in with him."

"That's great! So are you going to?"

"I want to... but I don't know."

Hugo gave a questionable look, "What could possibly stop you from saying yes? Whenever I see you with him you're just a shining beacon of light around him."

"But I just don't want to somehow screw this up you know? If I move in with him and the relationship doesn't work out, I'll be shit out of luck in terms of finding an affordable apartment. How did you manage to move in with Ruby so easily after high school anyway?" Jacob asked.

Hugo shrugged, "Honestly, it's pretty much sink or swim. You learn more about a person the longer you live with them. It's all about trust in your partner and in yourself."

"Yeah but... how can I really know if I'm truly ready for it?"

"Let me ask you this? Can you half tolerate being around him?"

"Well yeah of course! He's not perfect but I don't mind spending long periods of time with him."

Hugo latched his arm around Jacob's shoulder, "Then you have your answer now don't you? You can be so dense sometimes!"

Jacob tried to playfully shove him off, "Oh fuck off!"

Hugo still kept a firm grip on him as he brought Jacob's muzzle in closer, "I'm serious dude! That rabbit of yours is a keeper! As your older brother, I won't allow you to make same mistake that so many of my friends often made! You should go for it!"

Jacob fox tail curled submissively, "You truly think so?"

"I know so! It won't kill you to at least try! If things truly don't work between you two, I'll help you find a new place to stay. You have my word," Hugo rubbed Jacob's back.

Jacob looked over at Michael as the rabbit lifted Madeline in his arms as she tried to through the ping pong balls into the small fish bowls. With the height advantage, Madeline was able to land one of the ping pong balls inside one of the bowls. The sight of Michael's family at play made the fox smile on reflex. Michael set his daughter down so that she could collect her prize before the rabbit turned to Jacob. His blue eye warm gaze met Jacob's as Michael playfully wave and blew a kiss towards the fox. A soft chuckle escape Jacob's lips before he turned back to Hugo.

"You're right Hugo! I'll go for it! I'll let him know later tonight!" Jacob's tail wagged.

"Good Jay-chan! If you ever need help with the actual moving, just let me know and I'll let you borrow my truck!" Hugo patted his backside.

"Thanks!" Jacob smiled.

After both families were satisfied with the carnival games a message was delivered through several loud speakers throughout the bazaar. A tan and brown female tanuki announced that the traditional dances would start soon. Jacob spotted the familiar musicians and performers slowly set themselves up on the yagura. A large crowd had slowly started to gather and surround the small makeshift tower as everyone formed into a long line circle. As the taiko drums started to play the two vocalists started to perform their rendition of several popular folk songs. The vocal melodies were amplified throughout the sound system as the joyful music hypnotized the crowed. The infectious melody had already made the leaders of the small line begin their dance sequence as everyone else followed suit and moved counter clockwise around the yagura. Michael watched from afar as he stood amazed and intrigued at the sight.

"What is this song called?" Michael asked Jacob.

"It's the Tank? Bushi an old folk song about coal miners that worked in Japan! The dance is in reminiscence their hard labor!" Jacob explained.

After a few seconds, the participants would start their dance from the beginning again as they continued to move counter clockwise. The actions depicted how the coal miners would shovel for coal, whip the sweat from their foreheads, and push heavy carts before they ended the dance with a unison clap. The dance and movements were simple enough for anyone to learn as people were invited to join the line. Family members and friends would encourage their love ones to break away to join in the dance. While the new participants would awkwardly go through the motions they would eventually adjust to it.

"Hey Jay-chan, how about you show these kids how it's done!" Hugo tried to push the silver fox toward the crowd.

Jacob's ears folded, "I haven't done this in a while though..."

"Nonsense, you've done this plenty of times when we were kids! Just go do it!" Hugo chuckled as Jacob eventually made his way toward the line.

The fox's muzzle became warm with embarrassment as Michael had already taken out his phone to start filming. Though with the takio drummers providing the beat Jacob was able to find his footing and join in the dance. The cheers from Hugo and Michael only made him feel more embarrassed as he nailed every dance technique. Jacob's muscle memory had taken over as the fox had put little thought into the dance. Instead, Jacob allowed his body to move naturally to the beat. After he finish the full routine near the yagura Hugo and Michael's children had quickly rushed over to Jacob.

Hana, Hina, and Sora were already able to match Jacob's movements flawlessly for their first few attempts. The three fox's had quite obviously participated in the dances before as the style of dance hasn't changed for decades. Alejandro and Madeline struggle as they were only able to copy the arm movements but not the footwork. However, with enough practice the two rabbits had already started to become accustom and started to dance with enthusiasm. Jacob had a permanent smile on his muzzle as he could hear the camera clicks come his mother and father's phone.

After a few minutes the musicians concluded the piece as the audience around the dancers gave fervent applause. Jacob lightly panted as he guided the children back to the main group to relax. The musicians prepared to play another song as a new set of dancers surrounded the small tower. The group eventually broke away from the dance area to indulge themselves in festival food. Michael allowed himself to splurge on the festival food as they moved from stand to stand as they tried out different regions of Japanese cuisine. The rabbit's stuffed their belly full of food as the evening slowly started to wind down. Festival lanterns and lights had illuminated the entire fair grounds as nightfall had arrive. A few stars barely dotted along the sky with most of the nighttime lights had come from the dim moon and airplanes.

To conclude the festival, the organizers had prepared an extravagant firework show for everyone to enjoy. Long streaks of colorful bright lights flashed above sky as a cascade of sparks safely rained down. The group manage to watch the fireworks comfortably as the kids were captivated by the display. Alejandro and Madeline sat with Jennifer as the trio continued to admire the beautiful display of fireworks. Jacob stood beside Michael with his paw softly held onto the rabbit's.

Jacob looked over to Michael as the fox spoke over the fireworks, "So what did you enjoy yourself today handsome?"

Michael nodded, "It was very fun! I really needed this break!"

Jacob chuckled as he held Michael's paw, "I'm glad you feel that way. You've been an amazing partner Michael and I can't thank you enough for coming!"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world handsome!" Michael stuck his tongue out.

"Yeah... and Michael I want to ask you something? Is it too late to move in with you?" Jacob squeezed his handpaw.

Michael playfully expressed deep contemplation, "Mmm, I don't know. You've already passed the one week grace period... Of course it's not too late to move in with me, goofball! What made you change your mind?"

Jacob nudge his shoulder, "I've always wanted to move in with you. I was just too scared to act on it fearing the worst. But... I want to experience what it's like to welcome home the person I love and care about every day. And I'm ready to take that next step with you!"

Michael's fur coat frizzled with excitement, "I... I'm very happy to hear that! When will you be able to move in?"

"My next month's rent isn't due till Sept 1st so I'll be sure to move out by then!" Jacob's fox tail wagged.

"Great! I look forward to coming home to you more often!" Michael softly planted a kiss on his lips.

After the kiss Jacob nuzzled him, "I agree, Michael. I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Jacob," Michael leaned forward and tightly embraced him as a powerful firework dominated the night sky.

Eventually, the festival started close for the evening as the group slowly made their way toward the large parking lot. Jacob had help Alejandro and Madeline undress themselves from their Yukata's before they returned them to his mother. The two young rabbits yawned with extreme exhaustion. After everyone said their respective goodbyes, Michael held onto his kids paws as he guided them toward their car. Alejandro and Madeline would stumble their way into their seats as Jennifer help them buckle up inside. Traffic started to pile up on the road as the Michael's car slowly crawled to a halt at the first light stop. The self-driving car continued the journey towards the rabbit's house as the group headed home.

2500 Days Chapter 7&8 (Gay Romance)

Chapter 7 Jacob sat in the passenger side of the car as the family rode down the freeway. The tires smoothly glided over the road which made little noise. Alejandro and Madeline's eyes were fixated on their tablets, the two streamed movies and games...

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2500 Days Chapter 5&6 (Gay Romance)

Chapter 5 Jacob slowly headed upstairs. The fox's footpaws quietly scaled the staircase to disturb Alejandro and Madeline's slumber. Although once near the top of the staircase, Jacob saw that Michael's bedroom door left opened. The muscular white...

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2500 Days Chapter 3&4 (Gay Romance)

Chapter 3 Jacob loudly yawned and sat at his work desk. The silver fox resisted the urge to scratch at his wound on his left paw. He planned to have Michael remove the stitches before the two departed for the Faire. Jacob occasionally glanced over his...

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