Wolf Wish

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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What happens AFTER a transformation? Let's find out.

This was written for one of my Patreon members. Sign up for benefits and stuff.https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

(Note: While no transformation occurs within the story, it does involve a character who has just been transformed which is why it has the transformation tag.)

"Granted." The genie spoke with a firm nod as she crossed her arms. She had a pink silk top on that just barely covered her C cup chest, as well as pink silk bellbottom pants. Her hair was long, but tied up into a ponytail, and colored brown, which didn't quite match her fair skin and blue eyes. "That is your three wishes. I hope your wishes serve you well." With a nod, the genie vanished after a bang, and in a pink puff of smoke, as if it was a cheap movie effect. As the genie left, so too did the lamp that she was confined in.

Ethan's jaw dropped once the genie left. He felt incredibly different, and he saw a huge snout directly underneath his eyes. A strong scent of canine musk lingered in the air, one he didn't mind, if only because it was his own. "Mirror...I need a mirror!" he spoke in a gruff voice, one of both panic, and lust. Luckily, Ethan had placed a mirror nearby due to another wish he had granted, and he took a full look at himself. He couldn't believe the reflection that stared back at him.

Ethan was once human, but his old human looks no longer mattered. He no longer had any hair on his head, but pitch black fur. He had triangular ears that tilted up and down on his head based on his emotions. He had a snout that stuck out two like a wolf muzzle, but twice the size as normal. It looked oversized on his otherwise fuzzy face. At least it didn't hide his yellow eyes, but it did show off a large pitch black wet nose. Black fur covered his body from head to his digitigrade large black paws. He still technically had fingers, just with short white tipped claws at the end rather than fingernails. An average sized black wolf tail wagged from side to side as he looked at his muscular torso and anthro wolf body, complete with a beet red wolf cock so large that it throbbed to life up so tall that Ethan could just lean down, open his oversized wolf snout, and suck himself off if he so desired.

Ethan couldn't believe the body he was given. He recalled the first wishes with the genie at the same time. He first wanted to always be in perfect health. He used to wear glasses, but thanks to his now perfect health, they were no longer needed. He then wished a huge hypersensitive cock that was quick to recharge with cum, one men and women would find hard to resist. It was then that he got the mirror pulled out to the living room so he could see his cock. Even as a human, his shaft grew so big he could auto-fellatio himself. Ethan then had one more wish, but he wasn't sure what he wanted. Fame and fortune weren't things he desired. "I just said I wish I had a wolf...didn't I?" he asked as he touched his oversized snout with his right paw. "I said HAD...not WAS...I think?" Even he was unsure how he phrased it exactly. His own memory wasn't his strong suit, and it was even harder to recall than he knew it should have been. Whatever the case was, he was now an anthro wolf, a strong muscular one with a huge cock, one that was hard to stop from being aroused. Ethan glanced around to confirm his fears, and indeed the genie was gone. He had used up all three of his wishes, and now here he was, in his home, stuck as an anthro wolf, a creature that shouldn't exist to begin with.

Before Ethan could stare at his form for too long, he heard the sound of a car door slam. "Crap. Jennifer's back already?" He lived with his girlfriend, a woman roughly the same age as he was. Their relationship went a bit better than normal, but Ethan knew that she would scream if she saw him as such an odd creature. Ethan lifted up his paws, and made his way to his bedroom. Thankfully they had separate rooms, although they often slept together in her room regardless. Ethan had to take his time as he walked to his room, his balance in the new anthro wolf form just felt so incredibly off. It wasn't that he couldn't walk on two legs at all, it was just that balance had shifted. His paw padded feet stepped lightly along the wooden floors.

Just as Ethan made it to his door, his hyper cock brushed up against a small table placed outside his room. Ethan blushed underneath his black fur, and let out a light moan as his hyper sized, hypersensitive cock suddenly burst a hint of pre on the tiny table. He didn't concern himself with the small mess. He merely closed his bedroom door, and locked the handle. He knew Jennifer hated it when he locked himself up in his room, but he thought he had to do it for now, at least until he thought about how he could explain his new form. Well, that, and the fact that he didn't use any of his wishes to better both of their lives, just make his own much more fun.

Jennifer walked into the small house and took a quick glance around. "It smells like...dog in here?" she said questionably. She wore a dark blue top with a matching skirt, a nurse's outfit. She looked around curiously and noticed the house was unchanged. "Too lazy to clean again, I see." She said with a scoff and a roll of her eyes. She walked around a bit before she made her way to the closed bedroom door and pounded on it. "What are you doing in there?"

Ethan's wolf ears could easily pick up the sound of Jennifer's steps. His ears twitched and gently tilted towards the door. He still jumped when he heard her pound on the door. "N-nothing!" Ethan had to think fast. He dove to his bed and covered up himself with a warm thick blue blanket. "Just trying to get some sleep!" he added. It was rare that he slept in his own twin sized bed, unless he was ill.

Jennifer opened up the door, and grimaced at the covered up Ethan. "You're trying to sleep? At this time of day, with the television and your lights on, covering your head with your sheets, localized entirely on YOUR bed?" Even she found it hard to believe. He sounded so healthy when he responded to her about what he was doing, and very awake at that.

"...yes." Ethan spoke after a short pause. His furry hands gripped the blanket that covered him so tightly that his small white tipped claws poked out from above.

"...can I see you?" Jennifer then asked with a sudden shift of tone. Something felt wrong to her, but she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Something about the bedsheet lump looked off, and something smelled off too, if faint. Not to mention, Ethan's voice, while familiar, was definitely lower in pitch.

"...no." Ethan gave a single one word response with the covers still over his head. Just go already until I can figure this out. He thought to himself. He let out a cough underneath the sheets.

Jennifer put her hands on her hips, and raised a brow. Something was definitely off with him. While his voice was definitely different, he didn't sound ill at all. His appearance looked different underneath the sheets, and there was a faint smell of dog musk in the air. "Well, alright." Jennifer decided. He was a grown man, she couldn't investigate everything that he did. "I'll leave you be. If you just wanted private time, you should put a sock on your door next time or something." The two had been living with each other long enough that they had intercourse on occasion, but even Jennifer knew that they needed alone time every now and then. Jennifer left his room, and closed the door behind her. As she left, she couldn't help but notice the slight stickiness from the doorknob. She raised her hand up to her face and gave it a whiff before she curled her nose. "Ugh. He really IS doing that." She wasn't so much disgusted with what she thought he was doing, but more that he was doing a very poor job of covering up the evidence. Jennifer went to the bathroom and washed her hand up, as well as the rest of her body as she normally did after work.

Ethan let out a sigh of relief. As he took in a breath after his sigh, he couldn't help but notice an odor his body emitted. The odor wasn't bad, at least to him. He picked it up as the smell of musk, but with a hint of canine musk. Ethan recalled his wish to be more attractive to women and men when he got that huge cock, he assumed the genie must have done something with his musk. His muzzle grimaced at the scent; it was inhuman. "Maybe I can get a female dog if I try hard enough." He muttered, sarcastically. Ethan was clueless about how to go about the rest of the night, let alone his entire life. He could try to spend his days at the computer, he could probably make money writing, drawing, or with his face, streaming. People would just pass off his wolf face as some sort of special effect. Ethan decided to browse the internet to get ideas. Of course, no one with a condition like his would appear, but he figured he might think of something. He knew he could get groceries delivered, but it would cost more money than it would actually take to go out and get them.

As time passed, Jennifer went about her day normally. She was a little concerned when Ethan didn't come out of the bedroom for dinner, but she wasn't one to baby him. The two were grown adults. She was curious if he was actually using the bathroom though, as not once did she hear his bedroom door open all day.

Once it approached midnight, Jennifer walked up to the door with a Kleenex in hand, and knocked on Ethan's door. "Are you coming to bed Ethan?" she asked through the door. "It's getting late."

Ethan had spent the entire time looking on the internet, and getting distracted seemingly countless times while doing so. His body might have been different, but he was more or less mentally the same distracted man underneath his fur and fangs. The scent of a musky dog filled up his room by now as sweat trickled down underneath his matting fur. It wasn't that it was hot, it was just something his body seemingly naturally did. "I'm just uh...feeling a little ill tonight." Ethan responded when he heard Jennifer. "I don't want you getting sick."

Jennifer let out a frustrated sigh on the other side of the door. "That's fine, but I want to at least SEE you. You sound different, and there's this odor coming from your room that worries me." She paused briefly. "Don't you love me anymore?"

Great, she's going to play that card. Ethan thought to himself. Despite feeling like a warm sweaty dog, he felt perfectly healthy. He also knew he had to reveal himself at some point though, especially to the very same person he lived with. "Speaking of love...how much do you love me?" Ethan replied.

"What kind of question is that?" Jennifer didn't even hesitate. "I love you very much. You could be a dirty smelly orc and I'd still love you."

Ethan smirked underneath that oversized muzzle of his. "Okay. I'll open the door. But don't panic when you see me, okay? I uh...there was an accident, and I look really, really different now." Ethan slowly approached the door, took a deep breath, and opened it to reveal his naked wolf anthro form in all of its black fur big cocked musky scented glory.

Jennifer waited patiently for him, but when the door opened, the sight she saw was unlike anything she had ever seen. She had expected Ethan to have maybe hurt himself with a scar or something, but that sight...it didn't look like Ethan at all. From the black triangular ears to the oversized muzzle and yellow beady eyes, she saw no sign of Ethan's face. His chest underneath that matted fur, a chest she figured was muscular based on how it looked. His claws, his pawed feet, and that big red canine cock between his legs, one that smelled strongly of a dog's own cock, not that Jennifer would know about such things. "Ethan?" she asked, her jaw agape. Such a creature in front of Jennifer shouldn't have been possible, yet there it was. Despite that it didn't look, much less smell, like Ethan, there was something in those yellow eyes that told her otherwise. Even if those eyes looked as if they were glaring angrily constantly.

Ethan stared at Jennifer's wide eyes momentarily. "They keep putting onions on my pepperoni pizza." He suddenly spoke. It was a bizarre statement, but it was one that Ethan had stated on occasion about a pizza place he liked, one that unfortunately put a few onions on his pizza so much, that even though they kept putting an onion or bit on his pizza, he continued to order from them.

After a moment's pause, Jennifer half-smiled, and shook her head. "It really is you Ethan." She said with a small sigh. "What happened to you? You look so...different" she reached out and felt that fuzzy chest. His fur felt matted, but at the length of a medium-haired dog might have. It was rough to the touch, yet partially wet at the same time. She gently moved her fingertips upward, and then downward as she felt the fur.

"I knew being dumb would pay off." Ethan spoke with a small grin, one that revealed his sharp canine fangs. "As for how I became like this, it's uh...it's a long story. It was while you were gone, honestly, I'm not even sure what I should do." He felt her fingertips along his fur. Her fingers felt smooth and comforting on his anthro wolf body.

"Yeah well, as long as you think that story might be, try me." Jennifer put a hand to her hip and tilted her head. "It's not every day you come home and your boyfriend is suddenly a werewolf."

"Anthro wolf." Ethan suddenly spoke up, although politely. "And through magic, like genie magic, like you wouldn't believe it. This sorceress came into our house and she was like 'I'm going to turn your girlfriend into a toad' and then I went 'No you aren't!' and then we had this really big battle and then..."

Jennifer raised up her palm. "Okay. You being an anthro wolf is hard to believe as it is, but you fighting a sorceress is less believable. I'd believe you more if you said you tried some sort of spell book that went wrong and then it was set ablaze or something." She wasn't sure what to believe out of him. Sure, he was obviously an anthro wolf, but as to how it happened, she had no idea. A reasonable person would find a sorceress story insane, but then again, to find him as an anthro wolf was also crazy.

"Sorry." Ethan scratched the back of his head. As he felt the white claws right behind his ears, he couldn't help but...continue scratching. It felt good to get scratched right behind those triangular wolf ears. He closed his eyes, and rapidly tapped his foot with a smile on his face, and a happy wine.

"I uh...Ethan?" Jennifer raised a brow as she watched. She couldn't deny he looked different, but that behavior was very much unlike him.

Ethan paused when he heard his name. He pulled his hand back behind him, and blushed underneath his fur. "S-sorry." He muttered again. He hated to admit that the petting just felt so good. Deep down, he wondered what it would be like if she pet him there instead. "Look. It's not a matter of how. It's a matter of this is what I am now, and I'm not sure how to change back."

"Well, that's why I'm curious as to how you got changed into it. If we know how you were changed into it, we might have a better idea about how to change you back." Jennifer stared at his anthro form. Her eyes traced up and down that huge wolf cock. She knew there was no way she'd be able to take it, yet for some odd reason, she couldn't get it out of her head to at least try to.

Ethan couldn't help but notice her gaze. He then recalled his wish for his cock and body to be virile and irresistible to women. He wondered if Jennifer was now beginning to feel its impacts. "I won't lie to you..." Ethan grimaced underneath his oversized nose that was so big it was hard to even see the grimace. "I found a genie in a soda can. Okay, I know that's even hard to believe, but when she asked for wishes I wasn't sure how believable it was, so I wished for something stupid, but then that stupid wish got me into a bind so I undid it. I don't remember how I phrased my last wish, but I guarantee you she was an evil genie and turned me into this from that last wish. She vanished after that." Ethan did tell the truth, at least the half-truth.

Jennifer slowly nodded while Ethan spoke. "Uh huh..." her eyes continued to remain focused on that huge red canine shaft. She couldn't explain it, she couldn't even think about looking away, she just continued to stare. Her mouth dropped slightly open.

Ethan raised a brow curiously. He wasn't sure how irresistible he was to women, but he definitely didn't expect such a reaction from Jennifer. He waved his hand up and down in front of Jennifer's face. "Jennifer? Hello?"

Jennifer blinked a few times when Ethan waved his hand. It was enough to bring her out of the trance, but not quite enough to stop thinking about his cock. "Right, what were we talking about again?" she looked up into his eyes, but only when she stopped talking, at which point she then went right back down to look at his shaft. The cock was just absolutely amazing, and his scent. While it definitely was beginning to smell like something out of a dog pound, it was oddly arousing.

"Uh...how to fix my form?" Ethan asked. "I'm not sure how we'll be able to get another genie though. I found that one from a soda can of all things. I guess we can start opening the rest of our soda and see if a genie comes out, but otherwise that might be a waste of money."

Jennifer couldn't help herself. She reached out to feel that warm, throbbing, slightly sticky cock. "Let's not worry about that right now." She spoke with a change of tone. "Your form is really weird, but at the same time, just so...so..." she leaned forward and gave that cock tip a lick.

Ethan froze at the lick. He shivered only slightly less than his cock twitched as a hint of cum escaped from his cock. "Y-you really want to?" he found it hard to say no to such things. His form was definitely worrisome, but maybe he could just have a little bit of fun before he tried to find a way to reverse it.

Jennifer couldn't explain it. She couldn't even think of a reason why she shouldn't. She simply nodded, and licked the shaft again. Even with that hint of cum, she smiled and licked the warm, sticky, salty seed off his wolf cock. Jennifer held his shaft with one hand, while with her other she began to undress. "God yes, I don't know what happened, I don't know how, and I don't know why, but take me you big bad wolf." She spoke in a seductive voice, her eyes half closed as they looked longingly at Ethan.

Ethan couldn't control his huge cock. Just the touch of Jennifer's delicate hands was enough for him to spurt cum. It wasn't that he prematurely came, it was just that he could cum, and cum easily, and a lot. "W-well then..." he couldn't help himself. Maybe it was something that the genie gave him when he was turned part wolf. Whatever it was, he gently grabbed the back of Jennifer's head. He held her head firmly while it was right next to his shaft. Maybe being an anthro wolf wasn't going to be such a bad thing, especially if Jennifer liked it so much.

Jennifer knew something was off. She knew something was just wrong, but that unexplainable lust was too powerful to control. Her two delicate slim hands traced the sides of the cock up and down, while her tongue licked at the top of the shaft. She wrapped her mouth around the very tip, but unfortunately all she could get in her mouth was the tip. She could taste the warm, salty seed flood her mouth, and she closed her eyes as she swallowed it, as if drinking from a water fountain, that seed never seemed to end.

Ethan clenched his teeth lightly as he felt his cock pulse gently in time with his heartbeat. With each pump, a bit more seed came out of his cock. He wasn't even full on orgasming, he was just turned on. He could feel the sweat underneath his fur, and the odor of what smelled like a dog pound increase with his arousal. "F-fuck..." he mumbled. He tilted his head up, and closed his eyes. He knew his entire cock couldn't fit into Jennifer, but the tip alone felt so pleasurable.

Jennifer took off her pants and panties. She felt so hot and unfocused that she didn't even take her top off before she kissed Ethan's huge snout, and fell back into the bed with him. She had to move herself almost completely above his body before she could take that canine shaft. She squatted almost on top of his head and pushed the very tip of his cock up against her moist nether lips, and then gently moved downwards as she slid the shaft into her.

Ethan fell back willingly into his semi-soft bed and watched Jennifer. While the two had made love before, he never recalled Jennifer being on the initiative, let alone so eager. He felt the hot vagina of Jennifer's, and he couldn't help but let his canine cock seed flow. He slowly pushed the tip farther inside of her, though he barely got more than a few inches in before he couldn't fit any more inside of her. Her cunt spread wide enough, but it just couldn't go deep enough.

Jennifer's body felt pure pleasure from that canine cock. She could feel the seed flow into her, and let out a quiet moan. As her body was filled with that seemingly never ending seed, a gut feeling deep down slowly began to rise and tell her how wrong the situation was. Making love to Ethan was one thing, but while he was an anthro wolf was totally another. "H-how are you going to work tomorrow?" she managed to say through her sexually lust filled body.

Way to ruin the moment. Ethan thought to himself with a light grunt as he felt a large throb from his cock, and a huge wave of seed flow from his giant fuzzy testicles, up into Jennifer's waiting hungry cunt. He could see a knot forming at the base of his shaft, but he knew there was no way he was going to take a woman that deep, plus now he had his job on his mind. Not just his job, but his family too. "Guess I got to...uhn...got to try to work." His fuzzy claws gently grabbed onto Jennifer's hips, and traced up to her chest. "I don't want to worry about that now though, let's just live in the moment."

Jennifer slowly nodded. She gently grabbed onto his furry hands, and smiled. Mentally, she knew what she was doing was wrong, but physically, it just felt so right.

The night was filled with love and lust. Ethan and Jennifer quickly lost track of time as they made love in various different ways on Ethan's bed. While Ethan could never fully fit his cock anywhere inside Jennifer, he could still put it between her ass cheeks, between her chest, and having fun in so many strange ways until the two eventually somehow fell asleep in each other's arms, Ethan's huge cock throbbed and leaked seed between the pair, even after the two fell asleep. The scent of a wet dog slowly filled the air as Ethan both continued to leak cum from his cock, and sweat.

Their sleep was interrupted when Ethan's cell phone began to beep a rapid tune. The sunlight shined through the blinds from the window placed right next to the bed as daylight arrived and lit up the white walls and blue bed.

Ethan slowly opened his eyes with a grumble. He reached out and pressed the dismiss button on his phone before he slowly stood up. He was careful about not waking up Jennifer, whom was clearly a much deeper sleeper since the alarm, much less his movements off of her, didn't wake her up. "Time to get ready for work." He said quietly. Only a moment after, he crossed his eyes, and stared at the huge muzzle below his yellow pupils. "Oh...right...that's still a problem..." he was incredibly drowsy. A night of sex made getting a proper night's sleep a challenge, not that he was going to ever turn down any future nights like that.

Ethan was tempted to just call in, but he knew if he called in so late to work that he'd get in trouble. "Why didn't I wish for money?" he mumbled with a growl. At the very least, he worked as a chef so he didn't have to deal with the public that much, but he still had to deal with his coworkers. Ethan walked around with the sun shining in his room bright enough to light his way, and he then grabbed some underwear and put them on. Unfortunately, the underwear did little for his crotch. It covered his fuzzy balls, but with a large bulge, plus his huge hyper cock, one that never seemed to sheathe, continued to stick out in front and drip seed.

Ethan put on a pair of long white pants, and then his long sleeved white shirt. He tried to put the cock underneath his shirt, but there was an obvious bulge that pulsed and throbbed through the shirt. Even Ethan's hands couldn't cover it up fully, and there was a wet spot forming just inches below his chest where that cock head was. Ethan put on an apron as well to cover up that wet spot, and then his chef's hat. He took a glance in the mirror, and grimaced. "I look like I'm ready to cook three little pigs." He thought of something after a brief moment, and grabbed his spare chef's hat. He covered up his muzzle with it, and then looked at himself again. He then put on a pair of sunglasses, snow gloves, and the biggest pair of shoes and socks he could find, even if the socks ripped from his clawed paws. He looked at himself once more, and sighed. He still had fur showing on his face, but he hid the rest of his body as best as he was able to do so. "I guess this will have to do." Ethan paid no attention to his never ending scent of a wet dog, and just took off for work. He just had to pray for the best. Even if he was extremely hot, and that the extra clothing covering most of his body definitely didn't help.

Ethan walked out of the house and to his car. His hidden wolf tail wagged slightly underneath his shirt, and he just tried his best to ignore it as he started up the car, and drove to work. At least driving for Ethan was the same as it was when he was a human, although it was a little harder to see with sunglasses on, he didn't dare take anything off.

Ethan pulled up to a stoplight and sighed while he waited for the light to turn. The sooner he got to his job he thought, the better. While he waited, he turned to the side and spotted a van with multiple children that stared at him.

The red minivan had at least three visible children under the age of ten. Each of them stared at Ethan confusedly. One of the boys suddenly stuck out his tongue, stretched his lips with two fingers, and rolled his eyes back, as if to mock him. The other boy and girl soon followed after with mocking expressions of their own.

Ethan grimaced underneath his chef's hat. He felt silly and humiliated as it was for wearing clothing that hid him as much as it did, he was absolutely scorching, and his van smelled like a kennel. He could feel sweat beads drip down underneath, and on top of his fur. He didn't need children making fun of him. Ethan couldn't explain why he did what he did next, but he grabbed his chef's hat, and removed it from his muzzle. He revealed that oversized canine snout, and bared his teeth. His eyes shot an angrily glare at the children as his head resembled that of a very angry canine.

Just as the light turned green and the red minivan began moving, the children let out a sudden shriek. They backed away from the window, and no longer became visible to Ethan.

Ethan smirked as he put the chef's hat back over his muzzle. DAMN that felt good. He thought. He still felt ridiculous wearing it, but it was the only thing that could reasonably hide his huge snout.

Ethan made it to his job at the restaurant with few other interruptions. The restaurant was a fairly small sized one placed in a multi-story building that had other businesses on other floors. While the restaurant was by no means fancy, it wasn't cheap either. It was in the hustling bustling city, and only stood out with red neon letters that read "The Wolf Den" coincidentally enough. Glass paneling surrounded the first floor food joint with a parking lot in the back reserved for employees, although the parking lot itself had multiple cracks, bumps, and lack of lines to show where a person should properly park.

Ethan parked his car, and quickly rushed inside. As it was still early, the restaurant hadn't even opened yet, although it was half an hour away from doing so. Ethan ran past the set tables and booths, and went straight through the swinging double doors and into the kitchen without so much as a 'hi' to the waiters whom were currently preparing for the day. Ethan clocked in at the timeclock, and then stood behind a turned off grill and oven with a relieved sigh. "I just have to stay back here as much as I can." He told himself. The first half of his shift was normally fairly quiet as well, he just had to make it through the dinner rush, and then he could leave after.

Ethan unfortunately didn't get too long in the kitchen before the manager walked in. The manager was half a foot taller than Ethan, but slimmer. He still had quite some muscle on him, but less than the muscle Ethan had now that Ethan was in his wolf shape. The manager wore a black suit with a white apron over it. "Are you alright Ethan?" the manager asked with a raised brow as he paused just past the double doors. "You don't normally...uh...rush in. At least, I'm assuming your Ethan."

Ethan kept his back turned to the door, so when the manager entered, the manager could only see Ethan's furry backside. His outfit covered up much of his top, though not his furry head and neck. "Yeah I'm just...I'm just uh...eager to work!" Ethan spoke in his deep voice, followed by a cough after. He knew his own voice sounded different, and he knew the manager was going to question it, so he had to find an excuse as to why his voice was so deep.

The manager crossed his arms over his chest. He saw Ethan's furry back, at least the back of his head, but he didn't think too much of it. "Okay..." for a brief moment, the manager wasn't even sure if it was Ethan, but deep down, as if by instinct, he just kind of knew it was, even if he was looking at the backside of a creature with a stronger build. The manager turned away briefly, and then he turned back. "Did you get a dog recently?"

Ethan was about to let out a sigh of relief, but then the manager just had to ask that question. He could feel himself sweating underneath his excessive clothing while his huge cock in front of him dripped his precious seed. He couldn't get the thought out of his head to just fuck the manager and be done with it, but he pushed those thoughts aside. "Kind of, why do you ask?"

"Take a shower before you come into work next time. You smell like a horny wet dog." The manager stated, bluntly at that. Once he finished, then he left the kitchen.

"Sure thing boss." Ethan said as the manager left. Once he was gone, Ethan then let out that sigh he held back. He could only hope that the manager just let him do his job. He still had another problem with the waiters, but the waiters normally didn't care too much about him, they just told him what to cook.

As the restaurant opened, there was a lack of business. The early morning hours often didn't attract much of anybody, especially in the city. Ethan was thankful that there was little in the way of business. He stood in the kitchen alone with one paw gripped around a spatula, and the other placed on the cold top of the stove. He felt his throbbing cock continue to drip his endless seed, while his sweat was slowly soaked his clothing. It wasn't that it was hot, it was actually cold in the kitchen, but Ethan couldn't stop sweating.

A male waiter soon walked into the kitchen from the swinging doors. He was a man a few years younger than Ethan with a clean shaven face and a decently built body. He held a small notepad in hand. He tore off a sheet, and walked over to Ethan. He was about to tap him on the back, but paused as he noticed the smell of a wet dog, a horny wet dog at that. "Uh...that you Ethan?"

Ethan's wolf ears underneath the chef's hat picked up the sound of the waiter coming. He could hear a lot beyond the double doors actually, more than any human could have ever done. "Y-yeah." Ethan reached behind his back and swiped at the air with his gloved claw as he tried to get the piece of paper from the waiter. "J-just hand over the order and I'll get right on it."

"It would be easier if you turned around to grab it." The waiter lowered his eyes with a grimace towards Ethan. Despite the smell, and Ethan's odd behavior, the waiter couldn't help but feel oddly aroused. He wasn't sure why, or how, but the longer he stayed around Ethan, the more aroused he felt. Not one to lose focus on his job, he handed Ethan the order and walked away with a silver tray down at his crotch.

Ethan took the order and glanced at the writing. With his free hand, he scratched at the back of his head with a black claw that poked out through his mittens. The writing looked alien to him. He knew he had seen the writing multiple times before, and he understood the writing so many times before, but it was hard to make out this time. "That first one looks like a C...and that second word looks like a...N? We don't have anything in the menu that starts with CN..." Ethan grimaced underneath his chef's hat. He tried to focus on the note and not his throbbing dripping cock, but it was hard to focus on what the paper said, let alone read it. "Ch...Cheese! Cheese something...maybe cheeseburger." Ethan went with that guess. He started up the grill, made his way into the freezer, and began to grill up an order of a cheeseburger and fries. Ethan might not have been able to read well, but he still knew the menu well enough to guess. He also knew there were other words on the sheet of paper, but the many words were too confusing.

Ethan finished the food as quick as he was able to. The scent of cooked burger filled the kitchen with his dog scent, something Ethan couldn't complain about. When the food was finished, he had another challenge. He had to inform the waiter that the food was finished, and ready to get served. With a deep breath while wearing that chef's hat over his muzzle, he set the food down on a small counter beside the swinging doors. There was a small bell on the other side of those double doors he had to ring to indicate that the food was done. While it was normally a very simple task, he didn't want to do anything to attract attention. "Just...just ring it and get it over with..."

Ethan slowly opened the double doors and peeked outside. The chef's hat on his nose gently brushed against the rubber sides of the door. He saw no one looking in his direction. He quickly hit the small bell positioned on a counter near the doors, and went back into the kitchen. He left the sheet of paper with the order next to the food he prepared, and waited for the next meal to cook.

Most of the morning went by quickly for Ethan. He'd get an occasional meal or two to make, and he'd make the food he could read out on the notes given to him. The kitchen smelled like a strange combination of mixed foods and a horny dog pound. Ethan did his best to ignore his constantly hard cum dripping cock and focus on the cooking. It was clear as waiters came in and out of the kitchen periodically to get food, they noticed something was off too. Whether man, or woman, they left with a sense of arousal. The only thing that kept them from taking advantage of that arousal was that they didn't want to lose their job over such things. Ethan lost track of time, just that he wanted the day to end. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle future days, but so long as he could get through this day, he could think of a way to better prepare for tomorrow.

The manager walked into the kitchen with a frown on his face, and hands at his shoulders. "Ethan, we need to talk for a moment." He spoke with a tone of firmness and authority in his voice.

Ethan knew that whenever a boss wanted to have a word with an employee, it was never a good thing. "Yeah sure, what's the problem?" he asked without turning towards him.

"It's your orders. You've gotten more than half of them wrong today. That cheeseburger should have been a chicken salad. That popcorn chicken should have been penne crème garlic pasta. That eggs and toast should have been a BLT. It's fine if you mess one order up, lord knows I can't always understand the writing those waiters do, but you've been messing up so much that I'm genuinely concerned if you need glasses or not."

Ethan gripped onto his spatula as he heard his boss. "I...I uhm...I'm just not feeling well." He had to come up with some sort of excuse, some sort of reasoning. He didn't want to admit that it was actually difficult to even read perfectly clear text. It was enough to anger him deep down, but he was able to contain himself. "Just kind of rushing I guess between all my trips to and from the bathroom, you know?"

"I can't say I've seen you leave the kitchen to use the bathroom." The manager asked quizzically. "If you need to go home though, then you may. We'll get someone to cover."

Ethan didn't hesitate at the offer. "Thanks boss." Without a second thought, Ethan rushed out, clocked out, and raced through the restaurant outside faster than his normal human legs could have taken him. Deep down, he second guessed himself for racing out as fast as he did, but he still didn't want anyone to see what he was, what he had turned into. He knew people would have screamed or freaked out over his new anthro wolf body. He just couldn't handle that. He raced outside to his car, and drove back home. He was still hot wearing all of the gear over his body, and all of the running he just performed did not help him cool off. Wherever he went, the scent of a horny dog followed him.

Ethan drove home with a grimace underneath his chef's hat. He knew he was in trouble with his job. "I can't work like this..." he mumbled to himself. At a stop light, he took off his gloves to reveal his claws. "I can't even leave the HOUSE like this." He felt a burning anger rise from his own stupidity. If only he had rephrased a wish or two, or changed one entirely. Shapeshifting would have been a better wish than just an anthro wolf. He gripped onto the steering wheel, and a lone tear fell from his beady yellow eyes. Meanwhile, his body was still horny. His cock hadn't yet gone down from its arousal. His shaft continued to drip seed despite his anger and lack of focus on sex. He wasn't sure how he was going to get through life, especially without a job.

Ethan pulled back into the driveway and walked back home. His claws shook with nervousness, and anger. He was afraid he was going to lose his job, not for saying he was sick, but with the way he rushed out of there was a way no sick person should have been able to do. Even if he wasn't fired, that would have still meant he would have to go back to work at some point and deal with the problems all over again. He couldn't explain why he was so illiterate so suddenly. He blamed it on becoming part wolf. Wolves never needed to read. Once he got back inside his home, he spent little time tearing off his clothes to reveal his furry, sweaty form with cock constantly dripping seed. "Fucking A!" he said aloud in a howl.

Jennifer wasn't only awake by now, but she had been busy opening up various soda cans in their kitchen. What few 12 and 24 packs of soda they had were all open, and lined up on the kitchen counter. Upon hearing Ethan return, Jennifer made her way to the door. She was still in awe over his new wolf form, but she had come to accept that it was Ethan. "You're home early. What happened?"

"I can't fucking read." Ethan spoke with a growl in his voice. He walked over to the couch and took a seat on it. He put his two wolf paws up on the end table with his red cock bobbing up and down in front of him. "Or like...I CAN read, but on a third grade level or some shit. I can't work as a chef if I can't even read the orders. Dammit, what the hell CAN I do when I'm some freakish wolf creature with a huge cock?!" His large canine muzzle could pick up the scent of soda from the kitchen, but he dismissed it. He had larger problems to worry about than Jennifer opening up tons of soda.

"Look, I know it's been a long day for you..." Jennifer paused briefly. She took in his masculine scent. As canine as it smelled, it was still absolutely heavenly. She stared at that beet red cock briefly before she regained her composure. She walked out of the room for a moment, and returned with a small brown box. "Here. Maybe this will help you."

Ethan gave Jennifer a confused look. He took the box and opened it up like a child unwrapping a Christmas gift, sloppily and curious as to what they got. He found a small black camera with a USB port. "A webcam?"

"I don't know what kind of job you can do with the way you look now, but darn it, you're a sexy anthro wolf creature. There's got to be people that would pay big bucks to see pictures of you doing all sorts of poses and all sorts of things. They'll just think it's like...really great photoshop skill or something. I'll bet you can make a killing off of recording yourself online."

Ethan had to give it some thought. He turned his attention to his huge red canine cock, and then over at Jennifer. "What did I do to deserve a girl as wonderful as you are?" he said quietly with a smirk on his oversized snout. He knew about the furry community, he knew it incredibly well. Fursuit conventions, images, let's plays, recording, he was an anthro, a real genuine anthro. He was one of a kind. "Yeah...they'd love to see this I bet. I bet I'd win fursuit contests left and right." He chuckled at that. "Even if I'm not TECHNICALLY a fursuit...yes, let's give it a try."

Jennifer smiled at Ethan. "If you end up getting super popular because of it, you have to stay with me though."

Something clicked in Ethan when he heard Jennifer say that. "Of course, but I have to be able to freely fuck others too. Maybe I can make a bunch of money doing that. Who wouldn't want me to fuck them with a shaft like this?" Ethan wasn't sure when, if ever, that cock would ever not become hard, but he wasn't going to fuss over it. He recalled how some waiters he dealt with at the restaurant seemed anxious around him too, not because they knew what he looked like, but because of something else.

Jennifer would have said no, but as she breathed, she breathed in Ethan's musk. It still smelled like a wet dog kennel, but at the same time it was alluring. It was almost as if he was the alpha, and she was the beta. "Fiiinne." She said with a long sigh. A lone fingertip reached around Ethan's cock, and gently stroked his furry chest. "Why don't we have some fun though, before we set everything up?"

With a grin wide enough to show his white fangs underneath that black snout, Ethan nodded eagerly. "Oh, absolutely."

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