Rebirth from hell
My wings were bound I could not fly I was always left asking myself why Why I did let you do this to me Why did I let it come to be? Letting you tear me apart Watching as you ripped out my heart All the pain it will never subside But I...
Finding Humanity Chapter 2
While filled with nothing but synthetic lifes some of that life has studied organic life. As such the ship has a medical bay for caring of normal, and unique animals that they study was now being used to help Esrie. She floats in a tank...
Revivlal of the self in a strange new world (WT)
Prologue How did this happen? i found myself lying in a pool of my own blood, life fading from my eyes. Those bastards broke in to my home, in trying to save my family and protect my property. I was in my early 20s and to die like this is abhorent. I...
Forward unto Dawn 2
Battle, gunshot caused by tene, restoration of wounds, rebirth of dead and dying cells. the nano particles were a key! but normal properties to dangerous, this is rebirth, not being healed in battle. at last i had an idea.
War Hound Chapter 6
She was pleased of the reactions by both rebirth and jackie. the two have bonded well and it appears that tyria/rebirth is jackie's best friend. ten minutes later 4 steaks were on the table and rebirth weakly gets up from the couch.
War hound Chapter 7
She decided that rebirth can have the intimate area but rebirth always allowed her to feel everything. one thing both rebirth and samantha notice was that they were changing.
War Hound Chapter 1
Call me rebirth my parent." "rebirth it is. let us head out and find a meeting place for us." they start to head out but rebirth pauses and the backpack still rest on a tree. rebirth knocks it down so it can get to the straps.
War Hound Chapter 3
rebirth continually had the birth nightmare. midnight said the alpha and elders never ran into such a problem and midnight urged both the alpha and rebirth for rebirth to come to the pack until it is solved.
War Hound Chapter 2
rebirth observes the city and its activities while on the way to tyria's old home which will serve as rebirth's base. she finally gets to the apartment build that houses her place.
War Hound Chapter 8
But tyria/rebirth became worried as the decades past.
War Hound Chapter 5
\<rebirth it is time for you to return home and treat your illness.\> one says in their language. "i'm not rebirth i am tyria dragon."
War Hound Chapter 4
Tyria falls asleep leaving rebirth to sigh and follow. the next day tyria heads to work and soon finds herself under an air car fixing a transmission when rebirth started again.