To the Ends of the Earth

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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#1 of To the Ends of the Earth

For my loving mate, a series of epic propotions.

To the Ends of the Earth

How far would you go?

Fifteen years ago...

The sun was bright among the fields of Lavenfall. Two innocent children played on the golden hills. "Come back here!" shouted a small black fox.

"Come Sen, you know you cannot match my speed!" shouted the dark husky.

"Just you wait!" shouted the kit as he pounced at the husky, catching him at the waist as they rolled down the hill together. They both fell and hit the ground giggling as they wrestled. After a long evening of playing, the husky had pinned the fox down, they both panted after a good tumble, and the fox noticed for the first time, the pale blue eyes of the husky. He froze and looked deep into them, seeing a swirl of the future.

"What?" Albine asked, breaking the silence. Sen looked away and blushed.

"Nothing, we should go,"

"Come, young master, you must return to the palace," said a deep voice. Sen frowned and Albine helped the fox up. The stout Clydesdale horse waited next to the road.

"Aww, I gotta go, will you be here tomorrow?" Sen asked the husky.

"You know me, I'm always around," Albine said with a smile as he saw his friend off.

"Prince, you know how you father feels about socializing with the locals," said the horse as he walked the fox back to the castle.

"Yes I do, but I don't care, I enjoy my time outside the gates of the castle, if this is a kingdom, I will not be a prisoner with in walls."

"Young master, you are wise beyond your years," the horse said with a smile.

"Rowan, tell me, why do you accompany me, though you know it is against my father's wishes?"

"Because young master, if I didn't he'd be even more furious that you go out alone."

"True, so true," he said as he walked forth to the looming gates of the castle. The kingdom was wide and prosperous, and they lived in times of peace, won only by a history of blood and war. Sen was heir to the throne, under his father, King Cour. They lineage was named after various traits of leaders. Cour was known for his courageous actions. Sen was found at a young age to be quite wise and sensible, named after the latter because his grandfather was already known as Wis. The fox's tail wagged behind him as he thought of the next day when he would play with the husky, his only friend beyond the walls of the castle.

Ten years later...

"Come Sen, show me what you've got!" Alibine said as he raised his wooden sword. The fox dodged the swinging cleave and swept at the legs of the husky. Alibine jumped and brought the sword down into the fox's side. Sen doubled over and groaned. "Aww, did I hit you too hard,"

"Come now Albine, you're the soilder, I was not cut out for this,"

"You must learn, come, we will practice unarmed combat," Albine said as he discarded his sword and readied his stance. The husky didn't want to hurt Sen, but he knew that he was the fox's combat instructor, since he had risen from a small farm boy to ranking knight of the kingdom. "Let's see how well you handle this!" Albine said, not giving the fox a chance to recover before striking forward. Sen, still in pain from the strike, dodged nimbly and kicked the husky in the back, causing him to tumble forward. "I see you're not ready to give up,"

"Against you? Never," the fox said with a grin. The captain of the knights watched on as the two fought. He saw great potential in Albine, and smiled to see the future king of his land fight with great passion and honor. The old wolf walked away, and began to prepare his report to the king.

"He's gone," Sen said as he eyed the captain moving from the balcony. The husky tackled the fox down and pinned his moving arms.

"Oh my, it seems I am the victor, were I an enemy of the kingdom, what would I do with my new prisoner?" Albine said with a grin.

"You can take it easy now, I said he's gone," Sen said as he looked back at the husky, panting from their training.

"Oh I am taking it easy," he said as he smiled warmly. The fox looked up and blushed deeply. Since last summer, he discovered his feelings for the husky ran deeper than he would like to admit. From childhood friends, he enjoyed their times playing in the hills, to young teenagers, his fortune was graced as Albine showed talent as a skilled fighter, and quickly rose to the rank of knight. He was too shy to admit how he felt to the husky, as well as feared what may happen. Male pairings were rare in the kingdom, and generally hidden under the carpet, but Sen could not deny his feelings, every time he looked into those deep eyes, or was caught in his smile, his heart fluttered, and his cheeks grew crimson.

"Albine..." the fox started. The husky looked down and smiled more. Albine knew his best friend was royalty, but he always treated him as an equal. His respect for his position never outmatched his respect for him as a friend. He could see the hint of red in the fox's cheeks and he just continued to smile 'Damn he is so cute,' he thought to himself as he held the fox down. He never had really given it much thought, but he realized just how special of a friend the fox was to him. He was always there for him, when his mother passed, he comforted him. When he broke his leg, he was there to help nurse him back to health. They rarely saw each other since they grew up more. He had to go train to rise up in the ranks of the knights, and Sen was busy with his own studies that seemed to be shrouded in mystery, but he always looked forward to the evenings when he got to train with the fox. He told him more than one occasion how his hands were not meant to wield a sword.

"Yes?" he asked as he just hovered above him.

" side hurts," he said unable to tell him how he felt emotionally, so he told him how he felt physically. The husky giggled and helped the fox up.

"Come then, let's take you inside," Albine said as he helped Sen back to his quarters, laughing as they talked about old times.

They walked back to the knight's housing. Everyone had their own rooms, furnished with a small bed and lantern to light it during the night. Albine walked over to a small cabinet and drew out a pitcher of water and some ointment. "Take off your tunic," he said as he prepared a salve. Sen blushed as he undressed himself to the husky who had already discarded his soiled training garments and wore a simple pair of leathered shorts. The fox couldn't help but stare at the welled muscled form of the canine gained from years of farm work and weapons training. The husky turned and caught the fox staring, and smiled. It took Sen a good moment to realized he was caught, and just looked back at the husky with a deep blush.

"Come on, lay down," he said pointing to his bed as he walked up to the black fox and began to press the soothing mixture into his fur. His paws rubbed it in gently, slowly spreading the healing salve, at the same time, feeling how wonderfully soft Sen's fur was. Albine watched as he continued to rub Sen's side. "Feeling any better?"

"Yes, that feels good," the fox said with closed eyes. The truth was it stung, it stung a lot, but things didn't seem as bad with the husky around. He endured the pain just to remain by his side. Their silence was soon broken by a knock on the door.

"Master Sen, your father request your presence," said a horse peaking in.

"Rowan, tell him I will be on my way, I'm getting patched up after training," Sen said back to his guard.

"Yes, of course," Rowan said before leaving. He had watched the boy grow up to be a fine young lad. He smiled to himself seeing the two together. The image brought up fond memories of the past, when he ran through the golden hills of Lavenfall with his own childhood friend. Sadly, he moved away shortly after he became a knight. "Damn Tristan, where have you gone?" he cursed under his breath. He walked the stone halls and up to the hearing room to deliver the prince's news.

Sen had closed his eyes for a while, almost on the verge of falling asleep. He woke when he felt something press against his head. He looked up and blushed when he saw Albine's paw placed against his forehead. "Umm...hey," Sen said with a blush.

"You're so adorable when you're asleep," Albine said softly.


"Ah...I was checking for a fever as you slept," the husky said as he blushed and stood up. "Everything feels fine, you should go, your father is waiting."

"Eh, probably more diplomatic training, oh well, I'd rather stay here, but royal duties are also a royal pain in the arse,"

The husky chuckled and helped his friend up from the bed, and put his cloths on him, before sending him out on his way. After the door closed, and he was alone once more, he sat on his bed, gently stroking the outline of the fox. "I'm a fool, I'm just a knight, he's the crown prince," he said as he smiled and curled up around the outline of the fox and began to doze off.

Five years later, now in the present.

"Happy birthday!" Albine said, appearing from virtually nowhere. Causing the fox to jump and place his hands over his racing heart. The husky gave the startled fox a hug and stepped back.

"Thank you for the present of almost scaring me to death," the fox said with a grin. The husky looked Sen up and down, his fur was a shiny ebon hue, his big golden eyes now were held with a devilish handsome face, and his skinny frame had filled out a modest, athletic build.

Sen looked back as his friend, watching the fuzzy silver fur ruffled by the wind as his larger, muscular frame was wrapped tight in his tunic and leather shorts. His fluffy tail wagged lazily behind him as he looked up and was stuck in those deep pools of pale blue irises. With a smile his tail wagged. "So, you're one of the few people who know my true birthday, and know that the only reason the public though it was last week was to celebrate the harvest festival at the same time as their prince's birthday, so what are you hiding behind your back?"

"What, how the hell did you know?" the husky said as he had sworn he tucked the package onto his belt.

"When you hugged me," Sen said with a grin.

"Oh you sly fox," the husky said as he reached behind him and drew forth a simple brown package. "Here, happy birthday!" he said handing the fox the package.

"You give a prince a gift?" he said jokingly. As Sen's paws made quick work of the packaging, he took out the small box and looked inside. He pulled out slowly a polished silver chain, looking at it from all sides, seeing the small scuff marks from years of wear. "No...this couldn't be,"

"Yes, it's the same chain I've had since we were pups, I want you to have it," the husky said with a soft smile. Sen couldn't make out the husky's face because his eyes began to cloud with tears.

"I..I can't take this,'s all you have left," he said holding onto the chain.

" must take it, because all I have left worth keeping is you and the kingdom," the husky said before he was suddenly pushed back a few feet by a fox clinging to his waist.

"Albine, I...I..." the fox tried to speak but was lost to works. The husky wrapped his arms around the fox and hugged him tight.

"Shh, it's okay," he said smiling and holding the fox. "Come, I've made you a cake," he said guiding the fox to his new quarters. The large room housed a rather nice table and large bed, as well as other homely comforts. Albine at the fox down and brought out a beautiful cake.

"Did you make this yourself?"

"Yes, a little help from the cook, but for the most part,"

"It's beautiful," Sen said noticing the red icing was actually small roses. He watched as the husky lit the candle and pushed it towards the fox, stepping to his side.

"Make a wish," he said with a smile. Sen closed his eyes, and whispered to himself. Today he wished for all the courage he needed. He blew out the candle and the room grew dark.


"Yes?" the husky asked noticing something different about the fox's voice.

"I...I love you," he said, standing up quickly wrapping his arms around the husky, pulling him into a kiss, it happened so quickly, he stepped back, his face was crimson under his fur. "I...I'm sorry,"

Albine just smiled and looked back at Sen, reaching forward with his arms and pulling the fox tightly against him. With a paw, he tilted the black muzzle against his silver one and kissed the fox deeply. It was as if the earth stood still. They held each other, neither moving for the longest time. Sen suddenly remembered to breath as he opened his eyes and watched the husky continue to press his lips forward. Soon, like the dawn's rising sun, the husky opened his eyes slowly and looked at the fox with a wide smile. "It's okay, I love you too, I wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn't know if you were ready."

"Oh Albine, for too long have I sat alone pondering if this day would ever come, I am so happy," he said hugging the husky tight.

"Sen, I love you," the husky said simply as he pulled the fox over to his bed and kissed him again, the two would remain in each other's embrace for a while, kissing, and sharing their new feelings.

In the court of the king, many arguments were being held. "Your majesty, the kingdom of Hollowsden is fast approaching, they bare banners of war," said a old looking otter, wearing the uniform of a royal advisor.

"I know, and I hope to send over a ambassador soon, I will send out the best I have to send them away from our kingdom, our safety and peace is of the utmost importance," said the a black fox with streaks of silver though his fur. He was dressed in modest clothes, hating to have to keep up appearances in his own private court. His wife held his paw next to him, and squeezed gently. The ebon vixen looked as beautiful as ever, dressed in the latest fashions of the kingdom.

"Dear, we must be cautious about this, they have been known to deceive treaties and ignore diplomacy."

"My queen, I will send forth our son, he will take care of them, or at lease kill their king," he said with a smile.

"My my, so quick to test him are we?"

"I just want to see if the boy takes after his old man, he will make me proud I just know it, send word to him that he is to prepare to leave immediately, and Rowan, you are in charge of assembling his security.

With a bow, the horse said, "Yes your majesty,"

The otter walked over, "Your highness, are you sure this is the best course of action?"

"What else would you have me do? I need to show them that we can reason, as well as back up our threats, I will not have them march upon our doorstep!"

"Yes, I trust your judgment," the otter said before walking out.

"Darling, you sure our son is ready?" the queen asked.

"Yes my love, he has to be..."

Back inside a darken room, fur met fur as Sen and Albine held each other, staring deeply into their lover's eyes. "This is the best birthday ever," Sen said with a giggle. They kissed again till they heard a knock on the door. The two shot up, and quickly put their shirts back on. Sen sat at the table as Albine answered the door. "Rowan, what can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Sen? The king has a mission for him,"

The fox looked over from the table, and sighed. "Of all the times..."