Dragon Pets

Story by CalexTheNeko on SoFurry

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#16 of Transformation

Trade/Commission for TerriTheDragon

In it, two of his characters Mei the human and constant TF victim and Terri the dragon meet! And soon Mei finds himself getting fluffier and younger! Classes might be a bit more difficult to attend after this.

Currently taking commissions mostly full time, if you'd like to order one just head on over to my Google Forms to fill out the commission request form!Commission Request FormSupport on PatreonDonate a Ko-FiFollow on TwitterDiscord Server

Dragon Pets

By CalexTheNeko

Mei sighed wistfully as he stared out the classroom window. Slowly the clock on the wall was approaching noon. Lunchtime was almost here. He twitched his leg impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. Some of the other 9th graders in his English class shot him a look but Mei did his best to ignore it.

"Mei sit still in your seat!" Mei's teacher called out. "It's not time to go yet!"

"S-sorry!" Mei replied. He tried not to look his teacher in the eye as he got called out. He didn't pay attention as she returned to her lecture. Instead he continued to watch the clock as it ticked closer and closer to noon.

Finally! The bell rung signally it was time for lunch!

"Alright class that's the bell!" The teacher began. "I'll see you back after lunch but first before you go re-" She paused as she examined the room noting that almost everyone was already gone. Mei was one of the only students left in the classroom. "Never mind." The teacher finished with a sigh.

Mei didn't waste any more time sticking around himself. He quickly grabbed his lunch box out of his desk and exited the classroom. He looked around in the hallway seeing if any of his friends around that he might be able to eat lunch with. Unfortunately, most of the other kids he actually knew had a different lunch than him.

With a sigh Mei headed out the backdoors of the school by himself. He sat down on the staircase and looked out across the school lawn. At least he could enjoy the fresh air while eating outside. He opened up his lunchbox and removed his sandwich. He took a few bites as he just enjoyed the moment of being outside.

There was a rustling coming from the trees near the end of the lawn. Mei looked up from his meal trying to see what it was. He was hopeful it might be a squirrel... Or maybe a colorful bird! Too his surprise he saw something much bigger.

It was a large animal that had been sleeping on one of the tree branches. As Mei watched the creature uncurled from its resting place and began to sniff at the air. Mei wasn't sure what kind of animal it was... It was just as big as him! Most of its body covered in white fur. However, the tips of its ears, paws and fur were pink. A pair of red colored horns stuck out of the top of his head and a pair of large feathered wings stuck out of its back. The creature looked like a dragon! But it was a lot fluffier than what Mei was used to thinking of when he saw dragons.

Mei wasn't sure how to react to the appearance of the dragon. It wasn't snarling or acting dangerous... And part of him wasn't even sure he believed what he was seeing. Instead he just sat there and watched as the dragon climbed down from the tree and landed in the lawn. The dragon sniffed at the air some more then started walking straight for Mei.

At this point Mei considered getting up and running back inside. Yet... The dragon looked so soft... And it had a playful expression on his muzzle. Instead Mei just continued to sit there and watch as the dragon slowly walked right up to him. The dragon approached him... Then sat down on its haunches and looked at him for a few minutes. Mei stared back at it in silence before finally speaking.

"Um... Hello?" He spoke to it. Part of him still thought he might have been hallucinating.

"Hi!" The dragon replied back. Mei nearly fell over from shock as it did. He wasn't expecting it to talk. "I'm Terri! Who are you?"

"Um uhhhhh." Now Mei was completely off guard. The shock of seeing an actual dragon was bad enough... But now he was talking to it. His brain was at this point shutting down and just acting on auto-pilot. "I'm Mei." He managed to reply at last.

"Mei? Nice to meet you!" With that Terri began to sniff at the area around Mei. He poked his head into Mei's arms as he did. Mei became hyper aware of just how soft the fur on the dragon was. Every part of his body wanted to reach out and pet the dragon.

"Um nice to meet you too!" Mei slowly began to reach out his free hand then pulled it back. The dragon seemed friendly enough... But he wasn't sure how it was going to react to being touched. Still... The dragon's fur felt really soft as he felt it rubbing against his arms.

"What's that?" Terri appeared to finally find what the scent was he was tracking. He rubbed his body against Mei's other side before sniffing at the sandwich he was holding. "It smells delicious."

"Oh that?" Mei blinked and looked down at the sandwich he was holding. "It's just a tuna..." He replied slowly. He watched the dragon's excited expression before getting an idea. "Would you like a bite?"

"Thank you!" Terri gave a shout before practically pouncing onto Mei. Mei was knocked backwards against the steps from the impact as the dragon put his paws in Terri's lap and happily devoured the sandwich right out of his hands. Mei couldn't help but laugh. The dragon acted like an excited dog. He watched as the dragon chewed on the remains of the sandwich and licked his lip. It really was just like a big friendly dog. He wanted to pet it. He wanted to pet it so badly.

He found himself reaching forward with his hand again. He was going for it. He was going to pet the dragon! He reached behind the dragon's ears slowly. He acted as if he expected Terri to snap at him the second he tried to touch him. Instead of the dragon didn't even react.

Mei touched the dragon behind the ears. He began to slowly move his hand back and forth petting Terri behind the ears.

"Oh!" Terri's eyes suddenly widened... And then the dragon flopped over onto his back going completely limp with his head in Mei's lap. He laid there with his tongue sticking out while his tail began to happily wag. Mei took this as an indication he was allowed to continue. He began to scratch behind Terri's ears and then moved down to rubbing the dragon's exposed belly. Terri responded by leaning into the pets clearly enjoying every moment of it.

"You're so soft." Mei found himself saying. His hands felt so warm as he continued to rub the dragon. After a few minutes he finally stopped petting... Yet even as he withdrew his hand the warm fuzzy sensation didn't cease. Mei smiled at that... Then the smile abruptly faded when he looked at his hand. It was covered in the same white and pink fur as Terri's paws... And now it had sharp claws. "What just happened?"

"Thank you for the pets!" Terri responded ignoring Mei's questions. The dragon rolled back onto his stomach then propped himself up against Mei. He then proceeded to give Mei a large friendly lick to his face.

"Gaaah!" Mei shouted caught off guard. He momentarily forgot about the fur on his hands as he was caught off guard. He touched his face noticing that it was now a lot softer than it was a moment ago. He couldn't see what had just transpired... But his face was now covered in white fur. "What did you just do?"

"Just thanking you for the pets!" Terri said in a friendly manner. The dragon continued to affectionately lick the boy's face. Mei burst into a fit of giggles as this continued. He couldn't help it! It tickled! Mei wound up falling on his side and landed in the grass.

"S-stop it! That tickles!" Mei tried to say as he pushed back against Terri's head. As he did his sandals slipped off his feet and the straps from his overalls slipped off his shoulder. It took him a moment to realize what had happened. Mei paused and looked down at himself. His clothing was really loose on him! And there were bits of white fluff growing in on his shoulders and chest. Mei paused momentarily at this as he realized what was happening. He stood up and his shorts nearly fell down around his ankles. He quickly grabbed them with a hand... No it looked more like a paw now to keep them from falling down.

But Terri was still having fun with Mei. The dragon jumped up onto his hind legs and placed his forepaws on Mei's shoulders. He then began to playfully lick at Mei's exposed back as his shirt sagged further down his body. Mei tumbled underneath Terri's weight. Whereas the dragon had been roughly the same size... Now he was bigger! He was too heavy! Mei wound up falling down flat on his face.

This time as he tried to push himself up he ran into difficulty. He found he couldn't get himself back up onto two legs. Something about the way his legs bent was off... Instead he was able to stand comfortably on four legs. He turned his head to look back at his feet. Like his hands they were covered in white fur that was pink at the tips. They looked like animalistic paws complete with claws on the tip of them.

As Mei stared at his backside he felt a sharp twang at the tip of his spine. Then before his eyes a long fluffy tail sprung from his backside. Most of it was covered in white fur... But like his paws it was pink at the tip.

"What's going on?" Mei managed to ask. He tried to watch stepping right out of his shorts. It didn't matter much at this point. The white fur had grown in covering his entire body now. There was no possible way he could have worn them now that he was stuck standing on four legs.

Mei looked up at Terri now. The dragon was more than twice his size. Terri gave Mei an affectionate lick before biting onto the shirt that was the last garment Mei had on.

"Silly human you don't need this!" Terri said in a teasing voice as he ripped the shirt right off of Mei's body. It wasn't hard. The shirt was so big on Mei it slipped right off with no resistance. Mei was left naked at this point... But being completely covered in fur he didn't feel naked. It was like he was wearing a warm winter sweater over his entire body.

Terri didn't seem to be done with Mei yet. He gave another affectionate lick to the top of Mei's head and continued down his backside. As he did a pair of red horns sprouted from Mei's head... Though they were shorter than Terri's. After that a pair of feathered wings slowly grew out from them. Terri gave Mei one more affectionate lick and Mei shrunk in size even more.

Mei was about a fourth of Terri's size. His horns and wingers were both shorter in comparison to Terri's while his paws were larger in comparison to his body. Mei looked like a small cub version of whatever dragon species Terri was.

"Thank you again for the pets!" Terri said with a smile. "And now you'll be able to get pets too!" With that the larger dragon spread his wings and launched himself into the air.

"W-wait!" Mei still hadn't managed to even process everything that happened. He hadn't gotten used to the changes in his body yet to try and fly after Terri so could only watch as the bigger dragon disappeared. He pawed at the air but didn't see any way he could go after the bigger dragon now.

It was at this point that the bell rang signally that lunch had ended. Mei wasn't sure what to do. Could he go back to class looking at this? But if he tried to hide out here he'd get in trouble. He paused and looked at the door leading back into the school. He wasn't even sure how to open it. If he stood on his hind legs he wouldn't be able to reach the handle. He could try flying... But he wasn't sure if he trusted his wings or not.

He tried climbing up the stairs and jumping at the door handle. He landed dangling from the handle by his forepaws. Kicking at the door he managed to open it and get into the school. He got about halfway down the hall to his classroom when.

"Oh my gosh! What's that!?" Another student gave a shout as Mei entered the halls. Suddenly Mei found himself scooped off the ground and lifted up into a female's students arms. She reached behind his ears and began to scratch them and pet him.

"Gaaah put me down!" Mei protested. Then he paused and went limp as he felt the student petting him. It felt so nice. "Never mind..." He muttered as he leaned into the pets.

"Do you think he belongs to someone?" One student asked.

"What is he?" Another one asked. A crowd began to form around the student that was holding Mei.

"He's so soft!" Another student shouted as they stroked Mei's tail. Mei couldn't say he disliked the attention or the pets. It was absolute bliss. He had been alarmed and confused at the change at first... But now he was starting to enjoy it. He hoped it would continue...

But all good things come to an end.

"Why is everyone gathered in the halls?" It was the voice of Mei's English teacher. As she looked down at him her eyes widened. "What's this? You all know the rules! No animals allowed inside school! He'll have to wait outside!"

"But I'm a student!" Mei protested. The teacher either didn't hear him or didn't take notice. She lifted him out of the other student's arms before taking him back to the door he had just come in.

"Now stay here and be good." The teacher replied as she sat Mei down in the grass. Then without another word she disappeared back into the school leaving Mei by himself.

Mei wasn't sure how to feel right now. The transformation was still overwhelming... But he really liked it when the other students had been paying attention to him and petting him. And... It sounded like he didn't have to go to school anymore! That was good!

He... Kind of liked this. And he wanted to see the other students again. But... The teacher would get mad if he snuck back into the school. Instead he laid down in the grass and stared at the door. He would just have to wait for school to get out. Then he could see everyone and get pets again.

The End

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