First Time for Some Things

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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Colton and Nadia's first time. Contains oral sex between a dragon and a rabbit, and some vorish themes but no actual vore (sorry). Comments and criticisms are appreciated, and I apologize for any typos. Let me know and I'll fix them. Hope you enjoy!

"How much further?" Colton asked, panting despite the chill in the air. His question went unheard by the dragon stomping along beside him, so he asked again, louder.

"Not too far" Nadia replied, looking around. "It was around here somewhere."

"You said that half an hour ago, and we've been walking in a straight line ever since!"

"Well maybe our definitions of close are different."

"Clearly." The rabbit grumbled, annoyed. He was cold and tired and filthy from walking around the woods for the past hour and a half. The sky was dark with clouds and he was worried about rain, but Nadia had insisted he come with her to look at some mystical anomaly she had found. He respected and cared for the young dragoness, but had made no secret of his disbelief. Wild magic was extraordinarily rare, and self sustaining wild magic was virtually unheard of, rare in legends and absent entirely from reliable accounts. But as she had said, worst case they'd lose a day of travel, and their growing party could use a rest anyway. He could use a rest too he thought again, but he supposed that wasn't a very good excuse. He was mostly traveling in one of the carts, which he had claimed as a study while they headed back to the Sacred Grove. Many of the orcs traveling with them spent their time walking beside the supply carts instead, and they really needed a rest.

He still marveled at the fact that just a few weeks ago Nadia had been the orc's prisoner. They were escorting her to the Druids, and she supposedly didn't have a choice in the matter. Yet when she asked to go exploring, no one had questioned it, and when she said they should take a break while she took their mage to go see something she had found, everyone just... took a break. She had a way of asserting her will on people in such a way that they wanted to obey. No, he thought, not wanted. Just did. He almost thought it was some sort of magical charm, but he would have detected that.

"I was kind of hoping to talk while we were out here." Nadia said suddenly. "We haven't really-"

Thunder clapped, and a sheet of not rain but wet sleet fell on them, seemingly ignoring the thin canopy of leaves above them. Colton was almost knocked over by the sudden precipitation.

"Shit" Colton said, his clothes and fur instantly soaked. He started shivering immediately after, teeth chattering so much he couldn't dream of talking. He had been cold, now he felt like the heat was being drained away from him.

Nadia shook, the sleet easily sliding of her smooth scales. After the initial wave, snow started falling around them. She looked around with wonder. "Look! It's the first snow of the season. I love snow, what about you?" She turned to see Colton, who was barely able to stand from shivering. "Oh. Shit." She used her tail to brush away some of the fallen sleet, then grabbed a few branches off the nearby trees. They bent a while before breaking, wet living wood. Fortunately she didn't need to try and use a flint to start a small fire. A quick snort and the branches were burning steadily, if a bit smokier than ideal.

Colton managed to get near the fire before he fell down. The heat didn't feel good- it hurt as his body started to thaw. He didn't know why he always got so frozen so quickly, he just did. The rabbit never had been good at dealing with the cold. Nadia walked behind him and lay down, blocking the wind from hitting him or the fire. A few minutes passed, and Colton's shivering slowed to a more manageable level, but his clothes were still soaked.

"There's a cave not too far away. We can get you out of the wind better, keep some more heat there."

"Your close or mine?" Colton asked, laughing through his chattering teeth.

"Yours I think. A few minutes walk. It's where we were heading anyway actually."

"Ok." Slowly he stood up and followed the dragon to the cave.

She grabbed some drier looking wood in her jaws as they walked, a few decent sized dead falls that had been spared the worst of the snow and hadn't begun to really rot yet. It was a short trip, but she got enough to get a decent fire going in the cave.

Colton was surprised, the cave was bigger than he would have thought. He was still shivering as he sat down near the newer fire. Nadia blocked the cave entrance, locking the heat in. She looked at him again. "You should take those clothes off. They'll just keep sucking the heat away until they're dry." The rabbit nodded and took off his tunic and trousers, laying them beside the fire. "Is there a reason you're keeping that on?" Nadia asked. Colton looked down at his underwear.

"I don't, I mean I wasn't planning on fully..."

"You two-legs and your clothes. Really, would you be that embarrassed to be naked with me?"

"I... yeah actually I would."

"You do realize I'm naked, right?" The rabbit was fully aware, and his ears blushed brightly as he tried to push it from his conscious mind again. He normally managed it after a moment, but since she had pointed it out he had a harder time clearing his thoughts.

"C'mon, you'll feel better with them off. Don't know why I have to explain that to you." He grabbed at the cloth around his crotch then hesitated. the dragon rolled her eyes. "Look" she rolled over, exposing her belly, then lifted one of her hind legs. "See, it's a crotch. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

Colton was sure his fur was almost glowing red as he tried not to look at the dragon's exposed sex. Thank god for the cold, he thought, or I'd really have something to be embarrassed about.

"Seriously, why are you so embarrassed? Just think of me like a cow or something, a dumb animal who doesn't even care. It's not that far from the truth."

"You're not dumb though, and you're not an animal." He huddled near the fire, closing his eyes to the warmth, and to keep him from seeing anything he shouldn't. "You're clever and kind and beautiful..." his eyes shot open as he realized what he had said. He had slipped about a month ago, when Nadia was still healing, but she had seemed to brush it off, didn't seem to realize what he meant.

"You think I'm beautiful?" Nadia asked, softly.

"I mean, you are." Colton said, trying to back out of it. "Natural grace, like a um, like a jungle cat or something."

"But you said not like an animal." Nadia replied, almost too quickly. Like she had expected that response and knew before he said it that it wasn't what he had meant. "Colton, do you... do you find me attractive?"

The heat in his cheeks must be from the fire, he thought. The fur on my face caught fire and is burning my skin. That must be it. Yeah, right.

"Nobody's ever called me beautiful before." Nadia said. "Imposing, sure. Graceful, once or twice. Fit, possibly. but never beautiful."

Colton stared into the flames, unable to keep his eyes closed. They kept flitting towards the dragon, her face, her belly, her legs and tail, just for a second before he forced them back into the heart of the blaze.

"Colton, do you know why I took you into the forest?"

He looked up at that, to her face. "You said there was some magical anomaly I should see."

"I lied. I just wanted to talk to you alone. About, well almost a month ago you said you loved me. And I thought you meant, maybe I hoped you meant, but I didn't think you meant as a friend. But then you avoided me, and I just, well I wanted to talk to you about it alone. Because I said it then but I don't think you heard me, or you heard but you didn't understand, but I love you too."

He just stared at her for a moment, taking in her words. He had believed, for a desperate few moments he had been on top of the world with joy when he heard her say that. But then he decided that she couldn't have meant it. What could she possibly see in him, certainly not a partner. There were so many reasons it wouldn't work; size, time, duties. "I love you." He whispered out, barely hearing himself. She heard him though, and smiled. A habit she had picked up being around hominids, most people thought her smile was unsettling. To Colton, it lit up her face like a beacon.

"And that's why you're embarrassed to take that silly cloth off?"

"I mean, I didn't, I don't want to be, well"

"It seems quite a bit tighter, all of a sudden." Nadia noted. "Tell me, what are you thinking?"

about your pussy, about how it would feel is it soft or are the scales around it smooth and hard or are they rough with just a little give as I push myself into you, about making you moan and filling you up with my cock and my seed and telling you I love you as I show you just how beautiful you are to me. About your tongue, how soft it looks, how I can barely take my eyes off your mouth when you talk or eat or laugh, Iwant to make you laugh and moan and scream with ecstasy. I want to show you joy and love and I need you to show me in return.

"Nothing I haven't thought about before."

"Is that so?" She shifted again, and he saw the light from the fire shine off something wet just between her legs. "So what have you thought of before?"

"What are you thinking?" He asked, just wanting to not embarrass himself or insult her or make her think he only loved her because he wanted her body.

"I'm wondering what your cock looks like" she said simply, casually. "And how it would feel in me. And I'm sad that I'm probably too big for us to really enjoy it. But I'm curious as to how else we'll be able to enjoy each other." She looked at him so calmly, like it was just a fact of life that they would find a way. That they would enjoy each other in that way. "And now I'm noticing that your cloth is somehow getting even wetter."

Colton buried his face in his hands. He heard movement, and when he looked up he saw Nadia's face inches from his. "You don't have to if you don't want of course. But I hoped you wanted the same thing I did. That maybe if I got us alone together you wouldn't be so embarrassed and we could figure something out." The rabbit reached out and touched the dragon's nose, gently rubbing it. Her scales were smooth and hard here on top of her snout, more pebbly around her nostrils and eyes. Wordlessly he stood and his hands slowly moved to the top of her head, stronger plates here. She made a small mewling noise as he passed the base of her horns, and a slightly louder one as he rubbed along the back of her cheeks, behind her webbed frill. He pressed his head against her, hugging around her long neck with one arm. His lips lightly brushed against her scales for a moment as he massaged her frills spines, delicately rubbing the membrane in-between. He could feel it growing warmer. He went lower, to the base of her neck. The scales here were soft and gave to his touch more, edges rounded and smooth. They felt like silk beneath his paws.

"Do you want me to roll over?" Nadia asked softly. Colton realized he was almost under her neck now, she was holding it up to allow him access.

"If, uh, if you want."

"Relax," Nadia said as she rolled onto her back. "Take your time. I'm enjoying this a lot."

She was, but the dragoness was also growing impatient. Her sex was just about dripping, she wanted to grab Colton and shove him into her pussy. But she didn't want to scare him, or even make him uncomfortable. So she waited while the rabbit slowly worked his way down her body, touching each scale on her neck before making it to her chest. He climbed on top of her then, legs dangling over her sides while he pressed and rubbed against her body. He was still wearing that silly cloth she saw, but it seemed less like he was preserving his modesty and more like he had simply forgotten it. He groped around her chest for a brief while before sliding back onto her belly.

"Sorry I don't have breasts for you. I know mammals love those."

"Your beautiful." The rabbit replied, wonder in his voice. "Perfect. Don't ever apologize for your body, its just" He pressed his head into her belly, lying down on top of her. She could feel him pressing between her legs, just barely not touching the entrance to her depths. She thought there must be a puddle beneath her now, growing all the time. It was torture waiting for him, but she almost didn't want him to stop.

Which was lucky, as he spent a long time on her belly. He kissed it gently at first, then passionately. Here he realized that he was still somewhat dressed, and off came his underclothes without ceremony or warning. His cock was small to her, almost disappointingly so. She could tell it was probably normal sized for a two legs, but in her dreams the bunny she loved had secretly been packing a two foot cock to fill her up with. But it was pink and hard and he moaned as he rubbed it against her smooth belly scales. After a moment he turned himself around, so his light thrusts would go with the flow of her scales. She got a good view of his rump then, and smiled at it. He looked so cute, tail sticking up and wiggling each time he pressed against her. With a smile she leaned in and gave his big bunny feet a quick lick. She didn't expect the moan that came out of the rabbit as she did, his face pressing into her belly, mere inches away from her sex. She pulled away and he looked back at her, eyes filled with awe and love and need. "Lick me again." He begged her.

"You first." She said, grinning at him. He looked confused for a moment, then smiled back and pulled himself just a bit more towards her tail. Suddenly she felt his soft tongue licking at her vent. All his shyness seemed to have disappeared, he was going at his sex like he was starving and the slick lubricants of her pussy were the only sustenance he'd ever know. He was unskilled, indelicate, desperate. Nadia licked his feet again, and he stopped his assault for a moment to moan. Once her tongue left his body though, his returned to her sex with renewed passion. Nadia snaked her long neck around to get another view, watching the rabbit desperately try to pleasure her. The number of times she'd tongued herself, imagining it was him, she had to see it. He didn't feel as good, she realized sadly. His tongue wasn't long enough, and he didn't really know what he was doing. That could be taught though, and just knowing it was him doing it, that the cute little rabbit who had saved her and spent all that time with her for months was eating her pussy, desperate to please her...

Nadia moaned and lay her head back down. Her tongue lolled out of her head. Colton didn't notice, he was immersed in his task. The taste of her, he never could have imagined it. The scent of her sex, the feel of her scales against him as he buried his face in her mound. He wondered if he could fit his short, blunt muzzle into her, and was rewarded with a gasp and a shiver through Nadia's whole body when he did. He paused to stabilize himself while she shook, then stuck his tongue out and tasted the furthest depths he could reach. The same flavor but stronger, sweeter. He wanted more, he needed more. He almost passed out before he finally, regretfully pulled his face back out of his lover and gasped at the cool, tasteless air. A few breaths and he'd dive back in, maybe this time he'd let himself drown in her. But no, something was stopping him. He looked down and saw Nadia's tail pressed against him, holding him back. He looked back to her face, licking his lips. She was panting almost as desperately as him, the twinkle of pleasure in her eyes.

"Well that was certainly something." She said between breaths. "That was"

"Something good?" Colton interrupted.

"Very good. God that was, did you shove your whole head in me? If not we'll need to try that next time."

"Gladly." Colton said, a goofy grin plastered on his face. "Next time starts now?"

Nadia laughed and her head snaked back to him, licking her fluids off his face. "Time after next then. For now, I think I need to teach you what a clitoris is, ok?"

Colton winced inwardly, nut was too euphoric to show any emotion but joy on his face. "I know what it is." He said. "I just didn't think is all."

"Oh?" Nadia grinned at him slowly. "Show me then."

Her tail slid out of his way and Colton leaned down over her sex again. It glistened wetly in the firelight, and he slowly ran a finger along Nadia's opening, marveling at the soft feel, they way it seemed to part for him, begging him to push just a little further and enter. But he had another job, and slowly worked his hand back, towards himself and the top of Nadia's cleft, where a nub about the size of his thumb stuck out like a button.

Everything he knew about that little organ came out of a book, and it didn't say anything about dragons. A bit more in control now, he slowly circled around Nadia's clit, before gently rubbing it with a single finger. Nadia moaned encouragingly, so he rubbed a bit harder, getting a small gasp in return. He glanced back at her, the dragon's eyes were closed as she enjoyed his cautious exploration. He decided to try something a bit bolder, and gently lowered himself until he was lying on her belly, his face inches from her sex. He breathed in the scent pouring out of her and smiled, but didn't lose control as he had before. He took a tentative lick at her nub, then another. Then he took the organ in his mouth and gently sucked, causing Nadia to moan again. He felt her muscles tense up beneath him as she tried not to writhe, failing here and there as her body twitched uncontrollably. Without moving his head away, Colton reached above himself and ran a finger along her opening again. Then he slowly pushed it in, quickly joined by another. Then his whole hand, as her sex easily parted to allow it in. He rubbed along her walls, gently sucking on her clit, occasionally running his tongue along it in his mouth.

It seemed like an eternity later, or perhaps just a few moments, when Nadia shook again and bucked her hips lightly. Colton managed not to fall off her, but had to take his mouth and arm away from her sex to hold on. He rode out her orgasm with her, and as she came down he placed his lips against hers and gently kissed her sex. Nadia lay still for a while, loving the feel of Colton's weight on top of her. When she opened her eyes and looked up she saw him sitting on her belly, staring at her with a bigger smile then she'd ever seen on him. "I take it I did alright?" he asked.

Nadia laughed gently. "Not bad for a first time, I'll give you. I'm looking forward to seeing how you do with some experience."

"I look forward to getting more experience." He said, eyes running up and down her face neck and chest. "Just let me know when you're available for practice."

"Oh I will. Don't you worry about that." Nadia lay her head back again for a moment. "But right now the score is two nil. I think it's my turn to get some practice don't you?"

"Two?" Colton asked surprised.

"Uh huh. First one was a bit smaller, but still quite nice." She turned slightly, and Colton took the hint and climbed down from her. "Get comfy, cutie, I fully intend on paying you back."

Colton smiled and lay down on the floor, much like she had. Nadia stood and towered over him, and the rabbit felt an instinctual burst of fear.She could kill me he realized. Without even thinking about it. She could probably swallow me whole. I'd make a nice filling meal for her, wouldn't I? But not an enormous one. Just a comfortable weight in her belly, if someone looked I doubt they'd even be able to tell I was in there. He glanced towards her stomach and felt his cock twitch as he wondered how much it would stretch out if he was squirming in there. God I wouldn't even fight her. Not that I'd stand a chance.

While he was thinking, Nadia was considering her options. The obvious solution was to try and use her tongue, but she didn't think she had that much control over it. She'd end up licking the entire rabbit, and he might not appreciate that. But, she reasoned, we can dry him off easily enough. It's worth a try.

Colton, still lost in his thoughts, suddenly noticed Nadia's open maw descending on him. Her tongue pressed against him, covering his entire belly as she tried to stimulate his cock. She slurped up him, trying to focus pressure on the rabbit's dick but failing, pushing down on all of him as her wet tongue slid over his entire body. Colton was pinned to the ground by the weight and pressure, and he felt his cock twitching somewhere against the soft organ. The tongue washed over his head and Colton gasped under it. Then it was gone, the pressure and heat of her tongue lifted off him as she raised her head again.

"That ok?" Nadia asked, looking down at her rabbit. He was a mess, and she couldn't tell if he had enjoyed that or was incredibly annoyed.

"That was, yeah that was good." Colton felt cold again, and too light. He wanted that pressure, that heat back. He wanted it stronger. "That was very good."

"Ok." Nadia smiled then slurped up him again.

This time, when she lifted up Colton grabbed himself. "How, how do I taste." He asked, breathlessly while stroking his cock.

Nadia thought about it for a moment. That seemed like an odd question, but she supposed he wasn't asking out of idle curiosity. "Pretty good actually."

"Yeah?" He looked up at her, his eyes darting between her own and her mouth. She opened it slightly, then wider. "I taste good?"

"Delicious in fact. I'm almost tempted to gobble you up." As she said it her stomach growled, and she did start to feel hungry. Probably just the thought of food, she reasoned.

"Taste me again." Colton begged, letting go of his hardness. And she did, and this time as she dragged her tongue across him she tasted a burst of something salty and slightly bitter. A warm liquid spurting onto her tongue. She finished that slurp slowly, savoring it, then took another without pause, collecting every drop of that liquid she could. When she let Colton breath again, he lay back stunned, eyes glassy as he panted in the cold air. He slowly started to notice the feelings of his body again, the discomfort of lying on a rough stone floor, how tired his mouth was. How tired all of him was in fact. But it was a good tired, and he looked up to see Nadia smiling down at him. He smiled back, and slowly stood up. She lowered her head and he hugged around her snout, kissing the tip of her nose.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." She said back, aloud. Colton pressed his head against her and just held her, as well as he was able.

"This can work." He said finally, mostly to himself.

"This will work." Nadia replied. "I won't allow it not to."

"Well my will is your command." It was, Colton realized. He would do anything for this dragon, this woman. He would die for her. He would kill for her in a heart beat. The thought scared him, but he pushed that fear aside. "So now, what do you command?"

She looked at him, then glanced outside. "It's dark already, and still snowing. We should camp out here for the night, get back to the caravan in the morning. In the meantime, we should come up with a convincing lie about what happened to keep us for so long. And maybe find out what else we can do to please each other."

"Only maybe?"

"If we have time. How skilled a liar are you?"

"I don't know, I've never tried."

Nadia laughed. "An awful one then. You can't say something that outrageous and expect anyone to believe it."

"I mean it. I don't lie. Ever."

"You will." Nadia said. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us, if you stick with me at least. And you'll have to lie to get some of it done. It's a tool, a damn useful one if you want to succeed."

"Maybe." Colton said. "But I'll never lie to you. I can promise that." He squeezed around her neck. "And what do you mean if? You couldn't get rid of me if you wanted, my queen."