Ark 2

Story by bland2 on SoFurry

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Alien abduction. Screaming, runing, anal probes. And lots of sex with animals. The usual sort of alien abduction.

Chapter 1

Initially I was reluctant. Okay, no, that's not really true. Initially I was running away, screaming in terror. I'll try to be totally honest in this journal. I'm standing on a new world and I want to write about how I got here. There are things I need to say... things I did.

I... I... christ, I can't even bring myself to write the words. Okay. I need to write this another way. The thing is, I had no choice. I was forced to... do what I did. That should somehow make me feel better - I would never have...

Let me try again. I raped a dog. There, I said it. And, fuck if that doesn't look really bad in writing. The "but they made me do it!" defence doesn't really dilute the evil of what I did. I know it. I have to live with it.

I don't know my name any more. I've tried to remember - I don't know if my mind has been broken, or if the monsters did something to me.

The monsters... Fuck. Okay. The few of us left standing were hoping for some sort of miracle. You know you're going to die, you know the world is already dead. But, hey, maybe some piece of magick-fuckery will make it all better. Yeah, nah. Earth was a toxic, smoking piece of charcoal. We ruined it by huddling over shiny things, upvoting pictures of Latte and Macaron brunch, pretending we didn't notice the world dying. The yellow-haired Bastard-For-Life eventually started a nuclear war to distract from his decades of failed government.

The thing is... we did get a sort of miracle. Monsters from outer space! Yeah, I know that sounds really silly. The ghost in the fucking machine pulls a rope and, behold! the saviour descends.

I remember running. I remember screaming. I remember clawing at another man to try to escape their... ropes? arms? tentacles? We were hiding in the radioactive concrete dust of a destroyed city, as if that was better than death by monster.

For a long time afterward there was just 'grey'. It was sort of liquidy - I could feel resistance against my limbs like thick syrup. I was breathing it, like air, but trying to move my arms or legs through the goop was difficult. I was completely immersed in it - suspended so I couldn't feel anything else. And it was opaque, but grey. And warm. And completely silent. It did things to me. I think my time immersed in the grey muck was when they changed my biology. It... fuck I remember terror like you can't imagine. You know those stories of aliens and their anal probes? Well, at times I could feel the grey muck force itself... This is hard for me to write, okay? I don't like these memories.

The grey muck forced into the victim's anus. It pumped into him until his bowels felt full. And kept pumping. His silent screaming into the fluid only allowed it to pump into his throat and stomach. It... The victim could feel his urethra penetrated by the goo. And fuck this, writing as though it happened to someone else isn't working. I was screaming, thrashing about, terrified out of my gourd. But the fucking evil stuff somehow made me orgasm. I know, right? I could feel my bowels inflated like a balloon, like I desperately needed to take the most almighty crap. Something was gagging in my throat. My cock felt like it was going to be torn open by whatever was poked inside. And then a moment later I'm having a juddering orgasm. Splort!

Afterwards I was left unmolested for a time. Well, that's not quite true. I couldn't feel any molestations, but I'm guessing I was actively being bioengineered.

Let me try to describe the monsters. I'm going to do a bad job of this because there aren't words suitable to the task of describing things and situations completely alien. And I'm not a technical person. So here goes...

The floor expelled me into a room. Okay, that's not even close to what happened. Sheesh... We were in space, orbiting Earth. Fuck, that planet looked sad. I remember seeing pictures when I was a kid - striking blue of oceans, swathed in bright-white clouds. Green-brown chunks of land, and a white cap of ice at either pole. I remember the term 'blue marble in space'. What I saw when I looked up was dirty and brown-grey. Okay, see, there wasn't a roof to the room I was in. Or if there was a roof then it was the biggest, highest-definition 3-fucking-D display screen you'd ever seen. In any case, I was looking out into space at a dirty ball. I didn't even realize it was Earth at first. There were no white clouds or polar caps. The oceans were mud, the land was grey. Brown masses of toxic air obscured many of the continents. It really hit me then how truly we'd fucked it. I cried.

I don't think the space ship was made of metal or any kind of technology I knew of. I think it was biological (at least, more biological than mechanical). See, I'd been encased deep in the floor, and it ejected me - squeezed me out into the area where I got my first real look at the monsters. The floor was the same grey of the muck - it was the muck I'd been suspended in for however long. It was impossible to tell how big an area I was in because there were absolutely no features. The grey floor and grey walls were not just smooth and featureless; I couldn't tell where wall met floor, whether the area I was in was the size of a house, or the size of a continent. It hurts your eyes - you're constantly trying to find something to focus on.

Right, here we go... describing the monsters... Black. Absolutely, totally, like a void in space. Take the rounded head of an octopus, but give it a hundred legs, draped down like a slim ball-gown. No body, just round top tapering down into a curtain of tentacles. The creatures weren't especially large - perhaps two metres tall? It's really difficult to say how big one of the monsters was, because I was never sure if I was looking at one or at ten of them. They would merge into each other, sometimes several at once. They might separate into individuals (I suppose) of maybe half a metre in diameter - human shoulder-width. Several monsters would merge, act for a time as though they were one creature, and then they might break into smaller groups or individuals and go do something else. Or sink into the floor and vanish. From the décor I'm guessing they didn't use eyes in the same was as humans.

Actually, that's not even really important. There were monsters, they were fucking weird. Move along.

The reason I wasn't screaming and running as fast and as far away as possible from these monsters was because I was held in a... okay, cage is the wrong word. Shit. Okay. Take a naked person. (Oh, yeah, I was naked. And completely hairless. I mean, completely. Not even my eyebrows survived the grey goo). Take this naked person and stand them upright, legs apart, hands out to the side. Da Vinci's Vitruvian man. Take a roll of 30mm packing tape. Start at the outside ankle of one leg, roll the tape up their side, under their armpit, along the underside of their arm. Roll it back along the top of their arm, over their shoulder, up the side of their neck, over the top of their head. Along the top of their other arm, then along the bottom to their armpit, down their other side to their ankle. Repeat this with their inside leg, up their thigh, across their groin just behind their scrotum, down their other inside leg. Congratulations - you've made a human-shaped outline of packing tape. Now roll the tape from their toes along the top of their feet, up their shins, over their knees, up the front of their thighs and hips, up their chest beside their nipples, over their shoulders, down their back over the shoulder-blades, over their buttocks, down the back of their legs to their heels. Wrap circlets of tape around their foot, ankle, below and above their knee, around the top of their thigh, around their hips, abdomen, chest, neck and even their forehead. Your Vitruvian Man is now encased in a cage of form-fitting packing tape, while still remaining almost entirely naked. The tape is completely flexible so your man can walk around and bend his arms unimpeded. Now, replace the packing tape with 5mm hardened steel. Your Vitruvian Man is completely immobilized, and probably screaming in terror.

I was completely immobilized, and probably screaming in terror. I couldn't make any sense of the space around me. The vista of the cosmos was open above me (I couldn't think to wonder why I was able to breathe).

That was when I saw the cinder Earth, and cried at the end of everything.

The cage was bonded to my flesh, or might have even grown into my flesh. The times I'd tried to pick at it to remove the bands had left my flesh bleeding. It was probably feeding me through my flesh - I don't recall needing to eat or drink during my entire imprisonment on the ship. And the cage was part of the floor. See, the bonds could instantly go from rigid as the strongest steel to flexible as foam tape. At times I was free to walk around (oh fish, how I cherished those freedoms). If I lifted a foot there was always a thick band of grey connecting my foot to the floor. It wouldn't impede me - I could walk perfectly normally. But without transition I could instantly be frozen in position.

Also, the bonds could be manipulated by the monsters to move my limbs. No matter how I strained and resisted, I would find myself being walked toward a group of monsters. Or forced to stand. At times I resisted so hard, or tried to divert my limbs that I almost tore my muscles and flesh. It was absolutely futile. It seemed easier just to relax and let the cage carry my flesh along like a puppet. The bands were so strong... I can't imagine what the actual breaking point would have been but the stresses I saw placed on my bonds... I think I'm getting ahead of myself.

And I think I'm trying to avoid writing about the dog. The first dog. There were others, but it was the first one that affected me the most deeply. I mean, hey, when you've raped one dog, what's a few more, right?

This is so very hard for me to write but I have to get through it. I need to get this out of my head and into the journal. Perhaps then I can find some peace. Yes, I'm haunted. Yes, I'm sorry. Right, let's do this.

I'd never actually seen a real dog before. My 27 years were spent growing up while the Earth was dying around me. The only dogs I'd seen were in videos. They seemed an extravagant luxury - people are dying of starvation, how could anyone justify owning a meat-gobbling shit-factory. But when the grey muck of the floor drew back and the dog rose forth, my heart broke.

She was a magnificent beast. Someone, while the Earth had been dying around them, had kept a Great Dane well-fed, well-groomed and in excellent condition. Her coat was a shiny blue-grey. The highlights in her fur from the reflected sun and Earth flowed in beautiful curves over her muscular frame. And she was big! I had no idea dogs could be so large. She'd been extruded from the floor almost close enough for me to touch (if I'd been able to move my arms). Her shoulders were level with my hips, her nose could have poked me in the chest. She probably outweighed me.

And she was obviously terrified. Really, in that instant I completely empathised with her. Like me she was bonded into to a web of grey straps. Like me she was confused and disorientated by her surroundings. And, like me, she was crying. Her head and muzzle were encased in the cage, immobilized. But I could see her neck muscles bunching as she tried vainly to turn her head. The stress was making her pant and foaming her drool. My own terror turned immediately to hatred of our captors. How could they treat such a gorgeous creature with such casual indifference to her terror?

Things happened, which I'm not sure I completely understand so I'm going to throw in a bit of conjecture. Bear with me, it's a little weird. The floor extruded a thin pillar near the head of the dog. The top of the pillar swelled, split, and folded back to make a bowl. Inside the bowl was a purplish paste. One (or two, or five, or who fucking knows) of the aliens dipped a finger? tentacle? into the paste and drew out a gob. It smeared the paste inside the jowls of the struggling dog. Now, if that dog hadn't had her muzzle clamped, I'm sure the alien would be missing at least one tentacle. But, whether through compassion or necessity, the paste had an immediate calming effect on the dog. You could almost watch the effect suffusing muscles, from her head to her tail as she untensed. Her breathing changed from whining gasps to a deep sigh. If her tail hadn't been meshed in a cage, it might have been wagging.

Lordy how I wanted some of that paste.

Lordy did I regret when I got some.

The alien dipped another tentacle in the purple goo and sort-of glided behind me. I couldn't turn my head to follow. But I sure knew when he jabbed his finger in my butt and smeared the paste in my arse. I jumped in my bonds. Immediately I felt warmth radiating outwards from my rectum. Liquid sunshine flowed through my veins in an expanding flare which permeated from my butt to the very tips of my fingers.

My cock got rock hard. I know, I know... I'm terrified, bound naked in front of monsters on an alien ship. And I sport a woody. That paste was some good shit.

And... christ... breathe... I can do this... The cage forced me to a sight crouch behind the Great Dane. Her cage forced her tail up and to the side, exposing her genitals. I had absolutely no fucking clue what was going on. I didn't really even think dogs had genitals. I mean, I supposed they must have, but who spends time thinking about dog genitals? I could see her butt-hole - I knew what that was. But just below it was a swollen Y-shaped orifice. Absolutely nothing like a human woman's vulva. When the cage forced me forward so my cock (which was aching with arousal) was only a few inches from that bizarre flesh the realization hit me. Oh shit, these monsters were going to force me to fuck a dog.

Look, I resisted. I screamed. I cried. I tried to will my cock soft. I think I tore every muscle in my body trying to prevent the straps from moving my hips that few inches forward. When my cock-head touched the centre of that Y, I closed my eyes and tried to disassociate myself from what was happening.

My memory of exactly what occurred is somewhat (and blissfully) hazy. It's hard to write this next bit without making it sound as though I'm relishing the experience and every juicy detail. I'm not, believe me. But it helps me understand the why of what the aliens where doing to the dog and to me.

I didn't know it was physically possible, but the Great Dane bitch was able to accommodate the entire length of my penis. It wasn't even especially forceful - it just pushed balls-deep into her vagina. And then I orgasmed. Inside the dog, I orgasmed. I fucked the dog, and pumped my cum into her pussy. And the terrible thing? (But really, I can blame the goo the monsters shoved up my butt, right?) The terrible thing was it felt great.

That really messed with my head. Her vagina had been hot, slick, and clenching around my cock. For all I know the Great Dane dog was orgasming as well. And I knew I was raping her - she sure as fuck hadn't consented to this. She'd actively struggled to prevent it. But, I had fucked her against her will. A goddamned helpless dog. What kind of monster does that make me?

There's a bit of a gap in my memory after that. I may have passed out. My next memory is being back in grey. Just grey. For a long time.

Here's a bit of conjecture about why what happened, happened. While it seemed like a crazy random 'Alien makes guy fuck dog' thing, I believe that was a trial-run. We were being tested, the monsters were doing a feasibility test for what was to happen next.

Hoo boy.

Things only got weirder.

Chapter 2

Like before, the floor extruded me, naked and bound, into the featureless grey room with the aliens. Like before, a bound and struggling dog rose up next to me. This wasn't the Great Dane girl - instead this was a large, brown dog. Not as big as the Great Dane girl but still probably a good 60kg. I really don't know the breed but the word Ridgeback seems appropriate. My mind was churning the mantra 'no, not again, no, not again, no, not again'. I didn't want to be forced to fuck another dog.

Funny thing. (ha ha!) This dog had balls. Literal balls, not (well, probably in addition to) 'I'm going to rip you apart' balls. But actual dangling scrotum, balls. They stuck out like, well, dog's balls - impossible not to notice them when the alien coated a tentacle with purple goo and shoved it up the dog's arse. The dog's shriek of surprise quickly tapered off into a grunt. It panted softly and its teeth started chattering. Drool ran in rivulets from its jowls. I knew the boy dog was experiencing what I'd previously felt - the same glowing warmth.

My exoskeleton forced me toward the dog. I was very confused - was it going to make me fuck this dog up the butt? Nope. In retrospect, I think being forced to fuck the dog would have been preferable to...

Hookay... The cage forced me to my knees. I was still aching from the previous session. Resisting any movement caused stabbing pains in my leg- and arm-muscles, so I was just sort-of going with it at this stage. The cage bent at my waist which forced me onto all fours. And then it locked absolutely rigid.

The dog... I think the dog was acting completely of its own volition. I don't think it was being forced - it didn't have that 'muscles resisting everything' look. In fact it looked positively fucking enthusiastic. It practically bounded to behind me, and leapt onto my back. I thought it was going to kill me - I honestly thought it was going to rip my flesh to shreds. The straps bonded to my flesh absorbed the weight of the dog. If it hadn't, I would have fallen flat on my face. But the straps didn't protect me from the sharp claws of the dog raking down my hips and into my thighs. It certainly didn't protect me when the dog's stabbing cock pierced my sphincter and he began to fuck me like a jack-hammer.

Thankfully the shock made me pass out. Really. My mind just shut down at the horror and pain of being fucked by the dog. When I came to again, the dog was gone and my butt was really fucking sore. I mean, ouch, did that dog have a cock like a baseball bat or what? Later I learned about a dog's knot - how their cock swells up and locks them into a bitch while he impregnates her. But at that time I had no fucking clue. My butt felt absolutely wrecked. I wondered if my sphincter was torn and if I was going to bleed out, but there didn't seem to be any blood on the floor.

I was held there, for a while, on all fours. Hurting. My bowels felt sorta squishy. There was no doubt in my mind the dog had fucked me, and had cum into my butt. How fucking weird is that, right? It all seemed incomprehensible then, but with what I know now it did make a kind of perverse sense.

See, a few moments later that magnificent Great Dane bitch reappeared from the floor. She seemed calmer this time - probably the alien monsters had pre-prepared her. My cage lifted me, unresisting, from the floor and positioned me behind the bitch. If anything her vulva was even more obscenely distended than the first time I'd met her. (It was later I learned that she was in season - her bulging vulva was normal and not because I'd raped her.)

I want to say I resisted. I want to say that the only reason my cock was hard and bouncing was because of the purple goo a monster shoved up my butt. But in this journal I promised to be honest.

Instead of horror I remember hot, clenching flesh around my cock. Instead of willing my cock to soften, I was savouring the moment my cock-head pushed into her vulva. It was tighter than last time - like a grasping velvet glove. I want to say that it was only the purple paste that made me cum so damned hard, but journal, I have to tell you I was pushing myself into her. I was grasping her hips and pulling her back onto me. I wasn't a submissive passenger in an iron suit - I fucked that bitch because it felt phenomenal. And when I came, I was grunting and panting in pleasure. And I probably would have stayed in her forever, feeling her pussy convulsing around my dick. But that damned grey cage pulled me away. My cock was still dripping semen, and I'd been wanting to have it all unloaded into the bitch. Not all the monsters on this ship were aliens.

Chapter 3

I thought the horses would kill me. The fact that they didn't made me suspect my biology wasn't quite my own anymore. The... It... You can't imagine the size of a horse's cock. When that giant horse crashed down onto my body I was sure it would crush me. But the straps holding me in position were something stronger than steel. The cage took the full weight of the horse without even flexing. I was bent over with the barrel chest of the horse pressing into my back and its fore-hooves kicking hear my head. The beast was grunting and squealing, humping its hips. That huge cock punched my balls, making me scream in pain rather than the terror I'd been screaming in seconds earlier. Something like a fist pressed against my sphincter. And... You know, I wish I had blacked out. Because some fucker punched a closed fist directly into my arse, driving his arm almost shoulder-deep to the point I could feel my lungs being squashed.

I should have been dead. Really, human anatomy isn't built like that. My innards should have been ground beef, my diaphragm should have been ruptured, my colon should have been spit. And I was visualizing, actively picturing myself being torn apart internally. I surely felt it. Pain, deep, intimate, searing pain. God I wished I had just blacked out. My throat was raw from screaming. And then, disgustingly, I felt the horse ejaculating inside me! I could literally feel it when his cock flared, half a litre of gooey horse cum flooded into me. My mind was jabbering how this horse had killed me, and fucking cum into my wrecked innards. A few seconds later (who knew stallions had no staying power!) the horse dragged his monster cock out of my broken body and stepped away.

There should have been a steaming mound of ripped intestines at my feet. I should have been bleeding out my last breaths. I was sobbing and broken, too afraid to look down in case most of my insides were now outsides.

After a few moments... I wasn't dead. A few more of those moments and I had gathered the courage to open my eyes and look at the floor between my feet. Sure, there was a mess of horse cum puddled there. But no intestines. Not even any blood.

I was sore (very sore!) but I experimentally clenched my sphincter and, through the burning pain, it felt as if the muscles responded. The flow of horse-semen down my legs reduced slightly. And I resolutely wasn't dead.

For quite some time - possibly an hour? I remained alive and held in the bent-over position. Just held there. Time passed.

When the second horse - a brown mare - appeared from the floor one of the alien squiddies smeared a gob of their aphrodisiac putty into my butthole. Hot arousal radiated outwards from my groin and my cock got hard and throbbing. But as my cage lifted me to position my cock at the entrance to the mare's vagina I was like a ragdoll. I felt broken in my mind and in my body. I didn't resist, I didn't struggle, I was a puppet without volition. My cock was the only lively part of me. The bonds pushed me forward and my cock was enveloped by winking mare vagina. I vaguely recall being surprised at how a vagina which could have taken a cock bigger than my arm felt pleasantly tight and clenching around my cock.

That statanic goo up my bum forced me into a shuddering orgasm. Really and seriously, I was just a limp bag of flesh held up by the cage. And really and seriously I wouldn't have believed myself capable of cumming - I was just too numb all over. Except that a ball of tingling pleasure started in my butt, spread outwards to my cock and balls. Within moments heat was pricking my body, and, well, my balls clenched and I juddered with orgasm.

It was a peculiar orgasm. Normally when I cum I'd grunt, my balls would clench a few times, and a couple of teaspoons (on a good day...) of cum would stain the sheets. All done in, say, four or five seconds of release. But with my cock buried in the mare's pussy I felt orgasm start, my balls started clenching, and then it was like I pissed a great stream of cum into the mare. I could feel it leaving my cock in sustained bursts. My pelvic muscles clenched and another long squirt of cum poured into that clenching mare cunt. It was probably twenty seconds of cumming, but I swear I pumped around half a litre of cum into her.

The cage pulled me back when I was done, and a great gout of thick semen slopped to the floor from the mare's winking pussy.

Grey sweet oblivion took me as I sank into the floor.

I had time to reflect on what had occurred. Not dying when the stallion fucked me was a clue. And my pumping so much semen into the mare was another - I hadn't imagined the feeling of cumming that much, or the flood of cum that drained out of the mare afterward. Part of me wanted to rationalize that the aliens had made me fuck the mare after the stallion had. But I knew that wasn't true. I'd felt myself pumping her full of cum. My cum. Except... I don't think it was my cum. Insane as it sounded, I think I'd pumped what the stallion dumped in my butt, through my cock into the mare.

I know, insane, right? Why the fuck would the aliens want me as an intermediary? I'm sure the stallion would have been happier fucking his mare directly. And the dog! It must have been the same with my being fucked by the dog and then fucking the bitch. I couldn't come up with a reason why. Were the aliens punishing me for fucking up a perfectly good planet? Hey, you fucked the world, the world is gonna fuck you right back. It didn't make any sense to me.

Chapter 4

I was forced to fuck (after being fucked by) more animals than you can ever imagine. A great shaggy bear would have ripped me apart, except its exoskeleton froze it rigid just as its swiping claws touched my flesh. I gained a great appreciation for the strength of the webs bonded to our skin when that bear went from raging monster to rigid statue in less than the blink of an eye. The grizzly raged in its shackles, but couldn't rip me to shreds. It was, however, forced to fuck me. Then I was forced to fuck a female brown bear.

There were lions and tigers and bears, oh my. So many dogs - big ones and small ones. Monkeys of every type. I fucked cows after being fucked by bulls. I should have died from the elephants. Fucking reptiles! And birds! There were bizarre times when I remained suspended in the grey goo and I'm sure I was fucked by (and fucked) sea creatures. Probably dolphins, going by the size. Or maybe orcas. Or maybe both.

I had become a warm hole for animals to fuck, and then a conduit to pump their semen into their mate.

If it wasn't for Dana, I think I would have lost my mind. She was the Great Dane bitch I'd first raped. It's not a very original name - and in her presence I was so conflicted. But I was so pathetically grateful to have her companionship when we were allowed to spend time together.

Every so often the floor would extrude me into the ship and I was given mostly free reign to wander around. I was still in grey shackles, but I could walk wherever I wanted. Not that there was much to see - everything was uniform grey. I could walk in any direction for what seemed like hours and the grey would be the same grey, walls wouldn't seem to be closer. For all I knew the cage was just sliding my feet backwards as I walked so I never really went anywhere. I was never allowed to touch the black monsters. I tried - I wanted to kill them. As soon as I got close to an alien the bonds would steer me away, or make it more difficult to walk forward. It seemed impossible to catch the restraints unawares - I would wait until an alien was near then I'd leap at it. Of course the cage never failed to halt me before I was even close to touching the monster. But it was something to do.

Dana (as I named her) was heavily pregnant the first time I saw her. I cried and hugged her so hard. Dogs are amazingly forgiving creatures. She was very happy to see me and licked my face. She leaned against me while I cuddled her. And I cried. How could she stand to be around the man who raped her?

I really cherished her company. We'd have a couple of hours together before our respective cages would march us away from each other. Then we'd both sink into the greyness of the floor.

Even prisoners can find comfort in routine. For maybe a week all my waking hours would be to act as semen conduit for hordes of animals. Then I'd have a few hours of freedom to walk the ship, and possibly spend some time with Dana. Perhaps the monsters did have some compassion after all. Or perhaps it was a more subtle form of torture - my only emotional support was a dog (that I'd raped, my mind would helpfully remind me at every goddamned moment with her).

A few times during the freedom periods I met other humans. This was what led me to think the ship was much bigger than I first thought. See, if I hadn't met anyone else it was reasonable to assume I was the only one. But as soon as I met another person, it meant there were probably more - many more people here. The first person's mind had been broken. He just sat and cried, picking at the straps bound to his flesh until he was bleeding. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't even look at me. He was shaking in his sobbing and picking at his flesh. He wouldn't even acknowledge I existed. I left, cold to my heart. Perhaps being a sobbing zombie was where my mind was headed.

The Professor was the next person I met. Like me he was naked, about 30 years old. He also couldn't remember his own name, but he knew he'd been a bio-chemist (hence why I called him Professor). We could talk, and he would conjecture about the aliens. Whenever the topic of conversation veered dangerously close to talking about the animals the Professor would get a haunted look in his eyes. His speech started breaking up and he would shake uncontrollably. I was afraid to push him in case he fell into convulsions. So we skirted the topic, but I gleaned that he, too, had been fucked by the animals and forced to transfer their semen into females.

It was the Professor who pointed out that our skyscape had changed. I hadn't really noticed - I was never interested in space. But Earth was gone. Or rather, not gone, just tiny. Overhead the vista of space was mostly black with pinprick stars. Earth was a muddy dot barely a couple of degrees of arc. That hit me kinda hard - we had left my home a long way away. And it was the Professor who speculated about why we had gravity and air, and that the ship was maintaining an atmosphere and pressure suitable to Earth life. Our captors surely weren't from Earth, or probably even this Solar system. Their technology was biological and this ship was probably more alive than machine. This was probably a zoo.

Dana had a litter of six healthy pups. It had been a few weeks since I'd last seen her and I was beginning to think I never would again. But one day I was unceremoniously squeezed from the greyness to see an effusive mother with a swarm of leggy pups all trying to snag her pendulous nipples. Dana wanted to show off her pups - she was such the proud mother. Every pup had a small web of grey bands over its fur, with an umbilicus connected to the floor. But they were oblivious to their shackles. I was allowed to pick one up. That was a happy day.

Months passed. I mean, there was no day or night on this ship. But the Professor and I both felt we had been on the ship close to a year. Can you imagine that? A year of your life where almost every waking moment is taken being fucked by some hairy beast then fucking the female equivalent... Oh! I almost forgot the wolf! That was really strange.

There was only one wolf. I mean, I'm surprised there was even one! It seemed every country had tried to wipe out their wolves. Other animals seemed to have conservationists rallying to save them. But wolves somehow became the Monster Killing Our Sheep! or the Monster Haranguing Our Farmers! The Monster Stealing Your Food! Anyway, I remember nature programs talking about the importance of wolf eradication. It had seemed such a reasonable stance back then. So perhaps the very last wolf in the universe accompanied us on this ship.

The very last wolf in the universe soundly fucked me. His knot locked into my butt for a good twenty minutes while he pumped his cum into me. After his cock slipped from my butt, the both of us were held there, side by side, for an hour. One of the squiddy aliens daubed putty into my butt as routine dictated. But he also daubed a liberal helping of a different bluish goo into the maw of the wolf. All the while I was expecting the male wolf to be retracted into the floor and a replacement female wolf take his place. But there was no female. I was manoeuvred into position behind the male wolf. His tail was lifted by the enclosing cage, and my cock was pushed forward. The wolf was definitely the male - he had a large furry ball-sack hanging below his clenching butt-hole. It wasn't as if the aliens had somehow swapped a female in while I wasn't paying attention. Nope, my cock was pushed into the anus of the surprised male wolf. He juddered and yipped when my cock-head pierced his sphincter...

Look, don't go thinking I was voluntarily participating in his butt-rape. I was struggling... No, okay, no lies in this journal. I only resisted because I thought the aliens had made a mistake. As soon as the wolf's warm flesh surrounded my cock I was fucking him as hard as he'd fucked me an hour earlier. I fucked him, and I relished pumping his cum into his own butt. The thing is, he was also cumming. His sphincter clenched, and his rectum milked my cock more than any bitch's vagina could. Beneath us his cock squirted cum onto the floor. He was drooling and panting as much as I was.

And instead of the cages dragging us apart as soon as I'd cum, they held us locked together with my cock in the wolf's butt. My balls were pressed against his fuzzy balls for probably another hour. Shortly after I'd finished cumming, my cock had softened. But it couldn't slip from the wolf's butt because the cage held me locked tightly to the wolf. For a full twenty minutes my softening cock was stroked by the clenching of the still-cumming wolf. It felt odd but definitely not unpleasant. Near the end of the hour I felt another intrusion into my butt - an alien jabbed a goo-covered tentacle into my butt. Instantly my cock hardened, still inside the wolf's butt. And a moment later I was cumming into him without even moving my hips. From flaccid, to hard, to cumming in moments without any external stimulation.

The Professor, when I told him, was as bemused as I was. Being a conduit for semen from a male animal to a female was sort-of comprehensible. But what of being forced to fuck the male wolf? Nope, our captors were capricious, and mad. (That's quite a chilling thought, actually)

Chapter 5

Several things happened which made us begin to understand our situation. The first thing... Okay, now, see, this sounds like crazy-person talk. This is the 'Aliens broke my mind and I'm jabbering mad' moment. Except it was real and I know it was real. So... at about a year old, Dana's pups stood up on two legs, and started talking. Yep. Loony as a loony thing. Dana's pups were bigger than her. Two boys and four girls. They stood up on their hind legs (making them something taller than two meters), and their flappy-muzzled mouths shouted out to each other. In English.

They looked mostly like Great Dane dogs. They had short muddy-brown fur. They had long legs and deep chests supporting a long neck and a head with long floppy hears and drooling square muzzle. But I realized their front paws had longer toes - actually we should call them fingers. Dana adored them. She'd race around and bounce and prance with them. She'd roll over and then chase them. But the pups preferred running on two hind legs, and grappled with their ... okay, their arms. And they'd converse with each other in a language I understood. They were curious about me - I could talk like them but didn't look like them. I told them about Earth but they were sort of disinterested - the ship was the only life they knew. That was a bit frustrating, but you try having meaningful conversations with one-year-old puppies.

Shortly afterward the male wolf turned up with a litter of four wolf cubs. Yeah. I know. He was oddly friendly toward me. Everything I'd ever read or heard about wolves was that they killed people and ate sheep. But here was an 80kg male grey wolf rubbing his head against my leg. And he had four wolf cubs chewing on my toes. I wish he'd been able to tell me where he found the cubs.

The Professor made the connection. And it wasn't easy for him, having to confront what he'd become and why. It took several episodes of him breaking into a sobbing mess and my trying to hold him and comfort him before he could make me understand: I was no longer human. Or, at least, parts of me were no longer human. I was now a small cog in a very large machine. We weren't mere conduits for animal semen. Instead we were a living biological editor.

Animals would fuck us and inject their sperm. Our internal organs had become a factory of gene splicers and manipulators which would combine aspect of our own DNA into the animals'. Then we'd inject the modified semen into the female animal. The animals had probably been altered as well, although perhaps not so dramatically as we had. Well, except the male wolf. Somehow he'd incubated and birthed a litter of cubs. The Professor and I alternately found that hysterically funny and terrifying.

I was forced to fuck and impregnate Dana again after a large black dog had fucked me. I cried while I fucked her. She was so happy and it felt so good. But I was a monster.

Her pups wanted to fuck me, too. When we had social time her pups would play around sexually with each other. I couldn't help but get aroused watching the girls sucking their brothers' cocks. The girls would raise their butts in the air and shift their tails to the side so I could see their Y-shaped pussy. They begged me to fill them up with my cum. Or better, let their brothers fuck me so I could instead fill them with their brother's cum. It seemed they understood the mechanics of this place. I resisted... for quite a long time.

The wolf cubs didn't grow to stand on two legs. Not the first generation, anyway. There were three young girl wolves and one male. All were practically identical to their father - shaggy and grey. When they were two years old.... Two years on this ship of me fucking animals every day... When they were two years old the young wolves joined in the rotation of animals we had to fuck.

At first I didn't realize. A big grey male wolf fucked me and I thought it was the older sire. Resigned, (okay, perhaps I should replace 'resigned' with 'in eager anticipation') I was expecting to butt-fuck the male. But he sank into the floor and vanished. Another grey wolf rose in his place. And this wolf had a swollen, receptive vulva. I came so hard, filling her with her brother's or father's cum. And then there was another pair of wolves straight afterwards, almost identical. This time I recognized the male was the elder. I pumped his cum into his daughter.

Chapter 6

Our skyscape changed again. At first I thought we were back near Earth. A round pastel-yellowish shape now occupied a good chunk of our ceiling. The Professor observed it was most likely Venus. He was intrigued and stared for long periods at the planet. We could see there were other ships - thousands of the bastards - in orbit as well. Sometimes we'd pass quite close to... Hookay, how do you describe an alien ship? Big. Huge. Continent-sized. Grey - the same grey as the floor of our own ship. Each ship was a long cylinder with both ends tapered to a point. Visual perspective gets odd with things so large. You can only discern shape from a far distance, and detail when they're too close to comprehend their shape. The hull was scaled? Plated? The harsh Solar light made only subtle variations of shading on the hull. But I got the impression it had segments like the alligator's hide. (Okay, there was a memory I didn't need in my head right then). There were wide, tapered fins to either side, like the side fins of a shark, I guess. Neither me nor the Professor could determine any means of propulsion. But the ships seemed able to manoeuver in orbit. Every so often a neighbouring ship extruded an office-block-sized chunk of grey, which would morph into a manta-ray shape. And by 'every so often' I mean millions of the things. The manta-ray ships would skim down and vanish into the morass of clouds below. Sometime later it (or another identical ship) would re-appear and be re-absorbed into the main hull of the orbiting ship.

We orbited Venus and watched it change. (And, oh yeah, we fucked every kind of animal another thousand or more times). At first, green veins started suffusing the mostly-uniform atmosphere. The veins rapidly spread until the clouds were a verdant green. It would take less than a week for streams of colour to encircle the entire planet. Green rapidly paled to bright white - it was so bright it was hard to look directly at the planet. The uniform white resolved into weather systems - gigantic swirling massed of white cloud separated by green-brown. It became not unlike Earth's final gasping days.

Shortly after her third litter, Dana died. It was sudden - one moment she was a bouncing blue-grey blur with her pups, and then she fell over with a groan, and died. Of all the things that almost broke me, that came the closest to leaving me a sobbing mess forever. Her pups, old and young, gathered around her, confused. I ran to where she'd fallen. She wasn't breathing. I put my ear to her chest but I couldn't hear her heart beating (although through the roaring panic in my head I couldn't really hear anything). The cage around Dana melted into the floor but she lay unmoving. I so badly wanted to pick her up and cradle her head. But my own cage pulled me away. We were drawn away from her body to make room for a gaggle of black aliens. I think they were perplexed - the aliens were an unsettled crowd. One alien would split from the main blob, poke at the body with a pseudopod, then be reabsorbed into the group. Other aliens would join the huddle, then break off. The combined alien grew and shrank as members joined and split, every now and then sending a member over to examine the corpse.

Dana's body was absorbed into the floor, and shortly afterwards her offspring and I also sank into the silent grey.

The Professor later suggested it was her heart giving out. Great Danes (he said) were known for it, and she wouldn't have suffered. In his own way I suppose he was trying to console me. It was probably just as well the straps bonded to my body prevented me from attacking him.

For a long time I avoided talking to the Professor. My grief at Dana's death was profound - I wasn't a nice person to be around. Her family wanted to help me come to terms with her death, but I shunned them when I should have been supporting them. I withdrew into myself for perhaps two months.

Somehow the Professor managed to kill himself. I don't know how he did it - he was always more clever than me. He found a way out of the madness of our imprisonment. And I don't think I really need to talk about that here. When I found his body he was already cold and blue. My screaming probably attracted the alien monsters.

I think the Professor was the last time I saw anyone die. The alien bastards altered our biology again to not allow the sweet release of death.

Chapter 7

Time passes, we learn to carry on. I'd like to say it was the evil potions brewed by the black squiddies slathered inside my butt that made me fuck Dana's daughters. And sons. Except, of course, it wasn't. I was bored, and I was horny, and I had no hope of escaping this prison. And, well, they were all just so goddamned sexy.

There's something about the curves of a dog's muscles - the way their tails sway over their tight butts. They have flowing bodies, graceful in carriage and movement. The girls have two rows of nipples - around ten breasts to suckle on when they're pregnant. The boys have a plump sheath and a huge hairless scrotum. Yeah, okay, maybe that doesn't sound attractive to you, but they'd play around with each other during our rest times. The boys never, that I saw, fucked their sisters. But they'd do damned near everything else you can imagine. The boys would finger and lick the puffy mounds of their sisters, while their sisters would suck on their brother's cock. They were completely uninhibited in front of me. First- and third-litter male and females would all be playing together in a writing mass of naked fur.

And it made me horny. I sat on the floor, stroking my hard-on, imagining myself in the middle of that orgy with all those young naked bodies pressed against me. Dianna, Dana's oldest, saw me watching and invited me in. So... why the fuck not, right? She was nearly seven years old (Forty-something, in dog years, I kept repeating to myself afterwards).

In full disclosure of my sins, it was absolutely fucking amazing. I was tied more times by Great Dane knots than I could count. I licked enough in-season bitch pussy that my tongue went numb. I pumped cum so many times into bitch pussy and dog butt and muzzle. I licked dogs balls, and French-kissed slobbery tongues. I swallowed semen from huge throbbing cocks.

Goddamned, that was the best sex I'd ever had.

Who would have thought it possible sex could get better than that? See, over time - years - the communal relaxation area became populated with other bipedal animals. The horses actually kind-of scared me. I'd remember how I thought I was going to die the first time I'd been impaled on the stallion's monster-cock. And the bear guys intimidated the hell out of me for the longest time. They were big - both in height and girth - and shaggy, and spoke in deep growls. But the bears were amazingly gentle lovers! Like the dogs, the bears had a penis bone. So they could penetrate me with a relatively thin cock, before it expanded to full length and diameter inside my butt. And riding on top of that big fuzzy belly while he fucked me. Okay, I guess I really don't need to go into so much detail.

Oh and the wolves! The first generation of wolves were quadrupedal, ordinary wolves. I don't want to think about how their father whelped them. But the second generation were bipedal like the Great Danes. And they were always horny as fuck. The wolves would often fuck me as a pack. I'd have one male with his knot lodged in my butt while my cock was inside his sister. Another wolf would be fucking my mouth while a fourth wolf bitch would be licking my balls - alternating between licking where my cock was in her sister and her brother's cock was in my butt. And I'd sometimes have another wolf cock in each hand. Godamned wolves, right?

Of all the crazy orgies we had on the ship, I can't recall a single instance where any of the animals impregnated any other. Seriously. They wouldn't have dull ordinary heterosexual intercourse. If there was one inhibition in them, it was that no animal penis penetrated an animal vagina. The boys would fuck each other's butts, they'd fuck the females' butts. Any and every species would mix and match. They'd suck each other off. There was finger-fucking and even fisting (oh shit, it was so fucking hot watching a Great Dane boy elbow-deep in the pussy of a hybrid mare. Of course, my view was from underneath because I was sucking his cock at the time). But there was some unspoken rule or line that was never crossed. None of the animals was impregnated by anything except human cock while we were on the ship.

Chapter 8

I'll admit, I'm not the brightest bulb. It took a long time for me to realize I was the father of many of the bipedal animals walking the ship. And I probably impregnated females during our rest-time orgies, rather than via forced breeding. The bipeds were hybrid human/animals. The females could get pregnant from both human semen and (I later learned) animal semen. And not just hybrid animal semen - a bipedal wolf could happily breed with a quadruped wolf and whelp either two- or four-leggers. Or, and this was kinda creepy to learn, a bipedal wolf could fuck a quadruped horse and the resulting offspring could be any of: Four-legged wolf, bipedal wolf, four-legged horse, or bipedal horse. Bipeds bred with bipeds always produced bipeds, and quadrupeds bred with quadrupeds always produced quadrupeds. I discovered all this much later, after we left the ship. The exception was if I was used as the conduit for a pairing of quadrupeds - the resultant offspring would be bipedal.

And, when I say 'quadrupeds', you can throw in birds, reptiles, dolphins. Maybe even fish for all I knew of what was done to me in the grey oblivion of the floor-goo.

Over our heads, while we sweated and writhed in squelchy bliss, Venus changed. The atmosphere of boiling sulphuric acid soup rained out and left a nitrogen-rich air. Airborne phytoplankton had been digesting the carbon-dioxide and excreting oxygen before dying in a thick carbonaceous scum over the planet. The oxygen empowered more complex organisms to ride molten thermal winds to encase the planet with a reflective stratosphere - reflecting the sun while allowing the planet's heat to radiate into space. With the rapid cooling, water condensed out and filled oceans, ice-caps formed. The atmosphere thinned and the air-pressure dropped to something like Earth's.

It is impossible to imagine the scale of upheaval to the surface of Venus in such a short time. Floods of acidic water deluged from a boiling sky pulverised mountains. Vast canyons were ripped into the flesh of the flat continents. Where it took billions of years to transform Earth into our (previously) habitable planet, the aliens engineered Venus in... well actually I don't really know how long they'd been working on Venus before they abducted (rescued?) us from Earth. It couldn't have been more than a few decades or we likely would have noticed, I think.

And - not wanting to diminish the achievement of the aliens in any way, you understand! - they didn't transform the entire planet into a habitable wonderland all at once.

There was probably a transparent dome over the enclave where we were deposited. One of the great Manta ships extruded me with a crowd of animals onto a manicured lawn surrounded by trees. Okay so the trees weren't actually trees. They were grey ship-goo covered in green moss. In the shape of trees. Beech trees, if I had to guess. The grass looked and smelled like grass - it might have actually been real grass. My skin was free of the bonded straps I'd worn for nearly twenty years. Dianna was with me, and held my hand as I walked on grass for the first time since the ship took me. Actually, now I think of it... I don't think I'd ever walked on green grass in bare feet before in my life.

The day was pleasantly warm. There was a breeze, the trees (we'll just keep calling them trees, okay?) waved with a murmur of leaves rustling. I was completely bewildered, you understand. My previous day had been spent being a sperm repository for two feral tigers and a billy goat, before I'd transferred their semen into their respective mates. Another routine day on the ship, before I'd sunk into the greyness. I'd expected the next day (and the next, and the next) to be the same. And yet I'd been extruded from the grey into a lush green world of detail.

Dianna held me until I stopped alternately giggling and crying. It was quite a long time, actually.

Final Notes:

I wrote the previous journal shortly after we debarked onto our new Venus. Dianna became my companion and kept me sane. Yes, I know (and she knew) I raped her mother. I know she was my daughter. And she became the mother of many of my children.

Venus was a strange world - not just another Earth. A single day was almost a year long so you adapted to living in a seemingly endless sunny day for what would have been three earth months. Then long months of waning twilight, followed by three months of night-time. 'Days' really became seasons for us.

We didn't have much direct contact with the aliens. I was wrong - the aliens weren't the black squiddies. The real aliens were the entire ships, with the black monsters merely their hands and 'eyes'. But we (mostly the hybrid animal scientists) gleaned a good understanding of the 'why' and 'how' we were here.

Earth had been really fucked up. The radioactive dust screwed with the aliens' ability to re-engineer the planet - their biological technology wasn't so good at working in radioactive air. Their biology would get damaged and biotas would collapse.

It seemed life - sentient life - was a precious rarity in the universe. A multitude of worlds would give rise to living creatures, but biology is fragile. Planets could get sterilized in a gamma burst from a dying star a thousand light years away. Asteroids could pulverize burgeoning civilizations. Yet the biggest threat to rising sentience is itself. Civilizations rise through the exploitation of resources, and when the resources run out the civilizations cannibalize themselves to death.

The vanishingly few civilizations who avoided their own destruction expanded into space. They found a desolate graveyard of failed world after failed world throughout the galaxy. The only civilizations to prosper either had the good dice-throw of being in an almost resource-unlimited star system, or early on mastered resource management and energy harvesting from the star their world orbited.

Where they could, the successful races intervened to shepherd developing worlds toward sentience. Space-faring races helped others to ascend.

So with a fucked Earth our alien shepherds had to quickly engineer our closest viable world - Venus. They had to engineer our biology to cope, while they tried to un-fuck Earth. It took them something like 100 years. Why, yes, I am very old now. I don't think I'm immortal - I feel all of my 150 years old.

But I'm back on Earth.

Actually I wouldn't have minded staying on Venus. We were happy there. The aliens provided us with the means to make technology. Biological technology. It... well it was easier for us to design a genetic blueprint and grow whatever we needed, rather than build a machine. Why build a house when you can grow one in a few weeks? Why fabricate circuits when you can grow a smart phone? Yes, with a bioluminescent display.

With an almost empty planet and practically unlimited resources, we multiplied our numbers rapidly (read as, we fucked like rabbits (including the rabbits) and had many children). As our population grew, the habitable areas of Venus were expanded to cope.

In my time on Venus I met a few other humans. They were all as screwed-up as I was. None of us seemed capable - mentally or even physically - of having sex with other humans and making human babies. There were human women, and they could birth and raise hybrid babies. But I was sort-of repulsed by the idea of sex with humans. That sounds fucked up, but probably the aliens had altered us. See, humans wrecked the Earth - nearly wiped out the entire biological catalogue. But our hybrids were... more cooperative than competitive. They would make better caretakers of the new Earth and Venus than humans ever could.

I'm old, and I'll probably die soon. I'm back on Earth to find a quiet place to grow my house. The other pure humans will die. As a species, humans will become extinct. This isn't a great loss - our legacy will endure forever when our hybrid children ascend to the stars. Maybe in a thousand years our furry descendants will save other worlds from self-annihilation.

Under Control

Part 1 Seven years of research, of late nights, failures, breakthroughs and setbacks brought Jayce to this moment. Racks of new prototype equipment vied for space among the abandoned piles of failed technology strewn around the warehouse which served...

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Family Reunion

This, gentle reader, is the third adventure of Hermes, the Great Dane dog-morph. You can find his first two adventures (and gain a greater understanding of the lad) here: **1) [SlugFest.](** **2) [Demon,...

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Demon, v2.0a. Important update available.

# Demon, v2.0a. Important update available. # Chapter 1. Clouds scudded beneath him as he soared in the blue above. True freedom! The warm breeze undulated over his naked flesh. Naked? Oh hell, he'd forgotten to put clothes on. Never mind - Hermes...

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