Kitty Camslut

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#59 of Commissions

Mahiri's never been a huge attention whore, but when the numbers keep going up on his cam shows, he can't help but love it. And he's more than willing to do anything his audience wants if it means pleasing them! Even if that means getting completely, utterly ruined by the biggest, horniest donkey around. In more ways than one.

Contains: Anthro/quadruped worship and sex, heavy doses of musk and sweat, rough rutting and a kitty getting fucked stupid, willing (or just too dazed to resist) oral vore, digestion and explicit disposal. All on camera!

It was just a matter of hitting "go live" and watching the numbers start increasing. Mahiri was all dressed up. The girly leopard was accessorized in several frilly things in his favourite combo of green and black. A short skirt around his hips, some stockings hugging all the way up to his thighs. A pair of matching warmers up to his wrists. His hair was smoothed and long, recently dyed that bright crimson that went so well with his shimmery green eyes. And most of all, he wore a smile. Today was a special show. A season finale, of sorts. And he was buzzing with excitement to the point he couldn't even sit still in front of the camera.

The leopard had started the whole cam whore thing on something of a whim. A little showing off for a small but loyal audience, mostly to give himself a thrill. He never really bothered with self-promotion or all the other stuff that were supposed to make his channel grow quicker. But somehow, word had spread anyway. The numbers just kept going up. Viewership entered the four digits, then five, and sometimes even six on a good night. He could hardly believe how many eyes were ogling his spotty ass every week when it was showtime. And the donations just kept pouring in. Enough to earn all those anonymous usernames filling up the chat an extra special reward.

"Hi everyone!" he chirped into his microphone, watching the greetings come rushing back. "I think you all know what day it is today! I've taken all your votes and it's pretty much unanimous. So we're going to have a brand new guest tonight! I hope you're all excited, because I'm pretty much giddy!"

He giggled out, and made sure to adjust the camera to show off everything he'd put together for the session. Nothing too fancy. But a few accessories, a few furnishings to help accommodate the night's four-legged co-star. He'd had a bar securely installed, hanging down from the ceiling. Something an equine could leap up and hook his front legs around. And there was a modified collection tool below it. Something like the backside of a mare, but it wasn't going to be used for that. Instead, it was equipped with a nice, comfy cushion on top for the leopard to sprawl out on And a few sturdy handles and straps, to ensure he could stay on it once things got intense.

"As you can see, I'm all set up for a good time today. Our be-hoofed guest should be here any second -"

Almost perfectly on time, the doorbell rang. Mahiri popped up from his seat, and winked at the camera.

"Alright, be right back everyone! Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!"

He made sure to give all his viewers a swish of his tail as he turned around to leave the room. By then, he was plenty used to performing for an audience. It was easy to forget just how many people were really out there when he saw little more than a screen and a chat window. Yet he was feeling a little nervous this time. A tiny bit of performance anxiety, maybe. He just wasn't quite sure what to expect out of his guest performer. Ransom had something of a reputation, after all.

Of course, he'd seen pictures. Videos too. He had a pretty good idea what he was in for. But an image on a screen really didn't do justice to the beast waiting for him on the other side of the door when Mahiri flung it open. A rush of hot air gusted into his home. The past week had been one extended heat wave, and that evening was no exception. A sticky, sweltering gust of humidity came washing in over the leopard's fur as soon as he opened the door. Along with something else. Something even warmer. Thicker. A hot, heavy scent that swirled through the air and hit the cat right in the senses, making him stand up a bit taller and breathe a little deeper, sucking his chest tight to catch just a little more of that enticing aroma.

On the other side of the door was no ordinary donkey. For one, he stood as tall as a horse on his four hooves. He was built like one, too. Solid. Stocky. And his short, grey coat was absolutely glistening. Mahiri thought it might have been a layer of oil, applied to help him shine for the camera. But it was much more natural than that. Standing out under the ruthless sun, that donkey had worked up a considerable sweat. Beads of it rolled down his flanks, swiping down his legs, his belly, leaving streaks like strokes of a paintbrush. That explained that potent, intoxicating musk wafting off of him. Steaming through the air as the heat made things shimmer. All while the cat got himself a little more worked up with every single breath he sucked in. Until he almost forgot to even introduce himself.

"Ah, hey Ransom! Everything's all ready for you to go. You're looking great!"

The donkey just gave him a soft smile, looking him intently in the eyes. Then he worked his gaze down, taking in those spotty details. "Great to meet you. And they were right. You are incredibly cute. I'm looking forward to this."

He stepped inside the cat's home, hooves loudly tapping on the floor. That sound masked the steady pitter-patter of sweat trickling down below, falling from him as thick as raindrops. Just standing in his presence was making Mahiri start to sweat a little himself. He reached up to wipe at his brow, still beaming at the beast as he led him to his studio. Stepping a little lightly. Still amped up on excitement. It wasn't going to prevent him from putting on his best, sluttiest show possible. Just made him slightly shaky in anticipation.

Ransom gave another pleased smile as he saw the equipment. Simple, but all he was going to need to have his way with that leopard. Just watching that girly pair of hips swinging back and forth, that spotted tail swishing all around as he entered was already enough to make his shaft drop from it sweat-coated sheath. It brought with it an even thicker broadcast of his mind-melting musk. Something that gave the cat brief pause as he caught the increase. It was immediately apparent. He bit his lower lip, just looking over his shoulder at that swinging spire as it hung there, soft but already plenty bigger than his own cock. Then he just winked at the camera and got to work.

Down to his knees he went. Swishing his tail a whole lot faster. And tenting his skirt as soon as he got there. Worked up by the sight, the scent. Having to lick his lips to prevent saliva from running down his chin. Just looking at that broad prize. That big fat donkey cock pressing forth from a drenched sheath. Tip already soaking wet with pre before it was fully hard. Leading down to a pair of balls fatter than he'd ever licked before. He was just going to have to sample them. He couldn't waste a moment longer. And so he was soon comfy beneath the sturdy equine, pushing his muzzle right up between those two beachball nuts, letting the sweat that coated them wipe off and smear all over his features while he got assaulted with that richly masculine flavour. And that was before he even had his tongue on them.

Once he got his first lick in, dragging his tingly tongue right up between those sweltering, sloshing nuts, he had to suck on his tongue a while afterwards. Drawing it back inside, closing his eyes, and simply savouring that taste for as long as he could, until a delighted, purring moan escaped his lips. Ransom grinned above him.

"I think the kitty likes what he tastes."

"Mmmf ... I don't care how slutty this makes me look. I could lick your nuts all night if there wasn't so much else we could do."

He kept on working. Kissing, sucking, worshipping the donkey's fat balls. Letting them bob back and forth while that massive cock rested atop his head, firming up with every slurp. Brushing through his hair, taking it from carefully groomed and smooth to a ruffled mess damp with sweat and pre. Then letting that potent juice drip a few strands down the leopard's spotted back. Right down to the spot where his tail met the base of his spine. The kitty was purring, of course. Moaning too. Just a constant groaning of delight as he got more of that male flavour in his mind. Making him drool and nearly whimper, the pause for breath between each volley of slurps and suckles almost unbearable when it meant going even a moment without that addictive donkey musk.

"Looks like somebody's already hooked. That didn't take long."

Ransom's tone was affectionately teasing, spoken as much to the cat as to the audience. It simply made it all the better to see that cute kitty utterly breaking down just from licking those sweaty nuts a while. Mahiri forgot all about performing. He just indulged himself, at the same time as worshipping the donkey. Kissing his nuts, sucking on as much of them as he could get between his lips. And all the while using the rough but pleasing texture of his tongue to make every slurp a tingly one, until he got a satisfied snort out of the equine. And a big fat glop of pre splattered on his spots as it rained down from above.

That massive dick was firming steadily. It took time, coaxing. A size like that didn't just spring to life in an instant. But the ministrations of the leopard's tongue were bliss. Were keeping him stimulated enough to get that flared head thumping up against his belly. Marking down any part of his coat that wasn't already slick with dripping sweat, painting it with that pre near as thick as cum. Bringing heat and musk into the room so strong the air was wavy, clouding up and steaming as the leopard sweltered down below. Working from front to back, all the way around each of Ransom's balls until he could kiss the donkey's taint.

Mahiri was losing himself to the pleasure of worship, looking like he was hypnotized, not even thinking about licking but merely letting his body work on slutty instinct. At least until he buried his nose deep in that thick sack, and drew in as deep of a breath as he could. Sucking it all down into his lungs in an extended huff, holding that musk inside him until he finally pulled back with a little fleck of sweat. He was panting hard for a while, but it didn't prevent him from tilting his head right back and giving a firm swipe of his tongue along the underside of Ransom's shaft.

When he got back to his feet, the look on his face was one of utter intoxication. He turned briefly towards the camera, just making a show of elaborately licking his lips. He was drenched. Soaked in equine sweat, his hair and fur an utter mess. It was all over his clothes, leaving them damp and sticking them to his body. But he couldn't do anything but grin. A silly, broken look. His eyes all unfocused. A dazed giggle escaping him. There was a whole lot of higher thought he wasn't bothering with anymore. Not with Ransom's musk in his brain. And of course he needed more.

There were plenty more sweaty parts of Ransom's body to adore. The cat remained standing, slipping his hands along the donkey's flanks. Rubbing and kneading at the muscle there with some admiring touches. Ransom could only snort in satisfaction. Even in just a few squeezes, the kitty's expertise as a masseuse was evident. And it felt even better when the cat got right behind him, digging his hands into the muscled curve of his haunches. Giving his butt a good rubbing while he got in closer. Ransom just flagged his tail high, giving the cat a clear look at his taint and sweaty donut flexing taut with every throb of his cock up against his pre-smeared belly.

That tongue already felt sublime on the donkey's balls. Such a textured slurper it was. So when the kitty came forth and started working beneath his tail, Ransom couldn't help but snort and nicker. Gritting his teeth pleasantly as the leopard began to kiss and slather him from balls to taint to tailbase in slick and firm licks that left him tingling and flexing. The cat held nothing back. The ping of a donation coming in came again and again as he shamelessly worked his tongue all over the donkey's asshole. Soaking it in his own saliva, outright drooling on it as he kissed and sucked the sweat right off of it. Working all around, up and down, his muzzle grinding up against it until he'd all but inserted himself. And for a single, decisive moment, Ransom's pleasured clenches of appreciation squeezed so firmly on the leopard's face he was lifted right up his toes for just a second.

Nothing became of it. But it was a brief glimpse of the equine's power. The strength to simply make the cat disappear. Any time he wanted. Of course, doing it so early would have meant missing out on using those girly spots for his own pleasure. Mahiri wasn't looking at all the messages coming in, but they were rushing by at near lightspeed, or so it seemed. His watchers were going wild, taking in the show of that slutty kitty submitting so thoroughly to the big, sweaty donkey. Watching that equine dick pour pre all over the leopard's studio floor.

Ransom looked back, casting a sultry look over his shoulder at the leopard. Mahiri didn't notice it at first. He was too caught up slurping the donkey beneath the tail. Eating out that fine ass, with a whole assortment of wet, lewd schlurps rising up loud enough for the mic to capture. Ransom had to step forth just a little to break the kitty's concentration. Mahiri had so much focus he nearly collapsed to the floor, staggering but recovering his balance in typical feline fashion. Even if he was wobbling where he stood as if six drinks into the night.

Ransom gave a nod to the breeding mount.

"Your tongue feels great, but you're getting me so hard I can't stand it. I've wanted to fuck your cute butt ever since I first saw your videos. And I know everyone watching wants to see you get ruined by a fat-dicked donkey." He winked to the camera. "Don't they?"

Mahiri didn't need any further instructions. He just kept his tail hiked right up, revealing the lack of anything beneath his short skirt. That meant showing off his thick, spotty booty. Girly and rounded, plump but taut. Kind of his best feature. He swung his hips at the camera a couple times, and then just got himself stretched out over the mount. Just to be sure he wouldn't be fucked right off of it, he strapped himself in, binding his ankles and his waist, and took hold of two firm handles as he waved his lifted tail back and forth to the donkey. Inviting him forth, even if his dick had firmed up to half the height of the leopard's entire body. He was elastic enough to take an obscene pounding. He'd proved that plenty of times before.

Ransom was breathing just a little heavier as he approached. Getting to see those sultry curves all soaked and damp with their mingled sweat. Most of it was the donkey's, but the heat was working it out of the cat too. He leaned in and gave one of those spotted cheeks a little nibble, then licked right up from taint to tailbase to get that hole wet. Slurping on it a while, returning the favour, he found himself huffing and grunting, muscles flexing visibly as his cock pulsed rapidly against his gut. There was just no keeping a hulking, pre-spitting arousal like that waiting. He jumped up and hooked his legs upon the handle, finding it sturdy enough even for all his weight, and set to work on mounting that adorable feline like a mare.

"Let's see if you still remember your name when I'm done with you, kitten," Ransom teased as he planted the broad side of his cock right up between the leopard's taut rumpcheeks.

The leopard just purred back, more deeply than before as he started to rock with the motions of the donkey's hips. Ransom simply humped him, to start. Grinding up beneath his tail, rutting that butt while pouring pre down on his spots. Letting those hot strands darken his elegant markings as that musky offering soaked right into the feline's skin. Giving him that much more of a mark. Just so everyone knew he was a donkey's purring slut. Shaking and shifting as he squirmed in need of that massive cock. No matter how much it filled him and stretched him to his limits.

The height was just right for Ransom to line himself up with that rosette-covered booty. He pressed the flat head of his cock right beneath that lifted tail, leaving a big wet mark of pre between those plump cheeks. Unlike other equines, there was no flex, no give to his shaft. It was solid. Unyielding. And the kitty's body was so much softer than it. Mahiri ended up bending backwards with a yowl, claws digging into those handles as he felt the first thrust. It didn't get anywhere, just prodding bluntly against his rim, leaving pre and sweat and his own saliva running down his taint and balls. But no matter how tight he was, Ransom wasn't stopping until he was rutting his balls right up against that fine feline ass. Even if it made the kitty scream.

Another rough, greedy thrust, and then another. Ransom snorted out, his breath going steamy while sweat rained down all over the cat below. Mahiri was getting coated in it, much more so than before. He was swimming in fresh donkeys sweat, his once-pristine fur just a mess, ruffled and matted down to his body. His hair was stuck to him as well, and the look on his face was somewhere between snarling leopardess in heat and simply stupidly horny, broken slut. There wasn't a lot of thought left in those brightly shining eyes of his. They were getting dimmer, wearing a glazed, desperate look as he yowled and pushed back against that big fat donkey dick, letting it slowly spread him open with every brutal, messy thrust.

Like the sudden pop of a canine knot, the flared head of Ransom's cock eased slowly inwards, only to suddenly jam inside with a lunge that left them both off balance for a moment. The leopard got his ass stretched wide, letting out a sharp feline sound more like an alley cat than a proper savanna predator. His teeth remained bared as he silently snarled out his bliss, and Ransom finally let loose a proper bray. One that settled down into simple grunting as he buried many more inches of pulsing, veiny meat deep beneath the kitty's tail, feeling him clench down hard on every detail while he filled him to bulging with equine meat. Even with that outline forming in Mahiri's belly, he could still take more. The white fur of his underside bulged taut around the flexing, flaring head of Ransom's shaft, and the donkey just kept digging deeper into that wiggling mess of girly curves and spots.

Deeper he went. No matter how much the kitty squirmed for him. Ransom wanted everyone to see how much dick that cat could take. Even if it meant stuffing it deep up in his guts. Popping past the medial ring with a little yelp from the shattered feline, and then keeping on going. Bulging that enormously engorged shaft right up near his chest, rearranging his insides in a way only an experienced slut like him could take. All while throbbing, flexing, spurting deep inside him. Filling up his belly from behind, getting him sloshing before he even took a load. With enough shoving and humping, Ransom finally hilted himself, and laid his oversized nuts snugly down atop the cat's curved ass, letting them rest and clench there as he held himself completely buried inside the huffing slut. Letting those thousands upon thousands of lusty viewers watch him utterly ruin their beloved performer, his cheery, energetic demeanour fucked right out of him before the donkey even began to properly thrust.

Ransom was already swirling his cock within a sloshing mess of the cat's insides, pouring so much pre inside that he was able to slickly pull back with ease. Dragging his flare along with his medial ring, making sure to grind the both of them over the cat's tingling prostate as he removed nearly all his shaft. He stood there a moment, watching the cat twitching. His hips jumping and grinding at the mount beneath him, oozing his own juices as he throbbed desperately. Mahiri probably could have made himself cum in seconds if he spared a hand for it, but instead he simply braced himself, let himself edge and shake until his face was scrunched right up in pleasure, awaiting the impending thrust he knew was going to nearly destroy him. Ransom didn't disappoint.

All at once, he was ramming those dripping inches right back inside. No buildup this time, no gradual stretching and letting the cat accommodate to the size. He simply began to rut the leopard like his bitch. Breeding him like a mare. The donkey's breath came steaming hot and increasingly rapid as he fell into that bestial rhythm. Fucking him beneath the tail, rocking him back and forth while he simply held on for dear life. He knew he could take it, but he wasn't going to be quiet about it. His yowls reached blood-curdling territory as he screamed out his devastated pleasure, getting multiple feet of donkey dick jammed into his insides by that brutal beast. Juices were squirting out in all directions as Ransom's production kicked into overdrive, soaking down the room and only adding to the intense heat plastering sweat to both their hides.

The chat was flooding with messages and donations, and surely there were hundreds of people already cumming by that point. Unable to hold back while they watched their precious little kitty performer getting so roughly ruined by the horny beast. Mahiri couldn't keep up the yowling. His throat simply went hoarse, and he fell into a whimper. Just a soft, impact grunt and yelp every time the donkey pumped forth, every time he felt those giant nuts slapping on his soaking spots. The entire of Ransom's underside was a splattered mess with just how many juices flung off with every sweaty impact, and his chest was heaving as he put all his power, all his equine stamina into fucking that tight feline ass numb.

The mount held fast. Unbroken by the donkey's strength. The same couldn't have been said for Mahiri. He was a mess. Alternating between slightly intimidating snarling, showing his teeth as he curled his lips right back and gave some choked gasps and broken glimpses at his roar. The rest of the time was simply mewling weakly, eyes open up in distant shock and amazement at what was happening to his body. And though it was pinned beneath him on that comfy cushion, his cock was simply gushing. Shooting out pre the volume of which neither he nor his viewers had ever seen him produce. When he had that much donkey cock shoved up his backside, his body did some unexpected things. But he could only stand that constant, rattling, grunting rut for so long. Eventually something had to give.

Thankfully for him, it wasn't his insides themselves. Rather, it was his willpower. The strain of holding back his own orgasm even while Ransom ruthlessly massaged his prostate with those throbbing veins dragging back and forth against it, it became impossible. He got tighter and tighter around the donkey's dick, clenching, contracting. Feeling his body simply giving in to the release he so badly needed. He curled his toes. Curled his tail. Clenched his teeth together in an enduring snarl that finally revealed one brief flash of his big cat nature. Snarling so deeply it became a roar. For a few seconds. Then, he fell into a whimpery meow like a scared kitten, his body jerking all about, out of his control while the lightning of orgasm seized control of his drenched spots.

Ransom could only snort out, continuing his relentless rutting beneath the kitty's tail while the cat went tight enough to slow him slightly. Rapidly flexing on his fat dick while he got milked to spurting. Gushing hard enough the ropes of feline seed shot right past his face, pattering onto the floor below where it didn't simply catch in his fur. Leaving him soaked even more than before, while that thick donkey simply continued sweating on him, pinning him down flat with his weight until the cat was sprawled in his own cum. And before he was even done, Ransom answered that gesture by burying himself balls deep, spanking that ass with his nuts a few times, then letting them flex and throb against that perfect booty until he finally cumming in the soft cat.

A snort, a toss and flag of his tail, and finally a satisfied bray, and Ransom let the flood loose. It came so thickly he could hear it, the sound of slick splattering echoing out from beneath Mahiri's lifted tail. Plenty of it gushed back on him. Went pouring down the donkey's balls, streaming along the kitty's thighs to pool upon the floor below. Ensuring the room was so heavily musked that the windows were fogging over. Drenched in that potent breeder donkey scent. But as much mess as he was making, plenty of his cum still found a place inside the feline, stretching him and bloating him, rounding him out to a wobbling, fattened state as if knocked up through sheer force of potency. Maybe he was.

Mahiri ended up drooling Ransom's jizz, feeling it running down his chin, out his nose as it welled up his throat. He was full. Stuffed and sloshing loudly with the slightest movement. Ass raised high as his heavy belly kept him from laying flat any longer. Ransom made sure to milk out every single drop. Everything he had within him, at least for the moment. There was no more room in Mahiri, so the pressure built to the point each rope sent it spraying out across the entire room. It hit the walls, dribbling down them while the donkey finally settled down, panting, sweating, tossing his tail in satisfaction. And as for the cat, he was simply broken.

Ransom slowly pulled out of the drooling kitty, smirking broadly at his dazed expression. He wasn't even there. Probably didn't even know where he was. His eyes were open but unmoving, and his mouth was dribbling cum while he drooled and tried to catch his breath. A lost cause in that sweltering studio. The donkey's cock flopped down below with a generous splish, slopping a deluge of his cum to the floor. Pooling it above his hooves, until he'd nearly carpeted the entire room in the searing scent of his breeding cream. As much as he would have loved to tease and stimulate the leopard further, he knew even an experienced slut like him needed some time to recover. If such a thing was possible anymore. So he just turned to the camera with a wink.

"Looks like someone enjoyed himself. What do you think? Do you think he would remember his name right now if I asked him? Not that he needs it. All that anyone needs to call him now is 'donkey slut', if you ask me."

He wasn't really monitoring the messages that came in response, but he could see them soaring by. Faster than he could have even read them anyway. So he just kept up his teasing to the kitty's loyal audience.

"Of course, you know what I do with performers when I'm done with them. I know you all voted for me because that's exactly what you want to see. And this tasty slut is going to feel so good sliding down my throat."

He glanced back to Mahiri to look for a reaction. Poor cat was simply out. Conscious but just not there yet. So Ransom wandered back to him, unfastening those straps with his teeth. Giving the leopard's soaking body a few slurps. Working up and down his back, working through his hair, and then all the way down to his legs, even his paws. When he was done with that thorough sampling, he simply licked his chops and grinned to the camera.

"Oh, and he tastes marvellous. Especially with my extra marinating. Get ready everyone. I'm about to make this cat disappear."

He made sure to move somewhere he wasn't blocking the view. Mahiri still hadn't moved much. He was a lost cause, really. Ransom had pretty much fucked his literal brains out. He hardly seemed to react much even as the donkey licked through his hair, further mussing it. Nor when he nibbled on one of the kitty's ears with his flat teeth. Only when he spread his mouth wide, flopping his broad tongue right out, and began to engulf the leopard's entire heard in his drooling maw did Mahiri actually seem to awaken. He knew it was coming. But actually feeling that slippery embrace all around his features, muffling his startled cry, was enough to put a spark of energy and excitement back into his exhausted body.

He was even getting firm again. Especially when he felt the power of that first gulp. It only served to bring his head in a little deeper between Ransom's lips, but he could already tell how easily the donkey was going to swallow him. No ordinary equine. He was made for consuming cute, cream-filled treats. Or at least he'd mastered it with meal after squirming meal. Mahiri was just another addition to the menu. Soaked in all those fluids. Writhing but helpless before the donkey's hunger. Slipping forth until he felt the first tug of that powerful gullet on his forehead.

All was dark, and yet somehow getting even darker. His feline eyes weren't going to help him there. Ransom worked his jaws down the leopard's neck, kissing against his shoulders briefly. Slurping down his head was easy, but his shoulders took a brief moment to adjust to. Not that they gave him any trouble. He might have simply looked like a particularly large donkey, but he was a predator. And the leopard was going down. Every gulp inched along his features, tucking that pretty muzzle into the donkey's throat, silencing any whimpers that got squeezed out of him as Ransom pushed past his shoulder sand went nibbling down his chest.

He was neither rough nor gentle. Not harming the cat any while consuming him, but not taking much care to give him a smooth ride down to his gurgling gut below. The donkey had been hungry from the start, and rutting that spotty bitch only got his belly working louder. Sloshing louder than the leopard's own as it rumbled in anticipation of filling with girly, well-fucked meat. Down Mahiri went, slurking, glurking down the equine's bulging gullet. Ransom hardly stopped for breath. He needed that kitty inside of him. Wanted nothing more than to turn those sexy, splattered curves into digesting slop at the bottom of his gut. And it wasn't going to take long.

A heavy toss of his head sent the cat's legs flailing up in the air. He wasn't limp, but he wasn't kicking either. More just slowly writhing. Like he were moving in slow motion. His cock throbbed down towards the donkey's dripping lips, giving a spurt of pre right upon Ransom's nose. Drool was pouring down those spots. Rolling over that juicy, stretched ass before he got his lips upon it. Then he started kneading, nibbling deep with his teeth. Not enough to pierce the skin or anything, but plenty firm enough to make the kitty moan. The sound was muffled in the donkey's gut, but Ransom felt it. That cat wasn't afraid of getting eaten. He was loving every single swallow. The solid thumps of his cock on the donkey's tongue was testament to that.

Ransom tilted his head directly back, but kept his lips clamped tight around his prey for a while. Just enough to savour him. From the tickly tip of his cock, all the way down to his sheath, his balls. Slathering them with his broad tongue. Working beneath to lick the kitty's taint, then even further so he was working on that ruined ass. Stretched, loosened, dripping plenty, but sealed right back up surprisingly tight. That cat was made of elastic. But it didn't matter, because he was going down. Ransom fit that fat ass right in between his lips, letting it bulge in his cheeks, and began the process of finishing off his spotted meal.

Mahiri's legs and tail were treated about equally. Which is to say they were dragged inwards in an extended noodle slurp that sent them flailing about as they vanished, flinging Ransom's spit in all directions. The entire room was soaked. It was a wonder the stream was still going, with how many fluids had been tossed around in the fucking and consuming process. Ransom swallowed until there was nothing more than those soft paw pads and curling toes sticking out from his lips, with the fluffy white tip of his tail nestled in between. A nibble, a slurp, and one final, resounding gulp, squeezing down on the cat's bulging curves until they were gone from his slippery gullet. Reemerging as a swinging weight in donkey's barrel of a gut, rounded out and snugly constricted by the powerful grip of the Ransom's carnivorous appetite.

Mahiri hit the bottom of Ransom's empty gut hard, slapping into its slimy confines, cum still pouring from beneath his tail. He squirmed around to get himself comfortable, curled into a tight ball while the process of early digestion squeezed all around him. He could already feel the juices oozing onto his matted fur. Already feel a faint tingle working its way over his skin beneath, creeping up along his body as the donkey's stomach churned around him. Sounding wetter, sloppier by the second. Eventually working up a blast of air that erupted back up Ransom's gullet, resulting in a hefty belch blasted towards the camera and the microphone.

"Mmm. Now that was a delicious pussy. I can't wait until he starts digesting. I want you all to see the bulge flatten out nice and smooth."

He licked his lips, sucking the feline flavour from his tongue. His cock was throbbing again. Pressing right up against the curled up shape of the cat trapped in his gut. Letting his prey feel the throbbing as he spurted pre on his shapely belly bulge. His gut clenched hard, popping a few of the cat's joints, knocking some of the air out of his lungs. Not crushing him, nor even hurting him. Just making things that much more cramped for him as the rising fluids started to pluck out his soft fur. Already ruining his pretty appearance, eating down to the skin to start working him down to little more than chyme. One churn at a time.

Ransom snorted sharply. "Nngh, fuck. Good kitty. Melt down for the donkey. A little less pretty every time you hear my belly rumble. They're not even going to recognize you when I'm done."

The gurgling within him only grew more intense, clenching, squeezing, compressing all around those softening curves. And the throbbing of his cock against it got more rapid right in time with the messy digesting. It felt good. Like a satisfying internal massage at first, but escalating to something more intense the longer his gut worked on the melting cat. Becoming some more orgasmic. Making the donkey snort, stomp his hooves as he rocked back and forth, thrusting his dripping shaft at the air, grinding it against his prey while he got off on the sensation of turning him to pudge. Digesting around the edges, the extremities, and then working inwards to get at the vital core of the feline. He wasn't going to last much longer.

"Squirm for me, little kitty. Show me how much you love getting turned to donkey fat. While you still can."

The cat was already reduced to little more than twitching. His muscles and nerves were firing off beyond his control. He was getting melted in more important places by then. Without a single complaint of course. He might even have been purring a little. It was hard to tell with all the sloppy noise around him. He knew it was the sound of his own body being melted down to a gooey mess. And he was getting quieter, moving less, the curvy outline of his body wrapped up in the donkey's gut was becoming smoother, rounded, much less distinct than it began. Hardly resembling a leopard anymore.

"Already feeding that cutie down into my intestines. Going to take whatever I can from his pretty body. And the rest, it won't be so pretty anymore. But first, it's time to make this girly slut stop moving."

The donkey gave a snort, a huff, and adjusted his position. He pressed his hooves down firm to the floor, bracing himself as he began to flex his muscles. Making them ripple and bulge as he pressed down hard on his meal. Crushing inwards as he tightened the muscles of his gut, squeezing on the softened kitty until there was no way he could survive such pressure. Mahiri gave one last wild spasm, shaking that sagging gut back and forth with the motion, and then he slowed to twitching, settling, and finally complete stillness as the sloshing fluids overtook him. Nothing more than meat.

"Good kitty! Good!" Ransom cried as he threw his head back, shutting his eyes tight while he brayed out in ecstasy.

The feeling of converting such a lovely feline into little more than sludge at the bottom of his gut was more than enough to get the donkey off. The leopard's final moments were given little more dignity than a massive cumshot. Gushing, spraying out from that engorged dick, the feeling of the feline being pushed down and out of the donkey's gut for further processing making him empty his nuts of every single drop. More than pooling, but outright flooding the room, or at least it seemed so at first until that creamy mess spread across the rest of the floor. Gallons of fresh equine seed, milked out of that flaring cock by the feeling of digesting such a girly meal.

While Ransom's orgasm trickled to a close, his gut was still rumbling. Working the digested feline through his intestines, absorbing everything that was useful about him. His cute clothes were utterly ruined, but still intact to some extent as they passed through the ravenous donkey. Ransom felt himself getting heavier, pudgier with the added nutrients he was claiming from the leopard. Adding Mahiri to his bulk in a matter of minutes. The last few spurts of his climax were watery and clear, but he kept clenching his nuts tight to his body for a while after, dry-firing until he finally relaxed and let his cock drop down. It swung back and forth, dripping, while the donkey's sweat continued raining from his hide in thick beads.

He simply snorted, taking some time to catch his breath while his body processed what was left of the leopard. It hadn't taken long at all to convert him to nutrition. Almost as if the spotty bitch was made for getting eaten by a donkey just like him. When he was steady again, he trotted over to the camera, the new fat on his belly wobbling with every step. He leaned in good and close to the microphone, and whispered his words to Mahiri's audience.

"Want to see what I turned your favourite kitty into? You might want to look away for a bit if you don't like mess. Because this is going to be a big/i] one. Nngh, I can feel him ..."

He began to slowly turn himself around. A few steps forward, and he flagged his tails high for the camera. Giving everyone a good look right at his thick donut as it flexed and bulged before them. Letting forth a light burst of air that was the precursor to the rest of the show's finale. Mahiri might have been a pretty cat all dressed up in his skirt and stockings when Ransom arrived. But just one session with the shameless donkey, and he'd been reduced to a drooling, thoughtless slut by that bitch-breaking dick. And now, after just a short time inside him, he had already been turned into a great big load of donkey shit for everyone to see.

The first few chunks were smooth and soft. Sliding out comfortable while the donkey grunted in pleasure, pissing all the liquid he'd siphoned from his meal right onto the floor. Those messy pieces of former leopard splatted down below, piling up high in seconds. Pound after pound of unused cat, all gurgled down into that steaming filth, squeezed out of the donkey's flexing asshole. After the first dozen pounds or so, the pieces got firmer, requiring a little more grunting and squeezing as Ransom passed the shredded, ruined remains of the kitty's former outfit. Wasn't nearly as cute all covered in shit, but it tickled plenty on the way out.

Looking over his shoulder, Ransom made sure the audience didn't go without a little more teasing. "Mmf. I wish you all knew how good it feels to shit out such a pretty cat. A nice warm massage on my asshole with every single squeeze. Almost finished now. Just a little more of him up inside of me."

The last part of that lengthy dump involved plenty of pressure. The donkey squeezed hard, letting everyone see his ass squeezing. Forcing out those final solid chunks. They tickled with the bits of fur and ruined hair that made their way through the donkey's system. Then there were some bones. Smoothed and softened, but still relatively intact. Just enough to let everyone know that chunky mess they were watching squeeze out from beneath Ransom's tail was indeed all that was left of the leopard.

And just in case it wasn't obvious enough, Ransom felt one last particularly stubborn piece stuck there inside him. He lowered his hind end some, snorted out again, huffing a few times. Letting the pressure build behind that blockage, until it finally popped free and embedded itself in the top of that towering pile of donkey shit. A ruined, cracked leopard skull. Hollowed out and missing teeth, but nonetheless recognizable. It ended up resting there, half-immersed in the pile of fresh filth, topping off the monument to the leopard's humiliating transformation from cute cat to donkey dump.

Ransom gave a satisfied chuckle, and pissed on the pile, knocking that skull slightly askew before he turned himself back to the camera. He didn't feel like there was anything else he needed to say. He simply approached, and nudged the leopard's mouse around with his nose. Which was difficult to do for an equine his size, but he eventually managed to find the button he was looking for. He hovered over it a while, simply letting the tension build while the messages flooded in. Plenty of people were unfollowing Mahiri - but just as many were replacing them. When Ransom was satisfied he'd let the moment linger long enough, he nosed at the mouse button to click and end the stream, leaving those thousands of watchers looking at a black screen, thinking about what they had just witnessed. Live and uncensored, right to the filthy end.