Light of my Life - Amber and William 3

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Gutentag all!

Just a friendly reminder that this story is completely original and as such is protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved to me, Shiriak.

Legal Disclaimer:

I am not responsible for anything that might happen to you, your computer, or anything else that may arise from you reading this story. This is an adult work. If you are not of legal age in your area, I can't be held responsible in any way for anything that might come as a result of reading this.

Simply put, standard copyright, standard disclaimer, as usual.

Please comment and rate if you like it! I'm always willing to work with you on anything you feel needs to be done. And, as I promised, here is the smut ;)

Amber and William 3

As their bodies felt like they shared an inner fire, William felt his now fully erect member brushing against his sister's thigh. A tingle of anticipation went through him as he and Amber kissed. Like a jolt of electricity, he almost jumped at the touch of his sister's paws feeling his dick, slowly stroking it. William almost fainted with pleasure, the feeling was so exhilarating. He responded by running his claws down his sister's back, gently touching her firm buttocks, making her giggle at that feeling.

Amber broke the kiss, smiling at her brother. They looked deep into each other's eyes, both seeing into the depths of each others' soul. Lost in the love that they shared for each other, in that moment, they knew that what was wrong was now right. They needed each other, and in that moment, they were complete.

Both of them were so horny at the moment though, it didn't really matter. If any small doubt entered their minds, it was quickly subverted by the storm of passion they found themselves in. Slowly, William drew Amber closer to him. "Sis, I want you." He said simply, smiling tenderly. "Will you have me?"

Amber just chuffed in his face and suddenly lowered herself onto her brother's member. "Does that count as a yes?" She gasped out in pleasure as the wave crashed over her and nothing was left of coherent thought.

William slowly inhaled, feeling his penis twitching inside his sister of its own accord. It felt so lovely, warm and tight! She was like a hot wet cum tunnel already, his member reveling in the warm passage of love. He almost started thrusting then and there, but he held himself back barely, telling himself that his sister should take control because it was her that needed this more than him.

Amber closed her eyes in ecstasy, savoring for a moment the large, stiff pole spearing into her most private, virgin depths. "Why are you holding back?" She asked, cracking one scaly eye at him.

"I was waiting for you, but..." he trailed off, shrugged, and then slowly took his penis out of her and put in back in, thrusting into her fertile fields slowly and pleasurably. He smiled as Amber gasped again, her sensual feelings going into overload. She moaned as another thrust, and another came, stimulating her walls and automatically making the passage of her brother's rod easier.

As she started building up, she growled into Will's ear, "Faster." She then panted a bit, "More, William! I want you!" She said lowly, growl aiding her voice. William then complied, building up a steady pace as he fucked his sister, holding her close to him. As she adjusted her sweaty body, he moved one of his hands in between them and almost subconsciously pinched her nub of nipple there on her chest. As the moan of pleasure came louder, she continued to alternate between the pinching and stroking of her nub.

With that stimulation, Amber's flower suddenly opened wide, and the next thrust of her brother's scraped against her g-spot, making her almost howl with the pleasure that she received every time her brother moved in and out of her. Her howl quickly changed to a small roar, riding her brother as he fucked her faster and faster. Amber was quickly approaching her climax, her seed lubricating the passage between their act of incest. That fact was far back in her mind though, as she steadily rose higher and higher in her ecstasy.

William was having the time of his life. Nothing could compare to the ecstasy that permeated ever fiber of his being. Each time his stiff member touched the air, only to be thrust back in quickly felt like heaven. He nipped at his sisters' neck, feral mating urges taking over his body. His balls started to emerge from his slit with the continued stimulation that they receive, rapidly speeding him towards climax.

Amber's vagina started pulling in her brother's hot rod every time it went out, crying out in its own special way the need that was present on both of their faces. Her slit drank in the full length of his member and then opened wide enough to allow her brother's testicles to be consumed by the hot folds every thrust.

As William gritted his teeth, he let out a feral roar as the same time Amber did the same, her pussy suddenly contracting around her brother's penis, causing both of them to unload cum in a massive torrent. William attempted a few weak thrusts while he let loose the floodgates, but couldn't remove himself from his sister. There was a few moments of that ecstasy when Amber and William both felt the hot jets of cum from each other, causing their pleasure to be tripled.

As all good things though, soon their trip came to an end, both sweaty and panting for breath, both in awe of the most powerful orgasms they had in their life, and both stuck together like paper and glue. William smiled lazily at his sister. "I hope that you weren't planning on getting up anytime soon." He remarked as he knew his balls were firmly in his sister's vagina for a while. "I must admit though, damn, that was good."

Amber smiled back at him and ground her hips against him a little bit. "I thought I'd sit here for a while, if that's okay with you?" She asked, maneuvering them both to a sitting position on the floor.

William chucked as he ran his claws over his sister's scales. "I'm glad you liked it." He said, looking at her closely.

"It was awesome, Willis." She said, lightly touching his face. "That was so good, I feel like I could do that all night."

"So..." William began. "What does this make us?" He asked, warily.

"Hmm." Amber said, toying with his chest. "What do you want us to be, brother?"

"I... well..." William said, trailing off. "I want to be your mate sis. I love you. I really do. I don't think I could mate with anyone else and feel that good about it. At least for a while, you know. I mean, we should get to know each other quite well."

"Alright!" Amber replied, smiling brilliantly. "So... what did you like best about our mating?"

William chuffed lightly in her face, giggling. "I loved it when you said my name, to be honest. It was... very stimulating. I wish that you'd say my name like that more often."

Laughing a bit, Amber replied, "Good to know. I'll make sure that I roar your name out next time we mate, bro." She tried to get off of her brother's pole, but it was still firmly lodged inside her. "Your turn!" She said, pushing his chest a bit.

"Mmm." William said, thinking. "Do you think we should try anything else? I mean, yeah, this is fun, but what if it gets old?"

"Good question..." Amber said, picking some dirt out of a scale on her brother's chest. "I'd be willing to anything with you, to be honest." She said, bashfully.

"Hehehehe!" Will laughed. "I'll have to look at what else we can do. I'm sure someone will know something." He shifted, feeling the cum slosh around his thick breeding pole and then suddenly grabbed his sister in a passionate kiss.

Amber was surprised, but welcoming to the lust that burned through both of them. As they intertwined their tongues, William sitting on the floor, his sister in his lap, still tied, the lights suddenly went out in the gym due to an automatic timer.

"Eep!" Amber exclaimed, burying her head in her brother's chest, scared of the sudden change. "Uh... sorry." She said, bringing her head level with him again. "That was kind of scary." Embarassed, she looked away from Will.

"Don't worry about it." William said, his eyes already adjusting to the dark. "I'll keep you safe sis. Through anything. I promise."

William shifted a bit and realized that his dick was soft enough that he could pull it out. As soon as he did, a torrent of cum accompanying the pleasured gasp from Amber was released. Their intermingled juices streamed out, slicking the floor and allowing a pleasant heat-musk smell to reach their nostrils. Will smiled as he lightly kissed his sister again, then moved his mouth lower, to her dripping vagina. "Looks like someone had naughty time!" He laughed. As his soft tongue moved ever closer to his sister's newly sexed slit, he inhaled the sweaty smell and smiled.

Amber didn't stop her brother as he went down to her nether regions. She arched her back and was soon pleasured by a soft tongue worming its way into her hot pussy. Gasping for the pleasure, she moaned as the tongue flicked over her slit and slowly cleaned her.

As William slowly pleasured his sister, cleaning up their residue as best her could, he took as much of it as he could in his mouth and then moved his mouth up to Amber's and kissed her again, their shared juices flowing into each other once again.

Tasting her and her brother's salty cum while they kissed allowed an entire new dimension to open up for Amber. Initially almost choking on the strange taste, she found that soon she couldn't get enough of it. There was a definite quality bond that was shared there, as the last traces of their cum were swept away by their greedy tongues. Mingling for a few seconds more, they broke the kiss reluctantly. As each of them wondered what they could possibly do next, William looked at the time. 8:46 pm. There was a lot of night left, and he was feeling so horny still.

"What would be fun to do?" He asked, putting the question out in the open.

"Well, we could always mate again." Amber replied, a little quickly.

Will sighed. "But we've done that already." He thought for a moment. "Tell you what, how about we wash ourselves off properly, and then we'll figure something out.

"Great idea." Amber said, getting up a bit stiffly. As she helped her brother off of the floor, she looked towards the restrooms and showers area. Leading the way and taking her brother by the hand, she stepped into the boy's restroom without any hesitation. "Come on Will, don't make me drag you around." She pleaded.

"Fine, fine." Her brother replied, still being dragged along, as his sister was so full of energy. As they stepped into the shower area, Amber quickly turned on a showerhead for them both and directed the spray right at her brother's muzzle. She giggled as he shook his head and spat out water, pawing at his eyes for a moment.

"Thanks, sis." He said. "See if you get any more of this tonight." He remarked as he turned away from her.

"Nooooo!" The plaintive cry came from behind him as claws grabbed him and held him close. "William, don't!"

He laughed as he turned back around. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, right?" He grinned at her, watching her eyes as they locked their stares together. "Sis, I can't believe I've finally found the one."

Amber rolled her eyes at that comment, taking the opportunity to nibble at his ear. "I didn't think it would be you, to be honest." She commented, brushing his cheek with a kiss. "But I'm glad it is. I can't think of a more committed mate than you. Plus, you have a body I love, and a personality that's the best."

"I love you too." William said simply. He stood there, admiring his sister for a moment, then turned around and grabbed the soap and the shampoo he had left behind. "You do me, I'll do you." He said, motioning her closer.

"Of course!" Amber exclaimed as she closed her eyes and let her brother take care of her body. She could feel the soft touch of his claws as they sought out each sticky spot and gently rubbed it clean, moving steadily down her body. She sighed as she was in bliss, her brother slowly and carefully moving ever downward. As her brothers claws drifted closer to her slit, it seemed like it opened up just for him.

William smiled, inserting a claw into his sister, loving the way she squirmed around it. He gently cleaned her slit out, paying special attention to the area around her slit and her behind. As he worked his way down, he chuckled to himself at the position her was in. Here he was, washing his sister, after all of those nights dreaming about it. It was like heaven to him.

Unfortunately, he finished up by what he thought was too soon, but in reality was a lot of time spent on his ministrations to his sister. It was time for him to be washed now, as he stood up and handed the soap off.

"You know, you have a really nice body." Amber remarked as she started at his chest, lathering the soap on his scales.

"Thank you." William said simply, enjoying the gentle touch of his sister on his chest.

As Amber moved ever closer to her brothers' groin area, she noticed the tip of his pole peeking out again from the slit. "Naughty, naughty." She said, wagging a claw in his face.

"Aie!" William protested. "I'd like you to be me and not get turned on by you doing this to me! Lay off, will ya?"

"Shush!" Amber said, playfully slapping him with her tail. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, silly! I think it's cute."

William blushed at that, turning his head to the side. He didn't reply as his sister carefully cleaned around his slit and the tip of his penis which was steadily growing.

"You are really getting off on me, aren't you?" She said playfully, laughing as he rubbed her head.

"You bet, Amber. I'm almost ready to go again."

Amber whacked him again with her tail. "Silly. We should at least get clean before we start again. If you are so eager to get off, you should do it right here, right now."

William rolled his eyes as Amber stood up. "It won't ever feel as good as our mating." He replied, shutting the shower off. "So, were you planning on getting any sleep tonight?" He asked as he handed off a towel to her.

"Sure." Amber said, yawning at the mention of sleep. "But there's a lot of night left. It's only 9 pm or so. What should we do for the next few hours?" She paused, then added, "Besides have sex."

"Oh." William said, thinking hard. "Maybe a game of basketball?"

"Sounds like a plan as any." Amber said. "I'm not going to wear anything though, are you?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." He replied, winking at her as they exited the restroom, arm in arm.

Comment if you liked it and want more!