Chapter 34: Meetings with The Armor Evolution.

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#37 of D.M.O.N.

First off, I do not own any chars in Digimon series or names that involved at this story. However, I do own Alphonse/Al/Albino and Soul in this story. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or grammar errors because English is my second. Same notes is still regulates at this chapter so no whistle if you are fave with Digimon. Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 34: Meetings with The Armor Evolution.

It is been two weeks since the last incident and there are no sign of Glitches activities yet. Al and the Destinies decided to meet up with the newest member of the team. Unfortunately, their homes were at the other side of the town. The seniors took a vote on who will meet up with the new juniors. The vote counted that Rika, T.K., Kari and Kenta, since Al is the leader of the team, so he is been automatically selected. The team took a three hours ride to the meeting point at certain fast food restaurant. By the time they arrived, it was fifteen minutes early from the meeting time.

The team ordered some drinks, took out their D - Server and discussed the Glitches problem with their Digimon partners. "So let us review the finding so far." Kenta said to began the disscussion. "The Glitches somehow can alter the fake Digimons. It also resonates to others, and got leaked to the Arena because it hitched a ride at the players."

"We do know that the Glitches are viruses and very fatal to us Digimon." MarineAngemon continued the review. "But it is still a mystery on where it came from and how it leaked to the Digital World."

"Upon on how it leaked to the Digital World," T.K. answered. "We have to thank Soul for that."

"Biyomon reported that there was a portal to the Digital World from the game." Patamon explained. "However, it is hard to be seen with our naked eyes. Even Al's eyes can't see the portal."

"I don't know if I can see it or not. But all I could see is a wavey view and I was curious at that time." Soul replied.

"It's a distortion." Kari explained to Al, if he did not know what he meant. "It is a crack that connects the two worlds like a bridge."

"But how it leaked to the Digital World or should we ask, in what form?" Gatomon asked.

"The first time I saw was in form of ribbon of datas." Al answered. "But after the Arena incident, I have doubts. Ribbon of datas appeared when the Glitches start to rampage."

"Which lead to me," BlackWarGreymon or Black answered. "What if these Glitches were small, very small that it can be carried by the wind?"

"That answered our question." Rika stated. "The wind carries the Glitches around the game and attached to its surroundings."

"To PC, they didn't feel the wind. But to us, it feels the same as our world." Renamon continued.

"If it was spreaded by dust, we don't have to worry about it." Al responded. "All we need is to take a bath and the dust was washed off."

"That is entirely impossible." Black responded. "Eventhough the dust can be cleaned by water, but a data will always be a data. Furthermore, these Glitches are Artificial Lifeform. I can sense them even if they were small like a dust because I used to be one of them."

"What he meant is that everything in the Digital World is made out of data. Even the dust can be cleaned, but the Glitches are still a virus so it has no effect in the Digital World." Kenta explained.

"Somehow the infections are few in the Digital World and very common at the Arena. Therefore, our conclusion, the Glitches infections are from the dust that attached to the players from the game. But the source of the Glitches is still a mystery for us." Patamon concluded and the rest are nodding.

"That concludes the meeting, and now where are those two members?" Rika asked.

When she asked that, two figures are approaching all of them. Both of them were males and one of them was bashful compare to the other one. The first one is an Asia type person, with black hair and shorter than any average American. He wore a gray jeans, white T-shirt, and black jacket. Al can tell that he is a foreign student. The other one has black hair and a little skinny. He wore white jeans, black T-shirt, and yellow vest.

Al noticed that their attention was on the table where him and the Destinies sat and gathered. "Can I help you two?" he asked in calm.

"We are looking for Alphonse and his friends. He said to meet us here." The Asian answered.

'Well, speak of the devils.' Al thought. "Yes I am him. You two are Zero, and GreenGuilmonX?" They nodded and surprise which he can guess that his friends were adults. "Come, take a seat and we will introduce ourseleves." The duo nervously sat down.

"Once again, my name is Alphonse Revenant. It is nice to meet you two. The other nine are my co-workers and friends. They are Rika and Renamon, T.K. and Patamon, Kenta and MarineAngemon, Kari and Gatomon, and lastly BlackWarGreymon." Al introduced the team to the newcomers.

"I am Zane, Zane Kimaharu." The Asian named Zane introduce himself. "This is Derek, my friend from the same school." He also introduced the bashful one named Derek. "You said there are nine of you, where are the other five?"

"You are looking at them, but I need your oath to keep these secrets." Al responded. "Furthermore, you need to relax. These adults won't do anything harm to you two."

"Alphonse Revenant." Kari and Rika responded in annoyed.

"Sorry Mrs. Kari, Ms. Rika. I just wanted for both of them to relax because they were tense up." Al replied apologetically. "Besides, I see that they are really shy type person. I doubt they will open heartedly to a total stranger." He continued in whispers.

"What kind of secret that we must keep?" Derek asked to Al in hesitation.

Al looked at Derek and smile. "That depends on how well you can keep it."

"Besides the Glitches incident, what are the others?" Zane asked.

"That Digimon do exist?" Al gave an example while rubbing his chin.

"That is impossible. Digimon is just a made up character." Zane responded.

"I wouldn't bet on that, Zeanny (Genie)." Renamon threated him in cold voice.

Both Zane and Derek stood in surprise. "The PC talked?" Zane yelled and the customers at the restaurant glared at them dead center.

Both of them looked at the crowd and not a moment lateer they sat down feeling crimson red in embarassment. Al laughed at that reaction which gave him a double puffed cheek from Zane and Derek. "Sorry, it is quite a while that I haven't seen that reaction since I joined the group." Al's laughter died down. "But still, that is the reason why we have to swear an oath not to tell others about their existance."

Zane and Derek looked at the D - Server and Al's Digivice. "So, the Digimons are real?" Derek asked to Al.

"Yes they are, Derek. Moreover, they are in danger because of the Glitches."Al answered.

"Why and how they are in danger?" Zane asked.

"Good question, why don't the senior explained the situation about that?" Al asked while looking at the Destinies. The old Destinies felt uncomfortable about that. "We are listening."

"Usually when the Digimon died, they will be reverted back into an egg." Patamon began to explain.

"Of course, that happens when their data hasn't been absorbed." Renamon added.

"However, the infected Digimon can't revert back into an egg." T.K. continued the explanation. Kari, Rika, and Kenta gave sorrows expression when hearing that.

"Are you saying that the Digimon died permanently?" Al asked in disbelief. The Destinies gave him a silent nod. Al got a sudden vision where Soul disappeared from his life. Al quickly shook his head in order to reject the image. Al looked at the rest and they all felt grieve. "I am sorry for bringing a bad subject. We came here to introduce ourself, so let's make this enjoyable."

The conversation goes on normally like usual. The senior Destinies are getting acquaitance with the junior and vice versa, and they enjoy their lunch together. Al noticed that both Zane and Derek are finally calm and open mind with the Destinies and their Digimons and with it; he concluded the point of the meeting and called out for a day by distributing the D - Terminal similar like Al's.

At his home, Al starts installing the new updates into his computer and restarts it. After the computer is on again, he connects into the internet and start patching up. The patching takes at least a night without disconnection or disturbance. Al, Soul, Black and Sarah enjoyed their dinner together peacefully.

On the next day, the patch is already complete. Al turned off the computer and headed to school. During lunch period, Al told the story about the meeting yesterday and gave Al a smirk at the surprise part. Jake told Al that his ground has ended and he will install the patch after school.

At his home, Al began to log into the game and see the effect of the new patch. Everything is seems to be in order except the evolution menu. In the evolution menu, there are more choices of evolution. However, to evolve into any one of it has conditions such as status requirements, numerous attributes it needed, and minimal level needed. The newest additionals are the item it needs to evolve and numerous times that needs to kill to achieve it. "Well that is new and tricky requirements."

Al closed the menu and looked at his surroundings and Stingmon greeted him. Al instantly knew it was Soul because he is the only one that always stays close to him even inside the game. "Soul, since when did you evolved into Stingmon?" He asked.

"Since three days ago." Soul answered while marveling his new form. "This way, I can help you in exploration and fighting."

Al smiled at him because he was proud of him. Black whispered in his mind. "Want to add the evolution part?" he asked.

'Not a bad idea, Black.' He answered. "Soul, since you can evolve into Stingmon. I would like to add new evolution forms."

"Oh really, what is it?" Soul asked in curious.

"We, as in Black and me, saw a form called Paildramon. This is a merge form between Stingmon and ExVeemon." Al answered his curiousity.

"Merge form as in DNA Evolution?" he asked in surprise and Al nodded. "But ExVeemon is from Veemon, you are certainly not Veemon, Al."

Al smirked at him. "That is why the Destinies give me the update patch for this game so that I can evolve into different Digimon with the same attribute. Which mean, that I can turn into Veemon anytime I want." Al's face starts to frown. "But in order to do that, I need to complete the requirements. And that is the only thing that I don't have yet."

"Why don't we strats now? That way, you can become into Veemon much faster." Soul suggested and Al agreed by inviting him into a team. They started by heading toward the Login Mountain, where Al see Veemon last time. He was disappointed when they reach there because the fake Digimon become less crowded than before.

"This is going to be a tough quest." Al grunted in sigh.

It has been three hours, but the hunting grew very slow. So far, Al has killed several fake Veemons and the gauge filled up very slow. "This is taking forever." Al grunted critically and finally taking a break. He received a mail from someone and it was Veemon.

The mail wrote, "Come see us at the city. We've got some surprise for you." Al told Soul that they got mail from Veemon. They went back to the portal to meet Veemon.

Al and Soul are looking for a specific Veemon and came out nothing. "That is funny. He said to meet us at the city." Al protested while still looking for Veemon.

"And I did with others." An unfamiliar voice came up behind Al. Al saw the owner of the voice. It was a humanoid blue dragon with flaming red armor covering his torso, head, lower arms, knees, and feet. The helmet had a large blade like horn which Al think it is just for a show and the lower arms had three blades almost similar to a claw. Al was truly unfamiliar at that form, but somehow he knew him from somewhere.

"Well this is my surprise, Al." The humanoid dragon spoke to snapped out Al's trance.

"Wha..." Al was completely off guard by the stranger. "How did you...?" He wanted to ask about his name but Soul reach the stranger's hand as if he knew him very well. "Veemon, is that you?"

The blue dragon smiled at him. "Yes, I am him. Are you surprise to see me?"

"Whoa, what are you?" Al asked surprise and astounded by Veemon's new look.

"In this form, I am called Flamedramon." Veemon or Flamedramon answered.

"Wow Flame, I like you better this way. The flaming dragon warrior, that really suits you, although I prefer that ImperialDramon." Al commented.

"Actually it is a Warrior of Courage, and thank you for the complement." Flamedramon thanked him. "Like I said on the note, I am not alone." Flamedramon leaned his head to his right side telling Al to look behind him.

Al looked behind him and saw three new forms. The first one is a four leg crimson eagle with metallic wing helmet that has an emblem of heart or something. The next one is a yellow full armor Digimon with two pairs of drills at its hand and a large one at its muzzle. It shaped like a bug with two short antennas and two extra arms that look like a shovel. The last one is shape like a horse with wings. There are pieces of armor on each four legs, torso and head. Its mane and tail are white and unattend because it was very long. The bat wing ear somehow catches Al's attention. It feels like he knew it or him and the rest of them.

Al thinks hard on each characteristic from the one he saw before. He can only find three specific Digimon that fit or similar to their looks and they are. "Hawkmon, Armadillomon, and Patamon?" he asked while pointing each of them.

"Bingo, give this kid a cigar daddy-o." The golden bug responded with a laugh.

"That is right, Al. We are now, Halsemon, Digmon and Pegasusmon, in order of course." The four leg eagle respond the second.

"Weird, huh..." Pegasusmon commented.

"Weird, I say it was awesome." Al criticized them.

"I agree with him, Pegasusmon." Gatomon suddenly appeared behind Al.

"God, I really hate that Gatomon." Al was surprise by her sudden appearance.

"Well, aren't you going to change to your oldself?" Pegasusmon asked Gatomon.

"Oh, we will." She replied. Gatomon grabbed her own tail and took off the golden ring that was on her tail the whole timeand toss it to Al. "Hold it for me, Al." and Al catch it by reflects.

"Ready, Kari." She called, and slowly her body is cover with ribbons of data and form a cocoon. A second later stood a four leg white feline Digimon with wings and gloves similar to Gatomon. She had a set of armor covering her torso, front paw, shoulders and head. In addition to amaze Al more, she is almost looked like a Sphink at Egypt. "Feeling a little attractive, Al?" She asked.

Al stunned by that question and blushed deeply. The rest are laughing by Al's reaction. "I love that expression. Shall we hunt together? I feel like nostalgic with thes form, and my form is Nefertimon." Gatomon or Nefertimon concluded and the team starts grouping and begin to hunt elsewhere.


That is it for this chapter. I do know that this chapter kinda sucks, especially when you gave the title at each chapter. I hope that this title really match with the story. Once again, please no whistle because it is hard to get this stories continue without a certain plot or events. I thank you for those who participate and I do accept any critics and/or comments to my bad writing skills and many more (lol). Thank you.