Unwinding After Work

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#20 of Commissions

Flint was a bounty hunter. Unfortunately, the day's hunt had not gone as well as the big, grey t-rex would have liked. Still, he came out of it with a prospect for the next day, but that could wait. For the moment, he was just interested in relaxing and enjoying his evening. So he called his friend Luchs over to help with that.

This is a commissioned story for Luchs including his friend Flint.

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The door to the house swung open, creaking loudly on its hinge. Flint thought about grabbing the spray can of mechanical oil from the garage and giving it a spritz, but he just didn't feel like it right that moment. He had been through a hard day's work and he didn't have much to show for it. There was a long outstanding bounty that had crossed back into his usual territory, and this one was proving just as slippery as ever. But, even for all his running, chasing, and sweating, he didn't manage to nab the perpetrator. He did however manage to get his hands on some very vital information that might prove to be the final nail in the coffin of this particular collar.

But it would have to wait until tomorrow. There wasn't anything the big, dark grey t-rex could do about it until sun up the next morning. That was when the shipment was scheduled to come in, and this particular criminal was sure to be interested in staking a claim on it. A simple plan rolled through the rex's mind as he began his practice of mentally picturing the setup and takedown, mapping out the exits and pitfalls, all the different manners it could go sideways.

Flint entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a dark brown glass bottle, popped the cap off with one of his claws, then lifted it to his lips. The pressure seal releasing allowed all the carbonation to fizz the elixir within, carrying the complex flavors and aromas around the rex's mouth. He didn't bother savoring the subtleties of it. Instead, he just gulped down a strong swallow of the beer and then sighed in satisfaction.

The large, densely muscled fellow left the kitchen behind and strolled into the living room, landing in his favorite easy chair with a soft thud. His heavy frame threatened to break anything he simply dropped down onto, but he had gotten this particular chair reinforced to handle him. It had been a good investment. A loud, telling groan escaped the beast as he let his limbs relax. His paws were sore, welcoming the relief from all the weight and stress of a lengthy pursuit. For a brief moment, the grey t-rex was content, but then he frowned and squirmed softly in his seat.

It had been an unsatisfying day. He hadn't gotten the closure he had wanted. He needed something to make him feel better, to give that predatory mind of his reason to believe it had not been entirely for naught. There wasn't much he could do about the bounty, but maybe, just maybe, he could get what he was after from another source. A sly, toothy grin spread across his muzzle and he reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. With a few taps, he had dialed a number and lifted the device to his cheek.

"Hello?" answered a voice on the other end.

"Luchs, it's Flint. What are you up to right now?" the dino asked.

"Oh, hey Flint. Me? Nothing really. Just sitting here watching TV, being a bit of a lazy bum. What about you? How'd work go?" the lynx on the end of the line asked.

"It could have gone better. Mind comin' over? I could use some company." Flint's deep, gravely voice transmitted easily across the call in spite of the relatively poor quality.

"Sure, I don't mind. I'll be right over. See you in a bit." Luchs replied, hanging up shortly after.

The dino tapped the button on the side of his phone to put it back to sleep and set it down on the end table next to him. He lifted the dark bottle back to his lips and took another large sip of the strong-smelling stuff, letting it wash down his throat and help sooth his nerves. At least the heat outside wasn't able to get into the house where it was nice and cool. He was still sticky from his rather energetic pursuit. He'd need to shower later, but not just yet. Maybe after Luchs' visit had come to a conclusion.

At least ten minutes passed while Flint sat there sipping his beer, letting his fatigue slowly fade. By the time he heard a knock on the door, he wasn't feeling nearly as worn down as he had been when he arrived. He climbed out of the chair with a grunt and went to answer the knock. He pushed the front door open to find the lynx he had called standing on his front porch, smiling brightly up at him. He was rather short compared to the big dino, roughly half Flint's height, and rather trim in build by comparison.

"Hey! You said you wanted to hang out?" the feline asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, c'mon in." the t-rex said, stepping to one side to stand out of the way.

The short-tailed cat scurried in quickly to get out of the heat, quite happy to find the cool environment of Flint's home waiting for him. The two aimed for the living room, the bigger fellow choosing not to sit down. He simply stood as he looked at the lynx, watching his smaller friend have a look about the room. It wasn't the first time Luchs had seen the inside of the rex's home, but the decor had always given him reason to pause and examine it a little more closely.

"You know, I don't think I know anyone else who's pulled off the western look better than you. Do you have a guy you call when you want a new piece of furniture or something?" Luchs asked.

"Something like that," Flint said with a rumble, "It's pretty easy gettin' yer hands on this kinda stuff 'round here, but the real trick is finding the quality goods. You gotta know where ta look."

"And being a bounty hunter, you know all about finding where to look for the right stuff." Luchs turned and winked up at the dino.

"That's right." the rex grinned.

"Well, you said you wanted ta hang out. What did you have in mind?" the feline asked, turning to look up at the bigger fellow properly.

"It was a pretty stressful day. I was thinkin' I could use a little help relaxin'." Flint said, moving one of his paws to his waist to hook his thumb under the top of his pants, letting his fingers dangle.

It was a subtle gesture, meant to highlight his groin, specifically the bulge in his jeans. It wasn't a large enough swell to draw attention to it immediately, but it was certainly hard to miss when directed to it. Luchs' gaze dropped to where the big fellow's fingers hung loose and relaxed. He knew what would help the big rex 'unwind', and he wasn't at all opposed to offering his assistance. The lynx's smile spread quickly across his face and he nodded, stepping in close to press his cheek against the exposed, firm, muscular abdomen. He could feel the dinosaur's washboard stomach, hard as rock just about, and it made him just ever so slightly giddy.

"Okay, sure. Whatever you need, big guy." Luchs said.

Fingers began working on the buckle to the rex's belt. And they weren't Flint's fingers. The feline was the one to make the effort. He unfastened the broad strap of leather, then unbuttoned the denim underneath. With a tug of the slide, the rex's jeans were unzipped, exposing the cup that contained the more sensitive features within. No longer fastened and held close, the rex's jeans fell to the ground. It made slipping him out of his jock strap that much easier. Luchs was careful not to scratch or pinch as he uncovered the treasure beyond.

The rex's length dangled downwards once it was no longer housed in the confines of its protective shell. Two very plump orbs descended with it, all creating a picture that one might expect to find on livestock with the size of everything. Already the dino was beginning to pulse, throbbing oh so softly at the prospect of what he had been planning out in his mind since he decided to call Luchs. A faint trail of clear ooze shined forth, telling the cat all he needed to know about where Flint's mind was.

"I think it's happy to see you." the grey rex said.

"I'd hope so. I'm happy to see it too." Luchs replied.

Before the cat could say anything more, or even act on what he figured was required, the big dino pressed a broad, strong paw against the back of Luchs' shoulders, pulling him in to mash against the firm stomach and exposed groin again. A soft growl rumbled away in his throat as soon as contact was made with that lovely, soft pelt. The lynx could not prevent the sudden embrace, so he simply leaned into it, wrapping his arms as far around the larger fellow's waist as he could manage. It wasn't terribly far. Flint was pretty massive by comparison.

A pair of lips pressed against the unyielding muscle of the rex's abdomen, kissing it softly before a little rumble of a purr slipped out of the cat. It made Flint grin, enjoying the affection his little friend was showing him. But then that wasn't exactly why he had invited the lynx over in the first place. The hand slipped from Luchs' shoulder blades to the back of his head, urging him to drop a little lower. With that kind of insistence, who was Luchs to say no? He was actually rather eager to carry on as well. But having the dino be the one to direct him, to 'order' him, sent a shiver of delight up his spine.

The impressive spire was once again within sight, and this time it filled the whole of the cat's vision. He opened his jaws and let his tongue slip free, dragging it slowly across the smooth flesh before him. There wasn't much to the act, just a simple lick, the start of what was sure to be a genuinely, thoroughly enjoyable act of relaxation. The rough tongue caressing the rex's length forced Flint to close his eyes and growl quietly. He was already rather taken with this little act, but it wouldn't be enough. He pressed against the cat's head, directing him further.

Luchs responded by cupping his paws against the quickly hardening member before him, lifting it to direct it to his muzzle. His tongue slipped out again, flicking across the dark head. Flint bared his teeth and his growl grew louder ever so softly for a brief moment. He pressed stoutly on the back of the feline's head, giving him no choice but to get started. Luchs was taken by surprise, his jaws forced apart by the sudden intrusion. He was pushed right to the limits of what he could fit in his mouth as the rex slipped in. In seconds, he felt the warm, throbbing head bump against the back of his throat.

"Mmm, there ya go. Don't keep me waitin', lil fella." Flint rumbled in satisfaction.

Now that the cat was stuck on that monster, he saw no point in holding back. He worked his jaws as best he could, squeezed his eyes shut, and swallowed. The first good gulp of the rex's shaft slipped into his throat, bulging his neck visibly. It was a feat in itself to get that far, and he still had quite a ways to go after. Luchs carried on, grunting as he swallowed again, pushing the grey mast into his maw. He was at least halfway there now, and he could feel that large paw on the back of his head urge him onward. Another push forward shoved the last of the dino's drooling length past his lips, right until his nose bumped against the smooth groin before him. He had done it.

The cat would have said something remarking on surprising himself, but he certainly couldn't speak at the moment, not with something so big filling his throat. Part of him could have sworn he could feel the head bumping against the entry to his stomach, but that had to be his mind playing tricks on him. There was no way that was happening. He was sure of it. Until he pulled back just far enough to feel at least a quarter of the great spire slip out of his mouth, then pushed back down on it. That time, his certainty was called into question.

A loud hiss came from above as Flint sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. He was enjoying what was happening already, but he was sure it was only going to get better.

"That's it, don't hold back on my account. Get after it." he growled, the noise reverberating down through his chest, reaching the feline set upon him.

Luchs did as he was told, bobbing his head as quickly as he felt was safe given just how engorged the beast in his gullet was. The movement saw flesh drag against flesh, the feline's throat squeezing and massaging the huge thing as if trying to pull it deeper, to claim it, but it could never accomplish it, not when it was attached to Flint. The very idea of Luchs swallowing all of the big, grey dino would have made him laugh because of just how ridiculous it was, but his throat was too busy to do anything other than suckle. After only a few pumps of his head, the cat began to taste the salty, sticky drippings he was eliciting from the thick rod trapped in his jaws. It had coated the shaft and worked its way up until it reached his tongue. And it had helped make their movement easier. Clearly, the door wasn't the only thing that benefited from a little lubricant.

Apparently, all the hard work of chasing down bounties left one pent up. Flint could already feel his end coming, flexing his legs and lifting his tail as he strained to hold himself on the edge for as long as he could muster. He was enjoying the small cat's enthusiasm, just as he always did when he could get his claws on him. And Luchs certainly wasn't disappointing this afternoon.

The pace slowly hastened. The lynx's efforts grew more urgent, and the dino's hips began to roll forward, thrusting down the feline's throat. It had quickly become a dual effort, both sides working their best to ensure a very pleasant conclusion. Each time that rough tongue dragged backwards across the grand spire, it sent a sharp jolt of electricity up the rex's spine. It was becoming something he couldn't ignore, and pretty soon, Luchs would have a reaction he couldn't ignore either.

Flint held on for as long as he felt he could, or rather should. It was purely a matter of wanting to savor the moment. He could have just left Luchs there, sucking on him as he went about tending to the house, fixed dinner, took a shower, did the dishes, whatever he might need to do, and he would have been just fine. But that might not be fair to the cat. So, in the interest of civility, he didn't try too terribly hard to refrain. His jaws opened and he tipped his head back, letting the climax wash over him.

Below, the feline slurped away powerfully over the throat-filling beast. He could feel a stout tremble passing through the great rod filling his jaws. Flint was nearly there, almost to the breaking point. Just as Luchs was about to try and pull off to ask how the dino might want to finish, he felt that mighty paw on his head mash him in until his nose was shoved against the grey hide before him. He could feel the huge spire bump against the entry to his stomach again just in time for it to unleash its mighty flood.

The roar that filled the room shook the walls. Flint wasn't known for subtly when it came to this sort of thing after all. He held the cat's muzzle on him as he dumped gush after gush of seed directly down his throat and into his waiting belly. The thick, white stuff pooled in the lynx's stomach easily, swelling him outward with every spurt. Luchs squirmed as he was made to hold fast, having no choice as to how this was to go. His waistline grew as what felt like a few gallons of t-rex spunk was delivered directly into him.

A great gurgle came from the swelling gut and he groped at his middle with his paws in concern. He wasn't going to burst was he? Just how much did Flint have to give? Sure he was a rather 'generous provider' but he had to have limits, didn't he? Thankfully, the rush of essence slowed after what felt like an eternity and the cat was permitted to retreat. By the end of it, he had grown quite the paunch, which would force his legs apart if he tried to sit down. He could almost pass for being pregnant if it weren't for the fact that the swell gave easily enough to look like a water balloon.

The dino's length slowly pulled back from the well-used throat, letting his member come tumbling from his friend's muzzle. It dropped from Luchs' chin, leaving a fat string of white slime connecting the two, to say nothing of the trail that was quickly smeared down the cat's front. Now that he was able to without obstruction, the lynx panted for breath. He looked dazed and tired, which was understandable given he had just swallowed a small pond's worth of dino cum.

"Mmm, atta boy," Flint rumbled in satisfaction, "You've gotten real good at that. I'm impressed. Usually you go flyin' off or it comes back up or somethin'. You held it all down this time."

A fatigued smile spread across the cat's muzzle.

"Glad... I could... be of service." Luchs huffed out.

"Oh now don't go tellin' me yer all tuckered out. You know I got plans for you other than what you just did. A good suck only goes so far ta make sure my needs are met. You know what comes next." Flint said as he crouched, bumping noses with his friend.

"Is the law about to come down on me?" Luchs asked, quickly gaining some semblance of normal breath.

"You know it is. Better make sure you show me a good time." the rex said smoothly.

Flint stood back up and turned himself about. His bulky, muscular frame made the effort take longer than it might for someone of a more average size. It was not unlike steering a large ship; it just took time. Once he had spun about, the rex lifted his tail. There, plain as day for anyone to see, were two words tattooed on his cheeks. On one side there was 'THE', and on the other was 'LAW', both in large, bold, letters. The lettering looked like it belonged on a wanted poster from the old west.

Luchs looked up at the sizable rump looming over him. He could see the cheeks parting to reveal the pucker concealed within. He wasn't going to get away. The rex had already made up his mind, and that meant he had no escape. But, then that was just fine by the cat. He was tired and couldn't be bothered to try and flee anyway.

The big dino dropped himself down on top of the feline. The ring of muscle hidden between those powerful cheeks yawned open and swallowed him up, right up to his neck. Luchs tried to open his mouth to speak, but he had waited too long. He was disappearing into the rex's backside whether he wanted to or not. His voice would be too muffled for Flint to hear. All he managed to get out before he realized it would be pointless ended up coming out as 'Mmmf!' which no one would be able to understand.

A powerful flex of muscle squeezed on the lynx, dragging him inward. The great mass of the dinosaur certainly helped. Flint bent his legs further, letting his weight force his little friend further inward. He shivered and hissed again. He could already feel his middle starting to stretch to accommodate the little fellow. There was no visible bulge, not yet at least. There would be, in time. For the moment, any twist, twitch, or squirm from the feline was where his attention was focused.

The rex growled loudly, clenching his jaws, baring his teeth, and snarling just ever so gently as he forced the lynx deeper into his bowels. Shoulders popped into the heated, humid, dark environs, stretching the dino's anus and making him quiver ever so softly in anticipation. It was hard to hold still when you had a full grown person being shoved into your rectum after all. It just so happened that it was one of the rex's favorite ways to 'put someone away'. Every single twitch left him aching for more. He wanted the cat inside him complete.

And the cat was finding little reason to complain. He actually began to try and stand up into the rex, but he was just too tired, and the rex was just too heavy to stand up against and get a decent foothold. So, instead, Luchs simply twisted himself back and forth, knowing that would help wedge himself deeper. And it worked fairly well. It inspired the dino to press down on him further. That was when Flint got his first little 'taste' of the swollen tummy he had given Luchs.

The dome pressed against his rump, his scrotum sagging down to rest against the warm, pliable gut covered in luxurious fur. Were he a weaker creature, Flint might have been overwhelmed by the sensations, but it did leave him too breathless to ask if the feline used some sort of conditioner to leave his fur so lustrous and smooth.

Luchs didn't want to let that particular secret slip, not yet at least. He wasn't ready to let friends, family, and pretty much the whole world know he had stumbled across a snack that was very much a direct rip off of the dog treats so many of his canine friends enjoyed. Only this had been developed for cats, and he had been enjoying them considerably. He wouldn't have time to explain anyway. His stomach was next on the rex-ass' hit list.

Flint hissed yet again as he felt his cheeks part around the sizable orb he had gifted the feline with. It wasn't the largest thing he had ever consumed, this or any other way, but it was a very nice stretch. The heat of his form slowly seeped down over the feline's gut while his bulged. He dropped a paw to his stomach, feeling it started to stretch outward and actually show signs of his passenger. The lumpy mass moved and deformed as Luchs squirmed, his world now limited to the inside of the dinosaur. There was a certain, powerful sense of domination that came with the act; one that was not lost on either of the two. Flint had complete control over the cat, and he wasn't even all the way in yet.

Luchs shuddered feeling that fact turn over again and again in his mind. He couldn't escape. The big grey rex had him, and he wasn't going to let go. His stomach wouldn't stop him. The dome squeezed in with an audible squelch, leaving the bounty hunter to groan happily. His own abdomen surged out to hold in that heavy tummy. Now all that remained was a pair of legs that kicked lightly about. Flint lifted himself back up from his crouched position, then ran both paws over his distended gut. It wasn't as big as it would get, but it was still large enough for him to enjoy. A slow, steady, rhythmic clench began, oh so gradually tugging the last of the lynx in under the rex's tail.

With Luchs' inexorable fate coming to a glacial close, the big, grey dino reached over and collected his beer. He lifted it to his lips and downed a large swallow, then sighed in satisfaction. There was something about casually enjoying a drink while taking his time in pulling someone into his rump. He wasn't in any hurry. This wasn't a bounty he wanted to make sure didn't get away. He had a firm grip on this one and he wasn't going anywhere. That meant Flint could go nice and slow, really savor the act. He began to pace back and forth through the living room, not moving with any great speed. The working of his legs helped massage the feline deeper into his rectum, forcing his middle to bulge larger still.

When Flint felt Luchs' knees slip past the tight ring of muscle that held him, he decided that was far enough. He stepped back over to his recliner, spun about, hoisted his tail up, and dropped himself into the chair. The sudden fall shoved the cat's calves into him with a sharp push. It sent a powerful bolt of electricity up his spine, making his length twitch hard. All the squirming had left him nicely stimulated, especially when he could feel Luchs mash against his prostate. Oh he loved it when his captives did that. He would just shove someone in there just to do that if he could get away with it. He wrapped a paw around his throbbing mast and began to stroke as he felt the lynx's paws wiggle about between his muscular cheeks.

With one last good tug, Flint managed to draw his latest victim in. Just like always, no one escaped 'THE LAW'. It made the rex chuckle as he thought that over. A deep, gratified growl rose up in his throat as the devoured feline fought deep under his hide. He loved the fighters, the spirited ones who just would not give up no matter what. They always left him with a smile on his muzzle. And a sizable stain in the crotch of his pants. Though he rarely wore pants once he had gotten someone shoved in there. Clothes just got in the way.

Flint wriggled his hips softly, relishing feeling the cat squirm deeper into his bowels. He wasn't getting out, not with that kind of attitude. And that was just fine by the rex. The remote for the television was within reach, and the dino made use of it. The screen flickered on and he began channel surfing, trying to find something decent to watch while he enjoyed his struggling, moaning, churning gut.

"That's the spot, keep doin' that right there. I might just decide you're worth keepin'." the rex growled happily.

A new moan came from under his skin as the lynx tried his best to do as he was told, rather enjoying being teased like that. He was there to help the big fellow unwind after all.