A (third) cup of coffee with the therapist

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#3 of A cup of coffee with the therapist

Hello there again!

This is another cup of coffee with the therapist. Sorry for being inactive for such a long time, but it's been a busy, busy summer. I should be able to post stories more often from now on, though.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it!

Kenneth liked having a certain sense of control over several things.

One of them was, of course, his own business. It had been difficult to set himself up as that particular kind of therapist and he hadn't always been free from judgment. The white tiger had tried his best to get rid of all the prejudiced influence that he had come across, sometimes successfully, others not so much so. It had been difficult to attract customers as he tried to keep a low profile, and finding balance between those two attitudes had been crucial to his success. Now that he was already established, he liked to exert that control over other aspects of his job.

That bull that used to come at four on Saturdays and Sundays, for example. He liked to know exactly for how long that bull wanted to be tied and gagged in the corner of one of his rooms, completely unable to move, for that allowed him to combine that spare time with other clients. Not that any of them knew that, as the tiger spoke to them, there was a very flustered bull just a wall away. The fact that he was the only one that knew that and could leave him there as he served other clients without messing up made Kenneth feel extremely satisfied.

Then, there was the general rule of his job: knowing how much he was allowed to push things. It wasn't easy. Sometimes, he knew he could be a bit intrusive, maybe even rude in certain situations. If he crossed one limit, one borderline, then his clients would probably leave and all his reputation could go to waste. He needed to tread carefully. There was a thin line between what he did and downright depravation, and he knew it. So, whenever things turned out alright and he managed to make his clients feel better, it was as if he, too, was earning something. Besides money, of course.

And then there was Fosk.

Everything around him had been new and different for the white tiger. It was as if he had tripped with the same stone again, something that hadn't happened to him since the very beginning. Of course he had noticed some of his clients were cute. Of course he had enjoyed having them exploring their most basic instincts a few times, when they had been especially collaborative. However, up until then, he had never experienced such a deep interest towards any of them.

You'll have to get rid of that, he told himself, for the umpteenth time. It's bad for business. Not only that, he added mentally. It could really grow into a problem if he didn't manage his emotions properly. For the first time in a long while, he didn't feel in control and he wasn't sure whether he liked that or not.

The doorbell rang, distracting him from those thoughts. Now, it was time to face the beast. And he had to be the perfect professional, he remembered himself. Regain control.

"Hello again, Fosk," he said as he saw the black wolf standing on the doorstep. "How have you been?"

"Good, thank you," he replied, as he came in and wiped his shoes on the mat. It had been raining again and the wolf's fur was a bit damp, yet nothing like that first time when he had appeared practically soaked. "Did you receive my payment?"

"Yeah, I did. It's all perfectly in order," the white tiger answered with a smile, as he turned to the room they usually had their sessions in.

He had placed the same blue couch they'd used the last time in front of his desk. He had others in the flat, but he had learned with time that clients were usually more receptive when they had something familiar around. By getting used to the same couch, clients also managed to relax and share their problems more openly. Not that he needed that with Fosk at that point, anyway.

"Well, we have plenty to do today," he explained as he sat on the corner of his desk, crossing one leg on the other. The wolf sat in front of him and looked up into his face, with that attentive expression that showed he was one of those few people who really listened when they were being talked to. "We're going to address your problem a bit more... directly. Our last session was for you to get used to me and introduced to the hypnosis. Given how smoothly that went, I'd say it was a success."

"...directly?" Fosk repeated, though. He looked a bit nervous for a second. "What do you mean?"

It took Kenneth a few seconds to realize how wrong his word choice had been. Oh, silly me, he told himself, as he gave the wolf a reassuring smile, trying to convince him that whatever he had thought was far from reality.

"Oh, no. I don't mean that," he said. "I told you we won't ever do anything you don't feel comfortable with. And I know it's too soon to make you face the real problem. No, but there are other things we can do."

"Such as...?" the black wolf asked, curious.

"Your list," the white tiger answered, grinning. He felt the slightest spark of delight when he noticed how flustered the wolf immediately got. "Do you think you're ready for that?"

Fosk shifted a bit on his seat. Kenneth knew sometimes he needed time to give him an answer, so he just waited patiently.

"I guess, yeah," he said, after a while. "We're... we're not doing the whole list today, right?"

"Why? Are you planning to stay over or what?" the tiger joked, winking an eye at the wolf. He chuckled a bit, and Kenneth knew he had helped him relax a bit. Good, he told himself. It had been a risky move, but if he had helped his client feel more comfortable, it had been a good choice. "No, we'll start slowly. As I said, I want you to be comfortable through the whole process. I have a reputation, you know?"

"I know," Fosk replied, smiling.

"But before that, we'll do something else," the tiger said, uncrossing his legs and looking directly into the wolf's eyes. He could feel him staring back, intently. "You trust me, right?"

Again, it took the wolf a few seconds to answer.

"Yeah, I do," Fosk said. "You've found out more about me in the past weeks than most people around me."

"Good, then. I appreciate that," Kenneth thanked him, smiling again. Time to work. "Now, find a comfortable position and take a nice deep breath for me, just like the other day. Can you do that for me, Fosk?"

The black wolf moved on the couch again, trying to do as the tiger had said. It took him just a few seconds to find the best position and take the deep breath that Kenneth had asked him to. The tiger was looking at him through the whole process, measuring each movement, watching him as he relaxed.

He'd never admit it publicly, but he definitely loved the part when his clients voluntarily lowered their guard in front of him.

"Ready?" he asked. He didn't really need to, but he wanted the wolf's confirmation.

"Yeah," Fosk answered, his voice a bit lower than usual.

Kenneth felt a tingling sensation going down his spine, knowing it was the right moment. His fingers moved until his thumb was pressing with another of his digits and he knew it was the moment.


He snapped his fingers this time. He hadn't really done that in the previous session, but he knew it was a powerful reinforcer that seemed to work wonderfully for many people.

Besides, deep inside he was a sucker for the classics.

His eyes tracked every motion in the wolf's body, every single movement, trying to decide whether the trigger had really worked or not. It had been a week since the last time he had used it so it could have easily worn off. Even if it hadn't, he hadn't really insisted on the trigger on their first session and he was surprised it had even worked that time. However, it seemed to fall into place perfectly alright and soon enough the wolf's chest was moving up and down slowly and steadily, following the rhythm of his calmed breathing.

Kenneth's smile got wider.

"That's right. Let yourself fall again into that place, where you're so deep and comfortable. Let yourself drift away with every single word you hear." The tiger let his voice fall into the tone he had studied for so long: slightly monotone with little variations, moving up and down like the sea, velvet-like and commanding at the same time. "Remember how good you felt when you were here with me last week. Remember how easy it is to sink and listen to my words."

The tiger paused for a few seconds. The pauses were just as important as the words themselves, he knew that much. He looked again at the black wolf in front of him, who probably was right now sinking slowly into the practiced, shallow trance. Floating and drifting slowly, back into that place he knew so very well. Kenneth could only imagine, of course, but his imagination tended to be right when it was about those things.

He liked to think he was a professional, after all.

"I'm going to count you down from ten to zero," he said, then. If he wanted to make progress in searching the wolf's "problem", he'd need to take him deeper than that. Simple imagery would do, although he already knew his client was used to that. "And with each number, I'd like you to imagine you're in an elevator and it is slowly moving down with you. There's a little screen on top of the door and you can watch the numbers as they go down. Each number makes you feel heavier and more relaxed. Each number makes you fall deeper into trance. As the numbers go down, you go down. Do you understand, Fosk?"

"...yes," the wolf said slowly and softly, after a few seconds. The tiger had to admit it; his voice when entranced was probably the cutest thing he'd heard in a while.

Be professional, he reminded himself, then. Don't lose control.

"Ten," he started, as he tried to get rid of those thoughts. "And you can feel the elevator moving down. Slowly, at first. Making you feel more and more relaxed." He paused for a few seconds, just enough for the wolf to picture clearly what he had said. "Nine. And it happens naturally now. So easily. You're just drifting down, deeper and deeper. Eight. Slowly and comfortably going down with that elevator. Feeling heavier and heavier. Letting go of all your thoughts as you just sink for me."

Now he's getting there, the tiger thought, smiling a bit. The wolf's head was slowly tilting towards one of his shoulders, paws completely limp and resting heavily on the couch arms. With proper directions, Fosk could be very suggestible. Kenneth was starting to notice that.

"Seven. The elevator seems to go down faster now. You're feeling sooo very heavy. Your thoughts seem to fade away as you keep listening. Six. It feels so good to just let go as you sit there for me. Listening to my words. Five. Knowing that when you reach zero, you'll feel so good and sink so deep that your mind will simply melt away. Four. Getting closer now. Each number pulling you down even deeper, each number making you drop faster and faster into trance."

Fosk's head was now resting on his shoulder, an expression of pure relaxation filling his face as he just stood there. Kenneth admired the wolf's demeanor for a few seconds. It would have been stupid to deny that he too enjoyed hypnosis and the effects it caused, way more than he let it show. Maybe that was why he found it so difficult to control himself around Fosk. The fact that he knew they were looking for complementary things.

Looking at Fosk's head, an old and pointless question came to his mind. He always wondered whether his subjects were paying attention to the countdown by then. So deep into relaxation, numbers probably had no meaning. He assumed they just followed his voice, sinking deeper and deeper until they reached zero.

Maybe I should try playing with that one day, he thought, before resuming the countdown with his slow, monotone voice.

"Three. Feeling so good, and heavy, and relaxed that you can't wait to reach zero and drop completely for me. It'll feel wonderful. No thoughts at all. No hesitation. Just following my voice," Kenneth got slightly closer to the wolf, lowering his voice and keeping an eye on his cute, sleepy face. "Two. Ready to let go. Ready to drop. Waiting for my words to take you there. One. So very close now. Feeling about to fall into the deepest trance you've ever been. It'll just happen and it'll make you feel so good."

Kenneth raised his paw, pressing his fingers again and getting ready to snap. Just then, one of Fosk's paws slipped from the couch arm and dangled limply by his side. The tiger smiled.

"And... zero." He snapped his fingers, a bit lower this time. "That's right," he whispered. "Drop for me, Fosk. Drop deep and let yourself go. No thoughts. Just relaxation."

There were no visible changes in the wolf's body now, but Kenneth knew that he had sunk deeply into trance, maybe even before reaching zero. He leaned back and considered his options for a few seconds as he let Fosk drift even deeper.

He'd been thinking about that session for quite a while, basically since the wolf had come asking for help. The tiger had addressed those "problems" before, and he knew he had to be extremely cautious when asking questions, especially when his subjects were in a suggestible state. That had never stopped him before, and he had never had any problem worth mentioning, but the fact that the one sitting in front of him was Fosk concerned him. He really wanted to help him in any way he could... even if helping meant that he had to show him he might not need any help at all.

Each time the tiger managed to help someone he saw it as a small triumph, and for some reason, he had the feeling he wouldn't be able to bear not helping the wolf.

So, careful, he reminded himself again.

"Fosk, I want you to remain in that state, perfectly relaxed and deep," he began. "And it'll be easy for you to answer my questions and do as I tellyou without waking up. Do you understand?"

"... yes," came the slow, drowsy answer. Kenneth was starting to love the wolf's voice when he was entranced.

"Good. I'd like you to picture something in your mind for me. You'll be completely safe and comfortable since you'll know it's not happening, but I want you to focus on every detail as if you were actually there. Do you think you can do that for me?" he asked, slowly.

This time, it took the wolf a few seconds to answer.

"Mm-hmm..." he whispered finally.

Kenneth smiled.

"Alright. In our first session, you said you'd have bad experiences in the past regarding sex. Do you think it's safe to remember them now for me?" And he quickly added. "If not, you don't need to remember anything."

Again, the wolf took his time to give an answer.

"... it's safe to remember," he said.

"Good. What were you talking about then, Fosk? I'd like you to remember it for me while you're here. Remember that you're perfectly safe and comfortable."

There was a short silence. The wolf was still completely relaxed on the couch and not a single movement in his body suggested that he was listening. However, Kenneth waited patiently.

"My... my boyfriend," he said then. "He's invited me over to his parents' country house... I know he wants me to... and I told him I'd try... He says it's not necessary, he knows I don't like that..."

The white tiger waited patiently. He knew perfectly well that it could be difficult to bring back those memories and he didn't want to interfere in the wolf's recollection.

"We try," Fosk said, his voice a bit louder now. "He... he really tries to make me feel good... and I see him on top of me, doing his best... but I don't feel anything. And I... I say I don't like it and he stops... and he says it's okay but I can see... it's not okay. He is... disappointed..."

Kenneth was somehow waiting for the wolf to keep talking, but after a few seconds it became apparent that his story had finished. He crossed his arms on his chest and gave a new look at Fosk, a bit worried. He had been expecting worse, for some reason, but still...

The white tiger knew how expectations played on people. There were some who felt they had to satisfy every expectation around them, as if that was a burden they had put on their shoulders a long time ago and then forgotten. Fosk's boyfriend probably hadn't seen that coming. Even though he looked like a good guy and had been understanding enough, at least according to the black wolf, some people just couldn't see how their desires could hurt others.

That wasn't the root of the problem they had been looking for, but it was definitely one of its branches. He let out a long sigh.

"It wasn't your fault, Fosk," he said, trying to inject a good dose of confidence in his voice. He was well aware that his words wouldn't make the wolf's insecurities disappear, but he also knew someone had to tell him. "That was something you couldn't give him. He should have known."

There was no response this time. Kenneth imagined there was nothing the wolf really wanted to say. Even in that state of trance, if he had really wanted to say something, he would have, so he probably understood what the tiger meant. At least, Kenneth hoped so.

"I'm going to keep you in this trance for a bit longer, but when I wake you up, I'd like you to do something for me," he said, then. He couldn't cure the problem, but maybe he could help. "Let this memory fade away to the back of your mind. It'll always be there, but... I'd like you to put some distance between it and yourself. Almost as if it were so distant that it can't hurt you anymore. Almost as if it had happened so long ago that it doesn't really matter now. Remembering it, as much as you like, but erasing any bad feelings attached to it."

It probably wouldn't be so easy, but the suggestion would ease the pain, partly at least. And in the case it didn't, it wouldn't hurt to try.

That was all he could do regarding that matter, but it didn't bring them any closer to solving the wolf's problem, if there really was something to solve, which Kenneth was starting to doubt at that point.

I've tried the professional way, he told himself, smiling a bit. Now let's try MY way.

"And...sleep." He snapped his fingers once again, making sure the wolf would perfectly hear that sound. "Go deep again for me. Deeper... and deeper. More and more relaxed, leaving those memories behind as you just focus on my voice. Following my words. No distractions whatsoever as you just... drift there..."

He left the last word hanging, knowing it would be enough to keep the wolf hanging there, too. He watched silently as he noticed the effect of his words in his patient's body and then licked his lips slowly. The tiger couldn't help loving the sight of the wolf in that state.

"Listen to me, Fosk. Right now, you're feeling very comfortable. So very comfortable that you will follow my words without hesitation. Let your resistance and will fade away, knowing that you can easily wake up if you ever feel uncomfortable," he made a short pause, waiting for those words to sink into the wolf's mind. "Now. I just want you to notice how obedient you are. How easily you obey my words. I'd like you to picture that in your mind, as you keep sinking into that deep, deep trance. Your obedience to me. My control of you. You're deeply hypnotized, Fosk. And you love it, don't you?"

"Y-yeah..." came the slow, soft response of the wolf, right between a sigh and a moan.

Kenneth's grin grew wider.

"Goooood. You love being hypnotized. You love being deeply controlled by me. Gone. Remember? Just like I said you'd be last week," the tiger stood up and walked a bit closer to Fosk's couch, arms crossed on his chest. "And now you can feel it. Too far gone to even care, just following my words. Sinking. Obeying. Just like a good boy."

"Like... a good boy..."

"Exactly. And this is turning you on a lot, isn't it? Knowing that you're so helplessly controlled by me. Turning you on so much..." Kenneth's eyes moved down to the wolf's crotch. His grin became slightly devious. "Yeah, I can see it does. This is driving you crazy. And you are so deeply entranced that if I command you to feel more aroused the feeling will get even stronger. I control you, little wolf. You're mine to do as I please. And I want you to feel very, very aroused."

Fosk let out a soft moan, clearly obeying the tiger's command. Still grinning, the tiger moved around the couch until he was behind and placed his paws on its back.

"And right now you can't help thinking about all those times when you touched yourself at home. Thinking about this. Fantasizing with the time when you'd be so controlled, so lost in hypnosis. Making yourself feel so much pleasure as you imagined your sleepy face, your mind melting under my words. And I bet... you do really want to touch yourself now, don't you? You'd love to feel soooo much pleasure again, knowing that your fantasy is happening now and I have you on the palm of my paw. Gone. Hypnotized. Obedient."

"Y-yes..." came the slightly agitated answer.

The wolf's chest was moving up and down a bit faster now as he took quicker, sharp breaths, a visible bulge between his legs and a soft blush in his cheeks. And still... completely in trance, Kenneth thought, feeling a bit proud.

His plan was progressing in the best of ways.

The tip of Kennet's tongue moved to one of his fangs as he observed the helpless wolf gasping beneath him, lost in the pleasurable trance. He leaned closer, placing his muzzle next to Fosk's ear, which was trembling with excitation.

"That's right. You'd love to masturbate yourself, right now, right here. for me..." he whispered, slowly. He used a deeper tone now, more authoritative, less relaxing but definitely dominant. The wolf let out another soft moan and Kenneth chuckled a bit. "Do it, then. Touch yourself. Now."

The tiger watched closely as he saw one of the wolf's paw hesitate a bit, trembling just like the rest of his aroused body.

That was the decisive moment, he told himself. First steps were always more difficult to take, and if the wolf was willing to make that little progress in front of him and still feel comfortable, then they would be able to move on from there to different... activities. If he wasn't comfortable, though, then they would have to try again or stop their sessions. Kenneth wished it wouldn't come to that.

However, Fosk's paw slowly opened and moved towards his crotch, hesitantly at first, but more confidently once it reached the waistband and pulled his pants slightly down, showing his erection. The wolf was way hornier than Kenneth had anticipated, and his erect cock soon was fully visible between his legs, throbbing and leaking pre-cum. The tiger lost his concentration for just about a second, but soon adjusted his pants and forced himself to stay focused.

"Yes," he said a bit hoarsely once the wolf's paw started stroking his own member up and down; slowly at first, but more quickly after a few seconds. "It feels so good, doesn't it? Masturbating while I'm here, whispering words into your ear, making sure you know how much I control you. You can't help it. You must obey. Repeat those words, Fosk."

"I must obey..." the wolf said, moaning softly.

"Exactly. There's no way around it. You have no choice anymore. You're deeply hypnotized and controlled by me. By your therapist. It's the fantasy you've always had in secret, and now that it's actually happening it just feels too good to ignore it. What must you do, Fosk?"

"O... obey..."

"That's right. Goooood boy." The sounds of the wolf's wet cock being stroked up and down filled the room, together with his soft moans and the strong, dominant voice of the white tiger. "You must obey. And right now your arm is not yours anymore, but mine. Controlling you means I control your body. I am jerking you off using your own body as a tool. I control you so much that you might feel like you're about to reach the wonderful climax, about to hit the orgasm you so much desire, but you won't. You won't because there's something you must do, no matter how much pleasure you feel, no matter how horny and needed you are. What must you do, Fosk?"

"I... aaah... I must... obey..." the wolf moaned, helplessly. His whole body was shaking now, pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock down his pants, pleasure and submission building inside him and breaking the last remnants of his free mind.

"Yes. And you won't cum until I command you to do so," Kenneth growled, close to the wolf's ear. "Like the good boy you are, you will wait to hear my words, asking you to do exactly that. No matter how aroused you are. No matter how unbearable it is. I will keep talking, pushing you back and forth and making you feel so hot and horny that you will think you're about to lose your mind. Because you are_mine_. And then, only when I tell you to do so, you'll cum and it will feel amazing, because you obeyed, and that's exactly what you must do. You must obey."

"A-aaah... I... m-must..." Fosk began, but the tiger interrupted him soon after that.

"Cum for me. Now."

It was almost immediate. Suddenly, the wolf's body shook a bit more violently and he started unloading his seed all over his chest and stomach. After a long, loud moan, all his muscles seemed to weaken and he slumped on the couch, still breathing sharply and shivering a bit as his throbbing member kept spurting the last drops of his cum. The wolf kept moaning softly for a few seconds, caught in the afterglow and the pleasure that still tingled in every single centimeter of his body.

Kenneth watched the whole process, a wide, almost wolfish grin forming in his face. When the tiger considered that Fosk had finally stopped cumming, he walked slowly to the back of his desk. He opened one of the drawers and picked a wet-wipes pouch and left it on the table. He then moved towards the wolf again and placed a paw on one of his patient's shoulders. Fosk had finally stopped shivering and breathing sharply, and had now returned to the deep trance.

"Good boy. Now, you're going to wake up veeery slowly on your own... enjoying the whole process of drifting upwards while I'm not here. You'll clean yourself and then we'll have our regular chat."

With those words, the tiger left the room and closed the door behind him, knowing that his job there was done. Once in the kitchen, he put two cups of coffee in the microwave and crossed his arms on his chest, leaning on the closest table as he waited for it to heat up. The calm around him would never suggest what had happened just a few minutes ago in the next room, but the memories of the session were still fresh in his mind. He tilted his head as the sound of Fosk's moans came back to his mind. His own words, too, returned to his mind and he found himself listening to a completely different tiger than he was used to.

Not now, he told himself. I'll think about it later.

The piercing sound of the microwave announcing the coffee was ready made him push those thoughts aside anyway.

When he came back to the room, Fosk had finished cleaning himself and was again fully dressed. Even though the wolf should have been expecting that to happen sooner or later, he was still looking down in embarrassment when Kenneth entered the room and took a sit on his desk. When the tiger offered the cup of coffee to Fosk and he raised his head, the tiger could see that he was blushing once again. That was normal, as far as he knew.

Some people needed more time than others in order to get used to that kind of therapy.

"So," he started, after a few seconds. "How was it?"

"It was... fine," Fosk answered, still looking down. "I mean, I enjoyed it. A lot."

"Well, that's a good thing, then," the tiger smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. Oh, of course you enjoyed it, small wolf, he thought to himself as he remembered the expression of the wolf while he had been masturbating in front of him...

He tried to get rid of those thoughts.

"But... I'm sorry, I still don't get it. How is this supposed to help me in any way?" Fosk asked, shortly after. He was looking at his cup of coffee, a bit less embarrassed and a bit more curious now.

Kenneth smiled.

"It might not help you, to be honest," the tiger said. "We might not find anything along the way. I already told you, didn't I? The problem you think you have might not be a problem in the end."

"Yeah, but... well." The wolf stammered, obviously trying to find the right words. "What is your purpose with all this?"

As if I needed a purpose, Kenneth thought. He immediately hated that thought.

"Well, basically, I want you to get comfortable with me so we can analyze what happens to you more naturally. See where those borderlines are. See if there is any way we can break them... or not. It's all up to you, really. That's what the list was for."

"...I see," the wolf said, after a short pause.

Both drank from their coffees for a short while as silence settled in. Kenneth looked at the wolf, a bit curiously, trying to understand the strange ideas that came to his mind whenever he looked at him. It wasn't only that he wanted to help the wolf. He knew that much. There was something else.

"God, I... I really liked it," Fosk said then, laughing nervously. "You can't imagine how much."

"Of course I can, I saw you," the tiger replied, chuckling. "Wish you could have seen yourself, too."

He left the words hanging there for a few seconds, waiting for the wolf to understand their meaning. Fosk finally looked up and met his gaze, raising an eyebrow.

"You mean... recording it? Well, I'm not sure about that..."

"I know. It's not in your list and if you are opposed to that idea,there's no way we're doing it. Just wanted to propose it to you. Thought that'd be fun," the tiger said, shrugging.

Fosk thought about it for a short while. Kenneth waited patiently. Finally, the wolf let out a soft sigh and gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I think I'd prefer to stick to the list," he confessed.

"Don't apologize! It's perfectly fine," the tiger said, smiling back at the embarrassed wolf. "As I said, our main goal is that you feel comfortable and safe. Doing anything outside our borderlines without you asking for it is completely out of question."

"Alright," Fosk agreed, a bit relieved. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me either. You're paying me after all!" the tiger reminded him, chuckling.

"That's right!" the wolf said, chuckling too. He then stood up and adjusted his clothes once again, under Kenneth's attentive gaze. "Well, I guess I'll go, then. Don't want to keep your next appointment waiting."

"Oh, he's waiting already," Kenneth said, with a wolfish grin. Fosk obviously didn't understand what he meant, but that didn't matter. "But yeah, you should go. I'll be waiting for you next week, and thinking of more things we could try together. Remember to let me know if there's something you really feel like doing."

"I will," the wolf said, with a shy smile. "Goodbye, then!"

"Goodbye, Fosk."

As soon as he heard the door of the apartment being closed, Kenneth turned to the blue coach looking for any stain. When he made sure it was completely clean, he sat down and let out a long sigh, resting his head in one of his paws as he let those thoughts came back to his mind.


He had to control himself, and that small wolf was making it absurdly difficult, even though he would never admit it publicly. He knew at times like those, making mistakes became easier and easier, and that was the last thing he wanted happening with Fosk. And however... it was so tempting to just let go and give in to his impulses that he was starting to consider it.

The echoes of his words as he had been speaking to the entranced wolf a few minutes before came back to his mind. Wilder than usual. So, so very reckless. That wasn't who he usually was.

He usually measured those things. He'd never use a tone he hadn't calculated previously.

Maybe, like Fosk, he just wanted... to let go.

Now, don't be stupid, he told himself. And just focus. He's a patient, a client, a customer. Not your cute, little boyfriend. So focus and next week will be alright.

Willing to forget those thoughts, at least for the moment, he stood up and walked out of the room to "receive his next appointment", as Fosk had said.

With a devious grin in his face and putting on a pair of leather gloves, he opened the door that led to the room next to the one he had been sharing with the wolf. His eyes fell, with a perfectly calculated gleam of dominance, on the bull who was waiting in one of the corners of the room, gagged and exaggeratedly tied in leather straps. There was no way he could have broken free from those bonds by himself.

A soft vibrating buzz could be heard somewhere in the room.

"Hello there, big guy," Kenneth growled, teasingly. "Hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long."