I Love You During [Poem]
Your voice leaves a chill up my spine When you tell me you love me. The way you move inside me with care And with grace tells me so much.
It tells me all I need to know about you. My inner goddess will dance with your Beast To the music that you create inside me The moment you utter those words: you love me.
You send me into the great unknown Where tingling sensations take over my flesh And my hair stands on end. Every breath is euphoria And "I love you" is the source of the high.
When you touch me just right, Dear, I feel like I'm flying And there are only clouds to catch me, But they miss me and there you are.
Your warmth against mine, around and inside me And your scent as I inhale - oh - can I handle it? Am I ready for such sensations? I don't care, because I trust you. I trust us.
Your voice as you exit and your eyes meet mine, Sends more chills along my spine and very core. "I love you." "I love you." "I love you." Do not leave my head, my nerves, my breath.