An act of Fire

Story by WintersBeauty on SoFurry

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Author: WintersBeauty

Date: 23rd of September 2006.

Master of the Elements - An act of Fire

The crowd cheered for the awesome show that the white tigress was performing with her unbelievable fire skills. She was on stage, performing for a great audience during the Masters Carnival. Her skills seemed perfect, well balanced and unlike many other Fire Masters she had her powers perfectly under control.

It was a white tigress that was performing the show, black hair, around 5'5" tall and wearing exotic, revealing clothing that had white, semi-transparent color. You could barely see her white panties below the transparent dress. However, her deep red bra was very visible for the audience. Anyway, it was nothing more then a piece of velvet clothing wrapped around her breast. It was beast of beauty, born to perform for others, born to entertain other, and born to control fire.

She finished her current act by throwing several orbs of fire into the black sky, making stars of them and just when they where about to disappear in the dark night... they exploded like fireworks. It had the effect like fire flies where falling down, disappearing on the touch. The crowd was pleased and excited, wanting more as they yelled for it.

While she was preparing the final act of her show, she diminished the lights around her; the fire in the lanterns and in the large torches around the plaza became smaller. It got darker since it was night as she was the center of the attention. For the furs she was the only one visible and with decent light around her.

"Now, for my final act I will need a volunteer..." She said with a rather loud, feminine voice that was very sweet and confiding.

Dozens of furs volunteered for her show, wanting to be close to action, feeling the heat of the flames and of course being close by such an admirable Fire Master like her.

"Let's see..." She said as she walked on the edge of the stage, gazing over the dozens of furs yelling at her that they want to be her volunteer. Their eyes sparkled with hope, wanting to be honored by being her volunteer. She picked a dragon, a rather young one, black scales, about 6'0" feet high and pretty attractive, even for her.

"You there, c'mon..." She said.

The dragon was obviously happy, bowing before her once in respect for her choice. The male dragon climbed up the stage, smiling widely as he waved to everybody. What she was about to perform with fire was unknown, except for the Master itself.

"Please, sit down on that chair young dragon." She said as she was very respective against other dragons, they outranked her anyway. The male dragon sat down obediently, watching over the crowd with a big smile on his muzzle, so happy that he was chosen for this, finally a story to tell to his friends.

"Now dear furs, be silent as I need my full concentration on this." She raised her arms first, closing her eyes as she opened her palms to the bright stars in the sky. She took a deep breath since it was all about control. She concentrated on the light around her, the warmth of the people and the control of oxygen, all these little things where resources for her fire.

Eventually a small fire starts to come up in both her paws, growing bigger and bigger. Soon the great flames surrounded both her paws till her wrists, creating a great source of light while she turned around to the volunteer.

The dragon looked at admirable, he loved it how she played with fire while he was curious for what he was needed in her act.

She lowered her paws towards the male dragon, smiling friendly to give him trust in her action. The flames around her paw where going up, just like her fingers as the dragon was watching the palm of the tigress.

Within a second both flames around her paws shoot towards the dragon. The dragon was startled but didn't move. The flames didn't hit him; instead they circled around him, getting bigger and bigger as soon an orb of flames was surrounding the male dragon. It was a beauty to behold, an orb of fire with a diameter of two meters and a dragon inside. Then, in a flash the orb exploded, trails of fire everywhere around the stage as they disappeared. But... no body was cheering for her.

The dragon was lying on the ground, the chair burned to ashes and the dragon dead. The act had failed, and with the dead of the dragon, nobody was happy. What had gone wrong she didn't knew, all she knew was that this was the very end of her reputation

For moments it was silent, awkwardly she looked over the plaza, all of the dragons looked angry and very dangerous. They wanted revenge, their eyes where burning of anger as they thought "How could she do this?" and "What did that dragon ever do to her."

She walks to the center of the stage, staring at the crowd. It got noisy, a bad things, especially now. The furs started to whisper each other, discussing and wondering if it wa son purpose or an accident.

Fear struck her heart, she stepped away, her eyes switching from one dragon to the other as they all glared at her. Her heart was pounding against her ribs, starting to gasp at the furs now as she slowly shook her head. She felt sad, for herself and the dragon as she tried to come up with an excuse.

"Call the guards.... Get her locked up." Some fur yelled between the crowds. It made her scared, she had committed a crime, not that she wanted to this, but that was hard to explain to the council. Soon more and more furs started to yell the same, overpowering every word she said.

Four guards, two at each side of stage appeared, one having sturdy iron manacles and the other three a sword and a shield to fight her if she would resist, after all she was a Master of Fire. All of them where dragons, black dragons. Their faces looked angry and their eyes piercing though her body, so painful and dangerous. They growled at her, one of them pointing below his feet.

"Kneel before me, prisoner and accept you new, pity live." The words of the dragon were spoken with anger; no dragon tolerated a murder of their own species, especially not by a tigress.

"Wait... it was an accident....Please, no..." She was panting, her eyes shifting from one guard to the other. Her heart was pounding against her ribs, her body thrilled as she slowly got tears in her eyes. Obviously the dragons weren't listening at to her, just demanding justice and obedience from her.

One of dragons lost his patient and stepped forward, his sword ready as he intended to make her listen to them, they wanted obedience, and they wanted it know.

The dragon grabbed the female by her shoulders, pushing her down firmly as she lowered to her knees. She didn't offered resistance, the last thing she wanted to do is to really ruin this carnival with a fight and destroying everything around with her powers.

Her gaze was looking painful, full of sorrow from what happened on the stage. She closed her eyes, moaning very softly as she was arrested in front of all the furs before her, who only encouraged the guards. Her fame, her live and her body where taken from her within seconds, just by this little accident.

She held her arms behind her back, waiting for the guards to put the iron manacles around her wrists. Once that was done the other put a collar around her neck, the other connecting the lease. All of this was done in front of the furs, for her own humiliation and for the justice the furs wanted, especially the dragons.

With a harsh tug on the leather leash she was forced to stand up, taking her off stage with two dragons in front of her guiding the way and clearing a path and two behind her, to watch after and that she didn't tried anything stupid.

Usually by now the whole city was gathered around the stages on the Grand Plaza, watching Masters of the Elements, each performing their own show with fire, water, earth and wind, but not in the Mansion of Higara.

Higara was the name of a group tigers; they earned their money by doing good deeds in the city, and defending it from hostile enemies. Some of the tigers were warriors, training everyday to ensure their own, and the others safety. Some others were politicians, to gain a high place in the council and to have something to say in the monthly meetings. The others where either the leaders who controlled and reigned the clan, or they were slaves, some for labor like cleaning and cooking, others for pleasure and amusement.

The clan had three leaders; one of them was the highest of them all, called the Faratos. He made most of the decisions concerning the clan and he controlled the money, all of it. The second leader, also called the Manatos, was responsible for the members of the clan, also responsible for the slaves and the purchases in the clan. The third one, also called the Dragatos, was responsible relationships between counts, kings, guards, several owners of shops and of course other clans. All meeting were arranged by him.

Most of the members, and the two lowest leaders where gone to the carnival, drinking beer, celebrating whatever they had to celebrate and usually making fun and getting laid with some exotic, sexy species who they probably never see again. That was the great things about this carnival, there was no worry.

The Faratos, the highest leader didn't wanted to go, he was upset, his slave had run away this night and she was not to be found anywhere. He thought he was too soft on her, giving her enough room to escape from him. But now that would change, he wouldn't be so soft anymore, not to the slaves, not to the other leaders and not even to his members of his clan; it was time to rule again with the stern and tough rules. But first he needed a new slave, for him alone.

The Faratos walked down the floors of his mansion, build in Japanese style. It had a crimson floor, made of wood, white stone walls and dark brown pillars supporting this mansion. It consisted of four floors; the lowest one was the dungeons, where slaves where sent and held until they where needed. The main floor was a combination of rooms for the slaves, the large kitchen, the gigantic living room, big enough for 50 furs to relax and to talk. Also there was a large pool, used for bathing. The second floor consisted of the sleeping rooms for all the members of the clan; also the meeting area was there when one of the leaders had something to say against the members. On the highest floor, the third floor where the rooms of the leaders, of limits for anyone else, except for their personal slaves.

The Faratos came into the dungeons. They laid deep into the ground, a stair going down in a spiral to the depths below the mansion. Once down there was a long hall, with cells on each side, holding the slaves of the clan Higara. One by one he walked past the cells, looking for someone special, a new one perhaps.

He found a female horse, black and slender, but out of experience she wasn't his taste. He wanted something smaller, something sweeter and not such a sex crazy horse like her.

He walked further, finding a rather young wolf, a male this time. The wolf was a special one, a snow wolf and very rare. The young wolf was sleeping, waiting for his next commands from one of his many masters. Too inexperienced the Faratos thought. He sighed and walked further.

Now coming to the last cell, it was occupied by a cheetah, a female this time. She looked sweet, kind and she was fairly small, only five feet. Her fur was dirty from the dungeons and the dirt. But once remembering her name, he shook his head, she wasn't the thing he wanted, and from what he had heard she was very submissive while he wanted someone able to fight against him, so he could punish her or him.

The Faratos sighed again, no slaves for him in store here where he could spend the night with. This was bothersome for him, he really needed one. And because of this, he headed out to the General Slave Market, hoping to find a fitting slave there.

Hours past for the Master of Fire, although, that was her former title, now she was something far more lower, brought and sentenced to lowest level possible, a slave. She could have been killed instead, and she would wish that right now, she didn't like slavery, forced to do everything they told her and getting punished harshly for each little disobedient action.

The cells in the dungeon of the General Slave Market where small, 2 by 2, no bed, no table, just a pair of chains and manacles hanging from the sides to chain up resisting furs. The floor consisted of dirty stones, nearly black as the whole place was moist. Insects where crawling everywhere, making this place a true horror.

She sighed once, and a minute or two later again. It was a hell to wait here, all alone, having nothing to do except to rethink her thoughts and to listen to the moans and screams inside her from various furs getting fucked, punished and beaten. Sleeping was impossible, even this late at night.

The only source of light would be the torch right in front of her cell, giving her at least some light.

Her once white fur was now grey and muddy, dirty because of the furs that dragged her inside. Her tail was surrounding her waist, trying to warm her up in the cold dungeon because there was no blanket, there was no pillow... there was nothing but stones and insects.

Eventually a guard stopped before her cell, watching her as she lay with her back towards the door. There was a rather great chance that she did not notice the guard yet, a large, red dragon, with great proud wings. He showed no pity for slaves like her. If it was up to him he would beat her, again and again and when she begged to stop, he would have simply raped her. "Just what she deserves." The dragon thought.

The dragon had a card with him, providing some information about this tigress in this cell.

"Stand up slave, NOW!!" The dragon commanded. It was obvious that this dragon had no patient at all, if he wanted something, it happened then, as soon as possible.

She stood up, gasping at the dragon as she was startled. Her body was dirty, the white, semi-transparent dress as well. Shaking on her feet she gazed at the dragon, fearing him already as he was so much bigger and stronger then herself.

"Gooooooood..." The dragon said with a wide smile on his muzzle, his two long canines showing at the corners of his muzzle.

"Now turn around, push yourself against the wall." The dragon waited shortly, she listened perfectly and instantly to dragon.

The dragon opened the cell doors, stepping inside with his big feet and loud thuds. One paw was placed on her back while the other grabbed her black leather collar. With a strong tug he forced the girl from the wall to the other side of the cell. He growled into her ear, making sure she feared him with all her might. "If you struggle or even try to use your skills, you'll find yourself raped by more then ten dragons. Understood?" Without waiting for an answer he tugged harshly on the leash again.

She nearly stumbled as the dragon was so rough with her. She narrowed her eyes, watching dragon in the corners of her eyes. She hated him already. The words he spoke to her made her shiver, she indeed feared the dragon.

The dragon pushed her out of the cell, pushing her through the halls of the dungeon to a new location.

They traveled through two halls first. She could see the prisoners and slaves captured at her sides, locked in rooms as some had company and others where as lonely as ever. She had pity with them, but guards didn't, not a single bit.

As they reach the end of the hall another guard opened the door for them. Behind the door there was a stair, leading up to the preparation rooms for slaves and prisoners. The stair was big and it took more then two minutes to get her all to the top as the dungeons lay deep below the ground.

The stairs ended and another door was in front of them. The dragon opened the door again as they came in another hall.

This hall was different; it was luxury, made of wood instead of stones. There was one door at the end of the hall, and one at their right. The dragon pushed her to the right door as it was opened by dragon as well.

The room was completely different again compared to the hall. It looked like she was in some sort of torture chamber as she saw all kind of unknown and painful looking devices. There was table in the middle, with a closet right next to it for the tools. At the right side there where chains, and X formed table set up against the wall. At the right side there was a furnace, used to mark slaves. Also, one the walls all kind of stuff was hanging, like whips, gags, needles, large and big, manacles, collars, leashes, rods, a torch here and there and many other stuff.

In the room was tiger, a tall tiger, impressive and strong. He was sitting on the table in the center as his gaze was fixed on her. The other person was wolf, dressed in dark cloak. The wolf had a grey fur, was fairly smaller then the tiger, but he looked devious.

The tiger was 7'2" feet tall, his body muscled. He was a Bengal tiger, obvious an alpha male as there was no sign of weakness to be found on him. Around his wrist he had a silver bracelet, with the word. "Faratos" engraved into it. She knew that word, he was a leader of a clan.

"The slave you requested." The dragon said, pushing her inside as he closed the door behind and the dragon got back to his post.

She gulped, starring at the wolf first, then the tiger. She had no idea who they where, what was going to happen and why she was here. She was scared, afraid for the unknown as she breathed quickly in and out. She had it cold too but the chamber was warm because of the furnace.

"So..." The wolf said, smirking at the little snow leopardess, the slave." What kind of stuff do you want be applied to her?" The wolf asked to the tiger.

The tiger looked seriously, hiding the fact that he was admiring her beauty, a nice slender feline, a well curved body, a long plushy tail and a very dense fur. She was lithe and slender, just they way he wanted it.

"Hmm, yes. She is just what I need. Give her a nose ring first. Take a silver one, two and half inches wide." The tiger said with a smirk on his muzzle as he knew applying a nose ring was painful, especially such a large one.

The wolf simply nodded and walked over to her. Not going to command her as he grabbed her by her collar in front and pushed her over to the X-shaped table. She pushed against it with belly first while the wolf unlocked her manacles at her wrists so she was free for a second. Then the wolf turned her around.

Her arms where spread apart above her head, locked by chains and leather straps to the table. The same happened with her feet, leather straps around her ankles, and chain preventing her from escaping at all. Her collar was locked to ring at the table, making sure she could barely move her head. Her tail was tied with three leather straps to the x-shaped table.

She had closed eyes, she scared and wished for death. She didn't wanted to have nose ring, she didn't wanted to be slave, but she had little choice, very little choice now her body was bound against the table, left at the mercy of the two.

The wolf walked away to the closet, grabbing the tools he needed. In the meanwhile the girl looked at the tiger, wondering what he was doing here. "Why in the hell would a Faratos be here?" She thought.

She had the faint idea that she had seen him before because his scent wasn't all that unfamiliar, like she had smelled it before. It was a pleasant smell nonetheless, nearly erotic for her.

The wolf came back with a large silver ring. However, it was not a normal silver ring. It had an opening, one side as needle and the other side a hole. These kind of rings where made to pierce flesh.

The wolf grabbed the girl by her muzzle, holding it shut while he brought the ring to her nose. She could feel the cold metal sliding inside both her nostril as her the piece of cartilage was in the opening of the ring.

A loud yelp could be heard, the needle of the ring had shoved through the cartilage, inside the hole of the ring. Now the ring was applied to her nose, a sharp pain was still going through her nose as it nearly made her cry. To test it the wolf gave the ring a harsh tug, making her really cry out of pain, the ring was solidly applied to her nose.

As her tears ran down her cheeks she looked up at the tiger, like she was begging him to stop from anymore torture like this. She panted, but eventually she couldn't get the words out of her muzzle.

The tiger on the table watched the girl; he was amused and happy with the result. But if she thought it was over, then she was wrong. The tiger nodded to the closet again as the wolf watched him, waiting for his next order.

"Get the girl a ring through her tail." The tiger commanded. "Three inches wide, also silver." The wolf seemed to obey the tiger directly, leaving the girl alone and grabbing a larger ring. Also he grabbed a large sharp nail. The wolf chuckled, just imaging the pain the girl would go through.

The wolf came towards the girl again, smirking at him, first showing the ring before her eyes as he laughed deviously. Then he showed the sharp nail.

"First we make a nice little hole in the top of your tail and then we secure the wound with a nice little ring. You love that, don't you?" The wolf begun to laugh loudly after this as the girl yelped and whined all she could. They could have gagged her, but the tiger and the wolf where enjoying her screams and her yelps.

"Why one through my tail?" She wondered. Her tail was her dead, it was sensitive and long, and one of her most loved part of body. Why did they have to ruin that all for her?

Her tail was made free by the wolf as he held in his paw. He pushed the tail against the x-shaped table just right next to her head where she could see. He parted his fingers, making room for the nail to pierce her tail. He placed the pin tightly against the tail, already piercing it a little to secure the tail to its position. From a stand next to him he grabbed a hammer.

"Yelp for me." The wolf said, laughing as he smashed the hammer against the pin, piercing the tail without trouble and even piercing the bones through her tail. The pin even pierced a bit through the wood.

The girl yelped loudly, loosing her conscious because of the pain. The wolf continued to apply the tail ring. Later the wound would heal and lock the ring to it's place, however, the wound would stay painful for the rest of her live.

The wolf and tiger continued to work on her body, adding more things to it, and it was a good thing that she slept. And when she would wake up, she would find out what they have done more to her, and what her new live was going to be.

The end of part 1 - An act of fire