Getting it Back

Story by shadypaw on SoFurry

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Jesse, with his hearing protection clasped firmly over his tall vulpine ears, stepped up to his favorite lane at the indoor shooting range. In one hand he held an empty pistol, and in the other hand, he held one loaded magazine, one box of ammunition, and one paper target, which he'd taken a permanent marker to in order to make the figure on the target look like a zombie. The fox had found that his favorite perk of being an employee at the little range was that he was free to come in in the middle of the night, when he could have the place completely to himself.

After sending his paper target down the range, Jesse took a deep breath, adjusted his glasses, and slid a loaded magazine into his firearm. He then took aim, lining up his pistol's sights with the target downrange.

Ten shots rang out through the otherwise quiet room, each shot spaced apart by a few seconds as Jesse re-centered his sights on the target.

When his magazine was empty, the fox set down his pistol and called the target back.

He smiled a bit to himself. Nine headshots. One kind-of-grazed-the-neck-a-bit shot. All in all, not too bad. Granted, it was a little bit easier to hit a paper target that was standing still than it would be to hit an actual shambling undead corpse. But still. The fox considered it good practice.

He began loading another magazine when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Curious about who else would even be awake at this hour, Jesse set down the magazine and unlocked his phone to find one new text message from his coworker Ty: You still scared of World War Z?

Jesse tilted his head, and then turned around to see Ty standing just behind him: the wolf stood with his arms crossed, phone in hand, looking past Jesse in order to see the zombied-up target that the fox had made.

The fox took off his hearing protection, and crossed his arms back at the wolf. "I'm not 'scared' of the apocalypse," Jesse said, in response to the wolf's text. It felt like the two of them had had this conversation so often that there might as well have been a script for them to follow. "I'm _prepared_for it."

"You don't think zombies are played out?" Ty insisted, giving the fox a little smirk. "C'mon. Superheroes are the big Hollywood thing now. Doesn't that sound like more fun?"

"It's not about fun," Jesse said, and started loading his magazine as the two of them talked. "What are you doing here so late anyways?"

"Forgot my book in the break room," the wolf said, and held up a thick paperback novel as proof. "Got the next week off, so, figured I'd sneak in to get it back now before the boss gets any ideas about making me work during vacation."

"Heh. Fair enough," Jesse said, and set the loaded magazine down behind himself. "You going somewhere for the week?"

The wolf shook his head. "Staying at home. Just need some time to _not_be hearing gunshots every day, you know?"

The fox nodded. "I was gonna offer this next magazine to you, but..."

The wolf shook his head, and held out a downturned hand in a 'no thanks' gesture.

"Mind if I..."

The wolf gave the fox a thumbs-up, and then reached up and covered his ears with his hands.

The fox sent the target back all the way downrange, put his hearing protection back on, emptied his ten rounds, and called the target back.

Eight headshots, one middle-of-the-neck shot, and one shoulder shot.

"Hey Jesse?" Ty said, looking over the fox's shoulder at the target.

"Yeah, Ty?" Jesse asked.

"I think the jury's in: your skills are plenty sharp enough to save us all if some Night of the Living Dead shit ever breaks out. Wanna get out of here and go get some 3am coffee at McDicks with me?"


"McDonald's, Jesse."

"Sure, I got that, but who the hell calls it McDicks? Is that a gay thing that I missed?"

The wolf shrugged. "Seriously though, c'mon. I'm saving you from another wasted night of this bullshit."

"It is not bullshit--"

The wolf snarled, took a step forward, and shouted, "You're spending your life getting ready for some imaginary shit, Jesse!"

The two of them stood face-to-face, arms crossed. Both of them had the fur on the back of their neck raised on-end.

"Why do you care anymore what I do with my life?" Jesse asked the wolf.

Ty sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck in an attempt to brush his raised scruff back down. "Just because we're not dating anymore doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop caring about you completely, alright? C'mon: one night of doing normal insomniac shit instead of going through this whole doomsday prepper routine."

Jesse stood stock-still as he thought about it, arms crossed, staring his current coworker and one-time boyfriend dead in the eyes.

Eventually, the fox sighed. "Fine. Do you know if they do chicken nuggets this late?"

Ty smiled. "They should, yeah. I'll meet you outside when you're ready to head out."

With that, the wolf left the range. The fox grabbed a broom, swept up the empty shells from the rounds he'd fired, and picked up his target, pistol, magazine, and ammo box. He put the magazine--once again loaded--into his jeans pocket, and put the pistol in his holster, which was concealed under his dark-blue baggy sweatshirt. He threw the target in the trash, locked up the partial box of ammo with all the others at the range, and then headed outside, where Ty stood waiting for him.

The fox glanced around the dark of night very attentively as the two of them went to their cars.

The wolf headed out of the parking lot first, and led the way to the 24-hour fastfood restaurant out on the highway at the edge of town.

Inside, the two of them ordered their coffee and food, and sat down at a table as they waited for it to be ready.

"So," Jesse said, looking across the table at the wolf. "What've you been up to? Same old? Still photoshopping old NASA pictures?"

Ty snickered, and nodded. "It's not even fair how easy it is to trick flat earthers. Like, I feel a little bit dickish for doing it, but hey. Fun's fun. They get to feel like they were right all along, I get to feel like some kind of forum prophet."

"Heh. How long before you start abusing your power? Gonna get them to send you dirty pics or what? What's the endgame here?"

"No endgame," Ty insisted. "It's just fun to pretend to be a lunatic on the internet sometimes, you know?"

"I'll take your word for it," Jesse said, and shrugged. "Fuckin troll."

The wolf, not remotely denying it, smirked, and leaned back on his booth seat. "How about you? How's that bunker coming along?"

"Pretty good," the Jesse said--the fox's bushy tail wagged a bit at just the mention of his shelter back at home. "Put in a couple more shelves last night. Ordered some tapestries that I'm gonna hang on the walls. Honestly the place is already good to go as it is. Sturdy and stocked. Just a matter of making it cozy at this point."

"Does that mean you're gonna join the rest of us in normal society soon?"

The fox sighed and looked away, not gratifying the wolf with an answer.

"C'mon. You know I have to poke fun."

"You really don't," Jesse said, still looking away from the wolf across the table. "I don't see how what I do with my free time is worse than what you do with yours."

"Yours is worse because you mean it," Ty said. He leaned forward, resting on his elbows on the table. "My 'crazy' thing is a joke: I know the earth is round. But answer me this: yes or no, do you think there's going to be a zombie outbreak in your lifetime?"

The fox held his tongue for a long time, waiting for the wolf to let it go.

They sat in silence.

"Yes," Jesse eventually said. "Only a matter of time."

Ty sighed.

The guy behind the counter called over to let them know their food was ready. Ty got up, and brought it all back to the table.

When the wolf sat back down, he asked the fox another question. "You wanna spend a night at my place this week?"

"Heh, excuse me?" Jesse asked back.

"Do you want to--would you be able to--spend a night at my place?" Ty repeated. "Or can you not even sleep away from your bunker now? How bad has this thing of yours gotten?"

"It's not a 'thing'."

"It is absolutely a thing," Ty pushed. "Prove you're fine and spend one night away from your--"

"Look, I should get going anyways, it's fucking late," Jesse said, and got up to leave.

Ty sighed, and walked out after him.

The wolf caught up with the fox outside. The two of them stood face-to-face, near the building's entrance out in the well-lit parking lot.

"I'm worried about you," Ty said, upfront. "I'm not doing this to be mean. But there's also no 'meeting you halfway' on the issue: I have to call it as I see it. And I see it as fucking insane, man."

"So you're not even the least bit concerned that I might be right?"

"I might've been when I was fifteen, Jesse. But I'm an adult now. Kinda left those 'what if there was a zombie apocalypse' fears behind me."

"I remember when you used to think my planning was cute."

"That's because I thought it was a hobby."

"Heh. Really never picked up that I was serious about it?"

"Shit man, why do you think we're not together anymore?" Ty asked.

The wolf and the fox were left quiet once again for a while. The wolf couldn't help but notice that the fox was looking ever-vigilantly out into the night.

The wolf sighed. "Do you even want to date anyone at this point though?" the wolf asked. "Have you planned for that part of life post-apocalypse?"

"Sure, I planned for it," Jesse said, and nodded. "Remember all of that yoga I was doing?"

"Haha, yeah, you... oh my god you're not joking."

Jesse smirked.

"Can you--"

"Balls deep," Jesse answered.

"Fucking incredible," Ty said, shaking his head. "I don't know if I'd call the ability to suck your own cock a_full_ replacement for a significant other, but hey, if it makes you happy."

"Wanna see?" Jesse offered.

Ty laughed, and then nodded. "Want me to grab our food and meet you at your place?"

Jesse gave the wolf a thumbs up, and headed for his car.

On the drive, Jesse kept his high-beams on the whole way, even when oncoming cars honked at him. He wasn't going to be caught off-guard driving at night.

At the fox's little house, the two of them went inside.

"Ah, I see you redecorated," Ty commented, looking around at the stacks of magazines and dvd cases on every available surface, the closed curtains, and the single dim lightbulb overhead.

"Mm?" Jesse asked, bolting the door behind the two of them.

"Just joking about your apartment looking the same as it did last time I was here," Ty said, dismissing it. "So, you still wanna show me your party trick?"

"Heh, yeah. Gotta warm up a bit first though, so. If you don't mind me putting on some insanely cliché 'relaxing' yoga music."

"Your house, your rules," the wolf said, and shrugged.

The fox took out his phone, tapped the screen a couple times, and then put the phone on a speaker that stood on a stand beside the couch. Ty snickered as the promised cliché ambient music started playing.

The fox scratched behind one of his own ears once. "Mind if I cut to the chase and get out of these clothes? Kinda pointlessly restrictive to be doing these stretches in jeans."

"Floor's all yours," the wolf said, inviting the fox to do whatever he needed to.

Jesse took off his belt, his jeans, his shirt, his shoes, his socks, and his underwear. With all of the private areas of his vulpine fur exposed to his ex, he sat down on the ground and started doing his stretches. Ty recognized the stretches at first: little neck rolls, touching the toes, butterfly legs. Before long though, the fox was contorting himself into positions that Ty couldn't even guess at the names of. The wolf sat on the living room's soft cushy chair, watching mesmerized as the fox stretched, seeming to revel in getting limbered up.

As the Jesse went on, he began to stroke at his own foxhood, giving himself deep rubs beside the balls. When his red cock poked out of its sheath, the fox began to stroke it, coaxing it out as much as possible while he continued to do his stretches.

Finally, the fox laid out on his back, and then lifted his legs up into the air, supporting himself on his elbows, shoulders, and the back of his head. The fox then lowered his legs back down over his upwards-facing head, guiding his red foxy cock down towards his muzzle. When he had lowered his member down far enough, he gave the tip of it a kiss.

"Ta-da," the fox said, and then looked to Ty with a smile.

"That is pretty astounding," the wolf said, smiling back. "But you did promise 'balls deep,' as I recall--"

The wolf stopped himself short as the fox turned his head back up to his cock, and lowered his member all the way down into his muzzle. The fox wagged his bushy tail as he suckled on his own meat, bobbing up and down a bit on it. Just as promised, the fox's nose was buried in his own fuzzy balls as he sucked himself off.

Carefully, the fox unrolled himself, and laid flat on the carpet once again, looking up at the wolf. "Anyways. There you go: now if anyone calls bs on me, you can be my proof that I really am that flexible."

The wolf laughed. "Not gonna finished?" he asked.

"I mean," the fox said, and shrugged. "I didn't know if that'd be crossing a line."

"I'm liking the show," Ty admitted, and blushed a little bit under his fur. "I wouldn't mind."

Jesse glanced down to Ty's lap, and saw a definite bulge in the wolf's pants. "Heh," the fox said, and wagged his tail once. "Just so you know, I wouldn't mind if you got out of your pants too. Doesn't look like they're very comfortable at the moment."

"You sure?" Ty asked, hands already on his zipper.

"Heh. Yeah, I'm not just gonna tease and then leave you out to dry."

"So you don't mind if I..."

"Jerk off?" Jesse finished, and snickered. "Go for it. It's _basically_what I'm doing too. Just, you know: I'm _way_better at it."

Ty stuck his tongue out and then dropped his pants, freeing his lupine member.

The fox got back up into position and resumed sucking himself off, twisting his head along his shaft as he bobbed up and down. Watching, Ty began to stroke himself, amused to see that the fox pulled out a lot of the same tricks for blowing himself as he did back when the two of them were together: alternating between deep sucking and sucking on just the tip, letting out sexy little moans of enjoyment, and using one hand to squeeze below the swelling knot to simulate tying. The fox didn't look like he was 'missing out' on anything at all by being the one to suck his own cock: if anything, the fox seemed to enjoy taking on both roles even more.

Ty noticed as Jesse started bobbing even faster, and knew that the fox must be close. The wolf saw the vulpine's toes curl, and then watched as the fox shot cum into his own mouth, not letting a single drop escape. The fox continued sucking, getting every last drop out of himself, before going back to lying flat on his back once more, taking deep breaths, knotted cock still exposed as it rested on top of his furry stomach.

The fox looked up at the wolf, and saw that the wolf was still stroking it.

"Want some help?" Jesse asked.

Ty took his hand off of his cock, and didn't answer.

"I'm not asking if you want to get back together," Jesse added. "Just if you want some help with that. If you need a label on it, we can be fuck buddies."

Ty though about it for a second. "Alright," the wolf said, and then smiled. "Yeah, I like that."

The fox rolled over onto his hands and knees, and then crawled forward to the wolf's chair, and knelt between the wolf's spread legs. Ty felt a familiar pleasure wash over himself as the fox took hold of his lupine cock.

With just as much expertise as the fox had used when sucking himself off, Jesse slid the wolf's dick deep into his foxy muzzle. Ty moaned, and began to pet the back of the fox's head as the fox did his thing. Bushy tail wagging, the fox bobbed up and down of the wolf's cock, noticing how extremely close the wolf already was from stroking himself. Eager to get the wolf off just like they'd done so many times before, Jesse began to fondle the wolf's balls.

"I'm gonna--" the wolf began to warn, but came before he could even finish saying it, cumming again and again into the fox's mouth. The wolf sat back, fairly embarrassed for how quick he'd been.

Jesse gave the wolf a kiss underneath the shaft, and then another one on the tip.

"Why are crazy people amazing at sex?" Ty asked, out of breath from how worked-up the fox had gotten him.

Jesse giggled. "See, I don't even mind you calling me crazy if it comes with a compliment like that each time."

Jesse crawled up onto the chair with Ty, and sat in the wolf's lap, continuing to idly stroke the wolf's softening member with one hand.

"So, I wasn't trying to 'trap you in a moment of weakness' or anything," the fox said, and brushed his hand softly against the wolf's balls once. "If you don't want to be friends with benefits, we don't have to--"

The wolf kissed the fox. The fox kissed the wolf right back, and slipped his tongue into the wolf's mouth with a little smile.

The wolf paused, pulled back, and then started gagging. "Did you just snowball me?"

Jesse snickered. "Saved it just for you."

"Crazy sexy goddamn fox," Ty said, and then gave the sneaky fox another kiss on the top of the head.

"C'monnn, cum tastes fine," Jesse insisted.

Ty pretended to gag again.

The fox and the wolf hugged.

"Mm, carry me to bed," Jesse requested, nuzzling against the wolf's chest.

"Heh. As you wish," Ty said, and lifted the fox as he stood up. He walked back through the fox's house, down into the bedroom, and set the fox down on the bed in the dark.

"Gimme kisses," Jesse requested next, and with his eyes closed, stuck his muzzled forward for the wolf to kiss.

Ty instead stuck his furry finger into the fox's mouth, making the fox recoil back in surprise.

Ty giggled. "Just checking you didn't have any more surprises for me."

The wolf then gave the fox a real kiss, and the two of them made out on the bed, running their fingers through each other's fur, getting familiar with each other's bodies once more.

Before long, both of their cocks were hard again, and poking at each other.

"Hey, Jesse," Ty said. "Think you're still limber from your stretching earlier?"

The fox wriggled around once, feeling himself out. "Yeah," he reported. "Why?"

"I was just thinking... I'm really curious what it would be like for you to suck both of our cocks at once."

The fox's tail wagged at this idea. "I'm down. Let's try it."

"Heh, awesome. How um... what position do you think would work for that?"

"Oh, uh, here. Sit upright with your legs spread."

"Okay," the wolf said, doing as he was told.

The fox sat down in between the wolf's legs, resting his own legs over the top of the wolf's. The fox then scooched closer, so that their cocks and balls were pressed together as they sat there.

"So you can just bend right down from here and suck yourself off?" Ty asked.

"That's the plan, yeah," Jesse said, and nodded. In one hand, he began to stroke both of their cocks together.

"What was that whole upside-down position in the living room about then?" Ty asked, and then let out a little murr at the fox's stroking.

"That way makes it a bit easier: gives me a little bit more of an assist with gravity pulling my hips down," Jesse explained, and then shrugged. "But I think with both of us involved, this is the way to go."

"Alright. Just curious."

"You wanna ask me more interview questions, or do you want me to get on with sucking our dicks instead?"

"Heh. Sucking please," the wolf answered.

Jesse bent down, tall vulpine ears brushing down along Ty's chest as he went. When his muzzle poked against Ty's cock first, he gave it a playful little sniff, and then licked the tip. The wolf's tail wagged. Jesse then let out some of his breath, allowing himself to bend down even farther. As soon as he did, he found the tips of two cocks in his muzzle: one his, and one his brand new fuck buddy's. Bushy tail wagging, Jesse ran his tongue over the ends of both cocks at once, tickled by how he could feel one and not the other, but how he enjoyed giving pleasure to both of them.

Carefully, Jesse lowered himself farther yet again, now taking both shafts fully into his mouth. He and Ty both let out a simultaneous little moan, and their tails wagged in unison. The fox realized very quickly that two cocks was quite a bit more than he was used to having in his mouth at once, but he did his best to care for them both as he sucked: the feeling of frotting was already nice, and combining it with autofellatio was better than the fox had even considered possible. As the fox's back loosened up a little bit more, he was able to go down even deeper on himself and Ty, until both cocks touched the back of his throat at once. The fox held the cocks there, deep in his wet, warm muzzle for as long as he could hold his breath, until letting them back out and sucking on just the tips of them for a little bit again.

The fox then noticed that both of their knots were beginning to swell. The fox took the cocks out of his mouth, and bent down to kiss and lick the knots from the side, loving this little bit of canine anatomy that they shared. As he licked Ty's knot, he thought about how much he was looking forward to having it buried in his ass once more. As he licked at his own knot, he considered if self-fucking deep enough to knot himself was even possible. He figured it _probably_wouldn't be, but still, the thought of it was fun.

Finished kissing their knots, Jesse bent down extra far and gave Ty's balls a quick smooch before returning his attention back up to the tips of their cocks. Again, he stuck both in his mouth at once, and got to sucking and bobbing as best he could, pleasuring both himself and his friend. He went between taking the two cocks as deep into his muzzle as he could, and then sucking on just the most sensitive parts of the tips, back and forth.

"I'm really close," Ty mentioned, in between moans of pleasure.

"Pinch me when you're right about to cum," Jesse requested, taking their cocks out of his mouth for just a second. "I wanna do it at the same time."

"Heh, I don't exactly think you can... never mind. Out of anyone I know, I'm sure you can cum on command."

Jesse smirked, and got right back to sucking where he's left off. He sucked himself and his friend as deep as he could, taking both shafts right up to the knots, bobbing his muzzle up and down over both of them at once. The fox felt his ass get pinched, and in that instant, he let himself release a flavorful rope of semen into his own mouth, which mixed immediately with the wolf's cum as the two of them shot in unison. Jesse kept the cum in his mouth, allowing the salty taste to settle in on his tongue for a little while, before he swallowed all of it down.

As he sat back up, he felt his back ache a bit, and realized he might have overdone it just a little. Still, the fox had no regrets whatsoever. He hugged the wolf. The two of them laid there together in bed for a long time, hugging and petting and kissing.